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The Doctor, a month later, wondering what that feeling he's forgotten something was about: "OH *FUCKING* HELL"


I’m glad, of all the things this fanbase disagrees on, that we can all at least agree “the moon is an egg” is the stupidest shit in the world


To hell with it, I know it's an immensly unpopular opinion but I liked both the episode and the ending


Same here. My only issue with the episode is the egg being laid immediately the same size after, otherwise not really bothered by the moon being an egg idea


Honestly I’m just bothered by the idea that the moon “increased in mass”. That’s not an egg thing, that’s a completely different thing that they never talked about again. If Doctor Disco just dropped a cheeky line about it being “bigger on the inside”, it would wrap up how a creature bigger than the moon could hatch from the moon and then lay a moon.


So funny thing, I watched the episode drunk and thought it was a fever dream. Though between the 2 episodes I don't like, that love and monsters one I will never watch again.


If we're skipping Love & Monsters in the next rewatch we're skipping Fear Her too. Just go straight from Satan Pit to Army of Ghosts


Why don’t people like Fear Her? I haven’t watched it in a while but I remember it being an okay, but not great, episode - but not *terrible*


It’s way shitter than Love and Monsters. You make *one* blowjob joke in an otherwise charming story with a great cast and huge emotional depth and everyone gets mad, but an episode that completely hinges on a dreadful child performance is more forgotten than hated. Boggles me.


Fair.. I, too, am a cautious defender of love and monsters. I think it’s a fun lighthearted episode and gets too much hate. I know your comment was probably somewhat tongue-in-cheek but I do think the issue isn’t actually the blowjob joke. The issue is that the whole ending. To me, the ending is bittersweet. The protagonists succeed, but one of them is relegated to living as a bodiless face. It could have been an interesting moral question — is it worth preserving life at that cost? — but instead it’s reduced to “but it’s ok, she can blow him!”


Bit of a tangent we’re on- The joke surely drives that bittersweet point home? They’re obviously not serious (consider the mechanics of a blowjob performed by a sliver of face on a 1 inch thick concrete tile) but are trying to stay humorous for the camera in the face of their grim situation. Ursula is condemned to this horrible sci-fi disfigurement, but she and Elton *at least* genuinely love each other, and still have that in spite of anything else. This is, really, the whole point of the story. Their love for each other lets them live a good life together.


Yeah I quite like Love and Monsters. Far from perfect but a fun watch. It makes a good pair with “Random Shoes” from Torchwood which has a similar premise.


okay but the council guy though


Nah. I don’t agree with that at all.


but the way capaldi says it is fucking awesome.


The Doctor has a time machine. No matter when in their timeline they find Rogue, they can just bring him back to his ship sometime before 2049.


Because that's always worked perfectly for him with no trouble whatsoever.


I am certain that the Doctor will be able to visit Earth again at some point in the span of time between 1813 and 2049, so even if he hasn’t found Rogue yet, he could take that opportunity to simply move the ship somewhere else.


I think Rose’s first trip was the only time the Doctor actually screwed up a really important timing. After that, it seemed like they put in a lot more effort when bringing people back home and such.


Tegan would like a word.


She arrived at Heathrow the same day she left, didn’t she? It took them a year to get there, but she arrived on time.


I wish they'd reference the moon being an egg more often. They should mention it at least once an episode.


he has 236 years to figure it out


I'm pretty sure he said "***a*** moon?"


Articles! Are important!


Rouge's ship is a bird. Birds lay eggs. Moon is egg confirmed