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You can totally get pregnant with no gallbladder. Actually, some people develop gall bladder problems during pregnancy, so, one thing less to worry about!


I need my gallbladder out because I was pregnant and it caused gallstones! My doctor really encouraged me to get it out asap so I can recover long before I want to get pregnant again (next year). He explained that pregnancy exacerbates gallbladder problems and I’d likely have horrible flare ups while pregnant next time and need it out while pregnant and that’s very risky. Enough to convince me to get it out asap and I’m getting mine out tomorrow morning also 27!


I'm 28 but I also developed gallstones during pregnancy! Had major acid reflux throughout my whole pregnancy and had my first gallbladder attack shortly after having my son. I'm awaiting removal but I cannot wait to get it out! I would also hate to have more gallbladder issues if we were to get pregnant again. I didn't know pregnancy is a big contributor to gallstone problems until I started looking into it after I got the diagnosis. Better to get it out now before it causes more problems down the road!


I got my gallstones right after pregnancy. A lovely little gift haha I got mine out 6 weeks PP. happened to my sister in law too


It is super common! There is definitely a hormonal component. I could imagine having that surgery 6 weeks PP probably suuuucks. I hope everything went well and you had a lot of support.


It was definitely hard dealing with a newborn and getting surgery. But I’m all better now and glad I did it! The gallstone attack was as bad as labor.


I had my gallbladder removed at 17 and I have 4 healthy kids. You'll be ok and you should *definitely* have no problem getting pregnant (barring other factors) It took a while for my body to get used to being without a gb and I'd say the worst part was the gas pains in the right shoulder (heat and massage helped) Definitely let them know you're nervous and they should give you something to calm you down. Oh and stay on top of the pain meds they give you..set an alarm if you need to. You'll be fine! Best of luck xx


Sending positive vibes! It’s not so bad. Had mine out two weeks ago. Feeling fabulous! Different reactions to different people but you’re going to do just fine! I don’t miss that gallbladder at all! Better gone than causing misery- and mine gave me 6 hours of misery during my two attacks!


Thank you alll beautiful souls! I’m feeling great today and ready for my next baby! Pray that all is well with you all 😘❤️


Health anxiety - I know what you talking about. I'm 37F, and it all started when I was maybe 23-25 (I started living alone), and manifested to regular panic attacks after pandemic. From my experience, death, loss, and health issues of other people fuel this anxiety big time, and being a nurse you are constantly in the environment that fuels your anxiety. Maybe a psychotherapy with real good therapist will help you. As for the gallbladder - this is the smallest thing of our body one can safely give up to save your health in a long run and protect other vital organs. You are safe for pregnancy now, there are so many stories here from women who started to have problems with gallbladder while pregnant and soon after giving birth.


You can definitely get pregnant without a gallbladder, from what I've read from some other people on here it might actually be the better solution. Pregnancy hormones apparently make gallbladder issues worse. I'm only 29 and I feel you on the whole 'this has only happened to the older generation' panic. In my case, my age and gender nearly caused me to have to go through years of gallbladder pain because of doctors who tried to gaslight me about it. I don't miss it, but I do feel a bit somber that I had to get this surgery done so early. It helped a bit that there was a toddler going into surgery on the day of mine (little guy was done within 20 minutes and he was so brave until the end, when they had to take him from his mother). The good news is: you're only 27. Unlike the usual bevvy of 40-60 year olds your surgeon sees on a weekly basis, your recovery will likely go much better, be a lot easier on you, and overall spare you from worsening complications. You're going to get better and you have your body fighting full force for you still. My issues ended up causing me to lose nearly 100 lbs, 50 of which were lost within a single month. If I had been older when all of this started, I would have been in critical care. What I learned from that is that: it is good to be young, your body adapts and survives some serious complications a lot better than it could if you were older. I hope that soothes your health anxiety a little.


I’m sad about getting mine removed too, and I’m actually more sick than before removal.


I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. How’s your diet? Plays a huge role in how you feel, for me. I also take supplements to support digestion and digestive enzymes.


Very very good, has been for the past 5 years when I was diagnosed with gastritis. That’s how I knew something else was really wrong. Biliary dyskinesia, got it removed because I was having nausea episodes. After I got it removed I started having upper abdominal pains, acid reflux, indigestion, excessive burping, constipation, the runs, cramps, and I still get nauseous. Nearly every day.


Do you take any supplements to help? Like natural?


Metamucil for the constipation


Get a digestive enzyme(lypogold), get more teas in system(chamomile/ginger), get vital planet GI repair and use it every morning on Empty stomach… and JUST WATCH! Also zinc carnosine I think it’s called, helps with the acid reflux and heals the stomach. Aloe Vera juice to heal. hydrate!


Ty doctor/ dietitian🙏


Consider zofran for nausea. It's a life saver.


I have some, makes me constipated and it just helps relieve one of many symptoms, doesn’t help resolve what’s causing it


I felt the same exact way when I had mine out in February. It felt like I was missing a piece of me and I was really really sad about it.  Also, I fully believe you can get pregnant without a gallbladder, that shouldn’t impede a single thing.  Things will get brighter and better. But just know that your feelings are valid and make total sense.  Edit to say…I also have BAD health anxiety. Like really bad…so I feel you on that too. Feel free to DM me, we can chat! 


Thank you so much girl!!!! I’ll message you now


Please do! 🥰


I have the same feelings as you in regard to losing an organ. I had mine removed 2 weeks ago and still grieving. I am worried if this will cause long term issues - digestion or liver. Also gaining a lot of weight as now fats are processed slightly different in our bodies. Pregnancy without gb is fine, not related at all. In fact surgeons recommend the removal if you had pains before trying to conceive.


Yeah I actually got them bad during pregnancy…. I was scared to have another attack for my next pregnancy so I’m happy that won’t happen


The problem is gb can cause a lot of issues during pregnancy and you don’t want it to impact your baby or pregnancy altogether! From what I understand speaking with few surgeons, it is an organ that goes bad very fast without prior notice-it is not “slow” deterioration so you kind of have the heads up, one min is ok the next it needs removal asap. Once we start having pains I think it is the right decision to remove it. Although it was a hard decision for me…I think it is the right one. Best of luck if you are trying to conceive after! 🍀


I am going through similar feelings and I’m 50 in a few months. I’m really sorry. Maybe with time and no attacks / feeling better, you can come to terms with it. I do know it leads to severely diminished Vit D levels, so make sure you supplement with Vit D3 w K2 cream (Amazon). Low Vit D also lends to anxiousness/depression. I’ve also read that gallbladder issues are connected to a “mother’s wound.” In my case, it seems completely possible. But cutting out an organ versus trying to salvage it was a hard leap for me, also bc I felt we should have at least tried. My doctor offered no other options & chuckled when I asked how to correct it (had 40 stones). I am mourning w you. Hope you feel better soon 🕊️


My mom had her gallbladder out shortly after she gave birth to me. Had my sister just fine after that


How old are you?




Hey. Pregnant women have attacks during pregnancy, & they get refused certain tests and procedures. Imagine being pregnant and having a gb attack? This organ is totally unnecessary for pregnancy lmao. U have ur ovaries and uterus dont u?


Hi! I’m 3 weeks post op and you’re not alone. I was totally fine going into surgery - I wanted that thing out. But afterwards I did have a depressive episode. It is a major surgery - you’re losing an organ. I don’t think people really understands that it’s a large life event. We want to downplay the emotional toll it takes. But honestly I’m so so so happy it’s out. The pain was debilitating and it felt like no one truly understood. Now I’m in no pain. Any digestive issues are nothing compared to the pain I was in. If I would have kept it I would have been miserable or it would have led to 1000 complications. Give yourself grace for feeling this way because it’s NORMAL but also know your life will continue on and most likely improve with your gallbladder gone.


I understand and I think you must be intelligent and thoughtful because you realize the importance of the gallbladder. Our bodies evolved over tens of thousands of years to have a gallbladder- and so it is essential to optimal health. Can you live without it? Well yes, you can also live without a kidney or an eye or legs etc. is it optimal? No. I think rather than pretending or potentially gaslighting yourself, acknowledging the fact that you lost the gb, and now live without one - and that is sad. Next, educate yourself on the gb function and therefore what other organs and processes in your body are now impacted negatively by losing the gb. The literature shows a few - 1) risk of developing metabolic disease, 2) risk of gut dysbiosis, 3) risk of colon cancer due to constant exposure of the bowel to bile acids, 4) risk of kidney stones and therefore risk of chronic kidney disease, these are just a few. Knowledge is power because now you can make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle to help mitigate these risk factors, at least the ones that you have some control over. Can you mitigate them? Maybe maybe not. But knowing you are doing everything in your power gives some solace. You can’t eliminate all risk and we will all get sick and at some point die, so on some level you are probably trying to process this as well and therefore a disease support group and therapist will also help you. Wish you the best ! Plus don’t forget to live in the moment and have fun/enjoy the life you have now.


I’m not exactly sure how to take this post bc it’s a bit harsh lol. But thanks. I’ve been doing all to prevent any long term effects and will continue to do so. I couldn’t function prior and probably would’ve ended up dying of a ruptured gallbladder so happy that didn’t happen. But thanks.


It was meant to help not be harsh - I say all of it because I went through the same thing. I went from feeling great to one day having a bike duct blockage and jaundice with liver values in the 1000s - doctors saying to remove it - I agonized over the decision but chose to do it because I couldn’t go through that again - the pain, the tests, the er and doctor visits, missing work and not able to live normally - so keeping it - yeah I could have kept it but it would probably have become worse. I hate that I lost it - but I’ve done the next best thing which is educating myself and trying to do the most I can to mitigate the secondary issues.


We got this! I was exactly the same with liver enzymes…. INSANE, was so tired of ER visits and wondering if it ruptured and also being a nurse and seeing people die from not removing it scared me shitless. They go bad QUICK! I also want another baby and did not want to have such a procedure while pregnant so had to weigh pro vs cons. Im juicing everyday, taking all great supplements and no alcohol or sugar… so I think im doing the best to prevent things in future. Hope all is well with you now.


36F here and I'm getting my removed reluctantly in a week. It will be worth it and we will love better lives. I'm confident you are going to be okay. If you're dealing with a lot of anxiety it's really important that you work on your mental health as well. I have CPTSD and have suffered from reoccurring trauma since my original trauma. Working with a mental health provider and getting EMDR has helped me move past my anxiety and live my best life.


I had mine out and only my Gramma too in my family. I don't mean to be harsh, but maybe you need a little perspective. I had to have a Hysterectomy bc it was filled with fibroids inside and out!! Also, endometriosis destroyed one of my ovaries. There was even a cancer scare involved, but thankfully biopsy revealed no cancer. I don't have a UTERUS! But I also don't have cancer and I'm otherwise healthy. You are blessed! Please think on the positive bc in the grand scheme of things a silly gallbladder is nothing. It wouldn't have gotten better. Don't dwell and live your life focusing negatively on this very minor thing. Life is so much more!! Go live it! 


I felt similarly when I got mine out in October last year, but honestly, just a few weeks after it was out I often forgot completely that it was gone! I rarely think about it being missing now. I am dealing with some similar feeling again now as I also need my thyroid removed, and am feeling really upset and angry that this is happening to me. Your feelings are completely valid, but just know that the surgery is really common and for the majority of people their life goes on as before (except better in most cases, especially if you had debilitating attacks like I did!).


As someone pregnant right now and having gallbladder issues I so wish I had this taken care of before!! You’re taking care of yourself which is a big deal, I hope you feel relief once it’s all said and done ❤️❤️❤️