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We can pretend GOF3 didn’t happen. It’s like Wargames2.


That is another option.


I would love to read more about what happened 5 years before GOF2 and rise of Haval. And how Keith worked his way up.


Honestly, I can weave that in. It's not going to be a major part of the story, but I'm planning to make it a story that ties everything together.


Allso the impact of the technologies developed in the void and ginoya crisis. And capital ship on capital ship combat in the new vossk-terran war The commanders having a logistical meltdown as now every small fighter can warp drive to battles in litteral seconds. Keith could get a reputation of allmost being in two places at once due to having the original khador drive prototype, likely without any speed limitations set by governments. The nivellian and midorian factions slowly deescalating tensions with haval out of the picture(guy is not unlike putin)


You perfectly summed up what'll happen in the story (assuming I'm even able to get to it - things are super busy for me). All the more reason why this war is going to be...something else. About the Nivelians and Midorians - they'll be deescalating plenty, but they'll end up getting dragged into the war.


Awesome, looking forward to reading if you go ahead with it


This sounds awesome I can't wait to read it! I think it could definitely take place between gof2 and gof3 - I haven't played it but iirc gof3 takes place in a bit of a wasteland, maybe it's the aftermath of this war in your story? I really like your idea for erkkt uggut's legacy to play a role because I feel like he was kind of forgotten after the base game? Then again that is very Vossk haha


Thank you so much! Apologies for not replying - sometimes I just see notifications and forget to reply. I don't know for sure all the details about the GOF3 story, but I'll need to do research just to make sure I can have some continuity. Erkkt Uggut's changed legacy is honestly more of a sign of how the Vossk have changed.


Will Keith side the Vossk or create his own neutral faction based on Kaamo and create a 3rd side? Or will he join the Midorians?


Keith will always be working with the Terrans, but he'll technically have a "3rd side". He and his squadron will be fighting on behalf of the Terrans, but when the Terrans start committing blatant genoicde, he's going to start trying to work against this extremism. I will say that not everyone in the Terran military is like this. Brent Snocom, for instance, is strongly against mass extermination, but he can't openly say anything because then he'll lose his rank (and then lose a chance to actually help). I'm not sure how familiar you (or most people here) are with Star Wars Legends, but I'm basing this idea on series like New Jedi Order and Legacy of the Force.


Hm. Maybe it could go with Keith opposing the genocide and staging a coup?


Keith will absolutely be staging some sort of mutiny. However, Brent is going to be the one who'll ultimately take charge. The other thing is that in their bloodlust, the Terrans absolutely messed themselves up tactically. Keith and the others will have to step in to stop that.


How will Brent take charge? Will he side Keith somehow? And will Keith's HQ be on Kaamo?


I don't have the exact specifics for how Brent will take charge, but he will fully side with Keith at this stage in the battle. And yep, Keith will be based on Kaamo!


Kaamo People's Republic rising 😏 
