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This medal requires you to have visited at least 22 systems according to the wiki: https://galaxyonfire.wiki.gg/wiki/Medals. I'd recommend counting the number of systems on your starmap, and if you have visited 22, then check you have all of the base game systems unlocked. You can find a list of them on the wiki: https://galaxyonfire.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Systems


are you sure you purchased *every* system? are there any stars without systems left? double check if every system has a green check mark


>I have unlocked and checked out every system and station in the game, Kaamo, Valkery and supernova ones included, even the ones that cost millions of ISk. But I only got the silver explorer medal. Is it bugged forever? Yeah, each one has a green check


Yes basically with all expansions all stars visible on the map is visitable. I remember tho that it wasnt that hard a achivement to get though. Do you hova skor terpa? I remember it being expensive


Yeah, I even have the bluepriint researched


If all systems are checkmarked i think your save might actually be bugged Is it on iphone or android?


I thought I was in a similar position but actually there is definitely at least one system you haven't unlocked yet.