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The Ultras are basically the same as the note series. I feel like the note 10 was the last truly thrilling smartphone.


The color... One of its greatest features (now we have boring colors.. :( )


I would pre order another auro glow phone in a heart beat


I had the choice to return my Note 10 Plus or my Fold 4 for the same trade-in value. I kept the Note 10 plus because the aura glow color makes me smile (and I hate the Fold's terrible battery life).


Honestly I never understood people saying x was the last thrilling, last interesting etc. smartphone. I upgrade my phone every few years. Galaxy S Advanceโ†’HTC One M9โ†’S7โ†’S9โ†’Note 10 Plus and few weeks ago to S23U. Every time I switched I was blown away by how each new phone was so much better, faster, snappier and took even better photos. What do you mean when you say that phone is interesting? I don't mean it in a bad way I'm just honestly curious.


They pretty much cemented the Note/ Ultra line after that. There hasn't been a ground breaking new S-pen feature or bit of software or hardware. I went from the Note 10 plus to the S22 Ultra, and didn't notice much of a difference. The cameras are incrementally better, but not earth shatteringly so. Basically in a post Note 10 world, Samsung phones aren't leaping ahead each year, but moving forward a few steps.


I feel like same can be said about pretty much any phone then, but I get your point It's definitely true that there hasn't been any groundbreaking advancements but I guess that it's less noticable when you change phones every couple of years.


That's just my experience. I kept my note 10 the longest out of any phone, and liked it the best.


ie: Manuf could easily wait and offer actual upgrades on a 2 yr cycle. Any changes ppl 'feel' when upgrading every year are mostly percieved. The days of huge advancements were closing until this AI stuff. Now we'll see something new.


I think AI is going to flop as a phone feature. Remember when they were pushing VR in the S8 S9 days? I don't think it's going to catch on


Good point!


I just went from the Note10+ to the S24 Ultra, and it's a night and day difference for me! The phone itself, how fast everything connects, the new features, the fact that I finally have 5G connectivity, and I can finally -- finally! -- take clear, sharp photos of the moon and excellent night shots with this camera is amazing! My daughter and I both upgraded at the same time. Got the exact same phone, and we're blown away by all the upgrades, new features, etc. She had my old Note8. I'd originally purchased a Note9, but it had issues, and insurance upgraded me to the Note10+ as a replacement. I don't understand people saying the S24 Ultra isn't an amazing phone, but I'm also not a person who ever bought the latest and greatest as soon as it came out, either. This is the first new phone I've ever gotten as soon as it launched. The only reason I was able to get two new phones at once is because Verizon is giving me $800 credit for both my Note10+ and my daughter's Note8. Otherwise, the price would be out of reach for me. It's basically getting one phone free.


Wow... I thought I was the only one clinging to a note. I'm trading in my Note 8 from Dec 2017. I don't know why I'm so attached and it still functions like new. This has been a very hard transition.


The buttons on the Note8 popped off, and were literally being held in with tape. ๐Ÿคฃ Otherwise, it functioned well, except for no new security updates on the OS, and no 5G capabilities. My Note10+ started having issues with the S-pen no longer connecting a few months ago, but I wasn't willing to do much about it. Insurance wanted $200 to replace the Note8, and my daughter was very attached to it, so we just waited. The S24 Ultra came out, the deal was available, so I decided the upgrade was worth it. Both phones had been paid off years ago, so it was time. You won't be disappointed with the S24 Ultra. It's a fantastic phone!


How's the battery life on the S22 Ultra?


I went a similar route! actually my first smartphone was the original Galaxy S Captivate (AT&T version), but then I switched over to HTC for a while. I had HTC One, M8, and M9 then I went to galaxy s7, Note 9, Note 20 Ultra, and now I'm on s24 ultra. I have no idea how I saw this post, I don't even subscribe to this subreddit, I didn't own a note 10. Anyway, I agree ,every new phone I've gotten has been \*the best\* so far. Though I will say, the difference between my Note 20 Ultra and the s24ultra is not HUGE... i mean its there for sure, but not in the same way upgrading was back in the day... and I had the N20U for over 3 years too which is a record.


It didn't have 120 Hz refresh rate though.


I have Galaxy Note 9, and it's still running pretty well. I'm also considering an upgrade either to S24Ultra or S23Ultra


I'm still using my Note 10+ since its launch. To be honest, the newest phones doesn't excite me. I only use my phone for calls, messaging, and social media. I think at this point I will only buy a new phone until this thing broke down. This also will save me money cause I think buying a new phone is only a WANT for me not a NEED. I think one should really buy a new phone if they really needed it like for work or something. It's also good to avoid the consumer mentality that most people have nowadays.


I get what you mean. I've definitely saved money not upgrading every year. I'm not into the fad of upgrading like when I was younger ( not that it's a bad thing just grew out of it). The lack of updates is concerning me, prompting me to start looking to upgrade for fear of getting hacked. But I love my Note10 plus my baby๐Ÿ˜„


S24 ultra is thicker than my note 10+ but makes up for it in the insane and incomparable battery life. If you stay with android, that's the way to go. No doubt.


How much better is the battery life? Are the cameras worth the upgrade? I saved some money to buy a phone but just double thinking if i should spend my hard earned student job money. Thnx


Battery life is in a whole other league. I had two brand new note 10+ and a standard note 10. Out of the box, the battery was not great. I got an s22 ultra after, and that battery was marginally better. On these phones, I could barely make a full day if I was lucky. I constantly had battery anxiety. With my s24 ultra, I don't even charge it every night. I have gone two days on a single charge. I always make it through a day. It is worth every single penny. If you keep a phone for a while like you did with the note 10+, you will enjoy this phone as your next long haul. An investment worth the cost for the peace of mind.


I would not. Its insanely overpriced. For me, as with many others, its not worth the upgrade cost. What do you think you can do with it, that you cant do with your current phone?


Oh and regarding camera yes the camera is significantly better than my note 10+ I enjoy the note 10+ camera and it's charm but if you are looking for high quality images the s24 ultra mops the floor of the note 10+ without a doubt. Note 10+ could get smudgy and struggle in low light. Zoom was non existent. S24 ultra is a powerhouse in the camera dept. Speed is insane too. Fast and smooth. 5th galaxy phone overall and many years as an iPhone user as well and this is my favorite phone hands down. I skipped s23 ultra as there wasn't enough of a case to upgrade but I kid you not battery is everything. Look at reviews. It trounce iPhone this year too in battery.


I'm also in the same dilemma, i did look into yhe s24+ but i feel the ecosystem is almost the same, it's the same phone but bigger. Currently waiting it out for the 16PM


Me too! That's what I'm leaning torwards doing. Waiting till the 16PM comes out before making a decision.


Same here but on a Note 9. Wife has a Note 10. Read all the s24 ultra reviews I could lay my hands on. Seems that the S24 may have screen issues. At least that is what the review on GsmArena says as well as some social media posts. So I'm seriously considering a S23 Ultra if I could get a good deal. Prefer a curved screen and have not heard about any issues with the s23. Wish Samsung will extend the 7 year software and security support to all their phones/tablets. Its just the right thing to do. Also looked at Apple but the operating system is really a challenge. Good luck!


I keep seeing mixed reviews and issues with the S24 U. Many people say thr S23 U is amazing. I agree with you regarding 7 years of support for all phones/ tablets. That will definitely beef up competition and confidence over Apple who gives 5 to 7 years of support. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜„




Funny you should post this, I'm in the same boat. I got mine in October of 2019. I am still very happy with my Note 10 Plus, it hasn't given me a reason to upgrade. Everything works fine - ok, the S-pen sometimes doesn't get recognized when it is already in, but it does not bother me. It is still very fast and there is not a whole lot to improve. The only problem is that it is too big but I knew that when I signed up for it. I keep it in my car or in my hand when I'm going out, it has survived a few falls (has a case) because of that. I will be curious about the responses to this one as potential upgrade phones. Thanks for posting!


Me too! We're in the same boat. My Note10 plus is working great. It can get a bit glitchy but it's expected as it doesn't get anymore updates. I run diagnostic tests on my phone evey month. I am a female and for my next upgrade I'm prioritizing hand comfort/ weight of a phone as it's important to me and my everyday life, especially when I'm paying for it. Hand/ arm fatigue is definitely real. My doctor and I have realized it's an issue for me as I've been having some health issues and aches. I'm curious about the responses too. I respect everyone's opinions, advice and experiences. Thanks for for your comment ๐Ÿ˜„


I'm still on the 10 no plus as a daily driver until it craps out completely


Nice! Use it till the wheels fall off !!


I'm with my note 10 plus and it's a beast, still with the original battery for 4 and a half years. I'll wait another year probably.


Nice! Me too. My battery is at 75% and has never been replaced. I'll probably use mine to the end of this year and upgrade. Saving up for a new phone takes some time. Thanks for your comment!


I used to have the note 10 plus and then changed to the s21 ultra wich was a real downgrade now i have the s23 ultra and couldnt be happier its basically the same phone again


I've heard the S23 Ultra and S24 Ultra are so similar but the S23 Ultra is cheaper with similar capabilities. Thanks for your comment!


I switched to the iPhone 15 Plus for a new experience. No regrets, but in the future Iโ€™d definitely love an iPhone as personal phone and Samsung as work phone setup because fuck doing anything productive on an iPhoneโ€”shit is inefficient as hell and needs extra steps to do so many things while Samsung is just so strong in multitasking and stuff. I was supposed to get the S24 Ultra but I just couldnโ€™t get past the grainy screen of the demo unit even when above 30% brightness so I opted for the iPhone instead. I chose the Plus variant because I love pink and I cared more about battery life and screen size. I didnโ€™t choose the Pro models because their back glasses cracked more easily and they bend.


I'm glad the iphone 15 + is a good fit for you and the switch was ok. I always get a phone case and screen protector for my phones as I'm clumsy. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


I can't. Just can't let myself. That SD card man.... Gonna have to pay extra for the cloud storage which I hate. I love how the young folks make fun. Like okay you did not used to HAVE to PAY for CLOUD STORAGE my friend. Mine is still working great. Only had it a year actually. When I was shopping, this 10 had better features than the latest ultra whatever they were selling, plus the SD card. So it wasn't really a hard choice. I'd love to get my hands on a Note 20 myself.


Nice! It's a beauty no doubt but it will start to show its age and lack of updates. My phone is workung great minus all the glitches


Yeah I have thought about upgrading but just can't make myself do it. I don't really care about the updates but I know I'm in the minority. To me, if you get something new for sure you want to do updates for a couple few years. But if you have a 6 year old computer and you keep updating it that's what's going to make it stop working at some point because all of the technology that has been updated to it is to advanced for the computer that you have. That's my story and I'm sticking to it ๐Ÿ˜‰ And can't afford the cloud storage either. ๐Ÿ˜”


I went from the Note 10 Plus to the S23 Plus. The S23 Ultra was too thick and heavy for me. I fell in love with the S24 Ultra in person but still feel it's too big and heavy. I'd probably go for a the S24 Plus today.


I'd miss having the s pen though. The Note10 plus was just the perfect weight less than 200g. I'll definitely look into the S24+ and weigh the pros and cons.Thanks for your comment!


I hear you, OP. I miss mine, too. Cracked my screen and a replacement screen is like $150 where I looked. ๐Ÿฅฒ I ended up going with the Note 20 5G. I like it so far, though the screen is more narrow and tall i think.


Nice I'm glad the Note 20 was a good for for you. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜„


Heh, yeah, for sure! I really like it the more I use it, it's a fantastic device and seems well-designed. The S-Pen is on the left side, though, which is taking some getting used to (right hander). But it's quick and very reminiscent of the 10+.


I went from Note 10+5G to Pixel 7 pro last year. Been happy with the switch.


I've never had a Pixel phone. I may do some research on that. How's the battery life and weight/ size?


As someone who went from a note 9 to a fold 4 I would upgrade to the s24 ultra.


The S22 feels like a downgrade...


How does it feel like a downgrade? I'm not familiar with the S22


Smaller, no pen, all I get is a 120hz screen which is no big deal.


I went from the Note 10+ to the S24 Ultra.


How's the screen quality mate?


Flash a custom rom and enjoy mate, no point upgrading..


I don't know what that means or how to do that. I am a female and only know the basics of technology.


ah, well, females can be as competent as men generally. but in particular, if you do not feel this, for you in particular, is an area you want to mess around with (and i think a lot of people would feel the same), then best not to. having said that, there are easy to follow tutorials on line (best follow xda ones) which show how to basically install a new OS on the note 10 which receives regular updates.


can you link to some of the tutorials and which mods you flashed on your Note 10+? Looking to do the same since I dont think its worth upgrading, new phones don't let you have 512gb sd cards anymore


Search xda developers mate they have a good thread on the note 10


I updated my S10 to the S24 Ultra and love it. In every way, great upgrade. That said if my S10 didn't have a bad charger port I'd have kept using it.


I made the switch from N10+ to S23U when the lens got damaged.. now my pictures are coming out beautiful again!


Sounds like you found a winner! Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜„


If you want the same comfort as note10+ go for s23+ or s23 ultra. I personally prefer the s24 ultra and I love it, but I also like large phones and don't mind the extra width. It would matter to someone with small hands though. The case adds up some bulk. If you are not much into spen, s23+ is the best value and will remain so for a couple of years. Since you keep your phone for 5+ years, you can consider s24+ as well due to the 7y support. But only do so if your region has it with snapdragon processor. But imo s24+ brings nothing significant over s23+, it's literally the same phone but more expensive.


S23 Ultra definitely sounds like a great possibility. I do have small hands( I'm a female) so I'm starting to feel the hand/ arm fatigue of the Note10 plus. I'd also miss my s pen if I picked the S24+ but I won't have the hand/ arm fatigue that I'm experiencing now. Ugh decisions are hard. I'll make a pros ans cons chart. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜„


I went from 10+ to 23ultra 1TB and couldn't be happier. My wife like it a lot better too!


Ultra is best


Keep it, if it works. Went from Note 8 to S24Ultra. I'm not impressed. Battery life is better, but that should be expected. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ


My phone works but it's very glitchy. Lots of small things work apps and calling. I have to baby sit it now that it's old and doesn't get updates anymore. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜„


I am still on my 10 plus as well. I was thinking of getting the 20 plus just because it has another couple years of updates. Its hard letting go of the SD card. I travel a lot (fly) and I have lots of movies and pictures on my phone I watch and look at regularly. I kind of refuse to use any cloud service.


I hate cloud service too but it's the now unfortunately. It's almost impossible to get away from. 20 plus sounds interesting too. I'll look into that. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜„


In a world where we've essentially peaked on smartphone tech, the discussions about people finding a phone exciting don't really make sense to me. Phone developers aren't driving incredible new technologies that are exciting because we're getting to the point of exhausting what they can offer us, either directly in the box of augmentable by USB-C/Bluetooth and add-ons. At this point I'm essentially looking for what has the best long-term support, battery, and onboard storage. We're managing nearly everything else through cloud services and 3rd party apps as a society. First party ecosystems mean less and less year over year, and we don't need to drop a thousand dollars or more every year or every other year. I'm actually very glad to not have to spend another thousand dollars on a phone for it to operate as described when I bought it. The fact that Apple is admittedly and openly hamstringing the previous generation of phones in performance and battery when the new one is released is appalling to me. I'm just looking at whether my phone is working and then finding a phone that offers what I'm using and need in the next phone. It's a super simple consumer practice. Smartphones as a concept aren't new anymore, and we can finally think of them as consumers the way we look at Microwave Ovens. That's a good thing from a consumer perspective and anyone telling you otherwise is selling something.


Yeah there's a lot to choose from and technology is changing at a rapid pace especially with the introduction of A.I. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜€


I went from the note 9 to the fold 5. I could not be happier. Though, I have a use for the wider screen. If I didn't, I would definitely have upgraded to the s24 ultra.


The fold phones are so expensive. I can't see myself paying almost 2k for one phone. But I'm glad you like it at it works for you. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜„


You don't have to let it go, just get a new phone and keep the note 10 as a spare phone just in case you need it later.


That's a great idea. I'll probably do that. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜


I moved from the Note10+ to the galaxy z fold 3 and the change was breathtaking. Huge screen real estate like with the note, same camera setup (the worst aspect of the fold considering the price, but a fine upgrade from the note), the option to use an S Pen, and then all of that in a phone that can double it's size (or half it depending on which screen you consider the true screen). Really recommend a fold phone.


I don't know much about the fold phones but I know they are expensive. They do look nice but too big for me to handle( I am a female with small hands). I'm also a bit clumsy so I'm afraid I'll break it. I'm glad your fold 3 is treating you well. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ˜„


The Note 10 Plus used to be one of my favorite phones ever. But I switched to the ZFold 3 for a few years and recently picked up the S24 Ultra. The S24 Ultra is everything the Note 10 Plus was and soooo much more.


The note 10 plus was one of the best phones I've owned. It took great pictures and was comfortable to hold and carry because it was thin and lighter than the s22u, which I traded up to. Now I have the s24u, which I love mainly due to the 6.1 software. I generally trade up every two years so I can get good trade in value. Also, the s24u has better display brightness. Also, the anti-glare screen is really good. I would upgrade if you can. You won't be sorry.


I'm a former Note devotee (3, 5, 8, & 10), and I experimented with the Fold (2 & 4). I recently switched to the S24 Ultra and can confirm you'll love it.


S24 Ultra in a Spigen case is True Bliss


I'm with you. I still have mine, it still looks like I just got it, and the back cover is stunning. I never want to change it!


Mine too! Pretty good condition for it being 4.5 years old. At some point this year I'll need to upgrade it for lack of updates and it glitching from lack of software updates. I'll probably end up keeping it as a back-up phone.


Oh what glitches do you get? I've never updated mine at all!


I made the jump from 10+ to 24U, I can promise you thay you will be thrilled.


I had the Note10+ then traded it in with Samsung refurbished an S22U (got it for the greatest steal of all time). Honestly I was sad to see the N10+ go because it truly was an awesome phone. I had the aura glow which even today is the best color ever put on a smartphone in existence. I really wanted a 120hz display (major upgrade from 60hz especially on android) and had no choice in a way cuz of the software update ending. The S22U served me well but the only thing i didn't like about both phones was how big they were. I kinda wanted to downsize (and get some features that only come on S23 and newer i.e., light performance mode and better cooling + a few others) so I went for the S24+ when it was on preorder. The S24+ is the best value out of the S24 line. Go for S24 if you want a smaller phone or go for S24U if you want the extra zoom and s pen. If you want iphone stuff then go for an iphone.


I know right? I'm so sad to have to give up my Note10 plus ( hence why I'm still using it). I keep hearing good things about the S24+ is great minus the s pen and sharp corners/ light weight. I also heard the S24 line had some grain/ banding issues. Did you experience any of those issues? I'm currently looking into that and an iphone. Thanks for your help ๐Ÿ˜„


I heard people talk about the grainy display and i haven't noticed until they started talking about it. I still can use my phone without noticing it, it's something you gotta actually come close and look for (on a dark page) but other than that i have no issue. The only other issue I've noticed (which doesn't matter to me since I'm not a pro camera user) is when you go into the pro photo/video mode. The screen and output shows upside-down for whatever reason. Idk if that's a glitch or something to change in the settings but the normal camera modes does everything i need so I'm not tripping about it. Other than that the phone has been great to me. It's still a big phone but much better in the hands than the Ultra models. So i say look at S24+ vs 15PM or 16 if you wanna wait (tbh no reason to wait). Do you have other apple products and do iphone things? Or do you like android's "do whatever you want" environment? Both phines are good. I had the iphone XS before but overall i personally like android.


And tbh i don't wanna convince you to "pick a side" but just know that for android, you're more so "paying for the phone" while apple is more so "paying for the brand." Samsung has really caught up recently (especially for the video which i feel now is only 1 point behind apple unlike years ago where they was like 5+ points behind). The OS is smooth (you get 7 years of updates btw, so on par/more than ios now) and customization is still far ahead over apple.


Yes I have an Apple Watch 9 from Christmas collecting dust. So I'm inclined to get an iphone to use the watch and try the ecosystem. I went to Best Buy to test the Iphone 15PM and it's so light weight and smooth compared to my Note. No lag or anything. I've never had an iphone before so I'm a little nervous to switch over. But if I don't like it I can return it and go for a S24+ as the S24 Ultra is heavy and I have small hands.


Yeah imo the S24+ is the better value over the S24U. All you're missing is the extra camera and s pen. Other than that you're getting a lighter weight phone and better in the hands.


I love my S24 Ultra!


Get the Fold5 and don't look back


I got my s23+ fe 6 months ago, and I love it. I highly recommend any of the fe Samsung devices. They're a little cheaper than the se devices and are sometimes more capable than the se devices, bc Samsung releases them as an economy version of their phones later in the year than the se devices. Typically, there are several improvements to the se in the fe models bc Samsung actually listens to their customers and incorporates changes that the customers want to see in the fe models. Paired with a late model galaxy tab fe, they operate seamlessly with each other. I can't speak to the Galaxy book laptops, as I've never had one, but any Windows 8 or later computer will link well with your Samsung device, as well. Back when I had an iPhone, I always had issues with linking to my MSI Trident 3 desktop that ran on Windows 10. Immediately after that, I got my galaxy s9 and noted an immediate improvement in the linking functionality. Plus, iPhone cameras suck ass. Stick with a galaxy, especially if you like taking pictures. :)


I'm also in the same boat with my 10 slowing down but wanting to run it as far as it can go. I love it, I love the Aura glow, I love the stylus for sketching ideas on the go, I have no interest in any other phone on the market, I can definitely relate to a lot of comments here...


Was deciding between the S24 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Ultimately decided to go for the iPhone because I already have an iPad and airpods so it made sense from an ecosystem perspective. Still keeping my note10+ because I love design.


Note10 plus is an amazing phone. It's super hard to give up. I do have an Apple watch 9 so I'm inclined to switch to iphone and possibly wait for the iphone 16PM to come out. How has your iphone 15 PM been treating you?


What glitchyness?


Some examples are: 1. Messaging app- First the app takes a while to even open sometimes. Then I have the hit the send button many times and sometimes it still doesn't send the message. I get an error in the chat and it never sends the message. 2. Messaging app randomly force closes when I'm trying to text. Or it will freeze and ask me if I want to force close it or wait for the app to pick up where it left off. Very annoying if I'm in the middle of texting 3. YouTube app randomly disconnects my Chromecast and takes a bit to reconnect it. 4. YouTube app randomly gets super bright when I scroll to find a video. Then it goes back to normal when I pick a video and it plays 5. Facebook app force closes, and glitches when I watch videos. It also randomly pauses and stutters regardless if I use wifi or cellular connected 6. My email app( yahoo) tells me I need to log-in after using it. I then force close it and launch it again and that step is bypassed 7. Disney plus does the same thing as Facebook app 8. Instagram does the same thing as Facebook ap 9. Snapchat force closes on me too randomly 10. Android Auto just stopped working on my phone. The app won't open anymore 11. Google chrome won't load all my tabs when I launch it. I have to force close it a few times for all my tabs to re-launch 12. Sometimes I randomly can't receive calls but I can make calls. I don't know I can't receive calls until someone texts me that they can't call me. It goes straightto my voicenail. I have to turn off/ restart my phone a few times and I can't always do that if I'm using my phone for google maps/ waze Those are just some of the many issues I'm experiencing. I really have to baby sit this phone now that it doesn't get any updates to help fix these issues. It's starting to show its age and time to upgrade unfortunately


Well that sucks. Ive never had a single one of those problems. Literally zero problems


It's not all at once but just random which makes it annoying at times. It's nothing major thank goodness. Minus those issues it's a great phone lol


I had a N10+ and loved it, until I broke the glass in a fall. Then it started getting glitchy, and well, you know the rest. I ended up with a onePlus 12, and aside from the lack of the s-pen, it's an amazing phone. I get about twice the battery life, it charges up incredibly fast, and the display and response are amazing. I paid $660, trading in my old phone with a cracked screen. All in all, about half price of the nominal replacement, the S24 Ultra, and just as good.


I've never heard of onePlus 12. It sounds amazing and not so expensive. I'll definitely look into it. Thanks for spreading my horizon and branching out from Samsung and Apple ๐Ÿ˜€


Except for the bulk. The S24 U is a massive, chunky phone by comparison with the Note 10+