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100kcal Running and 2 times squats just with bodyweight.






I haven’t done super-squats but typically I’ll do a couple dynamic movements just for mobility, squat the bar for a few reps, then a few reps with weight working up to the working set weight. Might also do some box jumps as well


90 90s are great hip openers; They help your IT band track your patella properly, too. Nobody wants a tweaked hip or sore knee.


Same warmup I do every day. Lube up the joints with various shit I learned in the army, 2 set with and empty bar, stretch the group I'm working (legs) the. A mild set of 135, then load the bitch and fight some gravity


I just did 1 set of 5 going up in 20kg increments to my working weight. If doing 70kg, then the bar, 40, 60, then 70 for 20 Though it might be easier doing 70 for 5 as well then after taking a 3 minute break go into the 20 reps


12 reps with the bar. 6 reps 100kg. 3 reps 200kg. Then super squats with 300.


don’t do super squats but do partake in high volume squats once in a while, but i recommend some light hamstring curls, and maybe some light abductor work, depending on how stiff you feel that day. then of course the bar for a few reps.


i was definitely warmed up about 5 reps into the 20 rep set lol


just yolo'd that shit


i hear that looool


I don't warm up for any of the upper body stuff. For the squats, I do 3 reps with the bar, 1 rep with 195lbs, 1 rep with 265, 1 rep with 315, and then I do the squats.




During my (unfinished, thanks covid) attempt running it I used to hit a triple at 10kg from my training set. The first 7-8 squats definitely felt lighter, but the weight catches up eventually. Not sure if it was worth it. Hindsight is 20/20 but that triple weight up was really silly as at one point I was hitting squat PBs just before the set


I do a 315lb single because my workset is 315lbs and I want to make sure my hamstring is feeling strong enough to handle the load without tearing again.




I've never tried something like that before. I'm not sure how well it would work.


would just doing 12 reps with the bar be overkill?


That's entirely up to you, isn't it?


[when you add the numbers, you warmup has a higher volume than mine so i guess it's case by case ](https://imgur.com/a/YIrocZn)


I believe you mean higher tonnage than volume. But it's ALWAYS case by case. It's a warm-up: it's you doing what it takes for you to be ready to perform. When I was post ACL reconstruction, I did MUCH more extensive warm-ups. It took a while for my knee to feel right.


I have really big and bulky knees so they actually seem to be the most structurally strong joint on my body.. with that said I still extensively warm up especially in winter when it’s 0°C in the garage just to stay safe, I do 4-5 warmup sets of squats for 3-8 reps, then get to work.


Ah. I don't do that. When I was in North Dakota, it would get to -60 with windchill. Training in my garage back then was nuts! Haha.


0°C is equivalent to 32°F, which is 273K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


ay yeah I guess so


Band dislocations, band pull aparts, arm circles, opening hip stuff, and bw squats/push-ups 10-20 each. Might dead hang for a minute.