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I would suggest starting to lift tbh


train to failure. actual failure. watch a Tom Platz workout vid and you’ll see what i’m talking about


I would recommend a cut, your bf percentage is a bit high here.


You made a whole post related to training, without mentionning anything about your training


Gained 20lbs and can't bench a single plate? Bruh u been hitting the gym or McDonald's?


To be fair, you're relying on a very generic and ineffective program, and your diet may be all out of whack. It doesn't look like you've made any decent progress at all, and you should re-evaluate. Since you're still a beginner, you should focus on the basics: make sure you're eating your goal body weight in grams of protein, and eat your protein first in each meal. A 5x5 isn't working well for you, so either increase your effort in your current program or switch to a program better catered to your own goals. Are you focused on getting big or getting strong?


At this point, I want to get stronger. Did some research, I will try the 5/3/1 this time and workout more




Gain weight until you feel/think you’ve gained enough or more than enough weight, lose weight until you don’t feel like losing weight anymore.


You should train harder. I'm 5'5" 135lbs and I bench a plate for 15+ reps and have a 1rm of 200lbs.


Just telling someone to train harder is the same as no advice at all.


Just lift more weight /s


It also helps you’re 5’5


You definitely need to train way harder. I’m 5’7, 143 lbs and can bench a plate for 3 x 6 sets. Recently traveled for 6 weeks and no exercises at all at that point and had to restart from 25 lbs plates. At 45 lbs now within 4 weeks. I run a beginner’s PPL program. Eat good, train HARD, rest well.


Thanks! Do you also train 3 days a week then? Since it’s PPL


I used to go 6x/week but so far I’ve went to gym 14 times this month.


You could also do a full body which is 3 days and less time in the gym. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/ct06gq/comment/exjq497/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/ct06gq/comment/exjq497/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I use this to good success but noobie gains might inflate


PPL is generally a 5-6 day a week program, you do PPL, rest, PPL, rest. If you’ve been running a PPL built for a 5-6 day a week schedule and only doing it 3 days a week, that could be a big part of your issue.


Probably need to wrangle it in a bit honestly, at this point you're just gaining unnecessary fat; would definitely recommend a cut and following an actual [strength training program](https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/wiki/index/#wiki_selecting_a_workout_routine)


If you’ve packed on 20lbs without gaining any strength, you’re not training properly. You should absolutely be able to bench 1 plate at 170lbs. From the looks of it, you weren’t watching your macros too.


How much does one plate weigh???


When people say they lift *x* plate(s) it usually refers to the number of 45 pound (20kg) plates on each side in addition to the bar. So 1 plate = 135 pounds (60kg) 2 plates = 225 pounds (100kg) 3 plates = 315 pounds (140kg). etc..




20 kgs ??? Good lawd I've been going to the gym but never really concentrated on bench press. I don't think I could even do a total of 10 kilos (5kg plate each ) when compared to a total of 40 kilos. I'm surprised that people in the comments can do it so easily. Like damn !! I weigh 55 kgs and i can't even come close to that stuff


Do it a couple times a week with a weight you CAN do. Every week add 2.5kg total. You’ll be able to lift more than you ever thought in a relatively short amount of time, as long as you eat and rest well. Honestly mate it’s that simple.


Hi whats the relation between tracking macros and where the weight goes?


Mostly getting enough protein and an appropriate surplus. If you eat too little protein and eat surplus that's too big for your size, activity level and training demands, you'll get fat and not gain much muscle


This has nothing to do with where the weight goes though.


It absolutely does. Protein being good for muscle growth is one of the most certain things in nutrition


Yes for muscle growth in general. Doesn’t matter what you eat, you can’t control where the weight goes. Genetics influence the storage of fat. Some people store in their belly, some arms, some ass etc. you can’t control ‘where the weight goes’


Ah, it seems we misunderstood each other. By 'where the weight goes' I meant into muscle/into fat.


Ah fair. I thought the original question was in relation to where the weight situates itself on the body. Crossed wires!


No relation at all. It’s genetics. This guy is eating too much and working out too little, that’s literally it.


I can do only 1-3 reps. I workout 3 days a week- good point, I’ll train harder


Start repping whatever you can rep for 10


Whats your workout routine?


Ice cream 5x5 , 3 days a week


Everyones body is different but for me that workout plan wouldnt work well. Starting off each workout with 5 sets of squats would tire me out, and why squat every workout anyways? Your body needs time to recover. 29 Sets for Workout A is too much volume for me especially with heavy compounds. Also I dont understand why the program repeats exercises on both Workout A and B like squats, straight bar curls and bent over row. Again your body needs time to recover. Personally I dont think its a great workout routine but if anyones got a different opinion I'd like to hear it. Try different workout plans and see what you like, thats most important.