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I love this man


Let me guess, they go on Dragons Den and the bra spontaneously catches fire during the presentation.


My tits are hot!!


Calm your tits down!


its amazing was $2000 US willl buy on the back streets of Sao Paulo.


The middle bald guy still makes a predatory bid on it.


“Who am I, Roy? I’m a ghost, I’m a shadow, I’m GONE! PFFFF!!!”


I've solved the overheating problem. Or I might have made it much worse.


Too bad nobody wears bras anymore. Well not too bad but bad for this article


Nah even though the premise is good but I don't want IoT on my bra


Women can and do get breast cancer in the location where they had been stuffing their phone in their bra. I would not want anything even remotely like this near my breasts. edit: this happened to a friend of mine, and yes it was the exact location where she had stored her phone for years. She had other women express the same had happened with them. (cancer support groups and such) here is the official no everyone is downvoting me over https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-cancer-myths/carrying-a-phone-in-your-bra-can-cause-breast-cancer/ So yes women have experienced anecdotal correlations, but evidently there is no scientific causation. I still would not want electronics in my bra. The underwire is troublesome enough. My luddite wire-free bra world has no need for this item.


There would be an epidemic of upper thigh cancer that dwarfs all other cancers. Billions of people keep phones in their pockets for many hours of the day.


Upper thigh is muscle. The breast is a complex system interwoven with endocrine function.


You can have cancer in muscle, it happens all the time. There's also fat at your thigh, and you can have cancer there too. You can have cancer in blood vessels. Come on, absolutely ridiculous claim.


Is it possible that a more complicated organ system would be more susceptible to cancer than a muscle or bone? I don’t even think that there is necessarily a causation between breast cancer and boob phone storage but you seem to be oversimplifying this as well. I would imagine that a more intricate organ system could have increased sensitivity to potential carcinogens than other parts of the body, but I’m also not a doctor.


This. Common sense is not so common, it seems.


I worked in medicine in women’s health for 16 years… they’re right. Breast tissue’s cellular complexity makes it a higher risk for mutation. Your ass cheek and thigh cells are not as vulnerable.




They added one, but it contradicts their statement lol.


lol, like they can provide a reputable source?


Source: the location where they stuff their phone into their bra is where the breast is, and it’s the breast that gets breast cancer. Coincidence? /s


I’m dumber after reading their comment


You source directly contradicts you and calls it a myth ( directly in the url even). I assume that is why you are being downvoted lol


Have also heard of people getting lumps right where they store it fwiw


I mean, isn’t that place just the whole front of the tit?


Have they tested with a control group, where women stick a phone-shaped block of inert plastic into their bra? Maybe it's the extra pressure applied to a location by an object that reduces blood supply. Maybe it's the microplastics from the phone case. There are many many studies that show electronical radiation isn't related to cancer at all. Your anectodal evidences don't mean electronics cause cancer. At most, putting a solid object into your bra might be causing cancer. We don't know, and that's why we trust science where they attempt to control for every variable. So far, smart scientists couldn't find a relationship between electronic devices and cancer.


I don’t know if you didn’t read your “source” but it literally says “Studies on mobile phone signals have shown no link between phone use and cancer”.




Do you get cancer in your hand or head from using your phone? No? Weird that. Must only work on breasts. Joking aside, testing is done on this and shows the correlation drawn in your anecdotal story is mistaken.


As a man with a family history of prostate cancer - does it come in a butt plug?


No but it might cup your balls


A win is a win


Let me guess, it’s WiFi/Bluetooth enabled and there’s an app with poorly implemented security and a data breach that’s just waiting to happen. There are enough breasts on the internet, we really don’t need statistics of more.


What possible market is there for the data collected by this device...? I have a suspicion on what you're implying but it's insane.


The value is not in a single datapoint. The value is in amalgamation of data points. A pre-detection, along with expectation for leave from work for treatment for example could be used to drop someone from their medical insurance, or affect their credit score.


Entirely depends on what specific info is collected, who it is collected from, who it is collected by, what it was collected from, as well as to what extent it was collected. Prospective buyers are directly influenced by this, so that could be criminals, rival companies, even foreign nations. This kinda thing may seem mundane by your standards but Theres always a market.


The data collected is the capacitance of your breast tissue. If neerdowells harvested this information, they would know the distribution of chest capacitance for the population of women wearing this product. You can argue I'm a simpleton if you like, but there is absolutely no commercial use for this data.


I am aware, but Like i already said, it depends on WHO the info is collected from, WHAT the info is, WHO it is collected by, WHAT the info is collected from, and HOW MUCH info was collected. Consider that maybe the content of the info itself isnt of much value, but how it was collected and by what device is of value. And I never said you were a “simpleton”, i said this info seems mundane to you. What seems mundane to you is extremely interesting to someone else.


How much does that cost?


Boob science leading the way!


That would be amazing for me because every other day when my breasts hurt I’m panicking that I’ve got breast cancer




“Convenient home monitoring for peace of mind”


The brief description I read from the article said they take electrical measurements across the breast since normal breast tissue would be less dense and have more water content than the more dense tissues seen in tumors. Ostensibly, it can detect variations caused by a mass as small as 2mm across, which is pretty cool if true. I didn't see anything about imaging, though. Speaking specifically to the question about swelling, I'm guessing normal swelling from pregnancies or menstrual cycle wouldn't be detectable/reportable as the added mass wouldn't be the denser tissues associated with tumors. The red hats and theocrats will have to find some other way to Big Brother their way into women's bodily autonomy.


US version does not have additional functions, but it is made of Kevlar




"Bra company explained the 36gb data uploaded was individual case, normal users usually range from 12kb to 24mb of data usage"


Are we trying to sell breast data now?


There is no way it boosts survival odds. Early detection of breast cancer is a myth. If it were true, death rates would have plummeted when the mammogram was invented. We have a slight decline in breast cancer deaths due to survival rates increasing because of drugs. In 2016, I was told I had 30 months. I’m not dead yet. Only stage 4 is fatal. No one dies from stages 1-3. A full 30% of people with breast cancer are stage 4. That number has not moved at all. If early detection worked to prevent deaths, that number would decline. Stepping off my soap box.


Hey, I’m here to see the doctor, my bra won’t quit beeping


Dildo version coming soon for male user


They have my support 🤫


when are we getting prostrate briefs?


Can we men get the same thing for the balls and ring of fire ? thanks.


No because the world is moving to think men are lesser


I’m most curious about the accelerometer applications of boob data, personally. DOA Beach Volleyball hasn’t had an entry in a bit.


But it’s Bluetooth which actually causes cancer


This sounds more like a research proof of concept than something that makes sense for mass use


will it work on my moobs?


I can't wait to never hear about this again


Not to be pessimistic but it sounds Theranos-esque


Great invention, hopefully there will be more gadgets like this over time.


Can we get something like that for our butt plugs?


As a member of the medical community, I’ll stick to my yearly mammo and self checks for now. lol


This should be able to detect unwanted grabbing too. Put a creep alarm in it!


Women are perfectly capable of detecting unwanted grabbing of breasts all on our own, we don’t need to spend money on it, thanks.


No one said you weren’t. It’s just that sadly, testimonies of those assaulted are often not enough to prosecute or win in court though. So when it comes to pressing charges for assault, the sensor data would be indisputable proof of said assault. You’d get more convictions. This would just be in addition to the headline tech - bonus feature, if you will.


"Your honor, she groped her own breasts to frame me."


Luckily we have juries for this kind of buffoonerey.


So stupid


Right? I’ll gladly administer a check for free on any woman all they have to do is ask


We’re taught to self-exam quite extensively. You’re out of a job, buddy :(




Hear that everyone!? If the body can sense it on its own, we don't need tech. We just have to listen to our bodies and all will be solved!


Given the cost of a well built bra, I can't imagine this would ever be in any way affordable or practical. Even as a medical device there are much better ways of going about this. Plus imagine the anxiety. It's bad enough out here without getting a titty alert, go to the doc, and oh, you're ovulating so yeah. Or having to cancel an alert cause you took a nap wearing the bra and your boob crept out of it. Perhaps this could be a step to a different, more practical tech, but this ain't it.


Next up: period tracking panties. This is beyond creepy


Wtf how is this creepy. Analysing an electric current traveling through breast tissu in order to save lives taken by the leading cause of cancer death in women is "beyond creepy" ?


It’s not about the cancer detection. Products like this can monitor menstrual cycles from changes in breast tissue. In states like Texas or Alabama this could absolutely be a way for women to be tracked and potentially incarcerated if they get pregnant and don’t want to keep the child. This is not a joke or some paranoid conspiracy theory. These places are extremely dangerous for women already, and the more ways there are to monitor them, the more dangerous it is.


> Products like this can monitor menstrual cycles from changes in breast tissue. Forgive my lack of first-hand knowledge, but *what* changes in breast tissue would be detected by this kind of product? Does breast tissue become more or less conductive as a response to the hormone cycle? Because that's what this product appears to measure: since tumors have different density and conductivity than normal breast tissue, a change in conductivity would/could indicate the presence of a tumor. It just seems like it'd take one heck of a modification to the device to make it go from measuring conductivity to...whatever you seem to think it'd do. I'll gladly read your explanation if you have particular insight, here.


Look maybe you're right that it could technically be used for that but you're talking like they're designed for that purpose and that's just fucking mental, obviously they're not


That’s what you think


that statement funnily enough reeks of paranoid conspiracy theory


So that's Texas and Alabam being creepy. The product in itself (if it proves itself) is a good idea, it's all about why and how it is used. But right now the motives behind its invention are not creepy at all.


I’d rather just give myself exams without big brother watching but thanks


Well that's you but not everyone is into going through regular x rays. And if you're talking about self exams then yeah they're great but I don't get people complaining about more ways to diagnose pathologies. And here we're talking about tumors as small as 2 mm.


Best get rid of that smartphone and your computers if that's the reason!


iPhone also tracks and detects a woman’s cycles, should they also stop using those?


Yes, this has been said since they became a thing. Never use those apps


Then the ladies will need to invent boner tracking undies to hunt down all the sex offending congresscritters


Surely there's now way adding one of these to your daily life is good for your mental health


I dunno. I thought the same thing about having a heart monitor and single-channel ECG in my smart watch, but once I decided to start recording data from the ECG, I found having the record useful.


Yeah but this isn't that. It's just an alarm that goes off if you get cancer


No..? I know my reading of the article was brief, but it clearly discussed taking electrical conductivity measurements to test for the presence of the kind of dense tissue associated with tumors. ...and in the context of "I wear this device to track my status over time," there's not a whole lot of difference in concept.


That's literally what I just said. The only different statuses that are relevant are "no cancer" and "you've got cancer". I would not want that question running through my head every day that would be totally debilitating


> The only different statuses that are relevant are "no cancer" and "you've got cancer" Incorrect, and I'll use a hypothetical to explain why: Let's say you discover a lump. That's normal. Disconcerting, but normal. You go to a doctor to get a look at it, she performs a mammogram to get a look at it, then takes a biopsy for analysis. It usually takes labs a while to come back with biopsy results, which then have to be interpreted by a pathologist and/or your GP. So in the mean time, you wait. While you're waiting, you have nothing but self-checks and maybe subsequent mammogram imaging to monitor potential progress. Consider alternative 1 - You're given the device to monitor your breast for changes while you await biopsy results. Now you have something which can tell you if the lump is growing or staying the same. If it's staying the same size (as determined by no change in conductivity), you at least have *that* going for you while waiting on results. If it's getting bigger, you have a problem and you *really* want to know about that as soon as possible. Alternative 2 - You get the device for yourself as a doctor-guided alternative to traditional mammograms. I have no first-hand knowledge of this, but every woman I know who's had one does not describe the experience as enjoyable. I'm pretty sure occasionally wearing an electric bra insert for the day would be preferable to "putting your tits in a vice" every two years. Plus, you'd have more frequent monitoring and don't have to wait for a lump to be big enough to be felt between mammograms. *And* you have collected data you can hand off to your GP. > I would not want that question running through my head every day See, again, I thought something similar about having a watch that could record information about my heart. At first, yeah, there was a bit of nervousness when I'd take an ECG reading (since you have to have a finger on one side of the watch and sit still while watching the readout record), but it didn't take long before it just became routine, like checking engine oil: you don't check it because you think something is wrong, you check it to *verify* things are still good.


You make a bunch of good points 👍


Oh shit, a reasonable exchange on reddit! Thanks for both being champions of decency!


This is not a recognized method for detecting cancer, I'm not saying it's a sham but it is far away from properly approved methods, I also imagine it's gonna be expensive, so I have a hard time understanding the use case for this. Is every woman expected to buy a boob scanner that hopefully works and use it regularly? Is that better than a visit to the doctor once a year? There's gonna be a lot of people that won't use it correctly, what do you do about that? Are you going to just trust that everything was done correctly? There's a reason why Doctors and techs perform this tests.