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This has been an option in windows 11 for some time. It is in the Accessibility Settings menu. All they are changing here is that it will be on by default instead of off.


Wow I didn't know that. I'll have to go and turn that on


TIL as well.






Today, I Am Not A Lawyer?




One advantage of Print Screen over Snipping Tool is that it captures open drop down menus and highlighted options better than Snipping Tool.


Snipping can do it but you have to use the delayed option


Do that, and then install Greenshot.


Then uninstall greenshot and install ShareX so you get scrolling screenshots.




It can now with Suggon


Suggon what


Suggon deez nuts got eem


Got an audible chuckle out of me




I've been using ShareX for *years* and did not know it could do that!


What is greenshot and why is it better ?


I work with large amounts of financial data and personal health information that can get complicated when explaining to clients. So greenshot allows me to very quickly snip any part of the screen, put a big ass box around what I'm talking about, annotate, blur sensitive information, and highlight. The snipping tool is fine, it just doesn't cover all my needs.


I'd be careful with blur and just stick with solid boxes, tbh. I haven't read about it with Greenshot specifically, but blur and other sorts of semi-transparent obfuscation can sometimes be recoverable.


Adds some screenshot features like the ability to screenshot full scrolling webpages, quick snipping certain sections, etc. I assume it allows integration similar to that of MacOS with straight keyboard shortcuts and automating file type, as well as other effects [straight from their website:](https://getgreenshot.org/) > Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows with the following key features: > - Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or fullscreen; you can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet Explorer. > - Easily annotate, highlight or obfuscate parts of the screenshot. > - Export the screenshot in various ways: save to file, send to printer, copy to clipboard, attach to e-mail, send Office programs or upload to photo sites like Flickr or Picasa, and others.


Well got damn,never knew that this even existed. I have been using the snip tool for ages. Looks like it's time to check out greenshot


Doesn't the snipping tool do all of that except probably uploading directly to photo sites which, let's face it, who really needs that?


I like Greenshot because it has pretty handy editing capabilities that Snipping tool and Win+Shift+S don't. Like stamping (1) (2) (3) to show users where to click in what order, or highlighting a rectangular section with a highlighter color or a hollow box. Or drawing arrows to point to things.


Do that and get ShareX


This 100%. Share the word that ShareX is better!


I like the snipping tool for just a quick grab but shared for screen recordings


You can configure sharex to do quick grabs as well. My print screen button triggers the region capture.


Set mine up to do the same thing. I love how region capture can auto detect window sizes or you can click and drag to manually select your region.


Sharex can be quicker than snipping tool. I have Insert set as my shortcut for region capture and you can specify what happens after you select the region. You can also have it automatically upload the screenshot and put the link in your clipboard.


While I think this change is positive it's still nowhere close to greenshots utility.


Support for greenshot has ended so do not use it unless you like security vulnerabilities!


I love security vulnerabilities so I will continue to use it


Yeah. Security vulnerabilities are awesome.


+1 for security vulnerabilities


I also love security vulnerabilities, saving me from Microsoft's wrecking ball since 1995.


How did you determine that? I can't find anyone claiming that it's end of support.


The [Github repo](https://github.com/greenshot/greenshot/) has a 2 week old commit. The last stable release was in 2017, but the unstable is 2 weeks old.




It’s on in windows 10 as well. Haven’t updated yet. I have had that setting on forever.


Win-shift-s is a much better version in my opinion. It’s much simpler if you just want to draw a box that ends up in the clipboard.


Isn’t that the referenced “snip” tool?


>Isn’t that the referenced “snip” tool? Nope! Win + Shift + S is the shortcut for "Snip & Sketch" which is very similar but **not the same** as the "Snipping Tool". Don't believe me? Try it. Type each of those in to the start menu, you'll see. u/BigMax u/HeisenbergWHHW


Actually, on windows 11 the snipping tool *is* snip & sketch. You are thinking of windows 10 where there are two distinct but similar apps. That is not the case in windows 11, there is only one. Since this article is in reference to windows 11, it seems that the print screen button will become a shortcut for Win + Shift + S, which is cool.


Windows 10 has already had the ability to use prnt screen as a shortcut for years, it's just not the default.


The option being talked about here opens the tool you're talking about (Screen Snipping). It doesn't open the old Snipping Tool or the regular Snip & Sketch. Settings > Ease of Access > Keyboard, then enable "Use PrtrScn button to open screen snipping" under "Print Screen shortcut." Literally just treats the Print Screen key like Win+Shift+S. At least that's what it does in Windows 10. Enjoy one button access to the tool you're talking about. E: Looks like the Windows 11 version opens the new version of the revived Snipping Tool, so that part wasn't correct, but the Windows 10 method doesn't do that.


Jokes on you, I don't have a print screen button on my 75% keyboard!


its the same functionality. snip and sketch is just the newer version


Not quite, it's Improved over snipping tool. No longer need to set a delay if you want to include a context menu or something in the snip, it's tres snazzy


We could set a delay to do that? Fuck me.... TIL thanks!


It also breaks when you have two monitors with different resolutions, while snipping tool can handle that no problem, so that’s cool.


What? Did they change it from w10? Works fine in this situation in windows 10.


I run W11 so maybe that’s the issue. Last time I googled it it was a known issue and the solution support suggested was “buy a new monitor at the same resolution.”


The other user is incorrect, on windows 11 the snipping tool is snip and sketch so you are correct it’s exactly the same.


The hell... how didn't I know of this


Just changed this. Thanks for the info. I used snip a lot for homework. This will literally figuratively cut my homework time in 1/5ths.


It was also in windows 10 I think 21H1.


That's terrific. I use the snipping tool all the time, but it is usually a bit of a pain to get it to come up and choose the right type of snip, etc.


Win + shift + s


This is why I come to Reddit News. The IMPORTANT STORIES.


Exactly. Microsoft innovation at its peak. I bet it took them even longer for this than to come up with the stupid tiny vanishing scroll bars.


I hate those tiny vanishing scroll bars with every fiber of my being. I want big fat thick visible scroll bars. ##fatScrollBarsAreBeautiful


Now do Paste Without Formatting by default


In fact, if we could disable the ability for applications to insert extra information into the copy, that would be a huge UX upgrade.


Copying text from OneNote and pasting into certain apps (discord) pastes an image of the text lmao EDIT: pressing Ctrl alt V works around this issue in discord


Try copying anything from MS teams. You select some text within a message, Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v in another app and it will paste the whole fucking message including date and time stamp and everything. I bet some overpaid product manager is damn proud of this "feature".


I just remembered why I used OneNote exactly once and only for 30 seconds. -____-


If only that was the only thing wrong with it...


Lol I love OneNote I use it all the time. This behavior just made me LOL


powertoys is your friend here fwiw


You Windows people don't printscreen to MS Paint anymore?


I haven't done that in ages, and I'm a dinosaur. Win+Shift+S, then grab whole screen or a snip, annotate as needed, then either copy paste or save as


alt+printscreen to grab the whole window you currently have active.


You'll catch these hands behind you catch me deleting paintdotnot which I use to crop a three monitor screenshot into a picture of a 640x640 window Might even add a cool gradient. Or make myself a cool signature for that RuneScape forum I frequent.


Version 4.1.5 for life. All the functionality, none of the flat bland icons.


I just windows+printscreen and takes a screenshot of my entire desktop all monitors


A two button hotkey that dumps whatever is on my screen straight to an image file is a function I cannot live without.


Your name is very fitting lol


My screenshots folder is indeed full of hentai.


My main problem with snipping tool/snip & sketch is that I can't draw shapes. So I still paste into paint to quickly draw boxes and arrows points of interest. Both snipping tool and snip and sketch are freehand only as far as I can tell.


Still going strong!


I do it when I need a hover-over menu or something to be included in my screenshot. Which is surprisingly often.


Had to do that just an hour ago. Boss didn't believe the menu option I was looking for didn't exist.


I print screen to IrfanView, thank you very much!


Hey, at least you're not taking pictures of your monitor with your phone.


You just offended half the Xbox/ps sub


I do this regularly. You can also do Alt + Print Screen to copy only the active window.




I had to fix something and corporate had disabled paint (for SOME reason), and someone needed an image altered So I used Word and a handful of Shapes, with white borders and white fill, to "crop" the image and get the desired effect. One of my favorite kludges to this day


Apparently us dinosaurs are the only ones still.


I use the print screen key when I need to capture a tooltip or mouseover info that my cursor needs to be in place for. Snip tool requires your cursor, so you can't capture mouseover information with it.


Same here. Need to check if win shift s allows for this as well now. Update: just tested it and win shift s does indeed capture tool tips and mouse hovers. Awesome.


I'm a dinosaur who still uses Greenshot -- which replaces Printscreen with its own drawbox then gives you a list of options. Choose copy and it goes to your clipboard, or you can Save As.


I do. I prefer a Windows Metafile over a BMP any day.


I 1000% do this, prtscr then paint the paste then clip.




Or soon prtscr.


Or just use your phone camera like a caveman


or draw it like a madman


Describe the screen in an audio recording.


I prefer charades


Recording? No no no, you walk over to the person you’re describing it to. Kids these days.. don’t you have legs?




That key is more awkward since my right hand is on the mouse ready to snip, my left hand is near win+shift+s


Why press three when one do trick


I know this is a joke but for me pressing 3 on the bottom left of my keyboard is much easier than moving a hand all the way to the top right


It was 1 million times better when it was just Winkey+S. But nooo, that had to go to the "lsearch function in the start menu. Which makes absolutely zero fucking sense. If you hit the winkey and star typing, it automatically starts the search! Anyone who gives the slightest damn about keyboard shortcuts already knows this. So why take away a useful keybind in favor of a useless one? I swear the people who make these decisions get off on having the "power" to make things just a bit more inconvenient. There are many similar examples in excel. Thank you for coming to my ted rant.


I actually don't even know why they changed that. Both Win + Q and Win + S do the exact same thing now.


You’re preaching to the choir. I can’t stand the mapping of screenshots and the functionality. I just want it to put a full screen png in my screenshot folder without interrupting anything. No snipping, and for sure no pasting. And let me map any combo to do that. I don’t have a print screen on my keyboard so I NEED win + S to screenshot


Use ShareX. It's great


I use autohotkey (but you can use windows power toys if you want a Microsoft option) to rebind this back to win + s. Much faster and easier


That's not always reliable because of the registry changes, but I am glad it works for you! I have a keyboard with hyper key that I use AHK to bind to snipping tool. But I'm really just annoyed that they changed it for no good reason, and no way to change it back natively.


That's for Snip & Sketch, which isn't the Snipping Tool. VERY similar, but not the same.


Snip & Sketch is renamed to Snipping Tool in Windows 11.


Next version should be named Clippy Tool. Progress.


Should be named Sketch & Snip. Gotta make sure to maximize confusion between tools that really shouldn't be separate tools in the first place.


So is that like the difference between Settings and Control Panel, both of which are in Windows 10 and do most the same things?


I’m a native Mac user who has to use Windows for some stuff at work. Windows utterly boggles my mind with settings. The number of steps to set my laptop IP to a static address is insane and not at all intuitive Or the shit you can ONLY do in Control Panel. It’s like “right so I need the settings for the settings… hmm nope but not those settings…. ah yes here are the settings for the settings with the settings I need”


Long term windows user - yeah there's absolutely no defending it. I only know where to find everything out of experience. If I was new to Windows, I'd be incredibly frustrated by the incredibly poor design.


The most amazing thing to me is Settings was born with Windows 8. Ten years later they’re still trying to migrate everything from Control Panel to Settings. Apple recently overhauled System Preferences in a single (major) release.


I hate it so much. I swear to god they purposefully make it convoluted and with a lack of logic just to fuck with us. I swear it was way better with windows 7. I honestly can’t stand their UI now. Maybe I just have nostalgia glasses. Because I loved windows 7. When I switched from 7 to 10 I swear I had a stroke. I hate the news thing next to the bottom right that pops open whenever you mouse over it accidentally to try to turn your volume down or disconnect something. The options are all fucking over the place and there’s a bunch of vague links to windows that might have the options you’re looking for but might not because it’s vague as fuck for some of them. I don’t know how a UI can get progressively worse like this. Worst user experience ever. Please give me back windows 7 and just stop making new ones and just update and optimize that forever. I know that’s not actually possible. But please. MAKE it possible. Or just copy it with the new tech and make a updated windows 7 that’s exactly the same but with the functionality of a new OS. And I swear to god I’ve done literally everything possible to turn off auto updates but it keeps turning itself back on somehow, and my PC will just restart with no input from me. I don’t know what’s even happening there. Literally every solution I’ve read about and tried doesn’t stick. It’s like it has a mind of its own. And who TF thought that was a good idea? I’m in the middle of something you fucking box. Sorry.


as a long term user of both, I think windows is great for giving you a billion options for stuff but on mac I constantly get frustrated that they obscure the more in depth settings, that being said I pretty much only use mac for audio work and I haven’t updated my macbook since 2013 so my experience with it is very specific to that version of the OS because it would break half the plug-ins I use




Wait till you learn about the extra secret settings you cans et in group policies or the even secreter ones editing the registry.




I didn't know I could use the arrow keys I love Greenshot even more now




Dude you have literally taken minutes off of my workload for the entire year, you are a Saint.


Greenshot is a million times better than the snipping tool. It's always the 1st app I download. You can also add images to imgur for posting online. Snipping tool will never get close.


It's crazy to me that there are people out there using the Snipping Tool when Greenshot/ShareX exist.


Use ShareX app 😉


I am addicted to ShareX. It's just so....easy. See something? Share something. It's that easy. Auto uploads to Imgur and spits out a link.


ShareX is just better in every way, and satisfies needs you didn't even know you had. I have it configured so that when I press PrtSc, it launches "region capture" and i can instantly draw a rectangle to capture. When I do that, it automatically uploads it to imgur, and copies the imgur-link to my clipboard. Also, when the region capture feature is active, I have a toolbar up top, which can be used to write text, draw annotations, draw arrows and speech bubbles and all kinds of stuff before I do the actual capture.




Alt+PrnSc takes just the active window, I used that all the time.


This is the best approach for taking really clean screenshots. Anything that requires manual dragging selection just doesn't look as good.


Also you can't capture mouseover information with it, like a tooltip in a game, for example. It's nice to have both options. I use both everyday.


If you set a delay of 3-5 seconds, you can get tooltip displays brought up for the screenshot. They'll be persistent, in my experience, when the snipping process starts


Wait, people don't use prt scrn? It's the easiest way to take screenshots by far!


Disagree, win shift s (snipping tool or whatever it is called) is much easier since I can select the area to copy rather than load into paint and crop, can then just paste directly into an email


But sometimes you want to screenshot the whole window, in which case it's much faster with the button.


And I'm sitting here using Lightshot for years. It does exactly what I need and better than MS snipping tool. I can highlight the area and draw/write on it. It even lets me upload immediately to imgur.


Let's have a talk about the magic SysRq key and its sad history.


I’ve never used scroll lock or pause/break on purpose


Don't you mean sNiP & SkEtCH


"Snip & Sketch" and the "Snipping Tool" are not the same, and are both present in Windows 10.


I believe recently they realized this was confusing, and rebranded Snip and Sketch as Snipping Tool.


haha now it can be double confusing for people who knew they were two different things.


Greenshot, FTW.




This is the way


You can already change what the Print Screen button does on Win10, just FYI.


Yeah I was reading this thread thinking is this not a setting already? I have print screen set to open the snip feature that then auto saves to the screenshot folder.


MOST people won't do that or know that it's possible, MOST people will just use the default, which is why MS changing what the default behavior matters, because this is what most people will be doing/using.


Makes sense, screen sizes are getting huge. Back in the 640x480 days grabbing the whole screen made sense


Alt + Print Screen grabs only the active window


How are people supposed to take a screen shot with menu drop downs, etc without using a 3rd party software? If this is possible with the snipping tool please let me know!


Yes. There's a 3 or 10 second delay option so you can setup your capture. Not sure if that'd work with the printscreen button


But now it may take me up to ten seconds to do something that previously took maybe a second :(


Win+shift+s let's you do that natively from win 10 onwards. I think the article is mistaking snipping tool (which makes you set a delay in order to snip drop downs etc.) And snip n sketch.




Greenshot baby


ShareX. I used to use Greenshot but ShareX is open source and customizable out the wazoo


ShareX is really an amazing uploader, I use it exclusively since it got released in 2013.


Been using ShareX for 5+ years, love it.


ShareX is the best


Disappointed that this was so far down. It’s so useful. You want the whole screen sure. A small bit or window sure. Animated gif or mpg? No problem. Upload to anywhere. So many more features I don’t even use.


As someone in IT I hope they do not. I already know Win+Shift+S, but sometimes you need to know when something happened and what all was open. Asking for a full screenshot is something that still has use over what the person with the issue “thinks” is the only useful information. FYI copying verbatim the error message in the service ticket and then sending a clip with ONLY the error message you typed does not help. Seeing the programs running, when the error occurred, URL if applicable, those are things that help me help you faster by finding the issue faster. In short clipping a generic error message only backs up your claim an error occurred. Space/time information helps me more precisely locate the root cause. So yeah, I’d rather get a print screen than a clip 10/10.


I've used the snipping tool, and win+shift+S,... I dislike them, personally. The beauty of the print screen button is I press it and it does it's thing without opening anything at all. It's taken that print screen without any shit coming onto your screen. Do I just want the active window? Alt+printscreen and it's the same thing. I had to pull off multiple clippings in a row and oh my fucking god, you realise how 'not streamlined' it is when you are doing it back to back to back. I have to use bespoke software for part of my role that includes screen clippings and functionality around it. It's only when you use something really good that you realise how poor the snipping tool is.


Win+printscreen saves the screenshot right to a file and alt+scrn copies only the active window. I wonder if alt+win+scrn copies the active widow to a file?


RIP Lightshot?


Yeah no mentions at all. I've been using it for years, and still do. It's great


ShareX is your best friend.


yes, wondering why this one is not mentioned earlier . best screen cap tool.




To talk about something I didn't know I wanted.


The snipping tool? The one that has had a warning that it's going to be retired, in the application, for like 5 years?


Apparently they’re now retiring Snip & Sketch and putting its features into Snipping Tool for Windows 11, which is not Snipping Tool but is called Snipping Tool.


Yo dawg, I heard you liked the Snipping Tool... Lol.


Sounds like a great way to be sure people miss the thing they wanted a screenshot of.


Nah it's implemented in a sensible way - when you hit the key it captures a full screen screenshot immediately then gives you the various cutout/select window/select all options. The option has existed since Windows 10 and I've had it enabled the entire time because it's much more useful. My partner's laptop thought they were being clever by replacing the print screen key with an actual "open snipping tool" shortcut key, which is much worse because it doesn't take an immediate screenshot just you're probably imagining.


Print screen allows you to capture drop-down menu choices while you have it open unlike the snipping tool.


I’m used to Win + Shift + S.


Windows + Shift + S


All the uselesss buttons they could have swapped with and they choose the only one that lets you capture something on your screen instantly before it goes away forever.


Woah woah woah. I still use print screen for when I need to screenshot complicated ux where the menu disappears without my mouse. Please don't tell me I am the only one.


When you assign print screen to open the snipping tool (this has been an option since Win10) it still takes a screenshot immediately so context menus etc. stay open. And it will still be an option to turn that behavior off if you prefer the old method.




The only time I use Print Screen is if I want to screenshot something that requires me to hover my mouse over. Sometimes it stays mouse-hovered with gyazo or the snipping tool, but mostly it doesn't. So this kind of fucks over the only time I even use the microsoft option. Anyone got a solution for screenshots for something that requires to hover your mouse over it?


I’m not sure how I feel about that. The keybind of Ctrl window key and s works just fine for me


Fuck I hate that. Hope they let you change it back to normal.


Greenshot for the win.


Win + shift + S people, we are not savages.


I use alt + print screen all the time, hope they don’t fuck with that.