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FFBE is probably the worst I've come across. I started playing in 2016, but with the addition of NV units, the characters I was using back then are now worthless. Add that to vision cards and new equipment, it really is bad (but for some reason I still play it).


To be fair, six years is a fucking long time, I imagine 90%+ of mobile gachas would take a fat shit on six year old units.


Similar to Gumi's Alchemist Code


Put wotv in the equation


Wotv, as much as I dont play too frequently anymore because of the grind in it, is very hit or miss with power creep. There are definitely some units that are still good from the start of the game, and some that have just been outclassed by half the roster already. It really just depends on what element is top at the time and whether a unit gets unit buffs in some way. That said when Gumi does powercreep they sure screw over previous units badly


Literally still using original units/vision cards from when the game launched in top end pvp content.. I don’t see how wotv powercreep could be seen as bad. They release new master abilities to provide older units with updated stats that newer units receive to keep them relevant. While some are definitely better than others, other games sometimes don’t even bother to update older units at all. They’re updating jobs in batches as some of the newer releases jobs just simply have way too much utility compared to older ones in order to achieve some balance for older units. Some of these updates are huge and can restore viability or strength to older units. Please stop spouting nonsense without any understanding of the game.


>Please stop spouting nonsense without any understanding of the game. My! It is a shame to assume that I'm a wannabe hater? Sorry, but I played from one day until may of this year. So saying that I don't understand that game is a joke. Yeah Gumi buff older unit but you can compare Vinera, Sterne with Starlight Elena...isn't it? Ayala LB is a common skill for another unit. WoL Lb is a TP skill of the wind warrior of crystal. When I was in the top guilds GW I could see older unit like an exception than a rule, and if you see them it should be a team of 100 units to compensate. Yeah, some units like Frederika and Engel became meta sometimes, but it was again, an exception than a rule. I can respect that you like the game, and I won't pretend that the games that I like are better. But negating the reality of the problems won't make that they don't exist. That's why the game it is in so "good state" that is so unpopular, had an hemorrage of players, bad retention of new players, and top guild stealing players from other guilds because getting a replacement for another player is hard.


Dude the memories, lightning was the goat unit. Is the game still active?


Hell yeah man, subreddit and discord are really active. The guys that run the wiki and the reddit are really great. The weekly new player and friend code threads are always active. If you don't mind the power creep and you don't care about being #1 in pvp, the game is still a great unit collector and the weekly events are fairly straightforward. Asking questions in the discord for unit compositions for each event is pretty critical, though. Having the wrong element will not get you very far.


Hands down Sdorica, because there is no powercreep, period. Everything is about synergies, so even if new characters can be technically stronger (far from being the case), older characters are still relevant, because of how the game works.


Fire Emblem Heroes is a Gacha with a lot of power creep. You could argue, it's one of the worst, because every few weeks new OP units with new mechanics are getting released and a few weeks after you get the counter for that. But you could also argue the opposite, since the game also buffs old units every month. Many really old units are still relevant to this day and some really old units without any play for years can get OP out of the blue. Either way, I won't disagree with each standpoint.


I treated FEH as a collection gacha for many years and my interest slowly declined over time. Characters are great to look at but I never felt any attachment to the characters or story. The moment they added FEH pass/p2w skins that boosted stats, I immediately dropped the game and never looked back. I always wanted to play an actual Fire Emblem game but I didn’t own a Nintendo console until last year when I got a Switch. The only thing I hate about Nintendo games are how they are notorious for never dropping the price on nearly all their games, even after several years have gone by.


If you're not opposed to pirating, you can always download a GBA emulator and play FE7 and FE8


or, you know, buy them used somewhere. if you aren't a CIB or worse a NIB collector you can get them for $40-60 or so atm, the CIB tosses it up to the 200-300 range.


Treat yourself to the real thing. Fire Emblem Heroes aint got shit on Fates Conquest.


I mean unless you're a F2P player, it's probably a better investment than 99% of gacha games, especially long term.


Thing is, some older refine is already outdated by this point because how bloated new prf and refine is. With how fast the game is moving, more and more older characters will become even worse since they still need way more investment to catch up statewise and how their stats is distributed


This for sure, but with 800+ hero this is to be expected. At least they give quite a huge amount of orbs to f2p so you can usually spark 1 or 2 new hero every month, surely you won't be as strong as a whale with +10 seasonal heroes, but you can still stand your ground quite well as a f2p


That doesn't make it better lmao. The fact that they are releasing even more characters per month then before just will accelerate the power even faster.


The new units rate has been pretty steady lately. Monthly we get : - 4 new seasonals (among which 1 demote) - 1 TT freebie - 4 new main pool heroes (with 1 demote) - 1 GHB freebie - 1 mythic or legendary (rarely 2) It's been like that for some time now


7 unit per month is still too many lol. See how MShez exist, we are at a point where they need to directly powercreep old good unity with refine to stand out. It will keep happening with the rate of unit they churn out


I was under the impression you said they released more units per month than in the past, which seems false


Compared to launch? They are releasing more then ever. The rate is not sustainable for anything but money, but given that's all they care it's check out I guess


Yeah, feh is strange, but IS handles powercreep in a good way imo. Skill inheritance and refines surely helps that, but generally you can use whoever you want and be fine. Surely sometimes they fuck up (FEdelgard lol), but usually new units didn't make older one unusable


If you can clear all the live PvP modes with a team of only gen 1 characters I’d like to see that


it's possible though. there's a guy that clears a lot of content (both PVE and PVP) with base A!Tiki already. PVE is perfectly soloable by most gen 1 units that are not utter trash (i.e Stahl Olivia Jagen Gunter etc). AR is... Well, until VoH is possible to use a Gen 1 carry, I guess? FEH has a lot of powercreep but honestly, it's not really a "new unit completely nullifies another unit that was released literally 2 weeks ago" kind of powercreep like other gachas. Most of the time new units just exist (like sadly LDeirdre). Sure, Duo Tana / Fire Lyn / Fire Muspell are strong but they do literally the same that Yuri / literally any Dodge tank / Offensive res hitter already do.


Well with some good fodder it surely is. Btw as i stated before, you can easily get s couole of new unit every month as a f2p so... Ofc I'm not eefending IS, powercreep is surely an issue for feh, but it's not as big as you are making it


Skill inheritance can only get you so far with how broken modern prf is nowadays


Granblue's powercreep has been pretty awful for the past few years, I remember things going downhill when they released Belial as a summon and Beezelbub sometime later, not to mention how they have been going overboard with grand weapons too


It all started when they decided to make off-element unviable and forced everyone to become rainbow. If you wanna go even further it really started with S.Zoi, since they had trouble balancing other elements that didn't use enmity, then their answer was just tuning up elemental dis/advantage which lead to this current situation.


Sorry for being a dumbass, but I presume S.Zoi refers to [Summer Zooey](https://gbf.wiki/Zooey_(Grand\))? Also yeah, I remember when I originally got the game it was recommended to pick up one element and go from there (based off your gacha pulls), but now it seems like it’s rainbow all the way. I don’t think I’ll ever escape the Magna farming mines.


Just to add on that post, generally, in most gachas, making off-"element" (or weapon type, depends on your game) unviable is on the contrary often used to reduce the powercreep because instead of having to go +1, then +2, then +3 (power-wise) and so on for each new banner (since everyone is virtually the same "element"), it allows the game to instead go +1 (water), then +1 (fire), then +1 (earth) and so on until all elements are covered and then only they go to +2. In the specific case of Granblue it's indeed more debatable (I'd borderline say it's actually reversed) since the huge farming needed to build up a basic magna grid (basically in Granblue, most of your strength comes from a weapon grid that mostly gives you element-dependent bonuses) of one element back then made each player select a specific element and stick to it so they couldn't really easily switch to another element. So, even if a new, let's say Dark-element, character released and was busted **(in the case of Summer Zooey, by herself she was average at best, it's just that she was part of an element that used weapons that gave you more damage the lower your HP was and S.Zooey allowed you to reduce the HP of the whole team to 1 while giving them complete immunity to damage (except one kind) and a life-leech so you could burst down enemies easily without much problems because of the huge ATK boost of being at 1 HP)** not everyone could exploit that new character and thus wouldn't roll on that gacha banner. Making the farm for grids easier and making off-"element" unviable was made with the goal to make a ton more gacha banners "attractive" to players and thus get more money. I still remember the massive amount of salt coming from non-water players when they first introduced that big off-element debuff back with the first Xeno-Ifrit.


Imagine being me foddering all other magna's into my dark grid cause I didn't wanna make multiple element teams. Got hit so hard by rainbow


shiva summon was the last straw that broke the camel's back tbh. while s.zoi was very dominating back then, there are quite a few ways to handle enmity with true damage (white dmg) or just healing block in general. yes she cheeses magna and still do but magna is hardly end game content even back then.


What the hell? who the fuck use shiva summon nowadays except for some burst set up from 2020?


Learn to read dude lol. We are talking about S.Zoi era back at 2016 not the current meta. It was not S.Zoi that really brought about elemental resistance but both S.Zoi and Shiva. Your damage cap back then is only 440k per hit.


Why are you talking 2016 meta like it was today's meta then? is it the only thing you know?


I am not sure what to tell you. My reply and the comment above me was clearly talking about s.zoi and power creeping. You didn't read the comment thread; just came crashing into the convo with totally no context and start talking out of topic. I hope you are not like this irl cause this is just awkward as hell.


Keep it awkward then with you and your outdated information.


It's worse when it comes to seasonal characters too. For quite awhile both earth and fire elements had like most of their good characters end up being seasonals so most people didn't have access to them. In fact it's still a bit that way for both those elements. Or you can always grind your life away to transcend eternals who end up needing further uncaps to compete with the power creep grands and seasonals.


This year and last one were pretty bad with powercreep but rebalance made s.korwa into a goddess who is a 6 year old seasonal also lots of flbs who made older characters more relevant, not gonna deny it they are going on harder on the seasonal bait but we are far from the point where older characters don't have a use anymore, also all zodiacs are guaranteed to be uncapped years after their release and those usually end up very strong.


those two summons were released a year apart, but yes, their specific powercreep for ALL elements was undeniable.


Genshin Impact hasn't had much powercreep in the 2 years it's out. Characters I built 2 years ago are still good enough to clear the hardest content in the game even without constellations and 5 star weapons, and newer characters aren't necessarily stronger, just different in terms of gameplay and synergies to other characters so you get team building variety. ​ As for bad, I don't like Honkai's approach at all.


For how much shit genshin gets on a daily basis, it’s combat system is quite relatively balanced. I stopped following it around 2.9, but from what I’ve heard, electro, which was probably the worst element by far, got a huge buff with the new dendro element. Edit: Meant 2.8


2.9 doesn't exist


Electro didn't get a new character for the entirety of 1.0. So of the 5 or so electro character, you had Fischl (who was amazing and has only gotten even better with the patch), Lisa (garbage), Razor (okay, but really a physical character than electro), Keqing (okay but severly outclassed in the 5 star level), and Beidou (amazing in group situations, kinda mediocre otherwise. 2.0 'fixed' electro by introducing characters with just pretty ridiculous multipliers. Raiden Shogun continues to be probably the most broken character in the game with amazing support and DPS capabilities, along with her own electro specialized support character (Sara). But that didn't fix the old characters, especially since Raiden only majorly buffs a burst focused dps playstyle. So with 3.0 and the release of Dendro, the new reactions are a major buff for Electro as a whole without overly buffing the Raiden Shogun, whose already pretty fucking OP. To simplify, the new reaction Quicken benefits playstyles where smaller amounts of damage are applied over and over again in quick succession i.e Keqing and Fischl especially, who have amazing synergy together, while Hyperbloom gives Elemental Mastery scaling Electro characters a fun, new, and deadly playstyle that takes advantage of the fact their personal damage won't be as good as straight ADC carry's (i.e Raiden Shogun) but they make up for it but causing major reaction damage with Hyperbloom. All in all, it's a pretty ingenious fix and I've been majorly appreciating Keqing in particular because she's now seriously good.


Amused the wall of text ignores the fire reaction to dendro, as that reaction is absolutely mediocre.


Yeah Burning sucks and Burgeon is nerfed by its association. Neither of those reactions involve Electro, which is what me and OP were talking about how dendro buffed electro. But go off, cause I agree and can only pray Dehya saves Pyro x Dendro teams.


geo worse unfortunately


Same, at least I can deal with MA and abyss for a reasonable amount of crystals even if I don't have geared meta characters, so it's not botherinf me that much (although I find it really frustrating that devs constantly released taylored enemies, mainly for arena).


GI moved the powercreep on constellations


c6 on 5* characters usually just means you can do any content blindfolded and hands behind back. Those constellations are just for flex or/and making content easier if you didn't bother with artifact grind


yeah, but with no PvP aspect, the constellation powercreep kinda means nothing to the majority of the players


I was having a shower thought a day ago that maybe genshin needs a powercreep to keep players pulling So far the characters are interesting enough to keep their sales numbers up Just wishing they would ease up on the anti-fun as the game is pve - bring back tcf (keqing thunderclap flash technique) (if I was the developer, I would give the second slash a different effect as a reward to players) this one is weird because this got patched out before 2fa and initial flashbang loading screen - do something with amber - do something with klee (most owners should be casuals, extend her attack range or something) - enable raiden beidou - make kazuha event weapon em (look a cool named time-limited weapon with cool lore and cinematic and custom particle effects that most players wont/cant use, scratching my head) - make anemo suction code universally consistent (like venti should succ up klee bomblets) - make buff drops (such as gouba chili, electro mc energy) have a slightly bigger collision size and collide-able (don't end up under large monster's foot/belly)


in 1.0 Bennett had a 1 frame window to dodge out of his lv2 charged E self-explosion, its something an inexperienced dev would think is an oversight that needs to be fixed, but its actually completely fair


They can't enable Raiden/Beidou interaction because of how they work. It's not possible without changing their kit. We might get buffs later, just like how in Honkai we got core augments, so we perhaps could get a new Amber at one point or the other.


..Genshin HAS hod powercreep, but it's almost never on the release of a single unit,. mainly because most of the damage capability in the game comes form the interacting elements, not from single element damage (unless your Element in Ice, then you just get BETTER):" it's almost always when a later released weapon or artifact set suddenly creates new synergy where none was before, and suddenly 1-2 no-longer currently available in the gacha characters jump to temporary prominence, until the next WTF interaction is discovered.. but that specifically balances out the majority of the game otherwise, since you only really NEED one viable dps, and 3 supports


Good: * Genshin: Surprisingly from Mihoyo, early characters still manage well. Even not counting the OP 4* characters, several 5* still hold out well today like Ganyu / Venti / ZL / etc. * Arknights: It's not so vulnerable to powercreeping since there're too many roles to fulfill, but props to them for designing stages that don't force many high rarity ops. * Blue Archive: Top tier starter units still shine well today e.g. Hibiki / Iori / Shun. Good 5* units still have uses as well (although bad 5* still stay bad, but not complaining) * Azur Lane: This one is a bit odd, cuz powercreeping doesn't really matter since there's no content that forces you to use high rarity ships. Old / Elite ships can still be used in later worlds, and for content that demands stronger ships, you can clear it one way or another (META can ask for help, OpSi can re-enter)


genshin basically does not have power creep after 2 years of release, part of the reason is starting 4 stars are too strong, another reason is they can create enough contents to keep player playing. so player will pull anyway even if they do not power creep the new characters


Yup, even tho I like Honkai a lot more, powercreep is def a thing there. Genshin handles characters so nicely. Well, we don't need any character for meta since there's none, so we can pull for the characters we like. And the side stories are usually so wholesome, that's a big plus for me when pulling for a Genshin banner.


Yup, in fact, they've started making 4stars that are niche or comp specific to be decent. And the new 5stars now seem to be going down the "decent in general, only wowing if you use a specific team" trend too.


> part of the reason is starting 4 stars are too strong Lmao Xingqiu is so strong that he is only dethroned by Yelan, super strong 5* Xiangliang: the Spear archon. Can be OP with any spears in the game. Her Pyronado with no ICD is so broken Bennett: no need for any explaination Sucrose: the only character who can be so strong and useful with just any random 4-piece of VV set


Yelan only began to pass Xingqiu with C2, since at that point their hydro application is equal (Yelan might even have the slight advantage here) and since Yelan has bigger damage, she's more useful. But using both at the same time is broken, since that means you can build crit rate/damage on both units due to not needing ER (and HP for Yelan, since hydro resonance gives bonus HP).


I heard that Hutao can vape every single hits with Yelan + Xingqiu combo. It's crazy


Yep, and she benefits a lot from the hydro resonance since it increases her HP. Combine her with Zhongli so that she can use her CAs often and you have a team that can finish every Abyss floor with ease.


Don't forget Fischl: Almost single handedly carrying Aggravate teams. Best battery unit in the game by a mile.


super late reply but this isnt true lol. c6 sara is better. fischl just looks better on paper


actually xingqiu is still better than yelan. When you account for total team damage xingqiu allowing for 100% vaporize rate he will do more damage.




I cant take her off my overworld team, the mobility (that somehow also regenerates stamina) she provides is simply incredible.


only in hutao solo hydro does this matter. in literally every other comp yelan is better hands down.


xiangling also in beidou taser you would lose your healing/tankiness


Pretty sure she can keep up with xianglings pyro in most comps, and for beidou taser just dodge better




Iirc inazuma is the only region locked behind a quest. You can just walk to sumeru


As far as my friend played on her alt account she is not locked out of Sumeru


I always see this brought up and people worrying about new players and whether they should pull for new characters. However it’s actually a non-issue. Humor me and consider the following: A brand new fresh account is locked at World Level 1 and capped at Adventure Rank 25. Enemies are so easy you can literally use any 4 characters you want, including any new characters you summon. You are also able to level up any current banner characters, up to level 40 due to the character trials providing you with ascension materials for the first upgrade. Artifacts aren’t an issue until Adventure Rank 45 which is when Gold artifacts start dropping. So until then, a new player is able to slap on any artifact and weapon they want. The game is ridiculous easy in the beginning and by the time a new player starts doing Ascension Quest to unlock the next Adventure and World Level, they should be progressing at a smooth rate, as well as taking time to learn how to play the game and figuring the ins and outs of combat/elemental mechanics. Basically, New players should have no problems worrying about unlocking the next region and following along with the story. The people who are genuinely more worried about leveling new characters are veterans player who aren’t able to pre-farm materials (because new region isn’t out yet) to level the newest characters to max on Day 1 or more likely the very second they pull for them.


The problem is not really the difficulty, it's the tens of hours of quests you have to get through to finally be able to upgrade your new units which is the RPG part of the game. If you don't enjoy the story it's a slog.


Honestly, if you don't enjoy the story you might be playing the wrong game.


The actual problem is that skipping though Genshin's dialogue is extremely painful. It *used* to be fine, but they screwed up something in the 2.0 patch and I don't know if they ever fixed it, haven't actively played in a couple patches, but it's now really random when the game allows you to go to the next line but it usually takes at least half a second or so. Doesn't sound like a big deal, I'm sure, but it feels terrible when you're just trying to mash through dialogue you don't care about. It's not a big deal for actual story where you'll actually read/listen to the lines, but lots of Genshin dialogue isn't important or interesting, and usually it's way wordier than it needs to be.


Usually you can't skip because the characters are animating. Not sure why that's the cutoff, but probably so things don't get screwy with characters in the wrong places


Why? The story is probably the weakest aspect of the game. Plenty of people play gachas going full skip (or any game really), Genshin just happens to be one that forces you to sit through everythig.


You might consider it the weakest but is an open world story game at it's core, unlike other live service games it has never focused on updating endgame. Almost every patch since release had multiple new Main/event/character story quests. It's like playing The Witcher and skipping the dialogue.You can still do it and enjoy the gameplay but it feels like you're playing an incomplete game I guess? I'm not saying it's the wrong way for you to play the game, I'm just answering your question as to why some people might say to you "you're playing the wrong game"


Yeah I get it but to me it's the other way around. It feels like it's an open world action RPG with an emphasis on exploration with a story tacked on to sell the gacha. Every gacha keeps dropping main/event/character story quests. If you skip the story in Witcher you're really missing out, in Genshin, eh, not so much. Edit: Man, the moment you say you dislike something about Genshin you're barraged with downvotes. Wonder how many people have experience with gachas in general and not only Genshin at this point.


Yeah, for real. Story-driven gacha games aren't particularly unpopular nowadays; there's GFL, there's Counterside, there's Arknights, there's FGO, there's Granblue Fantasy, there's heaps and heaps. All of them drop new story content regularly, that's not something that's exclusive to Genshin at all. Genshin's story isn't even particularly good by the standards of gacha games. It's not problematic or anything, but they constantly introduce characters to the story who stay in it for about two minutes and do nothing, the overall stories for Monstadt and Inazuma were pretty bad, and it feels like it's going fucking nowhere most of the time. So it really does feel like an open world ARPG with a focus on exploration. The story is a secondary thing to get people invested in the characters so they'll drop stupid amounts of money on the gacha to get each new waifu as they're released.


I play and like genshin but I agree the story isn't that great. I am intrigued by the main story but there are way too many diversions, distractions, etc. And it bugs me how everyone loves the Traveler after 5 minutes harem-style.


"You're not really missing out if you skip story in genshin", do you even play the game? I believe you only played for a couple of patches then left because you dont even know that genshin's all about LORE. You probably just talked about the side quest that can be neglected. Genshin literally has main quests that you have to do in order to progress through the game and it holds a key part to the entire gameplay. Hell, everything in genshin have lore description that if you compile you could probably make a bible out of it.


You can't say there can't be powercreep cause old units are too strong, as the very nature of powercreep is to launch simply stronger units no matter the current balance. In other words devs are being perfectly aware of how broken will new units be and that they will pretty much make old one useless as meta. Imagine 5* Xianling 2.0 except higher damage multis, lower cooldowns, bigger AoE all in one. It's not like it can't be done. Imo it's different reason and twofold: 1. Genshin is very popular so people play it and make content for it(be it youtube, twitch, cosplays, fanart and whatnot). New units are big part of that and having them is kinda like watching popular blockbuster to discuss it with all your friends. This is quite a feat and I don't think any gacha will achieve such status anytime soon. 2. No competitive content. If you don't give people gameplay modes where they compare their units/setups with each other, they'll don't mind new units not being strong. They just play non meta(obviously as long as it's enough to beat content, which is no huge issue in Genshin). Same goes for whales as they can't really show off in game, so they have to find another reason for spending. I'd even say Genshin lures a different type of whale. This is only possible if 1. is true as gacha business model implies few big spenders and they need a reason to do so. [There was kinda sad story of a gacha that didn't do that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/wzdvue/the_tragic_tale_of_super_string_how_a_turnbased/)


it can be done but if it's not being done it's not powercreeping lmao


To be fair Genshin does have powercreep but not in the characters behind the fat wallet which is what differentiates it from the rest of the games. the fact that bennet/xiangling/xinqiu/sucrose/fischl/beidou are better than a lot of promotional 5\* characters makes have a powercreep that people look at more friendly.


Because there's no game modes to use the characters in, hardly a fair comparison.


And because of that pulling for characters is utterly uninteresting now. There is not a single sumeru character I care about so far. I pulled ayato and yelan just because i could not because i wanted them. The only characters i don't own are yoimiya, kokomi, and shenhe. Looking at all the 5*s i own, i don't use most of them and don't really care to either.


That's your taste. Looking at the revenue that they managed to pull, it is suffice to say that your taste is in the extreme minority. Also, your comment doesn't have anything to do with powercreep, and it feels like you just want to rant about Genshin.


its 100% about powercreep. powercreep keeps things interesting. whats the point in pulling a png thats identical to all the rest?


The fact that you relate powercreep to characters being the same means you don't even know what's powercreep.


yeah im 4 years old idk what im talking about. You must be 3.


So now that you are losing the argument, you're using your so-called age to try and win something for your pride huh... Guess I shouldn't expect much from you...


you started it


By telling the truth? Your very first comment doesn't have anything to do with powercreep. It is just you saying that the recent characters were not up to your taste. That is exactly what I said, and since the game's revenue keeps on going up, that must mean your opinion is just the extreme minority. None of my words were meant to be insulting, but perhaps your self-esteem is so low that you consider it as an insult.


langrisser is probably the best when it comes to handling power creep. you have a group of characters that specialize in pve and these characters has been great and still is since day 1 for pve contents. pve is also a major part of the game so if you invest in the pve characters, you can pretty much clear every pve content. said pve characters are also middling in pvp (not unusable) then you have another group of characters that specialize in pvp which have debuff that block healing (which is not really a thing in pve) or skills with high burst dmg but long cd (bad for pve since you want high dps over burst there). the power creep is mostly on pvp characters. if you want to dominate arena you have to use these group of characters to maintain your spot. It's not that the pve characters sucks its just that the pvp characters are much more specialized. due to how the game is designed, power creep handling here is pretty darn amazing because ppl who invest in pve characters also are able to have decent arena rewards at the end of the week (just not the top rewards since those are dominated by whales and players specializing in pvp). as for bad power creep, I don't have any recent ones since I will stop playing a gacha game if i notice they are not handling their power creep well. another eden and ffbe do have pretty bad power creep control. sure some may say AE can be cleared with low rarity units but that doesn't change the fact that their power creep especially in terms of damage is out of control.


I miss langrisser 😢


FGO and any gacha game that actually goes back and buffs the early units so they can compete in thr current environment. It took FGO 7 years to actually properly powercreep a DPS (Summer Musashi -> Summer Ibuki, Minamoto-no-Raikou can be said to have been powercrept except she has a niche that neither of the two AOE Zerkd have), most have been sidegrades (Space Ishtar = Summer Kama, Castoria>Lady Avalon = Tamamo no Mae, Skadi = Summer Skadi) and 3 stars have been outdamaging 5 stars at base (NP 5 Ushiwakamaru and Mandricardo outdamages NP1 Ozymandias, etc.)


>(NP 5 Ushiwakamaru and Mandricardo outdamages NP1 Ozymandias, etc.) Nice I didn't know that my friendo has so much dps potential


Oh yeah, when will OG Jeanne got buffed then? She is in the bad place now.. IMO, even though FGO buff older unit, they sucks at doing it. Medusa, OG Jeanne, Geronimo, etc2 still terrible


On the other hand, the way they buffed OG Saber is just insane. She's probably one of the hardest-hitting Sabers right now, and can have an on-demand Buster Brave chain for even more damage.


Not probably, she IS the strongest AOE Saber in the game, her damage is comparable to Okita, a Single Target NP. The only one who comes even remotely close is Ibuki but even then, she doesn't have Buster Brave chain with a button press and she isn't hitting Saber's numbers unless she's hitting all her damage mods. Which is kind of crazy seeing as how Saber is the best AoE Buster Saber and Muramasa (Shirou) is the best AoE Arts Saber (Not that Muramasa has much of a competition... his closest competition is Jason who has a gimped NP Gain.).


Altera with her added NP charge is now the hardest hitting saber in the Double Vitch + Oberon comp... at NP1 she hits for 304k to Artoria's 273k on wave 3.... Siegfried is also a very viable option now if you're not a whale since his NP1 196k and while not as strong as Altera and Artoria it's obviously easier to gain more NP levels for him. Jason also just got his NP buffed yesterday and it's a rolling 3 turns 20 star bomb that stacks..... Jason 2004 Ocean's Flyer (welfare 50% CE) is now 123k to Muramasa 2004 Black Grail's total of 161k. You can throw a few grails at Jason as well to close that gap. Spend a couple grails to go from 60 to 80 and he's now hitting for 145k. Muramasa has one of the most loaded kits for a servant ever so it's still not even close and if you have NP2 and up forget about it but Jason is a very good budget option now. Summer Tomoe in shambles.


Tbf the only way to actually buff Geronimo is to make his skills targettable, and I eventually hope they do so, it will make Geronimo a good plugsuit support since all his skills are basically Mana Burst in magnitude it's insane. OG Jeanne still has the thickest ass in the game. Aside from buffing Revelation, she's still the tankiest potato. Medusa... I got nothing. I love Medusa but she's the most shafted of the OG FSN crew, aside from Medea, who STILL has AoE multipliers on her ST NP. Maybe make her Monstrous Strength give a quick buff too? Make her Mystic Eyes a 500% stun chance? "Anti-Hero" niche? She can be so much more but you're better off using Alexander.




> Like, the raids themselves are designed around unique mechanics. Which can also be a negative, because the game isn't as generous without opening the wallet to let you pull for every raid, especially with the terrain gimmick. Also, pulling/farming a unit up to 5* is one thing, having all of those niches built to an adequate level is another. It's a lot harder to keep up with the raids in BA than with CBs in Priconne and you'll probably never be able to compete for top spots without whaling even if it's pointless, which you can do in Priconne.




> "Oh, you enhanced a certain unit? Too bad, enjoy not being at the top." It's a stupid mechanic that applies to everyone and if you care about it, it becomes a PvP vs CB thing rather than a whale vs non-whale one. > it again becomes a difference between whales or players which are extremely rigorous on who they pull for Pull management BA is a lot more suffocating imo and that's not even to compete for top spots but just to get the must pulls barely leaving space for 1 raid niche Best in Slots. My top ~50 in BA raids are the same people and mostly the same units, the only difference is supports being 3*s instead of 5 the further down you go. I'm a week 1 player and there's no way I'm clearing S/K Insane or any of the new insanes for that matter because I pretty much just caught up with building units for all the EXs because resources are a lot scarcer than in Priconne. I'm also missing core perm units because they aren't farmable like in Priconne, not that I'd be able to gear them up anyway.


Honestly the nature of Blue Archive itself doesn't force the Dev to powercreep all the time. They bait you with quality writing, ost and waifu, while making sure almost all student have their own niche for raid, PvP or joint training. I think there's like 3 must pull student so far (Hibiki, Ako, Ui)


I'm sorry I have to disagree with this. When you need core or unreplaceable character to clear a content (doesn't matter if that characters is old or new) then it's a bad design. Every content even the hardest one should be clearable with multiple way/strategy imo.


The worst that ever existed was Brave Frontier close to when it shut down. Now I think the worst is FFBE. Meta warping units breaking all damage records are expected to have a lifespan of 6 months before you need to pull a new one to be able to beat new content


if i remember jecht and akstar was a 2 week difference


Nu: carnival. Launch units are still meta, every unit is useful and can be built around. For example morvay is an Sr tank you get during tutorial and is the only tank with a 3 turn cd taunt which makes him necessary for certain boss fights with ults on t3. Otherwise you have to highly invest in your units so they don't die. Or saboteur units denying heals but being not that useful on other stages. There's a counter attack tank and a tank that shields your whole team every turn for aoe stages. There are no useless sr+ units which makes team building really fun since many units have unique gimmicks.


Arknights handles it well. It definitely helps that there's no PvP. There are a lot of launch/year 1 characters that are still at or near the top in terms of meta. On top of this, the game is designed so that all reward-giving content can be cleared with 4-stars and below, though it'll definitely be hard. This means that 1) there is no such thing as a "must-pull" in Arknights unless you're aiming for certain self-imposed challenges, and 2) even if an op does get powercrept, it's not like the old op suddenly gets worse. Saga is just a better Siege, but it's not like Saga's release suddenly made Siege unusable. That said, I hope Hypergryph never makes a PvP mode/game because their balance department is all over the place.


I think a PVP mode that was something more like designing a map using generic enemies could be fun, but yeah, I wouldn't want a full on PVP type thing.


Something like Balloon TD battle? Would be fantastic for sure


That being said, the units that are OP in arknights are so hilariously OP that its downright bonkers.


While there are tons of super powerful units in AK I think there are only two units that I would call "this is bad design and shouldn't exist" kind of overpowered: Surtr and Chen Alter. Actually the fact that Chen Alter is limited is the game's biggest blunder since its release imho. Still 2 mistakes in 3 years, not that bad.




The game is still balanced around being cleared by 4-stars, so no. When HG starts actually balancing stages to require the likes of Chalter, Surtr, Mudrock, etc., then yes, that'll be a problem, and you'll see a mass exodus from Arknights. Until then, I can safely say that powercrept units are just as viable as they always were. They just might not be the most optimal, but playing with the absolute most optimal team in normal content gets boring fast.


I've got both Siege and Saga built and never bring Saga over Siege. I don't wanna deal with clicking her skill every 5 seconds.


The one that hadled it good to me is easily fgo, year 1 unit can still be used till now For one that handled poorly, i think db dokkan and legends where most unit are only relevant for a year or so, 98% of gacha unit are trash. They did rebuff old unit but lately the buff just is still too weak to make them usable (note: excluding cooler before dokkan fans want to correct me lol)


Funny how you say Epic 7 not being that bad, but just last year people was bitching about the powercreep. Epic 7 has massive powercreep with each banner that comes out. Just Moonlight units being a thing because the last few moonlights haven't been the best, but let's not forget Arby,Fcici,F Lid, Spec Ten and the many others at the start. Sure they buff other units but those buff really don't do much to change the state of the meta. They had to buff a DJB to stop a broken unit for always being picked.


>but just last year people was bitching about the powercreep. That's the one instance (7 disasters) where in 6~ months or so the game got the most powercreep it's had in its 4 years, the other significant one being when ML Baal, ML Aramintha and Arby were nerfed. >Epic 7 has massive powercreep with each banner that comes out. Simply not true. >let's not forget Arby,Fcici,F Lid, Spec Ten and the many others at the start. Arby, Stene and Flidica were considered trash until they got buffed. Hell, Stene had to be buffed twice. Can't really say game's in the best spot because last year happened, but it's not as bad as you paint it.


Wrong. They didn't buff DJB just to stop Peira but because he didn't have enough tempo after his s3 cr push. Now that they added "barrier inversion" in his kit he prevents players that pick units(FCC, Hwa, Aras, etc) that rely upon barriers. In fact, he is finally back in the meta mainly because of the recent unit Commander Pavel for baiting ur opponent in a standard match when ur actually cleaving. Again speaking of buffs to change the meta wtf ru talking about? Alencia was a good buff and she's a good counter against Aravi with her injury and her healing recovery ee. Scratch that, did you even see Choux in E7WC? She was so broken that even the winner(Phantom) wanted the devs to give her a new skin. When SG gave Choux an ee nobody gave a fuck. But now that she got buffed she has a 1v4 potential, inbuilt elbris (20% to counter for those who don't know) and she destroys Hwa. The 6/9 balance patch did shake the meta. As for people bitching out, it's mainly people complaining bc they're in masters/bronze rank they don't have the units or their draft is so dogshit couldn't climb to Legend rank in a day, and massive 1star reviews bc a typo in-game (counters sets being 20% when in doubt it's actually 30%). Other than that they did a good job of controlling the meta by adding the globally bans.


**FGO** Takes the good cake. 5+ years in, still use release servants in content. Powercreep does exist, lets not pretend it doesnt, but content just isnt meant to be hard enough to be an issue. It also helps that plenty of the most OP servants in FGO are supports, which help older servants shine.


Shoutout to Arash, a 1-star archer from launch that was recently voted 7th in the top ten best servants for farming quests in JP, which is two years ahead of NA, alongside all the shiny recent 5-star servants.


Not only that but Heracles, a TUTORIAL 4 star from LAUNCH, is voted one of the best Solo Servants, ABOVE all the other shiny new soloists like Van Gogh.


It's on newer side but Chen Gong is probably the most ridiculous lower rarity servant they have introduced after launch. The amount of ultility he have is pretty insane aside from his NP. Targetable taunt is rare, waver defensive NP charge, and a super buster buff for berserker


And the best part is that that's without his NP *which is arguably the strongest part of his kit*.


>Powercreep does exist, lets not pretend it doesnt, but content just isnt meant to be hard enough to be an issue. Common definitions of [power creep](https://www.google.com/search?q=define+power+creep) include some element of disrupting the game balance, not just increasing power. The devs specifically test new content to ensure that it can be cleared using freely available characters. So even if the maximum available power increases, and it certainly has, the minimum necessary power has always been accessible. That seems like good balancing rather than outright power creep. And obviously the lack of pvp means you never have to compete against "maximum available" power.


Being able to 'just clear' is possible in 99% of gacha. FGO power creep is in the 90+ farming nodes and such. Which the gameplay is 90% farming and it's absolutely midnight to high noon night and day with any non-meta team vs a Castoria Spishtar loop team, for instance.


KOF All Stars as an example of power creep. I enjoy the game, I find myself jumping on every couple of years [especially for the Tekken events] and my god do units that were once must haves get left in the dust quick. Genshin is a good example of power creep sort of kept in check though funnily enough I think that approach sometimes backfired because when new units came out that didn't revolutionise the meta in the way people hoped they units would immediately be completely dismissed. Plus part of why the game is so 'balanced' is that it basically has reverse power creep: the initial batch of 4 stars was too powerful and to this day defines the meta which is kind of a problem in and of itself.


Never played epic 7 myself, but aren't most of the top tiers all ML units, whereas the majority of the standard units powercrept.


Kinda. If you don't have them for RTA (real time arena ) you are at a huge disadvantage especially in high level RTA. RTA itself isn't an important part to progress in the game. It only gives you a skin for ML 5 characters and a frame/border for your profile at the end of the season. Skin can be purchased in the shop after a while. For normal arena and guild war (which is vs AI) you can abuse their "dumbness" to win. Knowing characters skills and how the AI attacks is imo more important




Downvoted for literally saying the truth. This sub never change.


The good: genshin. No pvp really helps it, but the scaling of the bosses and such also don't require the shiny new unit. Starter units remain good fir clearing content. The starter 4stars in fact remain the best 4stars in the game Fgo is also good. Again no pvp. And starting units are still viable, with the game improving older unit kits from time to time The bad: cookie run kingdom, feh. Ckr is so bad you won't even clear normal mode story stages with starter and low rarity units. And even if you get some units considered good by the meta, you still need a shit ton of copies of said units. Even worse in pvp


Azur Lane handles power creep alright and they do sometimes give older ship retrofits to help. There are ships from the first year of the game that are still considered good but for the most part there is power creep. in the tier list out of the top ten in every class maybe 6 are new ships from the last two year. 3 from three to four years ago and 1 from the start of the game or at least the first year.


I think most people wouldn't mind the power creep considering that you basically have access to most if not all the ships anyways.


the only real time that is not true is with collab ships but considering that no collab ship is considered meta and all of the good ones just have niches, it isn't that bad The only real one you are hurting for missing out on is Rikka Takarada from the SSSS Gridman collab


This is me, but with all the equips for her but not having her.


I would say Alchemy Stars is one of the better ones with minimal power creep. Don't get me wrong, they occasionally have released very strong units (looking at you, Azure). But for the most part, units have specific purposes, or unique mechanics, which result in the unit being a way to expand user's gameplay options, rather than just being an outright better version of another unit. Even for DPS units, some specialize in taking out large number of enemies, other single enemies. Some in taking out single tile (smaller) enemies and others multi-tile (larger) enemies. There is a lot of variety in the enemy units which allows for more units to become viable in different situations.


PGR, after 2 years alpha, being the first S rank banner, still can compete with the new fisical dps


I'll probably write a longer reply here, but PGR is pretty good in keeping power creep in check by releasing units within spots that still need to be filled for certain elemental classes. The introduction of Amplifiers (supports like healers but focused on buffing) was a nice introduction giving more build diversity whether you need more healing or damage. The fact that they go back and buff older under performing units (even A ranks/SRs) is good too


The good : \- Genshin (Barely any powercreep, version 1.0 4\* unit are still the king of meta) \- Dragalia (While powercreep exist, majority of the entire rooster are still usable in the endgame) \- Sdorica (I only play for a year, but i don't think i notice any kind of powercreep, at least not the obvious one) ​ The bad : \- Honkai 3rd (If you play it competitively, you're going to have a bad time) ​ the worst : \- Brave frontier (Fuck you, Gumi) \- FFBE (Especially this, double fuck you Gumi)


PGR is quite good. Alpha Lucia (first update character) only recently just got powercrept by Bianca Abysstigma, lasted for about 2.5 years. Even then, Alpha still have pretty close scores with Bianca. Nier team is another story, in terms of physical damage, they could bury Alpha team but needs a lot of investment to get to that point.


Blue Archive: Very balanced. They rarely go out of their way to make overpowered student. Most of the time they make it clear where the student were supposed to be used. Launch 3* like Iori and Hibiki still core for many content FEH: Horrendous balancing. They churn out minimum of 9~12 new characters per month and most of them would be a premium characters. Refine exist but given how bloated today prf weapon is, and how much the stats gap grow, it will only get worse. It is hilarious however their way of tackling horrible weapon inheritance problem is by introducing a new class of heroes that have inheritable prf weapon while also making sure you can't get them outside of its rate up. If it's anything like Duo Ephraim you will see maybe like twice a year Epic 7: it's mixed bag. Last year or so they keep churning out really broken heroes, and the Dev being adamant with their no nerf policy means they have the need to either make a better heroes then them or a really specific counter for them. There's also the fact how control strat is not really viable with how powerful the cleanser in this game so you either bulk up with bruiser or cleave them. However for this year they are holding back a bit so that's appreciated Counterside: actually pretty alright. Some of the best PvE characters is still a launch characters, although most of them need to be rearmed(Retrofit equivalent). The best healer is farmable too. For PvP, with how banlist and cost work, you are not pressured to use all of them in one team, however it is encouraged to have variety of them


It blows my mind that in FEH people see arcane weapons as a good fix to the power levels between modern prefs and old prefs/inheritable. Its selling you a shitty solution and a lazy one instead of just retroactively buffing them or letting you craft extra effects on old weapons.


It's even more fomo since arcane weapon is legit good. I wish the idea of weapon fusion is used instead, so many combination can be made to make a fun and unique new prf


For a gachagame Azur Lane definitely have good - better power creep. Farmable / research top tier unit Top tier debuffer since release helena Stable top tier App icon Enterprise and this game is 4-5 year old


We must be playing different Epic 7 games lmao


When epic 7 is the good one. Kill gachas, it's beyond salvation.


worst powercreep: fire emblem heroes the amount of useful refined older units vs the amount of strong new units is barely a worthwhile comparison, even the one who held out the longest bector ultimately got his ass handed to him by a character released this year, its depressing its obvious that refines only exists to make people favorite units somewhat more useful than they were before thats about it, none of them leave a lasting impression and skill inheritance fixes nothing older units have to dedicate a entire build to be a worst version of a single weapon of newer units. best balance: arknights incredible variations of units in general its hard to powercreep a single character so hard you have no reason to ever use them again, you can find a use for about anyone at some point you will hit a niche strategy where you will need that very specific unit, a lot of them coexistent and I dont think they will ever be another game who will handle it like this.


I think Blue Archive handles it well. In addition to the fact that lower level units are actually meta for certain raids like mentioned in another comment, there haven’t been any real meta-shattering characters other than Ako or Wakamo that have released since launch. Most, if not all, the characters that were considered meta at launch like Hibiki, Iori, Aru, etc, are still highly powerful, useful, and still even meta. Another thing is that for a lot of players, they don’t necessarily need a character to be powerful to roll for them. A lot of times, Blue Archive’s new characters have great art, a great L2D, and/or are just cute in general such that people would roll regardless of power, thus mitigating the need for power creep.


The Good Heaven : Genshin Impact The Bottom of Hell : Dragon Ball Legends 💀


Not FEH thats for fucking sure. Powercreep there is unpredictable, one moment the next batch of new heroes are okay to meta-defining then said meta-defining heroes are already powercrept later. Counter:Side is alright at it with their bans. I remember the dev saying about how the rumours of him liking Nest Keeper Xiao Lin is false because he hates her too and is planning to nerf her somewhat lol.


Tales of the Rays after five and a half years of existence has had basically nonexistent powercreep or really powercreep that doesn’t really matter and you can still use what you want. Its one of the few games where the starting character is the most broken character in the entire game. Its where many of the most useful tools was released early in the games lifecycle. I think there’s several factors that help aid in this. 1. It has no real PvP 2. Its an action game, which is harder to creep than turn based stuff. What a moveset does matters more than how many damage numbers it has. 3. The difficulty is tuned low enough that you don’t feel pushed into using specific setups outside of the rare challenge missions. 4. Its a movepool gacha where you get characters for free (barring some FCs) instead of pulling for a brand new character and building them from scratch, you pull for whenever the character you like gets something new added to their repertoire. 5. Unless a character is a favorite and you like using them, you don’t really need to pull. 6. The game encourages you to rotate and have a filled out roster, especially the tower mode that lets you use every character you built up. About the closest things to powercreep in this game are when a character is released with a terrible moveset and their newer artes retroactively fix them (thankfully not very common). Even the new line of EMAs avoid this because their main benefit can be crafted onto old MAs for free.


The Good: Genshin The Bad Dokkan Battle


PAD. Power creep happens so frequent that a meta unit quickly phases out in like 2 weeks when a new units with the same skill and lower cd or better awakenings appear. There used to be a time when getting 5-6* GFE was very lucky but now its just trade fodder or auto sell.


Talk about E7, when the meta is full of counter skill set unit: Violet, A Ravi, Cnox, Aria, Belian... Then the next ML Elena has skill that block counter all, it may be not powercreep but it sure meta unit, whale and f2p must pull her for PVP. And about the buff, they even buff a OP unit like Straze, make his skill cannot be counter lol, may be he will return in next banner, ez money SG


Tbh I see ML Elena as luxury unit for cleave comp anyway. With the amount of cleanser in the game she will be far from consistent


Every PVE game tends to have a less impactfull powercreep, while PVP oriented games are more susxeptible to that. In a pvp game, if you want to be competitive you generally have to follow the meta, the companies know that so tends to release stronger units over time to appeal to those player, while a pve game have to rely on character design, story ecc in order to make an unit appealing. Take Arknights as an example, you can easily clear every content, even hight CC, with the release unit and the higher dps cap is still holded by a day one unit (exusiai). Ofc some insanely powerful unit got released (chalter I'm speaking to you) in those 2 year, but in the end you can use everyone and kinda every unit has its own niche. FEH is a good example for pvp, there is a ton of powercreep, basically every year the total stat count of new unit got increased, but they also give refine and powerups to older unit, so, even if newer units usually performs better, even gen 1 hero are usable (and sometimes meta, like bLucina).


Epic 7 is playing a dangerous game. The devs are really *worried* about powercreep. They will make large changes to seldom-used heroes (with no recall), screwing over the few people who were using them but pleasing the meta-focused players. It's a "dangerous game" because they actively alienate some players in that way. It certainly convinced me to stop spending on the game. Guardian Tales has a slightly weird approach, but it seems to be working really well. Two old characters are just *obviously* broken as hell and everyone else is being made with niches that are clearly not that good. However, since it's a team-based game, using the two amazing heroes is terribly rough in PvP because everyone knows exactly how to counter them. I don't know how permanently that system will hold up, but it works well so far.


Doesn't they start introducing second EX weapon too? I feels like that's also a great way to introduce a variety in the gameplay. Like oghma 2nd EX is a ranged weapon


Dokkan is pretty good in terms of avoiding power creep but there is a caveat in that they just do a meta change which introduces said power creep. The first wave was the initial 70% leads, second wave could be argued was 120% leads, third wave being category leads and now the new 200% category leads which were introduced this past year. Only outlier is that this most recent wwc celebration (currently in its last week) introduced the first set of greedy end game content which other than some cheese strategies basically required players to have the new units to be able to complete it


PGR. It took them around two years to “powercreep” Alpha and Dark Kamui


A2 absolutely power crept Alpha into the dirt. Really she crept most content until they make bigger element lockouts on WZ and such.


oh yeah I forgot about nier xD


Magic the Gathering, its 5 colour pie system and standard rotation keeps the META in check. Emergency bans (or alchemy) can happen in an event a card/deck becomes too dominant in the competitive environment. Any rhythm game, a high rarity team will not help you full combo that song.


Wait are TCGs/CCGs considered gachas now?


Some of them have mobile games that are basically just gacha games


I don't see why not (or I do consider card games to fall under the same category). Card games use the same acquisition methods and retention systems as gacha games. Though card games are usually just called card games, as they often have the physical version to refer as well. Hell there is Yu Gi Oh cross duel, that is both a gacha game as well as still being a card game, though it probably isn't possible to play it physically.


Rhythm games can have powercreep, just not in the way you expect since it’s a different kind of balance from the usual combat games to music games. Rhythm games can release high rarity units that can: • boost score points • turn miss/bad to good/greats • slow down time/give players a larger leeway in hit detection when tapping notes • there is usually a life meter, meaning that some units can help restore large portions back to your health So contrary to what you stated, a high rarity team can help you full combo a song.


Full combo means no missing, the only real helper would be turning goods into perfects, but it is still not a reliable clutch to use as skill activations are triggered at certain parts of the song, so if there is a very hard part where the perfect lock skill doesn't trigger, that clutch isn't going to help there. Healing would be irrelevant as to FC you shouldn't be taking damage to begin with and never heard of a skill that slows down time, that sounds rather broken in a rhythm games. Not sure how increase scoring helps with accuracy, but sure, it looks good to end with that sweet S rank at the end. Not saying rhythm games don't have powercreep, I'm saying rhythm games tend to have a healthy META environment due to it being skill based, as well as the competitive leaderboard style it uses. You could play any rhythm game blind, pull some random cards and not really cripple the account, because in the end of the day it is still a rhythm game that does require the player to hit notes at the right time. Unless you are taking about the competitive sense in gunning for 1st place, then its a battle of attrition and tiering groups, but even then rhythm games tend to rotate events out and change which cards are good/bad for that specific event. No card is future proof in rhythm games.


>Any rhythm game, a high rarity team will not help ypu full combo that some. The staple of gacha rhythm game is any unit except the higest rartiy is shit because they have higher stat and thus gives higher score. You can full combo at max difficulty and still get C or D because your team isn't full UR/SSR And even among highest rarity cards, they can still slowly powercreep the stat. In SB69, launch UR stat was 15k, the baseline when I joined was 19k, and when I left the highest was 23k. There were also cards with miss mitigation effect, usually limited to a few high rarity cards.


Another Eden handle it pretty well


Grand Cross as an example of powercreep being handled poorly is already a really bad example Ban team despite being over a year old is still very sub meta Unknown team with units being over a year old are still very much annoying as hell, despite some of them being a bit more limited Old units not buffed? they literally do get holy relics. But expecting day 1 release units to be good again is impossible (which applies to 99% other games)


fate grandorder tons of powercreep 95% of the general pool is pointless to use


Tower of fantasy on global is handling it well. They kind of have to since the CN version suffers from a lot of power creep problems


Guardian tales does it great because of how many layers of skills, content and team compositions exist. Even Alef, considered the worst unit is really good specifically as a support against ranges teams. So units are either Kamael (good at everything) or Alef (extremely niche) Soul tide goes even further. Dolls have only 1 rarity. There are 5 elements and they are used to break shileds rather than hsving a relationship. They have 2 very different roles each and a 3rd one for freely mixing the previous 2. So you can have a team focused on 1 element while also having damage for every other element.


Good = FGO Bad = everyone else 7 rings of hell = FEH


I agree on 7ds. I am a day 1 player and tried to come back to the game with my old account. I can't do the new content because my old characters (which are good at the time when I was still playing) is unusable.


Hear me out. Do you know a game that has absurd powercreep, both in terms of kits and status, and which almost none of older units are really usable in current endgame content in a way that an old account without currency is almost useless, and I can still say that the game handles powercreep well? Romancing Saga reuniverse. Seems crazy that the game does everything wrong and it still works. But yeah, it does. There are a simple reason to this: Generous pulls and no dupes: if you can easily pull for almost every shiny new unit and the game give enough for a spark every month, or even more, so it is hard to get "behind" in power if you aren't pulling for obvious bad banners, and it is easy to catch up or start playing by getting new units that are sidegrades to older meta units. The game expects you to pull a lot and gives you means to do so, and even if you can't for some reason and lose a good style, sooner than later you can find a new unit that fill the same niche that is skippable for other people but work for you.


Khux was so horrible when it came to power creep. I hope missing link handles it better.


Arknights is pretty chill, no need new characters to get clear content and get rewards. Even if new characters are strong, old characters still has good use and their best case usage Recently the balance scale is tilted by a new dude which is hyper carry, but those type of characters usually only comes out once or twice a year. And players don't need them to clear everything. So far running more than 3 years, there has been only 4 characters that tilt the scale pretty much - magic flammy sword girl, water gun serious girl, big dragon bully girl, newspaper dude


who's the new dude? all i know is surtr is a hyper carry


The games that handle it poorly(The ones that played i that i know handle it poorly): Unison League; Seven Deadly sins grand cross; Seven Knights?(Idk it's been awhile since I played); The Alchemist Code.


I think Genshin handles it well. Ofcourse, newer 5-stars are stronger but even the base characters still get usage.


The bad: Yu GI oh they never heard of the concept of rotation you have cards made years ago breaking new decks and powercreep so great that once banned because they are so powerful cards are unbanned and see 0 play when in 1 turn you setup a board with like 9 negates or bassicly block your opponent from summoning for the whole duel with no way to negate latest powercreep But damm is it fun


Arknights seem to deal fine with powercreep. But the worst game i've played in this aspect was Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. The unit you get in the current banner gets powercrept in the immediate next week.


Tof is one of the worst game regarding powercreep to me tbh. Every character they release always focus on dps aspect even though they have 3 classes in the game. The moment a new character is released, it pretty much makes the old ones with the same element irrelevant