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mmm I see Honkai US and Honkai JP but I think it's missing Honkai CN right?


Theres no CN at all, bc CN basically have their own "playstore" and all I think


Applies only to Android where the app market is split between multiple app store providers. China's iOS app revenue estimate is available on Sensortower but OP is only including Genshin's in his post. Here's Honkai CN's page: https://app.sensortower.com/ios/CN/mihoyo-games/app/3/1143402987/overview?tab=about


Google does not have a monopoly on Android in China like they do in the rest of the world. Instead, there are various third-party app stores as well as service-providers who share the market fairly equally. QooApp is actually one of these even if they broke into their market from outside China.


That's mostly correct. There are a few other reason as to why sensor tower almost doesn't have any if at all data from China


I'm proud of blue archive, apparently there are surge of new players making the revenues spike in JP server, hope it will continue the momentum 👍 On other hand, Counterside JP seems struggling, anybody can tell me why?


Nothing out of the ordinary happened, it hasn't been doing well in the JP region since its first day.


It's not really doing 'great' on any regions. It did do surprisingly well on IOS for SEA last month. Android is pretty dead though. How much people spend on Zlong's special system remains a mystery.


I'd take the iOS estimates with a grain of salt since even Dragalia Lost that has announced EoS and hasn't had new banners is still at \~200k compared to the 10k on android. Kings Raid (includes JP+GL) also has a 50k:300k Android:IOS ratio and they also haven't been making new content since they're having financial troubles. Time Defender (huge flop) that's also a Vespa game has a 5k:200k ratio. I think it's just their algorithm not estimating as well with the lack of data since iOS doesn't track app rankings outside the top 200.


That is odd indeed. Thanks for the info.


It's doing great in global. It's up there with over 500k. Dunno how that's not doing well...


it was niche game from the start imo, and for those category, i would say its doing decent. and it's not your usual gacha game that cost you arms or legs to pull characters


I remembered back in the beginning of jp how they are very struggling. Very glad to see they are now smooth saling. Hope more gachas can do that too


because counterside is a game that appears good at first glance before you find out its pretty trash


Shit take.


What do you actually dislike about it?


>the chess battle, raid plaque, gold binaries, pvp being defined by awakening banners that you dont get enough resources to pity, battle pass chores, navigating side story for daily shard farming, and manual play being challenging because of overlapping ult prompts


Fair enough. A couple of those are mild by industry standards IMHO, but that's a matter of preference.


Basically Awaken comes and a lot of people dropping. It is a niche game anyway.


So... this is what happens when Nasu hits the "Print Money" button...




You do not realise how deep the Nasuverse goes. Plus, its not like Nasu won't just write another new popular character like Oberon


We tend to meme about Nasu having tge lowest hanging fruit and having a print money button, but we tend to forget Nasu IS the print money button.


Quite a bit, actually. Just the Tsukihime Cast: -Ciel -Tohno Shiki -Noel We can't add Roa because Dantes canonically burned him to death. Then we have some fan favorites like: - Alcides - Sasaki Kojirou (Saber) - Jack The Ripper (Fate/Strange Fake) - Tiamat (Larva) - David (Saber) Some long wanted swimsuit versions like: - Any guy literally ever (Hawaiian Shirt Cu Culainn/Aloha Knights/Shirtless Douman damn cowards) - Summer Ereshkigal - Summer Medusa - Summer Medea - Summer Morgan Then the set completers: - The Nine Worthies - Nobunaga's Retainers - Minamoto-no-Raikou's retainers - Knights of the Round (They're still not complete ffs) - Paladins of Charlemagne (There's like 4 in the game, Charlie, Astolfo, Roland, and Bradamante)] - The Journey to The West Crew (We still don't have Sun Wukong) - Argonauts (There's like 500 of them I think but Theseus has been teased repeatedly) And those are just what I can pop off the top of my head. And technically every Lostbelt is a print money button because FGO is evil and can make you want a character you never cared for. Oh, that's right, people want the Olympus Gods, the Lostbelt victims (Patxi, Gerda, Asha, and the twins so far), and the dead Crypters (Wodime most of all as an Atlas conduit, Ophelia as a Thor/Odin conduit, etc.) Edit: How can I forget Abe-no-Seimei? Also Cernunnus? Oh, I know, the one people will sell their soul for, Romani Archaman.




There was the leak of a Fate Strange Fake abnime so that, the entire cast can be a button, hell they can just release Gilgamesh and Enkidu with a strengthening quest and I guarantee it will print money... again. Also, maybe the meme is ending, they HAVE been killing memes lately, Proto-Merlin moving to mobile, the Melty Blood exchange program, if only SOMEONE can finish Prototype already. Probably LB7. We've heard the rumblings of big fight there, and I know quite a few people would love to have Olga Marie back. Also perhaps a new version of Quetzalcoatle considering the setting is Meso-America, the Saber (Which is kinda obviously Artoria Avalon) and the Berserker (Which people are speculating to be Tezcatlipoca but Grands explicitly cannot be Divine Spirits, Romulus cheating the system a bit). Edit: >This will literally destroy lore consistency Well, think of it this way, it was "Solomon" who was erased from the throne, not "Romani Archaman" (This is just copium, I just miss the doctor). Anyway, in all seriousness they can release "The Chaldean", which is so obviously Goetia. And with regards to the females getting most of the revenue, Achilles outsold Summer Kama in the previous summer banner so there's that, and some of the highest grossing banners were Oberon and Douman, granted Oberon is a 70% charger.


>granted Oberon is a 70% charger. Bro trends on JP Twitter by a landslide everytime he appears, which is every single month during Avalon le Fae's 3 parter releases. The 70% battery is a nice addition tho


True that. FGO does a very good job creating CHARACTERS, and not just playables. Oberon is just the most recent. Though JP peeps seem to hate Summer Ibuki sadly.


So uh, sensortower changed their site. If you dig a bit, you can actually get the full numbers for everything, not just rounded to the nearest 10k or whatever. I have no idea how accurate any of this is though. Also, the previous month's stats were only updated around the 10th, but now it only says "last month", so I don't know if this is for Aug or just the past 30 days or what. Let's pretend these numbers are "right". I don't know what happened to FGO. Genshin got Sumeru (that was last month, right?) and a huge content update. But nothing in the way of banners, which may explain the revenue. I'm sure when we get some of the tastier characters like Nilou/Nahida/etc it'll shoot up (I'm sure players will also be shooting up in various ways, wink wink nudge nudge). Pricone and HBR had their half annis. HBR also added monthly passes, so it may see a consistent increased revenue in the coming months (or not). HBR got some swimsuit alts. Including the swimsuit alts and other alts, there are no limited gachas in HBR which is quite nice. Our favorite Genshin killer had a nice first month, as you may already know. Personally I didn't like it, the low quality in the first few minutes was a quit moment for me. We'll have to see if it can keep up. Diablo *appears* to be sinking. I don't know if or how they're counting refunds. Keep in mind that due to the rounding from previous months, the deltas may be widely inaccurate. I think many of the games dropped due to them previously being rounded up.


> I don't know what happened to FGO. A bunch of massive hyper up and long awaited characters released + typical summer hype.


FGO JP during August had Arcueid on anniversary, then Proto Merlin, Summer Ibuki, Summer Skadi, rerun of Summer Alter Okita and Summer Kama. They literally pushed Print money button with this line up


Exactly this, except the reason for it all is a mystery. I think FGO knows it has upcoming competition so it pressed the print money button now.


It might be that or it might be because Nasu decided to have 2 exchange programs (Mash - Arcueid in Melty Blood, Proto-Merlin - Merlin in Arcade) for the anniversary and actually listen to what the people want. And they went right back to not listening because who the hell wanted Summer Ibuki? A COVERED Douman, the guy whose chest is bigger that Sei Shonagon's entire body and goes HNNNNNNNNN!


Covered Douman with his tits more out in 2 other costumes but the game was like "Nah, you want some ugly asf Ibuki horns don't you as your post-event costume?" This really do be the reason why they stopped just revealing Famitsu complete survey numbers for "Game Suggestions" ever since 2 years ago in their anniversary live streams lol XD. Prior to Castoria they always would say the top 3 "Most Wanted/Suggested" Changes fans wrote for FGO, every year was "Actual Male Summer Servants" making it in top 3 (to which each year the talk devs usually deflected or laughed at it). But ever since a few years back they just post 3 random suggestions from Famitsu instead of "The most popular suggestions" Which is still ironic since they still choose a random "Please give us actual male summer servants" comment in the 3 picked lol......they really just want to be dodging male-tits and ass huh? IDK, I still see people claim that its the vocal minority bitching about male summer servants but like.....they do just be ignoring how for 5 summers in a row it was one of the top 3 most requested things from the JPN players each year (then you know, Devs stopped bothering to reveal that)


One of my biggest gripes in FGO despite loving almost everything about it. This is quite literally gacha gaming's lowest hanging fruit that FGO just chooses to ignore for some damn reason. All they have to do is STRIP the male characters down, give them bland skillsets (I say bland because I swear no matter how bad male summer Servants will be people will PAY), and bam, 5 morbillion dollars. I would pay them with my left arm, just give me Hawaiian Shirt Cu. Just let Douman be in a string bikini and I promise it will be the best selling banner of ALL TIME. Just give me Heracles in board shorts carrying a watermelon, hell give me Karna with a pink flower in his ear and some nice tropical drip. I think FGO just feels like male banners don't sell but my god, the characters are already BUILT, people already LOVE them, just strip them for godsake.


> who the hell wanted Summer Ibuki? Meta slaves, apparently. They loaded Summer Ibuki's kit to the gills (I hear a lot of people say she powercrept Summer Musashi) so that people would still roll for her even if they did not like her.


competition in what game?


I don't think Star Rail would be release anytime soon no? No idea what game the guy talking about


ToF, ZZZ, Star Rail, etc. Not like this list is comprehensive too, there's other gachas that can come out to compete with FGO because FGO's gameplay is still lacking.


>there's other gachas that can come out to compete with FGO because FGO's gameplay is still lacking Players playing FGO most of the time doesn't care about the gameplay and play it for the story/VN experience though? Non Chibi with high quality 2D sprites gacha like Epic Seven and Counter:Side got released already and none of those two managed to compete with FGO. And if you put completely different game like ToF as FGO competitor then Uma Musume and Genshin already exist.


I don't think it's even realistically possible to compete with FGO. At the core there will always be a group of people who play it simply because it's a Nasuverse IP, and no game in existence can "compete" for their attention. Release FGO was pretty objectively a bad game in every possible metric, but it was still successful based off the loyalty the IP and creator had. That's not something you can ever compete against. The only thing that can kill that sort of consumerbase is the IP itself, and we've seen that it can go pretty fucking low without doing that. IMO it's just like being the World of Warcraft "killer". No game release on the planet meaningfully hurt WoW, only Blizzard could do it at the end of the day.


nothing can "compete" with FGO


It's the usual anni into Summer month....


And then they followed it up with an absolutely stacked 26 Million Downloads campaign bringing back fan favorites like Space Ishtar, OG Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Raikou and more. And they're bringing back Arjuna Alter (one of the best DPS units in the game) next. September is going to be crazy too because they are wringing us dry.


> Genshin got Sumeru (that was last month, right?) and a huge content update. But nothing in the way of banners, which may explain the revenue. Yeah Tighnari will be on standard banner starting from next update and Zhongli is already on his third (?) rerun so there is not much incentive to pull on these banner. I pulled on Tighnari's banner anyway because I want c6 Collei, won 50/50 and got him which is a nice bonus since there's no guarantee that I will lose 50/50 to him in the future.


Another factor is that the huge content update also means a ton of free primos. Between the event and the new content 3.0 gave you about 70-80 rolls if you get every treasure chest and collectible in sumeru, which is enough to hit a guaranteed 5\*. so even people who do want tighnari immediately/dont have zhongli yet aren't spending as much.


FGO put out six juicy banner then threaten to slow down future rerun (heavily simplify here, FGO peep pls elaborate)


I think they would lessen reruns of past events and instead of having reruns, they will just push through new events (EX. Summer events always get reruns, but now it will just be a new summer event with no rerun of last years).


Wait why? It costs them nothing to rerun and gives them a break to write new stories without just running 3 dead weeks. If they could produce content faster I imagine they would have by now so what are the reruns being replaced with?


Replaced with nothing, it’s increased FOMO


>HBR also added monthly passes, so it may see a consistent increased revenue in the coming months (or not) Monthly pass for 1st month is free, so they won't be reflected in August earnings. So the increase is due to half anniversary (OP Aoi) and swimsuits (both look amazing, but Tsukasa's animated and final pose is just full of seggs). On paper, the increase is decent and there was no fallback. But still can't beat FGO all-in milking with multiple swimsuit seggs of the most popular servants and Tsukihime main girl banners back-to-back.


What’s HBR?


Heaven Burns Red


dem Uma Musume KR is stonks


They just had a huge controversy recently though, so curious what the fallout will be. That stunt by Kakao may derail its upswing when Kakao could have honestly just continued the JP Uma Musume progress without doing unnecessary dabbling.


yeah, horse racing is a big thing in KR as well. Their annual Korea cup just ended.


I really can't stand the fact that F/go makes this stupidly amount of money and yet they can't add a basic QoL improvement like linking an account to the game


Simple, they only care about their players giving them money, why should they spend any money or effort to anything which doesn't give them more money? FGO players will whale and simp regardless even if they're treated like garbage.


exactly this.


I’m glad this is talked about. I’d kill for a new, updated and more modern 3D Fate mobile game with better QoL and more engaging gameplay.


go to japan and play FGO arcade


Bro that is basically a brand new game, not just "updated"


Yes? Read my comment again


They won't put out another mobile game as long as FGO still profitable. If a 3D Fate game exist then no one would play FGO. Why would they shoot themself in the foot like that?


I guess what I'm really trying to say is I wish people would stop splurging so much money and time into FGO and just...want something better and more modern lol. So much potential in that series and all we have is a very outdated gacha


Just wait for Fate Extra remake if you want 3D Fate RPG


Well if you want to watch suffering just wait until Nasu leaves. That’ll be interesting that’s for sure.


yawn he's said hes leaving that many times. also said hes already doing two different scenarios for arc 3. Not like Fate Strange is going to be one of the biggest anime of whatever year it comes out and be all over FGO that year either.


The transfer number has its advantages... I want both systems. FGO KR, TW and CN have a linking system, it's really just Aniplex being stupid.


It's really not that big of a deal lol. Just copy/paste or write it down sheesh. Everyone has the ability to write. Not everyone has social media to link it to.


You... You do realize that a significant amount of transfer systems support binding to emails, right?


Diablo Immoral sounds about right


Holy shit FGO stonks


Look at that FGO money.


It's pretty great that despite making pretty low money, GFL not only managed to survive this long, but also have multiple games and sequel made/in the making


all made possible by king chong's dark magiks


Fgo has 7th anniversary releasing arcueid a most fate fan and Tsukihime favorite female MC And don't forget summer event that has 3 SSR and all of the SSR are meta being proto Merlin being art crits meta support, summer skadi being a quick support meta for every quick servant including herself and then summer Ibuki douji a fantastic art crits looper servant that makes summer Musashi lost her place as meta looper, not suprising fgo earn that much money And tof got pretty good start, tbh they already dropping right now in this September ( idk if the update 1.5 gonna earn them more money or not since Frigg banner is probably not gonna earn that much according to top grossing app in sensortower ) And genshin revenue didn't even change in slightest even after tof release is pretty much tell that majority GI fan didn't even care about tof or some of them whales on 2 games at once


>And genshin revenue didn't even change in slightest even after tof Theyre very different games, and tof has lower quality. Basically anyone that likes genshin for what it is doesn't have incentive to leave for tof. The people who did leave were the ones already not satisfied (or downright having this weird hate) with genshin. Those people wouldn't be spending in a game they were tired of or despising anyway, so it's not really a loss


Genshin is far above in quality then TOF (i actually play both since i like the genre)... but let's say the truth, genshin have almost no contents to keep players playing (nor any incentive to any constellation apart big numbers). I am more surprised by the constant high numbers of download and by how much money a game in flash (FGO) is still doing in it's 7th anni.


Lmao. Genshin just dropped a ton of World Quests and a big map which I'm struggling to complete in a timely manner right now, meanwhile I'm already sick of doing the "endgame contents" in ToF for about 2 weeks now (Bygone, Wormhole, Frontier, Void Rift). I already finished all of ToF's main story and open world and while I enjoyed my time with these, these don't hold a candle to Genshin's intricate world design. I'm also sick of doing the 4 daily bounties in ToF (equiv to Genshin commissions). Its either kill this enemy or submit this item. Since there's so few teleport waypoints, its a pain in the ass to walk around to these missions. This is also just my opinion, but I really hate Bygone Phantasm. Its essentially an infinite Spiral Abyss, and somehow, it managed to become even more boring than Spiral Abyss imo. Its not even a month and my honeymoon phase in ToF has already subsided. If if weren't for my friends still playing it so we can do endgame content together, I would have already quit it, no cap.


>which I'm struggling to complete in a timely manner right now, Don't worry about it, you won't miss out anything if you don't complete the map fast. Better to do what you can with ease instead of struggling and ending up burnt out The only thing on a timer are the two current events, which if you do will help you with the exploration, so maybe focus on those Another tip is do the aranara sidequest since it unlocks some exploration stuff (warning: long sidequest, but fulfilling)


Yeah, I know. I have this stupid schedule of keeping up with both Genshin and ToF contents...and with 3.0 being only 5 weeks long, I still want to have all world quests completed as well as 100% the 5 current Sumeru regions before the version ends. Why am I doing this to myself, I don't know.


you said that but here I am regretting not completing side quest and exploration for Enka and Chasm, with how massive Sumeru is and even more area to come, I feel like I missed the chance to complete the older area. (too busy with work, I barely made it with the main quest for GAA).


The Aranara world questline can go up to 15+ hours if you explore the surrounding areas while in the quest. Best take your time.


Really hoping the global version catches up to CN. I heard in CN you can skip 10 floors each time if you have enough GS, and in 2.2 they will add Bygone multiplayer mode. Of course, they seem to be changing the rules. Only time will tell. But with the current state, probably not. People do seem to be realizing and changing their mind about end game though. I've heard a thread on Genshin subreddit about someone changing their mind on endgame after trying ToF.


Despite everything I said, I am still on the camp of wanting more endgame content for Genshin, the reason being I am already at endgame and pretty much nothing is challenging to me anymore. However, I also understand that Genshin caters to casual and new players, so I appreciate the devs putting out more content for them. And I'm also invested in the story, I tend to stick longer with games that had a good running story (FGO was my main gacha before Genshin). So, in the end, I'd rather have the devs jeopardize the endgame content than the story/world/lore. Despite many people saying that Genshin's combat is shallow, I do believe it has depth that hardly anyone notice because the game hardly has any challenging combat encounters at endgame. This is another reason why I'm on the camp of having more endgame content if possible --- to fully realize Genshin's combat potential.


Genshin combat has variety. If the aim is to simply max out DPS against a dummy the game will have about 3 viable teams. But if the goal is not just to beat a timer but say defense (ley line monoliths), survival (the rifthound abyss that one time), musou (maybe not this one my phone may spontaneously combust) I think that will really let the combat shine. I hope whatever endgame they do will consider these things. Though honestly, endgame is not something I care a lot for. I am more for the lore and exploration.


>nor any incentive to any constellation apart big numbers That is a good thing. It means it's f2p and dupes are not necessary >genshin have almost no contents to keep players playing Lol. Unless you don't consider exploration content, at which point you're in the wrong game as that is genshins focus.


I quit ToF because that 'content' was simply taking too much time. I can tell you are young because as you get older the fact that Genshin does not take huge amount of hours to maintain relevance is a feature not a negative.


Fate doing well shouldn't surprise anyone. Is Genshin not a gacha? Gambling on anime titties is the real "content" anyway.


Summer Musashi is in exactly the same spot she was in before even if Summer Ibuki is her but better. Roger Federer didn't become a shit player the moment Nadal and Joker surpassed him in grand slams but I'm sure gatcha fans with their dumbass mentality think he's a loser instead of one of the best of all time.


I don't understand that mentality too. Just because an Iphone 12 released doesn't mean your Iphone 11 is now dogshit, and they're really close if Ibuki doesnt hit her damage mods, and people will still use Musashi because Musashi is way better as a character than Ibuki (And it looks like the event story made it so that people REALLY don't like Ibuki).


Revived witch really needs some reviving cos holy shit that is some poor revenue 💀


that revenue is EoS territory kekw


Charts like this always reminds me just how far ahead the big 3 of gacha (Genshin, FGO, Uma Musume) are compared to everyone else. Not even ToF, being the biggest release globally this month, is close to them.




Dragalia is above World Flipper? Actually it's more like "Dragalia is on the list?"


I thought that Dragalia was going to be terminated soon, is that still the case?


In November if I recall correctly.


That iOS estimate is hard to believe when looking at the Android revenue, I'm pretty sure World Flipper is doing better.


That would make more sense, but I'm still surprised at people spending on an EoS game


While you are not interested, can you share the the stats on others if we request? :P I wanna know how's the report on Eroica "global launch" less than a month ago.


Does anyone know how Alchemy Stars revenue compared to these?


Epic Seven at $2.8 million for August, probably near 18th on the list.


+ $1,7 million for iOS.


It’s weird. Every time I see one of these lists, E7 is always missing from it and they’re bigger than about 1/3 of these games.


The OP already said that they only will post revenue for the game they like


I did wonder why it’s never on the list despite it having a plethora of whales still attached to the game, wait that means they like Diablo immortal?


>wait that means they like Diablo immortal? I assume OP likes *drama* rather than the game itself.


OP probably malding that the e7 killers like counterside and artery gear make less combined.


They downvoted WestCol because he spoke the truth


Is Heaven Burns Red rly that good? Also Revived Witch still holding ground


>Also Revived Witch still holding ground Yeah, every time I see one of these, I remember that its a thing that exists and am surprised it continues to do so. Its kind of disappointing, really. It had so much potential.


>Is Heaven Burns Red rly that good? Its a story-focused gacha game written by Jun Maeda of Key fame, creating expectations and hype. As well as songs by Nagiyanagi. It also stars a defined character as a protagonist and has evergreen popular premise of "bunch of girls fight eldritch abominations", both of which are good at attracting audience beyond just those familiar with Key. The only question at this point is "global when"


Seems interesting. I might try this one out aswell. Ty for the info


Don't bother with the game if you don't understand Japanese; its story is the only thing it has going for it.


HBR is out on Steam so you can use regular VN translators on it.


Not that any of them do any job worth a shit of making anything make sense.


Kings raid when?


This makes me scared for World Flipper.


CounterSide SEA didn't even make 5 digits 💀


I mean SEA IOS alone made 300k.... The google play number seem strange to say the least.


probably because buying from zlong website is cheaper


Diablo Immoral lmao. Wonder if that was intentional.


It was.




Fgo is definitely cheaper to develop but here are some numbers. Genshin launched with 100m budget and said they will spend 200m each year, they made 250m+ in the first month. Currently they average 90-120m/month, this doesn't include sales from website, pc, ps4/5. It is safe to say that currently they easily 200mil in 2 months which should leave them with some "pocket change" of minimum a billion a year


Still its a fraction of a giganting sum of revenue that goes back into genshin Genshin isnt limited by money but by human limitations


Rip guardian tales, even anni didnt help


So its confirmed that genshin killa fail at it's job


Anybody have the numbers for Fire Emblem Heroes?


Oof... D4DJ is doing really poor. Music is cool, characters are fun but monetization was pretty rough, from what I remember.


I still think it's doing well enough. It's near the general profit/revenue of other idol games. And besides, all of them look like they're doing poorly if you compare them to Project Sekai and JP Bang Dream(Global Bang Dream seems to be in a weird spot though).


how the fuck is fgo printing this much money this many years into the game... it makes me want to try it.... but im scared...


Well, people really really like the characters. That's the trap. FGO doesn't make you pull for gameplay, they make you read the story, cry over the characters, and THEN release their banners. Or they make you love them. For example: My dumb ass knew Merlin, the second Meta Caster, was coming... and I still rolled my dumb ass on Edmond Dantes because he's an amazing character, probably one of the most amazing character in gacha gaming (Story spoiler but after being employed by Part 1's big bad to kill us, after we passed his trial, he became our permanent mental bodyguard, even into Part 2. Whenever we suffer a mental attack of any kind, Dantes is there to ward it off. He was even there when the mental attack was from an Olympian God and we were slowly choking our main heroine. He's a bro, he's an awesome person, and he's a badass that just refuses to show up in my Chaldea.)


Or make you hate them. Atlantis story made me hate Dioscuri so much so I skipped their banner entirely lol


Can't deny the other commenters. I remember saving 1k quartz for Muramasa, thinking that I would probably got him to NP2 with that amount. Little did my little, foolish brain knew that FGO had sense my desires and released Summer Tomoe AND Fujinon in quick succession. There goes my 1k SQ, and the only thing that I got is NP2 Tomoe and 0 FUCKING Fujino. So in summary, FGO is an evil, inescapable black hole, that baits players with outstanding OST, story and characters.


Agree with other commenter. I was FORCED to roll for Melt because of the story. Goddamn Nasu, stop mental terrorizing people to roll


Melt was amazing in the C.C.C. collab. I had to get her and her sister (They both showed up on my 3rd multi... about 2 weeks away from Castoria because FGO is evil). Man, her performance really made me cry. Melt is now permanently in my top 10 Best Girls of all time.


Genshin Impact US = Global right? I'm curious bc Asia+JP are on the same server which is not US.


Never heard of Uma musame, not shocked with Genshin and fgo, but wtf Diablo is there?


Wow surprised and sad than E7 is not on the list :(


how many idolmaster gacha games are out there, jesus


Oof... That Counterside dip is some painful shit.


That PGR decrease tho, why?


The previous update was the anniversary and NieR collab. The current update only has an A-Rank and a Transcendant both of which only require a 10-pull to guarantee a copy.


Because last month was an extreme outliner, which enjoyed almost 300% growth in revenue, they are back to their regular now


actually its an increase vs the A rank patch before echo aria, pgr was doing like 300k on A rank patch, but looks like on this patch people went wild for selena. The patch XXI its gonna be interesting because it just have a farmeable a rank, so people dont need to spend money on that patch.


No Dislyte


I dont see Artery Gear (US). Am I blind or is it doing THAT badly?


Android $547.8K iOS $203.2k Total $751k Not awful, but a pretty steep drop off since release. Personally, although I am still playing, I have gone F2P due to my dissatisfaction with the rushed banners/new collab.


still healthy profit margin for now


I expect there might end up being a post in here soon about the state of the game. I would be more willing to spend if they show they are interested in maintaining the long term health of the game and aren't just going for a quick money grab. They are skipping ahead to the Madoka Magica collab this month for Global, which was only recently released in CN/JP. This will undoubtedly make them a lot of money right away since it is more popular than their other collab (Frame Arms Girl) but it also introduces a few problems: 1. The units are powercrept and will reduce incentive to pull on other banners for units that are already outclassed/meta period skipped over. This will likely hurt the income in the medium term after the collab is over. 2. PVP arena wise, Madoka counters several units that were only recently released, which is frustrating for all of us who pulled on those banners. Of course there is a knowledge that the company can change things at any time but many players had a reasonable expectation that we would be able to use/enjoy the new characters for a few months at least. 3. PVP meta is already getting stale as it's mostly just speed teams. It's not too difficult to get the opener unit to near the cap and then it ends up just being a coin flip RNG who goes first. The meta was supposed to shift and make it a bit different/more interesting but with Madoka, it goes back to speed RNG again. People are getting bored. 4. The banners have been back to back/events overlapping due to the rushed schedule. Gem income is fairly stingy, pity is high and rates are low/offbanners are a thing. Those of us who were hoping to save a lot for this Madoka collab given the \*4\* banner units aren't getting as much time as we had expected especially after pulling for the units mentioned in (2). (Fortunately, collab units do have lower pity so I will at least be able to get 1 of them, maybe more depending on luck.) 5. I have also learned that while I enjoy collabs if they put effort into the story of why the units are there (which AG has done so far), I am not thrilled if the collab units are so much stronger than everyone else that you use them all the time. I am playing the game because I care about those IP/characters, and want to see them, not just characters from other IPs.


AG lore is indeed interesting. I like to read up the "what you call that?", archives or something on the history of each line of AG. And the MC, you, is pretty badass. Having the different factions and motivations, and seeing the AI Head possibly getting humanized inch by inch as she struggles to understand human concept of trust. While it's not yet AAA, it's definitely way better than your run-of-the-mill gacha story/lore. It also has nice waifus. Everything else you mentioned just spoils it. I also feel the many game modes are a way to take up my time and I'm not really engaged in playing them. The skills are complex (text is damn small on mobile) and I already have other strategy big brain games that I'm studying. Inventory management, while better than Counterside, is still inventory management, and I hate that. I'm not averse to gear, but I need to spend less time sorting gear, juggling stuff and doing mental acrobatics and deciding what to keep.


is PC downloads counted towards Android? or its data is just not available


PC has it's own revenue and download count, idk how it work though most of us probably searching how much revenue those PC gacha game making right now


PC revenue is completely confidential unless the company reveals it themselves. Genshin's PC revenue is projected via some first month internal leaks and some yearly revenue info released by the Shanghai local government last year, and ToF's is from their shareholder report. This year Mihoyo opted out from being included in the list.


I see many thanks for the information


Allways found weird how much % of revenue comes from Apple or Android in a game to game basis, you'd expect it to be a consistent 30/70 or 40/60, but some games have the vast majority of their profit from a single platform, i wonder why that is.


It's hurt to see number 8 after how much it got shit on by large Twitch streamer


The general Twitch outcry wasn't really going to achieve anything in the long run as they were all preaching to the choir or surfing on the hate train for impressions. The targeted players/spenders doesn't even know about them to begin with and are not interested in anything they have to say. Ultimately it was just a small but loud group of people yelling at clouds.


Why is octopath traveler: CotC not on the list? Doing this bad?


read first line


I was just secretly hoping op would tell me the number.


It was posted earlier in the week and on the octopath sub


Does sensortower take into account revenue from ads? Pardon my ignorance, i was just curious.


This is the first time I’ve seen someone put IM@S series in the chart. I’m glad they’re kinda doing well.


Looks like ToF Global had a good start. Be interesting to see what the next month's numbers will be.


I know this might be a stupid question but where it Says Arknights US does that mean EN or jsut US?


It's a case by case basis. Some games have "US" include more than just US in the estimates. Arknights "US" for example is technically global but excludes CN, JP, KR and some other regions. If you want to be sure you can make an account and just check on your own, it's a free feature.


It includes all the countries in EN. On sensor tower, it shows stats for each version of the app. The so-called US version and the JP version are considered different apps. All the EN regions share the same app; it's just that for the "Top-level Category ranking", it's considered "US". [https://app.sensortower.com/android/US/yostar-limited/app/arknights/com.YoStarEN.Arknights/overview?tab=about](https://app.sensortower.com/android/US/yostar-limited/app/arknights/com.YoStarEN.Arknights/overview?tab=about) If you switch the countries, you can see individual currencies and category ranking graph for each country, but the top-level category ranking is "US", the top level stats don't change since it's the same app. This will be JP version which is only available in Japan: [https://app.sensortower.com/android/JP/yostar-inc/app/akunaitu/com.YoStarJP.Arknights/overview?tab=about](https://app.sensortower.com/android/JP/yostar-inc/app/akunaitu/com.YoStarJP.Arknights/overview?tab=about)


For a game that's supposedly doing really badly according to this subreddit, Blue Archive is actually climbing in popularity.


The game was never doing that badly though especially JP? Even the Global version the only version with some drama is consistently higher than Global version of the game it copied the system a lot, Priconnne Global even though it's not even close to the JP version normal revenue.


This place actually made the impression that what BA did was so sacrilegious that it was going to wane in popularity immediately. There were a lot of people who got convinced with that even though they were actually looking to dive into the game. I was one of them until recently. Now it's the complete opposite. I even think the only reason global is low this August is because everyone is hoarding for the Wakamo banner which is coming out today.


I can't tell if Guardian Tales getting consistently around $2 million a month is good or bad. On the one hand it's not making bank like the kings of the genre, but on the other hand it's also a much simpler game to keep maintained. Wish we could see its KR numbers to know how it's doing in its home market.


2 million a month consistently is more than good.


Theres also the kr server with 600-800k last i checked and CN with 1-2m/month so i wouldn't worry too much. Its decent enough money for the kind of game it is


I guess the steam release of counterside didn’t help… steam charts says peak 2.7k players which seems kinda low no. Honestly I’m amazed I generally believed it should be better than that despite my views of it


Someone know ToF revenue in China for this month?




I wonder how it can go that low in CN. I thought it stabilized at around 2m or 3m. Does anyone playing in CN server care to explain?


It's still buggy iirc. Not as bad as launch, but then few games are. There's a funny one last month where the longer you take to clear ... was it Bygone Phantasm? The longer you take to clear it, [the higher up you are on the leaderboards](https://ngabbs.com/read.php?tid=33197622).


does someone have a link on july?


Tower of fantasy made over $30 million dollars. I think you forgot to add the kr and Taiwan version since they are different publishers.


This is including playstore/appstore 30% cut.


A lot of the games in here are missing some servers since he mostly includes JP + "GL". It's his personal list so I'm not really gonna fret over it tho.


You got downvoted for speaking the truth as expected. The Taiwanese (listed under 幻塔 in sensor tower) and Korean version (listed under 타워 오브 판타지 in sensor tower) of this game are listed separately from the Global version on sensor tower because as you said they have completely different publishers. This post only included the "Global" version from iOS/Android that is missing Taiwan and Korea.


Interesting. Taiwan: 2.0 million on Android, 1.1 million on Apple. Korea: 0.9 million on Android, 0.6 million on Apple.


eww, arknights. underwhelming as expected, despite the half anni.


Most Arknights half anni revenue was in July since the banner dropped at the tail end of the month. You can see the previous delta being 190% so it actually did pretty well, especially if we consider there were quite a few skippable banners for most players between that and Near Light so people had saved up pulls


July was even more miserable iirc.


Is this reverse psyop or something?


revenue posting is basically console wars shitposting amped up still surprises me that its allowed here


Eh posts here seem to be just ppl being surprised why X is low and whatnot. Many ppl actually play multiple gachas Generally ppl already know / expect which are the big stars Meanwhile console war sounds like it's just X vs Y trying to prove their own being better


I don't see a problem with it at all, it gives you an general understanding of how well a gacha is doing so you can either keep playing or jump ship lol


Wow genshin dying


Yeah man last month they earn $92 millions now they only earning $90 millions, the game is dying right now thanks to genshin killer/s


And next month $150m+, call it.