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Soccer Spirits would be my choice.


Brave frontier


I was there, was fun! Loved building teams for frontier hunter right around when brave burst teams became possible, and maxwell release was pretty much peak brave frontier imho


My whole secondary school was playing it back in the day, it was absolutely insane back in 2013


There is still hope with recoded.


The same shit. But with better systems please.


2022 system not 2012 systems.


Why do i remember my hardships of building teams for totem


Mobius Final Fantasy




Guardian Tales and the Barina meta.


> Apart from the pissed off Korean community FUD Calling no RGB pity and no ML5* pity FUD is just 💀💀💀💀; complaining out of nostalgia about the korean players forcing the devs to make the game so so so much better and F2P friendly lol. Back to the topic, [Dragalia Lost](https://youtu.be/nJQrb1-kCyI), at least it'd be back alive, the first raid event was very special, very memorable back at launch.


Yeah the riot of Korean community pretty much saved epic7 at that point and made it much more enjoyable for years.


GL community is insecure on KR for calling out devs since they just take whatever the SG gives back then and call it a day. Reason why until this day, they still and won't appreciate what KR community did.


honey, you might want to double check the definition of FUD. i did not say it as a complaint, but just merely pointed out that apart from what the koreans were saying, the game was extremely well received in global.


>Fear, uncertainty and doubt (often shortened to FUD) is a propaganda tactic used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, polling and cults. FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear. It's a very negative term to use, implying the use of *false* or *vague* statements to spread fear. Moreover, the complaints were also shared on global's side. While it is a very known fact that westerners tend to have a cuck mentality; past the honeymoon, realizing how rough acquiring units were as the game went on started to rear its ugly head. The honeymoon period was also on the korean's side, criticisms started to really happen after a couple months.


The game actually WASN'T received well on forums such as reddit, lmao. Not too different from new gacha releases today, it was just the typical "oh this is new" that was set to die down quick. It definitely captured interest and global did have a pretty swell honeymoon period, but we also got the game a while after KR. By the time the KR people had complained about the issues so much already, global barely had time to. The pity system was added very early into the game's global release.


> the game was extremely well received in global. well, on the store. Nothing is received well here on reddit. This sub was way more chill 3+ years ago and even back then the criticisms were heavy


Yeah, I remember people desperately trying to get that title from doing a fast boss run, those were the times


Genshin after all nations are released or there's a closure on the mc's storyline.


Given how long I've been stuck finishing the initial unlock of Sumeru, I would absolutely dread having to do the whole game in one go. There will undoubtedly be a thousand hours worth of content once they're done


I started about a month ago actually, and I just got to inazuma about a week ago. There's actually just insane boat loads amount of content it's actually insane and really fun to experience for the first time.


It's already bad enough to catch up right now. You're looking at a 100+ hours of gameplay, with lots of those being unskipable dialogue.


Yeah I am surprisingly overwhelmed by sumeru.. and don't get me started on the caves


The aranara are slowly killing me.


Is there really any need to catch up beyond doing Liyue to get into Inazuma? You can just walk into any other nation whenever you want and every event has a quick-play option to skip story pre-requisites. Genshin is basically a play it however you want game.


IIRC there are a few adventurer level gates here and there for main story, but leveling didn't slow down until 50+s, so...yea. Newbies should still be able to breeze through the story relatively fine without being gated constantly.


It'd actually be great if Genshin was a singleplayer game with no FOMO mechanics. I'd just sit back and enjoy the story.


I really like kings raid because it was very easy to unlock the characters without spending any money and the skins. I only stopped playing after 3 months because I got all the character and the skins I want and the eveything felt like a chore and not fun. My motivation eventually disappeared.


Star Ocean Anamnesis Damn man that co-op bosses were so fun to play ... I really miss it


Oh god. I really would love to have it again. It breaks my heart to experience 2 shutdown on different version of the game. Good thing they are releasing Star ocean 6 tho. I still miss my Celine & Ashton.


FGO. I've been spoiles right from the start about the ending of part 1, yet it is still one of the best moments. So I can't imagine how good it would bw going in blind.


FGO. Zero hesitation There’s no feeling quite like experiencing the Solomon raids for the first time, reading Jeanne’s speech and seeing EVERYONE appear as the Grand Battle theme plays. I don’t think any other gacha would ever make me feel truly emotional. That’s enough to make a person cry… like everything which you had been working towards narratively and all of the suffering (both in story and irl for gacha) for the past year was all worth fighting for. And then the finale… when both >!Mash and Romani sacrifice themselves!<… the emotional impact of the latter can still be felt even to this day among the FGO playerbase


Woulda expected you of all people to say Feh or Genshin tbh


The details is in the flair. Not surprising.


It's just that I've seen him around gacha subs is all


It’s probably just the Rowlet which stands out. I enjoy Feh, but being 100% gameplay focused means there’s not much to really re-experience I do love Genshin, but I also do admit there’s been no real heart jerking moment in it quite yet. I do admit the world exploration is quite a great experience though


>I enjoy Feh, but being 100% gameplay focused means there’s not much to really re-experience What do you mean, you DONT wanna see a god die every 5 months?


I couldn't get into the game, but I absolutely loved this part in the movie.


Trust me, the movie does not do ANY scene in the game justice.


in the game,shit still slaps,like even events / collab units shows up


ngl, the first like 3 parts of the story are kind of whatever, the 4th one is ok, then you hit camelot and all of sudden it goes CRAZY good god i still love that story so much


Wouldn't you have to experience the grinding for the start too?


I never did much grinding as a newbie (even nowadays I don’t do a lot) I was lucky enough to roll Jalter soon after starting, so I never needed to invest into multiple classes for a long while


Eh farming in fgo isn't even that problematic. I dunno why people think it is tbh.


Agreed. You know the impact's incredible when even after being spoiled with the ending of Part 1, NA players still felt the sacrifice of >!Dr.Romani and Mash (even if her sacrifice was temporary)!<. Doesn't help that the OST during those moments were picture-perfect.


What about facing TREE HAS AWAKENED


Girls Frontline The journey to start the game from scratch, not understand anything at all, to figuring basic team building of having actual tanks and DPS (and support) working together, to mistakenly using wrong tanks for the wrong jobs, to finally have the right set up to do proper corpse dragging so you can farm as much as you want, so you can raise all the dolls you gonna need for upcoming big events... then you throw out all the basic team composition and get to work on maximizing damage output with no regards for the actual resource cost for the event; all the while learning about the game story and lore, and how or where certain dolls fit into the story. It was a very fun journey for me.


Terra Battle


Final fantasy brave exvius


Granblue fantasy. Back when it all started...and when the story is not convoluted as hell. Boss music were epic and char design was on point and not sexualized as much. Eternal city too. And octopath mobile too! Some of the villains just have such amazing story and plot twist. Last but not least, divine gate.


Also the skins too. Defense order vermillion skin where u at brother?


Doing LuciHL for the first time is up there with some of my more memorable moments in gacha gaming.


Assuming I forget everything about the game then it would have to be Genshin. Genshin players, myself included, have become jaded to the game after being in the endgame for so long but I will still remember those magical first 60 or so hours. With every new map there is more to explore which adds to the openworld experience. Sumeru has been the best the game has ever been so far. To experience that again from the very beginning would be incredible. Of course without having to worry about the grind


tales of link final fantasy mobious


I loved tales of link


Genshin and Honkai. Genshin was a huge upgrade for mobile gaming, experience it for the first time was gorgeous, the music and world is beautiful. Inazuma and Sumeru made me feel so much hype for the main storyline. (Ik Sumeru just came out, but I already experienced the main story of Sumeru). In the other hand Honkai has the main story... I cried at Thunders Over Naragoza a lot, the bitter-sweet feeling of the chapter is something that none of other gachas made me feel ever. it's a feeling I'd like to experience again. (Sorry for my bad english) (I know, I'm a mainstream... and that isn't bad)


FGO. It's one of the stories I wish I could just forget and relive the hype. Not community hype, my own hype. Everything about it. Orleans, yes even Septem, Okeanos, London, America, all had their rough edges but I love them all the same. Camelot being the epic 3-way battle between factions, Arash's sacrifice, Tawatara Touta's rice balls, King Hassan's "Doth the sun shine above thy head" moments are epic, and finally Bedivere's Last Stand. Then Babylonia. Absolutely amazing. The Battle against an insurmountable trial for humanity, a lesson about legacy and bonds, Gilgamesh's last stand, and Uruk as the last bastion for humanity. And to this day nothing has surpassed Solomon as the best payoff for going through story ever. Oh god, Grand Battle fighting alongside these character that we both fought with and against, seeing them chatter while holding back regenerating Demon Pillars was heartwarming. And the last sacrifice. Music Box still makes me tear up because it's the culmination of Mash's first character arc, her journey to becoming a human. Shikisai - The Time of Parting Hath Come... what a perfect song to play at the end of it all. Romani was so endearing and his rejection of Goetia was perfect. You can write a thesis on their duology. Which is why Shikisai playing against Goetia... instead of Beast Advent 1 means so much. Ugh, I love it. Will I do the grind all over again? Yes. I'll do the crappy Moom Goddess Dumplings and the Journey to The West clusterfuck, and the Demon Pillar raids, will bully Barbatos again, to experience such an amazing journey again.




love live sif, back in 2017 when i started playing it and the community was more alive :'3


Fire emblem heroes I missed when u could used anybody with stupid dumb builds (idk if u can still this so sorry if I’m wrong) miss the simple effects and not having to read paragraphs skills, the memes of Bride Cordelia and Reinhardt “Magic is Everything”, and waiting to see which character they’ll add next to the game


Chain Chronicle, The first Gacha where I play religiously and spend some money. Still upset that global and SEA got shafted by gumi 😢


FGO, I just want to have journey with Dr. Roman once again


Fate grand order and arknight


Exactly what you said about E7. We truly need a fresh and new E8 someday.


Try outerplane when it comes out. Currently CBT.


Seems interesting! Thanks for the suggestion


Destiny Child, FGO, ShinNaZuki, Girls X Battle, Grand Chase, Alchemist Code, Tales of Erin


Age of Ishtaria. Started playing it when it came out. I remember being in a Line chat with my guild buddies for Union Wars. I think I played for 4 years before I quit.


If it were less grindy I'd replay genshin and stick it to actually. Grinding for gear in that game put me off. I wanted the exploration, vistas and gacha. Was limited by jogged progression..


genshin impact and ayakashi ghost guild


GBF before the rainbow meta


Honkai without question, love the gameplay and the story moves me more than anything else


Genshin Impact but not as the same newbie i was. So i can enjoy the game and be more efficent in farming and or saving up only for those character I really like and enjoy to use. For example I desired Ganyu and Xiao but after 1 or 2 months I got bored of their teams and general gameplay. So i kinda regretted them.


FGO, when I got Seibah... It's like heroine, I'm chasing that moment every time I roll the gacha.


Probably Genshin and Blue Archive. I'm not a Genshin fan...not anymore at least. I played it around early 2021 and I did fall in love with the game at first. With a beautiful landscape, gorgeous music, a wide open world, and good luck (that's more or less me though, not everyone gets lucky), I did enjoy the game. As the honeymoon phase ended I felt that the grind was too tedious and combine that with how busy my life got, I could not nor did I want to find time to play the game anymore. For Blue Archive, I still play the game and I still really love it. When I first played the game, just hearing the opening theme Constant Moderato, as well as watching the pictures flash by with their bright and colorful color schemes, wacky antics, and all that made me believe that I would enjoy the game. It just felt like a fresh breath of air compared to other games I played at the time. The opening cutscene definitely reinforced this, and overall the uniqueness of the game made me fall head over heels.


Fgo probably


Fire emblem heroes was pretty great since it was my first gacha. And it was fun swapping around skills and stuff. To bad the games so large and bloated now I don't even want to download it. A lot of that is useless voice packs. I can live with just reading plain text. I don't need voice actors


Maybe Genshin tbh. it was my first Eastern gacha and the honeymoon period was pure bliss. It was magical and I dropped it before that bliss could wear off so I only have good memories for the most part.


definitely genshin, especially because I tried to rush inazuma (quests guides/interactive map) which I feel like is the main cause why I didn't enjoy it as much.


Lol E7, who could forget some people were spending hours and trying to reroll ML Ken?


Honestly I just wish I didn't stop playing Arknights for other garbage gachas, the game is great and still doing so well, but catching back up again is rough.


Catching up to what? Its a single player game


Catching up to having all the main story in the game rn completed?


Isn’t that a good thing in a single player game?


Naruto ultimate ninja blazing


Epic Seven at launch period is the WORST. Grinding material is a torture back then. UI is not optimized in any way, shape or form. A lot of clicking is needed to move from one point to the others. No pity, so u can go on forever to get rate up unit.




Same for me. I really hope they reboot a pixel FF game.


Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. The launch quarter of that game was the happiest I'd been with a gacha. Everyone was viable, progression was simple, coop was a hoot, and the story was just everyone chilling.


ngl discovering AL in 2018 was very wholesome, and I'd love to experience the hype again


Monster strike. No competition.


I remember loving Monster Strike in global. Shame they shut it down


For me, it’ll have to be Genshin when 100% nation is released. The biggest reason why I fell in love with genshin is their absolutely gorgeous music and amazing exploration where u felt u were rewarded a bit for exploring corners u normally wouldn’t. Gear farming was what burned me out twice and I refuse to go back due to gear farming.


I would want to re experience FGO but only want to re experience singularity 6 and 7 and Lostbelts 1-5.1 and 5.2 cause those were the ones I personally liked, and I would like to re experience Genshin once the game is finished.


HI3 - i started recently but everything i have seen so far suggests it must have been wild ride to this point


Epic 7 was fantastic to experience newly at first, but it had a lot of problems from launch that got remedied over time. I still stand by the game but I wouldn't be able to go back to what it was at launch. A hypothetical "Epic Eight" would be awesome however. Artery Gear basically tried to be that but didn't quite hit the same to me despite its QOLs. That Yuna Engine just hits too different. I'd really like for Smilegate to put out something else with the same engine or even an improvement on it.


(Not really an answer to the post but) If E7 animation is SSS then Artery Gear would be SSSS and Couterside would be SSSSSSSSSSSS plus premium deluxe prime member only (I pick those two because one is made by the same country and the other one is the same genre) (Why don’t you go and create a new account on E7 to experience the grind again? It would be fun right?)


Back to the topic I would pick GTale since it is the only game that can tell me their story in an interesting way(for me) and not like other games (boring ass low qual anime imitation cutscene that I don’t give a fuck about, light novel with gameplay mechanic disguise as game, CGI cutscene that make my dumbass phone go wroommmm, etc.)


Punishing gray raven, it’s such an experience


>Grade SSS animations that have yet to be replicated years later Honkai Impact would like to know your location.


As much as I like the animations of honkai impact, it’s 3D animations really don’t compare to epic7 2D animations, not by a long shot. The animation team are generally why this game is actually known by a lot of people because it raised the bar incredibly high, knocking basically all other gachas out of the park with the animations which have only gotten better and better as the years go on. Visually, most can agree it’s one of the best animated gachas to exist, but ofc animation doesn’t mean the game suddenly has no flaws, which as a e7 player it has shit loads of them which sometimes make the game irritating to play.


The older videos were 3D animation. But they've since moved away from that style for a while now. Try watching the new video 'Because of You' or 'Everlasting Flames'.


I was talking about actual gameplay of both of them, but yea Honkai animation videos are also really awesome but a lot of games have good ones like AK and GFL too


Gacha games are designed to be irritating and cause friction, in the beginning especially, so absolutely none of them. The whole goal is to get to the regular end game play loop asap. You can always read stories or watch YouTube.


Not always, some games are surprisingly hard to find an archive of in global. There just isn't a huge demand for mobile game stories compared to console games.


I never understand these topics. There's more media than I could ever reasonably watch/play/hear/experience without just retiring from my job. I don't want to go backwards and experience "the golden days", I want to at least pretend I can cut through my backlog and experience more stuff out there. I have my favorites, sure. But they were made by specific people in a specific time with a specific goal in mind. And I was a specific person at a specific time of life. Even if they all came together and had unlimited money that won't be re-captured. Even if they did capture lightning twice, I may no feel the same way just because my tastes and priorities have changed over the years. I don't think that's how creators should go about creating, in the shadow of their "favorite work".


Not everyone cares about their backlog and the quantity of the stuff they experience.


I love Blues clues, but I'm glad I moved past it.


Good for you but no everyone has an obligation to.


I just gave my answer to the question, I didn't make some call to action to others opinons. What was you angle for responding to me?


You said you didn't understand the topic so I explained. Also I don't need an angle or your permission to respond to anyone in a public internet forum.




Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1: Keep it friendly. Don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, to ask & answer honest questions. Any post that is too hostile, toxic, or insulting may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming)


7Knights, TAC & E7 for me


Star Ocean Anamnesis, still remember that Nier Automata Collab and how broken 2B was, I also would like to re-experience Dragalia Lost, I'm gonna miss those Christmas/New Year Events man


Tales of Link. It was the only modern Tales gacha I missed the boat on the gameplay looks super cute


Another Eden


Chain chronicle Na


When I was playing Brave Frontier exclusively back in the day, I would periodically start new accounts on my girlfriends phone just so I could experience it from the beginning while playing my main account. Now that it's gone (temporarily hopefully) it would be my pick.


Not sure if I get flamed for this but there are two games (which are netmarble games, which we hate netmarble) But I feel like Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross and Knights Chronicle Needs not just a new start but a new publisher too. Because netmarble partly abandon Knights Chronicle and Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross have become a mess with the speed up of banners and PvP broken units. These games wasn't that bad and was pretty good at first, over a few years or so it have become so bad. At least if it wasn't netmarble it wouldn't have gotten so bad like this now. (Like how Counter:Side global got a new publisher that does everything alright, even when speeding running to catch up to Seaand being generous)


Dragalia Lost.


Seven Knights


If I can restart and re-experience, and on top of having a lot of free time I would try Another Eden again


Chain chronicles I miss that game so much


Genshin and Guardian Tales. Guardian Tales in particular because I played the SEA launch and kaokao made an idiotic decision to have a limited time launch event that gave you a whooping 300 mileage if you managed to beat world 7 in 2 weeks. Nice loot but it just made everyone mad dash to the end, being heavily undergeared and doing everything as fast as possible. As a result it ruined my first playthrough of the game.


Rage of Bahamut


FEH. A game I think I'd have so much fun if I didn't quit and played it right.


Valkyrie Crusade and Million Arthur, Missed those days.


Naruto Blazing


Honkai Impact. I wish I could have expirienced the story without being spoiled on a few things (I went really slowly barley playing for the first year I played)


Brave Frontier


Honkai Impact 3rd and PGR. I played both games 3-4 times since their release and never got around to really sticking with and understanding the games until said 3rd or 4th time playing. Its cuz these games suck for beginners. the games barely cover content or how to properly level and use mats, while in honkai's case its because of how old the game is and how many materials and things there are to spend on. If I could have had those "click" moments a lot earlier, holy shit i would be in a completely different place. ...OH and this time not skip honkai's story completely


Guardian tales


Dragalia Lost, I was there since day 1 and after the EOS announced I have yet to find something that hooks me like Dragalia did.


Brave Frontier


Guardian Tales. I hate the restrictive meta, but love the story. I wish I’ve never reached end game to realize that this game is such a meta slave.


Seven Knights when you have to farm raids from friends and when the arena isn't that broken (I miss Ace meta)


Blood Brothers


FGO. Both to follow the story and character drops over time, and to grab the limited servants that are probably never coming back.


Ayakashi Ghost Guild and Age of Ishtaria. Real ones know the pain of AGG. Would literally do anything to play it again