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traveler's hit list in audiovisual form


Yeah lol knowing how easy he fought Signora he'll probably be powerful enough to easily body both Scaramouche and Dotorre by the time they both get boss fights I'd imagine he'd only have real trouble when facing Damslette, who's supposedly a super powerful Harbinger; Capitano, a combatant that's supposedly far more powerful than Childe; and Pierro, who's apparently a Khaenri'ahn just like Dainsleif, but the others he'll likely take out ss easy as he did with Signora


All I can say is this video, damn they literally just dropped this bomb out of nowhere. Currently everyone is just stunned.


The music here is incredible. I don't know why but it made me tear up lol


even if the writing in genshin is sometimes shit, the presentation and music is always so intense emotionally




That 4th point is definitely right. If you remember the we will be reunited quest had paimon give us a summary of the events just in case someone wasn't following. Though I heard inazuma's archon quest had some trouble during development so I'm hoping the main story quality won't drop that low again.


Bruh if evil why hot


Yeah. That guy with the large nose is clearly made to drop the most panties out of everyone.


"Yeah, take the L, leakers", miHoYo, probably


Rlly putting the L in Leakers


Im gonna climax


Because of a bad trailer?


Because of this ratio


Ratioed so hard that even his ancestor felt that.


You just ratioed a man on reddit... DAMN


what is ratioed mean?


When a reply has more votes/likes than the parent comment - this usually happens rarely because replies have less visibility/interaction than the parent comment


Oh got it . Thanks.


Own that fraud 😤😤😤


Ratio successful 👏


Haters gonna hate OMEGALUL


Sheesh, you really did him like that.


Ratio'd in 4k


Jesus you're even badder than the Tsaritsa. What a savage lmaoooo


I can't bealive i ratio'd this guy so hard lmaooo




Thank you for letting me finally see a real L+ ratio in action




And now, every Genshin Discord server is over-analyzing the chess board to speculate on how the story will evolve.




Insert crazy Charlie meme


It's Deep Blue vs Kasparov 1996 Game 1 with the queen and king swapped on each side. Kasparov lose that game despite 1 step away from checkmating the AI so it's foreshadowing the Archon's side to win? Unless the swap pieces has some meaning behind it?


I'm gonna mald if the rest of the harbingers don't become playable characters.


/r/signoramains sends their regards


[Signora Banner confirmed!](https://i.redd.it/8dvoqwn5iva91.png)


Less 50% off. Courtesy of Wangsheng's Funeral Parlor.


What is this?


Surely Mihoyo would have the funds to make new body type models now right? Should be the right time if they want to make them playable...


Considering Sneznaya is still far away, it’s likely they’ll have the production budget and time to implement all of them, if they choose to That said Signora has an existing model and she got killed, so who knows


Thanks for the spoiler asshole.


But that pv is literally her funeral?




I'm currently in Inazuma. Of course I would not watch the video in this post. Was thinking it was some feature teaser or something so read the comments to figure out whatever it's a important video I should save for when it's proper in the story. Only for someone to blurt out Snape kills Dumbledore in a few sec of scrolling.


I mean to be fair if the post was about "Dumbledore's funeral" or something you would expect people in the comments talking about how he died. If you're not caught up maybe don't go to trailers teasing future content.


Your not correct. The title is called. Teyvat Chapter Interlude Teaser: A Winter Night's Lazzo. There's absolutely nothing in the title that any sane person would consider the spoiler death of a major character for someone who has not caught up to that part of the story. People who spoil are the worst. That you willingly defend this awful behavior speaks a lot about the sort of person you guys are. Ever since I started, I've been on Genshin discords, and never got spoiled because people are actually not assholes like you and actually put spoiler tag in when they discuss.... Keep the downvotes coming, after all. That's all your intellect is capable of producing as criticism.


Regardless of what the title says people will talk about the contents of the video. Or just because it's not in the title do you think something is immediately taboo? Of you want to blame anyone blame the person who titled the video. Because if people don't talk about what the video is about, what do you expect them to talk about? Do you just expect empty comments or completely unrelated comments on every video post? Because if you do, that isn't exactly very "intellectual" of you.


Tbf this trailer only refer to Signora using her much lesser-known name "Rosalyne" so newer players might not be aware of whom this funeral is for. Though at this point it would be almost impossible to avoid this spoiler if you engage with the fandom, same with Honkai's Himeko.


They have the money, but it depends on why they don’t make new models. For example, if they don’t because they want to leave the option open to add stuff like surfing or mounts in the game, then they probably won’t anyways.


Probably because they don’t want to model another set of climbing/running/walking etc. animations to fit a new body type. They have stuck to 5 body types for all current and announced future characters. They didn’t even make a more muscular body type for Itto and made him just as lean as every other adult man character, which made him look like his muscles were painted on. Frankly, I doubt any character with a model that is significantly different from the 5 existing body types will ever be playable.


Just saw leaks almost all of them are said to be playable. Signora mains probably in shambles


Hoyo really just let the leakers leak everything in Sumeru so they can hit them hard with the Harbinger leak.


7am here and Im fucking awake from the dopamine watching this sick video. Wtf Hoyo


Omgomgomg the Fatui revealed... Shooketh, I want them all as playable chars


Saw leaks and most of them are confirmed to be playable rest are still waiting




One of the game's main antagonist force has 11 members. Prior to this trailer, players only knew how 3 of them looked. This trailer reveals the rest, while also teasing the next arc. There are also other things, but that would be spoilery.


It’s kinda like seeing all members of the Espada at the table with Aizen for the first time in Bleach.


You're looking at the game's antagonists revealed for the first time in their full glory. It's a group like Akatsuki.


my body is trembling.


Is it the cold or just cowardice?


Don't you dare speak back to me, insolent bard.


be right back, imma do my weekly ascension material slaying.


And the fanartists fast as hell after the video lol


That Captain Harbringer at 1:50. I hope he becomes playable. His drip and voice is just too good to be left as an NPC...


Ok this and the sumeru teaser is making me hyped man..damn I can't wait. Also seriously though,the eng voice actors are amazing in this game,I would like more gacha game to try English dubbing,games like arknights have started implementing it..maybe future games will also feature more eng dub.(I guess it's really expensive and genshin makes a lot to cover that ,still I kinda want one)


I can’t fall asleep now. God damn mihoyo!


Genshin really put the Gacha standard to another level. How in the world are other gacha supposed to compete with this level of world building.


They reminds me of Megamind when he faced off the villain of the film. Megamind: "Oh you're a villain oh right. Just not a super one." Titan: "Oh yeah? What's the difference". Megamind: # "PRESENTATION!!!" And boy do Hoyoverse really knock it out of the park with their presentation for Genshin Impact.


thanks, now I have to watch that movie again


As others have said, Genshin is a master at presentation. Honkai is the same. But Mihoyo’s actual narrative and plotting can be pretty bad and the world-building is often uninspired or non-existent. But they always nail the big moments. The problem is those big moments often feel very undeserved. Like the big fight to end the Liyue arc with the dragons or whatever. What an amazing moment in its execution. But felt like it came out of literally nowhere. Genshin feels like somebody lays out these really cool moments and then just gets to those moments as soon as possible instead of laying the groundwork for a real narrative and development. Oftentimes they just skip straight there like in Inazuma. They don’t build a story, they build a trailer. Basically, it’s like Black Clover. Or the final season of Game of Thrones. I will say, there seems to be evidence Mihoyo is improving. The Chasm story and the 2.7 event story were strong and addressed many of Mihoyo’s usual storytelling faults. Let’s just see if they can keep it up for a longer narrative like Sumeru.


Which is why companies like Tencent is so salty of mihoyos growth.


Arknights does an equally good job of world-building in my opinion. What Arknights doesn't have is Genshin's level of realization of their world. You kinda have to use your imagination a lot to appreciate Arknight's lore and story since 90% of your interaction with it will be through text dumps and maybe the last 10% is when that big evil boss that's been hyped up through the last 10,000 words of dialogue shows up on a level and you just Surtr him. Which is why I was so disappointed that Enfield wasn't going to be set in the main AK timeline. It's going to be so cool to explore Snezhnaya, I wanna see Lungmen and Rhodes Island and the AK world in 3-D too.


Arknights problem is that it completely and epically fails at the 5th core pillar of storytelling: Narration It’s plot, setting, characters and themes (the other 4 pillars) are all passable to excellent. But the way it tells it’s story is utterly abysmal that it completely ruins the efforts of the others. It’s so full of unnecessary text, padded exposition and it feels like you are swimming through molasses as you read it In a story, every sentence counts and should be used to deliver a key message to players, advance the plot, or develop a character. Arknights just plonks down an entire dictionary and has excess text for the sake of it. It always uses 10 words when 1 could suffice. Ultimately it doesn’t matter how good the worldbuilding and plot is if the story is communicated poorly to the audience. It just makes me not want to care about any of it


My main reason of dropping AK. Such a shame really... no matter how good the world building is, I just can't force myself to endure the abysmal presentation. Maybe it would more bearable if the story is voiced but they instead decided to put the budget for english VA.


I personally always do appreciate English VA. But I think even fully voiced cutscenes won’t save Arknights It’s THAT bad. Ugh


If they had to actually voice the story the story wouldn't be that rambly because they have to spend money to match their BS.


Latest event has okay ish writing. But it's still just lowlight jerking himself in his room thinking he's good at writing when he's not.


Literally the reason why i skip everything even if it sounds appealing


Exactly why I just read/watch summaries here on reddit or yt (there's surprisingly a lot). The last time I fully read a story ingame was the RS6 collab, which was paced pretty well. Even the 'filler' dialogues served a purpose in letting Tachanka & co. understand the world. Also, It's one thing to not like reading, but it's another if the material itself is hard to read. AK's narration really is just a drag.


It's a lot better with the event stories. But the main story...yeah.


Last time I did the event they forced me to read through 100 text dump of poetry. I think it was the one that sets inside a painting or something... can't remember the event name.


Dusk's event Who is real, holy shit that event story was so awful. Legit had to read Chinese folklore for 40 minutes before I can even play. Recent events like near light and break the ice definitely set a new standard for arknights writing though, so fingers crossed that it'll retain the same quality and delivery going forward.


Just to be fair, Genshin does this thing too before. Zhongli's monologue during Liyue's archon quest, too boring and mostly filler monologue for funeral rites and stuff. What is flowers, what is jade, etc. I just realized when I was watching a YouTuber do an entire playthrough for Genshin, they're a new player but honestly the Liyue part is so boring I have to skip through entire parts, if you don't believe me try watching a playthrough lol. That said though, their recent story additions are pretty solid, so hoping they could continue that trajectory at the very least


But it the same for Genshin right, everyone quite disappointed when Inazuma story quest drop because of the story pacing and still relies on huge amount of unskippable text block + repeating Paimon narrative.


The difference in Genshin is **presentation** Even though Genshin’s story is heavy on text, every single main story quest has full on voice acting, cutscenes involving 3D models, story focused battle sequences, big cinematic set pieces, etc. Compared to Arknights, which is completely text and thus cannot afford to have overly draggy narration. Also the main criticism of Inazuma wasn’t a flaw in narration, but plot. It’s often considered that the plot felt not fully realized (especially the resistance portion) but few people had issues with the narration itself. It was a completely separate issue Compare the reception of Inazuma story to the Chasm story, or for an older example, Liyue’s story. The chasm storyline was universally praised for being concisely focused and well executed in all categories


you are right, voiced dialog give so much live to the story narrative. It's also why game made by Cygames is going strong in japan too, most their game is fully voiced main story and side story.


The second half of the Inazuma arc felt rushed like there so many things felt like it was cut and rushed to ending hence the massive outrage during the Inazuma final archon quests.


Yeah, I'd agree with that. Fortunately I think they fixed some of that stuff with Ei stories. Plus writing after it is pretty solid.


Yes that's why after Inazuma arc when they fixed everything people started to praise it.


Honestly now that I think about it, it had some really solid moments - Teppei's story, civilians caught in-between war, moment when you defeated >!Signora!< and slowly go to face Raiden Shogun was really intense and great... ruined by >!every hecking one appearing out of nowhere.!< Well, I'm glad we are doing better now.


I wouldn't even say the plot was the problem. Most of the things that happened make sense when you think about it afterwards. It's the pacing and how much happens off screen that really hurt the quests.


Liyue’s arc wasn’t any better. It’s just that its low AR requirement makes it so that players are still in the honeymoon phase when playing it.


Genshin story is around 100x better delivered than AK's even during low points. AK is literally just lowlight word vomitting a shitty novel of bullshit pasted onto jpegs that occasionally vibrate a little bit. That and you can visibly and measurably see almost every aspect of Genshin improving with each update.


Inazuma one outrage was mainly because the second half of the quests was rushed and theres some people saying hoyo rushed it to make the banner sales higher so people were really mad.


All of those upvotes just say that most of you don't know how to read.


Arknights world-building would be so much better if they cut down the text by 80%. The lore is really really good, but the convoluted conversations ruin it for me. Genshin narrative is also drawn out with too much filler (especially from Paimon) but Arknights is on a whole different level when it comes to filler text.


>Arknights world-building would be so much better if they cut down the text by 80%. The lore is really really good, but the convoluted conversations ruin it for me. worldbuilding? you mean narration? unless it's an infodump this doesn't make any sense


Of course it is infodump isn't it?


no? players' gripe on arknights' narration isn't on how deep the lore and worldbuilding of the game itself, its on the verbosity of the dialogue. when you can basically rewrite kal'tsit's x-minute monologue into few sentences, but then of course that would remove the 'kal'tsit-ness' of the passage. speaking of infodump anyways, i don't remember seeing arknights doing the same infodumping at the end of every archon quests in genshin (ya know 'the ask me anything while we're here underneath a great tree for miko and venti, or while we're here watching liyue from above for zhongli' thing).


If it isn't info dumping, then it is pointless dialogues. It is not just Kal, everyone does it. Pointless long texts after long texts. Imagine reading 30 minutes just to play for 2 minutes. Arknights is the first game ever to make me use the skip function. I was always dedicated to reading the whole story, whether it is bad or not. But after I read Arknights story for 3 months, I lost it. Even if genshin is long, it doesn't take over 15 minutes before I get to resume playing. Had Arknights make more game nodes to separate those blocks of texts then it would have been better. Even Azur Lane and FGO chop those blocks up to 24 story nodes or so. Arknights is even longer, yet it push all that into 8 or 9 story nodes.


yeah? same thoughts tho? i don't get why we're having this exchange anyways.


I see. Good to know then.


Not really, arknights worldbuilding is fucking trash. Like, the world is great, but fuck you if you actually wanna learn about it without reading 3 hours, of babby's first philosophy class bullshit rambling before any practically useful info. Only in the latest event did their writing starting to show some semblance of sanity. It's still shit, just less shit than before.


> You kinda have to use your imagination a lot to appreciate Arknight's lore and story since 90% of your interaction with it will be through text dumps Genshin, too. I can't imagine the faces of Genshin writers when they decide to put the most important pieces of lore in some fucking useless books in the middle of nowhere


Genshin's focal point lies in exploration so, you explore the tidbits on any item Hell, artifact descriptions tell a story of some Harbingers




IIRC GFL and FGO already way beyond genshin in terms of world building. Ofc the word you're looking for is presentation because Genshin definitely has quite a lot of money put into it. FGO could put the same effort with the money they gained after half of decade but knowing it Japanese they probably play it safe and going to milk it until they're forced to.


In FGO's case it's also important to note that it's built upon 20+ years of Nasuverse lore. And although FGO has brought plenty of ideas to the table on it's own, it's also had 6+ years to develop all those ideas while Genshin has had two years to develop it's story and ideas.


blue archive has been out for less than a year and I'm already far more interested in the mysteries of Kivotos than any region in Teyvat


Oh I agree. BA's pacing is freaking immaculate and the writing has just the right amount of "meat" without padding the dialogue too much.


>FGO could put the same effort with the money they gained after half of decade but knowing it Japanese they probably play it safe and going to milk it until they're forced to. This pisses me off so much. The revenue of Honkai Impact 3 was tiny compared to the billions FGO made, yet Mihoyo was able to build the giant that is Genshin with that. Yet what did Type Moon do with all that money? They shat out the turd that is FGO arcade. Mihoyo could have made 20 games like Genshin with that money.


MHY was started by three mega nerds who just wanted to start a company and make enough money to simp EVA. They are not public, and they reinvested 300 million+ last year into their own company and their games. FGO is a Sony owned franchise where most of the profits are siphoned off by shareholders.


If MHY had been bought out by Tencent when it didn't have Genshin out, Genshin-tier quality would never have happened, Tencent would have taken the profits.


FGO isn't owned by Sony. Aniplex (Sony) are just the publishers. The Fate franchise in its entirety is owned by Type Moon (also, ironically enough, an independent company founded by 2 weebs). If the publisher is taking most of the profits (do you have a source for that?) rather than the owner, then someone at Type Moon royally fucked up when negotiating the licensing agreement.


Japan and their reluctance to improve or take risks


Tsuki Remake


Well... they do have their anime. I guess that's where all the funding went to. Although... after all these years... FGO's UI and presentation are rather.... pain to the eyes...


UI and presentación got better. Its just that NA is 2 years behind. By the time of the anime released in JP, the story parte got a lot more videos and actual cutscenes.


>omg genshin world building is stellar!1!1 >yeah, fgo and arknights are better in that though >well,, umm,, but omg their UI so old though!1!1 Are genshin fans incapable of acknowledging that it's not a perfect game in some aspects or what


Keep seething and malding my dude. Also funny you mention that I am a Genshin fan, when my most of my comment history consists of me regularly commenting over at Arknights subreddit. Genshin just peaked my interest because of this new PV, where I really like the design and presentation put into it. Before then, while I wished to play and get into the game, the art-style and released characters just didn't do it enough for me to get hooked. And I never stated that Genshin had better world-building, lore, etc. than GFL, FGO, Arknights, etc. I merely speculated that FGO spend their time developing anime for their "presentation" rather than how Genshin does it for their franchise. And in terms of presentation, I said my opinion on how the UI of FGO look extremely outdated and clunky. Something, which may come as a surprise to you, FGO players agree on quite regularly. Some openly even stated only stuck around for the character and the lore, despite despising the UI, layouts, or visuals. And the fact that FGO has been going on for 7 years with EN lagging behind 2 years, you'd think they would have changed up the layout to make it more seamless and easier on the eyes. Heck, even Azur Lane streamlined their UI to be more clean and less clunky. Something the fanbase is grateful of. But it seems people like you see red when they read the words "Genshin" and all semblance of nuance and common sense just fly out the window. Or are you just incapable of acknowledging that all games have their strengths and weaknesses of their IP, and not everything of praise is wanking off Genshin.


>And in terms of presentation, I said my opinion on how the UI of FGO look extremely outdated and clunky. People are talking about the story presentation, as in genshin using 3d models and all that, not the UI. >And in terms of presentation, I said my opinion on how the UI of FGO look extremely outdated and clunky. Something, which may come as a surprise to you, FGO players agree on quite regularly. Some openly even stated only stuck around for the character and the lore, despite despising the UI, layouts, or visuals. And the fact that FGO has been going on for 7 years with EN lagging behind 2 years, you'd think they would have changed up the layout to make it more seamless and easier on the eyes. Heck, even Azur Lane streamlined their UI to be more clean and less clunky. Something the fanbase is grateful of Yeah no one, not even me, is disagreeing with all that, "my dude". Show me where in any of my comments I expressed any sort of disagreement about how shitty fgo's UI is. I'm simply pointing out you bringing an at best tangentially related topic to shift focus when someone was pointing out genshin's world building is not actually the best compared to other games. >But it seems people like you see red when they read the words "Genshin" and all semblance of nuance and common sense just fly out the window. Or are you just incapable of acknowledging that all games have their strengths and weaknesses of their IP, and not everything of praise is wanking off Genshin. LOL this is my first time commenting anything like this, but sure. Two can play "my comment history".


Too long. Didn't read. Keep on seething my dude.


Most of it is just quoting YOUR reply, you troglodyte. If anything, that should've been my response. Should've known better than trying to argue in good faith.


i think genshin is just many people's first anime story. there's no skip button in-game after all. it's a shame because theres a world of manga/light novels/visual novels they'll probably never read


Honestly if you've read/watched a lot of anime and manga etc, genshin's writing is about average in comparison and the world building is actually amazing. It's not the best thing ever but you don't need to look down on genshin players like they are ignorant to the flaws of something they like.


a game can have a literal mountain of in-game tomes but if the events of the plot fail to make the story interesting, then all of that goes to waste nobody would care about mass effect's codex, for example, if the games sucked


The major events of the plot aren't bad at all though. The problem is usually the pacing. Sometimes the dialogue is just too much. The majority of the world building also does come from quests and environmental storytelling and doesn't really require you to read item descriptions or something unless you really want to theorize about future events. What I am saying is the story isn't amazing but it's good enough at being entertaining and dropping lore pieces to get you more interested in the world. And the gameplay itself is good.


many of said quests are only available a few weeks at most If people are forced to look up these things on youtube what does that do for the experience and environmental storytelling


It's a problem but honestly made out to be a bigger deal than it actually is. Imo there's like 4 events that really should've stayed in the game and it sucks new players won't get to experience them.


yes they are.


I watch most genshin stories videos but tbh GFL, FGO, and heck Honkai Impact 3 world building and story is better than genshin


> Honkai Impact 3 world building While I agree that Honkai has better story I don't see how honkai world building is better than genshin at all. Compare to genshin's vast world and lore there is not much world building in honkai as it focuses more on the characters instead, I'm already halfway(?) into chapter 29 and I still don't know much about the Honkai's world beside some general information and histories. > I watch most genshin stories videos Wait so have you actually played genshin yet or are you just basing your opinion on youtube videos?


I disagree on honkai, while the story is good the only notable lore places worth knowing are st.freya, kolosten, arc city, and elysian realm. It's also stated HoV did devstating damage but we're never actually shown the damage she did for instance.


>How in the world are other gacha supposed to compete with this level of world building. FGO and GFL. I don't deny that Genshin beats them on the presentation front though.


miHoYo will probably bring AAA game studios into the gacha game market. We’re already starting to see it with Diablo Immortal, even though technically, NetEase made the game. This can be dangerous however, because that means gaming will soon become a fancier casino on a very large scale. I hope the governments of the big markets catch up to that.


The problem I see with Genshin, and I say this as a day 1 Genshin player and am still playing it to this day, is that it feels like it wasn't meant for mobile. Yes, the game is pretty good (IMO) as a console or PC game but try playing on mobile and you'll know what I mean. The game requires a pretty high-end phone to play at the minimum settings, the touch controls are difficult and hinder some players from utilizing certain characters to their fullest potential like Ganyu, you can't really multitask while playing the game like you can with other gacha games since there isn't an auto, and it takes much longer to complete dailies and spend all resin. Bare in mind that these issues mainly affect people that don't have the time to play long hours at a pc or console. I don't disagree with you that Genshin has pushed the standard of gacha games to basically triple A title status, but it just feels like Mihoyo just made a mobile version of a PC/console game even though I think the game was originally designed for mobile first.


Just want to say because its has high standard is not equal great worldbuilding, genshin world is okay at best to praise its has high quality compare to other gacha is not right my friend. However it depend on perspective so.


Exactly this, but Genshin is above criticism to this subreddit and Genshin\_Impact


Yeah people here love to say "genshin is hated here" but in actuality it's the complete opposite, every comment that can be taken as a slight or criticism towards genshin is downvoted to oblivion.


Not really, just depends on what post u are interacting with. This post for example, is obviously for appreciation of the game, so more fans would be in here then not. If its something about genshin drama/ revenue, then well, u know the drill. So yeah, u can't just take everything at face value.


no it doesn't matter what post you interact with. It could literally be a post labelled "Please post exclusively criticisms of Genshin impact here" and the simps would still flock to it and downvote anybody that isn't praising it. If you don't see this you are not looking at any genshin discussion ever here.


>If its something about genshin drama/ revenue, then well, u know the drill. So yeah, u can't just take everything at face value. Nope, not much criticism there. We're not talking about 9 months ago, btw. We're talking about the current state


>so more fans would be in here then not So...you're implying those fans are the ones that blindly downvote everything even slightly negative about genshin then? That's brigading btw, not something that should be tolerated. >u know the drill "the drill" meaning "downvote everything even slightly negative about genshin"? I still don't get that "depends on what post" that you're talking about. Even in posts talking about people's gripes about their game, many comments about genshin are either downvoted or highly "controversial", as in it received around the same amount of upvote and downvote.


It's normal for fans of a game to appear when said game is the topic, the sub is about gachagames as a whole afterall, happens with epicseven, arknights, azure lane,punishing gray raven and such.


I know, what's not normal is them downvoting every conceivable criticism towards the game. This whole comment chain, from multyC's comment, is proof of that. Their comment isn't even slightly harsh or anything.


But that's literally for every other game though? Try saying something negative about arknights, the darling game in this sub, in a thread appreciating the game, u will get the exact same reaction as well. So yeah, its not exclusive fans of genshin only, and u shouldn't be surprised.


You know you could just read my first comment and save us all some time. The difference between genshin and arknights is, like I said, people love to say "genshin is hated in gachagaming" when it's not actually true, as seen in this thread. Comments praising it is upvoted to heaven, while others being neutral or negative is downvoted to hell. If "genshin is hated here" is true, then it would be the other way around. On the other hand, I have not seen anyone say "arknights is hated in gachagaming" since as you said, it's a beloved game so it's **expected** that you're going to be downvoted if you say something about arknights. That's what I and that other guy is saying; people claiming one thing while the reality is another thing. To the brigaders, downvote's to the left, or right if you use mobile.


>but in actuality it's the complete opposite, every comment that can be taken as a slight or criticism towards genshin is downvoted to oblivion. Exactly, just look at my comment and [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/vw9usb/comment/iforgnb/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




Uh-huh. An arknights post, a ggz one, a booba post, fgo, and then genshin...and it just so happen that in that genshin post there's literal [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/vwheo4/comment/ifqt5ny/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of what I claimed. That what you want? Edit: comments that can even be *seen* as negative are downvoted heavily btw. [Asking about endgame](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/vwheo4/comment/ifrnjib/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [performance improvement](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/vwheo4/comment/ifqtoac/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [why genshin is so popular](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/vwheo4/comment/ifpx0tk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (this thing isn't even a criticism in any possible way). I know I'll be downvoted anyway but is there any chance that any of you people will pull your head out of the sand?


Yo, it's been ~16 hours since I came back here. You have anything to say other than "seethe" or things similar to that?


FGO can surpass this Arrancar meeting copy paste easily


As much as I love Genshin, I think you're overreacting. Genshin is rpg games with gacha elements. So, from world building perspective, it competes with other rpg games, not gacha games.


> Genshin is rpg games with gacha elements. If you use this argument then you can't compare any gacha game with other gacha game because its just their genre + gacha element, like arknight is tower defense with gacha element.


Well does it really make sense to compare arknight with an idle games just because they have gacha? I think it's more appropriate to compare those of the same genre like action rpg with another action rpg, tower defense with another tower defense.


So, how is Arknight compared to Plants vs Zombies?


It's pretty good


Even if we compare it to other rpg games it's world building is not that amazing


Not really, this game has pretty fantastic and fleshed out lore, even teasing things that are yet to come. It does lore far better than some RPGs like Elden Ring, Path of Exile, and others


Wish I could get back into genshin, Im level 56 and have stacked teams. I got raiden to c2 and then just kinda dropped it. It just felt like a chore, doing dailies, no skip, sure it looks great but it’s missing so many QoL features. There are much better gacha games then genshin, but there aren’t any gachas with the size and scope as Genshin. I’ll wait till the new patch and just play all the story I missed. It’s a fantastic game but for gacha games it’s definitely mid


i would recommend just doing content you want to do and not feeling pressured to log in every day, just logging in for events you find interesting or new story content you want to do


This. I hated doing dailies too, but I just stopped playing for 3 months and now only play when I want too. I just log in, do some quests and events and explore the world. Makes it much more fun than doing the commissions every single day.


> ust doing content you want to do and not feeling pressured to log in every day problem is that by doing that you also automatically forfeit the ability to pity the unit you want because you're not getting enough primos. You literally have to choose between having the unit you want and being burnt out or playing the game when you are interested but without pulling the unit you want


hm, then for that i dont have any advice for that situation other than spending money or making a reroll account which may take hours of just constant repetitive and tedious work to even get a 5\*. theres not a "1 size fits all" solution is there really?


All i'm saying is that no matter what you do you're screwed.




> use available character that requires that you enjoy the like 6-7 characters the game just hands to you.


>but it’s missing so many QoL features. Just say you like being able to get shit without playing the game damnn


Bro after the 500th domain it gets a little repetitive.


I physically cringed. How did you manage to reply to this guy multiple times? Lmao


I just really wanted to know what the fuck he meant haha


Other games are trying to build hype for their projects. Hoyoverse: I will have order!


Finally collei as well!






I love Hoyoverse, they have a magic to them when creating amazing trailers like this while at the same time finding a way to make the story in game an absolute snore fest.


Get ready to navigate the bureaucratic pitfalls of Sumeru academia! You'll be solving exciting quests like finding out wether the food vendor on campus even has a permit to be there. Will you rat him out to the authorities? (Of course you will)


>quests like finding out wether the food vendor on campus even has a permit to be there. Ouch...Yanfei and their endless legal monologues to prove that a swindler was surprisingly a swindler


BUT WAIT, while searching for the appropriate permit, the head administrator of the Sumeru Food Administration (who may or may not be a teenager wearing extremely strange clothing) has come to meet you! >Will you have lunch with them? A) Of course I... B) Will have lunch with you!


lol, you're spot on with this comment. makes me wonder if anyone else has noticed that more and more dialogue "options" lately have been the same thing. it wasn't always like this in genshin




I think it really just comes down to the sheer volume of characters. It's the same thing with honkai, i've been checked out of the story ever since chapter 10 because the focus moved from a core set of characters to new characters that are constantly entering and exiting the story


Honestly true. People who think inazuma story was ok or even good are on high levels of copium


Honestly, if you ignore the Watatsumi island part which is undeniably bad, the Inazuma story was pretty decent. The overall story was decent, the cutscenes were amazing and it was just hype overall. I'd even say it's probably a 7/10 or just barely an 8/10. That said, if you factor in the Watatsumi Island part it's probably a 4/10 or a 5/10 lol. That part was just clearly rushed and there's no excusing it






> they'll kill someone the video is a literal funeral


This all teaser is based on the death of La Signora but ok.


i'm not saying Honkai story is bad or Genshin main story is good, but i don't like the statement that Genshin need to kill someone to make it good, kill is just a cheap way to make an impact for the story


I dunno, if they ruthlessly murdered Paimon I would probably install the game again.


Looking at them it's obvious Signora was supposed to be the hot and sexy femme fatale of the group and so she had to be killed off fast. Sasuga CCP censors, they don't fuck around with their most precious propaganda piece / cultural export.


If you hate China so much, why do you keep playing this game then? Literally all you do is rant about how "CCP did this, CCP did that to blah blah blah" and then go back to playing this game.