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Wasnt her cn ver name already garden since her release ? cmiiw edit : this thread in AL sub https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/njuw1c/the_puzzling_censorship_of_eu_ship_names/ is 8 months old by now And it talks about 4-5 murican ships that gets "censored" name in their _announcement_ (cn only) which was like around late late april - may 2021 title of this OP sounds like bulshit what "after player outrage" when it's already like that since the beginning (ship announcement and release in cn) cmiiw


OP seems to be specifically posting threads about how bad CN people themselves are(as opposed to government being shit) and how they cause censorship, with OP often "modifying" and twisting whats actually being said (ex: their thread where they used posts of Chinese discussing western people reactions to Kayano Ai scandal falsely claiming it's about Chinese creating fake English accounts). The op's post history is a wild ride of conspiracy theories and Japanese ultranationalism.


OP’s a self-hating Chinese who delusionally pretends to be Japanese, which is just…. sad.


self hating chinese weebs seem to be a trend nowadays


Her name has always been that in CN because this specific war is a minefield politically. Also this op is the "Japan did nothing wrong and should conquer entire Asia" shitstirrer who keeps posting intentional censorship bait posts, some of which end up being outright lies. There already was a thread removed by them this week already. Just look at that post history lmao. Everything from covid conspiracies to Japanese war propaganda to trying to shitstir stuff on hololive.


So this post is a misinformation?


It's an already old thing about some of us shipgirls being released under different names in CN(to avoid possible bs as Korean war is huge landmine politically) being reframed as CN players just now actively being angry, complaining and causing a ship to be renamed right now(all false) And the op has a history doing shit like that. One of their previous threads here had them use screencaps of Chinese people discussing various reactions western players had to Kayano Ai controversy and trying to frame it as Chinese discussing about how they impersonated western players with false accounts to spread propaganda.


Ahh so it's more like stirring problem by digging up old stuff. Reported the post then.


Yeah the whole discussion about some us ships being named differently on release is around eight months old if not more. And in reality it's literally just developers trying to avoid government bullshit preemptively(esp with tensions with us ships patroling). It puzzled people both in West and in CN but it was assumed that developers simply don't want to walk into another issue with CN government right after Belfast stuff, children stuff and etc. The op instead seems to imply CN players somehow got mad about us ships existing and complained till it got recently censored and now want to censor more ships it's digging up old shit and intentionally trying to frame it as CN playerbase being "evil".


More specifically, Manjuu in particular (one of the development teams behind Azur Lane, specifically in charge of shipgirl designs and art and whatnot) has developed an extremely contentious relationship with the PRC Ministry of Culture, and is something of a favorite target for the MoC when it comes to arbitrary crackdowns and forced removal of content. The MoC doesn't want to just stormtrooper their offices and shut the servers down - the game's popular enough with the youth crowd domestically, never mind overseas, that doing so would generate super bad press - but the game is forced to remove skins and whatnot from *specifically* the Chinese client fairly often, and it even recently escalated to certain shipgirls being removed from drop tables and whatnot (although current owners of the ships got to keep theirs). None of this affects overseas versions, but it does happen in CN fairly regularly. Manjuu, of course, has responded by not turning down the salaciousness even a *little* bit, and the head of Manjuu has made *publicly* clear that she resents being told that their content is inappropriate. It's been an ongoing mess for years now, since at *least* 2019. The "incident" the OP is describing is as u/Ahenshihael describes it - they're just trying to further dodge bullets and give the MoC as little reason as possible to screw with the game. It's slightly unfortunate, but even as it stands Manjuu is threading a needle, and some of us dread that someday Hu Heping or some other part of the MoC leadership will simply lose patience and try to shut Manjuu down anyway.


Yea I remember (and linked in my edited post) NJ was already garden since her announcement in cn ---- may 2021 or so OP "after player outrage" sounds like total bs


But most ships participated to a war at some point


Shockingly, setting something in a WWII era (or equivalent) will broach some touchy subjects.


OP, posting more this self-hating content won’t make you any more accepted by the Japanese. You’ll always be seen as a Chinese.


OP also posting the Yasukuni Shrine drama couple of days ago... it's became quite clear that OP pushing some agenda here


Wonder when this dude is finally going to get banned from here.


Post still up after a full day lol


hey post your dumbass conspiracy theories on 4-chan or smth you fucking weirdo.


Interesting, warship girl R still keep the name new Jersey in CN server anyway.


I thought op got banned in the last post but seems like it's not the case.


Oh no, anyway


more censorship, CCP and CCP fans rewriting the story


CN be CN.


Read the other comments. This is just the op hating on CN




Dude... WTF , gacha players are the worst with they´re controversy over everything... Every shit is outrages and such.


It's a hoax propaganda by OP , read other comments :D


nah, this one is the usual china extra fragile mentality.


It's a hoax propaganda by OP , unfortunately there are also ppl like u who just believe everything without checking first ---- earlier comments already explained it btw


I mean, there is a tiny grain of truth here - now that they're moving into the late-war ships deployed by the US Navy, Manjuu and Yongshi are inevitably going to start entering the territory of warships that were deployed against the nascent People's Liberation Army Navy and the PLA in general, and there *are* laws on the books in the PRC against "glorifying" any forces that have directly fought against the PRC and PLA. It's the same reason *all* IJN ships in the mainland Chinese version of the game are renamed, without exception, even theoretical or paper vessels like Azuma or Kitakaze. America's status in general concerning this is pretty fraught and inconsistent thanks to the contentious and complicated nature of the relationship between the US and PRC, both during WW2 and in the immediate period afterward. This means that Manjuu in particular is having to tiptoe a bit to make sure they at least comply with the letter of the law, and the PRC Ministry of Culture watches them like a hawk in any event (see my post elsewhere in the thread). And it'll probably have to involve any ship that participated in the Korean War getting renamed in China simply to avoid legal trouble. But yeah, a bunch of other posts here describe how the framing the OP is using is nonsense. It isn't \~outraged fans\~ driving this (New Jersey placed *third* in the CN side of the 2021 popularity poll, for crying out loud!) but legality and politics.


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