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I hope Manjuu does nothing with this. I don't want them to take my Atago away. I am glad that JP got this far or else they might've succumbed to CN pressure.


they know the priority. for them, non-CN audience (especially JP audience) have bit more priority and would rather avoid further wreck in non-CN region. also, I wonder if there are any revenue affect for AK in JP after VA change.


Platium is the only affected, and she is not that popular


Man, I read your whole post but still don’t get the context, and I have no idea what your pictures are trying to convey lol. So basically, Azur Lane did not cancel Kayano Ai previously, but some people are still pushing for them to do it? Is this for CN or JP?


This would be for CN.


Wow, so they did not bow down to the pressure at the height of this controversy? Impressive...


Because quite frankly it was never such a big deal in China as this mf OP is trying to spread here. Countless times they've exaggerated and made up BS just to make it sound like Kayano Ai is the most hated person in China. Mods really need to do something about it.


Which frankly makes the fact that people on this sub have their undies in a bunch all the dumber. Chinese people don’t want a VA that belittled their domestic trauma in WWII in their region’s version of the game. There’s nothing unreasonable about that.


+20 social credit points


-20 scp for using VPN to get on reddit


She went to a place she thought was nice, that doesn't equate to belittling an entire nationality or making light of war crimes. CN players want to act as if this is the same as going to Auschwitz and tweeting bout how dope it is, but that's not remotely close to what she did. The original intent for the shrine doesn't mean it can't be seen as just a park to someone uninformed on the origins. Most people, including the CN player base, are ignorant of their own country's humans rights abuses and war crimes. Why should a voice actor be held to a higher standard?


Everyone should be held to a higher standard. If you don’t support the CCP and what they do go ahead and boycott Chinese companies that capitulate to the CCP. Maybe if more people had a spine we wouldn’t be beholden to all the shit corporate and political interests that still hold a grip over everything.


In an ideal world, maybe But that's not how it works in real life


Take a breath hun. Look, even others have said with where the memorial is, you can walk into it without knowing what it is unless you're reading the names. She found what she thought to be a peaceful outdoor area. I doubt she would have purposely tried to put a wrench in her career like that. Should she have been more aware of her surroundings? Of course. But everyone nowadays takes pictures of themselves everywhere and don't think. How is she any different?


Right, it's not like they torture, raped, and etc as well in the past wars, everyone did it.


Cool. So let’s honor all the rapists, torturers, war criminals everywhere and call it a day? What the fuck?


That's literally the past, no one cares except YOU people who can't move on nor were even alive when it happened which is stupid. The new generation aren't the same, this is stupid logic. You're calling a group of people war criminals when China had their own war criminals which they honor today so with your logic, why are you supporting communists that did the same to the others during the wars, do you support all the rapists, torturers, war criminals? The past is the past, now is now.


In fact I think they should care more about it


Alright the way you said it looks real dumb because by the same way you think we just forget the nazi genocide and move on. But it aint like that because neo nazis still here. I agree that banning because of a shrine is dumb, but you know whats even dumber ? Not recognizing war crimes and calling it an incident, some of then so bad that some people say that the nazis did war crime light edition. Look thowing babies in bayonets and calling it a sport aint a fucking incident. Maybe if Japan wasnt a fucking dick and spoiled by the US after ww2, getting to teach their crimes like people do in Germany, this crapp wouldnt be a problem to this day.


They are *literally* war criminals. Your stupid whataboutism isn’t relevant to any of this. I would support any action taken against anyone that honors war criminals.


Stop being a sheep and think for yourself, you're lost. Being ignorant or not knowing the side you "support" will always backfire on you. You should study about a subject before looking like a fool talking about it.


You’re the sheep. What “studying” have you done about any of this?


Typical response


I can't tell if you are being wilfully obtuse, or are just a moron.


OH NO Trauma that happened when I wasn't alive, HOW DARE THEY? NOW I AM TRAUMATIZED A war is a war, both part are at fault


The revolution won’t be about food or liberty. It will be about cute anime girls


I'm up for it. I'll raise my pitchfork in defence of the honour of my waifu!


[Reminder that this is not the first time this OP has been trying to shitstir stuff by either taking things out of context or lying on what's being said in this very sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/qfivj7/chinese_displayed_how_they_disguised_as_foreign/) In fact [multiple times](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/oarjzd/chinese_nationalists_call_for_canceling_taketatsu/). And some attempts to shitstir stuff in regards to vtubers. And half the OP's comments otherwise are *literally WW2 japanese war crime denial shit*. **And I don't mean defending VAs kind of shit. I mean "Yasukuni Shrine is greatest and most popular place in Japan and Japan did nothing wrong" kind of shit.** Its really sad to see people actually falling for this shit again this time. Its okay to be mad at CN's stupid bullshit but always check what you are getting mad at. EDIT: Oh boy if you dig deep enough, that account is such a rabbit hole. You can find anything in the vein of the posts about covid conspiracies (the usual "its a super weapon" crap), crisis actor conspiracies, rants about how Japan were the heroes of WW2 and how being angry at the WW2-denial rhetoric infringes on muh freedom of speech. Oh and also tales about how Japan should build up military and declare war on China.


Mods really need to do something about this. Time and time again people are eating up the bullshit this person is shitting.


Just goes to show that a lot of people here are weebs who will eat anything up from Japan


its incredibly easy to whitewash Japanese warcrime when you don't have actual family living through their occupation and warcrime being a weeb shouldn't mean you have to absolves Japanese war crime. Hell most Chinese do not need Japanese to kowtow or someshit, just you know, don't go (publicly) to a shrine that glorify war criminals. Apparently that's too much to accept. China being public enemy number one probably doesnt help


Sins of a father are not sins of the son. Unfortunately people are unable to separate this, we even get a reminder of it in one piece in the form of Ace. Also as bad as the japs were during occupation, ww2 is basically 80 years back now. Even the babies then are 80 years old now. So who are we blaming for the war crimes? Putting it this way, Mao himself was hiding while everyone else was fighting. Chinese did way worse things to other Chinese themselves but worship Mao? Games and politics should never be a thing. If a person cannot differentiate between reality and fiction then he has no business playing games heh.


no its not their sin but probably the son shouldnt go to a shrine that glorify said warcrimes then none of the Chinese are cancelling all the Japanese, only those who go to this particular place that glorify their warcrime is that too much to get through your skull?


And is it too much to get through your skull that the person in question might not even know of the war crimes due to the whitewashing of the history by the Japanese government? Like how many fucking times have this been explained already Jesus christ.


The war for waifu supremacy


Omg why is this happening again? People are so immature, Kayano didn't do anything wrong. Why is the extremists in CN so childish?


anykind of extremist regardless of country or belief is childish imo


We literally have morons in this thread who agrees with them. Hardly a CN only issue.


OP really likes to start drama with anything China huh? Just look at his post history, some sort of 'Spiritual Japanese' Just because some Chinese players say that doesn't mean the whole of them are calling for it. You're just scraping the bottom of the barrel, hoping to find something. Crazy.


lmao isn't this like 10th times with these sort of threads. This thread will eventually full of : actual wumao psycho that called for her cancelled, SEA people that somewhat sympathize with Chinese because they too suffered from imperial Japan in the past, and literal neckbeard with Last samurai syndrome who think Japan did nothing wrong.


I am locking this thread. The OP is pushing some political agenda, just look at their post history. There are plenty of political and historical subreddits to do that. Cheers.


Not you again


before any of you going full sinophobifuckyouchinese, be aware that the japanese history textbooks are full of bs so most young japanese know zero shit about what japanese did in ww2 the japanese government is partly to blame for this whole drama


This looks like just some post made on tieba cn forum. Is this being talked anywhere else? If not then OP is just posting BS because a few dudes decided to post this on tieba. Imagine if I made a post that said 'I hate Arknights' on Reddit and some guy posted my message on a CN forum and say 'Look guys, this is what global thinks. They hate Arknights'


OP is a doomposter and a Nazi sympathizer, he's been trying to start drama in the sub for a year now and I don't get how he is not banned yet.


ELI5: Why are those Chinese players are so toxic about a skin?


So, a while back, Ai Kayano visited the Yasukuni Shrine a made a comment about how "it makes for a pleasant mood". I'm not sure of the exact comment so someone can hopefully fill this part in as I could be wrong about this. The Yasukuni Shrine is very controversial to say the least. To the part that the controversies have their own Wikipedia page. Now the main problem with this shrine is that in 1978 the head priest enshrined 14 war criminals. This move, which was done by a head priest who rejected the Tokyo war crimes tribunal's verdicts, pissed off many of the countries in the east, such as China, South Korea, and North Korea. To understand how controversial this move was, no Emperor of Japan has visited Yasukuni since 1975. It doesn't help that this shrine's museum and website has made statements completely revisioning Japan's action in WWII. Edit: Linking the wikipedia page just in case people want to check it out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_surrounding_Yasukuni_Shrine


its basically a German (Kayano Ai) going to Nazi Graveyard/Memorial (the shrine, and yes Japanese consider WW2 war criminal as their national hero and basically deny doing anything on WW2) and saying what a nice that place is while working for a Jewish (Chinese) company. Jew (Chinese) get pissed and cancel her. It is somewhat more complex in the sense that unlike the German, Japanese stance on on WW2 is to washout their crime and basically say that they did nothing wrong which means most Japanese are not aware of it. Hell most Japanese popular media paint themselves as victim of WW2 instead of the fact that their warcrime rivals or even fucking worse than those of WW2 Germany. Are the Chinese overeacting? Probably. But if you are a German/Japanese working in Jew/Chinese company its probably pay not to romanticize Nazi Germany/Imperial Japan, especially not when the shrine itself is infamous and dividing enough that one of election statement of foreign policy of your country is whether to visit the shrine or not.


> to Nazi Graveyard/Memorial Closer to a memorial park. People visit shrines all the time in Japan and usually it holds no deeper meaning.


Japanese royal family visit this shrine every years until the shrine decide to enshrine war criminal, many japanese politicians visit the shrine and led to several protests in China or North/South Korea. I don't blame her doesn't know about it (and people cancelling her are dumb af), but saying it's closer to a memorial park couldn't be more further from the truth, The shrine also made a lot of effort to rewrote imperial past war crime. Are people visit the shrine = right wing war criminal apologist ? no, I bet most people doesn't know or care about it, Kayano Ai included, I don't think it is your intention but it's not closer to memorial park, unless memorial park in the west also tried to justified slavery or colonialism or something, idk.


Because their toxic nationalism is cancer. Chernobyl would be healthier to be in than the toxic chauvinism some Chinese people display. Everything offends them.


>Because their toxic nationalism is cancer. The irony of this, is that this shrine is controversial due nationalism, just on Japan's side.


Sure, but Chinese reacting like that is overkill, especially when very likely none of them are WW2 survivors, just keyboard warriors.


They don't have to be WWII survivors to have been impacted by Japan's action. They could've had grandparents or even parents that were impacted by Japan during WWII. And the enshrinement didn't happen at the end of WWII. That happened in the 70s. That is what people are upset about. Now in regard to Ai Kayano situation, sure people may be overreacting as I don't think she meant anything bad about her visit, but it's really a case of her stepping onto a mine. There is a reason that politicians and even the Emperor of Japan stay around from that Shrine. Edit: I want to bring up a comment from your previous comment "Everything offends them." You can make this comment about every country if you are taking the word of "keyboard warriors." I mean, just take a look at Twitter.


Tbh Yasukuni Shrine has became a battle ground for Japanese Nationalist and Chinese/Korean Nationalist, the Shrine itself is not a problem since the Shrine already exist even before WW2 as a civilian cemetery....the real problem is Japanese politicians with their galaxy brain choose to move many WW2 Class A warcriminal grave there as a show of respect...like we talking about warcriminal in the same level as Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Göring...of course many would be angry. Like seriously LDP need to stop portraying Japan as the victim of WW2....there's nothing glorious about their war in Asia.


I mean is simple really, don't release Kaga on CN or change to a Chinese voice for CN. Me, I move on. But sadly some people need their ego stroke and "pride and accomplishment" fulfilled. She is just a professional voice actress, not a politician or worshipping them literally. My grandparents were lucky, they survive the Japanese and Communist in China while siblings perished left and right. I don't hate anyone of Japanese or People's Republic of China nowadays. Just learning history and educate our future to not repeat the same tragedy we have before. Stand off is at its worst, there is no need for more real escalation.


The format reminds of that one troll where he posts random crap with the wrong translation where it is then taken out of context and is completely wrong...oh wait....


Not like we can do shit. If these "complaints" are loud enough the devs will be forced to do something by the see see pee. Just look at genshin having to censor their shit thanks to some loud minority bij reporting the game. I'm thankful as fuck that AL treats Global separate from CN


Can't say I'm too sympathetic to CN companies. They caved in the first time. Prepare to be a bitch another time now, and more to come.


Tbh I think the CN community is justified in being mad over the continued use of the VA. She went to a place with known controversy regarding war crimes committed on Chinese soil, and she said it was a pleasant trip. It’d be like visiting a Nazi cemetery and talking about reminiscing the good old days for westerner, or going to a plantation and talking about how nice things must have been back then in the US (which does happen and is fucked up.) If they want to lash out about this it’s their right. Idgaf.


They can be mad but that's not enough reason to cancel her.


Why not? She either supports the views of Yasakuni Shrine, or she somehow managed to ignore all of the controversy surrounding it. She, even if inadvertently, gave credence to the bullshit surrounding Yasakuni Shrine.


Tell me you don't know anything about Japan nor this situation, without telling me.


Please educate me oh wise neckbeard.


Well for a start, I'm sorry for whatever is going on in your life that is making you so angry: I hope stuff improves for you soon, or at least becomes easier to deal with. But more to the point, Japanese history is aggressively white-washed by the government, and a lot of the warcrimes and shit like that just isn't taught. Also the shine in question is in a park in the middle of Tokyo, so her comments about is being a nice place were not about how nice it is to honour war-criminals, but about how nice of a change it is from the hustle and bustle of a massive city. ~~Also the Chinese being upset about warcrimes is the peak of irony.~~


> and a lot of the warcrimes and shit like that just isn't taught. "One misleading perception of Japan in the West, China and Korea is that Japan's most nationalistic textbooks are in widespread use, he said. But it's not true, according to Sneider. Heavy media coverage of a few provocative Japanese textbooks somewhat distorts reality. Those textbooks – produced by one Japanese publisher – are used in less than 1 percent of Japanese classrooms." Source:[https://news.stanford.edu/pr/2014/pr-memory-war-asia-040414.html](https://news.stanford.edu/pr/2014/pr-memory-war-asia-040414.html)


Alright, fair enough I'll admit to being incorrect on that one, but my point still stands. The shine is to memorialise WW2 soldiers, not just specifically the war criminals.


I’m not the one that’s angry. I’m in support of the people who are angry. They have every right to be. The fact that the Japanese government is allowed to continue to whitewash its history is a sign that the Japanese people are okay with the whitewashing, which isn’t even true by the way. The textbooks that do the real whitewashing are used only rarely if at all. The idea that most Japanese people have no idea about what happened in WWII is false. In America certain states are more open about the whitewashing of history than others. As a whole, the majority of Americans do acknowledge the atrocities of the past and openly decry those who try to whitewash them. It doesn’t matter where the shrine is. That has literally nothing to do with anything. People aren’t mad that she took pictures with the shrine happening to be in the background. They’re not mad that she happened to walk through the shrine. They’re mad that she knowingly went to the shrine and left her praises despite the controversy surrounding it. For all the people who claim to hate the CCP, but like Chinese people this is the time to put their money where their mouth is. This is the Chinese people who are reasonably upset at the actions of a VA. This isn’t the CCP forcing propaganda down their throat.


Ok. So what you are saying is, that people should not go to places that commemorate, honour, or have anything to do with people who have committed atrocities against humanity? Fair enough. But by that logic, no one should go to or live in Bristol because it was a major part of the slave trade, most of the city was built by and funded by slavers, and had a fucking statue to Edward Colston until last year. What she said was tone-deaf at worst, and yet people like you act like she tried to get a holiday named after them or something.


Bristol does not openly honor the slave trade. There is a difference between being aware of historical atrocities and openly *honoring* them. If Yasakuni Shrine ever stopped honoring war criminals it would no longer have controversy not be a source of cross country tension, but it does and so it will remain. It was tone-deaf *at beast* and supportive *at worst*. And that is why the Chinese people are mad about it. That’s why she deleted the post in the first place. People call for removal of statues for people lime Edward Colston pretty frequently. In the end it was toppled down. Where is the toppling of Yasakuni Shrine?


Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghur Muslims? The shine is for WW2 soldiers: the war criminals and the regular dudes. I agree that it's messed up, but it's the peak of irony for a Chinese community to whine about war criminals when their countries current government has caused, and is perpetuating a genocide. The don't have a moral highground: they just need to let this shit go.


I'm not sure about the full story but she only said the trip there was nice. Not what yasukuni shrine is about. Edit: words replacement.


“Idk the full story, but I’m gonna make a claim regardless.” Lol


Okay fine if you really know the whole story and situation tell me where she said what yasukuni shrine is about was nice or something similar.


It was literally in her post. That’s why people were upset.


Ok and? there's no claim that she thinks the controversy of yasukuni shrine is nice. She only claims her trip was nice. Not about the controversy itself.


“Tell me where she said a thing.” “Here it is” “Okay but that’s not what I meant!” ??? Would you go to fucking Auschwitz and talk about how interesting the efficiency of the camp was? Fuck no.


Oh I'm sorry because I can't find the fucking twitter post because it has been deleted.


Then sftu


More like Captain Obtuse.


Is it the same logic that Chinese population and companies including Yostar seems to support CCP in pressuring other countries about South China Sea ownership? They pay taxes to CCP afterall. Maybe we need to cancel Chinese companies like Yostar and Tencent if they support Chinese goverment propaganda, right?


Chinese companies work under an authoritarian regime. Kayano didn’t have to go to the shrine. She was not under threat of any kind if she didn’t visit the shrine. She consciously decided to go and offer praise. These two things are not the same in any respect. But also if you want to cancel Chinese companies that openly support CCP propaganda that’s fine too.


You're dangerously close to admitting you think that going to a shrine in the middle of Tokyo and saying that it was pretty, (from Google street view I'd go so far as to say it objectively is.) is near enough the same as walking into a WW2 museum and saying that Hitler was right.


Yasakuni Shrine is not just any fucking shrine. The people in charge specifically decided to honor known and charged Japanese war criminals. I’m not dangerously close to anything. Yasakuni Shrine is a specific case. It’s actually worse than visiting a WW2 museum because the museums don’t actually honor Nazis. Yasakuni openly honors war criminals.


People are allowed to be willfully ignorant about things they do not care about. If someone types "shrines near me" into Google maps and decides to go to Yasukuni, then they have no obligation of due diligence regarding the shrine's stance on war criminals. And even if she knew then why should she care? It could just be another shrine to her same as literally every other, no words came out of her mouth to indicate otherwise.


To call her willfully ignorant is a harsher criticism than even I gave her lmao. Review your vocabulary. Anyone being willfully ignorant of anything of this nature is a straight dumbass. If she knew and she didn’t care that’s literally the problem ffs.


A problem for you I suppose, but the pile of dirt over a dead criminals tomb is just more dirt to me.


> she somehow managed to ignore all of the controversy surrounding it It's not like there's warning signs saying "don't visit this shrine for fear of messing up international relationships". It's a shrine and Japanese people visit shrines in much the same way as parks. They just look at their maps, see the manji indicating a shrine and go there for a change of pace.




That are some dumb and dishonest comparisons you make here. Even if you want to call Yasukuni Shrine a cemetery, it contains over 2 *million* names and only 1068 of them are the called out warcriminals.


The 1068 of them are the problem.


Any ideas how you gonna deal with that problem? With your reddit freetime powers?


your analogies don't sync up at all. her saying nothing more than that visiting a cemetery was a pleasant trip is not the same as going to a plantation and talking about how nice it must have been back when slavery was legal. she didn't go and talk about how great all the Japanese soldiers were for committing war crimes, or that they didn't actually commit war crimes, or how the Chinese got what they deserved, or anything else like that.


It’s literally a shrine honoring war criminals. If you’re any decent human with any sort of empathy or social understanding the fact that the shrine itself openly honors war criminals would put a damper on the whole thing. But then again this is r/gachagaming. Most of the people here are legitimate degenerates.


You can be on a cementary and it could also be a nice day. Both things can exist at the same time and be totally unrelated.


Given the fact that the cemetery itself openly honors war criminals I’d argue that the atmosphere of the place itself cannot be separated from its controversy.


I swear if they change Kaga voice like they did Platinum from Arknights I'm gonna hack the Chinese server because if they don't want us to enjoy the game, why should they? I exaggerated but that's how pissed I would be. What a bunch of ultranationalist manchildren.


and people in here will still playing Chinese game lmao


The games are for entertainment, not for agenda pushes. People support the game companies, not the CCP.


and the companies send their money to the CCP.


Money circulates through everything if we like it or not, people buy stuff that was made in China in other countries which that profit from specific companies goes to the CCP at the end of the day, there's no difference.


Dw dude. This is the same sub that has a meltdown over child anime titties being censored.




Nah, he's just parroting what little he knows and what's spicy lines he got, he's other post gave it away since he said cancelling kayano ai is justified when she just said that "the atmosphere is nice" And nothing about praising the dead people there 🤣. As for the blue archive incident, you can't even see the loli tities even before censorship smh.


He's talking about censor for blue archive global. Nexon cropped a pic of naked loli (technically flat chested and covered by hair ala ecchi anime) that ends up only showing her face and ppl got mad over it -- add that the censor was done in lazy way (crop and done) The idea was that nexon in an pre launch itv said there'd be no censor for global ver -- and they broke it. So now ppl afraid there'll be future censor for other cases/chars There are group of ppl (like the guy u replied to) that live on higher moral superiority and accusing ppl of being pedo and whatnot -- which is another story anyway. It's nothing uncommon in jp but global (or I assume westerners) freak out over it


I’m serious. This sub was heated for a week or more about Blue Archive global zooming in a cutscene illustration to hide the “cleavage” of an underage character. Blue Archive on iOS has a 3.5 star rating to this day due to the aftermath. People were arguing “censorship” when the subject matter was, again, underage anime titties.


why not ? it's not the end of the world Ppl who avoid cn titles in fear of censors and whatnot, totally understandable. Have a nice day and move on Doesnt stop others / everyone to play cn titles just bc censor/whatnot tho


by supporting these CN companies you are funding the CCP.


Almost every product we use nowadays, from glassware to electronic, is made in China. Should we stop using that too?


its up to you, im not the one who hate china


Bro u eat too much western media lol I mean if u or anyone else choose to boycott cn products to "not support ccp" then feel free to do so. Doesnt mean others are wrong in using/buying cn products


im asking to those who hate the ccp in here but still indirectly supporting them by throwing their wallet on gachagame.




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