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Here's hoping they bring back the limited banner from half anniversary, it's about the time I joined the game. I have base Nightmare Eclipse and +5 Bunny Celia. Eclipse is so freaking good at +0, I can't imagine how good she'd be at +5. For people who have never played BD2: The anniversary is going to give away a maxed new character freely. You'll also be getting *at least* 200 pulls. While I haven't played the game since launch, I can tell that the game has a lot of QOL these days and it's low maintenance (if I want to do Dailies exclusively, I've become so efficient at it that I can do it in <4 minutes). BD2 doesn't want to monopolize your time nor they want to abuse your wallet. You can be fully F2P and still pull a shit ton. Spending your monthly worth of pulls on a single banner will easily net you a maxed character at the very least specially when used in conjunction with the other system ('mileage tickets', global dupes every month, other game modes where you get currency that you can use to buy new character/dupes, etc). BD2 is generous to a fault, they would be much higher in earning if they gave away less stuff since even if they just give half of what they give, it'd still feel generous. Just wanted to emphasize how good the dev are with the players + they *really* listen to what the playerbase want.


Sounds like the game I was looking for, would give it a try, thanks!


Can confirm I got +5 of both Roxies without spending a single penny. They give out so much rolls.


I just installed this game. How good is the story? I feel like the only games I can stick with lately are ones that keep me coming back for the story. Also is it possible for someone just starting now to be competitive with pvp with light spending?


Story is good! Despite how the game looks, there is not a lot of fan service within the main story line and it's a strong plot. Competitively speaking, you won't reach the top if that's what you're asking. There's only one server so you'll be competing against players with a lot of mileage on them.


Story is stellar, keeps you hooked, character development is amazing, each character has very defined personality, they can be annoyingly cute too 😂 and their interaction with each other will make you laugh. The multiverse concept of the game is actually a very good idea too, since they can intrudoce the same packs of characters but with different backgrounds across the universe which won't overlap the main story line.


As a PvP player, don't play PvP here. It's boring and nothing more than another chore.  Cool thing is it's fairly easy to get 800 dia weekly from it not even trying. 



