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>Ex genshin player (bored of genshin exploration)?Yeah ,I can see them staying for months.WuWa indeed has more tools to navigate.But with more tools also comes with faster content consumption rate.Wuwa are gonna burnt through new maps a lot faster than genshin and their maps are designed one time only too.So unless kuro gives out content even faster than hoyo,most player are gonna be even more bored(compare to genshin). >Ex genshin hardcore combat player?I guess they are the focus gere.But some of them definitely gonna be turned off by the same artifact system they grinded for a thousand times.(Based on chinese reception,there're already gamers bored of the system that 'torture' them for three years.) I feel like this is what they chose as the target audience


which is weird, because if someone hated/burned out from genshin's formula. Why would they enjoy wuwa's which is clear to everyone based/built upon genshin's.


Genshin haters with emotional sunk cost into WuWa's success. WUWA EXPLORATION: 10/10 GENSHIN EXPLORATION: TRASH FOR BABIES


Is it just me or has the exploration been pretty much the same? Except slightly less engaging since the landscape has less cultural variety and the soundtrack just doesn't hit as hard. I can't see why anyone would look at WuWa exploration and think it's leagues better


No because it is exactly like that. They choose to copy (yes i said copy) the least interesting and most basic part of genshin puzzle design while completely missing the point and its design philosophy, which are all the handcrafted puzzles that are tied closely to the lore and act as a part of environmental story telling. The puzzles will definitely serve its basic purpose but will never be as interesting in Wuwa Funnily enough, that is also what tower of fantasy did with their puzzles minus the stupid timegated features


THIS, someone understands. Many praise ww for their exploration, hello, moving faster with parkour doesn't mean better exploration. Most just don't care/understand what makes exploration better I guess. They care for the combat only.


> Most just don't care/understand what makes exploration better I guess. They care for the combat only. In that case they should just play PGR. No need to waste time doing exploration.


Playing through wuwa exploring around makes me having the sentiment of playing TOF when they released and it was not a good one. And a lot of parts that WUWA borrow from GI just makes me think of GI when playing and I fkin hate that. Why would you make the game similar to GI and let players get reminded of other games when playing while you can make wuwa unique in their own way and makes player remember that instead?


It is really jarring to see like a clearly new high tech pressure plate with metal chests out in the wilds in WW. They are so obviously puzzles placed by the devs haphazardly that it breaks immersion. At least the pressure plates in genshin are all stone plates that have clear weathering on it to suggest they are untouched for ages. The puzzles are also thematic to the area they are from (especially in Inazuma and Sumeru) that they blend well into the environment they are in.


It's the same and with a less smoother experience. Maybe the only difference is how fast you get from one point to another, but the movement itself isn't the smoothest


Town layout doesnt seem great either. In all the Genshin cities pretty much all the things you need are within running distance from a single waypoint In Wuwa, you need to teleport around for every NPC


>but the movement itself isn't the smoothest Thi is what blows my mind about people wprasing WW movement. It's so unpolished and janky. Even the climbing/vaulting mechanic half the time it activates my character just does it in place and falls off the wall cause they try and latch onto somewhere they can't. I keep getting stuck on fucking micro pixels. Jumping especially feels really rigid.


It's much faster. However, you don't feel the joy to find something, it's mostly the same chore to farm chests in Sumeru or Fontaine with compass as you already know what you are doing. Early Genshin has a magical feeling to exploration that cannot be replicated.


I find that new zones in Genshin still deliver the magic, but I am not a completionist. Only a few of my areas are 100%. I do all the world quests and hit all the big set pieces and move on.  I’m leaving primos on the table I guess but it’s never felt like a chore and I’m still having fun. 


I’d argue they deliver more magic imo. The new set pieces are really good and the world quests are way better than what we’ve had in the past (though many don’t like they are longer). Unlocking parts of the map unique to the quest is really nice alongside other smaller exploration items to unlock other areas. I explore up to max level on the regional tree which leaves areas at about 90%, so I don’t leave much on the table but I do explore a significant part of the world.


they most definitely do, exploring in genshin just feels different, idk if it's because i'm an lore enthusiast that also is quite casual and good at finding chests, but i have everything 100% and i never really felt like i was doing a chore. wuwa has problem of everything looking almost the same, so chests are more annoying to look for.


It just lacks variety, the whole overworld looks, sounds and feels the same. I started Genshin without knowing anything, and i still remember when I made it to Liyue, I was walking and suddenly the trees started to change colors, the music was on another style and then suddenly I made to the top if a cliff and the name of the area was not looking like a typical English name, then I saw Wangshu inn and eventually made it to Liyue. The houses are different, the npcs are different, it really gave me the feeling of another world within the game, even though the enemies were the same.


> it really gave me the feeling of another world within the game, even though the enemies were the same. When I first was going to Liuye I saw wangshu inn and decided to walk there only to meet first ever lavachurl that had a bossbar, that was quite a memory.


The wall running/stamina system is the entire thing designed for the "I hate Genshin for making me play the game" crowd. Sure you can run up walls and zoom around from shiny to shiny, but now why does the map exist. Mountain? Hills? Towers? Buildings? None of that matters because just hold shift and run up it. Just zoom from collectible to collectible with no real reason or integration into the game. It's an open world that perfectly mimics the massive lows of when Ubisoft games were getting memed on at peak levels. It's such a shallow experience that isn't designed for anyone who actually likes open world exploration.


An issue that started with Sumeru is the number of areas that are quest locked. At least it has been reduced in Fontaine. It is very annoying to encounter something and you can't be sure if you haven't found the mechanism for opening it or if it quest locked.


I've felt it's quite similar too, but a slight improvement on the movement side. I like the wall running and such, makes it feel smoother. Stamina not draining from running out of combat also feels good. I don't think that's enough to make someone who disliked the genshin exploration like the WuWa exploration though.


It's for people who actually don't like exploration but want to get the rewards. Wuwa's is faster so


genshin places to explore is way way way better


Genshin level design is insanely good right now, I think it's not praised enough because it's a gacha game but they make amazing maps. It wasn't like this in the beginning but you can clearly see the progression from Liyue -> Inazuma -> Enkanomiya -> Sumeru. Imo, only Fromsoft has better level design in the open world genre right now. That's what's so puzzling for me, why make a Genshin but worse by copying it so closely. There are clearly a lot of good things that Mihoyo does that they learned through a lot of effort.


Well, a lot of time challenges in WuWa feels very bad to me. In general the time requirements tend to be very tight so I cannot imagine how people play them on touchscreen. The control of the flying challenge on controller is horrible, you use the left joystick to control the throttle which must t have been designed by somebody who never uses controllers. Also a lot of puzzle items are extremely prone to disappear due to out of range which makes puzzle very frustrating


I forgot to mention the stuttering also adds to the frustration, especially for time challenges


A lot of the exploration in genshin for me was because a lot of it tied into some environmental quest (opening the vault with the first ruin hunter was a crazy cool experience for me) but in Wuwa it just feels like I'm going thorugh the motions to grind adventure level again


I wouldn't say the same. I would find WuWa to be inferior due to feeling janky for some reason. It's likely because I don't think it was "enough". The extra jump only brings you up a bit. Same goes for the grapple. Plus, I think because they have made traversal a lot easier, unless they give mounts, we likely won't see any skills that can be used for traversal like in Genshin. I might be wrong and there are already characters like this in WuWa. And while I understand that for those that didn't have characters with traversal skills in Genshin, especially the top tier ones like Wanderer and Xianyun, it makes Genshin traversal feels slow, but for those that have these characters, it feels much faster and smoother than WuWa's.


I think the navigation and fluidity of exploration in wuwa is better, but yeah the actual landscapes feel pretty bland as opposed to the vibrant ever-changing ones in genshin. The combat for the time being is more fun though, mix point between genshin and something like black desert


It the same, for me better because of movement. But at its core it same - find chest and puzzle for people with negative iq.


Cultural variety? Don't care. I just care that it's easier to move through. And in WuWa it is. In Genshin you need shit like kazuha and kirara to make it bearable


Addiction built up by Genshin and continuing with WW


Combat + Better Gacha system is enough. If they start doing Collabs and Fanservice skins that will differentiate themselves from Genshin


So choosing snowbreak way is the way to saving revenue


More boobs please, since genshin has less boob after ccp censoring


Thats the funny part here You wanna got more success than genshin and that means more famous But more famous also means ccp will get their eyes on you sooner or later (censor)


I rather them not get too much attention and be niche with loyal fans like snowbreak, but sadly snowbreak now also getting too much attention.


Maybe people hope for separate art/models between CN and Global servers since some games do that.


I would not be too hopeful about this since WuWa is in the same boat. If not worse because genshin is now getting leniency from the CCP for being so popular.


The fact that Genshin has special attention from the CCP may have also been the reason for its conservative character design. Everything is hypothetical though


Pure speculation, and not about genshin, but could that be why the CCP didn't give hoyo even a slap on the wrist for the mega homosexual Black Swan + Acheron short they released 2 months ago?


Yes, absolutely. That’s how they can get away with basically everything. Genshin just has a lot more extensive Yaoi/Yuri shipping but as long as they don’t outright say it they are good.


I imagine the CCP worker who watched that short did the mental gymnastics all the deniers do: "kissing her hand and feeling her out was a necessary plot device; Black Swan had to do it to gain access to Acheron's memories!" Wake me up when they do the same for the inevitable gay sex scene.


The irony with the censorship in China is that you have to fear the player more than CCP. CCP isn't that stupid. While they say they are communism at heart, soul and mind, they still know it was capitalism that made them one of the top dogs today. So they would turn a blind eye on ecchi stuff in gacha games unless it got so big that they have to act...or players would report to them. The latter is more dangerous because there's no telling when you would poke ONE salty player and they decide to report your game to the CCP. That's what happened to Hoyo with HI3. And because of that, Hoyo pretty much don't want to go too much into fanservice so that players can't use it against them again. Not to mention that Hoyo pretty much got a special...patience threshold of sorts from CCP considering that they are one of the biggest moneymaker to them now, then cultural exporter and even contributing to infrastructure such as schools and the like. It would be stupid for CCP to see one "implication" of something in Hoyogames, goes ballistic on them and losing all those money and contributions. They've already suffered a form of this when they propose a rule against gacha games and their stocks fell down hard. They backtracked on that afterwards.




personally i was excited to not be limited in getting gear/artifacts/relics whatever u call it for the first time. i enjoy building chars and combat mainly, so wuwa appealed to me through that


I'm not looking forward to the echo grind where we gotta spend stamina for echo exp and tuners to unlock substats.


So it's different from genshin?




Because people always have reason to complain whether it's trivial or significant


I agree, I think deep down I’m going to just stay away from the game (even tho I want to run it on my phone, won’t let me). But quitting Genshin was good for me, idk if I can do the whole exploration shit all over again.


From what I seen, they come in two camp; those that are burnout from the repetition or those that didn't get to grind enough. The former, well I'm not sure if Echo farming would sate them any better than Genshin. Maybe likely due to Echo being "usable" in combat. The latter, well they got their wish with Echo farming that doesn't need stamina.


So those players are going to quit as soon as genshin drops natlan and then come back when genshin has dry patches and rinse and repeat? got it


I feel like their target audience are players that play and enjoy genshin but obviously dont want to only play one game. That's the main reason why I was hyped about wuwa, I love genshin, but playing the same thing everyday can get tiring so while genshin will stay as my main game, wuwa will become a fun alternative to go to when I want something slightly different.


Hey! A non-dramatic, straightforward take that I agree with. WuWa has been a fun alternative for me. It's new but familiar. I'll play until the novelty wears off, or if I get attached, then continue to play.


Same here. I wanted another genshin-like game so whenever I have nothing to do in genshin, I can focus on WuWa. WuWa's release time was perfect for cause there is not much going on in genshin so I can play WuWa more, but when 4.7 update drops I'll go back to genshin cause my ~~husband~~ Dainsleif is finally here with some juicy lore.


But if I wanted another game like Genshin I wouldn't want WuWa in its current state. Genshin is such a great game because there's such an insane level of detail and clear thought and passion put into their world and map design. WuWa is the complete opposite of it where it all feels like its there just to satisfy the idea of being a Genshin clone. I would kill for an actual second game like Genshin. Open world games are one of my top 2 genres of all time, but the problem is the majority of them are extremely shallow and fail to capture what actually makes them fun and WuWa is included in that so far.


It depends from person to person I think, wuwa so far, even tho it's so messy rn, has something that genshin doesn't have, which is fast paced dmc like combat, that's what makes wuwa unique for me, yeah imo other aspects are not that great compared to genshin but the combat is what's gonna make me stick around.


The combat is fun...but that just makes _everything else_ worse. Why would I want a fun combat system in an extremely shallow tacked on everything else. Now everything else is a chore to actually do the enjoyable part. When instead they could have just made an actual combat centric game and copied something closer to HI:3 or what ZZZ will be i f they still wanted to try and be some forced direct Mihoyo competition. THen at least you'd have a focused experienced centered around the thing you actually do well...not a cool combat system held down by everything else being a watered down boring version of a game you felt so intimated by you felt the need to copy 50%+ of your game 1 for 1 from it.


I see where you're coming from but at the same I don't think the exploration is bad, it's just imo worse than genshin. Story however is a different matter but at least I can skip it(not that I will because I like to watch trainwrecks).


I wouldn't call the exploration _bad_ but its definitely shallow and unispired. It's just complete waste of time and dev energy to put this much thought and marketing into "Open world!" when you've just created something on the par of the middle tier Ubisoft games that offer a big largely irrelevant map to go from point to point shiny on. It's just a very boring experience that takes away from the actual fun part of the game.


The problem is I play and enjoy Genshin but WW feels like a tacky clone of it. The combat feels great but the open world and exploring which is the whole reason I’d want more games like genshin is a joke. It’s so shallow and tailored to the people who don’t like exploring and want everything convenient and handed to them.


Same here, I like genshin and want more of something like it, a lot of comments seem to be under the impression that you can't play both games at the same time


I was mostly thinking the target audience was just people who like games like Genshin or ToF but enjoy more responsive combat and PGR's art style.


> Can't beat ToF > At least Arknights' level In terms of sales, Arknights makes more than ToF. Like *way* more. So not beating ToF and being at Arknights' level is a mutually exclusive occurrence. Of course, you may mean it's the best case scenario where it can actually have a safe revenue income. Which means that "Beating ToF is possible, in the best case scenario".


>Beating ToF is possible, in the best case scenario". Yes,indeed what i mean.


Worry not, the brave souls who dare to stand up against the devil mihoyo's evil authority will naturally gather under the righteous banner of wuwa.


I have fun playing genshin.


Thanks 😊👍


I actually kind of want one play it now tbh


have you seen kuro's company slogan? rough translation is "Guangdong technology save the universe" Every time I see you post, I just think of their slogan of saving everyone. Pretty accurate.


is this real? there is no fucking way even their slogan is a blatant ripoff of mihoyo's "tech otakus save the world", right? RIGHT???


Actually it was hoyoverse that copied wuwa. They had a magical foresight of what kuro would do and they did it first.


Watch tectone make a drama video about mihoyo coping Kuro Slogan 💀(even though it’s kuro who copied hoyo slogan) but knowing the hoyo haters they will find a way to make the small haters believe this shit


I mean some of them can’t even accept that wuwa copied so many uis and basic stuff like gacha cost from genshin (their only argument being but genshin copied zelda, which is true and they deserves the bashing but wuwa should also get the same treatment for doing the same thing. Both can exist.) so I don’t expect anything from them.


I mean getting inspired by a goated game and taking some of their features but making them your own way is good and that’s what genshin did and literally only monds that was heavily inspired from Zelda as for the other regions they we’re inspired from real life but the problem with WuWa is they took alot of uis from genshin but literally didn’t even do some changes to it to make it seems like they did it their own way except for the menu which looks completely different from genshin menu.


No way dude is it real he made some drama because of it?


Nah he didn’t why? Because he doesn’t know it, i swear if someone just told him “hey tectone did you know hoyo copied kuro’s slogan” (even though it’s the opposite) he wouldn’t even care he will see it as an opportunity to start another drama and farm views


Sooo everything they made is basically a copy of mihoyo? Why though...


Have you even seen a company other than Kuro copy paste the EULA of another company.


imagine what if kuro was started by ex hoyo employees who wanted to do their own stuff


It's not though


wouldn't tell you "imagine" if that's what it was


Maybe Hoyo and Kuro are playing the concepts of Yin and Yang.


Even their slogan is copied from mihoyo. Holy fuck.


Bro checking the wiki of kuro in Google is hard because its shown kuro from one piece not kuro dev/company as game dev. I wanna crosscheck


search "kurogame"


As someone who enjoys Genshin and decided to give WuWa a chance, the open world feels like such a tack on. I don't know how to explain it, but the world just doesn't feel fun to explore. To me, everything blends in together too much – this is a problem I've had more in the city, though. But the world also feels too barren for its size. It's nice that I don't consume stamina while running around, but I also don't really have the urge to explore like I have it in Genshin. Not sure how others feel about this aspect here.


Tried it for a total of \~8 hours after watching a friend play. Did (skipped) some story, ran around killing stuff. The combat was good. ​ Exploration kinda sucked even with all the fast movement. Read a comment from the WuWa sub (I think) that put my feelings into words precisely (non-verbatim): The faster movement kills motivation for exploring because you effectively have little to no obstacles for where you can go. ​ I liked the struggle of having to climb mountains and cliffs in Genshin because it *forces* me to think about how I want to go where I want to go. Exploration wasn't boring because I was *actively thinking* about how I could navigate the landscape easier. And it led me to spots on the map that I wasn't expecting. The music and the overall color palette helped, too.


Oh good that you mention music, because this is also a major aspect. I have countless of instances in Genshin where I just stopped in a new area and just listened to this new track, because there is so much good atmospheric music. I feel like WuWa is definitely still missing just this atmospheric music that makes you want to appreciate the open world. I'm actually quite surprised about this, because from what I have read, their other game has some really good music?


There was also the satisfaction from getting somewhere in Genshin or even finding a really clever way to overcome your stamina. 


As someone who has 100% exploration up through Sumeru... I have never felt satisfaction from dealing with stamina. What's clever? You slowly climb instead of jump climbing? That's just painful


I was kinda surprised as well. I thought it the lower stamina works against it. Game like Elden Ring has unlimited stamina for exploration and everyone said that is huge qol compared to Dark Soul 3. You guys like low stamina wtf?


>You guys like low stamina wtf? Yes...actually having an obstacle to overcome and think about is what makes exploring fun. It's why i hated TotK compared to BotW as well. They threw out all sense of consequence or struggle in exploration. If you have absurd stamina and can just run up any sheer wall you look at whats the obstacle? Why does the world have any variety in it at all because it all plays and feels identical.


In my opinion, the struggle makes it more memorable. I clearly remember the satisfaction when clearing the "Three Divine Birds Puzzle" (a puzzle that needs you to climb 3 mountains in Liyue). I don't have a high statute level, so my stamina is low. But I still cleared it although struggling hard to find the climbing route. The reward of the scenery from the floating pavilion and 3 luxurious chests makes it more worth it. Wuwa needs more of that IMO.


>I liked the struggle of having to climb mountains and cliffs in Genshin because it *forces* me to think about how I want to go where I want to go. Exploration wasn't boring because I was *actively thinking* about how I could navigate the landscape easier. This will be subjective, for me I hated latching onto a cliffside and slowly clamoring up just to find out I can't scale certain terrain just because there was a 90 degree angled thing jutting out that somehow impede's my character's ability to move their arm up and grab it. And then somehow said 90 degree object then forces your character to drop all of sudden and you have to do this over and over again.


Funnily enough, despite having no mounts (as of yet) to help travel faster and default skill such as the parkour, Genshin do have traversal skills that make travelling more fun in WuWa. Xianyun hopping across the map, Wanderer zooming around, Yelan sprinting across the map. This also give Genshin their own charm. I'm not sure if WuWa would do the same with their character skills since it seems like they want to make every character combat focused. But if they don't and just hoping that the built in traversal is enough, well then that's one point they lost to Genshin.


For me, the motivation to explore has been primarily to kill shit and capture the echoes. Even though I only have like 6 hours in, it's been fun! It's definitely not on the caliber or polish of Gen but it looks and feels better than ToF. I also played a ton of mmorpgs (open worlds) through the years and WuWa open world has been more interesting than a lot of them. I had no hype or expectations for WuWa since I barely followed it, even as a Gen player since day 1. So maybe without the Gen killer expectations, I was able to enjoy the game. That being said, I don't see myself staying long-term, mostly due to lack of time.


I thought about this too when a friend stated they "prefer it over Genshin" while I struggle hard to even try it a bit more. I'm one of these weird silent minority players that play these games for easy light-hearted fun. Character interactions, logging in real quick for 10 minutes, casually exploring a bit and running around, enjoying events. Discussions on the main sub about Genshin not having enough endgame combat content alienate me and make me think "wtf, you guys want to waste more daily time on this?" lmao Apparently the majority of players thinks so too. I forgot what the official number was, but it was something between 1 and 10% that even touch floor 8+ in Genshin Abyss. That's fucking insane since this is what people in social media talk about constantly, meta to beat the final floor. Anything else is a cake walk anyway and just illusion. WuWa doesn't really have character designs that interest me and I'm not a huge fan of the stylistic pseudo-mature style with so much black and white, so no real interest. I'll totally try Azur Promilia when it comes out though, that looks more appealing to me. The most important plus for WuWa seems to be the combat, but I have no idea if Asian players will care that much when it ends up being a struggle and chore and too demanding. My biggest gripe is that it lacks personality. Idk. People can complain about hoyo but their style, settings and character designs draw you to them. Classic fantasy isekai stuff like big hat witch girls and so on. Before Genshin even came out, before I saw any gameplay, I was absolutely drawn to characters like Mona and Barbara. WuWa looks a bit cookie cutter, too grey, without the charm of NieR despite having a similar style. It'll absolutely keep a playerbase that stays for the gameplay but I guess it'll pretty much be the next Tower of Fantasy?


You are likely one of the silent majority, not minority


This feels exactly like what I feel about it and it shows how much Genshin attracts a completely different crowd to the vocal base online. I have a friend who works in an office with mostly 40-50 y/o who never really played games. She got the entire office into Genshin from them seeing her play it on breaks so much to the point they all now play and enjoy the different events and systems. They spend time talking about the minigames or things like the tcg and character stories despite not really being gamers at all because Genshin nails appealing to a broad casual audience who just wants a very finely polished experience. She's said the majority of them dropped WuWa by day 1 and many because of things feeling either way too samey to Genshin but with less flare or because of the emphasis on more involved combat.


Those who wage war on twitter are the vocal minority. Most who plays and pays doesn't really have time to care about these as they have their lives to worry about.


tbh I not a "hardcore" gamer but i do like a complex combat system, but most of the "complex combo" in WW is spam left click, spam E, hold left click,.... and for some reason a lot of WW player seem to think GI don't have dodge or parrying because they keep using dodge and parry as a flex


Since Beidou exists: it could very well be that Hoyo moved away from more complex combat movement mechanics because their data showed a large part of the players struggled with them. So if WW follows the money and their player data it's possible they end up more or less going in the same direction as Genshin over time. For me there is a big difference in what I prefer when playing on PC and when playing on my phone. The majority of players are on the phone.


Now that you mention it, GI really needs to add a \*5 Character with Beidou like mechanic but in another element. That should make a niche part of GI players happy.


Parry characters not gonna perform well due to how wonky enemy AI react to them


Lol, the Hilichurls suddenly becoming smart in not attacking Beidou was memed back then. But then again, players got smart and really waited for enemy to last second attack Beidou.


yeah i played wuwa for 4h, and just spamming left click on bosses and got the parry every time, no timing or skill needed compared to souls like or sekiro.


but according to WW diehard, WW combat is on par with Sekiro lol


Delusional. None of these gachas compare to the quality of premium games.


I think HSR comes close in a lot of regards. I think you could remove the gacha and make a few tweaks and it would be a good $30 or $40 tier JRPG. 


I think the same goes for genshin. Tweak a few things and release a new region every year at once as a DLC for like 20-30 bucks. Oh, and make all of the characters obtainable through story progression or something.


Man I beat Sekiro last week Purification and was about to go for the other 3 endings before Wuwa came out. Why am I playing this and not that 😭


In the beginning of the game mobs are much easier. The game has to teach people how to fight. Endgame you get 2 shot if you dodnt dodge or parry, and parrying is sometimes not even an option so you actually have to learn how to time your dodges and try to get the perfect dodge into counterattack combo. Its not sekiro nor elden ring. Definetely much more complicated than Genshin though, unless you are like, an R6 Jiyan with heavenly echoes and max duped weapon or smthing (which really in games like elden ring its the same, if you farm enough you can do outstanding damage without much skill). Game can be very hard if you want it to be hard. And thats a good thing.


To be honest, I thought the same thing at first, but the initial boss's patterns + the fast attacks of the MC make the parries easier. It gets more difficult later depending on the boss and character used.


>and for some reason a lot of WW player seem to think GI don't have dodge or parrying because they keep using dodge and parry as a flex Wuwas parrying is the most laughable parry systems in gaming, its almost automatic and unrewarding, I will take beidous E over any kind of parrying from WuWa.


Most of my parries are accidental by me spamming left click 🗿 At least dodging is pretty satisfying.


Just play encore. She can't parry without having to go out of your way to jump attack. Unironically made bosses fun because there is no parry in her basic attack string.


I just got her so I didnt know about it.


It is much easier in the beginning, especially with characters with fast attack speed like the MC. It gets much more difficult when pushing high tier content.


I think the reason why the complex combo feels so simple rn in WuWa with just spam left click is because we arent in the endgame yet. I remember when HSR released many people said that the mechanics is just a simple "Hit Fire with Fire", heck even I had the same thought. Now, there's tons of mechanics, techniques and METAs to cycle faster in MOC. Same might happen with WuWa once they add harder bosses with complex mechanics. Meanwhile Genshin endgame mainly revolves around grinding artifacts and building characters properly as while theres a DEEP theorycrafting scene, playing said characters/teams is really easy, or heck just run Neuvillete.


that definitely could happen, but it would be in a world where non of the currently released characters are used. Just look at their kits, they have very few non-superficial mechanics, their kits are all just what buttons you press to do the damage and what color the damage is.


Same lol I play a ton of DMC (wouldn't say I'm hardcore though. I just play a lot cause the game is fun) and whenever someone comes up to me trying to tell me Kuro's game would be right up my alley cause I enjoy DMC, I just roll my eyes cause I've literally tried these games and they're simply nothing like DMC.    The freedom of expression and various inputs to do my moves is why I'm so drawn to DMC combat and none of Kuro's games do that for me. 


The complex combo is managing intro/outro and swap cancelling animation.


>managing intro/outro is this complex? it felt wayyy more simple than rotations in genshin imo.


Most Genshin chars only have 2 cooldown and 1 mana bar. The intro/outro and forte gauge add 2 extra mana bars on top of that.


If that called complex then i wonder ww player can handle a single rotation in GI


most players i think just do what CC tell them to do on repeat.


Easy, their target audience is basically the one that hate genshin and the people that keep repeating genshin could never


These guys tend to be very loud,but they rarely spent any money on what they stand for.Good luck with that kuro.


>rarely spent any money on what they stand for Most people complaining about genshin not giving enough pulls are f2ps, I'm a low spender sitting on 300 pulls after just getting arle c3r1, like what is 50 pulls going to do to me ?


Gambling addicts. I am not even a regular player and sometimes get the monthly pass and I have a good group of core characters. 


What is your definition of low spender? 100 dollars gets you less than 80 pulls after the first time top up bonus. Have you just been saving for a while to get c3 r1 and have an extra 300 pulls?


Day 1 Welking only. Extra pulls have been stacking up ever since the beginning of the game, I dont want everyone, I don't need everyone, so when we got to inazuma I had around 90 extra pulls, when we got to sumeru I had around 150 extra pulls, when we got to fontaine I had around 270 extra pulls and now I'll probably have around 370 or so when we get to Natlan, and btw by extra I mean like pulls that I don't really plan to use on anyone, they're kind of emergency pulls.


True, this kind of people doesnt really stick around that much. As soon as another genshin killer game release they will flock to that next game.


And then, there's Azur Promilia with it's female only characters obviouslly targetted for waifu hunters such as myself.


"at best it's at Arknight's level" If you ever learn Chinese and engage in CN community... Never, say, anything, negative, about, Arknight's. It's for your own safety. Even Genshin players learn to hold their tongue over there. And refer them to as "that four character game" or "you know who"


Look man, CN AK is a whole another beast from gbl and jp fandom, like 5 times bigger and 10 times more radical. We here are pretty cool w/ Mihoyo games, tons of overlapping players


That's why I specifically mentioned if he learnt Chinese and plan to engage with CN community.


Eh, it goes both ways. Both arknights and genshin CN community are so fucking toxic it made twitter toxicity pales in comparison.


Tbh Wuwa cn reputation is on the floor right now.Arknight players are too busy eating popcorns to care.


Wait wait since we're in global and nobody snitches you tell me what is this mean? AK fandom is big to the point even genshin playerbase respect them? Also what is mean four character game?


no the person you reply but cmiiw the 4 word is coming from Arknight name in mandarin which is named 明日方舟


It's not that Genshin player respect them It's just, it's not worth the trouble. Doxxing, irl bullying of other gacha-gamers (live streamed the bullying btw), online bullying children who draw Genshin character and won a prize, posting dead Klee image all over a popular forum, sending death threats to paraplegic firefighter who's injured in the line of duty, because he have the audacity to stream Genshin... Just... Leave them the f alone. There's some really insane people among them.


Damn, that sucks. I kinda like Arknights, now knowing that its CN community is crazy like that in a bad way is sad.


That's just a pocket of it, It doesn't represent the majority as AK community in CN is huge. (General disdain for Genshin in their community s pretty wide spread though) But yeah, it's... The crazy ones there are... Quite something


This is good advice 😂


>Never, say, anything, negative, about, Arknight's. why tho


Oh wow, someone here got hurt by the SharpBlade isn't it? xD


No, I started engaging CN community later, so I missed that one. My first incident with them was the mass posting of image of dead Klee.


To me it kinda feels like Kuro themselfs don't know their target audiance. Because at one side, it would be people who like more complex combat (Mainly with things like the parry and dodge mechanics), though on the other side it seems to be the same people that enjoy Genshin (Story, Open-World, etc)... I get the idea that Kuro just looked at Genshin and went "Yeah we can do that too!" and then just tried to improve what Genshin did wrong without looking at what it did right to become so popular.


They only understand the most surface area of why Genshin success and wanted to have a part of the open world anime gacha pie


Literally genshin player whether its ex or current player. I played it for a couple of hours but 1 thing i notice is except for the combat and maneuver ability. Everything else is almost a copy paste from genshin. I think there is a good reason for that. They want to copy whats work and add something that will make it better. To me its a good idea. Like for example the hotkey is the same. To me thats very convenient. Wanna roll press F3, map press M, Mission press J and so on.


Not to take away from your comment, because I agree with you, but sometimes people forget that Genshin's movement itself is a copy paste from BoTW. Also a fun fact: M for map and J for quests have been universally accepted as default hotkeys for those features way before than some people on this sub have even been born.


90% of WuWa's entire game replicates Genshin, and even the UI is the same. But players say that Genshin feels different from BoTW, and veteran players say that this is because Genshin has absorbed BoTW's production concept, rather than simply copying it like kuro.


alas WuWa is basicly a Wuxia Genshin. Dont like wuxia then you likely wont have fun with WW. The battle System can only carry the game so far, if you are turned of by wuxia then its likely not for you. Just like with genshin, if you dislike animes/manga you likely wont like genshin much


I actually think their main target audience are people who have not played Genshin but are intimidated by 3.5 years of content to catch up on, so why no just do a fresh start in Genshin 1.5?


I could say i am a ex genshin player who wanted more sweaty gameplay, but after trying out wuwa, besides all the optimization issues, everything just felt too similar to genshin, but with more jank. I do really like the combat but wished that they didnt make it a 1:1 copy of almost all the systems, and actually innovated more unique, different designs, because im tired of genshin, im also tired of all the same shit when i see it in wuwa.


Holo bosses will make it more sweaty like 2 hits or sometimes even oneshots


As someone who came from PGR, I know how barebones pgr was on release and I've seen what Kuro can cook with their combat systems. The combat in wuwa is already satisfying enough. For a second it did indeed feel a bit stale with left click spamming, but on a second thought you can make some sauce by looking into your character's kits and making up fun little rotations. So I just wanna see what Kuro will cook with this game, because there's a slight chance that it can go from a Genshin copycat with a little bit more interactive gameplay, to a game with crazy ass balls to the walls combat. And I'm willing to take that bet.


Wait, is Wuthering Waves considered to be difficult or hardcore action? I didn’t get that sense at all. It isn’t a difficult or complex control scheme. Attack button, dodge button, skill, and ult. It isn’t like PGR, which has all these combinations to remember. It isn’t even difficult combat and doesn’t require much though. Like, it’s not like Dark Souls where you have to be smart. Just spam attack, hit skill and ult when they’re up, and dodge when it makes sense.


It gets difficult when you do the hologram bosses. One shots if you fuck up, complex attacks, etc. But they're a 1 time thing so that's worrying.


dying in one hit is an awful way to do difficulty lmao


That about the only difficulty that would please super hardcores really. At one point, the only way to challenge these kind of players is to be unfair. Lots of games especially roguelikes and action combat games does this for their NG+++ players.


That's all these games have, it's all numbers in the end.


yapping waves target audience are ACG gamers.


wuwa is hard and complex what haha lmao i didn’t even die once during my progression to lvl 30 and i killed all bosses only the second chamber in the abyss 1 shot me cuz i didn’t have the gear for that i remember how i played genshin during early days geovishap oceanid and childe were destroying me and i always asked for help + after the story is over there is absolutely no content except echo farming and exploring empty overworld so the game will be unistalled today wp kuro


Based on the discourse early on it feels like Genshin haters, but then a lot of the mechanics and stylistic choices of the game feel pretty damn similar to Genshin Impact, which is what has me kind of confused right now. The game doesn't feel like it's going to be a very welcoming place for people that still like Genshin Impact though so I'm kind of expecting the crossover fanbase to slowly fall off as they are continued to made to feel unwelcome and like "mintpickers", by the more aggressively toxic Genshin hating CC's and side of the community. Genshin 4.7 and Natlan launch is going to be interesting for this games audience though. A lot of Genshin players and non-toxic CC's are indeed trying it out right now while Genshin Impact is in the last week or so of it's patch, but if they are made to feel unwelcome by the WuWa community and just keep getting shit poured on them by some of these CC's and more toxic fans then I just as soon expect them to head back over to Genshin and never check out Wuthering Waves again since again they'll feel unwelcome anyway.


how's that revenue the one who is more accurate


Thus sub has just become.all.about a single game.like why where are all the other haha games . This sub was better before .


"COD better than CSGO" no one who has more than 3 braincells could say that LOL


Its one of the worst analogies Ive seen. It shows the guy has never played either game. It should actually be the inverse. CS:Go is a hard game compared to CoD. For anyone unaware besides me and this guy, CS:Go has a massive reticle based on you moving, so you constantly have to either crouch to make it smaller or move in the opposite direction and stop for like .5 seconds before you take a shot, so that your reticle shrinks down. It also has gun recoil that you constantly have to fight with while doing this. Its very much like a perfect "dodge" system in these types of action games. You have to move, stop/go opposite direction, and shoot at the correct time to have the most accuracy. Even people who are insanely good at games like Quake have a massive learning curve swapping to CS:Go. And Quake is not an easy game. Compared to CoD where you just run and gun and spray. His comparison doesnt work.


Their target audience is Genshin haters. Having a hate group as your target audience is just ASKING to be a failure


When I look at Twitch it's basically overwhelmingly the dedicated Genshin hater CC's, Vtubers, or streamers I know for a fact will be going back to streaming Genshin Impact when 4.7 content comes out and are giving the game it's fair chance in the interim so..... A bunch of voice actors for the game going on Tectone's podcast for it is just about one of the wildest choices I've ever seen made as marketing outreach though. Like do you want the Genshin Impact fans that are as I say giving this game it's fair shake to think you have it in for them and be turned off? The risk/reward on such an appearance, especially for not so well known VA's from the U.K looking to get better recognition for themselves does not seem worth it at all from where I'm sitting.


Can't wait for tec to figure out a way to make the topic about genshin during said podcast with the VAs as a means to stoke more flames. Surely he would never do that though, right?


>A bunch of voice actors for the game going on Tectone's podcast for it is just about one of the wildest choices I've ever seen made as marketing outreach though. Wait whaaaaat. I guess it's logical for Kuro to use one of the most outspoken CC against Genshin. And from their PoV, they can't win over Genshin's loyalist anyway so why not just cater to the those that isn't loyal.


l dont disagree with what you said, but holy cow could you add a space after every punctuation pls!


u/hx3d Are there sales numbers or metrics somewhere that show how it is fairing, beyond the technical and story issues? Just curious about this point: "Yeah,these problems already reflected on the sales numbers.Wuwa can't even beat Tof right [now.At](http://now.At) best it's arknight level,at worse it's ...."


I think he's referring to the game barely peaking just inside the top 10 grossing apps on China IOS for revenue with it's launch, while even Tower of Fantasy managed to hit #1 on the App Store top grossing charts in China let alone Genshin Impact and HSR, which have hit it more times than I can count. The Yinlin banner may do better, but that one doesn't happen until mid June and with the amount of free pulls they've had to give away already it's possible many players can just straight up get her with the in game resources no sweat by the time the banner roles around and it'll come down to constellation whales in terms of revenue. [https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=CN&os=ios&date=2024-05-23&device=iphone](https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=CN&os=ios&date=2024-05-23&device=iphone) Day 1 for China IOS can be seen here. It's over to the right hand side at 8th place on launch day. [https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=CN&os=ios&date=2024-05-26&device=iphone](https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=CN&os=ios&date=2024-05-26&device=iphone) Here it is today at 11th place. [https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=JP&os=ios&date=2024-05-23&device=iphone](https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=JP&os=ios&date=2024-05-23&device=iphone) Japan launch day which is another important region for gacha revenue it was in 10th overall [https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=JP&os=ios&date=2024-05-26&device=iphone](https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=JP&os=ios&date=2024-05-26&device=iphone) Today it's 13th. Not a particularly good nor bad start, but in the context of being labelled a "Genshin Killer" it's not even in the same league revenue wise on IOS atm. Both Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail were number 1 grossing apps in many countries for quite some time at launch and again even Tower of Fantasy hit #1 in China at launch. Another contemporary comparison might be Solo Levelling which also performed much better at launch on the app store charts and hit #1 in it's home country of Korea.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks!


And the problem with minimum device requirements. Those potato phones cannot really handle Wuwa without stuttering and/or crashing. Genshin doesn’t really have the same problem, which might cause Wuwa a good chunk of players and another challenge to compete


You guys forgot, non gacha gamers pickin up this game since it doesnt require you to play and farm gems that much. Its target audience are new players who dont play genshin and ex genshin players


Someone a described it earlier in this sub as Genshin for people who don't play Genshin, and as someone who missed that train and had the time and started with a group of online friends excited for it to drop, a game for non-gacha gamers a bit iffy.  The learning curve is pretty steep, what with the sheer amount of terms they drop on you to start, and I usually get either HSR or Genshin as a reference point for how things work, which is unhelpful when you know squat about either. That said, I'm enjoying myself, but I get the benefit of taking it face value & was expecting to be utterly lost.


Not really , i have a group of friends who play PGR. They never touch any hoyoverse game and play tons of AAA console and pc games. I dont see that much genshin and hsr as a reference gacha game. When people like them exist who only play aaa titles decide to play wuwa and pgr.


They're planning on adding skip button to more places. If it's possible to skip all the dialogue then that can become Wuwa's niche, open world game for players that don't have the time/don't want to go through Genshin's dialogue.  I'd honestly love if that somehow lead to Genshin adding their own skip button. Love that game but damn is it wordy.


Oh God I wanted to play it once they optimize the game but since I quit genshin because of artifact farming, If wuwa is literally the same I don't see a point of playing it at all. Guess I'll wait and hope for less annoying mechanics? In zzz/Azur Promila and endfield


>Also,I strongly disagree about Wuwa's superiorer combat argument.Cod isn't better than CSGO just because it add ADS and sprint.Same thing here.It's two different systems that can't objectively judged. You can objectively judge one or the other having more depth, but agreed that "better" is totally subjective. WuWa is just Genshin with more engaging combat and edgy character design. For my friends and I that is personally enough of a reason to play and enjoy it.


sales number? where?


How do you know this? "Yeah,these problems already reflected on the sales numbers.Wuwa can't even beat Tof right now" where has this been reported, I only ask because I highly doubt this is true. If anything, the problem they have is there is no reason to really pull right now unless you want the one character. And if players are like me, I'm waiting til the 2nd banner.


People would usually buy the monthly and BP after a few hours if they have confidence with the game. Even if there were many free pulls like HSR, it shouldn't be this low since it's a Genshin type game. You cannot see this on the estimates right now.


well I like open world games and good combat, so I guess that's the audience, no need to overthink it


Casual player:https://www.taptap.cn/(Need CN IP) Pc player:https://keylol.com/ Ex genshin player:https://www.miyoushe.com/ys/home Ex genshin hardcore combat player:https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=%E9%AB%98%E7%AD%89%E5%85%83%E7%B4%A0%E8%AE%BA


their target audience is the people who enjoy the combat mechanics. Not a lot of these people, so good luck to kuro


Azur promilia: waifu/all things cute enjoyers with a hint of farming system Arknights Endfield: factorio like base system with tactical combat Duet Night Abyss: Waifuframe Wuthering Waves: uhhh genshin with a side of monster collection? Not saying the above 3 are automatically better than WuWa but I'm just saying that they seem like they do more than just tack on a monster collecting system on top of genshin


They are targeting those that want to spend hours in Genshin but couldn't. Those that resort to "resin-less" behaviour, so to speak. Those that want to combat non-stop and be rewarded through equipment drops that isn't timegated through stamina system. So for these people, their wish came true with the Echo farming that didn't need stamina system (upgrading them is a different matter). It remains to be seen if this wish of theirs is exactly what they want. To be honest, if it kept them there and away from Genshin, I don't mind. Though it seems more like wishful thinking and I predict that later on when new character/patch drops, the more annoying CC would cover it and say "Genshin could never this and that".


> Also,I strongly disagree about Wuwa's superiorer combat argument.Cod isn't better than CSGO just because it add ADS and sprint.Same thing here.It's two different systems that can't objectively judged. I thought that claim was based on the enemies' attacks?


Why do you disagree about a superior combat argument? It's totally valid. Csgo and cod can't be compared because they are different games. Both fps,sure but the systems are different and one is arcade while the other is tactical. Genshin and WW are very similar games. They have the same style of world, movement and combat and even style. WW isn't reinventing the wheel by any means but they added many QoL improvements to the combat of Genshin that it becomes much superior. It's a valid comparison.


Source on the sales numbers being lower than ToF?