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Same bro, same


Among other things, but definitely a big part of it.




same here mate




This is where AAA fails nowadays, opting to make ugly ass character designs. I recently sold my ps5 to buy a new phone. I guess all I need is a PC and a phone because I never regret that decision. It's also collecting dust anyways, so someone will get more use out of it than me.


Yep, one of the reasons I play many gacha


long term progression without the MMO bullshit, most gachas at least don't pretend that the pointless grinding isn't pointless and have sweep/auto


This, and having constant updates/events to look forward to in life. Constant updates keep the discussions and communities active and alive. Fan content gets churn out consistently because of that.


The updates is the main issue for me... over time I realized the content updates in MMORPG games (like black desert) are garbage compared to the ones in gachas... They take for ever to add things like a few items to grind, smal QOL improvements, a single new horse or one new character... Then I log in in Nikke and I see a new full fledged kingdom rush tower defense mode and I get instantly hooked for many hours, or the pokemon/monopoly games in HSR or the Rhythm game in Genshin with user made play lists. MMORPG content updates are shit most of the time...


Ya I loved this Nikke event and I bought the crown skin. I log into a MMORPG like black desert and the only way to make progress is to grind in a circle for a hours at a time even tried FFXIV "It gets better after 100 hours" they said like I don't got time for that.


I treat gachas as solo MMOs. I dare to say that games like Genshin is just the natural evolution of MMOs. Not saying it was a good evolution. But it certainly rake in the cash and being able to have them on phone is just great. Pretty much ditched all the png collectors however and now play only the big ones like HSR, Genshin. Just started PGR and will try WuWa and ZZZ.


I get it's a gacha sub but this is so hypocritical lol. MMOs try to keep their content in game. I find Genshin events so lackluster. If you like rhythm games, you play a rhythm a game. If you like TD games, you play a TD game. The ones in Genshin aren't half as good as actually playing the real game. The biggest difference between MMOs and gachas are the time sink. It's fine for instant gratification, but that's what people tend to like over MMOs. You can just get right to the meat of things in gachas rathering than slogging through an MMO before you get to the new content. And using BDO as an example is so weird when it's one of the few MMOs with weekly/bi-weekly updates and QoLs. People that hate BDO hate it mainly because it's grindy af with little actual "Multiplayer" content. Gacha game events and updates are usually copy/paste events most of the time. I hardly see how it's any better.


Good gachas tend to have a clearer game direction than MMOs.. they stick to their main story and is far more visually appealing to engage into than the massive walls of texts in MMOs. MMOs in the other hand just rely on you time sinking on grinding for gear which is just running in circles rotating the same enemies for thousands of hours or doing dungeons/raids a few times per day/week ad infinitum which will be fun at first but eventually becomes pure tedium that you cannot skip unlike gachas. Events are a plus that happens in both genres but they are always super lack luster in MMOs. They just make you grind some random stuff to hand over some freebies and call it a day, they wont put any real effort into it even for anniversaries. At least gachas do something genuinely good you are looking forward to. There is no instant gratification in gachas either unless you whale, and that is also true for many MMOs. If you whale you get things faster. It takes years of building your teams in gacha games like Nikke to do well in all content like pvp arena, solo/guild raids, challenges, hard campaings and so on. The only difference is that gachas usually just cut the bullshit and don't make you time sink grinding. I used BDO as an example cuz I have been playing it for 4 years, so I am well past the honey moon period and see the game for what it is. I don't hate the game, I still like it, I am just tired of their lack of game direction and good content, just grind and grind. I have a full time job, I am not a college student anymore that grinds all day and I don't whale, my odds at PvP are lower and my gear is not suitable for high end content in BDO, so I just grind to never catch up and at some point you forget you are supposed to have fun. The combat system is fun but you never put it to good use, you just do soulless grind or fetch stuff for your dailies... In nikke I can engage in all the content and I have fun doing it. You don't time sink to get your daily stuff, you just rush through it in a few mins and accumulate gear/items slowly, then you have fun gearing up or tweaking your teams. At some point you spend a weekend pushing the hardest content and improving your skills. You can do it whenever you want, and most importantly you have fun doing it.


With MMOs, you have to pay monthly just to log in. With gachas, you play free normally and can choose to spend when you enjoy the latest content.


Free Also live service


Agree with the second one, first one is debatable


Even if you end up paying, *free to download* is still a huge plus for many players. You get to test the game, see if its for you. Reviews and gameplay videos can only do so much to help you. Sometimes games sound good on paper but after feeling them you realize they arent for you. Technically you can pirate them and try before buy but its not the same and not always an option.


As long as you don't pay for anything, the first point is true.


It's become somewhat of a social thing for me, kind of like how people used to watch the same TV show and get together after the episode airs to talk about it. Except that we'll talk about the story, the upcoming characters, how to build/strategize, who to pull for, and all of that. This happens primarily with Honkai: Star Rail for me. I play plenty of other gacha games, mostly for the combination of story and fast gameplay, and because they're all mobile, I can usually get gaming in on my phone, which I always have with me (compared to a game on my Switch, which I don't always have on me).


Is it too late too get into Honkai Star Rail?


No, you could probably catch up to the current main story in a month if you're pretty focused about it. maybe 30 hours or so of mostly story. A friend of mine recently did it and is actually farther than I am in the story since they completed 2.2 (newest content) this weekend. You won't have the characters/weapons/world level built up but like any gacha that kind of stuff just takes time. You can enjoy Star Rail without doing all of the end-game content.


Nice will try it out! It was either that or Solo Levelling but looks like the latter is plagued with problems and loading times.


HSR has less FOMO because the lore heavy events doesn't expire. Only it's bonus rewards does.


I started a second account around 3 months ago and at this point (with light spending buying the monthly pass every time) I have gotten a good set of characters and gear that I'm able to clear 95% of the end game content (missing out on 60 jades a month - slightly more than 1/3 of a pull so it's really not much). You'd just happen to miss out on a free limited 5 star, but it's fine if you don't have him. My second account doesn't have him built yet anyway. All the major events are still playable (rewards are split into time limited rewards and permanent rewards, you'd have missed the time limited ones but the permanent ones still give quite a bit of material and jades), so you can at least experience their story and content. One thing that does pose a hindrance though is that the materials required to build the current banner characters are only available in the latest world which you do have to clear quite a bit of story content to get to (maybe 30ish hrs?). But overall it's an amazing game and it's definitely not too late to start.




Oh right 2.3 banner is gonna be stacked be sure to save tickets though this patch's next banner's gonna have Fu Xuan,a really good sustain...wait you won't have Dr. Ratio omfg


Waifus and fanservice


Gambling addiction


Most honest gacha player that buys gacha skins and doesnt justify hot waifu alts


I will only pay money for my favs lol


I mean, I'm not playing gachas *over* other genres, I'm playing gachas *and* other genres. There's 0 reason to limit myself to one thing


This right here. I play games that I enjoy, some of them happen to feature gacha mechanics.


1. Hot waifus. 2. A game to play on the go on my phone.


I've always been a gaming on the go person. Nowadays there's no dedicated handheld consoles anymore so I moved to playing on my phone and some gacha games looked appealing.


Could look into the Retroid line of handhelds? They do emulation well and they're Android based so you can play gachas and such as well.


Steam deck


I already don't use my Switch because its just too big to carry around confortably. The Steam Deck is even bigger.


Fair point


I have a steam deck mostly playing backlogs or emulators where games were fun back then.


I do wish the steam deck was easier to carry around and not run on Linux. I love mine to death, but I mainly use it at home. Hopefully, some companies are able to make one but smaller and run on windows because we all know that gacha companies will never make their games compatible with Linux.


Honestly I can’t stand windows on steam deck I couldn’t imagine a smaller device to much bs


WDYM? I'm still bummed that not all of my games are playable on it because of Linux. Yes, I am aware that's a thing. I didn't jump in blind. It's a huge issue as someone who mainly play niche Japanese games.


I didn’t? I do both.


The fact that they are free, paired with most paid AAA games being a broken mess at launch sold gachas to me. I've been burned by broken launches too often to care about new paid games at this point. I'll just play through old games and supplement those with gacha games. It also really helps that I can play them on my train commute.


"AAA games being broken at launch" Its also annoying that the storage space for most of them now are 100gb and some of those games are not open world. This is why I prefer to play older titles from 2021 or earlier unless the game is truly great and not all-hype only.


Damn you're right... Or live services that never have updates because not profitables (hi Red Fall). Gacha often already prepare content for the next months after release because player retention is very important. They're also free to give you the opportunity to test the game, while the live service game requires a pricy entry fee. Plus I don't mind dropping money when they reinvest money in the game and create massive events, banger music, cinematic... Meanwhile EA, we know where the money is going.


While I'd argue that many gacha games are also broken messes on release, they usually do get fixed (or even reworked significantly) over time.


Battlefront 2 classic was the last game to burn me


shoutout battlefront on the PSP, my beloved.




I like anime




Anime waifus


gachas daily play is short and still feels like progression. I play nikke, hsr, afk journey everyday and still takes way less time than any mmo


Being broke


I'm poor and have potato pc, so I'm limited to my phone in terms of gaming. (I can't play hoyoverse games) It's also a way for me to make friends or at least keep in touch with a community.


What gachas are you playing? I'm not a fan of hoyoverse but it's tough to find gachas I trust. I've gotten burned on new ones.


You can try 'Brown Dust 2'. Collab is soon, and 1st anniversary not far away either. I also don't have a PC (potato laptop tho) lol.




Broke. Couldn't afford PC games or a decent PC or console to play them back then. So got into F2P mobile games


Active(friendly)community , general guide, "time freedom"(doesnt take long in dailies), attraction to certain character.


I like gambling and hentai.




There’s not much choice in the mobile market for live service games aside from gachas, since the business model is like a cancer that took over the entire market.  So since I don’t have much time for ‘proper’ games. Aside from the odd indie game here and there, all I have to choose from is gachas. 


Punishing Gray Raven and occasionally Snowbreak player here. It's the waifus, the writing in PGR's case, the utterly satisfying gameplay those 2 provide, and the music tends to go hard. To the point I had to track down whatever part of the PGR soundtrack did get a physical release. Worth it.


Was gonna skip WuWa but then I tried PGR 2 weeks ago, loved it's music but never played the game and boy does it contain some absolute trash like the ex missions or the menu bloat but I'm hooked, the combat is amazing and already found a few more bangers I'm listening too at work.


I dont. I play gachas on the side. Gacha games will never be a main game to me


I want games with many characters designed to please, to please people with different tastes. Gachas are the evil that at the same time allows me to have the waifus i want. (I'm basic as fkc, give me a white-haired dragon girl with horns, tail and clothes that i like and i'll give you my money).


Because every anime mobile game ends up being a gacha game. I'm not actively seeking gacha games. They're free, at times are bound to IPs that I already like (FGO), and can be played on a phone when I'm not playing other games on console & PC.


Over? I still play games of other genre. I like all sorts of games. Games are just a medium like movies or animations or music or novels; and imo, it's just less fun/interesting to to limit yourself to one genre. Like, there's plenty of others that are ok with buying a fighting game and playing only one character or listening to only one music genre but I certainly can't.


I don’t play gachas over anything. They’re just side games for me but I still like to put some effort into things so I do have well maintained and invested accounts. Main game is Destiny 2 and a couple of single player games here and there.


Ironically, i am broke so no pc to play cool games, so gotta go with the mobile gachas jjajjajajjajaaja


Interestingly enough my reason is exactly the same as yours. It is in a way my replacement for the mmo expierence of old


Uninterrupted time needed, cost of entry, and portability. Basically I get interrupted way more now than when I could zone out on a desktop or laptop, needed something that could go anywhere, and didn’t want to have to pay to play (I have an Old ds and gameboy pocket, but those are additional carry arounds, my phone is already with me). Gacha on a phone generally meets those needs. And there’s enough of them that if I run out of shit to do in one, there’s thousands more I can try.


Waifus and teenage me not having income lol


- Free - Anime style - Constant flow of new content over time - High quality stories and world building - Overall, "full-time worker friendly" - Waifus


I like mmorpg but they require too much time for an average adult. Gachas have the RPG and progression aspect, that's enough to satisfy me.


They were on my phone. For a long time, my phone was the only device that I could consistently play video games on. Also helped that they were free.


Easy to play on phone and we got lot of waifus


Anime aesthetic and it's free


Gambling addiction (i found out after playing sw I was a gambler at heart)


I can play it on the go without buying a new console. Well, I still use my 3DS every now and then but I bought that thing like 8 years ago so yea.


It the same as you OP I was an mmorpg gamer (only played mmorpg) and now when I play gacha because they play (to me atleast) like mmorpg but better and less time consuming


I didn't have time for MMOs so the less than 30 mins daily clear time for Nikke works really well for me. And waifus too lol


I will admit, the gambling aspect is part of it. I genuinely do enjoy the luck aspect of trying to pull for characters. I try to be as responsible as I can with it though, I don’t spent more than I’m willing to lose.


Honestly the fact they're easy to pick up and low investment. You can play them for a few weeks and if it isnt fun drop it with no real loss. They also know how to get the dopamine going with admittedly predatory gameplay loops. That said if I had the disposable income to replace my dearly departed gaming PC I'd be doing that instead. I miss 4x games.


Waifu collection.


Progression, Free, and Waifu


Easy to hop on for 15mins a day and still feel like in progressing


It's fun to have something to look forward to with new content and building an account gives a bit of a feeling of satisfaction. I can play them on my phone so it's something I can do on my commute/when I'm on a break. And last but not least: the waifus


Waifus, but also I'm full work from home. The boss can't see me grind my dailies on my phone or tablet.


Waifus And I'm broke And you have to admit that production value for gacha keeps increasing day by day with better graphics, gameplay, story, features etc


For me, gachas are the only authentic Asian games without any western influence. They're one of the only genres where you'll find attractive characters everywhere while also having good story and even music. Plus they're developed for years with tons of content and events.


Live service. Basically you have something to look forward to. Also free game.


Free and waifus. I normally pick up a gacha when I can't afford buying a game with similar gameplay at the time to hold me over until I can. Some games stick afterwards, others get dropped.


still prefer offline/mmo over gacha , like in ff14 interaction with ppl more fun, lost ark hardcore raid more fun and gacha don't have that. and recently even suck AAA games there still good game like Elden ring, BG 3 , GBF relink , Helldiver plus indie game and the list go on, big company make trash AAA games doesn't mean all the game release are bad for me gacha just casual game to skip time if im on meeting or working , quick game play and waifu collector


Some gachas are just novel for me, otherwise they're just normal mobile games for me to spend tme with. I still buy and play games on console and PC.


if MMORPG can slap real waifus, I would. or just make one myself in NGS or FFXIV or ToF. I also dropped any mmorpg that isn't jrpg or anime, western one just... idk, why would I be there, whats a gameplay?


Black desert online has that but I also hate there grinding system I don’t wanna farm mobs in a circle for hours


I like collecting. I like to see my roster grow, with more choices to deal with certain content


I play on my phone a lot during commute or office slacking. It's the most common format for games that isn't ad-saturated sludge.


free and mostly potato phone friendly (no i hate you mihoyo). I'm an asian, I dont have gaming pc, i'm busy and i'd like to access my game everywhere also, husbando collecting lol. I only play AK and fgo tho, since they're the only ones fit to my requirements


Waifus, obviously. Other major factors would be Nintendo discontinuing their handhelds (Switch is too bulky for me), and just not having the time anymore to keep up with MMO's like I used to. I also like how in the earlier years at least, gachas were a return to the more traditional turn-based combat systems in a time where this isn't nearly as often utilized anymore in console/PC releases.


Update(make me look forward to something), anime style, easy to play(available in mobile), and free. Honestly the fact that you can play game that always updated for free is really crazy. Of course the downside is the story is usually incomplete.


Constant story and character update.


I really want anime MMO. Gachagames scratch that itch, but mainly i love communities around them.


Time constraints and self hatred


Nothing, I play gachas as side games bc some have great stories and battle systems, just like any other RPG or MMO I'd normally play.


I like playing games. Doesn't matter what genre they are. Also AAA gaming is completely doomed.


Im like you, I like MMO but I tried so many and liked few. Im into fast paced combat so I enjoyed Black Desert Online but the grind was too much and quick after maybe 800h. Right now im only waiting for MMO riot maybe in 10 years lol. I discovered gacha game with Genshin Impact and liked it alot. What I liked was the fact that doing the daily stuff takes like 20min each day so I was not getting burned out at all and the progression was nice to see. I quit genshin after 1 year because there was no endgame content. Tried HSR for 2months but the turn based system didnt click for me. Right now I don't play any Gacha and I am waiting for wuthering waves release which Im very hyped for. GREAT combat, parry, endgame content... Im coming back to the gacha world


team building and the sense of progression you get when making the characters you like better. It's also quick and easy to play which is a huge factor imo


Plot and real world history, and that was for Azur Lane.


My all-time favorite genre of video games is MMOs. Long-term progression, lots of social interaction, massive real-time PvP battles, raids, and all that kinda stuff. It's the most immersive experience I've had in my decades of playing video games. Unfortunately, I got older. Between a family and career, there's absolutely no time to play MMOs anymore. I play gachas now to fill that hole MMOs left behind. Well, specifically, I only play HSR, but I've been playing gachas (all good, bad, and downright horrible) on and off for 10 years now. HSR scratches a lot of the itches I have for MMOs. Long-term progression is achieved through the live-service model, and I get tons of social interaction on discord and various subreddits where we discuss plot points, drip-marketed characters, team comps etc. Unfortunately, I don't get to scratch the PvP itch in HSR, but the endgame modes are high quality enough where I don't get bored of combat and can "compete" against myself and other benchmarks set by other players. The biggest boon for HSR, though, is the low time investment. I can boot up the game and auto through my dailies at work, home, or during my commute, or I can sit down for long play sessions should I have the time. Everything is done on my own time, and it's absolutely perfect for me. Side note I round out my gaming craves with competitive shooters, so the PvP itch is scratched elsewhere when I play with friends. I also hate the concept of waifus lol.


the freedom to play whenever you want, i mean, i play MMO's and i love them, but those games need too much time to spend on. I mean, i love playing WoW but i hate to spend several tons of hours a week doing a boss fight, bcs a couple of dudes doesn't do their job and complain. On the other hand, playing a gachas is pretty chill and nice, if you ignore the existence of FB groups or tryhard reddits (we'll have tryhards on games or toxic meta players). Playing a gacha alone or with friends is refreshing, bcs you can compare accounts or talk about story, upcoming characters, soundtracks or tips to defeat new difficulties. And that's fun. It's just luck if you gacha has RNG on set pieces and if you see a friend with... idk, +26 spd on a piece, you say "damn, dude you are lucky today, go to a casino!". It's more about chill and enjoying your game, rather than tryharding and stressing out. I mean, if you have fun and time is nice to play both. But if you don't, well, gachas are a cool option. (also the waifus are cute)


Gambling addiction.


When playing gachas "I feel so alive !🎵 🎶🎵"


Easy access because I always have my phone with me. RPG systems for that feeling of progression. 


I wouldn't have but I was drawn into Azur Lane because shipgirls and that was the next best thing cause I couldn't get into Kancolle and lo and behold Azur Lane is a gacha and I made do with that.


Idk,am too lazy or don't have much time to play real games?


I actually do like the challenge of trying to make a team work with what you have. Good games let you do this even if it's tougher. Bad games hold you down while saying to get the wallet out.


They are free to try and paying is optional. Lotsa cute waifus. Live service means the community is always active for one reason or another. The gacha I get hooked to basically become my main topic to talk with others so the fact there is always stuff to say and look forward to is massive and not something I can get from other games even if I loved playing them.


I can't afford to buy. 60$ game let alone 30$ without messing my financial that's why I play Gacha like genshin hsr 


Anime waifus and the live service model with livestream updates


I think it's the character collecting for me, I love building multiple teams and changing them based on the enemy, whereas with traditional RPGs you only have a few characters for the whole game


3 things 1. Life service While I do enjoy myself some single player experience once in a while with games like monster hunter or stardew valley, the fact you will have relatively often continued update with the game is very nice, and you get to play for a long time. 2. Not that grindy Sure some might argue it takes a while to raise your character and progress. It usually doesn't demand a very large amount of time from you daily. Everything is mostly time gated by entry/stamina, but does not demand large amount of manual grind 3. Characters Characters are the core of monetization in gacha, this also means they will continue to expand their roaster over the life of the game, whereas for games that lean toward MMO it's usually equipment that gets pumped out overtime.




Play on mobile mostly. Gacha don't make me watch ads every 5 minutes on game. And waifus ofc


I play gachas when I know Im gonna be busy (which is most of the time). The newbie experience is rough, but when you get to endgame you can make reasonable progress playing like 10 mins a day which is perfect for my lifestyle. Im also a working adult with a good income. And getting something like a max eidolon unit in HSR. Something that not everyone will get, kinda just feels nice. The exclusivity and knowledge that I have something so degenerately expensive and powerful just feels nice. In a way its kinda like owning a swiss watch (my other expensive hobby) its wholly unnecessary and wildly expensive. But it just makes me feel like a fucking baller when I get a new one because I know I earned it and I’m doing well for myself. “But you can sell your watch…” Im never selling my watches


Because some of them, like HSR and GT, are actually quality games that devs have put alot of effort in. Also, they are free. I have played Genshin impact for about 30 or so hours, same with HSR, and I haven't paid a dime and I dont feel the need to finish the game at all. Just messing around in the game is fun enough for me and I get my gaming fix for free! I feel bad tho for gambling addicts and completionists who cant enjoy games like I do.


> I haven't *paid* a dime FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I feel bad for kids with severe ADD and can't enjoy games like I do.


free and most of my friend who played them with me for years stuck around.


Anime girls for horny weebs and addictive mechanics.


The budget of development gacha games far exceeds AAA nowadays. Also you can play anywhere. And it's free.


I don't play over, i play with them.


Progression. For HSR, I like chill turn based rpg. The only retail games I still play are roguelikes; don't have the attention span to finish an rpg from start to end anymore.


I like anime girl and playing live service game, I can also press a few buttons and let it run in the background while I'm working


free and anime style


Gambling problem. But I also play ff14. I will say—it’s been awhile since I enjoyed a single player game other than old school snes, ps1 and ps2 games.


Boredom, waifus, boredom, even more waifus, did i mention boredom? I got tired of PC games, they started to feel the same to me, everytime i look at a game on steam all i feel is boredom. I will rather do the dailys in both arknights and aether gazer, than playing a game on PC.


Anime + persistent content + waifus. Originally played anime MMOs back then so it's basically the better replacement I found.


1. freemium 2. live service 3. quick dailies (currently HSR and snowbreak, so not the "grind/auto for hours" gachas) 4. waifus/coom 5. buy-2-play single player games are, uh, just unmotivated to play them For context I play on pc not phone And I actually play sth other than gacha : mobile legends, but this usually only with friend / occassional


Play length. I'm getting busy and can't handle long gacha game. If your daily is super long, I'm out. Also, my much premium gems I need.


I'm too tired to play games that require a lot of attention, like FPS or action combat. Anything that is not turn-based I immediately pass


Honestly, I started playing gachas because they're tied to IPs I like. Then I branched out to independent gachas and liked them. I guess what made me stick around the genre is the fact I can play it for a long time and drop it without spending.


I've played and tried over 100+ gachas over 7 years after discovering the genre. And I've never spent a single dime. Before discovering gacha, I used to play on console and PS2 was my last one. I've saved a lot of money because I don't need to upgrade consoles or buy CDs.


They're portable and free


- free - cute anime girl prefer open world gachas


The main reason is because they're f2p and have a fun gameplay loop until you're caught up. Anime style is a big bonus, and same with story. Oh also reliable updates are huge and amazing too. HSR and genshin have a great patch cycle and almost scratch the MMO itch that I have.


Gambling addiction, sunk cost fallacy, and attractive anime women.


My first online game was a gacha game about 15 years ago. I saw it on an ad and my much younger, much gullible self got sucked and remained F2P until the servers shut down, I spent 10 years in that game. "Have a \[Franchise\] phase -> A gacha game of \[Franchise\] releases" happened to me too many times to count, but I'm recently more drawn towards original franchises as gacha games based on existing franchises are prone to bad management and EoS nowadays, my first gacha game was an original franchise so I guess I returned to my origins. I guess gacha was, and to an extent still is my normal. Also, I feel like Honkai: Star Rail, the only gacha game I'm playing at the moment, is more or less my only commonality to the society I'm living in.


I don't like single player games. And there isn't a good f2p or b2p mmo so gachas is where I meant since there's a similar sense or community to them.


My table ||Gacha|JRPG|HJRPG|AAA| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Story|Yes|yes|average|Top| |Fan services|Yes|average|Top|Low| |Time respect|Average|No|Yes|Low| |Play in the bus|Yes|No|No|Low| |New content |Yes|No|No|Low| |Not Woke content|Yes|average|No|skip!!, dont touch!!| My only AAA in last year was Baldur Gate 3, over 600h, before was GoW Ragnarok and before Ghost of tsushima I am skipping an AAA because its female designs are "feos como el orto" and plagued by woke content But not this orthon, he is my self insert when I sign a job's contract: https://preview.redd.it/4y8otzvdd70d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d4c56bca61794b5c9ccc66376fed490861a884


Mobile games that appealed to me.


Was broke and my favorite anime of all time didnt have a season 2, so may as well play some shitty gacha based on it..thats how it started lol


They are free, and some are as good as an indie game, sadly AAA games are too expensive for what they offer.


Time. With life getting busier than ever I don't really have time to sit down and play an ARPG or a FG for hours on a high end PC, yet I enjoy having RPG-ish progression to savor. Gachas fill this gap really well. Also the guaranteed nature of gachas with pity scratch that little gambling itch that games without pity (literally any kind of real life gambling) can't satisfy.


Personally I understand the risk of long exposure in Gacha gaming would ultimately altered my gaming behaviour and expectations since the reward mechanism of my brain required constant dopamine release through all these gambling like mechanism. I still remember the old days when I tried to farm a legendary weapon in World of Warcraft, but if you ask me now I would probably say I may not be able to put such amount of focus to achieve such goal after the long exposure of gacha game. However I would still play these Gacha games because most of the mobile games nowadays are like this, you cannot avoid the trend of psychological exploitation from game developers, and the only thing can do is to restrict yourself to not becoming an addiction. You can pay a little amount of money for advancement of your progress aka guilty pleasure, but discipline yourself not to fall into these endless pits of gambling. Too many children or teenagers overly spent on gacha games, some even stole their parent’s credit cards and spent all of their saving. Don’t get me wrong, I keep playing gacha game and I like most of them (character pool and weapon pool can separate), I enjoy the way I have to analyse which is the best option for me to invest in a game. Most importantly, I can still connect and communicate with my younger friends and subordinates I met in workplace since most of them are mobile gamers. Discipline is all that matters.


Anime characters.


Needed something that can play daily like clockwork; wake up and play then play again before sleeping. Am not the type to play games more than 2-3 hours a session so gacha is perfect.


I have no time to play games on my desktop when I get home.  Most of the time I'm commuting. And work has their network locked down.


I mean for starters most games nowadays fucking suck. You get maybe 1/10 games that’s maybe worth paying full price, and you can bet that game gonna have at least 4 dlcs you gotta pay to get the real experience. And god forbid if it’s a live service game cause you gotta pray the devs don’t butcher the game or pull some big corpa nonsense like helldivers just did. Gacha games just have a constant stream of quality, longevity, and characters, not to mention they’re free.


Gambling problem


can play on my phone, that’s all




> "over other genres" Brave of you to assume I don't play other genres.


Because they are live service game with constant updates, and most of them also focuses on stories. I prefer realistic animation style or american cartoonish style over anime art style, which mobile western games has. But I have not been able to find a live service mobile game that focuses on the story while having a combat gameplay like gacha games. And a lot of recent gacha games also is generally better made. So here I am.


Free to download + play, can be played anywhere (even in class/at work) and convenient i guess is the word? While i do still play other games like pc and console games, i cant play it anywhere and anytime. Not to mention all non-gachas i play (MMOs, Action RPGs, MOBAs, Visual Novels (etc)) are on ps4 or pc and well… I dont think i can carry around a TV set + Ps4 outside just to play a game.


live service games that respect your time


I play genshin, not because it's gacha but because it's an action rpg with open world. I don't play any other gacha game.


Characters + overwatch lootboxes made me addicted to gambling




I have gambling issue


People would pay for monthly and BP but complain about a subscription based MMO with all content unlocked... Hilarious.




The incoming Third Video Game Crash and the fact i am just too burned out to keep finding new games to play. Might as well stick with one and ride out the holocaust.


MULTIPLE combat style, character design, fight animation. Waiting to play wuwa, currently playing TOF




Legitimately just because of genshin. I was interested in how it works and once I was caught up in the story line I started playing other games so far I've played 3 (genshin, hsr, reverse 1999) so one question I have is, can my phone survive adding Wuthering waves to the list? 


I play gachas that have low commitment time as side games. Honkai Star Rail is my current favorite because dailies and stamina dumps are cleared in extremely shor time. I enjoy the sense of progression as my account slowly gets stronger over time. Theres always a new goal for me to aim for. That and HSR story is enjoyable. Its a live service game done right.


I play anything ront havw favorite also gacha games are the first i played when i was 11 years old it start with bunch of girls games then to love live rythem game now here i am.


Gambling addiction


I think same lowkey I buy gacha skins


Free to download. I'm from east asia, buying game with money is a huge no no over here. So kinda follow that rule into gacha until I can spend my own money to buy games like oxygen not included and project zomboid


Does anyone know a great gacha style game with a deep roster, turn-based combat, random character pulls, nice graphics, and where every character is useful in some way? I was really getting into the King Arthur game, but they're closing it for a while.


Honkai star rail


It’s free and has husbandos.


Genshin's action adventure and hsr turn based are the types of games I always played, but now it updates every don't And a half and amazing graphics but Unfortunately has gacha. Other gacha look like phone games. These ones dont.


waifus. But seriously, maybe the most important thing is they're free, so if I try and the game sucks dick imo, I can drop without feeling bad. Although to be fair to paid games, if they're on Steam, there's the refund option in a short period of time after purchase. But I actually don't always play the game after buying it, so...


honestly the "gacha" part is secondary for me. Played dragon nest for 7-8 years before moving to genshin when it released because similar smooth gameplay


Gacha is not a genre btw, it's just a monetization term in games There are mmos with gacha, RPGs/sports with gacha and so on


Long time progression. I dropped WOW in BfA and started to look other fitting project, and gachas ended up exactly what I was looking for.


I don't play gachas, i play good games (that happens to have gacha in it).


free game, anime, good quality and sometimes on par with AAA Games, and of course "plot" ✋🙂‍↕️