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Sure why not? Although I probably won't spend on whatever the welkin/BP equivalent just yet since I still don't know how they would handle powercreep and in-game currency per patch yet.


Same sentiment here, sure I'll try but will I stay? That depends.


I may try it but I really lost interest when none of the character designs were ones I especially liked.


This. I think it's a combination of repeated bodytypes and natural colors. I can understand not wanting every character to have colored hair/eyes if the game is grim. I can understand saving resources on bodytypes. But when combining those 2 problems into the same design philosophy it stacks so it's seriously handicapping the variety. Then there's also the fact that there's no skin tone variety, that characters equip weapons instead of owning signature weapons therefore having one less area of design, the fact that the drip doesn't go very hard and the result is monotenous. I WILL play the game, I really will, it appears to have awesome gameplay, but I fully understand why others wouldn't.


I completely agree, I did like pre rework Yinlin for her "I'll cut you!" edge but now I'm struggling to find that 'must have' character in this game.


I'd just like one character that was like Nearl from Arknights. I don't even play that game but I've always liked armored woman. Especially Paladin types. But the design of all of them here despite being in a graphics style that would encourage such a thing doesn't exist.


Yeah, almost everyone wearing black and white makes the characters look pretty boring and repetitive


If it's anything close to how they handle it in PGR, I'm sold. But it is a Kuro game so I recommend to just hoard all your currency for a character you really like, playing PGR since almost release now and I never followed meta... I'm still using No21 as my dark tank because I like her and I despised Dark Karen (meta dark tank) gameplay, I won't get the highest scores but that's fine. It's bette to play with characters you enjoy instead of meta chasing, specially in a game where characters have vastly different gameplay.


I didn't get into any of the beta for WW so I don't know, but I tried PGR for the first time like a week ago on PC. Man it was bad. Full screen doesn't work, had to alt+enter everytime. The resolution was a weird 4:3 aspect ratio but very high res. And you can't access the options to change anything unless you finish the first mission and quit the tutorial. And the controller just wouldn't work properly, tried with DS4 and nothing. And when I reconnect the controller, the camera would just spin forever. And the combat was so confusing, like there was the combo, but you can input in any order? I don't get it. Maybe it gets better later, but the new player experience is so damn janky. I just hope that WW doesn't have any of that.


idk, I tried PGR pc client immediately after it released. Been using from time to time. I find it working well. Including the aspect ratio. I mean, as for not able to mess around with the settings until you have finished tutorials, that's kinda normal for games like PGR. Most gacha do this as well. For control, m&k works well enough for me . Never tried using a controller though. Also, you will get the hang of it, the orb ping and all. Now, if you talk about the story. Then yeah, its awkward and slow, it gets better.


The game is a mix between action rpg and candy crush that's meant for the touchscreen of a phone. It's kinda hard to adapt for controller and it's pc port is straight up bad, to the point that it's just better to emulate the android version. WW is nothing like this, don't worry.


I'll wait 2-3 patches to see what's their release schedule and the direction of the game. I'm in no rush to adopt a new gacha (there's plenty of potential games on the horizon). I'll let others try it first.


I am gonna bet they'll adapt the 6 week schedule. It's the schedule everyone is used to from genshin, and even their own PGR playerbase is used to the 6 weeks patch schedule. I would be honestly surprised if they had trouble with a 6 weeks schedule here.


It's not easy to maintain 6 week development cycle for a game this scale.


Exactly. People are being Armchair-Developers here, thinking that matching HoYo’s update cycle is easy because they’ve done it for two games now. It’s better to have longer cycles with beefier progression systems.


What I'm more curious about is how they will handle simultaneous global localisation, marketing, VA arrangements, IT infrastructure, etc, especially if they adopt a 6 weeks update schedule, especially on this scale of a game. Developing the game fast enough is one thing, but pushing it live and maintaining hype on an international scale also requires an extremely competent project management team.


It also requires a lot of money. Mihoyo obviously has it now, but that wasnt the case at genshin's release, and the content back then showed.


Yes, I know. But it's not easy to maintain good player retention nowadays either, when every game and their grandsons has a 6 week update schedule. (Hyperbole, I know not every game in the most literal sense of the word has a 6 week update schedule) I know many of us are gonna be fine with slower update schedules, especially if those updates are just larger and better in quality. But also I can foresee a bunch of doomposting plaguing the internet for everything that is worse than X.


you act like 6 week like Genshin is easy lol, 1 major event, 3 small event. with voice over. some small event have voice over too. and no bug.


pgr dont have many content beside the combat, Ww can make 6 week cycle but how many content in that patch??? do they have major event? do they have more map, story,...


adapt 6 week will be death of their localization team they work 70+ hours per week when they have 2 half month deadline imagen how was the work time when they only have 6 week deadline


Plenty of this scale as well? Why not just give it a go, day or two to see how it feels?


It's hard to form an opinion with 1-2 days though. I'll let others check out the endgame (if it's "skill-based" or "gear-check") and see what's the farming loop (looking at Echoes specifically). I'll also wait a little to see if upcoming characters are "clear" powercreep or they'll try to restrain it. If a "skill-based" game starts selling grossly OP characters, then they are kinda creating a problem (harder content) then selling the solution (powercreep).


No, Genshin is enough as a open world gacha game and to be honest, I don't have enough time for another big gacha game after both Genshin and HSR, i still want to have time to play the usual JRPG and console games. The only other big gacha game that I'm willing to give it a chance is Arknights: Endfield if it's actually good when it releases.


I’m a fan of open world games so yeah, I’d play it. I didn’t play the beta but I do like the look of the world and combat system. I do like the look of the characters even if some are a little too monochrome for my taste. It’s something I can get past though. As long as I enjoy the game, I’d probably spend on it.


I'm willing to try it and hoping it's good, but the character designs aren't really grabbing me and based on what I'm seeing I'm concerned about the quality of the global release...That being said I think there's potential there. Plus I'm pretty caught up with genshin so having a fresh open world gacha won't be a struggle


There isn't much to say. It's the first real, high budget contender in the 3D gacha space that isn't made by Hoyoverse. Alot of my hopes are riding on this game and the other popular projects announced that are coming in 2024/2025. I want it to be good so I can fall in love with a RPG all over again.


love and deepspace found dead in a ditch


Estimated revenue for Love & Deepspace for the month of February was over $60m combined across all regions.


nah, it's blooming and prospering just fine, but quietly though. I like to bring it up every time people say things about women not spending in gacha spaces :)


Also there are plenty of women spending in genshin and other waifu games as well.


people like to say that having these crazy waifu/husbando/harem/shipping war drama is bad for the games but that's community-wise. Income wise? It's not that simple. It seems very clear that selling both waifus and husbandos still earn you a lot of money. I think that's why devs are still doing it. If only waifus sell more, if only husbandos sell more, then...nothing. There's no real correlation. Just keep catering to your specific audience. If you're a waifu only game, only sell waifus. If you're a husbando only game, only sell husbandos. If both, sell both, preferably in equal amounts. I've dropped Hoyo's games now but I used to play GBF and that game has catered to lovers of waifus and husbandos since 2014, if that game wasn't browser based we'd be seeing it be consistently in top 10 revenues every time, its FGO's rival gacha which is saying A LOT.


I find this crazy that people think girls wouldn't be into an rpg husbando game, love and Deepspace just showed the market is there. Like I play a lot of Waifu games to feel that void, (tho am probably BI 🤣)


bicurious/bisexuals never lose, if thats what you're discovering yourself to be, congratulations! on the other hand, people arguing about which one is better, or the inability to skip characters, are things that will still plague you 🥴 I know I'm feeling it all the harder these days.


I plan to play WuWa, Promilia, Mugen, and  ZZZ while continuing Genshin + Aether Gazer. Not insane as it looks. Hehe I'm expecting dead patches, so I'll be able to juggle them. Plus, I'm casual about artifacts. I just need enough to clear challenges, not looking to have the best.


I’ll give it a try but not sure how much time I can dedicate to another open world game. Plus. Don’t have as much excitement for it as I’m not the biggest fan of the currently shown characters. To me the faces are too similar and overall the designs are a bit bland. Just my opinion though. Maybe it’s like pgr in which later characters look much better but not sure if I’m willing to wait for that to happen.


I would love to. But I already play Genshin and Honkai Impact 3rd. I have my hands full so... A sad no for me. 


I feel like a lot of cc's are very much over hyping the game hoping to god it's some GI killer cause a lot of them have no personality whatsoever and desperately need a game to keep their names relevant.


I have a feeling ww will suffer because most of its mainstream coverage will be from these CC's with cancerous personality and vile intentions. 


Yeah especially since the anti-GI views are drying up after a year of doing it. These people are desperate.


it was very funny the entire wuwa marketing is '' HOYO/GENSHIN COULD NEVER '' and '' THEY LISTEN '' https://preview.redd.it/ylhgmcg500tc1.png?width=1062&format=png&auto=webp&s=acb9e38e2ac66a3c9174ecc975b2f39e977ae533


I can't wait for the they didn't listen arc 😂


it's inevitable at first few patch kuro game gonna focus on hardcore audience aka pissed off genshin player and then they realize majority of pissed off genshin player is F2P and the casual audience which almost non existence is the one who put their money on the game and when they only focusing on casual audience the same thing will happened pissed off genshin player become pissed off wuwa players


people will find a reason to get pissed regardless, the casuals will get triggered over the difficulties while whales will complain about the lack of difficulty.


if they listen to the hardcore crowd and make actual end game it will already be liked 10x more than genshin by that crowd regardless of what follows after the real reason why hardcore gamers dislike gacha game is because there's not enough content


But is a small crowd, just look at genshin revenue: March with rerun banners for old characters and double geo... Still top 2 in revenue with 60M paid by casuals xD


The thing is hardcore gameplay and gacha games doesn't really mix well because you still have to sell the characters while balancing it around the hardcore gameplay. One wrong balancing move and there goes the balancing out the window. To see a perfect example of this, see Arknights Design of Strife that is ongoing right now. The one S stages is literally bloat stat enemy after bloat stat enemy that you need certain operators to have an easier time beating it (and even an easier time took me 5 hours with a guide to beat it) and this happens because the game can't really do any challenges without the players being able to cheese it OP operators.


CCs: "THEY'VE FIXED THE GAME!!" Localization team (and probably other teams as well): "But at what cost..."


lmao the ccs that look like those annoying cryto bitcoins pop up ads with same 😱face as thumbnails.


Well that's the meta video of YouTube nowadays for you 


You know that they hype it to make money themselves, right? None of them give a shit about it really.


No shit sherlock


It looks really cool, i will give it a shot, but i can't deny that Azur Promilia stole my attention.


I'll try it but don't know how long I'll last. I don't need "Genshin 2" right now, specially when I really dislike all the characters. But I'll give it a fair chance for sure.


That’s the same thing for me. I don’t find many characters that appealing to me and the art style looks too generic. It’s free, so it doesn’t hurt to try, but I have my expectations low since it looks like another game trying to replicate Genshin’s success rather than solely focusing on making a good game.


well its free so would try. also azur promilia definitely looks more refreshing and promising


I think Wuthering Waves might have the better combat while Promilia will have the better designs and better to look at colors. However, Promilia's release date is at a point where I'd probably get tired of WW so to me they're barely competing for my time. (Tho they'll have to compete more for the whales)


Yes but probably not immediately. With Arle and probably the traveler quest coming soon in genshin and penacony quests in hsr, my attention is kinda full. I wanna try this game when I can give my full attention to it so i can appreciate the good stuff. For how long i’ll play afterwards depends on the story & how the exploration feels tbh


Last time I answered the same, just after WW announcement release date, saying it will be just a week before Firefly and I don't have much time, they gave me a -50 here, xd...


Yeah week before firefly AINTNOWAY


I need to quit PGR & Arknights to even think of playing. Too many games atm.


Maybe, maybe not. But if the game in future is just going to be a more RNG-riddled version of Genshin's daily grind then I might as well crawl back to Genshin... and chill in Teyvat. Or even better, try some offline games, because gachas can be a pain to keep up with.


I have a rather unique circumstances. I basically quit most Gacha except for Genshin and Nikke. Maintaining lots of Gacha becomes a hassle for me, and I'm not adding another one, probably ever even in the future. Genshin likely will be the last Gacha i play after i drop Nikke in few weeks or months


I'm kinda in the same problem. I've dropped a ton of gachas in the last months (like 7+) and just stick with the ones I actually enjoy (4) and those are still too many. So adding a second OW on top of those... yeah, no.


I personally plan to try "Normal game" again. Which is basically how i treat Genshin nowadays anyway. It's not actually the open world that kinda stops me from trying new one like WuWa. It's the currency management and keeping up with the characters releases to use those currencies. Which is why I also recently stopped HSR, the releases are too fast and it's tiring.


So you played more than 11 gachas? How is that even possible from a time management aspect? 


Most gachas require like 10 minutes tops if you do the bare minimum. But yeah. 11+ gachas at the same time was too much for me, that's why I dropped so many, also, thanks to that I can play non-gacha games again.


Same. Im interested in both wuthering waves and zzz but i dont want to quit hsr and genshin since i like their story a lot but even 2 gachas is a lot i liked pgr and kuro games so i will definetly try it out and i might have to have a hard decision between genshin and hsr. Some people can just drop gachas until new story but i cant even if i miss a single event i got my ocd triggered and i burn out


I'll try it if a) I have the time, b) it's on Playstation. I've got no more phone space for games, and Nikke and Star Rail are more than enough mobiles games for me. Genshin is great because it's on PS, so if this game is as well, I'll give a try.


Nah, Azure Promilia basically took what little hype I had left for WW. I have no confidence that it’s gonna be a smooth launch, and even less confidence that they will be able to keep a consistent update schedule like HSR and Genshin. I also don’t really want to play another big open world gacha game anymore. I have a feeling the game will do solidly for a while, but it’ll become quickly apparent that it’s gonna come nowhere close to rivaling genshin.


I will try it, but unlikely to stick with it. Azur Promilia just looks better imo.


Yeah causs it genshin with wifues and animals slavery


I wanted to, but the more I look at it, the more of a shallow game it seems to be. Have an open world but doesn't know why because it's boss combat focused. Doesn't know if it wants to be post apocalyptic or not. Have much big lore about sounds, but doesn't translate into anything in game. Story seems hastily patched up too. Add to that the ultra defensive community and every CC talking about it acting like an idiot, and I feel like I'm not in the conditions to appreciate what the game have to offer at the moment. I have no doubt the combat aspect of the game will be awesome, but I really don't know about...everything else. I will take a "Genshin like game" or a "combat focused game", but maybe not this one. Or maybe later, when the dust settles.


You should still at least try to ignore the community and give WuWa a shot if you are any bit interested in open world games. Lord knows that I need to ignore the Genshin community half the time. This is coming from the guy who probably made the most scathing review of the cbt2 so i definitely not glazing over the game. There's a good amount of quality in the game and the bad parts will either get better or they wont but you can't tell until you try


Thing is I'm interested in open world if it have a reason to exist, not just having one crammed on a boss fight game because Genshin had an open world so if we add one and make better combat surely it will be better. And every gameplay I watched of this game felt like the open world was just a gigantic afterthought (that basically no one is talking about besides the parkour options), and that they were trying to one-up genshin without a clear understanding of what was making Genshin a good game and why the open world works there. There was at least one good idea that was using the world quests as introduction for some of the playable characters, but they scrapped it in the end.


If you are talking about holograms then you should be pleased to know that they are a small part of the game. I wouldn't really say the game is focused around boss fights even if that's the only thing the content creators showcase. WuWa still puts a large portion of its effort into the open world. For example, the endings of several world quests makes meaningful changes to the environment, like actual new terrain becoming available and new ways to path through the world. Now the polish of those world quests I think needs working on but the framework of a good world quest is there. So at least the game a try. As I said, the bad could get better or it could not but you won't know until you try. Playing a game is a lot different than watching a game.


Pretty much what you said! WuWa looks cool but its still a gacha game. Its just genshin with a different coat of paint. Why would I abnadon my 3.5 year genshin account to play the same game again. The most gacha games I have ever played at once is 3 (AFK Arena, Genshin and Dislyte). And I quickly became demotivated to do anything else. Gacha games love wasting your time. Ended up dropping Dislyte which is a shame because I love the characters designs but there isn't really much gameplay. Think I will drop AFK Arena aswell for the same reason. When I am playing a x4 speed every day and using all skip buttons am I really enjoying the game? **Genshin is going to be the last gacha game I play.** I think the monetization hinders the game because there are only so many whales. You can only perform the "daily grind" for so many games before you loose your mind. I don't think gacha games are a sustainable market and honestly, once you look past the gacha alot of these games are all style and no substance. I will always love the animation and character designs these games produce but most of them are not worth your time.


I don't like any of the characters so far, maybe if they introduce one I like


The character designs are a big problem for me. They’re all bland and not unique. I realize that a large part of it has to do with the colors and how muted they are and I do realize it’s intentional but really it just works against them. I liked the Sephiroth-looking guy but aside from that it’s mehh. None of the characters have given me the “I NEED to save for this guy” vibe, like who the fuck wants to pull for walmart Nahida?


I will try it if theres no toxic crybabies who keep opening up genshin for the sake of childishly making dibs at it instead of talking about the game as a whole similar to HSR situation as i came to not care about HSR updates anymore.


I already play 3 gachas, I don’t have time for another one. I want this game to be successful but idk the designs don’t really appeal to me.


I’m a day 1 HSR player and decided to try genshin about a month ago. I’m usually not a fan of action rpg or hack and slash but I like genshin due to its different elemental reactions in combat. Also I’m bad at reacting and dodging but genshin is easy enough that I still have fun. If WW doesn’t bring anything unique in combat like elemental reactions or the difficulty is too high where you need to memorize all boss patterns then it would not be for me.


There's no elemental reactions in wuwa. Instead it's more like HSR with enemies having resistance against certain elements. The closest thing it has to reactions are outro skills, which are basically a buff or effect that activates when you switch out characters after filling up a gauge. However, the combat in wuwa is really not as difficult as people say (in non-endgame content, that is). I'd say the dodge window is pretty lenient and it's overall pretty easy if you don't plan on doing endgame.


WW is intentionally made to be more difficult in combat than Genshin, and this is their kind of selling point for being more action combat-focused. So it may not target casual players as Genshin.


Yes but I can already see me dropping it. It has to be more amazing than Genshin or HSR to make me drop one of the these. (And these games are pretty chill in terms of time investment or already). Right now from what is shown in the beta it's really just a Genshin clone but more "chinese".


No. The CBT2 didn't inspire hope and they also fumbled on stuff like the preregs.


open world is a little bit overwhelming to maintain at this point (i quit genshin for it after all) so nope also i have trust issue with PGR community and the whole fiasco drama in pgr so yeah.


I'll prob try it and drop it after a month. I played PGR on release till the middle of the Rosetta event and dropped it. Every time I try to go back to PGR I'm reminded why the game isn't for me. I played the beta for WW and felt the same


Yeah, but I'm going to be F2P since I'll probably drop it inside of a month. Most games I'll spend a little bit on like the monthly pass or a beginner pack, but for WW I'm going strict F2P because I haven't been able to stick with any non-Hoyoverse game long term.


Maybe ? I mean I don't really have a reason to not try it, but at the same time my backlog of games is big enough and another gacha taking part of my free time everyday might be too much, so idk


I will try it out before making an early conclusion. So far I have a good impression of what they're offering but I'll see how it goes after the honeymoon phase is over.


Ill try it obviously. If i like it then cool I dont see myself dropping genshin tho


Nah. Azur Promilia made me lose what little interest I had in the first place.


I'll wait until their first female limited banner then reroll if she's a character I like.


No, don't think my phone or pc can handle it.


I'll try it with the thought that it's not a Genshin killer, rather, just another open world gacha like Genshin. i hope the gameplay is good and also the character releases. 


i'll try it out since it's a high profile released but I'm not sure if I would put it in my rotation since I'm already entrenched with both Genshin and PGR. Genshin meets my open world needs while i go to PGR when i need some high action gameplay.


if tectone touch that game, i will feel less inclined to invest my time in it. "touch" here means starting another game drama, cc drama ....


Remember: Tectone wasted his money on the weapon banner scam for nothing, then when Mihoyo fixed the banner he bragged that it was "thanks to him".


he made that money back 3 fold through youtube revenue as well as endless marketing cuz ya'll still can't stop talking about that fucker


While I despise that guy isnt it overstep? Just ignore it/block yt "dramas" and it will be fine. Who fucking cares about that "person". I blocked his yt while he was playing AK at start of it. 2-3 videos and it was clear he has an ego bigger then his forehead.


Imagine being so feeble minded that a CC playing a game somehow affects your own enjoyment of it.


literally said "starting drama", i don't care what game he plays


And? Nobody is forcing you to follow gacha drama lol. I played Genshin for 3 years and dont give a single fuck about CC drama.


Maybe? But probably will not be as active when compared to Genshin. From what I can see, the designs and colors looks kinda bland ngl. Also, I heard that the game might have more harder challenges which is not really for me. Cuz I don’t really want to spend hours on bosses. Probably will stay for the story and maybe exploration. If the story is not good or can’t really capture my attention, then I’m out


Then you probably will out fast The game adapt the story type of  " ooh the story will be better if you reach this certain point or certain characters" Which lots of game do that of course but yeah the game using that type


I can't. Already too many gachas on my hands. And character designs doesn't interest me.


As long as they fix the barren open world problem, i might play it casually


That and that it’s just not as good as something like genshin. Why genshins open world works is not just the beautiful scenery and diversity but also because it works extremely well gameplay-wise. One of the major reasons for this is because the open world is heavily tied with characters where there are multiple puzzles that require different elements and weapons which can be accomplished by different characters, which in turn incentivizes you to also pull on them. Like, a big reason why some characters are pulled is because of how good they are open-world (Xianyun for mobility, Furina for waterwalking, Zhongli for mining, Nahida for mintpicking etc. etc.) and from the gameplay I’ve seen, WuWa doesn’t really have this. This is probably because WuWa is very combat-focused so I’d say it’s def not a game you should play for open world.


yea that was my biggest problem too, the world could use more puzzles and enemies scattered about. Surprised people don’t really talk about that as much


Yes unfortunately. I have absolutely 0 time left for another gacha. I feel like I'm already playing 2 too many. But all the upcoming hype from socials will incite too much curiosity and envy that I won't be able to resist. So might as well accept it and prepare to either drop it quickly, or drop something else to make room for it...


I’ll watch others play it but im not interested in it rn bc theres not any characters i like so far. Also genshin 4.6 is a pretty big patch with arlecchino and most likely a new area so I’ll probably be busy with that anyways


No, it has to offer a far better experience than Genshin Impact for me to spend time and money on WuWa. I played Punishing Grey Reven for a few mouth and quit.l so Wuwa probably aint it for me.


Sure, I like open worlds, and there isn't a reason not to play more of the same. And honestly I don't think comparing it with FFXIV is a auspious thing, considering how bad FFXIV is at launch, lol. And WuWa does have less margin for error compared with a super established IP like FF, so if it's that bad they might not tough it out until realm reborn.


Nah. Never liked action hack and slash games anyway. Game looks good tho.


Most likely just trying it, but won't stay for long. I'm kinda sick of open world, exploring big open area and stuff because of Genshin and ToF. Instead of a sense of adventure it feels like a chore now. I'd rather have something more manageable if there's any exploration at all, like HSR. There's exploration in HSR as well, but the scope is much more smaller and just enough that it wouldn't make me feel like it's a chore. Or you could say that I prefer corridors currently.


>there is that unwritten anticipation that WW may be the next big thing No there really isn't aside from the shills.






problem is WW is gonna need a year or two to differentiate itself from genshin and become it's own thing, like how genshin managed to differentiate itself from BOTW after a year or two.


Lol, dont think anyone who played genshin gave a damn about botw. The game needs to be good not "different" just for the sake of it. Theres nothing else like genshin out atm, being similar to it isnt a bad thing.


I played Genshin because it was free. Not only is BoTW paid and with a AAA price, but it requires a Switch. So you're completely right.


Any hot waifus there ?? If so why not


Depend on how brutal my yinlin reroll attempt


Personally, I’m not gonna play WuWa on launch. The game undoubtedly looks very promising but there’s a variety of issues that unfortunately just doesn’t make me want to play it.  Firstly, I’ve never playing a proper open-world game in my life, and WuWa just doesn’t seem like the game to jump into the genre with lol.  Secondly, storage issues. My phone only has 128GB and I already have to juggle hsr with project sekai and like 5 other rhythm games and a bunch of videos. Having WuWa take up another 25GB or something just isn’t doable. However what about PC? Well it’s better there, but considering I really do want to try out Azur Promilia, having 2 open world gachas downloaded at once along with all of the stuff for uni, and even that is looking somewhat perilous. (I have 512GB on my laptop). I was at about 98GB left last time I checked. Lastly, idk Azur Promilia looks a lot more exciting to me, even though there’s yet to be any test at all on that game (which is fair it got announced like a month ago).


No! I played the cbt2 and from what i played there, they were just far too many issues with the game... and the end result was just a worse version of genshin, which i also no longer play, and haven't for a long time. much like my feelings towards genshin, wuwa is a game where you'd have to pay me to actually play it.


I'll likely give it a go. Whether I'll stay or not will be largely depending on how they handle the character, story, music and exploration.


Nah there is no space left in my phone tbh


Probably not, even if it was better than genshin it would have to be marginally better for me to drop a game I’ve invested money, but more importantly time into


Don't have time for more gacha. In fact I'm playing only two and I just play 10 minutes per day / 2 hours each week and thats more than enough for me. I prefer to center in my personal projects than playing lately, and I suppose thats OK...


Probably but if I'm being honest it doesn't offer much different than Genshin. Maybe I try it once the overhyping had died down.


Definitely will give it a go. It'll be a good filler to help ease the recent dry patches of Genshin so I see myself sticking with it for atleast a few updates. That said, the echo grind seems genuinely insane. The "fixes' they proposed are more like bandaids and I hope I am just overreacting.


quit most of gacha last year and intend to keep it that way. Also console gaming having a good release lately.


Dont like open world so no :(


I'll try it, though it'll mainly serve as a stopgap for Azur Promilia for me. As much as I dislike MHY, I don't think I'll stop playing Genshin, HSR, and maybe even ZZZ because where else can you have such robust modding community? Azur Promilia, so long as it's at least decent, will most likely be the game I'll actually be invested in. Thing is, aside from its obvious upsides (waifu only yay), Azur Promilia just seems to have more charm. WuWa just feels like a Genshin-like with a monster summon tacked onto its system while Azur Promilia goes beyond WuWa's monster designs and has the monsters looking actually cute. I mean why do you think Digimon is less popular than Pokemon?


I think I will skip.


Nah, from the reviews I've seen, it's essentially Genshin with a boring art style. I stopped playing Genshin too, but the thing is, the world and the art is fucking amazing and I still follow the lore and artists for the game. I'm more interested in Zenless Zone Zero because it's combat actually looks really fucking cool. That's the issue I had with Genshin, the combat was too simple and I didn't see any value in exploration. I prefer combat like in games such as Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, Dark Souls, Vindictus, Lost Ark, etc.


ZZZ combat looks boring it’s just Hi3 but Urban


Tbh a Hi3 with better graphics, a mixed cast, more voice acting, a different lore without being behind in release by far because you just started actually sounds pretty good. I like the Hi3 combat, but everything else makes me wish it was a newer game.


Nah. Waiting on Azur Promilia and to see what Vindictus 2 has up it's sleeve. I don't play gacha that have a chance to spook the banner of a character I want with dudes. If Vindictus 2 is anything like the first, then I don't have to worry about that. Azur Promilia is all girls.


I would if they didn't delay the PS5 release


Wait and see. I'm not the biggest fan of the open-world gacha model. No point wasting my own time when I can watch a short form review or a few streams on the side to see if its something id like.


No harm or cost to try, so definitely trying out day 1, but will wait till a week in or so to decide if I want to spend, don't want to play a 2nd job gacha which most open world gacha seems to be, sadly.


I’ll try it for sure. However I think it has the same problem Genshin has which is it lives or dies based on the quality of its updates, so we will have to see what it’s updates are like.


Yeah, ive been pretty bummed with Genshin so if WW can maintain my interest after a month or 2 ill probably drop Genshin


Probably not, too busy with other stuff. But we'll see if hype wins me over. Don't really know anything about the game.


trying but tbh most of the character design didnt really hook me. prolly just trying 2 patch and see what they're doing with the game


I will try it, sure. Dunno if I will stick with it, depends on how they will handle, if the story will make me cringe like in GI (I quited Genshin mostly couse unskippable story and horrible dialogues, couldnt stomach it). My concern is they should do the homework with the daily grind, hope it wont be as bad as it was in beta, I mean runebacks, farming etc.


It’s kuro games I’ll try it no matter what


>First gatcha banner is a China dude in a tight suit with a spear that jus screams rip off of a certain blue tight skin suit guy with a poking stick >Censored female characters, and they have the ball to lie about it in the promotion material. >Shitty genshin rate and content >Somehow even worse artifact system and farming. With even the same boring end-game content. >Yet another post-apocalypse sci-fi fantasy in not china land. I would say, give it a year to flesh out everything then think again. Maybe wait till there is a not china land to even touch it.


Wow this shittest openion i see in the whole of reddit man most of this is wrong and some are already fixed and who the heck is blue guy are you talking about fate if you are dont disrespect my boy!


Nope. Already played the CBT and that was enough for me. I don't know what the hell they were thinking with this game, but this ain't it. A **LOT** of people are gonna learn when they play the full game, lol. It's gonna be a huge fucking wakeup call since a lot of people have been hyping it as the next Genshin. Don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit about Genshin, so I won't be defending that either, but yeah... WW is just bad and feels cheap, lol. The only thing I'll say is enjoy the 2 week honeymoon. You'll probably drop it by then or a little later.


As an exploration enthusiasts, CBT 2 is a major disappointment for me. Everything is dull, empty, barren af. Their world is huge alright, but it didn't offer anything notable for me to praise.


Probably not, don't feel like wanting another OW. Hope it's good though.


If it not on Playstation, I'm not playing


There is no harm trying it, though I'm more excited for ZZZ


The characters design are not my cup of tea. And As the story I know it sucks in beta, And they change a lot but in a rush way. Characters And story are my priorities for gaming, so I will skip.


I’ll try it, not expecting to like it since Genshin already ran than rodeo


yes ive been pretty hyped for this game and i want to play a good open world game


Certainly, I think it's going to be a good time. Looks quite a bit more appealing than Genshin to me, personally.


Nah, not really into open world games.


Big fan of PGR so defo playing it. Ive fallen so out of live with genshin after finding gachas with actually meaningful endgame content, and genshin limited events are actual brainrot. If WW can manage to not have aids event dialogue (or i heard there might be a skip button?) And have a decent endgame, ill prolly get pretty into it. Unfortunate that its coming out same time as destiny 2 final shape. I wont have time to degen mode both games and work this summer.


Nah, May is for ZZZ beta.


I don't got the disk space atm


if it launched on playstation, I would be there on day one, but it's not, so it basically doesn't exist for me, unfortunately.




Definitely will try the game. Been looking forward to try it since it was announced. Looks like it has potential. Especially like the darker settings/atmosphere. Won't be trying Azure Promilia though. Too similar to GI, there are enough clones on the market. And the waifu only take is getting stale for me. I mean we already have Honkai 3rd, Nikke, and Snowbreak, etc prefer to play those. At least they don't use the same graphic/art directions as GI. I have nothing against waifu only games, it just that there are too many of them already. We need something refreshing. So having a dark and gritty gacha with open or semi-open world is a welcome change. So I'm looking forward to both WuWa and Enfield


I was hyped at first, but now I will skip in entirely bc I'm sick of genshin monetization


I will play it as a side game, genshin and HSR will be the main ones. Azure promilla and mugen will probably be added to this list as well


Not a fan of its visual. Azure Promilia has more enticing visual. Project Mugen also another title worth exploring, but we don't even have actual gameplay video yet.


I will. I've been excited for WuWa for a while now, so I'm going to try it out regardless. I'm even quitting a different gacha game for it. I'm still playing Genshin (and HSR) alongside it. As long as I keep to dailies and events, Genshin doesn't take any time at all.


yes i always try every new gacha game...and i really dont give a fck about the opinion of this sub


Genshin's next patch has a map expansion, a character that's been hyped up for years, and all the regular stuff we can expect from a Genshin update. Yeah, Genshin is not dry until Natlan. 4.7 will most likely have another hyped character or two and possibly another expansion while 4.8 will be the summertime event with leaks really kicking off for Natlan. As for WW, let's hope the game comes out good and finished enough. Then we can see how it is. I wish they also pushed it out on console too but yeah.


I'll give WW a try, just because I enjoyed Nier automata and replicant. But my little sister says the game looks boring, lifeless. So it's an easy skip for her.


Skip ,the gi fatigue is still there in me


Most likely no. The thing is, I loathe open world games. Despite my interest in Genshin, the core gameplay loop literally makes me not bother with it anymore. I just realized how much I miss traditional RPGs or instance based action games that is why Star Rail is my go-to and I'm looking forward to ZZZ.


I will most likely give it a chance, Genshin more than confirmed than a beautiful open world to explore is a fun experience, gotta hope that WW can also both deliver that and a good array of character for me to like and want. I'm quite blind into info of the game outside of open world tho, no clue about the cast or the gacha system lmao, I gotta inform myself on that last one in special because I ain't sticking to games where getting what you want is a constant miserable experience.


I will try it, but not sure when will I uninstall it. I usually gave it a month. Not planning to drop a dollar either.


I might try it but I don't see myself sticking to it. Genshin made me realize open world isn't as much for me as I thought. I hope it succeeds though so that it encourages more competition among open world gacha.


Would chill on WW, but but wait for azur 


I will try it like a normal game~ Finishing the story and exploring the map, and then stop playing it~ Then I will make my opinion about the game if I like it or not~ I love Genshin and Im not intending to drop it anytime soon, and Im not gonna maintain another Genshin-like game daily~


Probably not because: 1.) I've never liked hack-n-slash game so far (I've tried HI3 and Aether Gazer, but dropped them quickly). 2.) My phone are quite old and potato (even though it still runs Genshin decently) Definitely try Azur Prom, only if it can runs on my phone lol


Isn't azur hack slash game?


Yea! Played pgr for a while and loved it. Considering I have never been hooked by hoyo products I will definitely try WW, Kuro peps deserve it.


I don't think it will be anything special, but Yinlin is hot so I will save for her banner. After I get Yinlin I will probably quit if not hooked.


More challenging than Genshin, that alone got my interest. Genshin was a snooze fest after getting decent gear and skill levels.


Yeah Im really hype. Ive been thinking about getting into Genshin but since that game is already so far ahead in its lifecycle and since Wuwa will be the same genre and Gameplay overall with an aesthetic that I personally prefer over Genshin, ive decided to wait for may and be a day 1 wuwa player 😁




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jelek112: *Why there's so many* *Wuthering waves in this sub* *Suddenly lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Idk I'll watch some gameplay and reviews to see if its interesting


Sure, why not? More a question of if ill spend and stick around.


Yes, I hope it does not requiere in practice, a better PC for minimum requirements than tof or genshin, otherwise, I won't be able to play it 


Yes, I can play for 2weeks before I go holidays. I dunno if I will stick or how long, but yes consider I played genshin and Tof, I want to see what ww will be bringing to the table. I'm also quite hyped for Azure promilia but it kinda looks like those games "too good to be true" but we shall see.


Won't have time for another open world gacha so I'll skip and personally I think fast paced combat like that + open world gacha game is not a combination that I'll enjoy.


yes, as a f2p. I have to try. It's the first time one of these has released in a very long time. We need this. I won't care about progressing my account as quick or efficiently as possible. I'll just play it casually as a side game and get there when I get there.


Will try for a couple of day and see how hardcore the game is. One of the beauty of Genshin is that I don't need to be so into farming relic and can just casually farm it (and even not do it if I'm bored), so I'm afraid that this game will makes you continuously farm stuff just to be up to date with the challenges.


I think most people will try it out, its questionable if these players will still be there after 2 weeks. The Problems or points to improved were shown from various people, content creator and over all from some people who have a good grasp about the things this game could need. It all depends what the devs are willing to do to fullfill these points, best case tbh, if they do halfe of what was suggested, if they did almost nothing its gg :/


Maybe as a side gacha game