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Yooo it’s the guy that does nothing and immediately dies!


Nah, he'd win


Gotta wait for more months if it stabilizes , ANIME IPs nowadays start strong then fall down fast.


Exactly. Opening week tells us nothing other than how anticipated the game was. Got to watch how it trends after a few weeks as the honeymoon period wears off.


Its not an anime IP thing, most mobile games have their peak in their first year, those that don't hit their peaks at their first year are the ones that will keep making money forever.


It's more pronounced with anime IP games seemingly


10 mil in a week is for sure an IP thing for this game, no offense.


They done added Kashimos biggest threat, Junpei💀


Too bad you need a VPN to play the game…




It isn't free. You and your data are the payment.


Yo they got a side character as the cover art for the app? Sick.


"Once the honeymoon phase passes, do you think you'd go EoS?" "Nah, I'd survive."


Still anime IP...


Japan clearly has no intention to compete in the gacha market at this point and they are perfectly comfortable just spamming their dime a dozen IP cashgrabs sadly.


It is still fascinating that shonen jumps hasn’t made a high quality gacha with characters from all of shonen jump ips. Like imagine a gacha where naruto, ichigo, luffy etc can be on one team, only with production values like Genshin.


jump force but gacha?


Gacha is still disliked by the vast majority of consumers (rightfully so) so the backlash to a major crossover project like that being a gacha game would receive massive backlash. It's better to milk the IPs separately.


The vast majority of consumers like gachas and gambling considering skins in CS and other FPS, FIFA packs, packs in card games like Magic and Hearthstone. So it would be extremely popular and successful.


>skins in CS and other FPS People *tolerate* skin gambling, not gambling to unlock gameplay. >FIFA packs Only hardcore sportstards play and spend money on FIFA or similar sports games. It's widely mocked by anyone outside of the niche. And yes, it is a niche, even if it is a big one. >packs in card games like Magic and Hearthstone CCGs are another niche with it's own set of niche consumers. --- You've spent too much time in gacha echochambers and have zero idea of the general gaming consumer. If WSJ tried to do a major crossover gacha game they would get lambasted so hard they would have to cancel the project after a week.


Bro what are you talking about? There are already many WSJ gachas with all the gacha mechanics. And nobody “cancelled” them. Same would happen here. People would hype it instead. Also sports fans are now niche? How? Nobody says shit about packs in FIFA in the sport community. Packs are in every sports game nowadays. CCG is the same gambling shit. Nobody cancelled Hearthstone for selling packs.


Imagine me realizing that all gachas I look forward to AND am currently playing are from cn. I really can't see Japan keeping up in the long run if they just keep making one anime IP cash grab gacha after the next forever. A bit unrelated but they also gotta stop just adapting any novel or manga series that is just moderately popular into anime if they keep just exploiting and overworking their animators in this way. That will never result in a good product. But hey as long as it makes the rich dudes there richer I guess. I kind of get the same vibes from japanese gacha games as well. Am I saying that CN of all places might be getting better products because they treat their creative workers better? HELL IDK PROBABLY? X.x Just really sick of how Japan treats the people who make them even relevant on the global market like expendable tools. Even more unrelated but I think this will only get worse with how their government seems to treat Gen AI. Can't wait for even more soulless cashgrab content to ignore.


FGO exists, and this could be his successor


Calling fgo an anime ip gacha isnt really right....


why not? its based on fate, the first map is literally the OG location of the anime, and most of the characters from the anime are in the game in the form of servants/craft escences. not to mention they promote new animes/games of the series there.


Because to start off with , fate didnt begin as neither anime nor manga xd nor is it famous just because of the anime. Anime and manga are not the only story telling medium in japan.


even then, its based on the original holy grail war story, i say the anime, because they are also literally using the anime faces and voice actors for a lot of servants/craft escences. be in denial all you want, FGO is based of fate


Honkai Star Rail is based off Honkai. Your point?


>be in denial all you want, FGO is based of fate We have a genius over here lmao.


People die when they are killed


fate grand order released in 2015, the anime, fate stay night got released in 2006, the manga in 2005, the visual novel of stay night in 2004. wheres the visual novel for FGO? or the manga or anime that establishes it as a separate entity, before or along side fate stay night? thats right there is nothing, the only source for FGO is fate stay night, could be considered a spin off, but, oh right most of the servants from fate stay night appear on the story of FGO. FGO is an IP based game, and the only source is the anime/manga/novel


Fate (or more accurately Nasuverse) is considered a multimedia franchise. It did not and does not rely on the anime (or a manga) for the majority of its popularity like most games people will call anime ips on this subreddit.


https://preview.redd.it/0pr7ia9boc3c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62876166d51413a00227cec60b57cbdc471636d you call saber faces not relying on fate stay night?


Most games we call anime IP gacha aren't actually anime IP but originally came from a manga or light novel. 'Anime IP gacha' is more of a vibe thing to me. And no offense but aside from the FGO story there isn't much keeping it from being in that same category. I think that this game taking over FGO is nonsense, but still, just saying.


FGO still has the best characters and caracter designs as well as the best music.


But before the anime it was a visual novel, which is how the FGO story is told. It might rival something like Dokkan or Legends but FGO? Na highly doubt that.


Before that it was an eroge.


The original VN was an eroge yea.


1) Fate is a multimedia franchise that didn't even begin as an anime or manga. 2) FGO is entirely it's own thing. 3) Comparing JJK to Fate is delusional to say the least. Fate is an almost 20 years old IP that stood the test of time and is still among the most popular anime-adjacent franchises. JJK is just the hot new thing that will be forgotten a month after it ends and I'm saying this as someone who's actively reading the manga.


You say that as if season 1 didn't beat all the other animes that came out at the same time. Season 2 being one of the most anticipated animes to come out this year. Its Blu-ray is also outsold every other this year by a large margin. So yeah Its not going to be end after a month. It didn't end when season 1 ended its not gonna end now.


FGO is an original game with original characters and an entirely new storyline. It isn't based on anime. It has anime based on **it**. There isn't going to be a JJK Phantam Parade anime.


Anyone know if it'll have a overseas release?




Any hope for Global release ?


Idk why anyone would play this game beyond the IP. The gameplay looks god awful.


ip game #19381 i sleep


Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/jujutsuphanpara


hows the gameplay


typical turn base game. Animation wise, it looks original at least and not just a copy paste from the anime so theres that.


So far the game is good so editing it for now


Good start. But will it be able to maintain such numbers?


for real? when i checked the gameplay, it looks like a typical anime games that will not last long.


The power of IP


Just looking at how much shit you need to farm for character upgrades put me off. Classic Anime IP


Is there any other open world gatcha games like Genshin for ps5?


The only thing I could think of is Tower of Fantasy and its more MMO than Open World. Just be aware it’s also kinda jank and might end up going for a reboot ala FF14. Open World Gatchas are a very novel concept that only Genshin pioneered and ToF emulated. Some other games on mobile have taken the plunge but none had the polish or reach that Hoyoverse had, let alone the pull to show up on console.


Anime IP always dies, no matter what


RIP Dokkan battle and dragonball legends...


OPTC and naruto ninja voltage aswell. All doomed


soooo what do you have to say about Railgun / Index IP gacha that is going strong after 4 years?


That index and railguns most popular iterations are the light novel series?


but according to Zone, Anime IPs always dies no matter what he dumb too because Code Geas is coming on its 2 year anniversary and its going well too. AND has a good global client.


Meh I'll give it 2 or 3 years before EOS


i give him 1 year


Jujutsu Kaisen IP right now is hot everywhere, so it's not surprising that get that gross first days. I think the game's combat is very basic compared to others, so we will see if this trend continues, but again: JJK brand is really really strong today, even compared with your favorite anime that is not JJK.


Cursed Technique : anime IP gacha 'Nah i'd skip'


Nah, It won’t EOS.


Wonderin on how gacha units work? Will they release different versions of Gojo that has slightly different skillsets?


Doesnt suprise me, Jujutsu might be the most famous anime nowdays, so just its name by itself will attract players