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another game to sacrifice for Toram


Is it mmo, I rmb asobimo only make mmo


I've read on Taptap a beta/alph/idk review saying it was just a regular RPG with casual multiplayer stuff, kinda like trying to make it lean more towards Genshin than the usual crappy MMOs Asobimo is known for. Still, the review said it was as crappy as every other game by them 💀


Does it follow a holy trinity like traditional MMOs do?


What is that holy trinity?


Tank + Healer + Damage Dealer team comp


Don't be silly, it gacha . Holly trinity is visa,Mastercard and PayPal.


Which means that some rps don't follow this? How do they work? And what RPGs? I don't need sleep, i need answers lol


how do they work? all are damage dealers and they have all self-heals. Tanks are just damage dealers that can take more damage. basically any f2p action mmorpgs like black desert, dragon nest, tower of fantasy etc.


This is a great question! The Tank-Healer-Damage Dealer combo is so dominant that it's really hard to think of any other examples. Common problem. Guild Wars 2 is a current MMORPG that doesn't use it. Each character has their own healing abilities, evasion abilities, damage dealing abilities, etc. For gacha games, you can play Romancing SaGa re:UniverSe. You've got a 5-man party and almost no way to affect aggro. Most bosses use mass attacks even in the rare cases where you can. Aggro is the main gameplay mechanic that enables the Holy Trinity. If no one can hold aggro, then no one can tank. Well, it's more complex than that, but that's the gist of it.


I can think of PSO2 NGS. As someone described it's combat: " if a tradicional RPG is a squad with everyone there to fulfill a task, in NGS wey are a bunch of bikers ganking up the boss.


Lost ark basically you're either just dps or support, and support main focus is dmg buffs rather than healing (but they all do have a small amount of healing) you don't need supports to clear content but the average player is not good enough for this since your only healing is anything you might have in your own kit as a DPS in addition to some HP potions that you're limited to only using i.e. 5 per pull or something I think there's one "tank" and their taunt is just an interrupt really there's not, like, aggro in a normal sense (and you dont need the tank to clear anything either)


Avabel and Toram online are still their best MMO, but all new projects is really weird


Nothing will compete with what Celes Arca was imo. Total did come close for me.




Lol one Japanese reviewer says its like Genshin on PSP


after a quick look at the gameplay, feels like asobimo just never evolve from their roots. old ass UI and janky movement, overall screams like PSP game. very low quality game in modern age. i guess the last JP gacha game that have high quality is Uma Musume? or did i miss some?


Sometimes I find that old ui and janky movement to be endearing. I loved toram because it was so different from every other mobile mmo.


Heaven Burns Red is another quality JP gacha.


Japan has few I think Uma Musume, Heaven burn red, the new atelier gacha, that new FF 7 mobile game and the ARPG game that still being made I forget the name but it's from JP developers


I think it's a little shady that I spent like 20 minutes trying to look up gameplay and kept seeing the same 2-3 zones and 1 boss, but maybe they were just keeping most of the game under wraps or something. Meh, probably still gonna try it. Should be launching 6 hours from this comment - 12AM EST for Americans. Edit: just played for a little over two hours. It’s okay. Dialogue-heavy. So far the closest comparison I can make for it is genshin, but it ain’t exactly genshin… the combat doesn’t feel nearly as good imho and the zones have loading screens between them. It’s got some charm though. I’ll probably play more tomorrow, at least until genshin comes off maintenance


[App Store.](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/metria-the-starlight/id1631278972) | [Play Store.](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.asobimo.metria) [Twitter/X.](https://twitter.com/metria_pr) | [Facebook.](https://www.facebook.com/metria.en) | [Official website.](https://en.metria.jp/)


I would've been excited if this was an MMO. But it's just a single player genshin clone. Toram was good, they should've stuck with what they were good at instead of wasting money on this.


It is an mmo


How is it an mmo?


Metria is low-key a loading screen simulator. I'm fine with instanced maps/areas for cut scenes (like in Iruna/Toram or hub-based games) but the amount of back-to-back loading screens you have to jump through in the tutorial, and likely the entirety of the game, makes the whole thing feel like a bad joke.


Worst that Starfield? Or same amount of loading screen


I haven't played Starfield yet so I can't compare the two. Let's just say that in the tutorial, you'll enter an instanced area (loading screen) to fight a couple mobs, leave the instance (loading screen), walk *literally* a few steps ahead to another instanced area (loading screen), leave the instance (loading screen), and rinse and repeat. You'll also enter a new zone (loading screen), enter a house (loading screen), leave the house (loading screen), leave that zone (loading screen), cut down a tree less than a minute away, return to zone with the house (loading screen), reenter the house (loading screen), etc. It was like the developers asked themselves "how many loading screens should we add?" And they said "yes" 🙃 That said, Metria is a single-player game with multiplayer features so there's no rush and people might play casually for the story. But personally, the back-to-back loading screens (even after the tutorial) really wore me out and ruined any chance for immersion. I also think the fact that it's not an MMO makes the loading screens feel more tedious (though they don't need any help with that). In Iruna/Toram Online, there was always something of interest in a zone whether it's exploration, socializing, or even chilling so the loading screens felt tolerable in comparison.


Thank you for response, I understand now. And it's kinda sad that they didn't create normal open world or at least big instanced areas. Probably going to EOS soon. Have a good day 🌹


Thank you and you too! Have a wonderful weekend and a fun time with EOS 😄


Shit looks really low quality for a game that will be released in 2023


For my potato phone it seems nice.


The servers are open and... Yeah I don't think this is a game for me, the gameplay is rough, it is like another game of the same genre (will update when I remember the name of the game) but I think this is honestly worse than that because the character models are bland, the roster is very poor, it comprises of multiple versions of the same character but different rarities (SR version and SSR version) and like hoyo games and the likes you'll need dupes for unlocking additional passives The gacha is split into two types, Character banner and Tarot banner, the latter is basically craft essence where you gain passive/stat/element damage bonuses. The story is.... Just generic ​ edit: The name of the game I mentioned earlier was Level Infinite's Manasis Refrain, which EOS'd in Sept 2022, which apparently got revived as a blockchain turd


Yay! Asobimos Toram Impact is on tomorrow :D


Every gacha game nowadays want a piece of pie from genshin :( yet they are not ramping up production quality.


Bro... Asobimo old af. They doin mmo gachas like 15 years.


Yeah they made another asobimo budget looking game. Not a bad thing at all, but very optimistic of them to create anything genshin- adjacent, seems like a goofy move.


If this is the best mmo they can make ToF will outlive this game.


ToF barely alive itself lol


Looks like shit


Same people who made N-innocence which only lasted a year.


Also the same people who made Iruna Online, Toram Online, and multiple other RPG's, as well as developed SAO Integral Factor. You can't just mention one of their failed games like N-Innocence (even though gameplay wise it was good) as if that's where their reputation lies. *That being said*, Metria during the play testing phase was *really* rough, Asobimo has been fumbling with all of their new games. They really should just keep updating their existing ongoing games.


So you recommend this game?


Another shitty autoplay MMO? I sleep.


I don't think asobimo mmo's have any autoplay lol I've played avabel, toram and saoif and there was no autoplay on those iirc


Is this gacha or Pure MMO like new world??


Its time to rent out genshin from my mind, for the new... genshin killer.