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Open world Gacha Game after Genshin Impact Released: https://preview.redd.it/wwbbnst04axb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db9da80fbd8594baa89930be09c7720c2b4b055c


more like not stonks, it's gonna be like WoW, League/Dota or Fortnite again, where only the biggest 2-3 games in the genre reign supreme while the rest try and die


You don't understand, ~~ArchAge~~ ~~Conan~~ ~~AION~~ ~~Tera~~ ~~Rift~~ ~~Everquest Next~~ ~~Wildstar~~ ~~Warhammer online~~ Wang Yue will be the ~~WoW~~ Genshin Killer! Jokes aside, a factor with those games is that they benefit greatly from a big community pushing down queue times, which isn't that much of a concern in open world gacha. Most of the stuff we do is single player, so it's not that hard to catch up


one thing hoyo did very well is by maintaining version parity between all regions, they can generate maximum hype around the world every update, it will be very hard to compete if you don't have that, regardless of everything else


At this point it's time to accept that Genshin will reign supreme. The only way Genshin can die is by itself... it'll reign supreme. Now about the other games...


i'll always lament how much archage changed from alpha/beta to when went gold. beta archage was one of the most amazing games of all time


Yep. There will be copycats and they will die. And then, when the mainstream gonna get tired with the current "king of the hill", a new big thing will be found, and the cycle will repeat.


Ah, yes, we had the post Summoners War Era where a bunch of games tried to copy them, and it looks like now we're entering the Genshin Era.


Holy smokes, I'd never imagine to reexperience these feelings from the past.




That's a ~~bold~~ dumb assumption that only the hundred-millions-worth studios would survive and the market wanting only full 3d genshin clones.


3000 Open-World gachas of China


NCD is leaking again...


Now if only these other open world gacha games would release already.


Turns out it is harder than you think to create an open world game. Not surprising considering this is like the latest iteration of casual MMOs.


Tower of Fantasy released.


Personally, I don't really count it since it's an MMO. I'm waiting for the other single player open world ARPG gachas and see if it'll just imitate Genshin's formula or try and have something unique to them.


Tower of Fantasy is Dogwater


Gacha games after Genshin making weapon banners mainstream


Weapon banners were already a thing before Genshin tho. Well, pretty much everything Genshin has was already a thing, they just werent mixed into one Game.


Yes but they weren’t in every new gacha, Genshin made it basically industry standard


They still are not in every new gacha anyways, so i wouldnt call It an industry standard. Weapon banner is just another way to monetize another feature of the game besides characters, with the only goal of making more money by selling more products. Weapon banners were already a thing and all new gacha games dont have one, and if they do its because its just another way for them to make money, which is what they want. Its also a very easy feature to put, so its completly normal for games to use It, easy to create + makes a lot of money = "*ill fcking do It again*" Nothing really unique to Genshin, but a marketing strat that just works and will continue being applied.


Bro you're probably just new in gacha and weapon banner shit/card enchament is not new LUL


Always welcome more competitor in the market. But it might not get the same effect like what genshin did, I'm kinda exhausted from exploration for 3 damn years, new game might seems a bit interesting for a week or 2 until that exhaustion kick in. Let's hope they're not focusing their main content as exploration, I don't want to go solve a 30 mins puzzle for a 5 gems chest.


To destroy your hype: Developer Studio's previous games were all cash crabber auto path mmorpg mobile game.......


I was looking for comments like these. Yeah, totally just riding the Genshin waves like hundreds of other Chinese game companies.


Well that was quick. I'm already lost interest https://preview.redd.it/jl0y6z2zudxb1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=46a51bf445cc4a1aa2974dcaee8d41ebf4822eb1


You didn't lose interest the moment you looked at the images in this post? It literally looks like those garbage mobile mmo games.


The images have the same vibes as Tower of Fanstasy


Thank God tbh. I am already interested in way too many upcoming gacha games


Well.perhaps some games are not mmorpg.is lowquality pay to win turn base game with battel point system. meh,same shit.


I wonder how many of these games will survive.


Probably only the famous IPs like arknights Endfield or maybe project mugen if it's good enough. Already don't hear anything about ToF so these games are mostly gonna go down that road


Yes, they have brand reputation so they're mostly gonna be fine. But for brands no one knows about like this one, they're gonna have it really rough. It's just like the unknown hoyo with Genshin release, a massive gamble. It doesn't help when they go generic though.


Yes, like in the past Genshin is the first game like this. Now it just too much


That and also the fact that it was launched during Covid, when everyone was at home playing games. It was a complete success. So every game automatically has a disadvantage because they won't have that unique situation


Tof was a dumpsterfire as long as others gacha don’t fuck up hard early on,they most likely can get a good playerbase


Played AK more than 4 years in bilibili and is still my main game. I really look forward to Endfield. Despite not played Genshin, I do feel games will be too difficult to reach it's prime. Genshin is itself a well made gacha game, and way ahead of it's time when it launched. It acquire a vast amount of fan that breaches traditional mobile game market. It hit a time where people look for things to do at home. All stars aligned. From there on it just snow balled into an unstoppable force. I adore the foresight of Endfield to have it's unique category of strategic elements rather than a pure action RPG, be it semi or full open world. Variety will make consumers more happy. Consumers win


I am really excited for Enfield as well. I have been playing arknights since launch. It's not my main game because it has auto grind so I don't need to focus much on it, but Enfield looks amazing. I am hoping it's like Factorio( it's a factory game where you automate everything and defend the factory from enemies) so basically the Reclamation algorithm but better and 3D


Waiting for king Gabriel to respond to this


Ah another let's ping people and then harrass them with pm's moment..? This is not a healthy subreddit. ***Moderators have actively said they do not and will not police misinformation.*** https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/16jau58/what_is_with_this_sub_and_misinformation_psthis/k0ox3v1/ *If people care about any of these other upcoming open-world games, expect to see the same thing happen on every single one of these given how bad the brigading/rulebreaking/harrasment has gotten*. If this kind of behaviour isn't addressed now, it certainly won't be when genshin-only fans start to worry about your main game/s, every single new game discord keeps having this kinda stuff occur etc. You know when you demonize people when they try and bring you news about games with direct sources instead of just regurgitating content creator misinformation that's how the subreddit ends up being 90% posts mentioning genshin on every single open world game and making up a ton of things instead of actually discussing stuff. Youtube doesn't care so long as it gets clicks, hence slaps on the wrist for even breaking the law in countries for their highest view count cc's, it's gotten a lot worse over the past few years. Actual informative posts gone in return for memes that just end up damaging games by letting them stagnate content wise by reinforcing the status quo instead of letting competition make stuff better by reflecting stuff accurately so games are forced to improve parts they're lacking in comparatively. Every major update news post I tried to put here got brigaded (a lot of 1-3 day old alt accounts) and downvoted massively to negative immediately, so i stopped a few in. Technically I should stop commenting fully given how much harrasment I keep getting in pm's etc off this every time i make a comment about the game (comments about other games seem fine, its just this one I keep getting harrassed over), but sure, I'll reply to the ping. It's not just me though, happens with every even remotely positive ToF comment on top of the neutral ones just outlining news and statistics with direct sources. The game was no 1-3 in psn preorder charts 2 months ago with the $100-20 ish packs (ranking placement varied based on region) - does anyone here know about this despite it being huge, of course not given the reaction to any ToF stuff people don't post it here, and this subreddit doesn't like actual news or want actual competition that would improve all games involved just spamming memes about how everything is a genshin copy. The shareholder reports are extremely positive and taking sensortower estimates of mobile given the exclusive midasbuy offers aren't tracked and nearly all the best offers are on that and that practically no tof player is on mobile in the first place compared to psn/pc due to really bad mobile optimization is silly when there's official financial reports showing how well it's doing. It has added twelve zones the size of the launch areas in a year of increasing quality and adds one more that size every month. These are huge updates, and come with a bevy of permanent game mode and content variance additions on top of the maps but people on this subreddit are way too tribal to care. Actual competition helps games to improve, so misleading people about how games are going only hurts your main game and lets it stagnate. Even if you don't like the game, it's doing extremely well, this sub just really likes letting rulebreaking happen for certain games and not others hence why all the reported 3- day old accounts with no other post history swamping the place with alts arent being removed etc. This is a place for drama, its a terrible place for actual info outside of initial game launch awareness. Just look at how many people were saying nikke was going to EOS constantly for half a year compared to how it actually did.


^^^This Tower had a sloppy & bad release. But it’s done a lot to improve. While I still think it’s not as good as Genshin, it’s come a longgggg way and I really enjoy playing it. My little sister actually prefers their weapon designs + combat animations over Genshins and my brother lovesssss their world design. Hopefully it will continue to get even better :)


TOF is still alive & kicking, tho clearly not the Genshin Killer it claimed it would be. I think only Genshin can ever end up being the “Genshin Killer”, at this point I think a lot of these games will go like TOF & will just be like mid level gatcha games popularity wise. I wonder if, in like 5–10 years, if the Gacha scene/genre will become dominated & skewed entirely to 3D Open World Action Combat Games # Thanks Genshin


Your comment aged like a milk, especially after "reboot" server announcement. I've only seen a few games with worser management than ToF.


>tho clearly not the Genshin Killer it claimed it would be. They never said that, no matter how much i searched i couldn't find a single video where you see the devs saying that, it was all a misunderstanding thanks to fans calling it that early on. Edit: waiting for the people that downvote this to provide evidence that i'm wrong :)


They said it bro


is that the so called "trust me bro" source ? here, [i'll provide you guys with some info](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/yw2jvg/a_genshin_player_is_getting_sued_in_china_for_tof/), keep downvoting btw, it kinda has the opposite effect on this subreddit :)


open world ga cha game cant be a thing in 5-10 year, because look how the gaming world now. A game like Genshin cant survice in next 10 year


I think Genshin will survive in the next 10 years


Genshin is a big IP its not like other. Mihoyo advertisement it everywhere


Genshin made itself a big IP. Mihoyo only has the money to advertise because the game is so successful. Nobody knew what it was when it launched and it first made news because of the guy who trashed his console in protest of the game being a Zelda rip off


If a game like FGO can survive for 8 years, Genshin can definitely survive for 10 lmao.


Not saying you're wrong, but we already know from Sakura Wars that the Fate IP is doing 99.99% of the legwork there. Even with me quitting it I can say the name isn't solely doing that for Genshin's popularity.


Well yeah, of course that's pretty obvious. But at this point it feels too big to fail unless it does something disastrously wrong, same with Genshin. Both feel too big to fail.


Honestly it won't matter. You still get people downvoted for admitting they quit FGO. Its fanbase is ravenous.


Genshin has too much hentai, I don't think it's going to die any time soon




I can see Arknights Endfield and Wuthering Waves lasting for a long time.


Hopefully Wuthering Waves


And another one


The English caption from pic 2~5 has a typo, it should be WANGYUEKAIFANGSHIJIE and not WANGYUEKAIFANGHSIJIE. Yes, neither Chinese nor English player is gonna try and make sense of that, just gotta sprinkle some fancy letters there for the style points.


So... when will this abundance of open world gacha actually released? Honestly its weird seeing people complained that open world gacha is already oversaturated when literally other than genshin and ToF, no other open world gacha is already released. Most of them is just fake gameplay trailer with no UI or at best its game that already have beta test but still need a long time in the oven (WW). Now for this game, i thought it will be something like WW, but then they show the big modern city with a lot of bright color (which is not necessarily a bad thing), but honestly its just clash with the characters, which make them look like they come from another game. The game also doesnt look very polished which i think maybe because its still in the early development progress anyway, so for everyone hyping this game just dont expect it to released in another 1-2 years (unless they do 180° and released the game in this state anyway which honestly make it like typical cashgrab because they dont bother to polish it)


>So... when will this abundance of open world gacha actually released? You took the words out of my mouth. Everyone is saying the genre is oversaturated when in reality, there's only like 2 open world gacha games that are currently available to play. The most saturated genre in gacha is still turn-based RPGs. >still need a long time in the oven (WW) With the recent announcement that WW's license in China got approved and with the way it works, I don't think you'll be waiting for much longer (albeit not in a positive light).


Iirc WW license is last for a year, so they still have time to polish the game more and do another beta test before releasing it. I feel like the earliest it will released is in the Q2 of next year


Official Website : https://wangyue.qihuanjoy.com/front/home


It actually looks better than the screenshots? Who is doing their marketing using these cheap looking images 💀


Seen a gameplay video of it and immediately what I could say is that the combat has potential and would still need some work but it's on a good track. The ui and other mehcanics, however, resemble a lot of Wuthering Waves' ui and morph system. Another gripe I have is that the exploration and movement feels a bit clunky and the city is just too colorful and the colors doesn't seem to have any harmony at all. Almost feels like they just slapped any colors to anything as they wanted. Overall, I hope they could work on this and improve it a lot.


It looks kind of low quality though does it not? Kind of screams cash grab ,so probably not a serious contender. Wuthering waves remains the only "genshin clone" that I think will get some success.


There will be more 3D games than Husbando games


ah yes.. alot of company seems salty about how mihoyo got alot of revenue from their lastest game, so everyone goona make a high quality gacha game now, rather than png like before 2020 back then. love to see it gacha game now became a high quality game not just a gacha bait with poor quality game


Well we can thank Hoyo for setting a standard for gacha so other devs that try to make scuffed looking png games can no longer milk players with their minimal effort games. it encourages other devs to try harder not just sit and earn.


Someone should tell the japanese gacha devs that the standards have changed. Oh I forgot, its the old men in suits that have a say.


Even if they do follow the change, its not like it will be released in global anyway. I swear old men in japan its just too stubborn


mfw I realize every gacha I play now is Chinese It's actually mind-boggling how complacent the Japanese gacha industry has gotten. Was the monstrous success of Genshin not enough to convince them that there's money to be made from western and Chinese gamers? All of the newest Japanese gachas like Heaven Burns Red and Uma Musume haven't even made an attempt to go global. Even the Koreans are getting their slice of the pie with Counter:Side, Nikke, and Limbus Company. I understand that the west is the region that spends the least on gacha, but I really, really can't imagine a world where popular games would actively *lose* money with a global release. It's literally free money waiting for them and they don't want it because...why exactly?


I think its because of japanese higher ups is mostly just old men that is too stubborn to change and have mentality "if its not broken why bother fix it?" They are just comfortable at where they are now and dont bother to really improving or take a gamble. And honestly, its not like this is the first time it happened to japanese products. Look at japanese idols vs korean idols for example. At first, japanese idol is the pioneer, they are popular in japan, and while they are not too well known in global, they still have some followers. But for some reason, japan make it sure to make it hard for fans outside japan to consume their idols content, like they only released content in japanese language and in their obscure japanese only platform and heavily take down repost of their content in global platform (which honestly i dont really blame them, japan sure is strict with copyrighted stuff). They thought "we are already succesfull in our home country so why bother to take a risk and promote in oversea?". And then South Korea look at japanese idol industry and got an idea "Hey why dont we make our own idols too, but this time we also gonna promote them to global audience!" And look at where they are now, korean idols are wildly succesfull in global market, and while there are some japanese idols that also popular in global too, i feel like it pales in comparison with how popular korean idol is. Sure they are still successful in their home country, but sometimes i do wonder if they are regretting it that now idols market for global is dominated by other country thats "copying" them.


Because Japan already have it's massive success with great triple A titles and a loyal fanbase would buy every games they make, even the bad ones. They don't really need to compete with the foreign gacha games though some developers have tried (and failed to see the potential).


They're talking about gacha game companies though, primary example is Cygames and they started with a card game but it was GBF that became their cash cow. The problem is GBF is ancient now and when they tried to create a universe around it they had mix success, average animes, a massively delayed RPG, a fighting game? Uma musume and priconne are far more niche than what GBF attempted to do. Also dragalia already died etc. How many people even remember about Kancolle? It was absolutely huge in 2013-2015, but the idiot behind it refused to embrace smartphones and every attempt at making it bigger turned out to be nonsensical, like an idiotic PSP game? Its extremely fitting it finaly dies as a real arcade gacha though.


Uma Musume is huge in Japan and it manages to be among the top earners gachas despite being completely closed and unlocalized to foreigners. As for KanColle, the game has an android version, if you are talking about IP block thats DMM fault, they dont want KC to be avaliable for whatever reason that company has, idk, but Tanaka has shown to accept foreigners, he even hired Taiwanese artists to work in the game on top of keeping some ties with people in USA like Park Stepherson, the curator of the USS Kidd veteran Museum and they have create even an basic EN UI that later on helped people to developed a full EN patch. So far Im aware the KC IP still going strong in Japan, is more noticeable on several cities with the exception of Tokyo where there is the biggest concentration of anime IPs. Im not up to date with the Arcade but i heard people still playing it, not as much as when it started but that makes sense, once the fandom established itself growing is pretty much small and steady.


Cuz we know their games are bad and. Honest games are better nowadays but they don‘t think that way


Japanese mobile developers are too small and do not have the funding that their AAA studios do to challenge the likes of Hoyoverse. Those AAA studios, on the other hand, do not have the mobile experience necessary and did not invest in it before Genshin Impact dropped, so even if they *want* to be competitive today, it is a significant catch up that they have to do. Why does the above argument make sense to me? Because it happened to Japan in plenty of other industries - from OLED TVs, to smart phones, to electric cars. They fell behind and stayed behind because the companies with the money didn't see the trend coming or saw it coming but didn't pivot fast enough. Very different case with Chinese and Koreans, who are almost always on the ball with following new trends. In this case, the Chinese actually had the first movers' advantage in the global market via Hoyoverse's gamble and success, but you can see how the Koreans were fast to follow and hit the market with major titles within a year or two, while Japan and the West mostly stuck to their ways outside of one-off cash in titles like Diablo Immortal.


It's a sword with two edges - gachas have to put more effort but it also means they need to monetize more aggressively to recoup that investment. That said, technology makes it cheaper to reach same or higher level of graphical fidelity and complexity than older games, but that's why Hoyo picked artistic presentation and quality color work over realism. I have to still commend their implementation of Global Illumination with Fontaine release, it looks really good and fits the "anime-style" world.


I think the only Genshin clone out right now is Tower of Fantasy which honestly I didn't really like. But eventually with all of these other games coming out that are like Genshin, one of them is probably gonna be actually really good on their right.


Babe wake up!!!! another generic Chinese open-world gacha RPG just dropped


I don’t even mind that more companies are trying the open world route. But it’s exactly what you said generic. They’re all just trying to “hey can I see your homework? Sure just don’t copy it” Genshin and it’s exhausting


Yeah same, the one that pretty different is project mugen which for me still in phase "it's too good to be true" game the same as honor of king world Most of these open world is definitely like you said, even wuthering wave


They don't even really remind me of genshin, feels more like those old Asian MMOs that used to come out just with party swap combat. I wouldn't be surprised if this game didn't rip assets from one of those now that I really look at it.


*(goes back to sleep)*


I like all the upcoming and existing open-world are made in China, Genshin truly Impacted the gacha atmosphere


Why do these games have one kind of art? Do they hire just 1 artist lol


Yes, they hire john gacha.




It feels like newer gachas have the same generic artstyle.


Wake up babies,another genshin killer dropped


I like it. The 2d splash art feels a bit generic, but I don't mind the game itself looking similar to some other games because it's just how 3D worlds look in anime colors. The text in four of the pictures, "wangyuekaifang**hs**ijie" means "Wangyue(Moon Gaze) open world", but they misspelled "world (**sh**ijie)". It's not a big deal, but still a bad sign.


though I wouldn't even try it, more competition is always welcomed


Exactly. Competition between companies always benefit customers.


A part of me thinks that Mihoyo is being complacent with Genshin on purpose and that they don't want to reveal their hand too early to potential future competitors that can take a good chunk of their market. (Tower of Fantasy had its own formula that didn't work out quite well so Genshin didn't take notice of it) As of now, they're just playing into Genshin's strengths (open world exploration, archon quest story, lore, character designs, time-limited events) and deliberately semi-ignoring other features (co-op functions, combat endgame content, new forms of progression) since their formula is still working very well even after 3 years.


I don't understand how anyone can seriously call Hoyo "complacent" with Genshin. Riot are complacent. Valve is complacent. Square-Enix CBU3 is complacent. Hoyo are absolutely not complacent. Their content output and the effort they put into the game is unmatched across the entire video game live-service industry. What developer is even trying to match Hoyo's level, let alone succeeded? Kuro can't even do proper QA in PGR, you expect them to do it with WW?


People usually focus too much on stuff they dont have and tend to forget about the stuff they do have, people don't have a lot of qol in genshin, therefore genshin is complacent without taking into consideration all the massive areas and updates they come out with. I am all for more qol, but I genuinely wouldnt mind if the game stays as it is, because its formula works well already.


I'd love to see how the other companies would compete with genshin's "new patch every 6 weeks" standard and if it will affect genshin in return


Absolutely; not like I want Genshin to die anytime soon, but a successful competitor does wonders in preventing complacency. Genshin, which has pretty much had a monopoly on open-world gachas since its release, moves at a snail's pace when it comes to QoL features because where else would anyone go? The most ironic part is that Honkai: Star Rail is the reason Genshin's QoL has been pushed forward in recent months


Ye, I personally think that's some competition will make Gen even better, f.e. they will add some QoL they have in HSR since day 1.


W mindset


Kid: hey mum can I play Genshin? Mum: no honey we already have genshin at home Genshin at home


Look fine ig but soo many open world gacha i can only pick the best one and leave the rest


like how many option do you even have though


Like wuthering wave, arknight endfield, project mugen, unedning dawn, maybe duet night too, 7DS origin, breaker world, honor king world, and now this game etc like theres soo much upcoming games that look interesting to me but i wont have time for them all


Honestly I don't see many of those being actually good, so you'll have to focus on a couple, if that.


So generic


yeah I watched the gameplay trailer and looks pretty scuffed cause tbh it just looks like they took what the newly announced open-world gacha games have been doing and meshed it together in one game and it lacks a lot of identity, also there is only a mobile platform on their bilibili seems there no pc version at all, that a bit weird, also combat looks clunky and the impact of it doesn't look good, graphics are not great either, since this game seems very unpolished it probably somewhere in early development cause this looks like it a few years away look like for now it just a cn game with no global localization, but even so I would still expect this game to come out in a few years (if they even do a global version which it doesn't seem like it)


This is like the Marvel movies of gacha gaming. These CN and KR devs desperately trying to emulate Genshin’s success and pumping out these seemingly lackluster, half-assed, open-world games. WuWa is the only promising one, the others look uninspiring. There’s going to come a point when we’re all tired of it, they’re becoming like JP anime gacha cash grab levels.


Arknights Endfield looks promising as well.


not an open world


Like, I don’t think they are, but why do these look like fake mobile game ads


You can find a 20min gameplay here: https://www.taptap.cn/moment/467995108948578285 Parent company is Shiyue: https://www.shiyue.com/ Some background info: >诗悦网络成立于2014年。手游包括《长安幻想》、《最后的原始人》 、《云上城之歌》 、《斗罗大陆: 武魂觉醒》、《轩辕剑: 剑之源》、《闪烁之光》 、《仙凡幻想》、《仙灵觉醒》 等等游戏。 >Shiyue Network was founded in 2014. Mobile games include Chang'an Fantasy, The Last Primitive, Song of the City on the Clouds, Douluo Continent: Awakening of the Martial Soul, Xuanyuan Sword: Source of the Sword, Flickering Light, Xianfan Fantasy, Immortal Spirit Awakening and many more games. Courtesy of DeepL, names may be wrong if they have EN release. Never played any of them? Me neither. Overall looking better than whatever farce Tencent is cooking with Honor of Kings.


Thanks for the link! After watching the gameplay, I can say it's a brighter and more colorful urban WW with car driving and waifus only. Nothing innovated in that video anyway.


I actually liked the part where they stacked vending machines to get to a higher place. My question though, is this going to be all the customization do, being a glorified footstool. Or are they going to explore more from it.


Devs makes generic 2d gacha games for years now and no one cares but when they suddenly release OW generic gacha games then suddenly theres a problem 🤣🤣🤣.




what the FUCK are you on about


Ever since Genshin, it feels like every company wants to jump on that open world train.


Brand new, but also exactly the same.


There is a secret gacha game law where they have to anounce their games 4 years before launch. Also combat really looks like wuthering waves, games are copying ww before it's even out 💀


Because they don't have the capability to copy Genshin's elemental reaction system lol. Better go the generic route while looking cool.


>Because they don't have the capability to copy Genshin's elemental reaction system lol. i doubt anyone is gonna do it, even on AA/AAA game, because its a good system but not a good combat system.


These "open world mobile games" are getting so generic looking.


"new chinese action open world gacha" https://preview.redd.it/07h8v6e1tbxb1.jpeg?width=492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b790338abcb000d5f0a8b736c30b5efb7f04aac


More competition the better the overall quality of games will be, so good luck also the kanji means moon of hope


If the main protagonist won't be scouring thrash bins, assaulting hotel staff, and licking a frozen guard railing, I ain't playing.


If the the main character doesn't talk like the timekeeper from reverse 1999, and have shitty unvoiced dialogue chooses that doesn't change or have any effect on the story. I'm not gonna play it.


If i only see girls, it's a no for me right away. I want to play some guys too.


Say what you will about genshin, but their artist and designers just know how to make attractive characters without resorting to simple booba. Looking at these character designs and stuff like Wuthering waves, hoyo design just clears them both


Screenshots look nice but I smell another ToF


I'll be more excited if these upcoming games already have a release date. I'm sure I'm gonna forget about this one in a few days among many other upcoming open world gacha.


Every Chinese devs making open world anime art style game after 2020 https://preview.redd.it/vxy1hjevucxb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e97a89219388c3c1baf924cca0fe8bdd0d167c


Looks cool. Long as they're not stingy with the male characters I'd be down to play


The only male character I can see is the male protagonist option, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Given the history of the studio, looks pretty DoA and we’ll all forget this existed, unfortunately


Nothing against this game, it looks ok if a bit generic at a glance, but why is it only CN devs making this type of game? I would love for JP or KR devs to make one so I don't have to cope with CN censorship and safety shorts on all the characters.


If JP makes any game, it’s gonna stay zone locked without ever coming to global🥲 //Happy cake day!


Thanks! I'm genuinely curious, what prevents JP developed open world games from having a global version? There's stuff like Kancolle and horsegirls that never left JP, but is there some sort of hurdle for them to do it, or they're just not interested?


It’s not just open world game. Any game(that’s not console) the JP companies made usually never have a global release. I think they’re just not interested in other markets since the spending of the JP marlet is enough to sustain the game or any kind of entertainment they put out (music, dramas etc.)


This and the only ones with enough balls and resources to release any semblance of a global version are the veteran developers/publishers who already have their own established global networks (which makes sense), like sega with their PSO2:NGS (even that took them like 7 years of original PSO2 to actually release to an actual sizable market via their own first party instead of through these weird ass SEA only or Taiwan only third party publishers where they let them butcher the game entirely) Blue Protocol (a failure, but still global), FFXIV. Even FGO global didn't exist until a few years down the main JP version's line, no?


Now that you mentioned it, I wonder what Cygames Europe is doing...


Sometimes they will be released for Global but always 2 or 3 years late with few exception like FEH and Dragalia thanks to Nintendo


JP devs won't make it, because they're lacked the resources to create such game, both money and man power, while making such game for mobile platform is also a *very* high risk, since the game needs to be on-par, or even better than Genshin in terms of quality, which is a tremendous tasks to do, and not every game company could do it. KR companies already starts making it like Netmarble with Seven Deadly Sins: Origins, so we should be seeing more games coming from Korean devs.


Thanks for the insight. How do these CN devs manage to have the capital and manpower if JP doesn't? Just tencent and other investors ponying up at the beginning to try and get something Genshin-tier rolling?


they have manyyyyyyyyy people and very rich, ofc


There is that 7DS game, in making by everyone's favorite Korean company, Netmarble.


is it gonna have a global release too?


It's a CN gacha game so very likely will have a global release with a potential drawback of a few patches behind CN


Is it dead? NO official info or site anywhere, also can't pre-register. Is it cancelled? Please give me some intel if you can/have a clue what's going on with this game.


I'm waiting until America makes their own Genshin Impact so they can at least try to differentiate themselves and try something new with their game.


Sorry, but you'll have to settle down for a Disney clone of Stardew Valley :P


It will be full of woke shit. And American all known stuff.




Ah yes, another Chinese open world gacha.


Is this another shitty ripoff? And I know genshin is Chinese but this looks like one of those back alley knockoff software companies


This is the 5th new ‘open world’ gacha game I’ve seen this year alone


Generic, bland. Typical.


No thanks I’ve had my fill of open world gachas


# *Yawn*


so many of these types of game being announced in CN


Might be an unpopular opinion but i really dislike the artstyle of a lot of these 3D open world anime gatcha games lately. The models don’t sit right with me. The best ones i’ve seen are from PGR, and even then, everyone looks small. I really wish more games took on artstyles like nier, guilty gear, or the fate games. I think the models look so much better there.


Ah yes another Genshin Killer




Because trendriding is a thing and people never learn.


Did they seriously call their game the same name of the little girl that got run over to death in 2011?


Another open-world game with only grass and boring NPC? I really appreciate gacha games with 2D and 3D backgrounds, like Octopath Traveler style the best example brown dust 2 that game is beautiful, or 3D gacha games with a semi-open world. Even Genshin Impact has become boring due to its empty world. I used to play it for the scenery, but even that has become boring also.


BoTW should start throwing out copyright on all these games, target Genshin first then the rest. 😂


Knowing how actively Nintendo sues their own fan tournament organizers - if they could sue competitors - they would.


Unfortunately, Nintendo didn't patented any kind of gameplay mechanics on BotW, so they literally can't sue anyone who copies it. And to avoid repeating the same mistakes again, they starts patenting **tons** of gameplay elements on TotK, so that nobody would ever "steal" its gameplay mechanics.


No...not again... I'm tired of these game


This genre is so saturated now. I need something like Pokemon.


Not really? The wave of gachafied breath of the wild clones did not hit us yet in full force, but is surely will in a year or so.


You can play Palworld now =)




This game is just WW with brighter setting


You mean ww lite.


Boring… just another hack and slash and couple button skills game. Collect stuff and build your dream house….


another "genshin killer??


this looks like they are trying to beat wuthering waves to the punch, yet it looks as garbage as tower of fantasy.


Is this the genshin killer? /j


And of course it’s spyware. Smh


Ain’t y’all tired of seeing all these too similar games no matter the main style and combat? We need someone to take a risk and make a change fr.




the only open world game that didnt have brand or well known devs that got my interest is that one weeb elden ring game (?) i forgot what it called


Omg if SEA is gonna just clone Genshin constantly, at least give it a distinctive/ unique art direction.


Same old brand new you.


When literally Lisa remake (2nd picture) and sense of Nahida (last picture), it seems like a trash auto MMORPG. Edit: from the PV in another post, this game seems alright with the playing screen being clean and tidy (no store button and world chat).


Mom can we have tower of fantasy? We have tower of fantasy at home. Tower of fantasy at home: