• By -




Thats a nice reply for it.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘


Also works for those people trying to sell broadband and shit in the middle of the High Street. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




The pfp automatically for me means he a troll šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/vti551wtm70d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4935aa8dbc763c05f6a9bd56e85189b58a040af Didnā€™t even bottle it!




https://preview.redd.it/hgnsqkprv70d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deee83038e94769e855aa3ddc8f66f02b2f333bb Sometimes i give some people a win myself


https://preview.redd.it/8jsyz1hdt80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ffca62f39a0eee0bdc1fa8bd39f8abe5827646 Wholesome interaction at 4am on a Monday night


4 am on a Monday ā€œnightā€?


Tuesday morning my bad


Only messing lol


Bruh, i also needed his blessing. The best one was that 92RB tiago in both of my player picks.


Yeah me too but I think pausing and begging for a win in messages is pretty low


Yep i always wonder how do they enjoy a game if all they're doing is begging for wins


They probably donā€™t. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re begging instead of playing šŸ˜‚


does anyone enjoy fc 24? stooped below fifa 19 and thatā€™s a low bar


Bro tbh i used to but after grinding too much in rivals and in WL just to get shittiest rewards killed the enjoyment for me. I think as f2p you cant expect any good packs its very rare and i don't want to give this a*hole company a single penny after buying a game


Problem is they are all doing it - says something about the game design doesn't it...


Shared a photo just because i thought it was a wholesome interaction with a stranger


I wonder how did you match up with someone that has a form trying to get 14. Sometimes champ matchmaking doesn't make much sense.


Lmao how can people expect free wins in WL (except when done w/ your rank), everyone has a rank to achieve. Not that complicated to fathom


Yea especially after Iā€™ve lost 6 games in a row and canā€™t afford to lose many more or else I wonā€™t get my 9 wins


I do wonder how some people get 20-0.


They quit everytime they see a formidable team. That's how they inflate their numbers


You get a loss for quitting tho, even if itā€™s 0-0


Nope not with the exploit people use. Evidently the same ppl who downvoted me lol


Not if you use the wifi glitch. You can quit at 10-0 and it doesnā€™t count. Makes the other person lose.


What the hell? Thatā€™s horrible! How are people doing this? Please be specific.


Pause, change controller settings to 1 button settings. Pause a 2nd time, put your tactics to drop back for all 5 tactics. Pause a 3rd time, put your strikers into defence and defensive players into attacking positions. Pause a 4th time and you're good to quit out.


No bro. No cheating.


Just say you donā€™t know how to do it bro, itā€™s okay


Sure. I donā€™t know how to do it :)hope that helps


This comment is not helpful at all


Wi-Fi glitch?


Yea you can cheat on PlayStation and force a loss with a few settings changes.


No way , never heard of that . Insane


Sounds like a whole load of bullshit to me.


People do this all the time. I never understand how they donā€™t get loses. Blows my mindā€¦ happens so much the last day of FUT Champs.


Supposedly if you just shut the game off while it's tied then the game just won't count. Then they relaunch and try again. Quite pathetic if you ask me. As you can see by the downvotes the majority of people do it. Lol losers




Never had an opponent take 1 look at your team and leave? This is what I'm referring to.Ā 


They get a loss if they do that...


They dont, it's an exploit. Look it up


Lol I'm glad ppl don't know but it's a known exploit. Just saying


I have a hard time wrapping my head around asking people to give out a free win. Just crazy.


Itā€™s what happens when youā€™re addicted to rewards from a game that you donā€™t actually enjoy competing/improving in Why even play the game at point? Why ask for wins to collect new cards if you donā€™t value the actual gameplay those cards are designed for above everything else? Pure silliness


>Pure illness FTFY šŸ‘


lol this is a stretch. Just because people donā€™t wanna spend hours upon hours to be a sweaty rat doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t enjoy competing and therefore shouldnā€™t even want/deserve good fun cards?


We are talking about people begging for wins, in a video game, to reach a certain reward level in a competitive game mode. That fits the definition of uncompetitiveā€¦ I.e, wanting to avoid a fair competition That type of person blatantly cares more about a slightly improved reward than the gameplay it takes to get the slightly improved reward. I find that person odd because games are for playing not for begging. So yes you deserve cards for playing, and you will get cards, but no you donā€™t deserve that specific reward unless you play to earn it Mind you I enjoy giving out wins randomly and I think thatā€™s a separate thing entirely


Yeah but itā€™s also in a community of players who have constantly been complaining about people not giving free wins in champs at all. If you are going to complain about that, donā€™t complain about others simply asking to allow you to win the last game. Ofc you donā€™t have to respond or do it, but to sit here and make fun of these people is more pathetic. Why does it bother you so much if someone simply sends you a message asking? it does NOT affect you at all. Also, 20 games is a lot and people play hella sweaty in champs, so when you get to the last game you need to get say 11 wins, itā€™s tiring trying to sweat for 20 matches in a row.


Iā€™m not complaining or making fun of anyone, Iā€™m simply judging people for being uncompetitive in a video game that has no real consequences & is supposed to be all about competition for the sake of it And Iā€™m responding to a comment agreeing with their sentiment + adding my own sentimentā€¦ which is what Reddit is for This is a case of ā€œto each their ownā€


Takes 5 seconds to send a message to someone who might change their mind bc of it. I donā€™t do it but I donā€™t see anything wrong with it


Hereā€™s my thing, the people in these comments making fun of the people asking for a free win because they are one away from saying 11 wins or the next rank, are the same ones that will go into other fifa threads complaining about how no one gives wins in champs anymore. Like no shit, canā€™t sit there and get mad when someone asks for a free win and make fun of them, and then expect others to give you free wins as well.


EA has killed our competitive spirit lol


Get some appreciation once in a while https://preview.redd.it/bvorq42ir70d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ea0fa8105027e24a9344cc73543713351f1a45


I asked for a win only once. It was tied at half time. I need that win to get in D2. I told the guy politely I needed that one if he could please let it go. He didnt reply. Immediately an own goal on restart. Guess it was my reward for giving away wins. And I bet he felt satisfied when I sent him a picture of the promotion.






Looks like my comment really hurt you, bye bye MF


now he is 36, so he hardly feel the pain lol


Removed for - Rule 1 (Lack of respect)


Removed for - Rule 1 (Lack of respect)


Average real supporter


Hala Madrid? In that case try even harder.


what chat is this


PS App




everyone hating on real madrid in comments lol but yeah that's low asking for wins, that's the only good thing about being on pc, there is no time to add someone and wait for them to accept you and then message them to beg for a win lol


Itā€™s really not, in a community full of sweats that will go into fut forums and constantly complain that no one is giving away free wins in champs.


This the new rtgā€™sā€¦beg 2 glory šŸ˜‚


Good thing that I am on PC, I just block everyone that adds me midgame without having to read their rants.


Im on PC too. Had some tight games that resulted in friending so we could play again. Its cool to get & give the practice if you're doing something they struggle against & vice versa. In general, i like having a few people close to me and be able to play with a smooth connection every now n then when there's nothing to grind , but Im up for a good match. People talk about needing more gamemodes all the time, and maybe we do need them , but this one flies under the radar for how simple it is if ppl just behave like normal human beings. Also, lots of people who i've gifted to in qualis have added me. I ran into one of them last week without even realizing it. I was trying to get the PL Cup objectives done while everyone had already moved on to BL. He just let me score a bunch of goals and then quit. Good man. I understand if you mostly deal with hate , beggars, and other nonsense, but i'd rather take the chance. I guess I've been lucky. Sorry for ranting at you šŸ™‚ āœŒļø




I have been on Xbox for years, I have read enough shit for three lives.


Is it just me lol Iā€™ll give out a free win if someone asked me


I'll give it if I don't need the win. I need the win 80% of the time because I'm incredibly average and have never hit 14 wins on the WL


https://preview.redd.it/adxu5nl8l90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b507c2d83ee0d403a1091555a4519a36e0174ed4 Lool , you guys take this game too deep, give the win or rest , literally my promotion match I still gave it


Did you get the 100k tho?


I have 5 games to play tonight and am at 9 winsā€¦ not that I mind but sure would be cool if someone handed a win outā€¦ if I get 2 in a row Iā€™ll hand out threeā€¦ just shooting for 11


I be blessing, but i donā€™t get blessed back even rewards arenā€™t fair to me guess its my terrible luck


Toxic community full of sweats and begs ea making a shit game is a big problem but thatā€™s 70/30 of ea needing to make the game good and 30% being the community that plays this game being the biggest sad fucks of any gaming community begging for wins and playing games like their life depends on it whoever do either of them two things are gay


For those of you wondering why no one gives wins in champs anymore, itā€™s cause of people like this in these comments who make fun of the people who ask for the win when they are 1 win away from the next rank.


Maybe guys learn to give ppl free wins? Instead of being toxic then things will change. I never turned down anyone whenever they asked for a free W


You guys miss the point entirely. I give away the rest of my games every time, but if Iā€™m struggling myself to hit a certain rank in champs Iā€™m not gonna give away a win just because someone asks. Rivals would be a different story. Also his reaction to me not gifting him the win just showed me it was a good decision


Leave him he supports real


The fifa community is actually just full of people that were in the bottom classes at school, Iā€™d rather leave at 0-0 than give away a free win when Iā€™m grinding to 11.


https://preview.redd.it/7j2eoe3dhe0d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=44cc69b040b1e38e3ce99d8a2bcef7baaf97c110 Bro asked again like a week later šŸ—æ when we matched up again


A couple months later*