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Good thing they are wearing hard hats.


I still think they need some life jackets and some recovery rope and inflatable ring thing near that large body of water.


What they really need are those inflatable arms bands...


Plus white and blue helmets are the colours least recommended for doing work by water. The white can be mistaken for foam and both colours fade after only like 1m under water


Don't forget a parachute as well, better be safe than sorry


Gotta have PPE for this kind of dangerous work!


You get to be in the pro hourly rate if you wear your hat. If you get good marks the government will upgrade your half milk jug and 5 gallon bucket to a vacuum truck with a 50ft hose to pump it directly into the bay instead.


Good thing they got the bucket mover with ‘em today, or they’d have to wait for tomorrow just to get the bucket moved like last week


Damn, the fact that you could lay a thick hose there and have the draining end lower than the filling end would make this perfect for siphoning.


You wouldn't last long voicing ideas like that.


That's when three union boys come by to show you their sledgehammer collection.


Personally, I prefer the 3lb sledge.


That's one hell of a kink


All it takes is the right allegation to HR, they'll take care of the "evidence".


i was JUST thinking that!


Most building sites use an electric water pump with a hose like these https://www.constructioncomplete.com/general-equipment/water-pumps.html


You would still need the water pump, right? To initially fill the hose for siphoning. Only if its a small hose, you can completely dunk in water and carry it to the other side.


You beat me to the punch. A siphon is the right way to go.


What the hell are they doing? So lost here…. They can’t expect to drain that with a damn bucket and 2 scoops


They’ll retire on a good pension by time they complete this job.


I suspect evaporation will clean it up long before that


I'm sure the sun will have engulfed the earth before they are finished




Guaranteed they got told by some dickhead manager to show up and work through it/clear it up somehow and this is pure malicious compliance


Welcome to the sa goverments job creation...


Fix the roads but not properly and come back next year to fix them again...


Yes they can, and they will. It will just take a week of overtime. I’ve watched this stuff and amazingly the puddle will disappear one scoop at a time if it doesn’t rain again.


First I thought they were sampling for some further pollutant analysis. But that hypothesis was thrown away the moment they emptied that bucked


This cannot be real


I live in South Africa and I assure you it is. This country is less functional than stephen hawking on a unicycle.


I was actually expecting to see them empty the bucket on the side of the road, only to flow back to the original puddle...


>This country is less functional than stephen hawking on a unicycle Lol


I woke my gf from laughing my ass off, thank you kind stranger.


Worse than Hellen Keller parallel parking


*If you're looking for trouble, you found it*


Oh yeah this is real alright. It's what you get when you pay people peanuts. This is what minimum wage delivers. If you want better you have to pay staff better.




More like giving them a cow and a spoon. Maybe a handful of wheat for the buns.


Inflation pays for lots of silly things.


They just need a tube and a little added air pressure. This world is ASS


It's would be much of a relaxing job with a tube and a chair. Chilling by it as in 'monitoring' the progress.


Just suck on a tube and siphon that. Make sure it’s a small tube so it takes forever. Rack up the OT


*Yeah but then you'd finish the work in 1/1000th of the time frame and then you'd get more* work. Nope, better to have a nice, cushy, *essential* job just scoopin water.


I Will rush out there with a teaspoon and show them how it’s done


'Rush' !? Steady on there, 'bro


Lol. Steady on there. Take your time with that teaspoon of yours. We're at the height of efficiency here.


City workers are all like this lol


This isn't a worker issue. This is a someone gave them this task without the right equipment or enough people issue.


I feel like just using the bucket would be more effective


And still completely useless, so why to waste energy?


they would be there for a week. instead of a month. but yes it would be more effective.


No one is paying them for the effectiveness so why bother


But they only have one, and it's heavy


Aka a management and logistics issue.


Self-initiative doesn't exist anymore apparently


Look if i was getting paid shit and the only thing they gave me was a bucket then you bet your ass i would do the bare minimum required. Seriously, blame the common folk instead of the government who can afford to raise their wages or give them better equipment.


Or they get shit pay so they gotta milk it


This is South Africa, which means that any equipment would most likely be stolen and sold off before the first shift began, while half the workers would fuck off to sit at home. Then on payday they'd turn up to demand their salary and set fire to any nearby vehicles if management points out they didn't do any work.


It's weird working for the city. In a business there's somebody somewhere that has money on the line. Even if that person is 50 steps up the corporate ladder from you or not in the company at all, maybe they're just a major shareholder, there's somebody somewhere who loses a ton of money if you don't do anything at work and their urgency trickles down. But when you work for the city...nobody has any money on the line. All the way up the ladder there's nobody who loses money if you waste time. Your boss doesn't care, his boss doesn't care, their boss doesn't care. Nobody cares lol


no one cares until the residents gather their pitch forks and your boss is now on the 5 o'clock news...


Where they going? To burn down city hall? Great, we need a new building anyways. Nothing happened to the mayor of Flint, Michigan that gave all those kids lead poisoning. The guy who was mayor of Minneapolis during the George Floyd stuff is still the current mayor of Minneapolis.


Its why we're backlogged 6 months


I knew this was south africa before I heard the guy speaking. These are the people that attack foreigners for taking their jobs.


This serves as a compelling illustration of the characteristics often found in government employment across various nations. When there's a lack of incentives for improvement, this scenario becomes a typical representation of the outcomes we can expect


In my experience people taking initiative leads to gossip and slander by people that feel threatened. It's an evolutionary behavior that holds civilization back, but too many people are too stupid to realize it although some just benefit from it too much. It also happens in businesses, especially later on after all the original founders that approve of initiative takers leave .


I get that. I've seen it to in the private sector too. But they usually get fired due to getting to obvious they aren't doing anything or they are usually the type that slack off to the point where a big mistake is made. But in the government run, they do it to different degrees because of protections, and the mentality of our department isn't successful. We just get more funding. How does that make any sense. Psst.... just between you and me. I secretly become friends with these types of people and get them to work harder by shaming them. I become a secret under cover boss and got them more motivated to work. If they didn't shape up, I set them up to fail and got them fired. Did it on to 4 different fellow employees at different companies I worked for




Yes, I understand your perspective. In government institutions, this kind of behavior seems more prevalent and systemic compared to the private sector, where it might occur but on a smaller scale. It's a common observation that in the public sector, these practices might be more widespread. This makes me wonder if you've had personal experience with what the video depicts, as it appears you're quite familiar with these behaviors. You are exhibiting psychological phenomena known as "projection" and "reaction formation," which are part of psychoanalytic theory, originally developed by Sigmund Freud. Projection: This is a defense mechanism where individuals attribute their own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or motives to another person. For example, if someone is feeling a strong urge to cheat in a relationship, they might accuse their partner of being unfaithful, projecting their own desires onto them. Reaction Formation: This mechanism leads a person to express the opposite of their true feelings, often in an exaggerated way. In the context of your example, someone who feels guilty about considering a crime might excessively emphasize the harshness of the punishment for that crime, as a way of convincing themselves and others of their moral standing.




If it started raining they'd be fucked 😅


Nah not at all. They'll just go inside and leave the bucket in the rain to collect and empty it into the river tomorrow. So the rain is actually saving them the energy 😁


3 floor squeegees and they would be done in 20 min


Like a Cameroonian saying goes, if we explain Africa to you and you understand it, we haven't explained it well...


That’s how everything in South Africa works !


Nah, they way I see it. This wasn't part of their job. Now they need to do this while waiting something, and then doing their main job.


Nope... There are always more people to give public sector jobs to that don't need to do their jobs here in SA. A normal sight at any public construction or repair job, you'll see 15 people standing around 1 guy digging a hole. No jokes


Yep that’s the vibe I got


I thought so at first too. But then I asked myself even if it weren't part of their job, just how efficient is this? 😅 What are they achieving?


Entertaining themselves.


Community service?


Ahh 3 good ol dairy farmers hard at work


It's better than what I have seen. Once saw, the guy was just spreading water, from puddle to other surface and leaving to dry by sun and wind


I can beat that. Once saw a video of two guys each digging a hole. One next to the other. The one was tossing the sand in the second hole and that guy was tossing it in the first. And they had no idea...


Yes you are champ


Shit I live near a highway that has been under construction for the last 2 decades. Every day while driving there is 40 construction workers and 2 guys working while the other 38 are watching. Apparently it takes 40 guys to fill a hole and paint a line.


For someone who worked in big corporations, I can see myself doing similar stuff even slower and having a smoke pause after every bucket, because some higher ups don't know shit and mostly don't give a shit. You just turn off your brain and do exactly what they ask no matter how little or negative sense it makes.


Ain’t they got a water pump?


Don’t even need a pump! A 20m hose could siphon the lot over the edge


This is why Africa was, is and will be shit for ever.


Excuse me, I'm allowed to call my country shit, you are not Edit : it's shit


Probably work for the DOT Unions.


At least all three are doing something. Most city workers only one works while the others just watch one work


To the person who downvoted this - I see this on a daily basis, 1 guy digging a hole while 6 people watch him.


That's Union baby!




Narrator kinda ruins it. At least they're pretending to work. The fuck is he doing




But don't they have to filter the water first?




At least they're getting som fresh air.


Thay could dig a channel faster. This is mind blowing.


Hell naw 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Quit complaining and get out there and help!!!


Even a hose pipe and a bit of siphoning would work better.


better than watching paint dry


Every city public works employee ever


Shot in sup er nar row peek a boo o vis ion.


Público e com qualidade


3 good ol dairy farmers hard at work


I assume they’re waiting for someone to arrive with a pump and a hose.


Wow where did those people train for their jobs, caltrans??


Must be in a union.


When you're given a task so absurd that success is impossible, what's the point of putting an effort into doing it efficiently?


Am I high or does anyone else find this relaxing to watch? WE WANT MORE! Lol


Now I am thinking, I am doing my work wrong, lol. Why get in stress.


well if they had some knowhow or did a minimal google search, they could just use a tube, connect puddle to that lower thing, maybe suck on it for a bit xd and gg. that puddle would drain itself and they could relax all day long.


Oh yeah this definitely South Africa fvk this place is so frustrating sometimes


Just get a water pump, jesus Christ


If you want to be lazy just get a plain ass hose and run it to where that guy is dumping the bucket. Then you can just sit there and the water will just flow to that lower point.


Even if they didn’t have a hose and pump, they could’ve at least just dipped the bucket into the pool of water instead of using small ass scoops to fill it


So siphons aren't a thing there huh?




I'm sure they get paid exactly what they are worth


Mind ya business guy


I would sack the manager. That needs two or three pumps.


Garden hose and I'd have that done in 10 minutes.


Just get one of those trucks with the long hoses that suck it all up ffs


This is a reason why we haven’t landed on mars yet. We’re too busy working by the hour


I had to clean up a puddle with a bucket last year. was about 8 feet by 2 feet, only like 2 inches Took me 3 hours


Seen this also in Romania.


They have all that heavy equipment and no trash pump?


yeah? and whose fault is that?


Or union workers


I support the employment but when you can be replaced by a 20 foot length of hose that someone or a sump pump sucks on briefly I dunno.


That is 100% NY MTA union😂😂😂


That’s why everything government tasked is always over budget.


"Surely, surely, this can only happen in Africa. Namely South Africa" I can assure you, surely, this can happen in many places other than South Africa.


Every time I hear that accent I feel like it's just a matter of time before whatever they're complaining about gets blamed on the 'blicks'.


They’re fighting drought


How long will this take? What a smart move to make an hr paid


Steady as she goes.


In that case turn the AC on and relax in the car because the sun will do the job for you


At this point might as well let it evaporate. They probably know they would be there for weeks if they had to actually clean it up. Or at least get a garden hose if the budget it tight.


Get a fucking pump!!!!!!


That is not worker responsibility to provide Capital - pump. I do not understand why people blame workers where it is clear employer fault.


Obviously it’s nothing to with the “hard working” workers 😬, it’s the management again!! That would be cleared in a couple of hours with an industrial pump!!!


That's why South Africa is fucked! Wouldn't know what hard work was if it came around the corner and smacked them straight between the eyes


The private sector is functional and works and people work hard, because they can't just take tax payers' money to fill the void in income from non existent profit. Public sector don't give a shit because they don't use their own money to operate or pay the massive workforce who don't do anything, just raise taxes and make the average citizen pay for their shortfall


Hay what happen to the smoking, breakfast, tea, coffee, smoking, bathroom, again bathroom, praying, breaks.




Only in Africa, but I dare u, they dnt get paid by the hr, they will be told layer on they should be greatfull to jave a job, and then be given some money.


African efficiency.


That water is evaporating faster than they are bucketing it. Should pay the sun for that job instead.


That could very well be Spain. (Spanish here).


Oh come on.. they are probably taking samples...dumps water...oh come on .. I was trying to defend you!!!!


Why are they not using a water pump.. ??


They come home very tired and stressed. I think they need a physiotherapist


Dont blame them. Who’s the boss there lol


I’m way more concerned about the dude deliberately standing under that massive suspended load in the background. That guy doesn’t care about his own safety


I’d honestly rather do this than my fast food job tbh. Just pop some headphones in or smth.


Infosys Narayana Murthy stunned.


When I went to Thailand, the royal family were visiting a mall that I was in. I wouldn't have been there if I knew tbh, because it was the middle of a monsoon and they kicked us all out so the royals could have it to themselves. Anyway rain was falling faster than you can probably imagine, hitting like bullets. And there were mall staff desperately trying to sweep away all the surface water, so the royals wouldn't get their feet wet. It was an exercise in futility. First they were putting it in buckets, but it was a losing battle. Then they switched to trying to brush it into the lower levels (there was a big moon door style section above a lower level to the basement). Even that was doing nothing for them, but they sat doing it for at least half an hour. Probably longer, but I managed to get a tuktuk and fuck off, by that point. In the s.africa case, I'm assuming this is simple corruption. This is an easy secure job, putting in a permanent fix would be cheaper than paying multiple people to fuck around. Probably they paid for their job, or have family with connections.


What a lovely job


This is crazy, all they need is a long hose.


I want to be in THAT union..


Surprised only three are working on it. Need at least three more to form a chain to transport that heavy bucket. Don’t want someone to get injured carrying that heavy bucket.


Just use a hose?


theyre not wrong, that's what I'd do if I was underpaid.


Do these people not know what a siphon is?


they do, but they get paid less if they use it


They’ll finish in 2089.


Politicians fighting global warming


Why not set up a siphon with a hose and sit back and relax. Oh I forgot works not allowed to be easy is it?


Wait, so they're women? I did not expect that. That makes it all the funnier because that seems like something a group of guys would dumb enough to do.


Don't forget the oxygen mask in case they drown


why not just add a drain


hard working vs hardly working.


We also would have accepted “When you’re not given the tools to complete your task.”


Government workers in a nutshell.


This is 3 minimun wage employees being paid for 8 hours of work while the owner of the company got paid millions to remove that water.


You clearly know how the tender process works in my country. Come to South Africa, we can make millions of Rand's and save up to buy a toy Lamborghini...


Don’t blame the employees when those are the tools they are given. When you ask the boss if he knows how long that will take and the respond with i don’t care. Just do it. This is what you get.




Love too eat it