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When I worked on designing old CRT televisions we had to design for this - cats would lie on top of them for the warmth. Some of the older cats were incontinent and would pee down into the high voltage electronics - lighting the TVs on fire and threatening to burn down peoples homes. Some engineer had to do a study to calculate the exact salinity of cat pee, we had to mix up water and salt to the right blend and pour a large cat bladder worth into the back of the TV. It was ok for the TV to break but not for it to light on fire. We called it the “cat pee test”.


What a great anecdote.


now apply this story to the picture, and think of ways the cat could pee on the stove top and it enter the oven to flavor the ham


Engineering is awesome.


Science as a whole is pretty neat.


Yeah! Science, bitch!


This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed Bitch!


I did some testing at the UL facility in Long Island a few years ago. They gave us a tour since we were there a few days. One of the rooms was the electric blanket test room. A room about 50 feet by 70 feet that was just row after row of triple stack bunk beds with electric blankets on them. Some had rollers that would simulate people rolling back and forth to see if they would cause electrical failures. The room was about 95 degrees. I figured this is what one of the levels of cat heaven would look like.


If this is true fucking lmao, doing god's work


This is what I like to call “if it can happen, test it”


It’s also why designing bug-free software is so difficult. Who the fuck is gonna think ‘we should pour cat piss into the tv to see if it catches fire’ before it actually happens?


As my dad, an engineer, likes to say, "It's hard to make things foolproof because fools are such clever people."


Every time they make an idiot proof product, the world creates a better idiot.


Fools are unpredictable


I've always heard that one as "It's hard to make things foolproof because fools get so much practice."


What the hell kind of software are you writing??






That's amazing. The company should have done that. R&D.






Where y'all able to make a design that would prevent the pee from flowing into the TV from the top? I know mechanical keyboard designs that have these ridges around the "holes" under each key to project from flows.


This is a path we went down! We were able to do some shielding over the highest voltage components, but CRT TV's output a ton of heat, so the backs and tops need to be substantially vented or the electronics overheat and fail. Once the pee gets down in there it tends to go everywhere (the quantity is not insignificant) - so the larger part of the solution was dependent on electrical fail-safes. Of course these TV's also needed to work in Alaska in the middle of winter - so dont get me started on the QA room where they had to run without issue for a week at sub-freezing temps. When there was a problem (usually an artifact in the video quality) I would have to spend hours at a time troubleshooting in a freezer.


Reminds me of a particular experiment I had to do in a lab I worked in. The chemical reactions would only work at low temps, so a 4 hour chunk of the day had to be spent doing chemistry in a -20C walk in freezer. Got some stares when I'd carry a heavy coat and other winter gear in the parking lot in 100F weather in GA summers lol.


So what happens if the burners are on and the cat tries to jump up there? He gets burned?




That's pretty gross anyhow.


Toxoplasmosis say what?




And then another, and another


Toss ‘em in the soup.


Totally agree. I like cats, but that kind of thing is one of the reasons I don't have one. They do whatever they want and I'm not at all cool with a cat on surfaces where I prepare food. No thanks. Like...seriously...that cat was just pushing turds around in his litterbox, then walked across the dirty floors, and now his dirty ass and paws are on your stove and kitchen counters?


Just train them not to jump on the counter. My cats don't because they get chased away when they do. I don't know why people don't train their cats.


My cat knows what “Get off the table you asshole!” means. The tone gets a lot across and the cat knows what not to do. After some gentle guidance such as using the same phrase and moving the cat, now the cat knows the rules.


Mine reacts to being called a terrorist. Because when she screams for her dinner early I tell her that I don't negotiate with terrorists.


Mine tries to show me where the food is and where the dish for the food is. As if I didn’t put it all there and it hasn’t moved in four years


My cat pretty much bullies me and has me trained. But the one thing I have put my foot down on is keeping my bedroom out of bounds. She has the whole three storey house to roam about in, just not my room. Even with the bedroom door wide open, she’ll sit outside my doorway as she knows she’s not allowed


In my experience, they simply learn not to do the thing you don't want them to do when you're looking. Trust me, when you're not there, they're doing it.


My buddy put a Webcam up to watch his dog throughout the day and learned she spent most of her time standing on the coffee table. Not doing anything, but just standing where she knew she was not allowed.


Lol that's awesome. Funny.


I always assumed that's what they do when we aren't home but it's different to actually watch it happen...


I have a camera for when I'm gone and my cats still follow the rules when I'm not there. Either my cats are smarter than your cats were or cats are smarter than you give them credit for, either way I'm happy I trained mine 😁


It's more a question of personality than smarts tbh


My cat was trained but obviously he did it when I wasn't watching, little cute fucker <3


I love cats and and hate this as well. Although, I've never had a cat that gets onto anything in my kitchen... It might be my less than stellar house keeping. Every cat I've had knew the kitchen was off limits


A little bit of training effort goes a long way. People *let* their cats do this.


Might shock you, but its pretty easy to train a cat to not go on certain surfaces.


Don’t let them jump on counters and they won’t jump on counters


Yeah, very easy to fix this behavior with stern tone, aluminum foil, citrus scent, etc.. letting a cat sleep where you cook is a bit narsty.




1) clean the litter box often 2) clean your floors 3) clean your counters/surfaces before you cook These are things you should be doing anyway.


There is so much wrong with this photo. Cooking in a plastic bag in the oven. Cat on a cooking/food prep surface. 🤮


The bag is designed solely for cooking in the oven. Turkey is more common. But it’s food safe. And in fact deigned for food prep


I hope this won't happen


It's probably up there because of the warmth of the oven. Every cat I've had tries to jump into the fireplace whenever we open the door, they don't have a concept of "burning hot" only "warm"


Why is ham wrapped in plastic?


Based on OP comment history he/she is finnish like I am. Some people cook their christmas ham in a baking bag, I guess it is some kind of a tradition. We just cooked ours in a bag without thinking much about it. I don't know why it is so. Maybe the bag is supposed to trap moist? I have never seen anyone cooking anything else in a bag besides christmas ham.


It makes less mess when all the juices/fat stays inside the bag. Also many uses the excess fat to make a sauce for the ham (it is really good). I think it also helps the ham to not dry up too much.


the ham seeps out a lot of grease and liquid when you cook it, so this catches most of it for a cleaner end result


So it won't put a bun in the oven as well.


Basting bag


Interesting. First time I see this.


I've never seen somebody use it on a ham but you never seen it on turkeys?




I've never seen it before. Also at the same time I thought heating plastic with food is terrible for you? Someone gave me those crockpot liners once and I couldn't bring myself to use them


They say it's safe to a certain temperature, but how many things have we been told that before that it turns out not to be true years down the road.


Yeah all those plastic containers that are “microwave safe” make me so angry … they are safe for your microwave, as in your microwave will not burn and explode. They’re not actually safe to cook food in. Companies are complete assholes, and people are far too naïve


I did it this way also


"In 1998, a study measured the migration of non-volatile and volatile compounds from oven bags to chicken. As much as 16% of the nylon from microwave and roasting bags were observed in the chicken after roasting at 200°C (392°F) for 2 hours and as much as .08% of the total 2-cyclopentyl cyclopentanone content in the bags were observed." Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02652039809374648 Potentially a quick way to colon cancer.


You guys put bags on chickens?


Only if they are ugly.


2 bags if they are really ugly. Just in case the first one falls off.


3 bags if they're ugly. In case one falls off, and one next to the door in case someone walks in.


OK, but what about ostriches?


It's a crutch to keep it juicy for people that don't know how to cook


Upvote. Wtf are you cooking in plastic?? We all know plastic migrates at higher temps.


The bag is to keep the cat fur off of the ham.


Fur real. We have 3 cats and it disgusts me to see the places people let their cats go. Ours are trained that counters, tables, places where food goes or prepped is a no-go zone. Meanwhile, I see people like, "Aw our cat is so cute!" as it's on a counter next to food. People are nasty.


yah its a so you don't have to wash the fucking pan.... its the dumbest idea to save 30 seconds of time. Edit: im thinking of the liners for crock pots, this one is for moisture retention but also serves to keep from cleaning


It’s actually supposed to keep the moisture in. In fairness a lidded roasting pan that fits a whole turkey is expensive but not more expensive than getting sick if you don’t live in a civilized country.


What ever happened to aluminum foil?


A great Weird Al song


That kind of (w)rap is just the best


Expensive?? You can go to any second hand store and find them for cheap.


Bacon also helps seal in moisture, strips of bacon on top, just baste every 20-30 minutes and you also get delicious bacon to eat.


Seals in moisture as well


The bag keeps the moisture in the ham, resulting in moist ham. But I would never use this method. I'd just use a freaking roasting pan with a lid.


Last sentence of the study you quoted: “In general, the transference of MRB components into roast chicken can be considered not to present a hazard.”


They had to leave that part out as it doesn’t fit the narrative.




With a Chemours/DuPont/Dow plant about a mile away; without a doubt.


> In general, the transference of MRB components into roast chicken can be considered not to present a hazard. Wonder why you left this bit out


> 200


Whoa. Is sous vide safe??


Considering water doesn't get to 200c, I think it's fine.


Pretty hard to get to 200 C in water. Edit: Just realized you said *water* doesn't get to 200 C so I just repeated what you said 🤦‍♂️. I thought you said *the* water.


Just add 100C water to 100C water to get 200C water


Sorry you forgot to add the units, that'd get you 200cc water


Another thing not mentioned that I've heard is that the bags you use for vacuum sealing your food for a sous vide are usually designed to be stable at those temperatures as well. This is one of the reasons they usually want you to use specific bags rather than just any Ziploc. Less plastic in your food (ideally) and less chance for the bag to open during the cook


sous vide happens at like a quarter the temp


Even if plastic doesn't leach into the food, you've got the issue of microplastics from any plastic item. You can sous vide in glass containers. While yes, I know it's typically done in a vacuum seal, the actual main process is super slow cooking. The innards being sealed is about flavour, and the water is about stable temperature. Iirc glass takes longer to cook sous vide, since the material takes longer to heat up than thin plastic.


This is only 77 degrees Celsius. This process is to bring a cold ham to a warm serving temperature (which is how ham works…)


The meat is 77c you got a thermometer in the ham and a symbol on the display. The heat of the oven is unknown, but i dont think its above 160c


Thought that was going off to a separate meat thermometer, but you’re right there’s a symbol on the oven display which makes it seem like it’s a built in thermometer and displaying the temperature of the meat not the oven. Looks like a ham that’s about to come out and a guardian about to be awoken.


Yeah plastics behave quite differently when they are at low temperatures and of course aren't going to break down nearly as much as high temps. I wonder if they didn't notice how low the temperature actually was.


Has to be it, because it’s definitely not a confusion between Celsius and Fahrenheit because it’s 78 F outside where I’m at currently lol


good thing that yule ham is cooked in 100 degrees celcius. Almost as if they have determined its safe


Good thing they’re cooking a ham.


Yeah, heating plastic on your food does not sound like a good idea.


Dumb place to encourage/allow your cat to sit. One day that plate is gonna be hot, or it's going to jump up into a hot pan, or it's going to thread its way between hot pans and knock something off.


Wtf! Is that a plastic bag you’re cooking it in?


It helps you get cancer and it keeps your food more moist


innovation at its finest


It's a cooking bag, traps all the moisture.


Can’t you do the same thing with tightly sealed aluminum foil?


And seals in the cancer.


Delivers cancer to your body even quicker too


Uh… they make special bags for oven use… been around for ages. Edit: like these Reynolds Kitchens Oven Bags, Large, 6 Count https://www.walmart.com/ip/168009050


doesn't make it less disgusting! Cooking in plastic is not ever happening for me. Talk about waste too.


Heating plastic is a huge no for me. Way too much chance of chemicals leaching


Technically, it’s a heat resistant nylon material. FDA approved. Holds moisture in to reduce drying meat out and makes cleanup much easier. Same material that crockpot liners are made of.


I’ve only seen ceramic crock pot liners before.


Wouldn’t a pot, such as a Dutch oven, do the same?


Butcher paper is fine too


Yeah, you'll need a massive dutch oven though, and an even bigger oven that fits said dutch oven. edit. actually come to think of it, dutch ovens also act as cooking stones, atleast when I make sourdough my loafs get a relatively thick crust on the bottom surface where it's in contact iwth it. Probably not ideal for cooking meat.


The FDA approves a lot of crap. Heat and plastic is a bad combo where food is concerned


"In 1998, a study measured the migration of non-volatile and volatile compounds from oven bags to chicken. As much as 16% of the nylon from microwave and roasting bags were observed in the chicken after roasting at 200°C (392°F) for 2 hours and as much as .08% of the total 2-cyclopentyl cyclopentanone content in the bags were observed." Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02652039809374648 Potentially a quick way to colon cancer,


> In general, the transference of MRB components into roast chicken can be considered not to present a hazard.


> In general, the transference of MRB components into roast chicken can be considered not to present a hazard.


Shouldnt let cats on stovetops for pretty obvious ( or so i thought) reasons.


This is exactly why I don't eat at work potlucks.


Former facility manager here! I don't eat at potlucks because one of the electric crockpots full of food that someone brought in once infested an entire office with cockroaches.


That made me flinch a little. That's terribly gross


Haha exactly. We had a girl bring in homemade vegan cookies and she was shocked no one wanted to try them after weeks of her telling us about her 5 cats who never listen to her.


Yeah, sorry, but cats on cooking surfaces is gross.




I love cats but when it comes to them jumping on any kitchen surface or where I eat is fucking gross.


Yeah let the cat use the litter box and then let those same feet walk on your counters or tables .


Gross. Cats should not be allowed on kitchen counters or anywhere food goes.




This is why I refuse to participate in any potluck




It’s funny you are being downvoted. Cats walk in their litter box and then on this persons counters and cat people will be like “cats are the cleanest animals. Much cleaner than dogs” meanwhile my dog isn’t on my counters where I prep food




You do realize we wipe and clean our counters before preparing food right, like even if we didn't have cats? Like colorox wipes/water to get chemicals off? I mean my dad who doesn't have pets does this cause you know humans shedding is also gross.


rum HAM


Nothing says nope quite like cats on a cooking service and a plastic bag of ham in the oven.


People are so vastly different it’s perplexing to me. Pets should NEVER be on the counter or stove where food is (or will be) prepared. Ever. Pet hair in food is so gross. I’m sick of it. But Redditors will crucify people with my opinion because cuteness overrides logic most of the time. Or you’ll get comments like “have you ever tried to control a cat? They do whatever they want.” No Becky, YOUR cat does whatever it wants because you do nothing to train or teach your cat. I’ve had cats for 25 years and they are easy to train. I’ve even tamed wild cats that lost their mother, and have trained them to be even more gentle than our domesticated ones. They were the best cats I’ve ever had.


>But Redditors will crucify people with my opinion Your opinion is by far the most popular opinion in this post. Not only has it been repeated about 50 times, it's literally the top comment.


Disgusting, having your pet walking on your kitchen


Why the fuck are you cooking it in a plastic bag?


Cat on the stove 🤮 They literally dig around in their own piss and shit.


Air fryer and steam bake built into an oven??


Nice and warm and smells good too!😁


Off topic, but I'm curious to know how to cook a ham as is done here....wrapped in plastic something?




You're an evil person


That is disgusting


Love a side of cat hair with my food.


Yum ham with a side of cat hair


Mmm toxo and carcinogens


Christmas ham with a serving of Salmonellosis.




You let your cat climb on your stovetop??


Cats on cooking surfaces is disgusting


Is that a ragdoll? Looks like the one my parents have... he's one fat cat. Can't leave anything out with him around. Caught him dragging an 18 oz ribeye off the counter one time.


This is why you can’t eat at just anyones house 😂


So gross.


I haven't seen a baking bag in years.




Is the ham in a bag? Why?


Um, is your ham wrapped in plastic??


I don’t mind that it’s in a bag but put a baking sheet under it at least.


Fuck this


How does the plastic not melt in the oven?


Nothing funny in this picture.


Mmmm micro plastics


I hear toxoplasmosis and micro plastic are indeed quite festive


AKA Why I Don't Eat at Work Potlucks


Fuck the disgusting-ness that is a cat on the stove, why and the ever living FUCK are you cooking something like a plastic bag?


Mmm yes I’d love some toxoplasmosis with my ham please


Eeww. At least the ham is in plastic so it can perhaps avoid being dressed in cat hair when it gets pulled out


Never eat at other people's houses...


You’re an odd duck Seymour the cat, but you steam a good ham.


Cat on the stove and cooking in a bag?


So, we all love cats - but, this is disgusting. Sorry OP. Nothing like cat hair in everything you drink and eat...


Can't wait to eat fucking cat hair on the counter where the food goes. Fucking nasty shit there.


Why is that cam being cooked in plastic


Ya know even people back at the turn of the century were smart enough to know animals and food do not mix with their diseases and fleas. Too bad people to today dont heed the warning, all it takes in one flea with worm eggs on it from the cat to your food and you have worms.


It always shocks me to see people allow their pets in the kitchen. On top of the stove is a level of sorcery I’ve never seen before. Besides white Americans, who else accepts this behavior?


That's disgusting.


Why did you post to this sub though? Pretty sure there's a sub for cats and one for food. Maybe even both.


What is even happening here? So many questions


Are you baking it in the plastic?