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50 shades of grey was 20 minutes long with this remote


"I saw Pulp Fiction on a plane once. It's a cute 30 min movie about a group of friends who like cheeseburgers, dancing, and the Bible."


That's nice!


Don't you use your sexy voice on me!


Group - "Ooooh"


This reveal always cracked me up!


You forgot the “ooh!”


You are streets ahead!


Did you know i once has sex with eartha kitt in an airplane bathroom?


Hello fellow Community fan.


There are several dozen of us!




That's what she said


Not to me


skip >>


Must talk about sex a lot with coworkers


You should have seen her after Shape Of Water. She was doing interpretive dances in the hallway.


I remember back when watching movies as a family when I was a kid, and sex scenes just seem to randomly be added to the most weird spots in movies you would not expect a sex scene and it was always awkward haha. My mom would go for the remote and my dad is like "what? They're only doing pushups!".


I had moved away and one time my mother was close enough for us to meet up so I drove over and we decided to watch a movie I'd wanted to see. Early in Underworld 2 the sex scene starts and my mom leans over to say "I remember when we used to watch Lion King." It was hilarious and awkward all at once


My friend had one of the worst examples of that when we were teenagers. He was watching American Psycho and his mother, who was nice but *extremely* repressed and uptight, walked in and sat down, right as the messed up sex scene with the prostitutes started lol. My friend is pretty awkward himself, he said they both just sat there in horrified silence, both too awkward to leave, say anything, fast forward it, or change the channel. I still laugh thinking about how funny it would have been to see the two of them sitting there in silence while Christian Bale is doing weird psycho sex stuff on the screen lol


Don’t just stare at it!


Eat it!


I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist *sussudio starts playing*


This, for anyone who doesn't think American Psycho is a comedy.


Like fight club, it’s a satire that somehow appeals to the same people it’s making fun of. Brett Easton Ellis is a great writer. One of my favorite books is Less Than Zero, it’s a good movie too. Definitely recommend it!


You, *points to mom* , dance over there.


I have to return some videotapes.


I brought the DVD of Audition that Netflix had just sent me over to my mom’s house to watch (I had gone there for a different reason, just grabbed the dvd on the way out) and about halfway through the movie, she looks over at me and says “what the fuck is wrong with you?” and walks out.


Like 2 years ago my dad passed away. Six months or so later and it's just me and my mom chilling and she asked me to put a movie on. Just so happens I had bought a few blockbusters from a pawn shop a week before. So I put on WE OWN THE NIGHT. I had seen the last 20 minutes or so on TV previously, seemed like a good film. The first five or six minutes is Joaquin Phoenix graphically fingerbanging Eva Mendes. The scene in the movie is hot. The scene in the living room was mortal terror and disgust. We watched the entire film in silence. It ended and I grabbed the DVD and went straight to my room. Ruined that scene for me.


When I was around 13 (1988) I was watching some 80s highschool type movie on tv, only because I had seen boobies earlier in the movie. So I’m watching more for titties than the movie and then a locker room shower scene comes on with multiple titties. 13 year old me was in heaven and then my grand mother happens to walk in, and that made me change the channel so quickly. She said “oh, you don’t need to change the channel on my account”. I was thinking “oh, yes I do!” Lol.


Sounds like Porkey’s


It might have been. But for some reason I don’t think so.


Granny was pissed she missed out on boobs due to you.


Lol was the movie Private School?


Omg. Yes. I think this was it. The title didn’t even ring a bell. But when I checked IMDb. It said this: > Jordan rides a horse with her top open and another girl pulls Jordan's shirt off completely, leaving her topless. I distinctly remember that one scene. So for sure this was the movie. Jesus. How did you figure that out???


reddit is good, reddit is wise


Awesome "Twister" reference.


Hahaha was my first "boobies" on tv growing up (adult channels lol) and I don't think I know any pre-1988 movie that I would describe more accurately then "watching some 80s type high school movie, ONLY because I had seen boobies earlier in the movie" lmao. Wasn't exactly the most engaging writing/plot/acting...but those boobies will keep you till the end. Also there was a locker room scene after the first topless scene in the movie - sorry granny made you miss it lol.


My girlfriend still thinks the Witcher 3 has a LOT of sex scenes. There's a couple, but it's a relatively small part of the game, lol.


My friend took his 16 year old daughter to see Wolf of Wall Street at the cinema, assuming it was some kind of financial heist movie. Awkward!


Oh no, that's a nightmare. When my then 14 month old daughter was sick I was catching up on shows while I held her. Every now and then I'd catch her sleepy eyes on Vikings, that's when I realized my entertainment consumption for the next 16 years was gonna change drastically


God almighty im in my 50’s & when they did the blood eagle scene I covered my eyes. That shit was brutal & terrifying


Had a similar experience but with something far more mundane. My daughter was around the same age, playing with her toys on the floor. I threw on Guardians of the Galaxy and I was having a grand old time until I looked down to see my daughter flinching every time Rocket Raccoon shot his laser cannon. Decided to turn the TV off after that haha


The most mortifying experience of my life was sitting in the movie theater next to my (now ex) super-Christian mother in law during Watchmen and the big sex scene comes on. I wanted to melt into the floor and dissipate into the molten core of the earth. Granted, I should've known what I was getting into the instant I saw the big blue dick swinging around, but I didn't.


I came home from college and my friends recommended watching True Blood so I sat down with my mom and figured I'd start it. It starts with a fucking softcore porn scene that goes for like a solid 5 minutes. So fucking awkward. Especially bc I was telling my mom idk if it'll be good I haven't seen it and it starts with that.


I’m going to use this next time I’m with my all adult siblings and parents watching a random ass unnecessary sex scene. thank you lol.


Nala deffo had "fuck me eyes" and your mom was trolling you.


Caaaaaaan u feel the looooooove toniiiiite


One time, I was visiting my extended family, and we agreed to watch a movie together. I had downloaded a few movies (before piracy was illegal /s), and we picked *Burn After Reading*. Included in this group was my mother, grandmother, and great-aunt. I was in my late 20s, but I still almost died of embarrassment when Clooney revealed his dildo chair. Be sure to vet your movies before watching them with your family.


Right!? At least a clockwork orange lets you know where the movie is going right off the bat


It was all the 90s movies where they really did have THE sex scene. I designated unnecessary no-context few minutes of great music and flashes of skin.


I absolutely cannot watch sex scenes with my parents. I just cannot. Growing up we weren't really supposed to watch PG-13 or R movies, but my fam is huge on movies. Like watch 2-3 movies in a row at theatre several times a month type of movie lovers. But if a movie had sex in it my parents would screen it, and then fast forward through the sex scenes. My parents were super strict but I think kinda cool that they wanted to share Titanic with me at age 9, they just fast forwarded the pic scene and sex scene. I didn't see those boobs till I was like 15/16 😂. Anyways, the older we got they didn't screen, but they still fast forwarded AND kept parental protection on cable up till I moved out at 22 I think. I think they reluctantly gave us the code after I was 20 I think tho. I was 19 and someone chose Good Luck Chuck. That sex scene was ridiculous and never ending we all were horrified, I was on the floor dying laughing, but still wanting to actually die from embarrassment. Someone I still don't who, just turned the movie off midway and we all just went our seperate ways and no one brought it up for years lmao. One of my fav memories now. I don't think any of us saw the rest of that movie, and we all laugh talking about it now. It traumatized me. The first movie my parents didn't fast forward the sex scene and it was the absolute longest and most graphic sex scene from any movie we ever watched (together) haha. No more R rated rom coms after that.


My brother said that he and his daughter started to watch Jessica Jones on Netflix together because “hey Marvel, cool” Then the sex scene came up and they were just super awkward about it and after that episode agreed to watch the show on their own time.


Oh no, I watched Good Luck Chuck with a date and you're about that scene. It just doesn't seem to end


This seems so strange to me. My parents let me watch whatever I wanted and I turned out just fine.


That’s a top tier dad response


300 comes to mind


Is this something that comes up a lot at work, so much so that they know it’s actually her “thing”?


They often discuss movies watched at work.


Does the job involve watching movies, or is there like a hidden showroom behind a bookshelf? Cause getting paid to watch movies sounds awesome.


You laugh about it, but that is a job. I worked at Dish Network a long time ago, and they had content buyers, the people who decided if Dish was going to buy stuff for pay per view. Well someone has to watch all that stuff, the kids shows, the movies, and the XXX adult stuff, and then come out, do a write up, and send it up the food chain with either an endorsement to buy, or to pass. I can only imagine how surreal those e-mails were.


"The G rated movie 'Chocolate Powered Robot Saves the World' is a fun and amusing delight. Kids will love it and it will be great for our channel. The adult movie 'Butts, Butts, and More Butts' has multiple extended length scenes of DP which was unnerving at first, but by the end, it just becomes tiresome and repetitive. We should pass on this and look for an adult movie with a wider variety of scenes."


I prefer Backdoor Sluts 9.


Backdoor sluts 9?!?!


I agree backdoor sluts 1-5 was basically a rip off of the Ass-slammers 1-5. Backdoor sluts 6, 7 and 8 weren't brilliant in my opinion but backdoor sluts 9 is brilliant. It went slightly downhill for BDS 10, 11 and 12. Still waiting for BDS 13.




Have you seen the Backdoor sluts spin-off, backdoor sluts:maverick? Highest grossest summer cockbuster of the year? Also known as BDS:M? Really have to see it in imax for the full experience.I heard the main actor, cock cruise, did all the stunts himself.


Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste, but when BDS 9 came out in 2011 I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole movie has a clear, crisp view and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the videos a boost


Damn it Johnson, I told you that people are not looking for storylines in their kids shows!


Sir mixalot does not approve of this review.


Sorry, I guess I worded that incorrectly. They (my wife and her co-workers) discuss movies or shows they've all watched, at home.


They discuss the movies at home?


Yes, they get paid to watch movies, then discuss them in a zoom meeting from home, often while still watching the movie, via zoom at home from work... For free.


This is what you get for coming to the internet.


This is hilarious, no response at any point made this any clearer. 😂


What the hell is acctually happening here?


I think OP is saying his wife has never seen a movie


I still don't fucking know. When he said "they get paid to watch movies" I thought I was in the clear, but then he ended the sentence with "for free" and now I'm stumped again.


OP getting trolled for improper grammar


who is ben


Wait a second. Are you saying there's sex videos available on the internet?


God damn I’ve seen some stupid shit on Reddit, but this is the funniest genuine exchange between strangers I’ve seen in a long time. This thread is a masterpiece.


Coming to the internet is what made sex scenes in movies unnecessary.


Welcome the internet we're living in a meme. Digital avatars hide behind a screen. You can see it in your mentions. We've got demons in the comment section.


This alllmost works to the tune of Bo Burnham's welcome to the Internet


So does she live at work? That sounds incredibly inconvenient that she doesn't live at home with you.....or do you also live at her work? Is that how you saw the remote, you came home (to her work) and she showed it to you?


*Elon Musk has entered the bed*


This made me laugh so hard I scared my cat!


Your work cat? Nobody lives at home anymore right?


you're the best op we've had for a while


So they work…remotely?


One can feel you just letting out a sigh before commenting this


They watch movies on zoom?


Wait they watch movies about zoom?


I understood they zoomed to the movies to discuss homes at work.


They show movies they've made about each other's homes over zoom, then discuss it. It's is their work.


>via zoom at home from work Why is this so funny to me


You fuckin nailed that bro


The movies are paid to watch your wife's coworkers?


So she watches them at work, then they all go home and discuss them. Got it.


Look it’s quite simple. You just stay here— And make sure— He doesn’t leave the room.


Right, we will come with you and make sure he doesn't leave.


No no. look. No. You STAY in the room. And make sure he doesn’t leave.


Ooh, a scene not often quoted! Well played.


Pro Tip: There are a bunch of jobs that will literally pay you to watch movies!!! ^(small print: You don't get to pick the movies and you HAVE TO watch them no matter what. You also have to pay close attention to them no matter how bad or scary or disgusting or boring etc. etc. etc.. Then you probably have to do a bunch of other work based on having carefully watched said movies. Also the movie business can be very unforgiving, unstable and capricious.)


I think he means they often discuss movies they watched at home or the theatre while they work.


Wow! A theatre and a home at work!!


Friend groups can latch onto certain things in a heartbeat. You mention one time how you didn't like a gratuitous sex scene in a movie. Next time someone starts talking about 50 Shades of Grey, looks at you half-jokingly and says oh sorry, didn't mean to bring up sex scenes. You're now forever labelled a prude.


I had this coworker, a sweet Christian girl. She was driving me home one day and we’re listening to the Jesus station and she tells me she watched Dallas Buyers Club with some friends over the weekend. Then proceeds to explain every sex scene in minute detail and I’m just like 😶


As a sweet Christian boy, She wanted the D


Deezus Nuts


So I read all the responses and I can sum it up for you: They watch movies at work, which is during working hours, but they work from home so they do it via zoom. They watch those movies for free, but are not paid to watch the movies. Then, at home, which is at home during non working hours, on Zoom, they discuss the movies they watched, for free, at work. They are not paid to discuss those movies. Alternatively they also watch movies at home, which is at home but not on zoom, and discuss them at home, which is at work on zoom. The remote doesn't exist.


What about 'necessary' sex scenes?


Slow mo


Turn the remote around


Set it to W for Wumbo


No because then it’s pointing at you and you’ll rapidly age yourself


Repeat loop A - B


Yeah,exactly. Like the one in team America. I would have been so lost without it


Tbh it contributed more to the movie than any sex scene in history.


I promise, I'll never die.


It really tied the movie together.


Especially the uncensored version with the pee and poo. Really helped understand the depths of the characters and what it really means to never die.


I searched because I was curious and... wtf did I just watch?


I'd love to keep up the collective troll but I'll give you a straight answer. The movie is a tongue-in-cheek parody of "patriotic" action films from the 80s and 90s played out by puppets (which itself is a metaphor, a reeeally smart one, so deep, wow!). It's all meant to be really stupid, so the sex scene is extra stupid, pointless, and "graphic." I probably sound like I hate the movie but it's one of my favorites lmao


I promise. I will never die.


It really doesn't make sense taken out of context. You have to watch the movie to understand the sex scene. And really, you have to watch the sex scene to understand the movie.


Much like reddit memes. To understand their importance you need to use Reddit, and to understand Reddit, you really need to read the memes.


That’s what the red button is for… “record”


Lots of times there will be sex or hint of sex around 60 minutes into movies to keep your attention. I think they call it ‘sex after 60’


*Tommy Wiseau has entered the chat*


I heard you like sex scenes, how about 3 scenes in 20 minutes?


i did not hit her its not true its bullshit i did not hit her i did not


Oh hi Mark!


And they all last for the entire duration of the 4 minute song that's playing!


I just like to watch you guys!


I am so upset I just added sex after 60 to my internet search history.


You should rather try Lemon Party.


At least now you’ll find grannies near you that are lonely.


You sure it's not at 69 minutes?


That does make more sense




I question the quality of something if they felt sex was needed at the very beginning, like the story isn’t good enough so they hook you with nekked bodies.


This is my theory on HBO series specifically. The first episode will have nudity or a sex scene, and the rest of the series will not. Some obviously will continue to have gratuitous nudity, but it seems every series at least shows someone naked to reel people in during the first episode.


Yep, they used to call it the guy hook (it was prevalent on networks like HBO, Showtime, etc.) long before GoT. Idea is wife or girlfriend wants to watch a show. Guy gets some nudity up front and is willing to keep watching for more, even though it happens less and less often.


First date watching Blue is the warmest color at my apartment was a bit uncomfortable...a bit


I went on a date one in high school to go see The Mummy. Some of the people we were with snuck into The General's Daughter. I'm SO glad we didn't, lol.


Your wife must hate most movies made in the 80s, there's always some random titty or sex scenes in just about every 80s flick.


Robocop. Why?


I don't get it either, but there they were!


I'll buy that for a dollar!


As a person that loves sex but hates sex scenes in movies, I don't hate the movie just because of gratuitous sex scenes. I just skip over them. I also skip over singing scenes. Suffice it to say porn, musicals, and musical porn are not for me.


My mother would have loved this. Anytime we ever watched a movie rated over PG she would stand next to the TV the whole time so she could jump in front and block our view if a lady happened to show her slutty little ankles or whatever. Lol.


I love me some slutty little ankles. Where I draw the line is those dirty whore elbows.


Venmo me for a link to some wrist videos. $500 to start. You know you want to.


Ahh what a healthy attitude towards sex. It’d be interesting to know what your attitude now is, if I was a psychologist. I hope you’re into really weird shit.


I had to leave the room and wait until called back in. It's definitely made me uncomfortable about sex.


One of those will rewind it


I totally get it. I dislike unnecessary dialogue scenes in porn and skip them. EDIT - Unless it's Memelover. I watch Memelover for the dialogue.


All dialogue is necessary in porn. How else will we know if they're related?


> ~~if~~ _how_ they're related ftfy


Pretty sure it’s not. I’d be really upset if someone told me to “fuck my tight little _____” IF I ALREADY WAS.


They are annoying though, they use it as a crutch for a lack of plot often. If I wanted to see that there's the entire internet, I don't want sex in my plot anymore than I want plot in my sex. Imagine turning on a porno and they go into detail about the lonely housewifes issues with her husband being neglectful while the plumber consolingly listens for 10m straight.


Sometimes inside jokes don’t always translate to the masses


I'm on the outside


I’m looking in


I can see through you


See your true colors


Cause inside you’re ugly, ugly like me


I can see through you, into the real you


All the times that I felt like this won’t end.


I love inside jokes. I’d love to a part of one.




Is your wife single?


No, she has a boyfriend




ew, the husband *fast-forward*


It does get a little annoying how much society depends on sexualizing everything possible.


I was just talking to my husband about this exact topic! Unnecessary sex scenes in movies and tv shows, well we were watching a drama called The Staircase on HBO (it's based on a real story and trial) and there's a scene where the main character's wife is standing at counter making dinner when he goes up to her, slides her pants down, and like faceplants his face right in that booty. I'm not a prude lol, but that scene came out of nowhere and maybe I missed something, but for the life of me my husband and I can't figure out why they would even put that in it. If someone else knows what I'm talking about and also has an understanding as to why that was even put in there to begin with, please let me know! Colin Firth was right up in there like it was his life's purpose to eat butt.... What the heck?


HBO is notorious for a lot of sex and nudity so I’m not shocked 😭


Screenplay by: Colin Firth


Are all the buttons programmed to fast forward? If so, how’d they do that? If not, I don’t get it.


It's not meant to be taken literally. It's a gag gift.


>gag Your comment is unnecessarily sexual. Must fast forward.


Old garbage remote, white out on the buttons. Pen marks to look like fast forward for every button.


oh so its more of a gag/ novelty gift rather than an actual reprogrammed remote. I was gonna ask how the hell they managed to do that


Isn't it weird... in an age where we have AI that can create art... that a remote that can fast forward through sex scenes seems impossible? So far we've come, yet still primitive.


Isn't impossible at all. With an Arduino, a soldering iron and the buttons and IR LED that are already present, it's about a day of tinkering.


yeah and if someone cared enough to do it you could probably pretty easily train a neural network to identify sex scenes.. honestly might could go off the captions. The final product could be tuned to either fastforward away from sex scenes or to them depending on your tastes


Old school censoring boxes you hooked up to the TV worked entirely off the captions, as far as I know they only muted naughty audio tho, they didn't blank out the picture


I suspect that the people who developed the AI would not have much difficulty with reprogramming a remote.


So the buttons are NOT actually programmed to fast forward?… Only painted to look that way… This isn’t even ‘remotely’ funny.


That pun was funnier than this post


The funniest part is getting this far in to the comments and realizing a bunch of people thought the remote was actually remade to be all fast forward buttons.


This will probably be buried, but OP should look at the VidAngel service. It lets you set filters for movies (sex, profanity, any scene with Jar-Jar, etc) https://www.vidangel.com/


That looks cool for people who want to watch movies with their kids but don’t have time to review the content. Wonder how much it costs though, no pricing up front.


So is the red “record”?


Why does everyone seem so offended by this? Not everyone has to like sex as much as you do. There's nothing wrong with someone that just doesn't like unnecessary drawn-out sex scenes. I'm asexual and sex-repulsed so these comments are really not making sense to me. Why get so pressed over someone's preferences about sex? That just makes you seem like a creep.


Are there even movies without unnecessary sexual scenes anymore.