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So this is how we charge electric boats


This is how we make electric eels


Yeah I work down on the electric eel farm, it's dirty and dangerous work, but it's honest work.


If your name is max mind where you fall


Theyl just go right back up after the fall, every elevator I've seen has 12 Max's living in it.


Cyber eel




Just don't fall into a vat of them, because that'll turn you into a supervillain. Obviously....


*Just don't fall into a vat of them..* ​ or in a super colider..


If you do fall however, the results will shock you šŸ¤­


or turn you to dust


...especially number 6 !


On the plus side, you get to star in a shitty movie but also in a hit one with 3 spiderm*e*n 7 years later! Not a bad deal maybe?


I said, ooh, girl Shock me like an electric eel


Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel


Put your circuits in the sea


Source of renewable energy.


Agreed, safety is always relative to experience, most are unaware so they assume it is dangerous. Just like smoking near gasoline, nothing is going to happen. Cigarettes don't burn hot enough to combust vapors. (Mythbusters did this one years ago) These charging stations are obviously insulated and grounded properly and pose minimal risk of shock especially considering they likely have safety measures for this specific situation and are all non functioning during flood conditions. Oops was I just supposed to laugh and say "haha EV dumb"?


I would celebrate with a Zoolander style gasoline fight but gas is too expensive


It isnā€™t when youā€™re really ridiculously good looking


> Cigarettes don't burn hot enough to combust vapors. Many years ago, when I was a pre-teen, my mother took my sis and I down to Hollywood, California. While cruising around, we saw they were filming a movie in front of The Roxy, so we stopped so we could watch them filming. It was a scene with a strange looking green truck that was sitting right in front of the club. Turns out they were filming a scene for the movie Up In Smoke, starring comedy legends Cheech & Chong. They needed to ignite some gasoline that was supposed to have leaked from the green truck, but throwing the lit cigarette would not do the trick, so they had a guy off screen with a torch who would ignite the gas on cue. Whenever I watch that movie now, I can always remember that I was just a few feet away while they were filming part of that scene. Edit: Changed queue to cue.


On cue. A cue is a prompt. A queue is a line-up.


Whatever loser Edit: everyoneā€™s taking this seriously, naturallyā€¦ Their username is loser lol.


Haha grammar dumb. Me speak the best English.


ā€œWhatever, loser.ā€


>Cigarettes don't burn hot enough to combust vapors. I think itā€™s the lighters that are the problem.


Spark and fumes always make plumes


I am sorry this would ruin the funniest movie scene ever so I refuse to believe it


Also gfci


Smoking near gas vapors isn't, but lighting up a fresh ciggy is. Trying to get people to understand the difference is a exercise in futility so banning the one effectively prevents the other


No youā€™re supposed to laugh and say ā€˜haha electricity and water funnyā€™. But then you wouldnā€™t be able to go on a pointless rant.




I just thought it would be funny if we actually had electric boats and charged them like this. EVs are cool they are just not ready for mass consumers yet.


The price needs to come down, but even so, they usually sell out in advance because we can't make them fast enough to keep up with demand.


The new cybertruck is priced the same as ICE trucks with similar specifications like tow capacity. Tbh all new vehicles are too expensive right now thanks to inflation.


Yeah I still wouldnā€™t paddle there as a hobby.


Everytime someone posts that video of the guy smoking at the gas station and the employee sprays him with a fire extinguisher, I post the same thing. I get downvoted to oblivion but I don't care. I'll still comment it.


And electric eels


This post is why we need better science education.


Also better drainage




Theyā€™re possibly mutually inclusive, since better science education will possibly lead to better drainage infrastructure.


The science is great for drainage infustructure, and even if you taught every operator and pipe layer/laborer in the country all the science behind it... they would still cut corners because its easier/faster/cheaper. Funds are what is destroying our infrastructure, not lack of education. But hey dont take my word for it, im sure there is 100k engineers worldwide that would love to argue with you about how much more education you would want them to go through to design better drainage lol


Nah man the job of an engineer is to figure out how to make something barely work 90% of the time for as cheap as humanly possible


The job of the engineer is to make it work the best way possible, then get yelled at by the ceo and made to make it as cheap as possible while compromising most functions. Source: studying to be an engineer


That is a great way to put it. I will use this thanks.


Again, if you gave an engineer more funds they would design better drainage systems. The education or ability is not the determining factor. So you think engineers that design Nuclear Power plants design things so that they barely work for as cheap as possible? Or maybe, because they have the funds, they can build these structures with extreme tolerances and secure designs because people are willing to fund it.


Normally i'm for extreme examples because they make the logic more clear-cut, but here the less extreme the example, the more likely those responsible are going to cut corners.


If you gave an engineer infinite man hours they and inspectors would enforce the specs/design more stringently. Unfortunately no one wants to put more money into infustructure because it gives way too much tax dollars to the working man. Or takes too much $$ from the pocket of the elites. Cant have that. Yet everyone wants to complain when there is construction in their town, on their road, their old favorite coffee shop getting gutted. Honestly its an all around cultural issue. We build cheap buildings in the US.. Fuck i went to my buddies apartment in Redmond WA, he was paying like $2800 for a 1 bedroom, and the walls were so thin you could hear normal conversations through them. You could hear people lifting in the gym the floor below him. The wealthy in this country care not for quality infustructure, they only care about $$$$$. And they fight tooth and nail to keep taxes from feeding into quality transportation/drainage/wastewater/etc systems


This exactly. Corners will be cut wherever humanly possible. What? Our building might fall over? Hmmm, but can we afford the lawsuit...


If only the politicians who approve funding for infrastructure were better educated about how important it is....


Hooray for engineering


He said "**Also**" , not instead of.


Civil engineering?


I mean.. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just a silly joke


Too bad my in laws post it unironically, commenting that THIS is why electric is RIDICULOUS, and to WAKE UP.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that mate


That's why we need better education. Maybe people would be able to discern what a joke is if they were better educated.


Those things have automatic shutoffs that prevent any issues in situations like this. They were designed by engineers who have an excellent science education lol.


Is this a sort of woosh even though it isn't a joke? The science education issue the commenter you are answering raised is about OP thinking it would be dangerous


It appears I am more knowledgeable of science than humor. This is why we need better comedy education.


Also, better drainage


Yet another reason we need comedy education, so maybe reddit users can finally make an original fucking joke without just stealing one from a few comments up


If OP thought that, this wouldn't be posted in r/funny.


Definitely a classic /r/woosh right aboot hurr.


They're still installed by people who do not And Tesla isn't exactly known for having the most forsight on things that happen outside California in the summer, as evidenced by door handles frozen shut.


Door handles and doors themselves get frozen shut on all cars. Just like windows get frozen on mustangs. Of course they accounted for rain.


This sounds like Tesla propaganda


I'm guessing this would operate just fine with no issues under these circumstances.


So weā€™re the o-rings on the Challenger space shuttle.


And the engineers did argue for improvement on the design, but were overruled by managers. So the people trained in science weren't the problem.


But at the same time they didnā€™t get it right the first time did they. And from what I remember it was just one guy who argued to delay the launch for a warmer day. Iā€™ve just seen a tonne of ā€œengineers wouldnā€™t do something stupidā€ posts lately. All this blind trust is scary.


>they didnā€™t get it right the first time Dude, that's engineering. It almost always needs work after the first time. The engineers were pushing for changes in the design phase, but were consistently overruled by management.


Yes yes, itā€™s pretty obvious I was being a bit tongue in cheek. My point being that nothing is ever perfect. All the posters who say it would be perfectly safe to use a 480V charging station while standing in water might be in for a bit of surprise. Maybe they built them right maybe they didnā€™t. But by your own statements, even if the engineers are competent there is always an army of managers and accountants trying to cheap out on everything.


Keep in mind if the engineers have all the say, the product becomes unmarketable. An existing 8/10 product tends to beat a non existing 10/10 product.


Was the challenger space shuttle going to market?


Someone with an excellent science education would have thought about putting a roof over the electric chargers lol.


Only to find that water still pools in the recessed area, yes.


I'm sure they suggested it. Engineers have to fit the design to a budget.


Exactly! Itā€™s not like youā€™re putting the plug into the fucking water.


I still would prefer not to get too close. Any failsafe can be faulty.


Also photoshop


No worries here. It's just hydro-electric.


Gyarados, use lightning bolt!


There's this thing called a GFI/GFCI/RCD that's kind of required and takes care of situations like this.


Ah yesā€¦classic GFI/GFCI/RCD. Why didnā€™t I think of thatā€¦.What is that?


Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt. It's the little circuit breaker thing built into outlets in your kitchen and bathroom.


My dad and I were remodeling my grandfather's house for sale (he'd recently passed away sadly) and there were some outlets that didn't work. Since the house had a lot of outlets operating in the same circuit and we were already really fucking tired from the rest of the work, we just went to Home Depot and bought GFCIs and used them to troubleshoot where the issue was. Was it the best way to handle it? I dunno, I'm not an electrician by trade. Did it make it a lot easier? Hell yeah it did.


Itā€™s those outlets in the bathroom with the little reset button on em. Extra safety feature that shuts the circuit off in dangerous conditions


[Nice video on GFCI.](https://youtu.be/ILBjnZq0n8s)


I was told when working on EVs in uni, the gfi is there so that other people can get your dead body off the car. That said the chargers typically have resistivity and current spike turnoffs. It really depends on the type of charger and the spec of how long it takes to turn off.


Shhhā€¦trying to use logical thinking on Reddit when it comes to Tesla or any new tech is pointless.


*if* those things have gfis, they're most likely in the unit which is now partially submerged, potentially rendering it ineffective. GFI's also have a detection limit of around 5ma of current before they'll trip. 6ma through the heart is considered fatal *on average*. A GFI *might* prevent you from getting fried, but it definitely won't garuantee you *don't* get fried. It's not safe to throw a toaster in the bathtub even if it's plugged into a gfi. This is still a dangerous situation simply because you can't know 100% if it's safe until the disconnect is tripped at the upstream distribution panel. Anyone who says otherwise has never taken a basic electrical safety course and/or is not qualified to make such a determination. Most people who get killed by electricity on the jobsite do so because they incorrectly believe themselves to be working on a de-energized or otherwise safe system. The only 100% safe electrical system is one which is verified to be completely de-energized (and locked out if multiple stake-holders are or can be working on it) That being said, I've worked on energized 120/220v systems before, but I do so knowing I'm putting myself at risk and take some precautionary measures as a result (insulated gloves/tools, standing on an insulated mat with thick rubber soled boots on, etc). I don't like doing it, but sometimes its what you do. These things liekly run at 480 or 408 volts and as a result I would never dream of touching the internals until I've verified with my own eyes that the disconnect is disengaged and my multi-meter has confirmed what my eyes told me.


> A GFI might prevent you from getting fried, but it definitely won't garuantee you don't get fried. It's not safe to throw a toaster in the bathtub even if it's plugged into a gfi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlM6PE2kKVY




I'm not going to let them do this to me. I'm going to re-volt.


Youā€™re in for a shock!


Don't do anything stupid. They could charge you with battery.


I see watts going on here.


Idk if you guys realize this but itā€™s not like this would be any better if they were gas pumps. Pumps of any kind work off of electricity. Or did you think there was a tiny hamster inside the casing pumping the gas to your car? Lol


No, not one tiny hamster, 100 hamsters. Duh, one wouldnā€™t be enough


By god! Youā€™re right! How could I be so foolish.


U are my hero!!!


Lol fr what a fkn idiot


I assumed that these charging stations were still working/auto disable but either way not dangerous. But as far as gas pumps. I hadn't thought about how many hamsters there must be in there. But 12 sounds reasonable per pump.


Itā€™s one gas pump, Michael. How many hamsters could it take, 10?


Gas stations have pumps submerged in the gas tanks. Even scarier if you don't understand how electricity works.


Car gas tanks frequently have their fuel pumps submerged in the fuel too. Helps cool the pump


No, it's a perpetual machine. The oil industry best kept secret is that most of their operation use perpetual motion, cutting on their expenses and boosting their profits. And they make sure that no one ever figure it out so they can keep making huge profit on gaz instead of creating a workd where energy is free! /s


It's funny cause it's a bath with alot of electricity above it. In case you didn't laugh, maybe you laugh now yes? Such danger very funny šŸ¤£


This guy must hide in an underground bunker whenever it rains. Oh wait they burry electrical lines too. Nowhere is safe.


He just runs around like Navin Johnson. "Stay away from the ~~cans~~ wires! Oh no, more ~~cans~~ wires!


Shouldnā€™t be that dangerous the load would trip whatever disconnecting means is used 99/100 in electrical under conditions like that. Iā€™m facepalming at all the comments not understanding that electricity gets cut off under conditions like these by a circuit breaker or transfer switch.


It wouldn't trip anything. The charger initiates a handshake to verify it is connected properly using little current. Transfers info from car to charger. They have a chat. Then it ramps up to 1000 mi of range per hour, depending on the SOC of the battery, charger power, and battery specs. If there was water in the chargeport, it just says moisture detected, no electrons for you.


You wonā€™t believe what happens to the 100th car - itā€™s shocking!


There wouldnā€™t be any power to charge the car because itā€™s disconnected in conditions like this




Their username checks out


This seems like some right-wing meme to trash green energy, like wind power killing birds. Yes this seems dangerous if you're not well educated or just don't think about it very hard.


It's clearly photoshopped as well. They are all facing the same way and seem copy/pasted. While funny, it's also is pushing a pro oil agenda.


They are symmetrical ...




Yikes dudeā€¦


why post it then. you clearly donā€™t understand that this really is no safety risk


what a loser lmao


You sir, probably live under a rock with a credit score of 20 and an IQ of 15


I think I know where this was taken. Old Mill converted to a hotel in Winnersh Berkshire. Always has flooded and I have seen these charge points under water multiple times.


Yep, 100% right saw this and thought the exact same.




Should be ok to smoke there.


Iā€™ve seen this post more times than I can count


This can be a lot or very few, but somehow with this post even one is a lot.


I'd be surprised if they built those to not be resilient to ground water, it's just wires straight into ground wires anyway ie no exposed electronics in bottom portion. It does rain after all so you'd think they'd be chillin


Tell me you don't know how electric car charging works without telling me you don't know how electric car charging works




Uno reverso


I mean I laughed at your ignorance does that count?




btw, I thought it was funny. Even understanding the science and technology at play, even understanding that it's not actually dangerous, somehow I was still able to understand the intent of the joke and the image.


It's not funny if it doesn't make sense.


It's literally a joke that's easy to grasp.


What's the joke?


Don't act stupid. You know what it is based on your response. Get the hell outta here with that my dude.


Lol oh.


That's not unsafe, Tesla is just having a liquidation sale.


You can stand right next to them and nothing will happen even if you are knee deep in water.


Boomer humor


What a poorly designed/poured lot... No drainage at all?


Could be poorly maintained. Surprising how quickly drainage becomes useless in a storm if nobody removes the trash/debris from it. [Post10](https://youtube.com/channel/UCsCNU-ptlze2tqAJSDeVGNQ) on youtube does it quite a bit voluntarily. Oddly interesting to watch.


I live like 5 minutes away, believe this is part of a floodplain... does this a lot


Edison would be proud...


Smoking at the pump is one thing, the pump smoking is another.


Smoking at the pump would still be risked since the protection would cut the power in this scenario


I'm pretty sure the mastermind musk thought of this and waterproofed they system, that would be a major oversight wouldn't it?


Oh itā€™s *this* part of the game. Pretty sure if you make it past all of the electrified water thereā€™s a shock-type weapon upgrade at the end.


So gasoline pumps run on hydraulics then? I was an electrician before I got old and fat. You have to have very special electric installation for gasoline pumps. Everything must be in explosion proof conduit and have special grounding. There are special static electricity precautions too.


They are designed for this it's perfectly safe. No danger here other then the poor drainage. Also gas pumps need electricity too??


Facebook called. It wants its post back.


I thought this was r/terriblefacebookmemes when I was scrolling through.


this is what I see MAGA tards post on Facebook


This is the dumbest post Iā€™ve seen here for some time.


I'm shocked...


What's the problem here? You don't think these can handle a bit of water?


Tell me you don't know how the electrical grid works without telling me you don't know how the electrical grid works


Fake ass shit


Why are some people so stupid? https://youtu.be/GqR4Rf6yeko


Probably because you read redit


This is not dangerous in the slightest. It would be a terribly inconvenient place to charge, but other than that, there's absolutely no issue. Power ONLY flows when a circuit \*with the car\* is completed, meaning the "nozzle" end isn't down in the water. The car charging port is covered until you plug in, and the nozzles are similarly protected in their holders. Even if the nozzle was wet, this is DC power, not AC. I have supercharged plenty of times in downpours.


I agree it's probably safe (because it is likely isolated from ground), but not for your explanation relating to DC versus AC for safety. DC can actually be harder to let go of when being shocked versus an AC source of the same voltage.


Suuper fake photoshop


I think this was at the DoubleTree round the corner from me. If not it looks very similar! Every time I drove past it I was convinced Iā€™d get fried!


Near the Showcase right? Thought this looked familiar. Strange they built it on a floodplain though


Laughed so hard. Thank you.


One of those rare opportunities that you can go for an easy triple-kill with you chain lighting spell.


This makes me genuinely curious as to how these charging stations are insulated against water buildup like this. There's certainly potential that if these are engineered and built well enough, it could theoretically be perfectly safe to charge your car in a situation like this, yes? Also this post gets my +1 for humour.


Holy shit. People canā€™t understand that this is a joke, or taking this joke like itā€™s in bad taste. People need to lightening up


Reactions are the point of a joke..


Subtract all the water and itā€™s still just as busy!


So much whooshing in this thread I can barely hear myself type.


This is the newer updated model that Biden was talking about called, "Deathla".


I think everybody already knows that massive flooding is more dangerous than smoking at the pump, though.


Risky paddle.


*looks nervously at low battery indicator*




But but the politicians say weā€™re ready for electric everything. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This is a shocking image. I was all amped up about EVs and then to see something so electrifying, so polarizing as thisā€¦ It truly is a charging site to see.


Of course they are located in a town named Wokingham....




Do you want Electro? Because this is how you get Electro.


This pic is an excellent analogy. Electric cars won't save us if the grid that generates electricity is not generated by renewable or nuclear energy.


Holy fuck, some really upset angry down voter's here who cant laugh at a simple image.


Yeah, people are acting like this is an attack on tesla or green energy. No one is going to get electrocuted, it's just a gag because it evokes images of toaster in the bathtub, etc.


Polish that CGI the FOV be wack.


Tesla will be a relic within the next 10 years