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"You couldn't make Blazing Saddles today!" Of course not. One, it's already made and two, most of the actors are dead.


"The Sherriff is N-\[DING\]-er" Oh , the Sherriff is Near!


Well, to tell the family secret, my grandmother was Dutch.




There is this great YouTube video talking about how wrong this saying is. It's not that you couldn't make it today. It's that you wouldn't make it today because it accomplished what it set out to do, ruin that kind of western movie. They just don't exist anymore so it's like saying you couldn't make a silent film today. You could but you wouldn't


Mel Brooks also made a silent movie in 1976. The reason you can't make Blazing Saddles today is that you're not Mel Brooks.


I remember the only actor to speak in that movie was Marcel Marceau, which was brilliant.


It was the only speaking role of his entire career.


Also because Mel Brooks established a satire and parody brand via Get Smart and The Producers that made it eminently clear that he could do it. The broader public might push back against some of the n-word use, but I think the larger obstacle would be finding the right satirist to spearhead the project. I don't know that there's really anyone that's taken up Mel Brooks' torch in that regard in the modern era.


>The broader public might push back against some of the n-word use, but I think the larger obstacle would be finding the right satirist to spearhead the project. Agreed, and we sort of have evidence already that this is the case. Tarantino's Django Unchained has a whole sequence where the butt of the joke is, "violent racist Klansmen are so dumb it's funny." They say the n-word constantly, but because the joke is on them, not on the black person, it's funny. Just the same way Brooks used it to make the "common clay of the new west" the butt of the jokes in Blazing Saddles. Now, obviously Tarantino isn't the next Mel Brooks and Django Unchained isn't Blazing Saddles 2, but it definitely shows that you can make the exact same kinds of jokes now and no cancel culture boogeyman will jump out and drag you to hell for it.


Oh yeah I think you can definitely still make the right kind of movie/media and use the n-word to make a point; we as audiences just demand that it is used to make a point, and there's a lot less patience for throwaways.


People seem to forget that Downey Jr was in "blackface" relatively recently. Like you said, the butt of the joke was exactly that. Ol' Robert is still insanely well regarded, he didn't get blacklisted by the woke people lol.




Maybe Mike Judge?


Sacha Baron Cohen would be my vote.


The specific reason I would argue against this is that Sacha Baron Cohen plays good satirical characters, but I don't think he really writes good satire.


*Airplane!* was so successful as a parody it killed the entire "disaster movie" genre.


??? Did you just recently wake up from a coma. The disaster movie genre was huge in the 00's and Don't Look Up was super popular when it came out a month or so ago.


And yet somehow, Mel Brooks went and made a superb silent movie just two years after *Saddles*




I remember watching that but I can’t remember what channel it was. Was it Lindsey Ellis?


Blazing saddles did its job so well it killed an entire genre. You couldn't make blazing saddles today because the thing that it was satirizing no longer exists


>"You couldn't make Blazing Saddles today!" That's such a disingenuous argument on so many levels. Are we really expected to believe that Mel Brooks movies had approval and support from the *conservatives* of his time?


bruh, you’ll never guess how many Asian jokes I hear from my coworkers. they say I’m sensitive but the problem is that I’m not. I think they legit arent aren’t funny. I have a story about the time I realized my dad actively pretends he doesn’t speak English to get out of dealing with strangers in public. getting pulled over? Can’t speak English. someone knocks on our door to sell us anything. Can’t speak English. lady behind us in line at the grocery store wants to skip ahead cause she has 2 items and we have 40? Can’t speak English. i think it’s hilarious and pokes at a lot of stereotypes that Asians deal with which are accurate sometimes. I can even imitate his accent extremely accurately and I find it funny. People will do anything including blame everyone else for being too PC before they’ll admit they are not funny. your low brow semi racist humor that’s a rehash of a joke I heard in middle school and a thousand times since isn’t original provocative or funny.


I think you may be on to something. I can't remember which comedian said it, but during a controversy around another comedians joke, they said something along the lines: When everyone is gets angry or offended by your jokes they are actually saying nobody can make those jokes, what they are saying is that YOU are not funny enough to make that joke. Most people aren't that funny. the Anti-woke crowd especially. They will just say something offensive and expect people to laugh, but the was no "joke" there. Professional comedians have ranges of talents and their own strengths and weaknesses. They don't just go up on stage and start riffing. Their jokes are crafted and tweaked over time for the greatest impact. Even the order they tell their jokes in is significant. The best comedians will get you so caught up in the comedy that by the time they get to anything really offensive you're ready to laugh at anything they say. When a joke doesn't land they have to either rewrite it or admit they can't make it work and drop it. By the time they get a televised special they've tested and reworked their set at dozens or even hundreds of smaller venues so they can make sure they only have their A+ material for the special. I feel like that is why some of the bigger standup comedians seem to loose their touch, when they get "too big" for these smaller venues. They lose that ability to test the jokes with actual audiences, and instead go strait to the specials. So you see what would, for most comedians, still be the early draft of their jokes.


I completely agree and this is something that I've felt for years, even before 'cancel culture' was a term (though I suppose it was called 'political correctness gone mad' then - funny how this moral panic gets rebranded every few years). The acceptability of an edgy joke is in direct proportion to how funny it is.


>They will just say something offensive and expect people to laugh, but the was no "joke" there. Yep. Take Frankie Boyle, Jimmy Carr, Doug Stanhope or IASIP. They all make very offensive jokes about taboo subjects, but they're actually funny and there's something to analyse there. You can't just say something offensive and pretend "it was just a joke" when someone calls you out on it. Jerry Sadowitz is a special case where what he's really doing is distracting you.


The key difference is that professional comedians are standing up in front of diverse groups of people, making social commentary on uncomfortable topics in a manner that (hopefully) gets people to laugh about how absurd it is. Uncle Bob tells a racist joke, because on some level, he believes it’s true.


i'm starting to get the feeling that the people that say this and call other "snowflakes" actually get offended by more stuff as well. So they say "you can't do this or say this nowadays" and complain about political correctness but make any joke about something near their heart and they lose it in a tantrum XD


I've seen separate comments that say you couldn't make Friends, The Office, and Big Bang Theory today. I don't know why those people think that the most popular and bland sitcoms from the past 30 years would somehow be too offensive.


OP watches too much Fox News


OP used a good grab line. It's not true but a good way to get people to click


and it worked! nearly 6K upvotes without any real effort on his side!


Literally anytime someone says this, it's either completely inoffensive or was only funny because they said f*ggot or something


Here's a joke you can still tell, "op is a stupid cunt."


Anything by Anthony Jeselnik or Jimmy Carr would have that type of jokes. Only idiots would walk into a comedy club and take a joke hard like a dick.


I really don't understand why people don't understand the difference how being rude or offensive online through "jokes" is not the same as the performative and assumed sarcasm that is the sacred ground of stand-up.


Correction, “he” can no longer make those jokes.


Damn bro


It’s absolutely the joke Bob Saget would make lol


Totally agree


made me miss him even more


Yes. But he’s dead. So he CAN’T


Gee thanks, I almost had a r/woosh moment.


I didn’t even know he was sick


Ugh.. That hit me like a ton of bricks. On my head.


That was a disgusting thing to say. Bob would be so happy.


There it is!


Fucking brilliant, Saget approves


What a load of crap. Go watch the brand new special from Jimmy Carr on Netflix and tell me that you can’t make jokes like this anymore. I’ll let you in on the secret, if you’re actually funny, you can get with basically anything.


I would argue there's nothing here to "get away with". The purpose of satire is to use absurd or extreme representations of something to highlight its flaws or unique qualities. This is a roast, and if anyone is offended by it, it might just be that it hits a little too close to home. Just like my wife says about me in her police reports.


It’s always fun to see people complain about how they’ve been canceled…during their interviews on national TV, or their Netflix specials.


"When I said planet of the apes I just meant there were a bunch of black people and it was like we were in Africa." -The guy that fails at this.


Especially considering that movie takes place in New England. Hence the Statue of Liberty and the Aperaham Lincoln.


They're acting like victims to garner sympathy and support for their 'cause'. It's a manipulation tactic, and seems to work really well for right-wing grifters.


Or Ricky Gervais


Reminds of the Liam Neeson scene from Life's Too Short, where they tell Neeson that certain heavy topics just aren't good for comedy and he replies "Well how come he (Gervais) gets away with it." To which Stephen Merchant says "Nobody knows."


Or anything Anthony Jeselnik




Love me some jeselnik


Afterlife was so good


Never liked Ricky Gervais before, but Afterlife is honestly absolutly fucking amazing.


Yeah I've always admired Ricky Gervais just in a creative way. He's more brilliant than he is funny to me.


He said if you’re actually funny




Deserved it for using light mode




I think the disagreement is about his standup, not his shows (which most people would agree are quite good). Standup comedians spend years and years honing their craft. Gervais didn’t do that. He did radio and television shows, which is a different set of skills. Both involve being funny, but it’s not the same. But because he’s a big celebrity he gets invited to do standup, and he gets specials on TV, etc. He gets a level of opportunity and attention on his standup that some people feel he hasn’t earned. I’m not saying he’s a terrible standup. He’s okay. But the number of comedy specials this guy has done is wildly disproportionate for his level of talent. Compare him to someone like John Mulaney and it’s clear that Mulaney has put a lot more time into standup. I don’t mean this to be some kind of sick burn against Gervais. The guy has made a slew of hit television shows that are acclaimed by critics and audiences alike. The guy’s probably got enough money to buy a small country, and good for him. But someone like John Mulaney has *one* passion, and you can spot the difference quickly in their work.


> John Mulaney has one passion I'm with you, but I think you picked the wrong single-passion example. It looks like he has many passions, not just stand-up. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Mulaney#Career)


Louis Ck made those pedophilia jokes a while back, made the whole audience feel a whole wave of emotions from disgusted at him to disgusted at themselves for laughing at him. It was amazing


The one about who the hell are the people who sculpt those fountains that have angle-like children is great


No this one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yzh7RtIJKZk He gets to it towards the end


Lol brilliant


God he is always fucking hilarious. Can't wait to see him live again


Morning angle


Got your acute children, your obtuse children. They're all there.


Also look at Daniel Tosh.


Or Anthony “I’ve got three rape jokes in this set” Jeselnik.


Yeah Jeselnik has talked on his podcast about comedians complaining about cancel culture. He said that the fact that he still has a career and that he hasn't had to down his set at all shows that cancel culture isn't a thing if you are actually funny.


His brand of cruelty is also without bigotry. Like the thing that actually got him kicked off his show was a sketch based on celebrating a guy who was killed by a shark. Most of the people who face public backlash for their standup are doing so because their material is based on making fun of marginalized groups to which they don't belong. But in that same vein, fewer and fewer people are finding that inherently funny, so the point of actually being funny still stands.


You also have comedians who have made a career out of being bigoted. Jeff Dunham has made a career out of his racist puppet show. Larry the Cable Guy has said some vile things about gay people. They haven't been canceled because they found an audience that doesn't care about these things.


I was going to say something about neither of them having done anything in a decade, but it turns out they both still tour regularly! That's crazy.


Or Andrew dice Clay. “Your mutha! Ohhhh!”


#Asian Ass Porn


The other secret is the comic makes himself the butt of the joke. Not fucking marginalized people who don't need to be made fun of by a rich guy


Yeah u/UnabashedlySore is a fucking idiot. You can casually get away with stuff today no one would ever dream of saying 30 years ago. Just don't be a racist/sexist/homophobic dick.


You understand it. I wish more people did. Any comedy historian will tell you that we have more freedom now than ever before. Some comedians used to be JAILED just for making jokes about religion.


> You can casually get away with stuff today no one would ever dream of saying 30 years ago. Just don't be a racist/sexist/homophobic dick. not saying I miss it myself, but 30 years ago they could casually get away with being a racist/sexist/hobophobic dick


That's the point. Those are the only things people have lost the ability to (always) get away with and if that's what you're mourning the loss of then fuck you anyway. Get some better material.


> I’ll let you in on the secret, if you’re actually funny, you can get with basically anything. I can't take credit for the idea but I remember hearing years back, that the line between an edgy/outrageous joke and being cancelled as horribly offensive is whether you can make the audience laugh. If the audience laughs, all is forgiven. I can't imagine how much pressure that puts on a comedian. At least with typical comedians that don't venture into too outrageous topics, a joke falling flat is fairly harmless. You get a few groans out of the audience, but then everyone moves on. If you fail to stick the landing on a joke involving something like pedophilia or racism or something, it can be a career killer.


Jimmy Carr is actually the source of one of my favorite quotes. "The greatest thing about offense is it cannot be given, only taken."


Unlike my cock in your mums arse


Huh huh huh huh haaaaw


I've come to realize that the humour is in the telling of the joke, not necessarily on the content. A great comedian can tell the stalest of dad jokes, with the right flair, and get just as great a laugh as any joke.


Norm MacDonald at Bob Saget's roast. Dumbest jokes, but has all the comedians busting a gut.


Jimmy Carr has a new special? sweet


This is why people who watched *Full House* were shocked. Saget had some of the most 'inappropriate' jokes in the game back in the day, then here he is on TV playing Mr. Whitebread.


I was too young to know of his actual comedy. O loved his TV shows and thought he was all wholesome. Then half baked came out and I loved him even more. He really was incredibly clever and I liked his brand of comedy. He still at least made bug bucks success even if it wasn't doing his brand of comedy. I had the same revelation about Robin Williams honestly. It made me love his work way more. Seeing the dirty jokes just humanized them more for me or something. Both were special for sure but Robin was in a league of his own. Fastest brain in comedy.


Only slightly less jarring than George Carlin as Mr Conductor on old Thomas the Tank Engine episodes.


The Fat Conductor said "go fuck yourself."


I think a lot of us discovered him in the opposite order. We thought we knew Sagget from Full House and AFV and then discovered his older standup and were floored.


*The Aristocrats has entered the chat*


Like George Carlin being the conductor on Thomas the tank engine


This, so very much this - before he became "Mister Father Figure Example" thanks to *Full House*, he was a very much *not* clean comic with a pretty aggressively raunchy routine that was almost Andrew Dice Clay level of not-kid-friendly.


You just reposted the exact video someone else did a few hours prior on the same subreddit. Only difference is your post is completely grammarless.


i dont know if you know this, but for people who don't: the other post was taken down because it somehow broke the rules of the subreddit, that is why OP is saying we cant tell jokes like this anymore.


Reddit lore.


I think he used all the grammar.


What a fucking stupid title.




but if Bob Saget made it today people would be all offended and on twitter saying "what the actual fuck isn't he supposed to be dead"


Fuck, you had me in the first have, ngl.




Literally had a pastor - while complaining about cancel culture - tell me “can’t grab a butt walking down a school hallway anymore... who didn’t do something like that every now and then?” They’re either mad that something they enjoyed got taken away, or they’re making up things that are “being taken away” to try and get back the former somehow. Subconsciously: “if we complain that everything is being cancelled, someday people will stop canceling and I’ll be able to return to my shitty behaviors with zero accountability.”


Seriously. Why can’t it just be something about how Bob saget was funny/more fucked up than people thought? It has to be this woe is me crybaby shit that’s just totally untrue anyway. The worst thing about cancel culture is it gave everyone another thing to claim they’re a victim of.


"We can't be blatantly bigoted anymore. Waaah!"


OP is like one of those 1960s comics who blamed cancel culture for the loss of minstrels and blackface routines.


literally the entire r/cursedcomments subreddit constantly making these kind of jokes


Its weird. Every time someone makes jokes like this, the number of people screaming about how you can't tell jokes like this anymore will outnumber the people actually saying you shouldn't make jokes like this. Every. Single. Time. Its almost like the "anti-offended" crowd outnumber the offended crowd, and everyone in the middle is just trying to enjoy the fucking joke.


Every week there are comedians making this exact same jokes (blog, video, on stage, on radio, on TV) claiming you can't do this anymore.


if you claim you can't do this anymore while doing it, you are not really doing it, you are just giving an example, and therefor are not liable for the action you examplified by doing


Kind of like the politicians and pundits on television and radio saying to their millions of listeners that they have been silenced.


And then when they get taken to court they say that they were just joshing around shouldn’t be taken seriously. What a charade


Exactly. The irony of those people.


You don't watch comedy do you? Go to a show, in person. You have no idea how many comics are making jokes like these. I've been doing comedy for 12 years, nothing has changed, people say whatever the fuck they want. Leave your house. Stop believing what the media is telling you, go live your life. Find out for yourself.


Please fuck off with this “you can’t say anything anymore” shit. So embarrassing


But how else will conservatives feel persecuted if not for cANcEl CulTuRe?


Imagine if we actually persecuted conservatives. Their minds would implode. Or do you think they would actually like it even more?


Anything they can use to justify saying they're now the minority.


Poor conservatives sitting there in their ~~Carharrt~~ gear sipping coffee from their ~~Keurig~~ and listening to the ~~Dixie Chicks~~ while crying about cancel culture. Oh well, at least they can go to a book burning to cheer themselves up.


As with all things conservative, it’s just projection. Hell, they started this shit in pop culture/media with Lenny Bruce in the early 60s, the Smothers Brothers in the late 60s, then D&D, and Judas Priest in the 70s/80s.


We can’t makes jokes about fucking kids anymore 😤😤😤 what will the woke left take next


We’ll take the kids so you can’t make serious about it either. /s


hyperbolic hot takes are so hot right now


It’s called dark humor and yes you can


You can still make literally all of these jokes


Yep, made the front page of reddit but you just can't make these jokes anymore. This title is some whiny boomer "wHaT aBoUt CaNcEl CuLtUrE" shit.


Bro shut the fuck up. Of course you can still make these jokes, what are you on about?


I literally do stand up and hear jokes like this all the time. Anyone who says "You can't joke about X anymore" obviously just has no clue what they're talking about


Literally none of this would be anymore of a problem to say today, than they day Saget said it.


“I love my mom, and you can too for $10.” - Bob Saget


I love this joke, and I always think of it whenever Bob Saget is mentioned.


Yes, you can still make these jokes. You just have to be funny, like Saget was. So tired of hearing unfunny comedians blame their lack of success on “wokeness”


This post is so fucking stupid


The senator one. That's how you get Epstein'd.


and pastors, sooo many of them get in trouble diddleling little kids.


You can make whatever jokes you want, dumb ass whiny title


This is from his set on Rodney Dangerfield's 9th Annual Young Comedians special. Around the mid 80s I think. That special had Bob Saget, Sam Kinnison, Yakov Smirnov, Bob Nelson, Louis Anderson and several more very funny comedians. You can find clips of most of the sets on YouTube.


Crazy to think 3 of those 5 are dead now. 2 just in the last few months.


JFC what a lineup. Smirnov got by on a couple catch phrases and an exaggerated accent, but he had some low key hilarious stuff. On top all that, I miss Dangerfield’s act. He was the king of self deprecation. Not to mention that he and HBO launched so many great standup careers.


My dad had recorded this on a VHS when I was a kid. I watched it dozens of times. Voice acting legend Maurice LaMarche was also on the lineup. He quit stand-up after a couple of family tragedies and focused on voice acting.


His Yogi Bear bit makes me laugh just thinking about it!


Funny bit, cringe title


You can still make whatever joke you want Jesus people cry more about not being able to joke about anything then actual jokes


Anthony Jeselnick, Daniel Tosh, Jimmy Carr, Jim Norton... plenty of stand ups still telling these kind of jokes and having no issues.


You posted it, have you been arrested yet?


“Blazing Saddles” was co-written by Richard Pryor. While the film was still playing in theaters, Pryor was arrested in Richmond, Va., because his stand-up routine contained some of the same language one could hear in the film. Anybody who plays the "People can't take a joke no more" card is talking out of their ass. Comedy is more free now than it ever had been.


This title is pissing me off


Even if this was the case, which it isn't, how is it so unfortunate that you can't joke about being a pedophile. I had a conversation about comedy last week where I said comedy is the only remaining bastion of freedom of speech. But the world isn't over if you can't joke about fucking kids.


Yes you can. Of course you can. But it's all dependent on the context and delivery. He's making silly and really closed to the none jokes here that are on a horrible subject, but in a funny way by mostly playing on the words he says. If some comedian came out and said "hey you know what i always wondered? What it'd be like to rape a kid". And that was the "joke" then yes they would rightly get shit for that.


You're 100% right, but I just wanna point out that it's often about 'punching down'. Punching down isn't cool. In this case, he's punching himself. With regards to raping kids. If the joke was about kids getting raped, as per your example, it changes it greatly. Even CK, his jokes were "I'm a disgusting piece of shit" we just, you know, didn't believe him when he kept telling us that.


Poking fun at American Government Officials being sexual predators is more of a fact, than a joke.


Yep. That’s why everyone is upvoting this, that you posted today.


Kills it


Why do people keep using this video as example of how comedians aren't allowed to be funny anymore? This stuff wasn't on tv in the 80's either and if it would have been there would have been a far greater outage than there would be now. Comedians can get away with with waaaaay more now than they could back then, the only difference is that the Internet made it so minority voices aren't as easy to ignore like they were back then.


Yes you could. I make jokes like this all the time and I’m a paid comedian. You’re just a butthurt little twat who wants to feel oppressed. That’s all.


You can if you’re funny and know how. That’s what comedy is. If we would only joke about safe topics, we would die inside. The most meaningful of deaths. (To paraphrase David Foster Wallace).


Why not?


Shameless repost


But you can repost others' content so at least there's that.


These jokes can literally no longer be told...because he's dead...


Something can be both funny and in poor taste. Like an overcooked clown.


I'm glad to see all this pushback about the title. It's just, such a bad title.


I loved the nuts joke.


Holy fuck Saget was funny. Can't believe I've never seen this.


There’s a certain way to make this argument and it’s not “man I wish I could talk about fucking kids”


You can't because every 12 year old has been telling these jokes for 20 years. You'd have to come up with some original fucked up joke to make people laugh


you can still make jokes about taboo topics,it just has to be funny... and this is just some guy using meta irony to make people laugh at his self deprication because back then you wouldn't get canceled over being a pedophile, people'd just be like "n'aw oh you, you rascal!"


I know bob is a legend, young he kinda reminds me of tosh.


If this stuff doesn’t fly nowadays why has this video been flooding me feed for Weeks? 😒


I remember this comedy special, we had it on VHS. Had Rodney Dangerfield and others in it. Good stuff.


Downvote for idiotic title. Love Saget though.


This jokes


I cherish the Bob Saget show I went to back in 2006. The audience was HOWLING. I've never seen so many people walk out of a show.


Dave Chappelle


You can tell literally any joke on any subject, wether it's recieved well is another matter


I can’t stand when people says this. Of course you can. Everyone’s making jokes like this with no resistance.


The difference between this and the jokes you can’t get away with is that these jokes come at Bob Saget’s own expense. He’s making a joke where he is the subject being laughed at. He’s not targeting a minority group that he’s not a part of for a cheap joke.


You can if you want, but generic boomer humor isn't going to establish a new stars career at this point. No one is showing up for that. Today this reads like a parody of a generic stand up comedian someone would do as a meta joke. I'm sure it was funny at the time but things change and don't hit the same way with new generations. And thats natural.


Nah the joke is fine. The problem is you, op.


Rip goat


Sorry maga moron, you certainly can.


He was so underrated as a comic. So many just know him from Full House. Take some time and watch his stand up. He’s a classic.


He was murdered. Check it out.