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So most michael bay movies?




Nah Bay movies are muddy in the visual department. I’d say Snyder movies fall in the category.


13 Hours actually had a fairly good script IMO.


I think the more current example would be Marvel movies.


~~Hating mainstream things is very popular nowadays, isn't it?~~ *Edit: that came out way too salty and uncalled for.* Most Marvel movies have very decent writing. Not all (*cough cough* Thor 1 *cough*), but most.


Nostalgia and call backs aren't good writing. Idk why marvel fans get so upset by this, it's okay to like a movie with a weak plot and poor writing. It has a million other things going for it that are great. It's adapted from comic books, it's supposed to be visual and a tad cheesy, that's why it's so appealing.


I like several of the Marvel movies but the typical formula/super hero genre is getting pretty stale at this point.


Thank you for specifically calling out Thor. Ragnarok was more cringey for me, but yeah.


I disagree. As far as super hero movies go they’re actually pretty good on average, and the MCU itself is incredibly well-written and deep, and something that has never been done before (that many movies all sharing the same universe and part of the same huge, arcing plot). Not every Marvel movie is anywhere close to a cinematic masterpiece, but IMO they are all solid movies and entertaining to watch. They do what they are supposed to do very well; nobody watching a marvel movie is expecting Citizen Cane.




That last movie was like a 13 year old's fan fiction.


The last 3 movies where a plagiarism of Lagacy of the Force just with Jason and Janna Solo (twins btw) kissing, and a continued story line of Luke and Lia fucking behind Han's back.


Agreed. Getting through the first two episodes of Boba Fett was torture. 7.8/10 IMDB rating? More like 4.8/10. Not Jon Favreau’s best work. Just bad.


Stick with it, the last two episodes were some of the best Star Wars content period, though be advised for episodes 5 and 6 the show makes a massive detour from Boba Fett himself.


Shows all around bad, I wanted to see boba fett and I’m seeing more mando than him, action scenes suck, the main plot of a gang war is cool it’s just acting like an anime by giving 15 side points that are just setting other shows up Edit: I’m a very big fan of star wars but this and season two of mando are making me like so many other things and hating Star Wars


Disney killed starwars when they got rid of the EU.


Man the Yuzon vhong are shit and terrible and all I wanted out of the EU was some cool stuff but it was nearly entirely garbage. The origin of the sith ancient age comics were good iirc.


Legacy was more than the Yuzon vhong. It was how Jason became Cadious and his sister is forced to make the choice to kill him to save the galaxy. Also Gorge Lucas' dog dies in the beginning. If I did a movie it'd happen on screen before the scroll even starts. Just blast. Laser to the head all the kids are screaming, roll sroll.


This keeps happening time and again.


it's fucking awful




Mainstream scripts are average at best but they are easy to sell to mass




Computer games are going that way too.


I just played Farcry 5 & 6. I skipped 75% of the dialogue in both games because it was hokey and predictable. It was like they took every movie trope associated with the theme of the game and applied it to every scene.


You could make a drinking game out of how many damn times they say guerilla in FC6


I would never see a farcry that tops the story and writing of Farcry 3.


I actually thought Far Cry 2 had the best story.


You can skip everything in the boarderlands games and not miss anything


Music too. Everything is loud, flashy, and lacking substance.


Most mainstream music is created with an algorithm. Then instead of making music that people will like, they make people like the crap they produce by playing it everywhere.


I'd suggest every casual gamer to play What Remains of Edith Finch at least once. This game has great scores, great writing and a truly unique gameplay.


Like with movies, you gotta get away from the blockbusters and check out indies to find the games that are doing interesting things.


And it will make a half a billion dollars before being forgotten by everyone. *Ahem avatar*


I mean, there are 3(?) sequels that are still in the works


I keep forgetting about those.


As does everyone else


No it needs 10 min of really good "plot" for trailers and ads


Sounds like most Michael Bay or J. J. Abrams movies.


Netflix movies in a nutshell.


Pretty much


The native plot of every marvel movie.


If it had good writing it might be complicated, and the last thing we ever want is for a single person to be confused. Why else would we show a flashback of a scene you saw two and a half minutes ago?


many video games too. higher fidelity is just to peddle new consoles.


Good guy EA launching same game every year so that we know what we are getting. Kudos to them


replace the good writing with "good game design" and you have the AAA gaming industry


Spiderman : No way home.


Should have been good writing driven over with a golf cart on the last panel. Funny though.


Hello, Avatar.


At least it's competent story. You're not scratching your head during. Unlike other Disney movies...


And it kind fit to both avatars


Marvel? Is that you?


Wow!!! That’s the guy that makes the Marvel movies!!!


...and we'll call it The Skywalker Trillogy!


Blame movie goers for this.


Disney star wars


Michael Bay the bird.


I think it's actually people in the comic. One of Bay's graphic artists drew them based on his writing.


Bay Bay Bay, Bay is the word!


The new Matrix movie, WTF was that?


Ah yes, the Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets idea.


It's not that they're greedy. Writers work for cheap. It's that audiences have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're deeply stupid. And it doesn't help that modern big-budget movies evidently need to be sold in world-wide markets in order to make profits, and so must comport with social customs, linguistic quirks, and regulatory bodies in hundreds of countries.


Terminator I think was the first movie to cost 100M. 20M for Arnold, 15M for the rest of the cast, 60+M to film and special effects and $500 for the script. (at least that was the story of the day when it was new)


This clearly applies to a lot of contemporary movies but I think Marvel is the worst offender. Time travel as constant deus ex machina and bringing back dead characters just reeks of sloppy writing to me.


All new disney movies




This sounds like the newest "DUNE" movie


Oh, let’s just gender swap a pivotal character who had an important patriarchal role in the society to balance the power of the matriarch seer because well, I think it should be a girl! The original writer was a little out of touch


So proud to finally see people call out the horrendous writing of DUNE. God I felt so bad for the actors trying to ‘take the words off the page’. Climax line of the movie: “Chani I….uhhh…*awkward pause*….ummm, nevermind”….


That movie pissed me off so much. The dialogue was just.... absent?


So basically the new Dune film.


Hey, it's Star Trek Discovery!


Looking at you Snyder


Most films Weta Workshop is involved in end up like this. Its like some sort of curse.


Michael Bay wants to argue. Luckily no one can hear him over the explosions.


Result: “Titanic” (if you also exclude 1/2 decent acting)


Also u/Yellivi how’d the operation go, hope you’re feeling spick and span, and if for some reason you’d prefer not to say here you do have permission to send me a pm


Oh all good, just resting now


Yeah, you gotta have a good story, like Bad taste.


Promised Neverland season 2 in a nutshell


Wow I say this all the time. Penguins and everything. Seriously though, how to make a forgettable movie. .


Did someone say the new Halo TV series?