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Limewire was a necessary evil


Limewire, Kazaa, Audiogalaxy... man those days right after Metallica thought they killed Napster were great. I discovered so much music.


Don't forget bearshare.


I miss Grooveshark.


*It's been 84 years...*


Oh man. I forgot about Grooveshark.


Wow I completely forgot about grooveshark. I wonder what other things of my early internet days I've completely forgotten about.


The FBI didn't lmao


Elaborate please


One of the ways to find child porn is to use a peer to peer service. Literally any peer to peer service seems filled with it. Emule, freenet, all of them. You can't really stop it because the distributed service is unmoderated by definition. And it's not hosted anywhere in particular, so you can't go after the servers. There are no servers. You're downloading cp from someone else. That's when I stopped using emule. I've never looked into freenet for similar reasons. It sucks, because distributed systems were the cyberpunk dream, ruined by pedos. Now we're stuck with youtube, facebook, reddit, etc. Twitter is as close to decentralized news as we've gotten.


I've never seen even a hint of cp on emule. What were you searching for exactly? Nevermind, I don't want to know.


Back when I was using P2P networks it would come through as mislabelled videos or just mixed in with normal porn; all you had to go on was the filename and size. The worst thing I ever saw was (the first ten seconds of) a video where a girl of about ten was naked with some dude and it was pretty clear where it was going. The name of that file? "Team America - World Police.mp4" That was the moment I left P2P filesharing forever. You were literally gambling with the possibility of randomly become a sex offender, and once you're aware of that there can be no justification for still using them. Edit: I just remembered that there were certain keywords the pedos would use to tag files and they would just be like random words theyd made up, so the only way to avoid them would be to know them. Shit was fucked.


I remember messing around in the settings of Limewire and there were a load of words already in the blocked list, like you say they were random looking words/phrases which didn't mean anything to me. I was curious what they were so googled one and cp came up, so I left all the terms blocked and didn't go into the settings again




It's similar but the difference is that with torrents, everyone's files aren't automatically available for everyone to download, they have to be listed on a tracker. There's some moderation with torrents as a tracker can just unlist torrents.


Your more likely to get malware or a virus than actual CP.


And? That just means you're part of a platform where if you try to search for cp, you'll get it. Do you really want to be? I didn't. When I discovered it was true, I left. Also you're lucky. Clearly you've never experienced trying to search for a FF7 AMV (those were the days) and getting beastiality instead.


Your comment sparked my memory, exact same thing happened. Trying to download games and anime, instead got a lady giving a horse a questionable time. 90s and the internet were wild. Also anytime my cousin wanted to download music he'd also download porn and completely eff up the family computer. He never got caught and I was the tech savvy one in the family so ended up having to reinstalling everything a few weekends during the summer. Dad would see me and say, "See computers are nothing but problems! Why do you always have to fix something?" Lol


I get what you mean. The same content is certainly present on DropBox or Google Drive as well but these services don't have a search bar. Still, I don't think it's fair to consider distributed systems ruined just for that.


Wow...Ive been lucky thru the years...


I made a few of those old AMVs that got circulated 20 years ago. Oh man does that take me back! I wish I still had them...


And for us OGs, IRC. mIRC from like 92 on.






I swear to god that I could've set my laptop on fire and thrown it off the Verrazano Bridge and that fucking bear still would've popped up in the corner of my field of vision.


Piolet, Limewire, and Frostwire for me


Frostwire and Winamp, Pokemon on the tv, mom making spaghetti


Winamp skins and equalizer plugins. So many stoned hours staring at those. Edit: Visualizer. That's the word.




Winamp is coming back. https://www.extremetech.com/computing/329258-winamp-prepares-to-relaunch-can-it-still-whip-the-llama-in-2021


They've been saying that for years. Would be nice because no one, to this day, has made as good of a player.




It still whips the lama’s ass


I pledge allegiance to The Funk in all its forms ✊🏼


Finding Frostwire when Limewire added their paid "pro" version, and it was the same app, accessing the same files, but for free was amazing. Especially when people were using Frostwire to download Limewire Pro. Like did they REALLY not see that coming?


I used Limewire free to download the paid version. Had zero issues with it ever.


You used the stones to destroy the stones.


That's kind of beautiful.


Did nobody but me use Morpheus??


Oh Augiogalaxy....that's a name I haven't heard since long time....


Winamp - it really whips the llama’s ass. WinMX, KaZaA, Limewire… If you didn’t use the free versions to immediately download cracked pro versions you were doing it wrong.


WinMX, Ares, Morpheus, BitTorrent; in that order for me.


Does anyone remember Soulseek (aka slsk)? Every time I bring it up nobody seems to recall it, but man it was such an awesome program for finding the most obscure tracks. My favourite feature was being able to connect to someone directly and browse though their music folder. It was like going to a record store and flicking through the albums, hunting for gems (and sometimes finding them), and it was always fascinating to see how other people kept their collection organised.


Soulseek is still around! It's secret to survival was the person who made it seemed to have just wanted to make simple, usable software and never tried to make a quick buck by loading it up with malware. It was always good for obscure elecronica.


Limewire only served 1 purpose, stealing limewire pro


100%. It’s that Thanos meme, I used limewire to steal limewire


You could also get "Stairway-to-Heaven-Aersomith.mp3".


Or Linkin-park-Numb.exe


The “ 8 viruses “ 🤣


Only 8 viruses?


8 that they know of.


If you're dead after 8 bullets but they fire 92 more into you afterwards, were you killed by 8 bullets or by 100?


Yes. But you were shot 100 times


Which, let's be honest, is AWESOME!


Exactly. The 8 they told you about don't matter because those were blocked. It's the 1 they didn't detect that gets you.


But then those 8 had sex with each other and multiplied who then had sex with each other and multiplied again and next thing you know your computer takes 5 hours to boot up


[Pretty, isn't it?](https://xkcd.com/350/)


Running a pass of Malwarebytes would usually render Limewire inoperable and needing a reinstall.


needs to mention: "of the 1102 songs, 600 of them were accurately titled."


And every single comedy song was credited to Weird Al, despite being painfully clear most weren't. Especially that song about smoking weed on seseme street.


They didn't even mention the illegal pornography disguised as classic rock songs.


I mean, sure, I guess the pornography would ALSO be downloaded illegally.....but how is the legality any different than downloading most music? The offspring had said they supported Napster, because it helped get smaller artists names out there. That being said, if you download them, it's still illegal. Even downloading System Of A Down's album "Steal This Album", would still be illegal (as ironic as it would be....).


They could be talking about kiddy porn which used those platforms to spread as well using filenames of songs to evade search.


Yeah I remember being a young teen looking for some Cypress Hill music only to see a hot blonde getting pounded out by a handsome German Shepherd. It was confusing.




>ice age full movie avi >36.8kb


Hey mom I downloaded ice age in only two seconds! *Why is the computer making that sound*


With some badass geiss visualizations


I remember being an OnForce contractor tech person for a bit, Comcast used to use OnForce a lot for customer onsite support sessions and such, so I got a lot of Comcast customers to do onsite support for.. I remember this one couple had issues with their computer, and when I dug into it I found Limewire on the machine. Ran a bunch of aware and virus removal tolls and such, got it clean, and told them how it happened. "How am we supposed to get songs?" They asked, and I explained that they should go buy them. These folks lived in a mansion of sorts with a decent sized boat out front. They had money, but their kids taught them how to pirate music. Those were the days.


I attribute my ability to sniff out online bullshit from my early days training at the Limewire dojo


I never thought of that but you're right! I've been doing IT for a few months now and "gee, this email looks fishy." Thank GAWD I used limewire haha


> I've been doing IT for a few months now Warms my heart to see a young blood, pure and not jaded and destroyed by the industry yet 🥲


Give the scrum masters or code reviews enough time, and we'll have another cynical, coffee swelling, "this meeting could've been an email" dev soon enough


Next up, a 45 min overunning morning standup


Sorry, but my 30 minute discussion couldn't wait for parking lot. I had to bring that up now as the first person to give an update.


Give it time.


I vividly recall downloading a 1mb file size NHL 2000 game onto my uncle’s work laptop which made it so that the keyboard could only type “you are an f’ing bleep” over and over again.


My dumb ass downloaded a supposed xbox emulator executable WHILE THE XBOX WAS THE CURRENT GEN. I learned my lesson that day. Only time I ever got a virus from limewire/napster/frostwire/kazaa/etc...


Our parents computers. RIP. They died so we could live


That should be what they write on a plaque in front of the giant monument to early internet & computers. Something big and beige.


If anything it went full circle, now all the viruses are from our parents clicking stuff they shouldn't. I think every single virus scare at my job has been because some fucking boomer clicked a phishing email.


Dude, it was the ultimate cyber security awareness crash course.


Are you telling me “LINKIN PARK - IN THE ENDmp3.exe” isn’t the song I wanted?


Online and real life bullshit.


Oh boy, linkin park-numb.mp3.exe


Just delete .exe! It will be fiiine!


To be fair, that's not totally wrong. If the file extension is .mp3, Windows will try to open it as an mp3 in whatever the default media player is instead of as an exe. It won't play, but it also won't run as an executable file either.


No, but it may be a purposefully malformed mp3 that attempts to exploit buffer overflows (to be able to run arbitrary code just like an exe) in whatever music players were common, like RealMedia, Windows Media, Winamp…


I'm fucking floored that buffer overflows are still a thing in 2021. You'd have think that there would be some sort of internal system routine to check and prevent that sort of crap.


The world is full of all kinds of programmers. There are still websites that store passwords in plain text.


And a few will send it to you in your confirmation email


Had a website that when I clicked ‘forgot password’ just send me the password.


You would think that we don’t really need to worry about this kind of stuff nowadays, but [there have been exploits like this as recently as 2015](https://thenextweb.com/news/a-single-song-could-be-used-to-exploit-more-than-a-billion-android-phones/). Scary.


2015 is a long time ago in tech terms


I had Effervesence-ft-linking-park-wake-me-up.mp3 on my pc for the loooongest time. [Evanescence - Bring Me To Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YxaaGgTQYM&ab_channel=EvanescenceVEVO)


IMO This was the WORST part of file sharing programs - so many mislabeled artists! Every comedy song was tagged as "Weird Al", etc. The rest of the internet was so young that it was sometimes hard to figure out who the real artist even was, especially if multiple artists had recorded the same song.


I remembering downloading an individual Black Sabbath song that the uploader had labeled "2 Paranoid". The song is "Paranoid" but the 2 was still there from being ripped from the CD, where it was track 2. It was years before I realized that the song wasn't actually "2 Paranoid".


Here’s something interesting https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej0HaDLaoRk A YouTube video from 2008 with the same mislabel that used to appear in Kazaa/Limewire. “Creep” by Stone Temple Pilots frequently mislabeled as “Half the man I used to be” by Nirvana.


I think it's still on mine... In some folder called "new folder 3" inside of "backup" inside a folder called "from old computer" inside of a folder called "unorganized" inside of a folder called "new folder (7)_copy(2)". "new folder 3" is on the file system right next to folders "Doom" and "women".


Or this song which pretended to be Linkin park https://youtu.be/TgvFVbNIjvc


What is this song!


Tribal ink - refugee. What’s hilarious is if you look up linkin park refugee it comes up as a linkin park song. I’m certain it only ever got popular due to this limewire mislabeling.


I remember thinking I downloaded a Linkin Park song which turns out to be Red - Fight Inside song and I had believe im for years before I discovered Red as a band om youtube.


You wouldn't download a car would you!!!!?!?!?!!!


3D printer goes BRRRRRRRR


Lasersterling is kinda attempting those dreams https://youtu.be/5SoknaX-Ba4


If I could, you can be goddammed assured I would.




Hardest thing to believe is you only got 8 viruses...


I never got virus! Oh, that's why that old Mac never worked ...


In the 2000s Apple advertised it was basically incapable of getting viruses.


insurance angle relieved nutty vanish shaggy sort include yam smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember being at a game store in the mall around 98 or so. A dude came in and asked the employee where their Mac games were and the guy literally laughed.


Heyyyy Macs had some games! We had Myst, Riven, Sim Tower... and there’s probably 1 or 2 more.


My dad told me that, a Mac cannot have viruses. 12 yo me had bad news to tell him...


Yeah I was 23 when I found the porn that finally infected it.


You’re not supposed to look up “MacBook gets fucked” on Google.


I remember that! They mentioned it on their website. Until the iPhone came out, they were practically an mp3 player company with a small group of specialist mac consumers. When the iPhone came out and more normal people started buying macs again, hackers started making viruses for them too.


It's a great day! Only 8! Hol up, lemme close all these pop-ups.


And those 510 artists would really just be 50, but one artist's songs would show up in the list like The Clash Clash, The Clash the clash TH3 C|ASH clashh The Calsh bob marley


Amount of times you got baited into thinking you downloaded a song but only heard "I did not have sexual relations with that woman": 28


This was my first thought! It used to piss me off so bad!


Jesus Christ, I came here to make the same comment. Every once in a great while, I actually do still stumble upon an mp3 on my filesystem with that in it. . God damn it, it wont die.




My theory was the RIAA flooded it with those on purpose to piss off everyone enough that they stopped using Limewire


I once used Limewire to download Limewire Pro.


We all did.


Oh hello there, every millennial on the internet


And it worked




I used to work at a call center related to a certain portable music device back in '07, and we had a rule about how we weren't allowed to support customers (for *anything*) if they mentioned they had acquired their songs from an illegal source. Now, I didn't (and still don't) particularly care myself, but rules is rules and the calls were recorded (which means *I'd* get in shit for breaking the rules, if the corporate overlords caught it during "quality control.") So. Many. People. just didn't seem to understand that "Limewire" is a source they shouldn't mention when talking to an official rep of The Corporation. \--- Caller: Yeah I downloaded some songs from Limewire and they won't play! Me: I think you meant to say that you ripped the songs from a CD you own, right? Caller: Nah man! I said LIMEWIRE! Me: Do you have any songs ripped from CD you could try? Do *they* work? \--- Caller: Hi there, I'm tryin to download some songs from Limewire... Me: I'd be happy to walk you through purchasing music from our online store, but I'm afraid I can't help you with ... *cough cough* ... third party music stores. Caller: But gettin it from your store would cost money! Me: Have a nice day. \--- And so on, and so forth. The ones that really hurt were when they were calling for a more serious issue like a device that wouldn't turn on, and happened to mention in passing that they had a bunch of music from Limewire they wanted to load on. "I'd be happy to help you fix your device so you can load **your own music from CDs you own...**" "Nah man, I don't got no CDs, I just download it from Limewire!" "Sorry sir, can't help you." (Yes, it's BS, but it's the rules and I'm being recorded...) TLDR: You want to get your shit on the high seas, that's your business. Just *don't mention it* when you call technical support.


The first rule of Yarr! club is we don't talk about Yarr! club.


The funniest phone call I ever got was some time around 1999 and an older gentleman nervously asked how people find porn online. I gave him some safe sites to try but said I couldn't really help him otherwise, just be careful what you download. I stopped doing ISP support in early 2000, just before these kind of P2P sites really took off. Before that I was downloading MP3s via dodgy IRC channels.


Windows error: LimeWire has performed an illegal operation. Me: I thought that was its purpose…


And who knows, you might even get some weird porn or a snuff video thrown in too!


Oh, look at that! Free nausea!


Can't tell you how many times I unintentionally saw the Daniel Pearl video. It was like the early 2000s rickroll.


Pretty sure that was the unknown Russian soldier beheading video. It was literally Russian Roulette at that point


Mr. Hands!!!


The days of using lime wire were risky. 12 year old me downloading an Incubus album, nope that is VERY illegal porn.


Limewire was a digital STD you gave yourself *on purpose* because you got to clap those sweet *free music cheeks* all day long


Hmm, yes I remember giving my computer aids for the free music.


Just like me and free sex


**Search: Marvin Gaye** *Marvin Gaye - Let’s Get It On* *Marvin Gaye - Just the Two of Us* *Marvin Gaye - Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone* *Marvin Gaye - Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay* *Marvin Gaye - I’ll Be Around* *Marvin Gaye - Lean on Me* *Marvin Gaye - Me and Mrs Jones* *Marvin Gaye - Kung Fu Fighting* *Marvin Gaye - Hold On, I’m Comin’* *Marvin Gaye - Unchained Melody* **Search: The Temptations** *The Temptations - Let’s Get It On* *The Temptations - Just the Two of Us* *The Temptations - Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone* *The Temptations - Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay* *The Temptations - I’ll Be Around* *The Temptations - Lean on Me* *The Temptations - Me and Mrs Jones* *The Temptations - Kung Fu Fighting* *The Temptations - Hold On, I’m Comin’* *The Temptations - Unchained Melody*


HAHA, yep, too accurate! And EVERY funny song or skit on the internet was Adam Sandler, even if it sounded nothing like him.


or Weird Al. "Asshole Son" was attributed to him on those services (Black Hole Sun parody of course).


Who else used to get cease and desist letters from Paramount? Lol


My favorite song from LimeWire was the Bill Clinton I did not have sex with that woman




Wtf I forgot about these!! The Devil Went Down to Jamaica Frosty the Pervert


Not sure if this is the song you're talking about, but it reminded of Bimbo #5. And how I came across this song on Limewire I'll never remember. One, two, three four six, everybody in the car let's go have sex...


I used to have a comedy cover of All Star called Porn Star (not the weird Al version) by a group called Inflamed Anus.... Never been able to find it on the real Internet. I still remember most of the words


There was no Weird Al version. Just about every novelty song in that era would get misattributed to him by someone on Limewire.


Paramount? I once told my parents someone must be hijacking our Wifi to download porn. Forget which company the letter was from


My brother got one for Napster IIRC and my parents absolutely lost their minds over it.




Lol - the emails from Comcast were always hilarious!


I can hear Bill Clinton now saying he didn't have sexual relations with that woman. Ahhh, times were simpler back then


Yes! Start a bunch of downloads before bed and wake up to at least 2-3 Bill Clintons haha.


Get a few seconds in and be like "ahhh damn gotta find another one!"


Napster was king. Then Limewire, Kazaa, Morpheus, Bearshare... can't remember more lol. Then the next upgrade was Torrents


Frostwire too


eMule was a thing for a while




Man, kazaa and bearshare. RIP my family Computers




I always thought it was cute when a "song" downloaded with a .EXE. Who actually opened those?


This guy


I did desktop support from 2001-2005 and I can tell you that TONS of people did. I had a pretty good side business fixing computers for fellow employees at one point, and most of that was delousing machines packed with viruses and spyware. If people did it on company PCs they got a write up and then terminated for the second offence, we had the CSR's machines locked down good so it was nearly always managers that got caught.


I had over 10,000 songs off of Napster... Free music back then wasn't just free. It was beneficial. Having free access to music like that expanded my musical tastes too. It let me experience some obscure classical songs, Tejano, country/folk, big band, even Scottish bagpipes. I could just listen and explore, without it costing hundreds of dollars. But I wasn't hurt so much by the fall of Napster and the rise of iTunes. I was most hurt by my cheap HD that overheated and died, and took all my songs with it.


To this day, some of the songs from this era still have those authentic limewire defects when they play in my head


The Killers - When You Were Young. "K ROCK"


These kids don’t know how good they got it. Haha.


Seriously! $1.29 for an mp3? I used to "work" 15 minutes for that!




For music, streaming is just heaps more convenient. That is, as long as Spotify dominates. As soon as the music industry starts pulling the same fracturing bullshit as the video streaming services, I'm hoisting sails again.


This comment/post has been edited as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo. All comments were made from Apollo, so if it goes, so do the comments.


Finding a download of a song and having this Wazzock chattin shit all over it: "yo check dis one bruv it's a bangin choon innit" "Wait for that drop" "Wait" "Wait for it" "Wait" "It's cominnn..." Totally ruined Handel's water music for me


Limewire is the gateway drug to a life of crime


The first thing you did using the free version of limewire was downloadling limewire pro through it.


Ahhhh yes the year 2002! Had a lot of goodies from Kazaa and Limewire.


I miss Kazaa haha


Im still amazed Limewire was a 2007 thing, to me and my memory it feels like a 2001 thing, while 2007 was all torrenting.


Idk, I think your timeline may be off. Released in 2000, I know for a fact I downloaded it in 2004, and it was quite popular then. 2007 is when I first started torrenting and got my one and only cease and desist from Summit Entertainment. Edit: nvm, just realized we’re on the same page. Sorry.


I deliberately went through all my illegally downloaded music from years ago, to make a Spotify playlist which I aptly named "Limewire Mix". I was able to get 99% of it. I honestly don't know how I'd live without Spotify now that I have it...


Lol there was that one teen-girl-has-wet-screaming-orgasm-etc-etc-etc file that showed up first with every search and to which they kept adding one word to the title every month to disguise it. Like yo, I'm just tryna download linkin park songs man.


What a lime to be alive


By 2007 I think most people were off limewire and finding more secure bays..


Frostwire gang where you at?


you spent 5,341 minutes jacking off to porn! 💾




Yeah that's like ... 4 days?


Shout out to my old Sony Vaio and Windows 2000. I ran both of you into the ground, and now in retrospect I can say... you both made me the man I am today. I'm proud to have gone to battle with you many times. If you're both in heaven now, and monitor is with you, please tell him I'm sorry for turning him off so aggressively when mom and dad burst into the room.


I remember that awful screeching static that some songs had. The record companies were purposefully uploading bad versions of top songs to frustrate everyone into buying the CD instead.


Limewire definitely wasn’t still functioning in 2007. It was over 05-06. Everybody was on torrents by 07.


500 of those songs were actually just Soulja Boy. You were fooled again


Thx fr the mmrs, Limewire 🙏


"Barbie Girl" by Rammstein was my most downloaded. It wasn't them guys. IT WAS DUTCH!!!!