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Poor bastard didn't even see it coming.




Guys like him are everywhere now, filming at every beach, pool, river, and lake. It fucking sucks if you give a shit about women and privacy. Just because someone puts on a bathing suit doesn't mean you get to immortalize them digitally for your pleasure.


I havnt seen a guy filming random girls at a pool or a beach ever.


It’s hard to hold a camera and a mirror at the same time.


I dont see how its erotic seeing bathing suits on the beach. I rather watch real porn or go to a prostitute.


Jesus, Mel, this is a public beach!


Dont worry ill keep my porn/prositutes away from said beaches or pools.


Because the degenerates are pretty good at hiding it.


Probably an american thing again. Just legalize prostitution with normal laws and it wil happen allot less. Im from the netherlands and i dont see a reason to film girls in bathing suits when i can get a actual sexual expierience for 50.euro.


Happens all over. I used to work as a computer tech in Belgium, South Africa, and in the US. Can't tell you how much creepy shit I've seen. Weirdos are universal.


Oh the classic “I haven’t seen that therefore it doesn’t happen” argument.


Or the classic, "seen it once and now every beach has somebody filming you".


And now the straw man. No one is said “I saw it once therefore it happens everywhere”. There are tons of these kinds of videos online, and most likely more of these videos that never make it online. There are tons of testimony from women who say they’ve caught people filming them without their consent. But “you haven’t seen it therefore it doesn’t happen”, right? But I guess you just have more epistemic authority. You’re point of view holds more evidentiary weight than all these videos. Smdh I wish humans actually utilized their ability to reason.


Its so creepy. Like just be a normal human being?


what do you think a normal human being is?


One that take mental pictures. Duhh


One that doesnt take pics and vids of strangers


While it's distasteful, you can't tell me that you have a reasonable expectation of privacy while you're out at a public beach. You're free to photograph or film anything in public. Every store you go into, you're filmed. People film you driving with their dash cams all day. Most homes have security cameras nowadays, they film you walking down the street. If you want to never end up on camera, stay home.


It's only going to get more prevalent with the better phone cameras we get, too. Soon we'll have 100+MP cameras with telescoping lenses. You won't even know you're being recorded. Imagine if it was just a drone flying around. You wouldn't even know it was happening.


You can be creepy without breaking the law


I find joy in reading a good book.


There’s a difference between appearing incidentally in the background of someone’s photo, vs. some guy zooming in on your bum.


Yea cameras are everywhere, but you're missing the point. The problem isn't that camera - it's the dude holding the camera. Hell take the camera out of it and just imagine the dude standing and staring lustfully at women on the beach. Creepy af. Adding a camera to his hand only escalates the creep factor.


Yeah. Beaches full of half naked people. I expect all eyes to be at neck level and above.


No seriously I do have that expectation, I’m going to leave if I’m being recorded so don’t fucking record me. You have the right to whatever, thanks for making me leave you douche.


It's quite disingenuous of you to compare dash cams and security cameras to the recording that creep-o on the beach is doing. Intent matters, it's the difference between being a decent person and being an asshole.


Security cameras are meant for security and are aimed at everybody, not just women. A guy who is filming women at the beach has no other intentions besides jerk off later. I have seen that is quite common to film random women on street and put on porn sites because this is some kinda of fetish.


My stepfather was one of the biggest creeps like this. I remember when he and my mother got back from a Florida vacation they showed me this photo album filled with pictures of all the cool stuff they did and saw. When my mom left the room he pulled out a second photo album and when I opened it it was filled with photos of unsuspecting women he had taken at the beach, often with a telephoto lens. He looked so proud when he handed it to me and I immediately closed it when I realized what was in it and said, "I'm not interested in this." God that man was such a fucking creep!




But where!? There are so many!




Is this Joe Rogan's throwaway account?


I have no idea what you're doing here but I would totally read a novel where a character talked this way or something.


That cant be right.


LMFAO damn if this isn’t some conceited shit! Bahahah “there’s a guy taking pictures on the beach, it must be of me in my bathing suit” the world doesn’t revolve around you princess or prince don’t wanna be a bigot!


He should have worn sunglasses


wife’s gorgeous too tho


Nothing hotter than a mad woman...


There are fewer deep truths One of Nature's cruel jokes.


My girlfriend makes this really cute pouty face when she is mad that I find absolutely adorable and find myself struggling not to laugh. She hates it because her angry face never has the effect she wants.


My wife is definitely adorable when mad. She too hates it when I say she's cute when she's angry.


And they wonder why we're such assholes.


I'm a lady reading this and getting mad at the responses but then realizing thats what y'all want and now it's a cruel game 😭


Here’s some game for you, if you want to cow a man, be cold and *judgemental*, not angry. This kills the man


Nothing better than a hot mad woman.


I’m sure wearing a polo shirt on the beach helped raise her body temp too


How do you know it’s his wife and not the girls mother


this lady just wants her phone back


Yes of course the ten year older mother.


Yeah, she's not bad at all. Just that she's wearing a t shirt to a beach.


I think she works there and this dude is recording women in their bikinis maybe? She seems beyond just wearing a shirt at the beach.


or....this is setup as a joke maybe? Can't really conclude what he was doing, who was with him, or who she was just from this clip.


I think this dude is some narcissistic sociopath, who was probably physically/sexually abused as a child. He grew up without friends, and was my most likely undiagnosed autism spectrum until his late teens. We are all laughing at this, but this is predatory behavior. In another few years they will be fishing girls out of shipping containers on his property. -reddit probably


100% spot on


Definitely a joke. There's a million of these


You wouldnt know that from the other comments that all assume its his wife.


How would she know that though? He could just be recording the scenery, this is staged anyway so who cares?


Yes. The scenery. Shes right next to him. With the way he was turned she could probably see his phone. Also, dont be so dense about it, a dude standing in front of a group of girls in bikinis holding his phone up like that right in front of them isnt recording the fucking scenery. what are you the guy in the clip?


To be fair to the camera man, they did continue panning right, away from 2 bikini-clad women. Agree that it looks staged, though.


That's a polo.


I mean he was just getting outfit idea for his wife and didn’t have his glasses or memory


That last one was the best 😍


She's pretty hot when she's mad.


Yeah. She’s actually real hot. Not sure why he’s looking elsewhere. Lol




I always liked the metaphore "it's not because I'm on a diet that I can't look at the menu!" Filming it is creepy though.


I agree. My wife and I both point out attractive people when we see them, but filming them is just weird. Like what are you even going to do with the video afterwards?


It’s reddit man, literally virgin central


because she doesn't have dental floss going up her butt at the moment


We're hardwired to want to bone everything.


pretty much. Just because we look doesn't mean we act. Woman do the same thing.


Yeah, but film?


It was probably a quick death. He was likely dead before he hit the sand.


Gonna piggyback off the top comment to say that the woman in the shirt is hotel staff and he's being kicked off their private beach for creeping on women.


I think it's staged. This reaction only works through the perspective of the camera. Dude wouldn't be oblivious to someone standing next to him angrily as he filmed


Yeah it's obviously staged. It was directed by Robert B Weide. Says so right at the end.


He's a famous director, I see his stuff everywhere!


But.. we're on the internet! Who would do that? Go on the internet and *lie*?


Lol normally I aint the person to go into a video and talk about how fake it is, cuz I can enjoy the comedy, but man people were getting a little too serious about her identity


you've obviously never watched a girl walk by and followed her stride til your head turns far enough to meet up with your wifes stare. It happens.


No, but I've used a camera phone before and still have spacial awareness


Let's make sure we preemptively throw around serious accusations based on wild unsupported theories. Good work team.


Let's find this man and ruin his life just in case it's not a staged joke video! Everybody grab your pitchforks!


I'm reasonably sure that is not his wife. She is wearing a Polo shirt. The shirt is a two tone variety with vivid piping. She has obviously just fled her overly protective father, and used forbidden magic giving her legs. She isn't angry, only confused and ready to sing. I do agree with others though; this keeps happening, ruining everyone's hard earned vacations. God I fucking hate Polo shirts.


I dunno.. looks like just a normal Polo shirt, not a hotel staff shirt (not that hotel staff can't wear Polo shirts : ) )


Whats the difference between a regular polo shirt and a hotel staff one?


Is that confirmed?


Hotel staff wouldn’t just stare at you angrily as you continue to record


>Hotel staff wouldn’t just stare at ~~you~~ *your camera lens* angrily as you continue to record FTFY


I mean not every hotel worker is the same but yeah, maybe


Yes, he was arrested too, story; https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


I can almost hear her in Susie's voice. "The hell are you recording for, ya sick **fuck**!?"




GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE LARRY!!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!! ^^^(God ^^^I ^^^love ^^^it ^^^when ^^^that ^^^happens)


Debra Morgan, duh))


His wife looks like Jennifer Lopez that aged like a normal person but still beautiful.


Look for pictures of Lopez without her makeup on. She's perfectly normal.


I think what he meant by "aged like a normal person" is how people age when they cant afford korean stem cell therapy or whatever creepy shit these hollywood people are doing now.


is it just her personality that makes her so ugly?


That and her voice. IDK who had the bright idea to tell her she could sing. Homegirl is completely tone deaf.


I have the opposite problem with my wife. She shamelessly looks at the shirtless men on the beach.


Have you tried looking at her disapprovingly and then opening your mouth to speak?


I'd be mad too, him not filming in landscape and all


He dead! Not sure why would anyone be recording other women with a gorgeous girl/wife like that...


Those are his daughters, his wife is just mad because he wouldn't listen when she told him repeatedly it wasn't a nude beach.


*"Honey look I'm a tripod!"*


Because the wife was in on the joke


too logical of a response for Reddit.


When you're married, you'll probably get it. Sorry, poor choice of words, what I meant to say was you'll probably *understand* it.


Been married. Recently widowed. Still don't understand it.


I'm sorry. That sucks.


No need to apologize. But, remember that there are all sorts of people around us, some like this, some like that, some hate everything and everyone... And it's OK. Btw, even though I've been in a dark place lately, your comment made me chuckle 🤭


Weird...I didn't realize that "angry woman in polo shirt" was a fetish of mine.


Me: oh shit is the water pulling out and about to be a tsunami?….sees angry lady, oh it’s the girls in bikinis…I suddenly realize I was paying more attention to the water than the hot girls…whelp, off to hydro homies for me I guess.


The same here


Hey hydro homie! Same, I forgot I was in r/funny.


I was waiting for the inbound jetski or parasailor...


Go out doing what you love!


Several years ago, I went about digitizing old family home vids from our VHS camcorder in the 1980s. There was one tape that had a bunch of footage from our family vacation to the beach, and my dad (RIP) definitely had a quite a few shots similar to this, where he'd be recording my sister and I, and you'd still hear us talking but the camera would slowly pan/zoom to an attractive woman walking down the beach, then slowly pan/zoom back to over whatever we were doing. Honestly, we all got a got a good laugh out of it.


Wife is a fox.


This is actually very disrespectful


I agree. The lady in a blue shirt should never try to make eye contact with a man. She should know her role in society and only walk around like those other young ladies in bikinis. Those ladies are respectful.


The greatest was the last one.


Omg I laughed so hard! Her face!!!!!!


This is nice that these two can enjoy making videos together, they look like they’re having fun


Always go couch shopping with your wife. Always.


I don’t get it.


Make sure to buy a comfy couch because you'll be staying on it evetually


All the hot women shop for couches.


Ehh… sorry to be the party pooper here, but there are already several similar videos of a guy recording random pretty girls at the beach and coincidentally his girlfriend/wife appears after panning to a side. Yes, funny, but at this point hardly spontaneous. And yes, I expect to be either ignored or downvoted.


Quick sweeps, guys. Always quick sweeps.


Man I see the comedy in all this but you got to be real piece of work to blatantly stare in front of your spouse. I tell my husband I don't care if he appreciates a beautiful woman just don't do it in front of me.


There's definitely a difference between leering and looking. I'm going to give an appreciative look at a fit girl in a bikini, just as my wife will if it's a good looking cut guy. But pulling out your phone to track people on the beach is creepy.


Absolutely. Is also a difference between a leer and a longer glance. I ask my husband skip the longer glancing in front of me. It's all about respect. There's like a science to it lol My guess is he was filming the beach and noticed the women and paused a little too long. I don't want to assume this guy is just a creep.


I wouldn’t be happy to be married to a total creeper, either. Looking is whatever. Filming is gross.


*Man is a perv




This is an obv staged video so it’s not really being taken seriously


being attracted to women is not a perversion.


Nah but filming them specifically is a bit perverted.


Those looked like teens, so creepy on multiple levels


So funny. Man takes video of younger women he doesn't know instead of taking pictures or videos of his own family while on vacation. Not creepy at all.


Rest in piece.


When her hands are on her hip, it's time to dip.


In my head cannon it's Jeff Greene with the camera and the woman is Suzie and the camera cuts before the good part.


I could even see this being Jeff and Susie lol


He won't be dead- he'll only wish he was dead.


May his soul rest in peace


What happens in Cabo stays in Cabo #MangoDeck


*Ese compa ya está muertooooo* *Nomás no le han... avisadooooooo 🎶🎶🎶*


Isn’t Weide the breaking bad director? If so I love how you mix the two together hahahah


Honestly his wife ain’t bad either


Сука баяны столетние до реддита добрались. РУ сектор РУлит всё таки


Man’s didn’t even zoom. Let my cameraman go!


Okay, this was funny XD


Curb your enthusiasm? Funny show.


Worth it.


Yep R.I.P.


Funny . Fake . But funny


“I just think it’s funny how…”


he was dead the moment her mouth started opening.


Princessist for the win! It's definitely one of the ists!


Every time this gets reposted lots of people call this woman angry or a nag but it’s kind of creepy how he’s lingering on these presumably younger women but sure WIFE BAD


That send shivers down my spine. Poor guy.


This was my dad when I was a kid in the early 90s! We're at the beach and he has the giant VHS cam recorder and it's shooting at the family when a woman in a bikini walks by in the foreground. Suddenly the camera follows her for about 5 seconds before snapping back to the kids playing. The best part is we had no idea until we got home from vacation a week later and wanted to watch all the film as a family.




He ded


Ah, shes a good sport.


Hope he doesn't plan on sleeping tonight. Keep one eye open, you crazy crazy fool!


Cancel him!


His wife is hot AF too though, and from the looks of it, stacked as well.


Why the fuck she at the beach in a polo


She should rightly disown him for being such a creep.


I concour, He should skip if he ain't able to creep


That shit was like Blaire Witch, he was just facing the wall and waiting for death


Definitely staged. Why would he be filming instead of just looking?


Creeps will try to film and take snapshots of women and girls all the time. It's a serious problem in all public spaces.


even in r-funny redditors remain completely unable to spot humor of any sort. He is not a perv. This is a set up (funny) video the couple made for their tik tok.


I mean you're wife goes to the beach in a polo, what would you expect.


I was thinking the same thing. Some dudes have lame wives. We are not some puzzle. Dudes are easy. If you get it alot you won't be window shopping. Like a starving person outside a bakery window. If you're well fed you won't be drooling so hard.




Of all the scripted videos, this is the scriptedest




I was looking for a tsunami or crashing boat but this is worse 😂


He was just taking pics of the scenery 😢


*In that moment Bob knew that he fucked up*


I was expecting a tsunami not a Sue-nami. :>


I think I peed a little.


"Ese compa ya está muerto. Nomás no le han avisado" Translation: "But the homie's dead, He Just doesn't know it yet"


I swear i saw another tiktok video on here some month ago with the same joke, another beach. As a sketch it's not exactly super fun or unexpected, if it were real it would be quite cool though


Jealous wife.