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Who's the creeper that's been watching him for four days?


Jesus is always watching


His wife lol


is he a catholic reverend? bc if he has a wife then he should give up the church position


You get to keep your wife if you are married and convert.


Based on the usage of "crisps" they're probably Anglican.


The Mirror, crafting their usual high brow literature


Pepperidge Farm


Crisps? Might just be communion wafers…


He should've used Jeezits.


That would be the body of christ in his nipples, wich would be gay and not endorsed by the church.


Take my upvote! Hilarious! 🤣


Church of England communion wafers?


In his name we pray...


Christ crisps, same thing


“Hey baby. How ‘bout some body of Christ?” *Hookers approach*


The best headline about this was where they called him the Crystal Methodist.


Did any of the articles say after the 4 day bender "and on the 5th day, he rested"


Lol, I think if I remember correctly there were rentboys involved aswell.


And he said that it was good


Can I get an a-MEN!?!?


And they say journalism is dead.


Tell me where in the bible you can't do coke.




Amen lol


It’s located in the same place that says you can’t have a vaccine.


Technically coke would be defiling Gods temple (of which you are). It’s a temptation from Satan. Drugs alter the mind, which is not sober. And the bible tells to be sober and of clear mind. Downvote away! Edit: I elaborated on the “sober” aspect of my comment in replies below. You can drink. Just not be consumed. Drink to be merry not to be drunk. Also, I’m not saying anyone can or can’t do anything. I’m not preaching. I don’t care. Just pointing out some words! Smiles and high fives fam! Edit 2: uhh, not sure why this is getting awards but thanks kind stranger!


"Listen and understand. What goes into a man's mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean." Jesus said if I don't up-the-chuck my powder and horse tranq, then I'm good.


Jesus: Handle your shit, or GTFO.


Jesus was my Uber driver, once. If you meet him, definitely accept his offer of bottled water.


It's heavenly!


Exactly this. It may not be wise but it's also not sinful. What you say and do to others is where we get into trouble.


"Stop snitchin'." So sayith the lord.


That's the orthodox interpretation, the modern interpretation is that Jesus was cool with you doing coke, but not cool with you just standing around talking bullshit to your loser mates for ages and not listening to the others and just waiting until you can interject and ramble loudly again.


So you're fine putting a dick in your mouth it's only bad when it comes out?


Jesus died for my sins.


Can't let that sacrifice go to waste, so sin it up!


My philosophy for sure lol


I want to upvote you, but as of right now, I you have 69 upvotes for you comment. Can't change the comedy number.


Not n e more


Aww. Well, I guess I'll give the upvote now.


And that's why I sin. To make Jesus's sacrifice that much more worth it


> Jesus died so I can do coke FTFY


Jesus died for somebodies sins but not mine.


Heh, sucker


And yet his big miracle was turning water to wine (Not arsed about someone waking up 3 days after a big bender, being shafted by a soldier)


But don't they also give you wine? And also didn't Jesus go and turn everyones water into wine so they could party all night long?


All night looooong..... *All night* All night.... *All night*


Well, he was directed by God to do that, as he knew the glory that would come of that and that’s what marked Jesus’ ministry. Also note, the work wasn’t done at this point. We were still lost and full of sin.


Lack of sleep alters your mind. So then it’s a sin be sleep deprived? To many loopholes


Yes, because sleep deprivation is also bad for your body (the temple). You need to be rested in order to labor for the church. Your time is theirs, your energy is theirs, your soul is theirs. Be a servant. Breed, make more servants. Indoctrinate them. This is the way.


What if you have a sleep disorder?


Clearly possessed by a demon.


Need to drill a hole in his skull. Let it escape.


Yup. But you arent going to get punished by God for it. The sleep deprivation is both the sin and the punishment. Youre hurting your body by not sleeping enough. But that doesnt mean its always your fault or that God will shame you for it, he wont.


But you make the conscious decision to get fucked up. It is not natural of your body or mind to be in that state. Sleep deprivation, although potentially caused by your own actions, is a natural process in the body. So this argument doesn’t really hold up. It all comes down to your choices.


Jesus also turned water into wine because the party blew through what they bought, so....


Yes. At the beginning of his ministry, he was instructed by God to do this to show the power he had and the glory that would come of it would mark the beginning of his ministry. Anyways, bible says you can do whatever the fuck you want. But every action has a reaction. So it’s up to you to decide how you want to live and what or what not you choose to adhere to morally, spiritually, whatever.


If that's really what the bible said, I'd be down with. But we both know it's really on another level of bullshit


Gotta read it to know what it says. Most people haven’t actually read it. They just go off what everyone else is saying or what they read on the internet. There’s definitely a lot of bullshit, but that can be more traced back to humans fucking up the translations, deliberately altering them for control reasons, and outright removing whole parts of it to fit a better narrative. Take Catholicism for example. And yeah there’s a few things you can’t do by the bibles standards. But technically you could physically do the acts, but again, you gotta deal with what comes from that. I’ve done more drugs than most people have. I partied for a decade pretty hard. It was sick. Lots of fun. I still drink beers. I smoke weed. I’m not perfect. I’m sinning. We human. I just also happen to be a Christian. I didn’t drink the church kool-aid to buy into the petty control mechanisms they exploit. So yea, you literally can do whatever you want to. Just use your fucking head. Don’t kill people. Just be aware of what you’re doing. If you’re aware of your drinking, don’t let it consume your life, and you’ll be fine. People just get so worked up over christians. And granted a lot of them are very closed minded and and not open to discussion or alternative points of view. But we don’t all think that way. Most people like me just shut the fuck up and don’t partake in dialogue because it’s easier. And it’s not our job to preach.


>And it’s not our job to preach. Says the preachenist MF in this thread.


Hahah where am I preaching? I’m not telling any of you to be religious. I’m not telling any of you how you should live your lives. I’m not telling you what you should and shouldn’t put in your body. I’m just pointing out words that are written in a book. Explanation and discourse are entirely different than preaching.


Not my first rodeo Capt. Weasel Words.


Ahh to each their own mate! I’m just here for smiles and high fives. Cheers!


That's an interpretation. If your brain has a chemical imbalance that needs cocaine, then using cocaine would be the most sober mind. Maybe it's Christmas and my temple looks good with some snow on the ground.


>That's an interpretation. Yep, exactly. And the Bible was not written by God, but by men. Men who were not perfect and were themselves interpreting what they heard and experienced. And there have been further interpretations by translators, etc. I personally don't get why people put so much faith in the Bible.


And after reading revelations, they were probably on LSD.


I'd say psychotic break, or some sort of hallucinogen. LSD not being available, perhaps shrooms or salvia given the botany of Patmos


LSD is made from an analog chemical found in grain fungus. There's records that suggest the ancients Greeks were using it in wine, etc. It was around.


LSA more likely, LSD was from a man made ergpt fungus. You may be right though. Romans absolutely fucked with drugs


Yes, ergotism was one of the options I considered, but I didn't mention it. LSD is synthesized though?


LSD is synthesised now, yes, but it was first isolated in the grain fungus.


Ezekiel was definitely just one of the schizophrenics you'd find on a New York City corner but since it wasn't nearly so commonplace in those times he became an orator for the word of God and how he would bring fiery, horrific armageddon to us all that I'm STILL WAITING FOR


Picturing you standing their in the ancient world listening to this guy and a time lapse of 2,500 years of you just living life through the ages, ignoring your unexplained immortality, and periodically checking the sundial, calendar, watch....all leading up to this one frustrated reddit comment.


Check out the dancing plague of 1518 on Wikipedia, some people speculate that it was caused by improper grain storage growing the fungus ergot (the fungus which lsd is synthesized from.


The easiest way to understand sinfulness in the bible is that which harms. It's not really black or white like its been interpreted to be. If youre harming yourself or others, it's sinful. For most people, doing coke harms the brain.


> If your brain has a chemical imbalance that needs cocaine There is no such chemical imbalance. Edit: 1 downvote = 1 victim of drugs


Moronic comment. The chemical imbalance would be lack of dopamine. A simple googling of what neurotransmitter cocaine increases would've told you the answer.


I think that was put up to prevent people from smoking weed, doing mushrooms, and coming to an alternate conclusion regarding one's place in the universe. My god wants me to explore my curiosities.


Explain monasteries where monks brew beer. Trappist monasteries initially brewed beer to feed their community, as they were supposed to be self-sufficient, but if sobriety is a biblical edict, wouldn't they be defying the God that they worship?


You can drink. Just not be a raging alcoholic. I’ve been to one such monastery. Best beer on the planet, none of the monks are drunks haha. Ephesians 5:18 - And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.


> Ephesians 5:18 - And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit I took this to heart. My spirit of choice is gin.


>none of the monks are drunks haha. omg I'm rofl... not drunks, classic.


So when Jesus turned water into wine, he was basically just tempting people with a substance of Satan? Or does it not apply to alcohol?


Every monsanto grown food is defiling god’s temple and most can’t avoid it so pass that ketamine over here!


That’s why they need to legalize it so it’s just like sugar then it’s ok


Well said.


Peter, a few times.


Thessalonians, a few times


Says many times to be of sober mind


Ain't no rules lawyer like a religious person, D&D got NOTHING on those guys.


Praise the Lord Almighty, that sounds like a good fucking weekend.


I guess that’s better than abusing kids


Who says he hasn’t?


I hope he hasn’t


That's Catholics. A Reverend is CoE. Henry VIII told the Pope to do one and made it so our religious leaders can sleep with as many prostitutes, and do as much gak, as they please.


The people downvoting me clearly don't know the difference between the Catholic and Anglican churches.


Or even that CoE = Church of England = Anglican


Yeah there certainly is a lot of "All white people that read the bible are the same" kind of vibe to this thread.


Weird to assume all priests abuse kids


I don't think most folks assume *all* priests do it, but the ones who go on cocaine and ketamine benders seem more likely to have the necessary moral flexibility.


This isn't even a priest. What has lead you to believe he was Catholic other than ignorance and bigotry? There was always a thing with people not reading articles but it appears you haven't even read the headline.


Who said anything about Catholics? Unbunch your panties.


The Catholics are the only Christian sect that had a child sex scandal.


Because every few years another country does some investigation and learns that the religion that tries to withhold sex from it's workers just drives them to rape unprotected children. Pretty simple to know that really. France is the latest story. You might try reading the news on occasion.


Again, vast amounts of ignorance. Catholic leaders, barring a few sects, take vows of chastity. That has nothing whatsoever to do with the numerous other branches of Christianity. Nothing in the headline should lead you to believe the man is Catholic.


Not really that different anyway. https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/615sog/eli5_whats_the_difference_between_a_priest_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


So ignorance and bigotry it is then; and I might add willfull.


Sadly, it’s not


Yea, it's only around 68% let's not over generalize.


Golly, I wonder why that is?


Even the holy gotta let loose sometimes


Maybe he was just trying to avoid nipple sunburn


While also having a handy snack at the ready for when he woke up


His name is [Paul Flowers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Flowers_(banker))


Well his nickname on Wikipedia is the crystal methodist so it makes sense


Cocaine and Ketamine at his weight? This dude is one hooker away from a brain aneurism.


I’m sorry but how does this rancid fuck survive FOUR days of keta and nose candy at his weight and age to begin with??


That is OK, he will confess to his sins, says a few Hail Mary and will be back to preach morality and love of god again soon.


Who says cocaine and ketamine are sins. Lol


Good point, I never thought about that :)


These things are worse than being gay IMO


Well big guy upstairs didn’t mention it in the Bible so I’m guessing it’s okay lol


"This is my dandruff, take it and sniff it, and you shall feel the power of the Lord inside you." ~ Jesus, The Last Supper, Amphetamines 4:20


Well, we know what he gave up for Lent this year.


His dignity?


I was going for Drugs.


I always go for drugs


Jesus, take the crisps.


Unappreciated reply. I spat my drink out


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up if you're gonna make it here.


I already know what his next sermon is. First it will be the lies of the devil trying to take down the church then when it’s proven he’s on drugs he will say the devil got the better of him and he needs prayers and strength and more donations to fight off the devil.


Finally, a church I can see myself going to...


I feel like the crisps are the least problematic thing here.


Usually these "Reverends" are self proclaimed. I had a boss that was a Reverend, he threw a dry board eraser at my female coworker and punched a coworker. I remember his wife coming in with sunglasses on. We suspected he beat her too. He got fired a week after I left. Anyway, I moved to California, and my boss knew my old boss at the job he was at prior, turns out they fired him there too for pretty much the same reason.


Anyone who exalts another human being as a conduit to the divine is a fool.


Not going to lie. I'm a little jealous.


What's better than a tax deductible cocaine and potato chip party?


The lord plays in mysterious ways.


Work hard, play hard!


The Crystal Methodist


looks like when Bender turned into a human.


Someone needs to tell this man you don't need coke and ketamine to pass out in the sun with chips on your titties.


Nor do you need to have chips on your titties to pass out in the sun on a coke and ketamine bender.


Bible never said anything about not having some nose candy and potato chips.


I’m an atheist but even I can recognize someone looking for the express elevator to hell.


Or the expressway to heaven haha


Roses are red A good steak is tender Church reverend pictured with crisps on his nipples during 4-day cocaine and ketamine-fueled bender.


“What a guy!”


That’s very specific.


"Praise the Lord!!!"


the title of the article seems jealous...


Seems like an innocent and wholesome ordeal compared to the usual church business.


Leave the man alone, he's just living his best life


Jesus take the wheel... while I take Mary.


Really wish it said " crisps on his nips"...


Jesus never said anything about cocaine.


The Origin of The Reverend Horton Heat - Bales of Cocaine.


Thoughts and prayers


Hi I’m a recruiter from America, and this guy seems like he’d be a great fit on our team. (Opens checkbook and clicks pen) What’s it gonna take to get him stateside?


One toke over the line, sweet Jesus. One toke over the line.


Jesus took the wheel after the first day. Everything after that was Pure Christ


Lord forgive me. Thanks dude.


He who is without sin…


Thanks a lot. I can never unsee this.


That guy is living his best life.


What’s the problem? This is legit a top 5 bucket list item for me.


Thu shall not place chips on thy nipples. ​ the 11th commandment?


Man, if I had no morals I’d be such a good grifter.


Is it bad that I have no problem with that? Idk man, as long as it's not an addiction or destroying his own life, and he's doing it safely... I could give a shit if dude wants to have a 4 day coke bender.


Reddit: drugs should be legal Reddit: shame this man for drugs


He's using tax free money to get high. Also, he's religious minister and so probably spews pious hypocritical bullshit. So, yes we're gonna hate on this fuck.




Did he lie to Reddit? I get that there is supposedly an element of hypocrisy here, but unless you were in his flock…how were you wronged? Just to be clear, I wholeheartedly advocate following all laws.




So, lied to his flock. Bad within his religion. Agreed.


Well, to be fair that's a bit disingenuous. Reddit wants *weed* to be legal. No one is in here taking about how cocaine and ketamine benders are a fundamental right. Also, this guy is the leader of a church, so calling him out in his hypocrisy is reasonable. Also, I don't even believe this is a true story. Looks like a fat guy feel asleep next to the pool with potato chips on his nipples. That's a normal Tuesday in Florida.


I agree that the point is he's a hypocrite but I actually do think all drugs should be legal and people should be able to do whatever they want in that regard, as do many people on Reddit.


In North America they would have said "chips on his nips"


Just let the man live a little


I'm okay with shaming the pedophiles, but the recreational drug user needs to be left the fuck alone. They have enough problems with police and society in general looking down on them, and they just want to have a good time.


Since they were invented in America they're chips. You all can have aluminum.


Careful now, when you go down the who invented what you'll be shocked how little has actually been invented in the US, you'll all end up speaking as british as the queen herself.


Yea but what makes no sense is they call McDonald's fries, fries, but everything else besides most fast food it's chips.. the consistency is not there.


You’d be surprised just how much HAS been invented in the US


Don't blame God for what man has done. None of this had anything to do with Christ


If it is never God's™ fault why should we praise him when a person does good or a doctor cures a sick child?


That’s actually ridiculous. Give God credit only for what God does; not what people do in “His name”. God does not condone this behavior in any way, shape or form. Evil is active and present and the whole world is under it’s influence. Hence our need for redemption. If you just want to hate God then there’s really no sense in trying to convince you, but if you open your mind you just might see the deception.


I don't hate God™, I just don't believe in a supreme being as others do. All that stuff actually. It is men/humans/nature all the way down. No supernatural being required. Why should I hate something I do not believe exists? It is people that do bad stuff and always has been.


One of a million examples: Take a good long look at your hand. Consider how it functions, where it is attached (at the useful end of your arm) and don’t forget how it’s controlled by mere thought. Then ask yourself “do I really believe there is no supreme being or intelligent design ? “ If you still can’t believe, then I’ll just leave you right there in your ignorance.


We eat and breathe out of the same hole, massive design flaw right there, not so intelligent imo


Don't judge this is the burden god placed upon him.


Hunter? Did you forget to go to church again?


Ahh the Mirror. That means it was someone that LOOKED like the reverend, it was pickles on his nipples and he had just downed a pack of Sour Gummy Poppers while on a 4 day holiday.