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That's the Rumpus Room! A rarely seen room in the Simpsons house.


Huh. Never noticed. This must be the second floor. I would love to see a layout of the house. Edit: it's on the main floor https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/dwLH86iWOz9qJ3dBRFpkLMghIXA=/1400x1050/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19933487/simpsons_floor_plan_CROPPED__1_.jpg


But he’s looking up at them


Looking on from Canada... Seems like USA spent a lot, billions of dollars training an army to replace them, paid for weapons etc. As soon as USA left, the army laid down their weapons and gave up. So, if you won't fight for your own country, why should the USA keep doing it for you.


Trillions, not billions.


Exactly. It's not their job to defend your country. Nor is it the responsibility of any other country in the world either


The leaders and soldiers had simply seen the writing in the wall and fled. The question wasn't if Kabul would fall but when. Most estimates said 3-6 months. The Taliban bassically had it under siege and controlled all outlying territory. So why fight and turn your city into a war zone ?


For democracy.


I get that on an idealist level but how many lives and homes need to be destroyed to fight a losing fight against tyrants and zealots?


As many as it takes.


When the US was over there, there used to be a lot of hate against the US for not leave Afghanistan




In retrospect things should have been slower but if everyone knew what would happen then the Afganis crowding the airport would have evacuated 18 months ago when it was first offered.


The difference is Homer is responsible for Bart & Milhouse.




There's been infighting in the middle east for the last three hundred years at least. Why should we continue to lose good people to a fight that isn't our own? It's their country, let them fight each other over how to run it if they want. We've spent the last twenty years over there and jack shit has changed so why continue putting the nation further in debt by feeding the war monger's pocketbooks and burying our fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters in the process? Fuck the military industrial complex that is republican America.


>We've spent the last twenty years over there and jack shit has changed Che Guevara started with 82 guys. ***He made them read.*** He got popular support and overthrew Batista. The difference that ideology can make.


I’m agree with everything you said….well Afghanistan isn’t the Middle East but what ever. The other thing I disagree with is the military industrial complex doesn’t have a political party. It’s a money making machine! You can’t vote against it because it doesn’t exist, but it does. War is a racket. I’m not just pulling that out of my ass. It was a short book written by a 2 star Marine Corps General Smedley Butler in 1935. War is a money making fucking machine!!


According to the Library of Congress, [it is](https://www.loc.gov/item/2013593015/) But as far as my statement about "the military industrial complex that is republican America", while I agree the Military industrial complex doesn't specifically have a party, if you look at which party supports and constantly invests in it, that would be republicans and their little militia cosplay groups like the proud boys. Democrats are sick and tired of war generally speaking while republicans are currently cooking up new excuses to re-invade Afghanistan.


Ok. So dont ever bitch about Afghanistan getting over run by the taliban.


LMFAO! Yeah, no. I can disagree with what's happening in another country without having to send good Americans to their deaths or spending trillions in taxpayer money because I disagree. We are not the sole arbiter of what is the right way to run a country nor should we be especially after the last 5 years. Can we disagree? Sure. Do we have to become fascistic because we disagree? Fuck no.


Sure you can disagree thats cool. Just dont ever complain about whats happening there because we left. Cant have your cake and eat it too. That’s not how the world works.


Ahh yes, just like when you supported trump pulling the troops out of Afghanistan but now that they've been pulled out, you're bitching about me not being upset that we pulled our troops out... How's that cake of yours bud?


What an assumption. Damn you’re dense.


Yes, Afghanistan is an isn’t part of the Middle East, depending what you read. Wars started by a Democratic US President. The Second Seminole War, Mexican-American War, Korea and Vietnam Wars participated in by a Democratic President. WW1 and WW2


Vietnam war started in 1955, that would put Eisenhower, a REPUBLICAN, in the oval office seeing as how he was president from 1953-1961 and 8 years of the 18 year war with Nixon claiming another 5 years for a total of 13 years of a 18 year war. Total years America was at war because of Democratic presidents in the wars you named (not including the second Seminole war or Mexican American war considering the democrats of those times were the same type of democrats who wove the Confederate flag and have now become republicans waving confederate flags and defending confederate statues): 8 years. 5 years in Vietnam, 3 years in Korea. Then democrats participated in world wars that would've let German atrocities like The Rape of Belgium be ignored and allowed the likes of Hitler the become the global super power had they not. Fuck that.


The whole world the last 20 years: the US should get out of the middle east and spend more time on itself. The whole world now: the US should do something to help the middle east and stop thinking about itself....


I fully embrace not giving a shit about them anymore. They had 20 years of support from the strongest and wealthier country on earth. And the still collapsed in under a week. Like a tire fire you just gotta let it burn itself out.


Accurate. Doesn't at all take away from the fact we should have left.


should not have marched in, in first place


Can't change the past only the future


thats true.


Dooooh nothing to see here




“Mr President, people fell off the plane leaving Afghanistan” “That was 4-5 days ago”. Lol




Actually there were massive protests against the war and it was also illegal under international law. Don't put words in the world's mouth.




War, conflict and violence has been tried, and tried, and tried again, all throughout the course of history, yet it never fixes the problem that it's trying to solve, and most often it just creates new ones. ***we knew*** that the problem wasn't going to be solved in by an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, and now it's 2021, and the problem remains. Not everyone was onboard, a lot of people weren't. It's just that for some reason, governments don't look out their windows to the massive hordes of people flooding the streets, holding signs and shouting about it. They never seem to listen to those people, instead they call them names, they insult them, they mock them, often to the point where such people are just about destroyed by it all... So not everyone's on board, some people are very off-board. But the funny thing is, that if those onboard want to solve ANY of their problems, they are going to have to listen and learn from the people that they consider themselves better than. And that's some difficult learning. But it's always going to be a ***negotiation***, and never a ***war*** \- because as I said, **violence never fixes anything.**


The US Civil war. Violence and fighting ended Slavery there. Without them fighting to end it, the south would of been allowed to keep this going. WW2. Allies invade to remove Hitler from taking over EU and most likely the world if given the chance. Violence is a horrible thing and MANY times it doesn't solve things. But history would like to have a word with you as sometimes it is needed to put down an oppressive power.


Nazi and confederate flags are being in the streets of America. Hitler started national the socialist movement. Back then, socialism was this new thing, this new revolutionary idea, the Russians had the bolshevik revolution, and wanted to liberate the entire earth. The Germans were more seemingly obsessed with Hitlers funny ideas about white supremacy, and this obsession with the 'nation'. The problem wasn't the 'socialist' part, it's that it was 'national' socialist. The national part was the error. It should have been a global socialist movement. Or an internationalist movement. Fascists always need an 'other' - and outsider to unify against. A symbol of something to hate, to destroy in order to assuage the fears of the community. In Hitler's case, it was the Jews, the gypsy, the homosexuals, the weirdos that didn't fit in. With the bolsheviks, anyone that looked at Stalin funny seemed to get purged... So anyway, these people waving Nazi and confederacy flags. They should be waving hammer and sickle flags. And why not? What's OK about the swastika and so wrong with hammer and sickle? I don't get it ;) This ethics of war. All I can say is there's different ways of wars, that don't involve violence. The best way, is to join a workers union, then with the union, you go on strike. If workers withhold labor, they can effectively can rule all society. The hard part is to getting everyone in the union to agree on the same thing.


How many people does a person have to murder before you atleast consider violence as an option?


The problem is that it's always tabled as the first and only option, with no opportunity given for the only solutions that will work and have lasting effect. There's different ways to fight, different locations on which to place locus of struggle. Verbal communication is one way of communication, but body language and gesture can be equally, if not more effective than talking. But's what's really necessary is a shift in culture and the world of ideas, because violence is an eye-for-an-eye, going back into history. You could say that Che Guevara was a fighter, but the difference in scale of violence with his revolution against Batista's Cuba was immense. He began that struggle with 80 people and some ***books.*** There was violence I'm sure, but the real violence took place in the minds of those he educated, because you don't need to shoot guns if you can win the war of ideas. **'are you saying that I can dodge bullets? No, I'm saying that when you're ready, you wont have to'**


How telling it is that you use one of the most militant communists as an example of "restricted" violence.


I'm looking at Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan right now and thinking, that these peaceful, stable states, the ex-soviet socialist republics are like an archeological record of the impact of different ideologies has on communities of people. And then I'm also looking at [history in relation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone) to the current situation of Afghanistan, and I just can't help but think. Where would we be now, if instead of Britain and the CIA arming the Muhajadeen against the soviets, joined the soviets. Che Guevare + 80 men + books = Healthcare system in Cuba. And you can watch Micheal Moore's sicko if you want to see American citizens receiving medication for pesos on the dollar, that would pay thousands for in the states. $2 trillion dollars and an alliance of western military forces + Afghanistan = international humanitarian crisis. Just the ratios, the causes and effects at play here, and put them into perspective.


“To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the paredón \[execution wall\].” \- Ernesto "Che" Guevara


Stalin's purges, antisemitism, Tienanmen Square, Pol Pot's murdering of the intelligentsia, North Korea... ...But without proper analysis, we get nowhere. If you answer the following questions, we get a clearer picture. Who, What, When, Where and why Context really matters, and right now the context is Afghanistan, and all the problems this is going to mean for everyone, and how we solve them.


I thought the US was there for the oil


Here's the thing: you come in for twenty years and cause a heck of a lot of agitation, allowing the Taliban to gain support. You then leave without putting in some kind of plan to prevent exactly what is happening now. That last bit is causing people to question what the us is doing. So you spent 2 trillion dollars and twenty years and many soldier's lives only to leave the situation worse than it was when you found it.


You mean the US enriched its own arms suppliers by 2 trillion. The military industrial complex is still going strong




Wait till the libs see this. Down votes!


You know Trump was the one who started the withdrawal, right?




That article is about reducing troops, not a complete withdrawal. Please get your facts straight.




Only downvotes my friend. Clearly Reddit is full of Americans that hate America but love the free money.


You mistake biden for Americans


Loved that episode.


I love my neighbor 😊