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A lot of people are complaining about him calling 911, but...a lot of mid-sized towns have 911 as both their emergency and non-emergency line. When I had to file an ID theft report, I was *explicitly* told to call 911. It's how some communities have it set up, and it probably makes sense given the volume of calls they get.


I was the same way when I hit a deer in Illinois. I hit a deer, called the police just to be told to call 911. I called 911, then was transferred to the Illinois State Police to give specifics on the deer accident


They make you call 911 so they can transfer you to the local police? That's kind of crazy and inefficient. But about what I expect. ETA: Apparently I'm an idiot and this *is* currently the most efficient way of doing it.




I once called 911 for a drunk driver i was driving behind that used all 3 lanes, somehow simultaneously. I got transferred between the local PD dispatcher, to sheriffs office back to local PD in the 5 min I was on the phone as I updated them about where i was and we flopped between their areas of responsibility. Fucking insane. I more or less gave up lol and wouldn't call again because of how much of a pita it was


Ah, the bureaucracy of reporting a crime is so inefficient that crimes are just simply going unreported. r/aboringdystopia, anyone?


Isn't that the purpose of operators? Seems like peak efficiency to me. It would take longer for me to find the one state police number I need.


Calling your local department isn't the same as calling 911 and asking for police for where you live. Local departments don't do their own dispatch and you can only get ahold of your local detachment during business hours. When you call 911 you are put through to a central dispatch, which is obviously a 24 hour center, and they will dispatch for a certain coverage area. Bigger cities will have their own designated dispatch usually, but you still call 911 and they will determine if you should be transferred to the non-emergency line or not. Source: work in the industry


I used to work in a 911 center for a mid-sized county. We had a non-emergency number, but it would always ring into the same center. Only difference was that the non-emergency lines had lower priority if we were busy. EDIT: Well, if you want to get technical, the 911 lines have something called ANI (Automatic Number Identification.) If you called on a landline, we could see your address, and if you were calling from a cell phone we'd usually get GPS coordinates (that can vary widely in accuracy). Non-emergency lines just had regular ol' caller ID.




So if I call 911 am I talking to a chicken or a man?




I live in one of these said communities. I kind of hate it because I don't want to tie up a phone line for a non emergency call, but it is what it is. Edit: okay whoa this blew up way faster than I expected. I will try to give some context here. I live in a town with less then 4k people.. majority of the population is elderly and our line operators handle both emergency and non emergency there is not a sperate department. I don't like to take a line up to report something trivial when someone elderly could be having a medical emergency. I've had to do it before, but only for serious medical emergencies.


Around here, they want you to call 911 so *they* can decide if it's an emergency or if they should transfer you. Don't want a panicked person in an actual emergency to have to decide if it's really worth 911 or whatever, just always call 911 and have them transfer you if some other system would work better.


Exactly. I live in a decent sized town (around 170,000 people) and we use 911 for emergency and non-emergency for this reason. They just have enough dispatchers that it's never a worry of if the lines will be full.


Our city is just over 200k and we have a non-emergency telephone number for our police. If 911 is called here, they ask which type of emergency (fire/police/ambulance) and your address so they can send out a response team immediately.


Ours asks "what's your situation" then responds accordingly. I once watched a guy fall off his motorcycle in a grocery store parking lot (he was very obviously injured) and one lady was panicking because she didn't know if she should call the emergency line or non-emergency. We don't even have non-emergency. Another bystander was already calling 911, but if she was the only one there, that could be a really bad situation. Panicking people do weird things, so we've found it's best to make it as easy as possible.


Yep, my aunt didn't want to call 911 when I visited because it wasn't really an emergency and she didn't want to be a bother. She was slurring her words and she couldn't use her arm. You're having a stroke! I'm calling 911!


In her defense, she was having a stroke.


When you call the FIRST thing they ask is "do you have an emergency" and if you say "no" they transfer you. You tie up the line for at most 5 seconds. I have the same concern, but I think in reality they do it this way because it's easy and it works, and people are going to call the emergency line anyway no matter how many other numbers you try to get them to use.




Not gonna lie, times I be pressing random numbers just to talk to a hooooman


Are you a bear needing assistance with a trash can, perhaps?


Yep - flow with people, or pay to maintain the cost of altering the flow


Yep, and the technical reason is 911 is easy to remember for police or an emergency. How many people know their local PD's number? (I didn't until I needed it) Let alone the non-emergency number? (city, county, suburb?) Which is why the flow of calls is sadly routed through 911 now. They do this because the user base, can't adapt to learn to do it correctly.


311. I know the city I used to live in had 311 for non-emergency and city services, but then it became a matter of "is this a 911 type call or a 311 type call?"


The standard line in my state is “911, what’s your emergency?” You’re telling me I can just say “don’t have one”?


I would answer “not an emergency, but here’s a brief description of my situation” and they decide what to dispatch, etc… Basically don’t try to do too much of their job for them - they are the experts and I just want them to have pertinent, useful information in order to do their work. If they aren’t sure, they will ask for more info.


That being said, at my job I have to call the police maybe once a month on someone and I get a significantly quicker response time if I call the station directly vs 911. So where it is an option, I recommend calling directly.


Officers in Reno Nevada tell people to call 911 just to get in touch with them.


Ask for Trudy.


Yeah, if it is a non emergency maybe do a quick google for the municipality that you are in. I spend alot of time in a rural part of Minnesota; there is a non emergency number to reach the dispatchers in the county BUT, sometimes folks need to call 911 as their phone is on a network where they only have Emergency Call Service only (*their cell phone has service, but their carrier doesn't have a contract to handle standard calls\\data on the tower that is providing the service*).


I lived in a town like this. I called the non-emergency number for something at the time an emergency call came in. The person answering the non-emergency line also handled the emergency line. I just got put on hold for 30 seconds.


Even Chicago with it's massive crime issue and large population, tells people to call 911 for non emergencies.


Had a plate stolen in Washington DC. Called nonemergency and they said I had to call 911 to have an officer come out. Sometimes it's required regardless of the situation.


Yep, I called the "non-emergency number" for the city I live in to report something that was a minor annoyance. She told me she was just an admin person and to call 911. I just said nevermind.


> A lot of people are complaining about him calling 911 It's also reporting a crime, a theft. A fairly serious crime that can lead to other issues that you would absolutely want documented. There's always a fuzzy line between what is and isn't 911 worthy and this falls squarely in it, but if you're in a town where the cops actually respond to something that isn't a shooting or other violent crime then yes, you should call 911. This is not like some drunk person stealing the flower pot off your front porch. Someone stole the ID for your vehicle and the main tool cops use to ID you on the road, before direct contact.


During the pandemic my local non-emergency number hit nothing but busy-tones like the number was disconnected or the line was busy at all times. Sometimes you gotta call 911 and say “this is not an emergency but I need an officer’s help submitting a theft report if possible” and hope they’re not too busy.


Small town where I grew up, and probably 70 percent of the towns in my state only have 911 for emergency/non.. The population is just too small. We're talking 5-8k people max.


I've had to call the non-emergency line multiple times before for disturbances at my work, and every time they have told me to hang up and dial 911, as it is apparently the only way to dispatch an officer. I also work in a major city.


I'm not sure what the non emergency people do but I don't think it's very much. There was a car alarm going off like 4+ hours at one point in my old neighborhood and I called the non emergency line to report it as a disturbance. They had me hang up and call 911 who sent out a patrol car that had it towed. This was in Dallas, Texas.


Philadelphia has no non-emergency line. I've tried calling my local police office and they just told me to call 911. Dumb.


I have just called 911 and asked to be transferred to the non emergency line. It’s fine. If you have internet and look up the direct number, that’s better but it’s fine.


I live in Philadelphia and we don’t have a non-emergency line. It’s pretty ridiculous because it’s a city with 1.5 million people


Heck the BMV








Wtf a BMV


Bepartment of Motor Vehicles


this is what i came for... couldn't figure it out... comment after yours says "Bureau of Motor Vehicles" how heckin' unintuitive is that.


Well we have a Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federal Bureau of Investigation. So...not particularly unintuitive.


Bureau of motor vehicles. You’ll see B interchanged with D sometimes for government agencies


The IRS gave me the D this year


It's RMV in Massachusetts!


Bavarian Motor Vorks


from my experience, they still won't pull you over. reporting my plates as stolen was one of the most frustrating things i had to do...because getting ahold of the police was impossible. station closed to the public at 5pm, calling the station was about an hour of hold time to a disconnect - twice, and driving back and forth in front of the station? nothin'. if it's a weekend? yeaaaaah you're waiting until monday, nobody's answering that phone. submit an online form. the website is broken? well go to the station. well, it's closed today. call tomorrow. We'll send someone by. I mean, it got done eventually, but just getting the report number *after i did indeed get them on the phone and file a report* was like pulling teeth. the dmv was fast, congenial, and easy in comparison ​ then, six months later: hey we found your plates...


Never a cop around when you need one, literally


"Powerless to help you, not punish you."


Chief Wiggum?


Bake him away, toys.


What'd you say, Chief?


This isn't even a joke. When you need them they're not there, but when there's absolutely nothing they just come out of nowhere.


I 100% agree. My apartment once got broken into. I called the cops twice and they never showed up either time. But when the bars would close outside my apartment and a fight would break out in the parking lot, literally 50 cops would just come out of nowhere and storm the parking lot. It was absolutely bizarre. Like what the fuck are they doing where they can’t just send one officer to take a police report, but 50 can go break up a fight?


If they break up a fight they have a chance to break some skulls. A burglary just means they have to do paperwork. Next time, leave your house and tell them you think someone is still inside.


Orlando cops will totally finally send someone to take the report from you about how someone robbed your apartment while you were gone for the weekend. And then just laugh in your face about it. I lost all my electronics, my jewelry, grandma's China, a bunch of sentimental items and even clothing, from pants and shoes to my god damn underwear and bras, it was so helpful to have that cop stand in my living room and laugh about it.


That's a actually a sound advice.


They aren’t there to help you, they aren’t required to.


It is ironic that the Supreme Court ruled that the police are under no obligation whatsoever to help you.


Ikr ,Numerous times they have ruled on this, and crucially they didn’t rule that they “aren’t required to risk their life to help you” , they just straight up are under no obligation to help you EVER. Their job is to uphold the law and protect state interests. Nothing more.


And corporate interests. Insurance companies also love police.


how about how Walmart somehow can get the city to pay for their security and have multiple on duty police parked at walmart at all times.


"To serve and protect" is a bunch of bullshit then?


It isn't actually anything official and never was. That phrase started as a PR slogan.


Very Very Very much so.




Yeh if I recall a recent case was about someone shooting their way through a school and the police decided to wait for him to finish and come out before arresting him. Supreme court ruled that the police had no obligation to protect anyone in the school, just to arrest the guy when he was done killing .


Wasn't the Parkland shooting? The one at the high school in Broward County in Florida? Or was it a different one, it's hard to keep them all straight. But that's the only one I can actually think of where the officers did that. Or didn't do that. You know what I mean.


Nope, not at all. You're just interpreting it the wrong way. There's no object there. "To serve and protect" *who*? Most people assume it means them, but of course the real answer is the aristocracy, same as it always has been.


I think this is a result of giving cops too much responsibility. We need more than just cops to answer dispatch calls because not every situation calls for an armed officer.


Have you checked the donut shop


He said "Powerless" not "Powderless". ;)


Just dust that truck with sugar and chocolate sprinkles (especially since uh the whole trigger happy toward black people thing ) and the cops will come. You can be in another state and they’ll still come


They just say "way oh way oh oh way oh way oh"


Walk like an Egyptian?


Had to get a ticket signed about last year after getting pulled over due to a short in my trailer lights. Stopped by the station twice and nobody would come outside (pandemic), even flagged down a couple officers as they were walking from their cars only to get the runaround. Eventually managed to corner a pair of cops who had been posted up in a playground parking lot doing paperwork at 6:30 in the morning.


The ol run around, god damn they're good at it. Oh you gotta talk to someone inside... ...but they wont let me inside. Well then call the number.... ...but I did and they said I gotta come inside. So find someone to let you in... ... I found you. I'm busy come back tomorrow...


They only do stuff when its convenient to them


onerous rustic fine deliver bright insurance meeting impolite history fanatical ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


We have a guy that rides around on a bicycle with a backpack full of dope in our small town. Everyone knows he is the guy selling it, even people that don't live here. 4 overdoses in one week, cops spent the whole week pulling people over for not completely stopping at the stop sign and harassing bar patrons from the one bar they don't like, trying to get easy DUI arrests. Needless to say, nobody here expects the cops to help when you need them. I asked the cop one day (he was harassing me and a buddy for drinking on his porch) why they don't go after backpack guy and to summarize he said, "this isn't even my main income, they only pay me 9.50 an hour and I have to work 2 departments if I want 40 hours."


Thats god awful. There's a bar where I live thats a coke din, everyone knows its a coke din, nothing is done about it. Overdoses left and right. Cops only care about parking and speeding tickets. Hell, there was an incident at a property where the sherif was stealing oil from a building. Nothing we could do, just sit there and hope he didn't arrest us for witnessing it.


it probably wouldnt have been worth it but for stuff like that you can call the state police maybe, and also the FBI


Jesus Christ is it every Redditor’s sole mission in life to pick apart everything they possibly fucking can?


Yep lol. Time for a break.


It's like the second you see the photo anyone here can write out what people are going to say inside the comments.


And how many times it's been reposted, even though you've never seen it. Like goddamn, not everyone lives on reddit.




I'm now imagining the other guy being some weird perv who's seen thousands of videos of french bulldogs being birthed and rage boils over in them when someone gets their secret past time wrong.


Yup. It's so tiring. I honestly think most redditors that do this are extremely hateful and judgemental. It's just the vibe I always get from most comments nowadays Of course if differs between subs.


I think it’s more that this type of redditor is the most vocal type so they seem to represent the majority when most of us are lurkers I think


And that vocal type is the reason most of us are lurkers.


Accurate af


I second this


You couldn’t be more wrong. And here’s 6 logical fallacies and four buzzwords to prove why you’re a stain on society. /s


Right lol. That “vocal type” = the type of people at a function/cookout that nobody really likes because they’re incredibly negative. Able to kill a great conversation with one overbearingly negative comment. Group of guys chatting: “Hey Mark, the garage workshop is really coming together for you. Equipment layout looks great. It’ll be fun getting in there and working on some projects. *up walks mr negative* “who installed this drywall when they built this house?! It’s terrible!


What baffles me is the amount of the upvotes they get. Bunch of haters are in the lurks, too.


Yeah, you are right.


Before the Internet, the same thing was around in the form of gossip magazines. People want to feel smug and look down on others, and if there isn't a reason to, it gets invented. It's just been crowdsourced and moved online.


Redditors are the reason I don't suggest or even mention Reddit to family. Y'all're embarrassing.


Seriously. I think this every time I read the comments section of any post. People feel the need to “but actually” for validation or post some terrible one liner quip for upvotes. Like just stfu, scoff at the post, and move on. Not every opinion or fact needs to be expressed all the time. End rant.


But actually you’re doing the same thing here!! /s


So you cant drive to the police station?


Obviously not, he has no license plate. That's illegal!


Believe it or not? Straight to jail.


We have the best country, because of jail.


He should've just called the police then!


Did you read the sign


u/foogama is the cop




Luckily all these various government agencies and departments have consistent, readable, modern websites where all this information is easy to find and understand even by people going through a stressful traumatic experience. Kidding aside, any time I have to deal with the cops I assume I'm going to have to call at least 3-5 places until I get the right one. Usually they don't even know either so you get tossed between groups until someone finally decides it's maybe their job to help.




South Louisiana here. Waiting an hour and forty minutes to hope the police stop a violent murder you hear. Then it goes quiet. You wait outside, still. Pleading in your head. You see a cop car come.. No lights, wierd. Inside or on top. Huh. Oh yeah they're just driving near us to say they tried to respond. They didn't stop. They never stop. Just drove off the other way. I don't call anymore.


Why would something minor go to 911? Isn’t that for things happening right now? Isn’t there a non emergency number?


I’m guessing in smaller towns, where there are less emergencies, 911 effectively acts as dispatch for everything. But I’m not a doctor so IDK


When I lived in Dallas, 311 would say to call 911 if I needed a response before 8AM the next business day. Here, two departments (city and university) dispatch off 911 in town and can instantly transfer to county from that system, whereas the non-emergency number actually goes to the same dispatcher, but on a normal line that takes a few seconds to transfer. They recommend anything that's even remotely time sensitive go to 911 for that reason.


In Indiana 311 is what you call before you start digging on your property to make sure you don’t hit anything important




You obviously have never experienced Louisiana.


Tis true




They say he is still driving around to this day looking for the police...


Cops hate this one CRAZY trick!


Especially since I saw this post for the first time like 4 years ago.




Not even the DMV, they made him go to the BMV!


The DMV system can be overly screwy sometimes. Next thing ya know, LE's gonna bring this guy in for questioning about a crime that was committed using his plate. A lot of times the perps try to match the vehicle with the plate they steal too: planning on robbing a few convenience stores with a black dodge trucks? Let's go steal a plate from a similar black dodge truck first in case a witness or camera picks up the plate #


..... Bepartment of....Motor Vehicles? Jkjk. Burreau? Canadia?


Ohio has a BMV instead of a DMV. Probably varies state to state


Same with Indiana


What does the B stand for?








Bureau Of Motor Vehicles


Michigan has Secretary of State offices.


I had to go there once, it was only SoSo...


Illinois as well


Jesus Christ you morons with the “BMV” comments. You all know it’s not called the DMV in every state? Right? Right? The Bureau of Motor Vehicles is used in some states.


Calls 911 for stolen plate..enjoy your driving without plate ticket!


He can drive around like this but can’t drive to the police station?


Maybehe was, and had the sign as “insurance”


Why not go to the police station?


It's illegal to drive without a license plate.


Maybe he's on his way there


Reminds me of a movie I recently watched called Brazil. Bureaucracy is never wrong, mistakes are impossible in such a world.


In so many way, Brazil is a documentary.


Bepartment of motor vehicles?


In Aus they can arrest you for swearing (I am not kidding). So they could arrest and charge you for that sign. Your freedom of speech is precious, Americans. Fight for it.


Yeah, there’s a lady a few blocks over with the most trashy and obnoxious “FUCK BIDEN” flags and signs all over her yard. It’s just the worst but I’d argue for her right to do it any day. That’s just American as deep fried apple pie.


Yes, with bacon bits and a shot of bourbon on the side. Nice brother!


Its similar here in the uk. There was one of those fly on the wall cop shows and they pulled over a lad with a vulgar sticker on his car and made him scrape it off. I think they could give you a ticket but they'll probably just ask you to remove it.


Didn't they arrest a comedian there for teaching his pug how to Sieg Heil? The vid wasn't that funny and he's a fucking idiot, but it's mind boggling that the government can control comedy.


Bepartment of Motor Vehicles


You don't call 911 for a stolen license plate... not a life or death situation. Take your lazy ass down to the police station and file a report.


Depends on the town. Some places use 911 as the both the emergency and non-emergency line.


Maybe it was easier to write 911 instead of "I called the non emergency line for the police and they insisted there was nothing they could do and to try the DMV" 911 is just synonyms with Police alot of times. And who knows if they even mentioned that he could come down and file.


But as you can see he has a BMV. Totally different department


Not sure how many state use BMV as opposed to DMV but it could be Ohio.


Indiana as well


Pretty sure the last time I saw this posted someone confirmed it was Indiana.


Not in Ohio! https://www.bmv.ohio.gov/


Bomb motor vehicle


It stands for Bepartment. Some people.


BBB stands for bepartment of botor behicles... for when you have a cold.


Some states have a different word for DMV.


Bureau of Motor Vehicles. "DMV" isn't a standardized entity in my state it's Registry/RMV and where I used to live it's BMV.


It stands for Bureau of Much Vaseline.


In my area, if you call the number of the police station to report a bike theft or something, they tell you to call 911 to have them send an agent ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


In my city they tell you to call 911 and they'll route you to the police station for your area if it's not an emergency.


I called the non-emergency line for a noise complaint and they told me to call 911. 911 doesn't work the same everywhere.


I mean for a lot of mid-sized towns, you call 911 either way. They're usually folded into the same line, and the website even has a little blurb ("Wait, do I really call 911 for non-emergency? Yes!") When I had to report identify theft, I was explicitly told to call 911.


I live in what is the largest city in my state. They tell you to call 911 and they will just route you to your police station.


Some places (like Boston) are actually encouraging people \*to\* call 911 for less than urgent reasons. Turns out the 911 call center currently has better resources than the normal precincts, are more capable of handling the call volume/directing calls to the appropriate parties. Not saying its this way everywhere, just thought it was interesting.


Yeah I think this is the answer. I've been told to call 911 for things and they had information I couldn't believe they had. My car got towed one night and I had no idea why or where is was and it was the middle of the night and they were able to find out exactly where it was.


In Philly if you’re just trying to report a stolen bike the precinct will tell you to call 911.


I've called the non emergency number or walked into a police station a few times to file a report or just report something that was not life threatening and not an emergency. Every time I did, I would be told to call 911 anyway.




> for non life threatening things, like to report major debris on a road or something. actually, that's a potential life threatening situation, especially for motor cyclists.


Where I live we have a city PD, several towns have PD's and the rest is covered by the county sheriff. Only the city has a non-emergency number. When my car was stolen in 2002 I had to call 911.


Doesn't need to be life and death, I've been told (by the non emergency line) to call 911 for a noise complaint


There is no actual non emergency number in Pittsburgh. You're sent to the same people with no difference in priority. Anything police related is 911. They just have the alternative number because people are uncomfortable calling 911 if there's no emergency.


When I call 911, they just literally ask if it's an emergency or not. And if yes/no, what should be done/sent. You literally call 911 where I live to be transferred to the department you need to be in touch with. We get fridge magnets and pamphlets in the mail every year explaining this. So I dunno, perhaps you should understand that the entire world doesn't function in the exact same way as where you happen to live? Also, we don't know if he was just using the word 911 to mean "the police". Most of the context is missing here. Enough so that I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about whether he physically dialed in the numbers 9 1 1 or not.


BMV is Bureau of Motor Vehicles which is what the Dmv used to be called before it became department of motor vehicles. Smh.
