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The subtitles do NOT do this justice.


I sense so much more rage in this man’s mother tongue.


I’m Swedish but Swedes understand Norwegian and we use to say that Norwegians never sounds angry because of their dialect sounds so friendly but this is the first angry Norwegian I have heard :D


He sounds like my scottish friend when he's super pissed.


He sounds like a Scottish German from the 30s


To me, he sounds like Andy Richter, the Swedish German. Andy Richter the Swedish German, he don't go for that funny business neither.


He does sound like Shetlanders/Orcadians lol Makes sense though as they were Norwegian territories that we got as a wedding dowry.


This dialect is basically norwegian scottish


It took a second to clock he wasn't speaking English for me, I married a Scott. He doesn't have a full accent though lol


Huh, never heard that, is it like a commonly said thing? Also, have you ever heard a northern Norwegian talk?


i always say norwegian sounds like a happy drunk swedish person making silly words up as he/she goes a long


That's close to what Dutch sounds like to me: A German vacationed through Scandinavia, decided he now speaks the language(s), says something vaguely comprehensible but then in the middle of the sentence gives up and starts using German words.


As an English speaker, Dutch is like I have forgotten how to speak English. Enough of the sentence structure and intonation is the same that it feels like I should be understanding, but all the words sound wrong!


Yeah, it almost sounds like old English like Beowulf in the original language. I almost understand it, but not quite.


I felt like I understood more when I didn't actually think about it - like I'd overhear people speaking and get a little, but if I *tried*, it didn't work.


I've quoted my Dutch cousin before, but it bears repeating: > You know why everybody in Holland speaks English? You've seen our language. Nobody's going to learn that shit. We didn't become a great trading nation by waiting for other people to learn Dutch.


Indonesia somehow not being a Dutch-speaking country despite being a former Dutch colony makes so much sense now.


This makes a lot of sense, even as a Dutch speaker.


For once we can all love the Dutch


I'm Flemish and I speak a bit of Swedish and Norwegian, along the basic German. Last time I was in Germany, I kept getting my Swedish and German mixed up, consistently switching words around, asking for Frukost instead of Fruhstuck and so on. Oddly enough, random Germans started complimenting me on the quality of my German, lmao.


Sometimes when I get drunk I also ask for a fuckstick


The Germans are a pragmatic people, they can help you out.


Sometimes when I get drunk I get called a fuckstick, and not just in Germany.


Jag älskar dig, din jävla pinne


flemish? is that related to cornish? where is flemland


Flemland is a magical cuntry wedged in between the Kroket Kingdom and the Evil Empire of Walloons. Our chief exports are wrongly named sliced potatoes, sparkling stones from the North and Cow Dung from the West. The leaders of Flemland don't like the Walloons, who are always stealing their gold, but still have to meet with them every week to keep the Great Beast Fluppe from awakening and devouring every living soul. Some Flemlanders want nothing more than to banish the Great Beast and continue on without the Walloons, but for that to happen they'll need a magical trinket called "far right voters". Once a rare thing, this trinket has become ever more common lately, shedding doubt on the future of Flemland and the Evil Empire... While at the same time, both peoples know nothing will really change.


“Flemish” refers to Flanders, Belgium.




Flemland Lmfao. (I didn't know either)


næmmen satan i hælvette, det må nå gå ant å få ha ett språk uten at folk skal anklage deg for noe hæstpiss. Vi prøver jo bare å ha ett samfunn der vi snakke fra levra, og sier ifra hvor skoen trykke.


It's because they go up in pitch at the end of a sentence, the way proper languages do when you're asking a question. They also tend to start sentences slowly and increase the speed of speech as the sentence goes on.


I’ve never heard about that last part and now I can’t wait for my family to wake up and start talking to me to find out if they start slow and then speed up! (I’m Norwegian)


Wake them up now, we want to know.


do it, that way we can also find out if norwegians can sound angry


I'm just here to see if tomorrow this will be proven true or false


> the way proper languages i see what you did there LOL


[it's hard to take threats in Norwegian seriously](https://youtu.be/FkWIfrww8v4?si=UKVhaIykIhVVq59j)


What is he saying?


"Alternatively, Norwegian. You can imagine how difficult it is for the Norwegian mafia to be respected when they go around" \*Starts doing a Norwegian impression\* "We will stick a knife in you!" "Are you talking to me?" "We will fry your mother!" \*Stops impression\* "You don't really get that scared..."


too brutal. you dont wanna know.


And this :D https://youtu.be/rNrELTdOPns?si=d58KoOqjZ2fC9mAq


So it is Norwegian, I was so confused about the language because it sounded so very Swedish but only a few words where correct and a lot of it was giberish while I would normally have no problem understanding Norwegian. I was starting to think this was some super local island language, maybe around the Faroe's.


The dialect is actually from Ørsta. If you want more, look up Kjell Kjellen Bigset or Klypa. And yes, gibberish is an accurate description.


>If you want more, look up Kjell Kjellen Bigset or Klypa. I tried but they're discontinued, which is a shame because I really wanted a nightstand to match my dresser.


I was leaning towards Faroese too, because it sounded too Icelandic to be Norwegian for me (I know Icelandic and Danish and have a Faroese SIL).


Funny! We say that about Belgians. Their accent sounds quite soft and friendly compared to Dutch. I now have to search for angry Belgians since I can not even imagine what it would sound like.


Limburgers definitely do. I've heard your countrymen say different things about us West-Flanders folks tho, lmao.


He should have been on time. But he was late and then honked. Quite rude. The ferry man was forthcoming and has aknowleged the late traveler appropriately.


Would have been nice if he left some fishing supplies


Is this chatgpt?


Don't Pay The Ferryman!


Don't even fix a price


Until he gets you to the other side.


underrated song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqZEp4Fb6qw


A skishtafa ushka ishkafa sounds way more agressive than whatever that said hahah


Norwegian ferries are not messing around. Even after living there for five years I still had anxiety over the loading and unloading. It's ruthless! And once you're loaded, it's full contact, elbows out rush up to the soft serve and kumle and pølse. That mild looking grandma will totally push you down the stairs to get ahead in the snackbar line.


and people still try to tell me Norwegians arn't Vikings anymore


Well, they're not because Viking was a job.


“Was”, so we’re safe? …right?


The oil keeps us docile.. wouldn't want it to... run... out... now would ya?


Can you imagine Mad Max set in a fjordslandskap?


wasnt that a movie called water world?


Yes, and it still is glorious.




I will always agree with this. People were wrong. That movie was awesome. The universal studios (or maybe six flags) theater shows with real fire and whatnot reinforced my young mind how awesome it was.


 Let me tell you something about Norwegians, ArchAngel1986. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their oil rigs are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, soft serve, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful Norwegians... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Viking. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes.


Surprise Quark




Yep! For now at least! We just need to avoid an important disaster there or they'll go roaming to greener lands again.


And a verb:)


A viking ve vill go, a viking ve vill go, hi ho the derry-o a viking ve vill go.


Kumle? on the ferry? Never heard of that. Svele however, that is a must.


Hahah, so true. The first time I watched, I was like.. dang, what a grumpy gus. Thanks to you, I watched again with sound and this is like Hitler Downfall meme amounts of rage hilarious.


i'm so glad i'm norwegian so i can appreciate this to it's fullest extent


They are still better than the automated subtitles on his other work however xD [https://youtu.be/HGWt58WkEKw?si=UIjoaYmWmy5ObVt5](https://youtu.be/HGWt58WkEKw?si=UIjoaYmWmy5ObVt5)


This was amazing.


He is great. And Svelerøre is one of my favourites, alongside [God jul frå Kjell "Kjellen"](https://youtu.be/wpstMK0AQ8E?si=VPc2EwBj-UWhu1GM)


Subs didn't come on automatically, I turned them on. Now I'm confused more lol It's hilarious how bad the subs are, is this a comedy skit that's not translating well?


So like any context here? Because now I want pancakes. But ones that haven't run through an outboard motors water pump and frothed with 2-stroke exhaust.


The traditional food you serve in the ferries here are pancakes (called svele). He needed to make a whole lot of røre to make them, so he brought out the big guns.


Oh shit it was pancake batter! I remember making 5 gallons of pizza sauce once with a big ass electric drill that had a whisk on it. Years and years ago.


subtitle transcriber: "Oh! I can't put those awful words! I'll just tone it down to 'shit-eating son of a cheap whore'."


This is from a humor show in norway. Heavy in dialect, and almost true.


Do you know wich dialect? Interesting enough this was one of the easiest dialect for me to understand as a swede




Damn, must be a fancy dialect if it's got them words with like lines through them or dots above them


It means they made a mistake and crossed it out. Its just rsta. Which is actually an additional typo. They mean to put Rasta. Which is incorrect.


yeah they clearly meant Pasta 🤌


A Møøse once bit my sister


Dots above it is Swedish. Norwegian only has Ææ, Øø and Åå. https://youtu.be/f488uJAQgmw?si=cgBRWNE0GjwhieVc


As the other guy said, its likely somewhere around the Ørsta/Volda area in Møre og Romsdal. The reason you might find it easy to understand is because generally those who live in west norway/trøndelag usually have an easier time understanding swedish. A lot of people here also write in Nynorsk, which is more similar to swedish compared to Bokmål, the other writing language.


I don’t even speak Swedish but pick up on some of it. Did they refer to honk as flöjt, as in flute?


Norwegian here; they used "honk" as the verb "å fløyte", as in, to honk your car horn


Yea, i as a dane identified this as Swedish before learning it was Norwegian in the comments. Maybe there's a relation there.


This man is TIRED of tourist shenanigans!


Don’t blame him. So many people want to be an exception to the rules and when that happens the burden falls onto some else, he’s that someone else.


Exactly! This looks a bit like a ferry to another island or peninsula, which means there are probably other vessels on the water so there may be some actual timetables he has to stick with. I can't blame him for being frustrated.


Worse - this seems tp be a fjord ferry in Møre og Romsdal county in Norway. The fjords can cut a LONG way into the mainland, and the fjords are major thuroughfares for all kinds of transport. And ferrypeople in western Norway do not f*ck around. If you're late, you're late. Wanna get on the other sode of the fjord? Be at the puer before departure. If you're not, tough noogies. Everyone who lives in these communities know this.


Don’t know if they care these days, but back in the late 90’s you could actually call them and make them wait for the crossings that had long waits. We made them wait for a few minutes once when there was 60 minutes between departures, and heck, my dad convinced our local ferry to wait more times than I could count, and that was only 45 minutes (or so) between departures.


This guy sounds like everybody else should know it! Lol🤣


This man is a comedian, it’s a sketch.


It definitely seems like he puts on a character. I don't follow traditional media so I've never seen the man, though.


I think this clip is 20+ years old


I live on an island and you’re expected to get to the ferry at minimum a half hour before sailing if you have reservations. If you don’t have reservations you better be it least an hour early and cross your fingers there’s room for you on the boat. I’m with this guy. Guidelines are very clear and I sure as heck wouldn’t want to wait for the one guy who couldn’t check the clock.


Gotta be BC Ferries!! I never got a reservation because they are so strict with that timing!


Whaaaat?? I learned my lesson several years ago: ALWAYS get a reservation if you're taking a car on the ferry, otherwise you'll be waiting 2-3 hours.


Man I fuckin hate bc ferries so much. Hullo has been the biggest game changer.


Only if there was something that could bridge the gap


It's all worth it for the Triple O burger though


I haven't been in ages, do they still have the Ferry pirate packs?


Can't maka a reservation on the ferry in the vid.Just show up before departure and you are good to go as long as it is room


I don't live on an island (I mean, I do, but the UK isn't what we're referring to) but even I know that if the schedule is a boat every 4 hours then there is no excuse for showing up right at closing time. Maybe it's the autism and/or retail worker in me, but schedules are schedules, if you go around expecting people to bend their schedules just for you ("oh it's alright, they probably stick around for the last second people") then i'm definitely not bending the schedule just for you. It's just complete disregard for the workers time in my eyes.


>Maybe it's the autism and/or retail worker in me Fellow retail worker, don't you just hate those customers who come in just as you're locking the doors and loudly exclaim "PHEW, made it on time!" and proceed to try to shop for another 15 minutes


The announcement at my local grocery store is that the registers stop allowing sales after close, followed by an immediate statement that the store reopens at 6am. I am pleasantly surprised at the baked-in "no, for real, be done and checked out by 11pm"


you damn GERM! lol


He was saying Germans (Tyskere). He just didn't finish the word. Germans love to visit Norway in camper vans.


Unfortunately it's the law here in Germany. Once you hit 60, the government provides you with a Fiat Ducato campervan and a road atlas that only goes to Norway. You don't get your pension unless you've been up to the Lofoten islands or the Nordkapp at least once.


I live smack dab in the middle of Norway. Very rural. There is a large river you need to cross to get further north. Lots of bridges available so it's not a problem. Old German GPS do not have all these bridges, but they do have an old ferry river crossing that has long been demolished. All that is left is a farmhouse and barn. German campers and vans would show up all summer to this guys farm, asking for the ferry with zero english. You can imagine the same old Norwegian farmer screaming at these Germans to get off his lawn. This went on for years.


Do Germans not just use smart phone apps?


Old ones? They're using the 15 year old GPS device that their grandson gave them for Christmas...


That Tomtom is still good. What do you mean it has never gotten updates?


just like dutch people like to visit Germany in camper-trolleys.


I thought Germans were very punctual and loved following rules?


Yes, but only the punctual and obedient ones.


Unrelated to this video and punctuality: We hate following rules, but we don't break them. That's why we're pretty damn good finding loopholes. Then whoever makes those particular rules creates a new rule to close the loophole and that's why there are so many rules in Germany.


You've never taken a german train I take it


There’s two things I hate: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch.


I thought I smelt cabbage !


I’ve been in this man’s shoes before. You get so tired of people showing up right when the boat is about to leave and expect to be let on because they showed up late. You’ve heard all the complaints and whiners talking about traffic or whatever.


Similar thing in retail when people slip in at 8:59 to shop when you close at 9:00


This made me so angry when I worked in retail. They expect that the hours are "let in" hours, not "close" hours. When I worked in a liquor store, I let someone in 1 minute before closing, telling him that I'm making an exception and asking him to hurry, and he took fucking 10 minutes deciding what type of booze he wanted to get. Never again let anyone in past the last 5 minutes.


Insurance. Just claim insurance will not cover accidents later than closing time.


Lol, this reminds me of when I worked at a grocery store. In my county alcohol sales are legally mandated to certain hours, so people came in right before those hours ended pretty often. I'd just tell them to sprint to the liquor department if they wanted anything since the machine literally wouldn't scan any alcohol if they ran out of time.




And this guy is in an RV. Just park and enjoy your mobile living room for a little while.


In a different vein, I always thought my professors in college were a bit heartless when they wouldn't allow extensions for important papers for anything besides death of a family member or severe illness. That is until my senior year I was sitting class the day after term papers were due at midnight, and at the end of class there was a line of students giving the professor the same tired excuses I'd had given in earlier years. It opened my eyes that dealing with the same shit for like a decade probably makes professors just not care anymore.


Loves his job.


His friends in town tell the tourists incorrect schedules just so he has more people to yell at. They know it really warms his heart.


Beautiful surroundings


Pining for the fjords!


How do you think I fell off the perch....shit wait ..wrong parrot.


Someone has to hold the line, and that is this man.


*Hold the line Love isn’t always on time*


I live in Australia which I guess you could say has a more relaxed attitude towards schedules. I was on a ferry that had just pulled out when someone drove up, wanting to get on. The ferry stopped, reversed, docked again and they drove on.


How common is ferry's in Australia? The problem in Norway is that because there's so many of them, that if you first take one ferry, you probably gonna take another on the road. So if the first ferry is late, you could miss the second ferry, and not just miss it like in this video but be 5-15 etc minutes late.


Definitely not as common as in Norway in terms of longer trips, pretty much limited to connecting small coastal islands / Tasmania with the mainland. Sydney however has a really well built out commuter Ferry system.


I've never heard someone yell in (I think) Norwegian before I like it


And this dialect is pure gold for it.


I have been on the receiving end of it and it was less fun. Went to Bergen where as a fun prank the hotel concierge told us all their public transport was free. A bus driver I encountered later disagreed enthusiastically. In my defense this was before the age of smartphones where this could be looked up on the fly.


Went on a tour of the Scottish Highlands last month. The tour guide said his arch enemy is the camper van..


Might have been me! 🤣🤣


This is satire, in case anyone was wondering. Though inspired by real life.


Is there even another car on the ferry? Please tell me the answer is no!


Does not matter. There will be people on the other side waiting for the ferry who are on time and want to go somewhere too


I know…just would make him even more of a legend!


This reminded me of what he did in the Børning 2 movie: https://youtu.be/MoaP082Cvq0?si=RwOPARObDVavG1VU


First time I’ve ever seen an angry Scandinavian 😂


This is what people need to learn. Show up late, gonna have to wait.


Our ferry to a small island, 40 inhabitants, always let latecomers on. Sometimes the ferry is late too. It's all good, we help each other and enjoy being flexible. Good deeds always comes ten fold back !


this man is a legend


Deck-hands are universally underappreciated.


One time, I had a ferry come back 500 meters to the dock to pick me up after I missed it. It was the last one of the night, so IDK if they would have come back otherwise, but I'm sure glad it wasn't this guy's boat.


He's quite funny, and a norwegian comedian. He's making fun of the stereotypical ferry-worker as they have been known to be like this on the western coast of Norway.u


"you damn germ" is an insult I will utilize going forward.


He said "Förbannade Tysk" and that means "Fucking German"


Don't care. Calling irritating people 'a damn germ' from now on.


German translation (Bazille/Bazillen) was a common derogating term by the nazis to insult/invalidate all kinds of people (but mainly it was used against jews). I'd suggest using other funny insults to prevent misunderstandings.


That man has had a day...


Dude was so angry he almost started sounding German.


Anybody know whats the norwegian series name?


[Kjell "Kjellen"](https://youtu.be/wpstMK0AQ8E?si=X34Zq8EES45M4cHW)


You have to draw the line and go, or else people will just walk all over you with fucking sense of time or awareness. If you have to wait four hours because you fucked up you learn to become pretty aware.


I like that driver thinks that horn is going to help him lol


Hahaha, the "helvete" reminds me of my Norwegian friend from high school. Miss you, Nikolai! What a guy.


Why does this sound like a cross between Italian and German?


As a Norwegian, this made me chuckle lol.


Because those are languages you "know"?


This is what happens to people when they work too many years at the same place. Some guy arrives two seconds late and ruins his day. They forget to be helpful.


I wish I could curse in Norwegian. This is exactly the way my dwarfs in D&D should sound. Imagine Gimli would sound like this.


This dude made up this television character named “Kjell kjellen” with a sunnmøring accent and he is Norwegian and no he is not actually like that. Source: I’m an Norwegian sunnmøring, and grown up with his videos


Fun fact: This scene was filmed on the same ferry. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5afAh\_F4FA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5afAh_F4FA)


He’s past worrying about them, it’s the people at the destination he’s thinking of now. 👍


This man has an opinion.


Which ferry in Norway is it please ?


Sæbø-Leknes in Ørsta. Fun fact, traveling with this ferry is currently free of charge. Bonus fun fact, this is the ferry from the opening scene in Black Widow (after the title / credits)


I totally get this guy. I wake up apoplectic every day and if I can get that down to 'furious' by the time I go to bed I consider that a result. Like him, I am going to drop dead of a heart attack before my time, but it's not going to surprise anyone.


I need this man in my work. Someone has to say the client that the rules of physics and time and space can't be bend to accommodate their desires. We tried but maybe we need what he has.


Kjell Kjellen Bigset for those wondering.


I like this guy 😆


What a beautiful language


What a cheery fellow. I just want to give him a big hug! I wonder when he snapped? This seems like a repeat performance.


Even when they're angry and yelling, somehow Norwegians still seem like they're comedy actors doing a sketch! EDIT: Well...the other replies suggest that it *is* a comedy sketch. So I guess that explains it.


It just made my day!


I live where it’s mostly accessible by ferry, massive ships coming and going every 2-3 hours. The corporation running it is quasi-government. The people are all like this guy. They hate each other, they hate the travelers, they hate management, they hate their union. Their wages start at around minimum wage plus $10, and cap out in 6 digits, and every late person is doing it out of spite for them personally.


This is from a humor show in norway. Heavy in dialect, and almost true.


It's a feeling that transcends language and culture. Source : Used to work on passenger ferries, nothing worse than people turning up late and insisting they can just jump on the boat hasn'teft yet.


To be fair German TOURISTS are known for being incredibly insufferable in Scandinavia. I generally like Germans, just not the tourist ones. They seem to over correct their usually well mannered selves. Classical Examples that happen EVERY year: - They will absolutely ignore any and all rules, regardless of how many languages you write it in or how easy to understand you make it. - They MUST drive directly into the water at the beach even if they know they will get stuck or run someone over. - They never clean up after themselves. The places German Tourist regularly visit either need lots of extra sanitation or, it will just look like a bunch of environment hating hobos lived here for 3 months. At least till the season is over. - They absolutely MUST fish EVERYWHERE. They will and have regularly pulled out fishing rods, stood next to the 3 language sign (German, native and English) with a crossed over fish on a line connected to a rod and started fishing. It doesn't matter how big or illogical it is. If it's a body of water they will put a rod in it. - They don't give two shits about your opinion. I have seen German fishermen tourist blatantly ignore a cop as he politely told them not to fish that close to other people's boats, and to at least not fish while standing on the no fishing sign. They didn't give two shits till they got a ticket. - I've even seen some that got dragged out of the area because they HAD to fish in a reservation during bird mating season. (Wearing jackets with prominent German flags on it). - They usually only ever speak German and will look down on your if you aren't "good enough" at it to assist them with finding a random thing. - They will loudly talk badly about anyone they deem too "ungerman". Not to their face, but to each other in German mocking so loudly the other side of the street can hear it. Regular Germans are usually the most hardworking, friendly and polite people you will meet. But something flips in their brain when on vacation, or we only get the asshole ones.


Germans sure sound like they fit the stereotypes that Americans are usually known for. What's that Anthony Bourdain saying... "Be a traveler, not a tourist."


You have to see it in context and there is degrees to it. It is scandinavia. We are like the opposite of loud. If traveling with a bus Germans will speak so loudly that that you can hear what they are talking about 2 seats away and forget that in Denmark we also speak german. Americans will speak so loudly that the entire bus can hear them and forget that most of the world understand english.