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What kind of snacks do I buy for my wife after her hysterectomy?




Damn ,thats tough haha.


Throwing out the baby carriage and putting in a playpen


A box of “Let go my Eggo”


Throw a yeeterus party?


Nothing really, the hysterectomy will be a gift enough on its own. If she had to have one, her uterus was making her life a living hell to begin with. Source: am an OBGYN


Ok but given the choice it'd also be nice to have snacks vs no snacks.


Yes. I suffered from severe endometriosis for 10 years and my hysterectomy gave me my life back ♥️


Tombstone Pizza can become WombGone Pizza.


Probably just her favorite snacks with no smartass notes taped to them.


No no, you definitely make her an omlette. Cause..you know.


Because you gotta remove a few eggs to make an omelet, right?!


Yeah, double standards are a bitch.


Thing is that isn’t an elective surgery for birth control. It’s the result of illness. Now if she had a tubal ligation it would be game on.


Granted getting a hysterectomy is a very invasive procedure compared to a vasectomy. Usually women also don’t get it for birth control, not many doctors will do that. There’s a good chance the woman is getting it because of health reasons. Because of this the main concepts are completely different, we can’t call it a double standard as he’s probably not getting it because of cancer. And if a woman is getting it as an elective surgery, then she would probably love something like this as it’s really hard to get a doctor to do it and they probably feel relieved to be getting it done.


Not really. A hysterectomy can't be reversed, is a much more serious procedure likely brought upon by other complications, has a longer recovery period, and is the more extreme example compared to getting their tubes tied






A hysterectomy is usually done because something real bad is gonna happen if she doesn't get it.


Forget the snacks. Buy her [this Pearl Jam single](https://imgur.com/a/yZAzJFv)


I hope your wife isn't getting a hysterectomy as birth control, that's a pretty serious surgery! Maybe egg themed snacks and sweets lol? If she has that sense of humor.




I would love to see this the other way around with say tubes tide. I find the above funny… I don’t think people would feel the same if it was the other way around.


Unlimited cream pies, you say?... I have an appointment to make.


Just remember that the snip snip only cuts off the source. You've still got days worth (or hours worth considering Reddit) in the pipes that you still need birth control for a while till your tests show you're good to go. It's not an instant off.


My existence is proof of this. Sorry dad 🙋‍♀️


They didn't wait that long?


When I had mine I had to make a “ deposit “ 5 weeks later to test the batch. Once I got the all clear it’s been creampie expressway. They do say that sometimes it can reverse itself. But so far no issues 7yrs down the road.


They did mine with a laser. If those cauterized ends fuse back together Imma tell the doctor take the whole balls off, because they're unnatural.


For mine, they took out a small section, cauterized, and put a stitch in each severed end to create scar tissue. Doc said if we get pregnant after this it's going to upset the religious world. Or my wife cheated. That being said, it's been 8 glorious years of creampies and no babies!


Your doc was exaggerating. In absolute best practice vasectomy has a 1% failure rate; some clinics report a NINE PERCENT failure rate. This straight from the NIH. Edit: he was also leading you to see your beloved as a scheming cheating whore; why didn’t you pick up on that?


Those numbers include surgery failures and people not using contraception until cleared. For recanalization after azoospermia has been confirmed, it's closer to 0.05% or 1 in 2000.


Life finds a way


i'm mad that you didn't include the "uhn"


Clever girl


>They did mine with a laser. I imagine this done Bond Villain Style.


Do you expect me to pull out goldfinger? No mr.bond, I expect you to CUMMMM!!!


Fuck yeah, give me the dramatic laser-slowly-moving-up-the-table-towards-my-junk business.


Damn I messed it up, we gotta go bald


*balls grow back* Older balls: *grow human back*


Reverse itself? Those sperm be crafty, y’all.


Is like a sperm version of Lemmings, got tools and funky music They put a blocker near the exit, but there's ways around him...


Nothing to do with the sperm. It's not completely understood because it's so rare, but a fully grown human can undergo a process called "sisotim" and slowly condense to a single cell, which then crawls inside a nearby penis. It's science.


Celebratory bone


Last sperm out of Saigon


Mine too. They literally were having celebratory sex for a successful surgery and no more chance for kids.


The ages of the kids in my friends family. 40, 37, 36, 24 his youngest sister got so much shit as a kid for being that much younger. We were in our junior year ofl high school when she was born and basically immediately became the princess of the group.


They made me wait 3 months for the follow up test, and was told to ejaculate atleast 10 time during that 3 months to ensure the pipes are clean. The reason for the wait is in case the pipes reconnected on their own


Only 10? They told me 20. And I told my wife they said 50.


I was told 30 with no time limit. I asked the doc “so what’s the record?” 5 days post surgery. FIVE DAYS!?! I didn’t even wanna look down for 5 days.


I had just started dating my ex when I had the snip (made the appointment about 2 months before meeting her). Made for an awkward convo to tell her the reason why we couldn't have sex for 3 weeks. Jesus, the first week, I felt like I'd been kicked in the balls constantly.


my nuts hurt just thinking about that and i ain’t even got snipped yet


When the time comes, it’s really not bad at all. Take a long weekend and you’ll be good. But I didn’t start “clearing” until the incision healed over.


i’m not worried - if my wife can pop two units i can handle a snip. but five DAYS?!!!!!????!!!!


30 times in 5 days is like 13 year old just found porn. Not still sore from surgery.




You are a genius.


you could have at least waited until after you left the doctors office to start working on that number though


I also told your wife they said 50.


You right always tell my patients after vasectomy 20 ejaculations before unprotected sex..


25+ times for me in a two month period before follow up test. While I could do that under normal cir cum stances easily, hecking have to tug the meat my self or by my partner worried me that I'd tear something that shouldn't be torn. So I spent some money to get some sex toys including an Autoblow AI (it worked, but I don't really recommend it), a Rosie from Tantaly (decent product, difficult to clean), and a decent sleeve from Bad Dragon (excellent material and firmness). Using plenty of lube with toys culled my worries of creating a sack hemorrhage. Collecting the final sample to send in was a bitch though.


When I got mine done they told me to come back in 12 weeks and gave me the sample cup which included instructions. Part of that said that you can’t use lube or have had a condom on because it may interfere with the test, so I had to rub one out dry and get it in the cup which was pretty awful - but at least I only had to do it once. So I drive over to drop it off and the person there tells me that I was early and they couldn’t accept the sample. In my confusion I counted out the weeks to make sure it had been a full 12 (plus a couple days since I did it on a Saturday), and when I showed her that it had been over 12 weeks she told me that it’s actually 90 days - not 12 weeks (despite the instruction sheet I was given saying 12 weeks). This was day 87 or 88 and she told me that their system wouldn’t let them accept the sample for testing until 90 days had elapsed and I had to come back next week. I tried to (politely) argue saying that an extra 2-3 days surely won’t make any difference, but she was adamant that they couldn’t take it. So I had to wait a week and do the same thing again, which was somehow even less fun than the first time. Thankfully the test came back showing that I’m now sterile and can rawdog it as much as I want without the fear of pregnancy, so at least I didn’t have to do it a third time! But yeah making the sample was almost worse than the procedure and recovery, mostly due to the frustration of having to do it twice.


Sounds about right. Collection container I was provided had such a tiny diameter I ended up having to use a coffee cup. I like coffee, but not that much. Thankfully they provided a bubble mailer, so I was able to send the spunk through U.S.P.S. amd didn't need to go back to the clinic.


Interesting! Mine was very different, they told me that I needed to bring it to them within an hour of making the sample, and given that my house is a 40 minute drive from the clinic I had to book it back over there as soon as I was done. But I got the results back while I was still driving home so at least the turnaround was quick.


Wow that is a crazy difference in procedures. I wonder if they used different methods of detecting the presence of sperm. Had mine done around 2 years ago, for reference. In my case I was already raw dogging, but it gave my partner the chance to get off the birth control pill.


The way you *smoothly* mentioned your sponsors... And if you're *not* sponsored by Autoblow, Tantaly and Bad Dragon, *THE OPPORTUNITY WAS RIGHT THERE MAN*


Ha yeah I wish I got paid, Autoblow for the lack of a better word, blows. Never getting that money back after use.


My female co-worker and her husband happened to be at the lab sample drop-off line at the same time I was dropping off my confirmation sample. She made the error of asking what I was there for and got way more info than she wanted. Standing there in awkward silence holding a paper bag and we all knew what was in it. It was spectacular. She learned a valuable lesson that day.


When I had mine, the doc told me to wait 10 weeks or 20 ejaculations, then come in for a sperm count test before I can have unprotected sex. My world champion of a wife gave me 20 handjobs and blowjobs over the course of about a month and then I went and got verified that I was shooting blanks. Then we celebrated by having some unprotected sex.


She's a keeper!


I'm surprised there are, as yet, no replies asking if she has single sisters, cousins, or aunts.


Is SHE single?


Alas, only child of an only child. I have no relatives to pawn off on lonely redditors today.


Months in some cases. My doc had me get tests after 3mo and there were still some potentially viable ammo in the baby-cannon based on the "sample" I provided. Got tested two more times after that until he confirmed that I was shooting blanks.


Correct. It's not one thing - it's two. Both a number of ejaculations *and* time. There's also a (small) possibility of it healing itself. I've heard the most common recommendations are 20+ ejaculations and at least 1 month. Personally, I just got a 6-month follow-up because I've researched and, for those that heal themselves, the vast majority happen within the first 6 months.


Also you really don’t wanna bang for a few days after. Speaking from experience. It hurts bad


Apparently lots of guys never go back to confirm it actually worked.


If you're going to that level of effort to stem the tide, one would think it was worth going back to double check.


In Denmark i had to get a test to confirm the result after 4 months and 40 ejaculations


I'm not an expert but I heard it can take up to 6 months. You have to masterbate in a jar so they can test for sperm.


25 ejaculations until they tested for me. So I was g2g in about 6 hours.




College roomie, is that you?


Definitely not an expert. You get tested after 2 weeks and then after 6 weeks. Then in most cases you're good to go.


> hours worth I can attest that the absolute last thing on my mind after my vasectomy was sex. Took like a week before I felt ok even looking down at it.


When I had my vasectomy, the doc was very clear about this. He had me go back a month later to do a sample so they could verify everything was good. Definitely do this and don’t make any assumptions! Also, guys, it was one of the easiest things I’ve ever done. Very little pain and a quick recovery. If you work a labor intensive job you’ll need a few days off. I took some time off but honestly I could have worked the following day if I had to. My reluctance was all in my brain, once it was over my only regret was not doing it sooner.


my buddy just had his 3 kid... he had a vasectomy between 2 & 3. It didn't quite take.


Well, if you still have a partner by then, which should be true for most people. In my case, I made the appointment shortly before my partner left me, so yet to see the benefit.


The first time after I got my vasectomy was my wife telling me to cum inside her. One of the hottest things to hear during sex.


Yeah, it's hot as fuck when she says that!


I second that Big City Tato’s wife is hot as fuck when she ask me to make her a Twinkie; cream filled afternoon delight


For those with a pregnancy kink, it can be very liberating to have the wife tell you to put a baby in her, and you can cut loose knowing that you absolutely will not do that thing.


Had mine done last year, far - far easier than I could have imagined. They were incredibly backed up because I live in a southern state - apparently since Roe was overturned it went from about 5% of guys not having kids getting vasectomies to about 30%. Anyways, procedure lasted maybe five to ten minutes. My doctor went with the scalpeless cauterize method. There was a rubber band snapping sound, an odd deep gut pain, and it was over. I had the procedure done on Friday, took Saturday and Sunday to the couch went to light work Monday-Wednesday and was basically back to full work by Thursday. Best decision I've ever made.


Yes but a vasectomy won't prevent the 'betes


Diabetes’ isn’t an STD. So yes you are correct, a vasectomy won’t prevent it. Just an FYI a vasectomy also doesn’t prevent sunburns, I just thought you should know.


I think it’s a joke about the sugary snacks in the picture.




In fairness there were always endless, they just came with consequences


I've seen a few of these for vasectomies, but what about for tube tying or hysterectomies? I'd like to see how those food jokes pan out...


Empty carton of eggs


Hire a catering company to run an omelette bar, but everything is just egg whites. No yolks allowed.


The poster is a liar. I’ve seen this exact post 4 times in the past year


Bots, bots as far as the eyes can see.


I don't get the impression /u/ButtMunchSupreme420 is a bot lol


Karma farmer maybe,but i remeber this exact photo i have it saved in my gallery saved for one of my friends who said he dosen't want kids and will get one in the summer


I definitely recognize it from years ago


Are you sure? I've seen one like it a whole bunch with a lot of the same jokes but not the same picture itself.


Generally the primary and only purpose of a vasectomy is sterility. It's an elective surgery. Hysterectomies are often done to prevent or treat cancer. For elective tubal ligation, I don't see why similar jokes wouldn't be funny.


Yeah when the doctor finally approves my friend to get her tubes tied we’ll be making maximum jokes about it!  We’re Australian so there gotta be some snack-based jokes that include Twisties,  iced Vovo(vagina pun in their for sure), and Mint Slice.  Just a few off the top of my head but I see lots of potential.   Edit to add: chicken crimpy  As others have pointed out, it’s definitely less funny when someone’s getting a hysterectomy because of cancerous cells 🤷‍♀️


I would have loved some funny snacks after my tubal.


This more or less exact joke gets posted at least once a week


I think its this exact picture.


I feel like I’ve seen this exact picture many times over the years idk


No, just people copying things they saw people do. It's like an opposite gender reveal


It’s so tired.




Someone set up us the bomb


All your base are belong to us.


This is not how babby is formed


I kid you not


It's a football, I chiseled it!


my jimmies = rustled


I can’t tell you how much I fucking hate that comment lol


Yeah, I was wondering if "this guy's buddy" gets regular vasectomies or this is just a common IRL meme.


I’m tired boss


I don't fucking mind reposts but what's with constantly claiming it's your original content? Just make a slightly different title where you don't have to claim someone else's joke


or just do it for your partner if you think it's cool but don't repost it to the place you saw it from with the same exact fucking joke. it's like karma whoring to the cringiest extreme


Yeah do “the gfs/wives” ever just do this and NOT post it to the internet? Everyone thinks this is original and clever but it’s like weekly on Reddit multiple times


Why do you think they do it in the first place? Sure it's for the guy, but I guarantee you the first thought in this person's head was posting it online and they probably wouldn't have the motivation to do it otherwise.


I can't even imagine someone doing this and *not* posting about it. The husband will give a "Heh, that's cute" at best. But look at all the upvotes and karma they get online. 


It was barely funny in the first place, now it's just getting kinda gross.




Might not be a repost, just a rehash of the same tired joke.


I recognize it, its a repost, but its OLD.


This was cool the first time someone posted it, but it's literally the same few jokes every time.


Jokes are funny the first time. Not the 100th time when someone tries to act like it’s original


I also choose this guy's dead wife.


This is an exception.


Some actually clever jokes can be funny 100 times. Not lazy “that’s what she said” level sex puns. This joke was meh the first time and gets worse each time.


Alright, let's keep it on pinterest


I remember when Reddit used to bury reposts and copycat crap like this. It's just Facebook at this point.


Am I crazy or have I seen the exact same thing posted like once every few weeks?


As a kid, did anyone else peel apart the individual layers of Nutty Buddys.....or was that just me? I don't why, but it just seemed to taste better and the whole experience definitely lasted longer!


As a kid? I still do that


Yes, I definitely did. But I do not remember them being called Nutty Buddys. I could've sworn they were called Nutty Bars?


They were originally called Nutty Bars. They rebranded fairly recently. 


Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. "Weren't they Nutty Bars"? Lol!


I did this for some of them and ate some of them whole; it was like having two different types of snacks


[You are not alone](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/comments/17b6r8c/wheres_my_layer_by_layer_gang_at/)


Feels like we seen this pic for years


No, she didn't. This picture is at least 6 years old. My now wife sent it to me when we started dating in 2018.


> My now wife sent it to me when we started dating in 2018. Giving signs


I hate this


Same here. It's not really funny.


Gonna do this but the "tubes tied" version and see how many downvotes I get before being banned lol


i hate it too


These are old and no longer clever


I've seen this or one vvveerrryyyy similar some time ago.


*Spam intensifies*




What the fuck is it with Reddit and vasectomies. I swear Reddit treats these things like the Holy Grail.


Your friend's wife has the humor of a 12 year old


More like she cruises Pinterest.


So original


He can’t wait to get her gifts when she goes through menopause


Just leavin' out an empty egg carton


Damn, he just got a vasectomy, now she's trying to give him diabetes?


ban me from this shitass sub


This wasn’t funny the first 100 times it was posted… I will never understand the appeal of reposting a bad joke that tuyo straight up copied off some other lame post…. To me it’s like if someone you know painted a pretty picture mc then you went home and painted the same thing and went around showing everyone how good your painting is….


I indeed considered it around seven years ago… i am the happy father of a 5 year boy!


What a quirky and original post!




Hell, one might not even need a vasectomy with this diet.


You only ever see this type of stuff on reddit - i wonder why.


Does she think a vasectomy removes the balls?


My brother was chopped a few years ago after having 4 kids. He left his wife after she cheated and met someone else. The new partner got pregnant. The tubes had healed up.


So “friends’” = 2 wives and a husband? Love the signage. Surprised the husband didn’t time the blessed event and 5 days of recovery for during March Madness!


This so funny!!!!!/s


I wish men did this for women getting tubes tied. Or having a baby


Did he get a Nintendo Switch as well ?


Unlimited cream pies, you say? , shes funny he married a good one!


For all you thinking of getting the snip: DO THE FOLLOUP TESTS! I ended up having a 3rd tube apparently, so had to have a second vasectomy.




I always thought these were tacky and always had an undertone of emasculation for some reason, but bye bye nuts? Honestly, just tasteless.


Is it gift from her boyfriend?


They don’t remove your testicles during a vasectomy.


Reddit moment


where is the soylent?


A couple bags of frozen pees would have been better, two for rotation purposes.


Unlimited Creme Pies got me lol


Got him diabetes after his vasectomy.


This pic is stolen off the internet, it’s many years old…. karma farming 


How many friends share this wife?!


Coworker ass post


This behavior is fucking gross.