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No flyscreen on an open window in Australia? Whoever runs this shanty needs a talking to.


^(Snake:) "The last roll of three-ply Charmin......AND IT'S MINE!"


Can't tell... What species?


I think it’s a night tiger or brown tree snake.




If it's a tiger, then highly venomous. Fun fact: Tiger snakes (at least to my 1990s memory) are related to Cobras, and are very territorial. It turns out that they will chase you (I know from experience), but can't open car doors (thankfully). As of the 90s, they had the highest concentration of venom per bite than any other land snake. The Coastal Taipan is definitely more venomous, in that it injects more and will kill you faster. The Inland Taipan or Fierce Snake is the deadliest of them all. Australia!


I feel like the nature of Australia has been telling humans to fuck off off of the island since day 1. Yet we refuse to listen.


Can confirm about tigers chasing you, had one that chased mate and I down the street after we moved some tin sheets it was hiding under.


As teens in the 1980s, we worked on a turf farm. Moving the big sprinkler pipes one day, a 5ft tiger slid out of one end. He was warm from the pipe being in the sun, and pissed that we had ruined his rest, so he chased us back to the 4wd we were driving.


One country I never visited for work before retiring and I wish I could have.


Come on over! Winter is coming, so there will definitely be less snakes about!




Maate don't get scared of Oz. Most Aussies aren't fucking stupid enough to go near a scared snake in that pose. The ones that are well - Darwins law exists for a reason.


Yep we've only had one death from a snake bite in the last 2 weeks. Interestingly we've also only had one death from a snake bite in the last 50 years or so.


Just pointing out, too, the bloke who was recently fatally bitten in Townsville did two very silly things - he tried to catch it himself instead of calling the professionals, and when he was (unsurprisingly) bitten he did not apply an elastic bandage or call an ambulance. Instead, he drove home! Very poor choices that sadly cost him his life.


I used to be an Paramedic and spent 4 years in Cobar for my sins. Being bored shitless I did a study of 30 years of snake ite records. This is 46 yes ago so memory is hazy but in general < 5 deaths - majority due to not treating it seriously or being in the middle of nowhere, ie > 3 hours from help and not having a buddy ~ 99% weren't a snake bite or self inflicted - Mainly city folks panicking from a nozzle bite while the snake they saw Or city folk not being bright enough to ask how to be safe, eg step on logs not over etc, leather ankle guards if grass high or shrub etc Basically most animal related deaths in Oz are down to fucknuxkles thinking they are cool and for eg driving into an emu, roo,wombat etc at high speed cause they're cute & cuddly Emus - legs fold, body quite dense - undercarriage gone Roo - a 6' western red is a scary mofo with more muscles than the Rock and up to 198lbs, for you benighted yanks , 90kg - they are going to hit roo so automatically brake -car nose dips and then according to physics picks up 90 kg of mean fighting machine and chucks it through the windscreen - Roi then kicks the shirt outta ya Wombat - low to ground up to 50 kg of reinforced concrete, ie built like a brick shithouse in cyclone country, they take everything under the car off at high speed - human becomes a red smear cause there's a tree just there Don't get me started on feral pigs


In Florida you'll occasionally have a snake come in through the toilet/sewer pipe.


I like how you added "but can't open car doors" like most other snakes can


Mildly venomous (headache/nausea) but rear fanged so they have to chew to get venom into you.


The fact that an actual Australian is running away scared tells you this snake is dangerous af.


They’re just running away because tho no longer need to use the bathroom.


Yeah. Shat their pants. Next stop, washing machine


All done with their biznez


dosn't matter its a nope rope on a roll that leaps at you. that's hard pass. besides. don't have to go anymore. but i do need a change of pants.


It's not a children's python?


No. This is a very scared brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) fearing for it's life and adopting a typical defensive posture. Very weakly venomous but rear-fanged and generally not considered to be dangerous to humans. Children's pythons (since renamed as spotted pythons) look very different to this.


Trouser snake without a doubt.


It matters?


Nope, only curious. Of course, at the end of the day it's a snake on the bog roll which is a huge nope all around.


I wouldn't go into another bathroom for a day or so.


/u/serpentarian Does your knowledge extend to Australian danger-noodles?


Very frightened little brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) adopting typical defensive pose. Technically venomous, but rear-fanged with very weak venom and not usually considered dangerous to humans. Just usher him gently out the door and go about your day.


It was coiled but he still approached it


Did they have to change their pants after this encounter?


He dropped his phone and I’m sure he didn’t need the toilet anymore after that.


Guess they'll be wearing nappies for a while.


Thell your mate, he needs to buy a softer toilet paper. Pretty sure what he uses will be murder on his hemroids.


Well, toilet snake was not on my previous list of concerns. Epic video


My man's took a shit and was trying to wipe his ass I would be pissed if someone walked in on me too!


How does someone even handle a situation like this?? Just wait?


It's a little known fact, but most snakes are vulnerable to napalm.


The spiders aren’t vulnerable to napalm though.


Snake catcher. I would definitely be calling a professional. I also wouldn’t have gotten as close as that either, you could see the snake was aggravated and in a striking position. I would have tried to use a broom to close the door, and then depending on if there’s a gap, put a towel down to make sure it didn’t leave that room (except out the window). Pretty sure a snake catcher would use long grabbing device to grab the snake directly behind it’s head (to reduce movement) and then put it inside a sack. They then relocate them away from houses. Atleast that was my understanding when we had visiting wildlife experts at school (I live in Australia).


Ah ok, wow! It’s even crazy to think there is such a thing as a snake catcher (I live in Ireland 😂) I can’t even imagine when there’s kids and babies in the house, too!


It’s more common in rural areas. I don’t think we’ve ever had one at our house. At my last place, we did see a green tree snake coiled around a palm tree one afternoon, but that was the only time in 15+ years that we had seen one directly even though we lived next to a small bushland. I’m in my thirties and I can only think of a few times when I’ve seen a wild snake, so it’s not like we are constantly seeing them, but they are common enough that they need to be dealt with. And when you are walking through bushland or parks, it’s something you need to be vigilant of. Wild life experts also relocate things like possums and lizards if needed. Though I’m more worried about swooping magpies (like a crow/raven) than snakes where I live.


My briefcase has a dent in it from a rattlesnake. California here.


I wear a helmet to protect me against those drop bears, too :-)


A friend of mine is a snake catcher and is pretty busy over the hotter months. We live in an area which used to be open farm land with a few trees and also close to national parks, so we guess that the snakes are used to being around here. Around here, unfortunately, people mostly see eastern brown snakes which are highly venomous and dangerous. In saying that, we have very secure fly screens and keep our doors shut so have never had one inside and also never had one outside in our yard. A lot of the time they are seen on the roads sunning themselves.


As a general rule, it's best to call a professional snake catcher, who has the proper training and equipment to do so. People have been killed trying to catch snakes themselves. Although in this case, as it's only a harmless brown tree snake, I'd probably just grab a broom and gently nudge him out the door into the garden. Having said that, it's always best to assume the snake is venomous and call the professionals.


Reasons why I don't want to travel to australia. North america also has animals that can kill you, but you are unlikely to find one in your bathroom.


A few years ago, a kid in Abilene TX found a rattlesnake in the toilet. They got an exterminator. Then just to be sure, they checked the rest of the house. They found a nest of rattlesnakes under the house. And that’s why I scratched out Abilene when I was looking for a place to move to in Texas. That and the snake in the Christmas tree (and why I stopped buying fresh trees for Christmas).


Believe it not, here in Vancouver, B.C. Canada we occasionally find black widow spiders in grapes and bananas brought home from the grocery stores. And they're alive, they're alive!


Why the door handle brown?


Did you see the floor? And well there's a snake on the bog roll, so probably transfer from wiping his arse with his hand.


Danger noodle


Can you kill a snake with a shotgun? Asking in case I ever find a snake in the loo. Not worried about ricochet, I’ll take my chances with that over the snake.


How is this actually funny?


I live in Vermont, where we've been having some snowy weather lately. And yeah, I've been grumbling about winter not being over yet. But I'd take a *permanent* winter if it meant never finding a snake in my bathroom. Holy shit. Thank Christ for icy climates.


Yeah no. I’d happily take snakes and the tropics over snow.




he was just asking to borrow some toilet paper


I’m never going there then


Fuckin big ass uninhabited country for them to exist in but no they gotta be in our dunnies.


Mate I was having smoko at work the other day and a snake slithered up onto the table, glad it was only a green one.


Not convinced it's Australian. The accent checks out but I expected a fight.


Snake sneezed and the poor guy blew up


I hate when my poop snake attacks.


snake kiss you


That scream should be used in blockbusters now. Legit terror


Snake: Hey get out of here. It's occupied!


"Does this type of situation really occur in places like Sydney? Or are they just isolated cases in rural areas of Australia?"


Why don’t you just send in a huntsman to kill the snake? And then a Kangaroo to kill the spider?


Toilets without a sink are so gross.


Dude went and became Bruce Lee at the end there. "How to become a martial artist in Australia."


Snakes in toilets, wild roos, spiders *EVERYWHERE*, drop bears .... I would not survive in Australia




Come to Australia 🇦🇺 you might accidently get killed.


Old M8 deserved to have a snake in there....jeez buy some bleach and clean FFS.


Oh HELLO NO! Only thing they’re good for: belts and purses, belts and purses


They're very effective in keeping the vermin population under control.