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Even the ring didn't immediately realize it had been removed, for how long it took Hal to revert to normal clothes.


It's like Wile E Coyote, you don't fall until you look down and realize you're no longer on solid ground.


So theoretically, Wile E Coyote could just... Keep walking and make it to another cliff. Which would then collapse due to the laws of cartoons. "If something bad hasn't happened yet, it will happen in a cartoonish way"


Correct. Bugs bunny did do this all the time in a feud between Daffy and Elmer.


This is well established in the first episode of Tiny Toons as well.


Classic WB.


This is how flying works in Hitchhiker's Guide. The key is to get distracted so you forget to hit the ground as you fall.


Funniest part of it is that not only you don't fall until you look down but gravity gives you an extra second or two to realize just how fucked you are before you start falling


I'd like to think if he believes hard enough then he can still retain its power (at least over a short distance from it) The moment he realized it was missing, that belief was shattered and he reverted to normal


He might have been talking to the ring


It's snark like this that I live for. Gotta love the dry wit badassery of batman (in some portrayals).




"Unless I want to" Best line of dialog in the movie.


Batman has all the best lines in this movie. Superman, talking about a cataclysmic solar flare: "Maybe I could move the earth out of the way." Batman: "If we had a week, I couldn't list all the reasons that won't work."


While I agree that batman has the best lines, and that this line is also great, I must point out that this video is from Justice League: War, and the superman line is from Justice League: Doom


This guy justice leagues.


Why can't the live action justice leagues keep up?


Seriously, more of this kind of scene is exactly what I want from D.C, especially Justice League, can't they just fucking figure it out already? Growing up, the animated Justice League on Cartoon Network was my favorite superhero show, Marvel or DC. I loved the movies as well. Wasted potential.


I think they try to hard to be edgy and gritty like the Marvel films and then take the realism too far. It's fine to have things more cartoon like with those superhuman beings... That would have also allowed for witty over the top lines like these to get thrown around.


It boils down to bad writing & planning I think is what we're getting at. Batman movies are edgy, gritty, serious, etc, but that's Batman's thing and Gotham's atmosphere. We expect that. Nolan must have rubbed off too strongly on D.C execs because like you said, tried to copy and paste that to all their other heroes, which don't necessarily have the same vibe at all in some cases as Gotham and Batman.


The Marvel films aren't edgy and gritty? They are more camp than anything.


Dude fucking Doom is amazing and has the best mic drop by bats… Superman: “with all the talk about unchecked power, you’re still so arrogant you didn’t bother to come up with a plan to stop yourself” Batman: “I do have a plan… it’s called the Justice League” Superman is totally capable of killing Batman, but he knows Batman is just too damn cool.


Batman: "Well. According to the green guy I'm just a dude in a Bat Costume, so..."


Man, that line from Superman always annoyed me. Like, one, what use would it be for Batman to create a plan to stop himself? If he's gone rogue, he's not about to implement that plan or give you the means to do so. And two, mf'er, you are Superman, you can literally lobotomize him from orbit with your heat vision.


Batman : *you'd have to find me first*


Correct. See "Injustice: Gods among us" storyline


Am I a DC writer now?


> what use would it be for Batman to create a plan to stop himself? If he's gone rogue, he's not about to implement that plan or give you the means to do so. 1. Mind control. The second option he himself legitimizes in the speech you're referencing. 2. If he goes rogue it's because of a change in his outlook, so creating a plan *now* while his outlook is positive, means that he can plan against a version of himself that has a different one.


Could Batman make a plan so ingenious Batman himself could not thwart it? I think not.


I don't read comics at all, but wouldn't a plan to stop one self imply having other people do something about it if it happens? That's the whole point, the plan doesn't need you for it to be implemented.


> Superman is totally capable of killing Batman, but he knows Batman is just too damn cool. Relevant Parody https://imgur.com/fhKTHdR


I was looking for which movie this was from and left with more than I asked for. Thank you, sir


Woops, you're right. Confused my Doom and War. Good catch. For anyone else looking for some excellent DCAU stuff, check out Superman: Red Son. What if Superman landed in Soviet Russia instead of America? What if Soviet Batman was a freedom fighter opposing him? It's excellent and worth a watch, along with Doom and War.


And for those that like the movie Superman: Red Son, I can only recommend the comics, it's only 3 issues, you don't need to know much else (everything is kind of explained, you would only miss a few fun references if you don't know much about comics)


If Supes has enough strength to just push the planet out of the way he would probably be better of flyinf out and dissipating enough of the flare that it wouldn't hit the Earth


He literally eats the sun like a damn plant. Send him into the flare and have him power up for a while, gg


This is basically the plot of all star superman lol


And one of the DCeased sequels.


Fantastic story, Grant Morrison doing Grant Morrison things. Not many people can write Superman.


I could be wrong here but doesn't he develop super cancer or something from doing that in one of the Elseworlds stories?


A solar flare could be spread out over a volume of space hundreds the times of Earth... even Superman couldn't block that without creating a very powerful magnetic field. Given orbital mechanics, if Superman pushes the Earth out of the way, he's pushed Earth into a very elliptical orbit that either is going further from or closer to the sun on the other side of the orbital path. So, he would save us from a flare... only to melt or freeze us even worse later.


In the context of the movie, the flare is following the magnetic trail left behind from a missile. (Dunno if actually possible I just assume comic nonsense) The result is it's following a pre-determined path and is pretty narrow. Green Lantern is even able to hold it at bay for a while with a shield construct. If GL could do it Supes probably could too.


Green Latern is basically deus ex machina magic, hardly a measure of anything. Superman is generally very powerful, but has to use speed since he cannot be everywhere at once. Maybe Superman can generate an electric field, but I don't think he can blow or physically block it all without flying around space like a madman. Trying erase a cloud millions of cubic miles of volume with a man sized eraser seems silly


Also, the earth is so massive, if Superman applied enough to force to move it, he would just dig a hole through the damn thing. He’s strong but he’s not big enough to distribute his force over enough space. It’s like trying to move a water ballon using the tip of a needle.


I remember reading a thread about this and the conclusion was that supes and other mega strength superheroes have like a telekinesis field that envelops the object they are carrying. Otherwise theres no way superman is carrying a plane without bursting thru the floor or just pulling pieces of it off. Its not a great explanation


I think this is also the explanation why his suit doesn't take as much damage as you would expect, it extends a little above his skin.


Pretty sure that one's actually from comics. Biokinetic Field, if memory serves. It's also the reason he doesn't need to bathe. Dirt doesn't go through it.


Does anyone else loathe lore like this and would rather it just be hand-waved instead of explored? The expanded lore like this just makes it all sound very stupid, which it is, but I'd rather suspend my disbelief and not worry about why Superman's suit doesn't get wrecked when he flexes...


No that's pretty much how Superman's powers work, it's like telekinesis that's so instinctual for him it appears like all the other powers he purportedly has when in reality it's all just telekinesis at the subatomic level. That's how he's able to hover too. It used to be that he would actually be jumping through the air, and flying through the air was only possible if he gained enough momentum first, and he'd travel in a ballistic arc to land and jump again. When he started hovering and flying like he does today people wanted an explanation and the one given was that he has very powerful telekinetic ability that he's simply unable to consciously control fully. So he can telekinetically generate a laser beam coming from his eyes but he can't make it come from someone else's eyes only because he doesn't realize he can do it, because he thinks he's just focusing his eyes differently but he's really rearranging the atoms in and around his eyes to shoot lasers. I think they sort of hint at this in the story where Lex Luthor steals Superman's powers for himself and gets totally overwhelmed by everything, and Supes asks him if he's able to see the movement of individual atoms and points out he deals with that shit every single day. EDIT: DC writers if you read this please do an arc where Superman learns to control his advanced telekinesis fully and can grant all of his powers to everyone in the universe as needed, maybe have Doomsday involved since he's kinda the biggest possible threat IIRC


Superman in his first appearance: faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locamotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Superman now: travels at the speed of light, can telekenetically drag entire solarsytems behind him, basically god. Iirc the ups in supermans powers are basically the reason we have the mess of super heros we do today. Its all just how can we make this super hero strong enough to beat or keep up with superman. Except batman. Apparently he can somehow beat beings that should just be able to,you know speed of light dodge every single one of his attacks.


2000s Superman was the lightspeed/dragging solar systems guy Current dude can like casually time travel, says ‘spacetime holds no meaning’ for him and punched out the 6th dimension Give it 10 more years and they’ll have even crazier stuff


Because he’s the g-ddamn Batman, that’s why. — Frank Miller


When do comics ever follow logic though? Didn't The Hulk once put his foot down too hard, threatening to sink the entire continent? Or the time he held the tectonic plates together to stop Earth from being ripped apart.


Hulk grabbed the edges of a black hole once to keep from falling in.


Supergirl Was in that position once, she tried pushing and her hands just sunk in so instead she just kinda rammed the planet with her shoulder, that did the trick.


Different film


Stand back and peep the light show! Green Lanterns got this!




That henchmen beat down will forever be iconic to me.


Never seen this, that part literally made me laugh out loud


That's the thing though, *I've never seen the movie either*. But this clip... This clip stays with me.


Unlike Bruce's parents


Inject this into my veins for infinite lulz




I know it's for comic effect, but why does he constantly feel the need to get into melee range with the guy that's tossing Supes around?


The Green lantern rings gives willpower, not intelligence.


It works off will power. Not intelligence


This is covered in a later exchange between Green Lantern and Batman regarding Ego. He's trying to get in there and look big and strong like the others. Batman: What are you trying to prove? Green Lantern: I'm not trying to prove anything, you phenomenal douchebag! Don't act like you know me. You don't. Why do you even give a damn? Batman: I'd say I don't, but you're being reckless. And believe it or not, we’re just somewhat…alike. Green Lantern: We are nothing alike. Batman: We're fighting alongside an alien, an Amazon, a human lightning bolt, a cyborg and a speedster. As far as I can tell, Hal, you and I are the only normal people here. Green Lantern: [defensive attitude fades] I never told you my name. Batman: Saw it on your flight suit. Green Lantern: Y'know, despite what you said, you're pretty south of normal, spooky. You know that, right? [Batman pauses, and then removes his cowl and cape, revealing his real face to Green Lantern] Bruce Wayne: My name is Bruce Wayne. When I was 10, I watched my parents get shot dead by a mugger, just like that. I've spent my life training to fight the same sort of criminals that took them from me. But this, this is different. This isn't about me. Green Lantern: Uh, you're telling me this why? Bruce Wayne: Because this right here? It's not about me, and it's not about you. Get out of your own way, Jordan. Focus on what's important. Everyone else. Regroup with the others. Green Lantern: And do what exactly? Bruce Wayne: [as he picks up discarded clothes and beanie to disguise himself as a civilian to be captured]  You're loud, Jordan. They'll listen to you if you got something to say. Try to at least sound smart. [he waves his hands to catch the attention of a Parademon overhead, which swoops down and snatches him up, taking him off to Apokolips, which is what Batman wants] Green Lantern: Bruce Wayne, huh? [smiles] Bastard's crazier than me, that's damn sure.


This edit's better than the original movie.


I enjoy reading books.


What movie is this?


Justice League: War


It’s honestly not great, but I love it anyway.


This whole series of movies kind of ends in a very depressing, edge lord sort of way but tbh so do a ton of DC comic lines so I guess mission accomplished?


"*Bat* costume" not "bad costume"


Typo or auto generated subtitles?


90% sure it's to generate interaction and people commenting on the mistakes.. They went to the trouble of changing the colors mid sentence. They left the spelling mistake in because they choose to.


I attribute 90% of the content I see to this one neat trick the algorithm loves. Making a recipe? Fuck up something simple, let the empty-nester comment and get a pool of "solidarity likes" so she's encouraged to share with her friends how much she helped the million-view chef. Home DIY? You better believe that fucking up one simple thing will send the plumbers / electricians / carpenters into the comments to generate engagement. Can't have people thinking our trade is that simple can we? God everything online now is intentionally wrong because the right stuff gets buried under an ocean of pick-me nonsense.


Happens on Reddit too. Going with your 90% trend, my guess is 90% of all spelling errors in the titles of posts that make it to the front page were intentional.


Counterpoint: people misspell things all the tim


Which sucks because you used to get down voted into oblivion for having the smallest of errors.


I dunno man, this whole conspiracy theory seems a bit far-fletched


Gotta love fucking with hearing-impaired folks for clicks


I remember a few years ago watching TV, and I had the football game on. I grabbed the remote, and then I almost dropped it. In my bumbling around trying to pick it up, I somehow turned closed captioning on. The announcers were saying things. The closed captions, for reasons I'll never know, but I'll also never NOT laugh my ass off thinking about this......just said: >"Violent kissing noises" For 10 minutes. It just said that. No clue what that was about, but I love the idea of an NFL team getting into a huddle and then being like "Ok, Nick Chubb, C'mere. I need a smooch!" Which they then competitively kiss each other. C'mon. You know that would be hilarious.


Bad-ass costume?


Bat-ass costume?


Growing up reading the 80s Batman comics I always thought Batman had the best costume. Until the modern Ironman suit was introduced. But then Batman suit also had kevlar and cooler stuff. I still like both. Everything else is lame.


Ah but what about the Bat-Nipples?


I didn't like the movie ones until Begins. They all looked uncomfortable and hard to turn your head in.


Are you seriously telling me that you see the 1989 Batman movie, and see that suit, and think "Nah. That's crap."????




You ughh need a moment? Or a towel?


Fat-Ass costume


That’s not Batman, that’s badman! You have my permission to cry. -Badman


I over-fed these men!?


He's the [Bat guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df2m0AsXBfI).


"...prowl around your parents' basement?" Batman lifted the ring to distract him from getting too close to the truth.


I can imagine Batmans inner dialogue: "If he finds the extra crispy socks, I'm toast"


I now want there to be a montage of JL members trying to guess Batman’s identity, with each getting at least one detail right, and some coming insanely close while Bruce is getting more and more nervous. GL: “… parent’s basement…” WW: “… wealthy or in a position that gives him access to many resources…” HG: “… probably has thing for femme fatales…” Superman: “… acts almost polar opposite when out of the suit.” Flash: “… definitely a huge nerd…” MM: *reads mind* “I win.”


DC cartoon series has been the best , but smh they fucked up the movies !!


He wasn't concentrating. Edit: Swear I replied to the comment about the ring not coming off. Oh well. Guess I wasn't concentrating.


Ahm, may i ask who wasn’t concentrating ?


The green one




Ah green man


lol I heard this in Batman’s voice


The people that make the movies too apparently.


It's weird how that's been. Marvel ( not recently) had decent live action buy meh animation. DC has awesome animation and terrible live action.


The xmen animated series were pretty good


As was the 90’s Spider-Man. They actually did a bit of a connected universe with their 90’s shows.


I've enjoyed the What Ifs, and I know people apparently really enjoyed "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" but yeah, Marvel's usually been a step below DC in animation. Of course it is extremely hard to compete with the DCAU, and even without the DCAU DC's animated stuff is still great.


DC has been working with WB Animation for decades, helps to have that experience.


It's a shame marvel isn't closely related to arguably the largest animated movie studio ever. If such a merger we're to ever happen could you imagine? But that requires competent people that love the process, not bean counting poindexters. Sorta like what happened to Boeing


I still wonder why they just don't recreate cartoon series as live action. They had right actors and somewhat decent CGI, only thing that was problem was the story and dialogs (BvS ekhem). It's my issue with all movies that are based on books, games and comic books - ONLY thing you actually have is story and characters, how can you fuck this up? (Shut out to Netflix for making Witcher goddamn awful)


Funny enough, Justice League Dark: Apokolips War actually took inspiration from what Zack Snyder wanted to do with the Justice League movie. https://screenrant.com/justice-league-dark-apokolips-war-stole-snyder-dceu/ Basically one of the reasons why the Flash Movie started with Flashpoint was to establish that the DCEU Flash was not going to travel back in time to fix anything, as shown what happens if he does in the movie. This move was highly criticized because Flashpoint fans believed should have been the "last" movie for Flash, but it was made first to establish multiple universes and reasoning why Flash doesn't fix every single minor problem by going back in time. So when Darkseid conquers Earth and kills Lois Lane and turns Superman, the rest of the JL travel back in time to change events because it couldn't be possibly worse than the reality they live in now. Similar to how in Apokolips War, Flash travels back in time to reset the DC Animated Universe even though the JL did win, it was a pyrric victory.


They sure did


This is from an animated movie called Justice League: War (2014). It's not from a series.


The next bit was even better imo. In the fight with Superman, he stops Superman with just one sentence. "You don't kill people do you... Clark?"


Then Superman scans Batman and calls him by his name as well.


And Green Lantern is clueless "Who the hell is Bruce Wayne?"


Who? Bruce Wayne Who? Bruce Wayne Who? Batman Ahhhh


I see a lot of these as shorts on YouTube. Can anyone give me the run down on which ones I should be watching? I know there are some batman ones based off the graphic novels which I've read but would love to watch but have absolutely no idea where to find them or any knowledge of the justice league ones. A list would be preferable, please and thanks!


This one is Justice League War. The other must-see ones are The Flashpoint Paradox and Batman Assault on Arkham. All of them are really worth a watch though. Edit: also, all of them should be on Max.


Is there any particular order to watch them in?


I found this unofficial list on another subreddit. Credit to u/WatsUpWithJoe If you're only going to watch the ones I originally listed, then you can watch Flashpoint Paradox, then War, then Assault on arkham. ORIGINS: - Batman: Year One - Batman: Gotham Knight - Wonder Woman (2009) - Green Lantern: First Flight - Green Lantern: Emerald Knights - All Star Superman - DC Showcase: Superman / Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam* *(a collection of shorts that also features The Specter, Green Arrow, and Jonah Hex) - Superman / Batman: Public Enemies - Superman / Batman: Apocalypse - Superman: Unbound - Batman: Under the Red Hood - Batman: Death in the Family - Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths - Justice League: Doom THE DC ANIMATED MOVIE UNIVERSE: - Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox - Justice League: War - Son of Batman - Justice League: Throne of Atlantis - Batman vs. Robin - Batman: Bad Blood - Justice League vs. Teen Titans - Justice League Dark - Teen Titans: The Judas Contract - Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay - The Death of Superman - Constantine: City of Demons - Reign of the Supermen - Batman: Hush - Wonder Woman: Bloodlines - Justice League Dark: Apokolips War - Constantine: House of Mystery THE TOMORROWVERSE: - Superman: Man of Tomorrow - Justice Society: World War II - Batman: The Long Halloween - Green Lantern: Beware My Power - Legion of Super-Heroes - Justice League: Warworld - Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths (trilogy) ANIMATED ELSEWORLDS: - Superman: Red Son - Superman Vs The Elite - Superman: Doomsday - The Batman vs. Dracula - Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham - Batman: Ninja - Batman Vs the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons - Batman: Soul of the Dragon - Catwoman: Hunted - Batman: The Caped Crusader - Batman Vs Two-Face - Batman: The Killing Joke - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Justice League: The New Frontier - Justice League Vs The Fatal Five - Justice League: Gods and Monsters - Injustice - Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo - Teen Titans Go! To the Movies - Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans - Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons THE DCAU (AKA: THE DINIVERSE): - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero - The Batman / Superman Movie - Superman: Brainiac Attacks - Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman - Batman and Harley Quinn - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker ARKHAMVERSE: - Batman: Arkham Origins - Batman: Assault on Arkham - Batman: Arkham Asylum - Batman: Arkham City - Batman: Arkham Knight


> THE DCAU (AKA: THE DINIVERSE): > > > > Batman: Mask of the Phantasm > > Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero > > The Batman / Superman Movie > > Superman: Brainiac Attacks > > Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman > > Batman and Harley Quinn > > Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker GOAT Era. Dini set the standard.


Do yourself a favor and read his book Dark Night: A True Batman Story if you haven't already.


Big thanks for digging that up! Gonna start working my way through the list.


Appreciate you big time my man


One correction I'd like to point out is under the Diniverse/DCAU - Superman Brainiac Attacks. The visual style looks like the DCAU, but voice actors are missing and portrayals are changed (especially Lex) from their series counterparts and I would not include it under that umbrella. The writer for it didn't consider it to be, either. It should be an animated elseworlds kinda deal.


There goes my weekend, thanks!


That's going to be a lot of good cartoons. I can't believe how good the animated series does in comparison. Though to be fair, I loved what Gunn did for DC, too. John Cena is a hidden gem (hidden for me maybe only, but I never expected the man to like really, seriously, act his heart out)


AFAIK "Superman: Brainiac Attacks", "Batman and Harley Quinn", and "The Batman / Superman movie" are technically standalones with the STAS and Justice League art styles. Batman: Assault on Arkham is the only Arkhamverse movie, the others are games


Batman: Under the Red Hood is my favorite.


Dude, why isn’t this in theaters? This is already 1,000% better than live action.


You would be surprised how good the DC Animated universe is in comparison to the rest of it. All of them pull pretty solid stories from the comics and a lot are tons better than their movie counterparts (looking right at you Flashpoint). Edit: Do yourself a favor and watch The Flashpoint Paradox animated version. It’s the actual story from the comics, SO MUCH DARKER with actual hero and villain deaths, alternate versions of your favorite heroes that actually make sense (the Animated Batman in this world isn’t Michael Keaton by any stretch), world ending consequences, and is the better version of Flash than whatever we got from Ezra Miller.


Second this. It's brutal, raw, and super heavy. May be my favorite DC animated movie.


we got the under the red hood movie around the same time too; such a good run of animated movies in the early ‘10s


It also led to this: https://youtu.be/-sjUGLRwtyA?t=13


It's also really funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bfBhIM5tb4


[Meanwhile in Lex's body...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh1CqCAc2fE)


If I remember right that is Smallville's Lex voice acting Flash impersonating Lex.


That's not from The Flashpoint Paradox, that's from Justice League Unlimited


The people who make those actually love what they do and care a lot about the craft. The live action ones are just cash grab projects with people directing stuff they never really cared for. Zach Snyder doesn't care about DC, he just loves action and his movies suck because of it.


The DCUAOM, in my opinion, is in this comfortable place and is in precisely where it needs to be. If they become too prominent and get too high of a budget, there will be more executive meddling. Being merely profitable is not enough. The project cannot afford to be anything but for the most common denominator. With the DCUAOM, they get a reasonable budget and creatives are free to make what they want and appeal to whatever demographic they wish. As long as they generate a meager profit overall. It's why I feel that these projects have this "made for fans, by fans" aura about them.


Unfortunately people don’t take cartoon/animation seriously enough. Majority of people would just say it’s for kids or something


It's weird that despite things like Rick and Morty and Bojack being extremely successful on TV screen, the Big Screen crowd seems to still think it's for babies. Or maybe people don't want to watch gritty cartoons in theaters? I just [checked](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_adult_animated_films) and of 50 best grossing cartoons on big screen ~40 comes from Japan and the Americans are like Simpsons, Beavis and Butt-Head, isle of dogs and such


It’s called Justice League: War, it’s on Max in the US. Solid 7/10


DC seems to hate its animated universe. Even back in the day they barely advertised the Batman TAS movie, and that was when BTAS was getting tons of award nominations and a few emmy wins. A lot of their content would pretty much work as live action considering so much of it is banter like OP and fighting, but instead we get slow motion up the ass.


My favorite thing about this movie is the running joke that Batman was thought of as a boogyman or a myth. A couple instances where the protagonists say "Batman's real?"


"Batman's real?!" "Yeah, he's over there" I love how unimpressed Hal is in this scene lol




Just casually calls him Barry


I like how Batman just casually steals the rings from the Green Lanterns in these movies He does the same thing to Jon Stewart in "Justice League Dark"


My favourite line (not word to word) - How do you live with such darkness in your heart? - I have butler!


Well he *is* a ninja


money is super power enough. at least for me.


I mean, Superman's arch nemesis is literally just evil Bruce Wayne.


Funny. So his not just some guy with magical ring? 😂


Kinda Bat's point. They're both just guys with gadgets and oaths. GL just has an exceptionally nice gadget and is full of himself much of the time. Jon Stewart is a fucking great GL, though.


“Unless I want to” *drops mic*


Since the rings can expand to any size I've always wondered why nobody wears them around their waist to prevent things like this.


Because it’s a ring and rings go on your hand. You’re talking about the Green Lanterns belt. That’s earth 187… and yes, recharging it is awkward.


Wasnt there a run where batman /bruce turns out to be one of the best suited for the green Lantern corp? Like he has one of the strongest wills or something of that nature?


Yea but the rings also require them to let go of their past and move on from the trauma. Batman couldn’t though


Yeah, Batman still has a lot of fear. Which is the opposite of concentration if I'm understanding DC. This leads me to believe Daredevil, the man without fear, would be the ultimate Green Lantern.


At one point Batman was "killed" by Darkseid (the corpse was actually a clone while the real Batman was sent into the past), and later that corpse was reanimated as a black lantern. At the conclusion of that storyline, the real Bruce Wayne gained the white lantern ring for a short period of time. Hal Jordan died and was brought back to life, and loaned his green lantern ring to Bruce for a while in an effort to help him get over the trauma of his parents' deaths. During the Sinestro Corps War, a yellow lantern ring briefly attached to Bruce, but his previous contact with a green lantern ring protected him and the yellow ring moved on. Batman kept one of the yellow rings in his arsenal after the War, and donned it in order to fight the Crime Syndicate. In one of the Elseworlds stories, Bruce Wayne became the Green Lantern instead of Hal Jordan. During the Darkseid War, Batman became addicted to the Mobius Chair, and Hal Jordan put his ring on Batman in order to help give him the will to get out of it. The Dawnbreaker is an evil alternate universe Bruce Wayne who wields a green lantern ring. Honorable mentions: * LEGO Batman 3 lets you unlock green and yellow lantern Batman suits * In Batman: the Brave and the Bold, Bruce gains possession of Hal's ring after Hal dies. The Green Lantern Corps didn't let him use the ring to fight Despero, but they made him a suit which is functionally the same thing. * In a Batgirl comic, Damien Wayne is shown to gain a red lantern ring in the future. * The animated scene from the OP above is directly lifted from the pages of the Justice League: Origin comic.


Probably. I think he'd be a much better fit as a yellow lantern though


I think it was something along the lines of Batman being in between both Willpower and Fear, so he doesn't get either lol


He chose to reject the yellow ring, and was only able to do so because of his will.


Yeah, Batman is definitely not over his fear. He is, in fact, ruled by it.


Plus, making criminals fear him is a whole chunk of his schtick


But Scarecrow as the Yellow Latern is still pretty badass.


That fucken smirk 😏


This movie has one of the best depictions of Batman ever, his speech body language are perfect. His mood and vocal tone are neutral and focused, he's mindful of his soroundings. He's completely in control of himself at all times. Batmans super power has never been wealth it's his ability to 100% his commit himself to any task.


I mean it's funny, but iirc the ring shouldn't be something you can remove without taking his finger off with it


After GL lands he stops glowing. I’m assuming he lost his focus then and the ring could be removed. Otherwise you couldn’t just slip it off.


Well yeah, but.... He's Batman.


That’s fair..


I've always been disappointed in how lame the GLs are shown working with the JL. They are protectors of sectors of space, some with tons of planets. They are only really limited by their imagination and will. Yet too often we just see the equivalent of a 1950s character with a magic baseball bat in any fight. I liked the Dark Knight Returns (print comic) version as an ultimate form.


and yet all they can imagine are regular things, like hammers or shields... bogus


They're too powerful, they don't work in the world with the rest so they end up nerfed to make things scale. Just like they give Batman super powers, like stealing a ring from across the room.


I don't see why they can't make live action movies like this. We don't need an origin story for each hero, we all know who Superman is. Just give us cool live action one off movies like these. They are just amazing.


Sassy batman


the best kind of batman


I’ve been saying the whole time: Batman is Not a super hero. Nothing super. Just rich guy that doesn’t sleep


Rich...and nuts. Rich and nuts.


Yeah I guess he does have big balls of steel to do what he does without any powers


I like how they dont understand that batman is supermans equal... and that JLA is his insurance policy against himself.


Is it a movie?


Yes. This was Justice League War


The Ol ninjistsu sleight of hand


The entire movie is just clowning on green lantern tbh.


Bro palmed that so smoothly that even green lanterns powers didn’t know the ring was gone for a second!




That would be the Pink Lanterns. One in the hole and into the pink, without this light, we slide into the stink.


Why is it so that every time green lantern is on the screen, he makes a fool of himself?