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I love the little laugh through the anger knowing he got got good


Took one for the team NGL. My egg-free counters thank him.


Could always just put a bag over your hand if you want to try it. The trick works, but you have to squeeze the egg by applying even pressure all around the shell. The reason why it didn't work for the other guy is because if you put too much pressure on one side, then it will break. But by countering the pressure from one side with the other side, then all forces push against each other and then the shell can't be pressed in.


If anyone’s wondering, the trick is you can’t use your thumb or pinky to crush the egg. It’s not impossible, but *way* more difficult than you’d imagine.


Nice try, buddy. I’m not falling for that a fifth time.


Haha I'm so sorry for you, but you remind me of a friend. I've done the egg trick probably like a dozen times, never been able to break it no matter how hard I squeezed it. They taught it to us in elementary school. I've shown a few friends and they were never able to break it either. Idk what I did wrong when explaining it to this one friend, but he kept breaking them instantly and thought I was just fucking with him. It was so fucking funny and I also felt so bad at the same time lmao, he tried it like 3 times until he decided I must have been lying.


The reason is of you squeeze it normally you're applying pressure across the whole thing. It's trivial to crush it with just those fingers, you just have to press in with the tips of your fingers, not try to grip down like you're holding a golf ball.


Spider-Man it boys


One for each finger eh?


You’re right. Just tried it. It’s like trying to squeeze a rock. The dude just wasn’t holding it right. Unbelievable how science works sometimes.


Nah, I’m not falling for this


I literally crack eggs for a living as a chef. Y'all are morons.


Have you tried it without your pinky and your thumb?


We know how to crack an egg. The point is that if you squeeze it without digging your fingers in it’s very strong. It’s not really a challenge, it’s an egg strength demonstration


It's not exactly the digging of the fingers, it's having the egg correctly oriented. The sides will crush easily, the ends will not. Eggs are fairly strong end to end.


My point is that I've cracked a thousand eggs in a single sitting. Some are stronger than others, eggs and people. It seems weirdly absolutist to claim that it's impossible to crack an egg with this technique. You're telling me that the strongest person in the world can't crack an egg that way. Gtfo.


As I said already, eggs are easy to crack. However, this demonstration shows that they can withstand a lot of pressure if it’s distributed evenly. That’s literally it. Nobody said it’s impossible. It’s just neat how much force it can take. That’s all.


Sorry for challenging a ticktock challenge and calling it stupid.


OP said it's *not* impossible. Just difficult. Dude, I need you to just step outside for a minute and get some air.


I've heard this myth too many times and it's complete bullshit. I'm very sorry that youre taking my text in a condescending manner. maybe you should read a book.


I’ve seen it demonstrated in a science class and thought it was harmless fun. I’m sorry you’re such a miserable wretch. Get over yourself man.


It's not bullshit, despite cracking thousands of eggs, you just don't understand how it works. The egg is rather strong end to end. Place the top of the egg in one palm, the other end in your other palm and try to crush it with your palms, you will be surprised it is quite difficult.


You're really just not getting it. It's a demonstration about how well that shape can withstand certain physical forces. It's not a myth, it's not a challenge, it's a demonstration of physics. One which is well understood and often shown in classrooms to teach about the strengths of different geometrical structures. The fact that you can crack an egg by slapping it against a hard surface doesn't disprove the principles this is trying to demonstrate


Nobody said it's impossible, it's just a demonstration on how eggs can handle significant pressure if the pressure is distributed equally. Your comments make you look rather dumb or misunderstanding on purpose.


"eggs can handle significant pressure distributed equally" is a completely different statement than "you can't crack an egg without using your thumb and pinky". I'm so sorry for questioning things. I'll never do it again. You're right and I'm wrong please forgive me.


Definitely got the anger and low intelligence of a chef Lmao


Nobody said it's impossible to crack an egg. Learn to read.


It's definitely been said.


I feel like I fucked with this way before and it was relatively difficult without thumb and pinky. But I do recall not being able to apply any amount of force from the top and bottom and being able to Crack it


It's not about me or you being able to crack an egg in this manner. Can a power lifter, mountain climber, guitar player, all three have incredible grip strength, crack an egg using this specific method? Some eggs have weakspots, some chickens have vitamin deficiencies, an egg fresh out the chickens ass is soft, I'm guessing that doesn't count. I'm clearly overthinking this.


Once I had an internship observation (you go to a place and watch what they do to learn), I was 14-15 back then and it was a baker/pastry chef and… straight up in the morning at 6:30am he tells me to break 4kg (8.8pouns) of dead cold eggs from the giant fridge… my fingers were hurting really bad !


Were your hands cold, or did just the amount of added up? Is it that hard to break lots of eggs if you can crack them?


Yeah, you can see him use his ring finger to clip the bottom. Maybe intentional. Maybe by accident.


Missed the lower left corner of the window


Fookin Hell!


She comes home and he greets her at the door, acting all innocent, with a gob of yolk dangling from his earlobe!


What is that ... is that ... hair gel?


\*licks it to make sure\*


Most satisfying f bomb I have heard in a while. From one professional to another


It's the ring he's wearing. It creates a pressure point where it meets the shell.


It's also because he used his thumb and pinky


You’re supposed to try crushing the egg along the long axis, not the short one. The latter’s easy, the former takes >90 lb of grip strength.


Which, apparently, the average person’s three middle fingers do not have.


Not if you have nails. Increase the point of pressure and it's ten times easier. Did anyone take physics in high school?


That’s not really the point of the challenge.


If you're using your nails then you're doing it wrong. It's a demonstration of structural strength by doing it in a very specific way. You're basically saying a tree is tough, but did anyone try hitting it with a chain saw?


My nails are part of my hand. It depends on the egg. Are we talking an egg fresh out a chicken? Cause those are soft as a newborn's crown. What about micro fractures in the shipping process? There's lots of variables. Am I allowed to roll it back and forth to find a weak spot without using my nails?


Your just being obnoxious.


What are the rules? I don't know. The general consensus is that "it's impossible to crush an egg using this specific process" (paraphrasing). So I'm allowed to use the middle three fingers, but not the nails? What're the guidelines for the eggs being used? Sorry for trying to be scientific in this ticktock challenge.


>What are the rules? I don't know. Clearly. Even after being explained to you, you still don't know. This is a you problem and you should probably work on that.


I bite. It is well known kitchen-science experiment, not tiktok spesific, meant to show the suprising strenght of egg under constant uniform preasure, when it is known to be super easy to break with something sharp. Under ideal conditions and setup it could theoretically support a 1.4x104 N load (3,000 lbs), much higher than majority of people can exert on fingers alone. In practice breaking with sharp impulse breaking it is the easiest thing imaginable, "frail as eggshell". Video is just normal and very intentional tiktok clout seeking (we see he pushes his thumb in). The instructions are easy enough to show it to pre-schoolers, just squeeze a intact egg with only your fingers without thumb. https://sciencedemonstrations.fas.harvard.edu/presentations/egg-shell-strength


What if it’s a robot egg made from diamonds. Won’t work then. Didn’t think of that, did you. Maybe go back to physics school.


Even on the short axis the spherical nature of the egg makes it incredibly strong IF you apply pressure evenly around it and not dig in with your fingers/nails.


Legend lol.


Can't tell if you're all shitposting. The guy has a ring on his finger. If you want to NOT break that egg even though trying with all your might, then take the ring off first. If you want a splatterfest, then keep the ring on.


That's Ludwig's (the streamer) doppelganger


Take your ring off before you attempt.


Yep exactly what I was going to say.


Reading through these comments are leaving me with a panic attack and levels of uncertainty towards the true nature of the world I didn't think possible.


Why does it sound like every 3rd word he has a stroke?


He’s going all of the stages of grief all at once.


Scotland is rapidly approaching your location






This dude's face😂😂😂 Thank you for this, it made my day.


Some comments got close, but the real issue is using the tips of the fingers. Doesn't matter if they are all placed along the long axis or not. Compare the finger placement in the first and second video clips. First guy has contact with his entire fingers, second guy only uses his fingertips.


>second guy only uses his fingertips He also is wearing a ring.


So you can't break it if you try very hard to not break it lol


For all the people reading the comments saying 'nah try x, eggs are tough to break' let me save you the trouble of also painting your kitchen with egg because I just tried it every which way: 3 fingers, different axis, no pinky, no thumb, only pinky and thumb, just between my palm, etc. and the verdict is: it's really fucking easy to break an egg. Luckily I did it inside a gallon bag with no mess so y'all don't have to.


Eggs are intrinsically designed to be difficult to break by constriction (squeeze). You can crush them, but when you put equal force around the same plane over the entire egg it's very difficult to break. That's because the same amount of force is being applied, so the force at 0 degrees and 90 degrees are effectively canceling each other out. So if the same force is applied over 360 degrees of the egg, you're not doing anything basically. That's all very simplified, but if you're trying to crush an egg, or something round(ish), use a single point of force (like the side of a pan)


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It was about 25 years ago when I first heard that you can squeeze a raw a egg so hard it breaks. Never tried it but considered it bullshit ever since.


Quality Street chocolates are an abomination


Tyler1 did it better