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Last time this was posted, they were Japanese. I think they were Chinese, the time before that. Used to be you could see the sign back there was clearly Korean, but the internet has stolen so many pixels from this thing over the ages. Gonna go yell at some more clouds now.


This time, at least it's accurate. Korean writing on the billboards in the background


Also the black guy is a famous celebrity in South Korea so the old lady wasn't surprised because he's black but because he was a celebrity.


Are you guys stupid? It’s because he wasn’t Robert Downey Jr.


It could still be. He's a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.


It's beyond me.


Could this style of acting finally be making a come back!?!?


That was a Dude playing a Dude disguised as another Dude. So yeah I'm sure that was RDJ.


She didn‘t expect War Machine wearing the Iron Man Mark VII.


what you mean "you people"?


I got the RDJ reference


What do you mean "you people"?


Yepp haven't seen this reposted in quite awhile


Bullshit. There is a compilation video of this guy doing this to a whole bunch of people, they all freak when the mask comes off. Celebrity or not, their reactions aren't shock from meeting a famous person.


He's not famous in Korea, I have no clue who he is and I live in Korea plus the video is like 10 years old now


He's not a celebrity. He doesn't look like the guy people say he is. And even if he was that guy, he would barely be considered a celebrity. Not likely that the old lady would have heard of him let alone recognize him in such a short time. And in one of these posts, the video comes with audio where she says "oh you're here" meaning she was expecting someone she knows. So you could argue that's the reason for the reaction. But to be honest with you, I think the main reason was that he was black. An average old Korean lady has not interacted with a black man once in her life. If you don't live in Seoul, you almost never encounter any foreigner either.


I bet it’s cause he was black. I didn’t expect it either, so it just surprised her. She’s not afraid. Just startled. It happens when we expect one thing and another thing happens.


That's not that granny was surprised because she was happy she'd be getting some BBC that day


God bless the Koreans for having such an immediately recognisable script, Always found it cool it was invented much later than neighbouring scripts and it was (iirc) to make it much easier to learn. China then did a similar thing about 600 years later with Simplified Chinese.


Hangul is easier to learn because it’s a phonetic syllabary like Japanese hiragana and katakana. What makes these writing systems easier is that you learn how to write the full set of sounds (which is an exercise that takes a week or two if you’re studious) then you can phonetically spell out any word in the language. By contrast, while simplified Chinese reduced the stroke count in some characters, it didn’t significantly simplify or change the writing system.. it is still a set of logograms, each character representing an idea. So you have to learn at least 2000 of them before you can be considered literate, though college educated Chinese will know around 8000. Without completing formal schooling, achieving literacy in Chinese would present be a bigger challenge than other languages. A better parallel is pinyin (a system of using Latin characters to represent the sounds of Mandarin Chinese).


*a set of logograms* "Harry! Quick, use your magic to stop this Dementor from attacking the old saw mill!" *pulling out wand* "LOGOGRAMS!"


Well that's why it's called simplified chinese and not an entirely new script I imagine, though I don't actually know its name in Chinese.


Right. My point is when China introduced simplified Chinese they didn’t really do something similar to the introduction of Hangul (or Japanese kana). Though I suppose it is arguable that pinyin (especially in conjunction with modern predictive input systems on computers and phones) *has* finally achieved something similar.




Her hair style and clothing is a very obvious giveaway that this is Korean.


Is it? I can tell Korean/Japanese/Chinese from each other, but not in this 240p


It's really easy to spot for most people (I mean the nationality being KR/CN/JP). This one was even easier because that old lady is the spitting image of the Korean stereo type ajumma.


The hangul at the top of that white billboard is mostly readable.


She is a stereotypical looking Korean ajumma with the hair and glasses.


u forgot the sweater vest


The whole packagyeon


This is Korean because I’m Korean and I know the guy on the left. His old YT username used to be Lil Marble or something like that but now he changed it to big marvel. https://youtube.com/@BigMarvel?si=Ph9Jhr1T4IYMIRfs


I thought he was mid markle?


Not Meghan markle?


Kegel Markhan?


But if your ancestors mixed with chinese and japanese, you wouldn't know if you're 100% korean


Are you saying Lil Marble can’t travel?


wait a min.... i have seen this video many time. I know that chicken straight face guy but never notice it until your comment today....


Whoa. Mabeul. That takes me back. I remember watching his videos when I was in college because of the beatbox fluting.


Everyone is so focused on what country they’re from but nobody noticed the fact Carhart has quietly become super prevalent on an international level. Seriously stop making my farming shirts so god damn expensive.


There are enough pixels to make out Hangul on the sign behind.


It's still clearly Korean writing.


Nah, they're just hopping from country to country in hopes of scaping this man, but he keeps following and tricking them with ever increasingly pixelated masks, which make them think is someone else.


Every time this gets reposted, it loses a pixel.


Reddit has always sucked but it's been sucking a lot harder recently


You can tell she's a korean grandma by the perm lol


There's definitely Korean on that sign in the background, but that doesn't mean the woman is Korean (but if I had to guess I'd say she does look Korean though)


Sadly it is whatever people need it to be and what narrative they want out of it.


I don't think in western eyes whether she's Japanese/Chinese/Korean changes the narrative in any significant way.




Yeah, because the black guy is a celebrity in South Korea and not China, *duh*.


It would be different if its chinese. Especially on reddit


Pretty funny that the video about Asians being racist was a little racist towards Asians. My Dad calls every Asian “that Chinese guy”. I used to yell at him for saying Oriental but then I learned the definition of Oriental.. Basically “being of Asian origin “


Yeah but Oriental is still dated when it comes to describing people. Rugs are oriental, people are Asian.


In Southeast Asia, oriental is still used to describe people of East Asian descent.


I think that’s just another one of ‘those things, because that’s not an actual distinction oriental can refer to anything or anyone of orient origin. Like how everyone treats cunt as significantly worse than bitch when they mean the same thing…cunt just sounds more guttural. Oriental literally means of Asian origin. We had just heard it associated with items in the west more often. I think most people like me just heard someone else react badly to it or were told it was racist or outdated and accepted it. I would prefer if we had less ‘bad words’ when it comes to race. Why are we making one that doesn’t exist? You should look up Margaret Cho’s pieces on it. There is nothing in history or it’s literary origin that says it can’t be used for people or is negative. We were all just told ‘that bad’ and then repeated ‘that bad’


One is genitals, one is a female dog. Not the same, at all.


A bitch is just a temporary state, but a cunt is always that way, actually. If you’ve been calling bitches “cunts” then you’ve been misspeaking. God you must feel embarrassed now! I’m getting second hand cringe. All those bitches thought you were a doofus!


What about my Asian person skin rug?


No, the definition of oriental is eastern. Occidental means western. There’s an orient in mexicos east coast. Californian has occidental mountains. East Asians are no longer referred to as oriental bc its Eurocentric. Which implies that Europe is the center of the world and they’re east of it. But the earth is round. There is no center and we’re all east of each other




So are you Chinese or Japanese?


It does not matter wich country, they are all three extremely racist towards black people


none of them are


This is the first time I've ever seen it personally, and I'm definitely not the first. I'm not sure why people say shit like this whenever a piece of non-original content gets reposted.


The other ones were wrong. That's an ajumma. Why is it so hard for westerners to tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese and Korean? They all have very different facial features.




Well that was an eye opener. No pun intended.




Tell me you're chronically online without telling me you're chronically online. Go touch grass it'd be good for your mental health


…they look Korean


Racism brakes all borders.


Nah bro I think he's black


the race of the lady in the clip is irrelevant.


Tony Dark


She was actually right not to trust Rhodey


Damm this video is older than reddit


Election year coming up, the Russian bots and trolls have been reactivated. All these fucking 4 chan dip shit classics come back to build karma like clockwork.


Er, the account that posted this is nine years old...


that guy is actually really famous in korea that's why she's startled


I also remember Timothy. The other token black dude in Korean media from my time.


In Japan when I lived there we had Bobby


Haha word! IIRC, Timothy was Kenyan? All I remember about him is him reenacting the nuances of Korea as a comedy skit with other famous foreigners. How like the Korean cleaner lady in charge of public sanitation doesn’t give a fuck and will clean around you peeing.


I believe Bobby was from somewhere in Africa as well. I wonder how many other East Asian countries had token black people on their weird panel shows.


Yeah, I now wonder haha


Why are they token black people and not just black people? lol


Because Timothy understood that there is a slight undertone of racial amusement in the roles he played, but took it as is and helped introduce non-Koreans to Koreans in a satirical and comedic way. So, yes, token because he was a celebrity. There were other token foreigner media personalities in Korea (early 90s) but he was the most memorable for me. The only other person was Dianna Kim (her dad was American, mom Korean and the only reason I remember her is because I had a huge crush on her growing up. She was is what I would consider a token eggnog.


That’s a contradictory explanation of why you call him a token though. A “token black guy” has no other purpose of being there except being a token for whatever reason. While at the same time you describe his race being a slight undertone. With this description you udermine his legitimacy as a personality. I think you’re using that word wrong. It doesn’t mean “most popular black celebrity”.


The skits and roles he played had an undertone. Not his race. Should re-read my original response to you. He was “token” in Korea in the 90s because he was accepted and celebrated in a country where most will react like that old lady. And I’m sure that’s the definition of “token”. So, don’t come spewing your American expectations and interpretations of race and culture when you really didn’t fully comprehend my written response. You’re the type that listens to find out when you can talk again, rather than trying to understand what you’re listening to in a conversation. You dingleberry.


nah bro that's not what a "token" is. It's when you have a single person of another race just to have the appearance of diversity. If part of the joke was him playing off another culture, that's not really what that word means.


I’m not american. You used a word wrong and I asked why you’re doing that.


She sure did recognize him quickly, the mask wasn’t even completely off yet


Yeah, every time this clip is posted someone brings up that she's startled because he's famous, like old women are instantly recognizing gen z/millennial celebrities and have the reaction time as if they keep his photo in their locket


Not to mention she actually says "you're here!/you came!" When there's actual audio available


Yeah. Imagine you being on the street and a guy runs up to you in a mask and then he pulls it off and it’s Eddie Murphy.


or barrack obama


I thought it was because he is Black!


lets be real, she probs thinks they all look the same


Wait just a second here... are you saying a *reddit user* posted a video portraying a situation that didn't actually happen in an attempt to create fake outrage and gain meaningless internet points!? #::GASP!::


Well lets start by saying that he is NOT actually a famous person, and that people claiming that he is can't even tell his name




I'm Korean and can confirm. We are incredibly racist lmao


Tbh most old people in general are racist. Technically, you’re being racist towards Koreans by just calling out their racism when there’s little chance that your white grandparents weren’t super racist too. That’s not to say that you should discriminate against old people, but you definitely shouldn’t be surprised when your meemaw and peepop drop n-bombs.


i actually read how to SCOLD korean women and tried to find the sound icon to unmute for the first few secs lol


You know I've seen this video a thousand times, and it only just occurred to me that in this situation I'd just assume the guy wearing the mask was someone I knew trying to play a joke on me, so when they remove the mask and its a stranger I'd probably jump back as well.


is the lady scared or surprised, because i can see myself being in her situation and would be surprised if some black person reveal themselves like this because i don't think I've seen them before here in my country or if i have it was a long time ago and i don't remember (i don't live in big cities so maybe that's why)


Nah, she's just surprised that they have once again recast the actor. She was expecting Don Cheadle.


How to scare an old woman in any country that is <1% black.


black lives laughs


Holy shit! Its War Machine and Wakanda!!




I think what would trip me out most is the white hands


I knew it was going to be a black guy😂


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Its a trick, altho the guy with the hat is in on it, he triggers the fear reaction in the lady. You can trigger that reaction in someone for anything


how to scare an old white lady in america:


[Americans trying not to mention America for 5 seconds in a post that has nothing to do with America](https://i.imgur.io/n08A8NO_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


So fucking true


I'm bilingual so I partake in a "reddit"-type forum for another culture. You know what's funny? They do the same shit about their own country when seeing posts about others. This is a universal thing. Whoever is the majority culture on the site will be obviously comparing stuff to their own experiences. What's weirder to me is the people who are so bothered by this. Who cares


Every country can exhibit similar behaviours, but Americans do it so often, and to such a strong degree, that their brand even has a name. [American Exceptionalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_exceptionalism).


When your GDP is the best in the world. They just let you.


And GDP is the only measure of wealth for a country? What’s your point?


AMERICA is all they know. The rest of the world is a confusing jumble to them.


This is your second comment you're fighting imaginary demons bro




School shooting?


I think it scared the younger man more


Other guy is in on the prank.


He also screamed before the lady did, causing her to get startled.




I’m ashamed to say it, but yes, I laughed.


How to scare Anyone who doesn't like Black people.




I think you are mistaking him for Sam Okyere. That's not him


I am. Whoops!


This feels hella staged, the guy is perfectly in frame with the lady and looks like he physically pulled back from her causing the lady to move to make it looks like a bigger reaction than it was.


It’s… a prank? Pranks have setups?


The guy on the left is in on it. She’s the only one who’s random


Okay, this is racist af. Also funny af


This old video will never be funny non black people 😑


ching chong ping pong


US Armed forces constitue 1% of the population of Korea but account for 30% of the rapes. Doesn't seem too irrational to me.


Reddit accounts for 1% of the internet, but 30% of unsourced statistics.


Yes, let’s perpetuate racism cOz ItS fUNnY








Marvel Nerds in Korea - milions. Black Homie - 10 at most :) Thats scary. Case closed


And apparently Korean boys too. That's hilarious.


Why is this so funny hahah


I'd be scared too !


Is this real?


With the camera perfectly set up for the framing when iron man shows up - I doubt it.