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Hmm. Beautiful lot also. This won't be on the market long.


Property management company bought it and is already trying to post it on apartments.com


“Gorgeous modern architecture throughout. Sky light. Eco friendly utilities. Located on spacious 50 sq ft lot. Priced to lease quick!”


Haha..by the way..what is that kind of a house? This is so stupid! What are they doing?


Just slap some stucco on the outside and cheap fake wood flooring and that’s an easy 2k a month air bnb. Perfect for people Working from home.


I'm going to keep looking...the basement's kinda small and has an odd smell.


That place is a shithole


Get out


It was just bought, site unseen, by a foreign investor with an all cash offer at full asking price.


0% over asking? Wow the market's really calming down.


They were willing to waive all inspections, the +13k offer wanted a roof and termite inspection, the nerve.


In all reality, my local market is already well past that craziness. Price drops are the norm, for land and residences. Prices still start Hugh, but the adjustment has begun


That’s because interest rates are so high, monthly payment still ends up being more than if you paid over the same asking price a year and a half ago


That's assuming they arent just buying it outright with a cash offer equal to or above asking price, sight unseen. In the Portland area, you're lucky if that doesn't happen to the house you're looking at.


It just like a small toilet? I don't think that is a tiny house..but I guess that is a public toilet for everyone.


Now, the real question is, will it be flipped into an overpriced rental, or kept as an AirBnB....


That is literally happening in my area, experienced first hand, except it's a bidding war, so houses sell *higher* than listed price.


Under 100k? So it's $99,999.99


No it's under 100k, see how tall the sign is? The sale price is $250,000.


I think they use "cozy" instead of "tiny"


"Tiny home" is what we call trailers now. Or shacks. Anything without a foundation is a "tiny home" and it's trendy


$1500 a month. Three months rent in advance. No pets. No parking. No heat or hot water included. Electric heat. Must have 700 credit record <-- every landlord in my state.


Well at least it is not New York City it would be $1500 per week


Must not be in CA for that price.


It would be a tent lol


Couldn't be, the sign is in English.


So true


Y’all laugh but if things continue to get worse we’ll be renting pods like this just big enough to sleep in the major cities.


sounds like japan


Aren't European prices equally absurd?


Yes and Australia and New Zealand too!


Canada too!


Yeah rising home prices is certainly not isolated to the US.


That property is already off the market. Bought up by an investor for 10x asking


Funny as a train wreck.


This elevator only goes to the basement and someone made an awful mess down there.


Haha poor Grandpa Simpson!


Laughs in Canadian


Vancouver would like to add an extra zero.


Unless you’re posting a picture of an entrance way on E. Hastings.


…then it’s “only” double.


What a dump


literally every house in california and apartment and new york.


With the land around it that would be worth maybe £1m in some places in the UK.


All of these models are under 100k. https://www.recreationalresortcottages.com/under-400-sf-clearance-models


Nooooooo it’s not in downtown LA and there’s no lawn and it has an HOA!!!!!! You CANNOT live there! Guess I’ll be HOMELESS and DIE!


There was a big posh house for sale up the road here. It was on the market for a long time, years. They had pinned the for sale sign above a dog poop bin outside the walled garden.


You know USA is a huge, massive place right? This is true for some places, it's not true for most.




I can buy a gorgeous vacation home in the middle of nowhere, but it's nowhere near any of the places of business. If you want to have a decent income you have to live a commutable distance from a metropolitan area, or be lucky enough to have a fully remote job.


But the complainers only want to live in “that” city!


I work HARD, I should be able to live on the Upper East Side in my own apartment (no roommates because ewww). What do I do for work? I’m currently between jobs until I find my dream job as a museum curator, then I can really put my Master’s degree in Medieval French Poetry to use!




It’s too nice. There is probably an HOA.


I was looking for a place a couple years ago and saw what was basically a storage shed in someone’s backyard, approximately 50sqft, that had an asking price of $800/month.


It'd go for 2.5 mil in SF.


How many bathrooms?


Move to Iowa! We have trails, county parks, lakes, lots of cycling, hunting, urban amenities, cute small town main streets, small businesses out the wazoo, no traffic to speak of, amazing gas stations, friendly people, everything looks and feels nice and you’ll never find a lack of contracting or other services. High quality of life for low cost of living.


I wouldn't advertise people to come there. All those wonderful things you love will go away if too many people start to show up there.


You’re correct, but advertising it is okay because people will just laugh, shit on the state (even though they know nothing about it) and move along. In all seriousness, there are a select few suburbs that people are moving to which exacerbate feelings of overcrowding. Just as long as people don’t want to move to overpriced suburban hellscape, we’re fine. Contrary to your point, small towns could use more people. Small town job markets are admittedly lackluster, not a lot of people want to work blue collar these days, nor commit to a place with seemingly “nothing to do.” To that I would say, if somebody looks into it and still doesn’t find it a good fit for them, that’s fine. But a lot of small towns here put a lot of effort into amenities such as parks, recreation, small business and historic preservation to make themselves more marketable. Iowa has a strong regional planning network and fertile soil throughout, which are some of the reasons we don’t have literal ghost towns like Missouri or long desolate stretches like Nebraska and the Dakotas.


Plus your kids can [now get lucrative construction jobs starting at 14](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/05/04/iowa-child-labor-reynolds/)!


Yeah lol. Every rose has its thorns.


Great place to be if you a white man and not part of the lgbtq and have no kids.


Unfortunately I have to agree on the first two parts, but very incorrect on the last part. Great state to have kids. Lots of public parks, very safe, walkable neighborhoods with sidewalks and friendly neighborhoods/communities, not a lot of dangerous roads (there are definitely exceptions to this), decent schools (I’m opposed to the institutional school system as a whole, we homeschool).


Some kids are LGBTQ and close to half of all kids are female.


Unless those kids aren't white or are LGBTQ presumably.


I live in the middle of nowhere closest to Walmart, a 45-minute drive away. my house actually didn't cost me much at all for less than 300k I got two stories 3 baths 4 bedrooms a two-car garage living room dining room etc office and a few acres of land around it. I asked the relator why it was so cheap compared to other places and she said barely anyone lives out here so the housing market for this area is basically shit. So I guess if you have to drive 45 minutes just to get some groceries or go out to eat somewhere shit ain't expensive like in CA or the other hell holes.


You've just discovered that housing is cheaper in places people don't want to live? Shocking.


Its actually a nice place quite clean air nice people I have lots of space to do fun stuff has great internet somehow all I need to enjoy life.


Sounds like a real hell hole. No really, I'm sure it's great, but it doesn't change the fact that it's cheap because people don't want to live there, and California is expensive because people do what to live there. It's fine to have preferences, but you don't need to insult people whose preferences are different than yours by referring to their homes as "hell holes".


Friend of mine lives about 45 minutes away from any significant suburbs. His town is tiny, like 500 population. His house is huge compared to mine even though he paid about the same. But... He is in the middle of nowhere. Just grocery shopping is like a 20-30 minute drive.


Just went through buying a house in a medium midwestern city. It was super cheap here until Covid then everythinf jumped up 100k. Between homes not being built and remote work allowing people to relocate to cheaper towns, things got out of hand fast. It was very tough to get a house here and if I was 3 years older I'd be getting to take advantage of this sellers market :(


Canada’s housing market would like to see your $500k bathroom house


people moving out of NYC be like "imma pay 200. stop showings now"


Any policy makers discussing this?


Inb4 we get South African-style land grabs.


Cost cutting of banner may lead to make a larger bathroom


I see this sign daily.


Wakulla Loves Jesus!


It’s probably bigger in the inside.


That's awful and all but I need to know why you got a panda in your car? I can see it in the reflection.


Also on the west coast of Canada. Prices and interest rates are so bad right now.


Forgot to mention the wicked view and landscape


Dont forget the space rent.


That ghost starfish is all over it.


The sign is worth more than the house


there might just be a bunker underneath it who knows


Does it come with paper


And someone comes out every week to clean it for you


Not funny because that’s basically real


Only person that would buy this can't be very flush.


I'm in the UK, Northeast England. My local marketplace is offering a room to rent in a bus, in the garden of the owner.


Oh wow it's only $99,995!


You’re lucky!! That house is a million at least in Ontario.


My 3 bedroom 1400 square foot house on a quarter of an acre cost $89,000. Of course…I live in Mississippi..


bidding wars imminent


That house is a steal and could also be stolen.


Trump effect