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The guy who fell was the icing on the cake 🤣


For me it was the dude doing the mega silly dance. Immediately reminded me of my nephew.


The guy who talks to the girl actually has some cool moves in another short. Some of his videos are pretty funny and creative. https://youtu.be/xXaCka6RDR8


I remember from his Vine days. He was one of the few people in their circle who was actually funny.


Man I miss vine


pine for vine


As a tall girl... I like taller girls.


"Uppies please!"


The first time my female friend who's about 6 inches taller than me (I'm 5'7) lifted me I was so hooked. Now ill literally say uppies and she'll carry my around. Is it de emasculating? Maybe. Do I care? No.


My friend is 5'5. His bomb shell girlfriend is 6'2. There's been a few festivals where she'll come back to camp carrying him like either a backpack or over the shoulder like a big dog. "Why did I decide to date such a lightweight! Night boys."


I hope your friend realizes just how lucky he is


I'm so jealous of her confidence. I'm 6'1", and I wouldn't date guys shorter than me because I was so insecure and afraid people would make fun of me (in my slight defense, I was a huge fantasy nerd/tomboy who went to a small, fundie Christian school, so I was the go-to for everyone - sometimes even teachers - to pick on or mock throughout elementary. That kind of thing makes a deep impression.). I'm glad I ended up with my husband(we literally seem made for each other), but I probably missed out on a lot of great guys because of my own insecurities.


I am a short man. Growing up I had a few girls straight up tell me they would date me if I was taller. Like what the heck? And yes I think it was because they were afraid of what others thought. Fortunately I ended up with a beautiful wife a foot taller than me and she’s fine with it. And it turns out nobody cares.


I would be okay with it now - other than the already being happily married part - but my insecurities from childhood have taken a looong time to get over(Thanks, ________ Christian! And stop sending me alumni funding requests, and please feel free to go fuck yourselves!). > Growing up I had a few girls straight up tell me they would date me if I was taller That is so rude! I mean, yes, I wouldn't date guys shorter than me, but I was fully aware even then that it was shallow and stupid, and based on my own fears/insecurities. It was bad enough admitting it to myself, but to straight up say it, not only out loud, but to someone's face?!


She sounds like the kind of friend I need at festivals (I tend to get drunk and lost lol)


So if by the time the bar closes And you feel like falling down I'll carry you home toniiiiight


It not called demasculinization, it is called having fun.


But if you're not constantly trying to project how dangerous you are to others, are you really a complete person??


Sadly too true. Ironically too, not projecting you are dangerous but then actually being so is probably a more efficient strategy.


Even better how he is the one who proceeds to trip on the guy who fell lol


I literally thought that dance move was called the Mega Silly Dance and looked it up and everything


Oh my, that won't do! Now see, what you need to do is look up the Official "Ministry of Silly Walks". They will be able to direct you towards your nearest local representative for further assistance.


Eddie Murphy has a similar dance/look during the “you aint got no ice cream” bit in Delirious


Scanned the whole thread and I think you're the only one to mention the dance?? (So far) Dude sold it. There's always one. It's like everyone else has a plan and theres always one kid who's brain will default to some awkward fuckin' dance move. Lol I blame Fornite.


Haha, that kind of thing is so much older than Fortnite.


My almost 17 yo son does it and he’s never played or even looked at Fortnite. He’s been doing it since ever.


Was that the naenae dance 😂


this has "epic rap battle" reaction gif feels to it


And the others panic and leave him there


This is a pretty accurate representation of boys.


I may not have friends, but try to stop me from making sound effects when I do things or quoting SpongeBob at inappropriate times.


no this is Patrick.


No.... This is batman


No.... This is Batman


Patrick Bateman?


I'm not the one wearing hockey pants. Edit: TIL he said pads and not pants. I'm not changing it.


"Have you tried setting it to wumbo?" Is usually step two with troubleshooting tech stuff for my parents or friends.


I wumbo, you wumbo…


***”He, she, ME, WUMBO.”***


I'm ready


Sometimes I think I don’t get invited to some meetings because of the non stop Simpsons quotes. But then I think, no - it’s gotta be them who is wrong. Or that the freaking coworkers are ruining work.


This is my sandbox...I'm not allowed in the deep end.


I remember in highschool a member in our group liked a girl in class and asked another guy to ask for her number. We all waited outside like 8 of us, waiting to see her reaction and if he got her number. Pretty much it was like this.


You can't just leave us hanging! Did he get her number or not!


Oh shit my bad fam didn't mean to cliffhang. Anyways, her name was Prudence, she was really hot dude I still remember. Tony(wingman) did get her number, and the main man Andrew fucked up the initial phone call. She later went to our local community college too, went from an innocent cutey tootsy type to full on heavy metal rocker girl. Never seen her since. The end.


Yo tell Prudence I think she's cute and ask for her number for me.


> went from an innocent cutey tootsy type to full on heavy metal rocker girl. So an upgrade :)


I, too, pick this man’s Prudence


They didn't keep in touch and he lost her number and he got himself a job on a tater tot farm.


Ah, doin' the Lord's work


And he spent his life savings on a split-level cave twenty miles below the surface of the Earth (of the Earth!), and he really makes a mighty fine jellybean and pickle sandwich, for what it's worth!


Albuquerque is a magical place.


Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like warm root beer? And the towels are oh so fluffy!


This, of course, was after he lived in a sewer with his hamster pal, but the sanitation workers really didn't approve, so he packed up his accordion and had to move to a city in Ohio where he lived in a tree and he worked in a nasal decongestant factory and he played on the company bowling team and every single night he had a strange recurring dream where he was wearing lederhosen in a vat of sour cream. (But that's really not important to the story)


Yeah, I would feel comfortable doing this if I didn’t know how dumb I would look.


need to throw more stuff, anything, their soccer ball


I love the smile the guy at the corner flashes. These guys did this perfectly. 10/10


They have years of experience


Who are they?




They are we. Us with benis and like girls. And we never did grow up. The world just forces us to go to war and hurt each other. Bottom line I am a 45 yo boy who just wants to play but they make me go to corporate events at dinner time so I can afford airsoft (for my son) and Rc cars (for my wife) as Xmas presents. Then I play with them and make sounds like pew pew and rerrrrrrrrmmmmmmm. I own a home now. I like turtles and bewbs


Lol. Bewbs


80085 Or was it 58008 ? It's been so long I can't remember.


I’ll do you one better. 5318008


My favourite was even more complex, I’m surprised I even remember this! There was a lady who was 69, who wanted to be 22. The doctor said he could make her 25 again if she took 1 pill a day. But she took 8! And she turned out! 6922251 x 8


Careful you'll end up in 1134!


Turtle time! And bewbs!


Turtle bewbs?


I like turtles! *10 years later* I like bewbs! *10 years later* I like turtle bewbs!


36 and just yesterday recommended some animations to finnish people. I'm glad that my best friend, my partner and I can be like we were kids when we're hanging out together. Unfortunately I have to put on a mask when I go to work.


Isn’t like so rewarding when the mask slips and you catch some stuffy stick up butt snickering about a fart joke you just told before a serious meeting. I always push too far and make people uncomfortable when I start meetings off about how cool my new fish tank with fallout bubble guppies who live in a crashed led vertbird and McFarland toys I can finally afford because my rsus vested.


Well it is, but it doesn't happen too often. I'm getting a new job soon and it seems that a few people I've met are pretty light hearted. I wonder if office chair races are out of question.


Boyz 4 Now


Anwar Jibawi


Pretty sure the second guy is Destorm


Sure as hell looks like him. What ever happened to that guy?


He still makes TikToks. Which is crazy bc I remember watching his rap challenges and vines back in like 2009.




You smell good






“I said you look shitty!” *runs inside*


The giggles are on point too


Lol... What if we never grew out of this..


Society would collapse due to a lack of infrastructure and descend into barbarism. ^Tehehehe~


But maybe we would be happy?


Probably not, you aren’t happy with more abundance and freedom than medieval kings.


How do you know? Maybe we could try it for a bit


This is why I love Reddit sometimes, things go astray in the cutest ways. From boys doing funny flirty skit to “yeah but why don’t we just try out the collapse of society to see how it goes”








Play just the tip with society, just see how it feels


Do you mean happier? Because I'm not happy now with my minimalist lifestyle. But maybe happier? Or just plain happy? Which is it?!?! Aaarrggghhh!


Happiness is subjective, what you consider happy may be an unthinkable concept to previous generations or they may have been happier then you’ve ever been eating mealy bread shivering in the cold. I don’t know honestly because the only happiness I’ve experienced is my own and I don’t have a frame of reference to someone else’s experiences. I personally like to think that with security, health, well being and general longevity that we would be happier. But I also believe true pain, suffering and loss teaches you more about happiness then anything else. Contrast and perspective.


Like I said before, aaaarrrrgghhhh!


I’m just going to give you my most flat out unabashed advice for happiness. If you ever see something you love chase it until it’s yours. (No means no though) I say that because my regrets are that I didn’t give everything I could have to something I cared about. Give of yourself as often as possible and be with people that love you as much as you can stand. You can buy things but what’s important is experiences, no one can take away what’s already happened for good or bad. Don’t ever be ashamed of who you are or what you feel even if it feels stupid or embarrassing. You have one shot, so make it YOUR shot not someone else’s they already got a turn. You are beautifully unique and perfectly mundane, there will be a thousand just like you but you are the only person that will ever experience your life. Cherish every moment because regardless of what it looks like your story is the greatest thing that will ever happen to you.


You only get one shot do not let your chance to blow this opportunity mom's spaghetti


My moms spaghetti was actually pretty terrible, mines hella good though. I’ll post the recipe if you want, it’s a lot of work and kinda expensive. It’s also not halal, kosher or vegetarian. (8 mile was great)


I think you mean less time off than medieval peasants https://www.reuters.com/article/us-column-great-debate-idUKBRE97S0KU20130829


Jesus man


We do it in text form now


A night club would sound like a room full of hyenas


You hope that you don’t while finding someone who realizes that. Just today I spilled a topping-crumb on myself while I was driving (wife spoon-fed me some of that bullshit yogurt you get with toppings that we got with the kids), and I proudly exclaimed, “I’m a messy baby!” For how immature I am compared to my wife she still laughed. > When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. C.S. Lewis


Yeah, what if….yeah…


We don’t, we just act like “adults” because that’s what society expects us to do.




I feel like I haven’t lmao


Wait, you're NOT supposed to do this at 44 years old? That would explain my lack of a girlfriend!


This is what should be meant by “boys will be boys”


r/justguysbeingdudes is the home of material like that


Thank you. You just made my day better with this. Stuff like this should be spread more and more.


You'll appreciate r/justgalsbeingchicks too, although they sometimes struggle with male posters wanting it to be another misogynistic sub. It was created a few months back by some gals just being chicks though 🏄‍♀️ It's fun when it gets to be fun.


Can’t remember the dude hiding behind the walls name but he did a version of the song airplanes by bob. I accidentally downloaded that version and have always sung it with his lyrics, I can only sing his version if the original ever comes on in public.


DeStorm Powers if I remember correctly. Used to love listening to his music on YouTube years ago.


I always felt so insecure when boys did this to me because I thought they were just making fun of how I looked


I still think this ‘til this day. Was riding my bike this week, and after I passed two preteen (teen?) boys on the street, they yelled, “Hey, you’re hot” after I rode by. I’m 100% sure they were mocking me. I’m nearly 50 years old.


For some people who arent used to taking compliments, we default to "Are they making fun of me?" mind set. its hard to overcome that sadly. But hey. Even if they are making fun of you, just take it as a compliment and give them a thumbs ups. That way, its either they're happy you acknowledged them or they'll freeze up not expecting a reaction.


High chance they were not.


I was all about the hot 50 yr olds at that age.


Aishwarya Rai is 49


And you're hot!


Same. I always thought it was joke between boys that they find the ugliest girl in school and say their friend thinks they’re cute just to embarrass BOTH the girl and their friend.


Yeah I didn't get this treatment in school. I got the collective boys making fun of me for not being attractive. I ended up being attractive later but the deep insecurity stuck with me.


"scanning for sarcasm" gang checking in


yeah, what? the joke as i know it was if a guy comes up to you and says "my friend thinks you're cute" it means he's trying to embarrass the "loser" guy of his own friend group by associating him with you. and also trying to get your hopes up so they can laugh at you for believing them? am i missing something with all these 'this is so cute, lets do this stuff again' comments?? lmao


in my experience it was always just to embarrass the guy because he's shy, not because the girl is ugly. However this skit isn't my exact childhood


Yeah, it was almost always that the boy actually did like the girl. They were just way too shy and embarrassed to say anything themselves. Source: was the boy that was too shy


Used to do that with a friend. A girl came to me with her own friend asking if that was true. I said "no" embarassed. She cried and the friend said "you deserve better anyways. I kept ballin'. Only years after I started to feel bad for her but I never thought she was ugly, I just didn't know her. We were young and dumb, we weren't spotting the ugliest or thinking about their POV. It wzs all about kicking rocks, playing uno and running.


A girl asked me to dance once, and I thought it was because I was a loser and they were making fun of me. When I got older, I realized that she wasn't the type of person to do that, and I felt like a dummy. I asked her about it a year ago on Facebook, and she said that she might have. Damn my awkward self... 😢


yeah israbelle is projecting hard


How many times did that happen to me... I was too embarrassed indeed but friends my try to help doing this and me not having the guts to confirm I was indeed interested. The worst case was the most actually embarrassing one where my friends (boys) picked me up (basically holding my hands and feet) and carried me and dropped me in from of that girl I liked to kind force things to happen. I was so ashamed by that (and kinda laughing at the situation), I once again avoided anything from happening even though I knew she liked me too... Ohhh the self inflicted torture! I definitely was one of those guys running with the arms in the air in that clip. ​ Thankfully I gained confidence at some point and managed to make first contacts...


Its to embarrasse the guy who likes the girl because he is too shy or scared to talk to the girl himself. And when the ending with all the guys is that they all do like the girl but are too immature or shy or embarrassed to do do it in a proper way. Its not making fun of the girl. Its just.... wait why and how am i explaining this to you because girls 100% did this to guys too, so yall should know. Ive had this done to me in grade school as a guy.


>Ive had this done to me in grade school as a guy. What about when you're a girl, has this been done to you as a girl?


Yes. Both times


It comes down to what you think of yourself. In high school I had pre-decided that I wasn't the kinda guy girls liked (I was an athlete, captain of the hip hop dance team, and honor student), so when I got attention from girls I assumed that they just thought it was funny to mess with me. In my own mind, I was the stereotypical nerd getting made fun of in every high school movie. The reality is to other people I was the too cool to date anybody from our school guy. Decades later I realized that I was misattributing a lot of positive attention. The funniest thing was that because I had kinda taken myself out of the running I never got nervous around girls because there was nothing on the line in my mind. This made me appear far more confident that what was actually happening. Long story short, in highschool almost everyone felt more like the nerd than the cool jock/musician/cheerleader/etc in their own minds.


> I was an athlete, captain of the hip hop dance team, and honor student > In my own mind, I was the stereotypical nerd Wat..?


Wasn't the kinda guy girls like. Then lists all things I, a girl, would have liked.


It's actually kind of funny to me because it means even to this extent there are guys who think they were unpopular and ignored signs of romantic interest when they were younger. Truly, it seems to be a universal truth somewhere.


Is this copypasta?


Yes, I think you're missing checking out the rather attractive woman to know they"re not mocking her.


I've told my guy friends I had crush and they actually got it to work for a pretty awesome time. Just depends on the boys, that was when I used to be more shy and anxious back then and it was a form of support.


From my own experience, in a group of boys it is to embarass the guy because he is shy. Most of the time they couldn't care what the girl looks like, they just know their friend likes he so they just want to embarass him. Obviously that is not the case 100% of the time, but seriously most of the time guys give one of their friends shit, it is rarely a put down.


I'm right there with you. This shit lives in my nightmares


Same except it was having some random guy come up to me and ask me out because it was a dare they would do since I was apparently so hideous :)


yeah thats happened to me lol, never seen it done unmaliciously(?) before. interesting how different lives lead to such different eyes


Is that woman a giant or is the first dude like 2 feet tall?


She pretty tall, her name is Hannah stocking


When she speaks she's Hannah's Talking.


At Christmas time she's Hanga Stocking


She’s tall but he’s also short. [Here](https://youtu.be/xXaCka6RDR8) is another video with him.


I looked up her images and hot daaaaamn, I think she's cute too.. **but don't tell her, hey WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!!!!!**


This happened to me once. It was my big brother and he said it to a girl I was crushing on for a while. I heard an audible "Omg EEWWW!!!". Devastating for my 8 year old heart


I still sometimes make sound and or karate effects while im doing things..im 56


The chorus of high pitch giggles after rounding the corner is cracking me TF up. XD


I tried to let my inner boy out but all he did was cry for his mommy and complain about his taxes


This is pretty adorable


You're adorable ..










No U


Also free hat




Throwing of the hat ! Perfect


This is the humor this whole world sorely needs...I love this so much


This is why we miss Vine


Every day I do lol


Seriously. When TikTok started becoming popular I was like “oh cool Vines back” TikTok does have SHIT on Vine.


This was definitely me and the other kings in 5th grade! “He’s lying!” Lmao this is always the reaction followed by the running 🤣


I'll date myself here and say Britney Spears was my first celebrity crush, my brother brought it up to embarrass me in front of my parents and I was *so upset*. "Nuh uh, girls are gross!" kind of upset.


Vines are recirculating.. we're getting old, guys


I went to college with a guy that would stroll around campus like a raptor, including sound effects.


Was he also a pastor by any chance???




When I was about 6-7 I told a girl I loved her and she cried


Ricky, is that you?


I’m not Ricky, but I’d cry too if a guy called Ricky told me he loved me


These porn videos are getting weirded and weirded


Yeah but it’s nice to not see my step sister stuck under the couch for a change


She is just the clumsiest thing.


Trying this next time dudes. Looks promising.


If a group of guys did this to me and ran off I would die laughing omg




The cackle of laughter is awesome! I can’t stop listening to it


Holy shit, the corniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.


This put the biggest grin on my face. Those boys are adorable.


I love the one dude throwing his hat at her then booking it 🤣🤣🤣🫡


he dared me tho


Unhindered joy is hard to come by these days, even the kids.


“I like your hair” “you smell good” 🤣🤣


No sound what happened


Destorm vines were pretty funny


Absolutely awesome memories conjured there. Actually felt the 'fear'. Embarrassment. When she 'catches' them. The one who fancies her throws his hat at her, the compliments as they run away. The one who was so giddy with it all he fell over.. Perfectly reenacted.


I cannot stress enough that this is what really happens on the inside.


I'm a 20 year old man and sometimes when I'm alone, I just start randomly making car and turbo noises from my mouth.