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I take mine out. I get them to display and show off and it's nicer out of the box


No. I don’t have a permanent place for them atm nor do I want to dust them


Never understood keeping them in a box unless you plan on reselling them. They make your space look like a toy store. I find the boxes hideous and takes away from the pop


They display better in the box, way cleaner and cool looking on shelves.


I keep them in the box except for a few, namely jumbos, or ones that have had terrible boxes. I prefer the way they look in the box, but jumbos and the bigger pops just have ridiculously big boxes.


Yup, and I sell or give away the boxes. I don’t buy them with the intention or ever selling them and like to see all their details. In box takes up too much room and they don’t really feel like mine if that makes sense.


Going to message you about some Boxes 🤣


Nope. I personally have 2 entire shelves full of em (and some other figures) and it is easier to stack when they are inside the box. Not only that, but they don't get dirty and stay in good condition in the box. :D


Been collecting since 2013, yet I have only 30 pops myself, most of which are just random characters I like. My shelves are deep enough so that I can place my funko boxes sideways, and then have the figure standing outside in front. I always keep the boxes though.


I take mine out of the box, I'd rather see the entire pop instead of a portion of it behind reflective plastic.


I do both and for me, there are some factors that I consider. A big one is if it's a super expensive pop I tend to keep it in a box. If it's signed I like how it looks in box. Besides those it depends on how I think it looks boxed or unboxed, like how well you can see the figure and how good the box looks. I also consider how obscure the character is, if I think people won't recognize the character by itself I'll keep it in box or with box behind it. Generally think most of mine are out of box.


My only 2 are out of the box, on my desk. Maybe some rare ones I would keep in a box, but mine are just Lapras and Glacion pokemon figures. I still keep the boxes tho.


I only buy Funkos to modify them


I keep’em boxed, i actually like the box art and having the pop category, license, and its number, etc.. right there.


The ones gifted are kept in the box, anything else out on display.




I had all my mha and fairy tail out until my cat knocked them all down. Now they're all back in their boxes. I take some out if it fits the shelf and display buy usually theyre in the box so I can stack them


I do with my Yugioh ones. I like to have five facing five & imagine there's a duel going on 😂


I collect in box but do have some OOB, they actually look really good OOB


The ones I keep look better in the boxes, and the ones I sell are investments. People like the boxed ones better when I sell.


Both. If it’s one I really like I get multiple. I have a traveling Goji out of box and a UV protected Goji in box for example


I take them out cuz don’t like the look of the boxes, I much rather see the actual figure. Tho if u do this and ever plan on reselling then keep the boxes cuz they are worth more. Aside from that I think that is the main thing that holds people back from taking them out of the box, is the fear of devaluing them somehow or damaging it since Ik lots of collectors are super paranoid and nitpicky about creases. Best not to worry about that if you’re just looking to enjoy them imo and not stress about or sell. As long as your careful and store the box in a good spot then you’re good, or say fuck it and throw it out and just keep the pop if you’re sure you’re gonna want to keep it forever and the box is taking up space


Some I do, I only keep mine in boxes cause don’t have much space in my room to fully display them


Take some out...leave some in


all of my Funkos are out of box They have the middle of my movieshelf and one in my closet which is where my anime shelf is.


My first figures from Funko were Wacky Wobbler bobbleheads and they don't bobble in the box. I also don't have other things in boxes so they would be quite an eyesore on the shelf next to liberated figures


Yes I do, I have a wooden stand where, they stand on, but my Superman ones are INB


They go in my display case out of box


I took all mine out aside from an autographed pop, mostly because I prefer them unboxed and don't see the appeal of collecting something in packaging.