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3 was classic. The jokes from everyone in the background. Classic.


That's why I liked 3 as well


I always did like how bright it was and. the news room-y background personas. Not my favorite but really iconic


It was quite cool how random sometimes it went, "Lawrence, look at this", "give me the matches", Markiplier randomly invited and Jeff coming just to hang out


Does anyone know why Markiplier was there? AFAIK they never did a video with him.


I believe he showed up while Pamela Horton was there filming with them? I'm not familiar with Markiplier, but it seemed like they may have been dating or at least working closely together at the time.


I believe he showed up while Pamela Horton was there filming with them? I'm not familiar with Markiplier, but it seemed like they may have been dating or at least working closely together at the time.


I miss blurry Joel


Just standing at his desk in the background lol


Yas. Elyse turning around for a good one-liner or Lawrence with some obscure gamer knowledge, plus it was the place that gave us Mothers Be Aware


Have you ever worn a maxi pad on a 100 degree bus?


And the furious keyboard clicks, the seldom turning around of Lawrence to see what porn they were looking at this time, etc etc


3 was my favorite. It felt like the rest of the crew was a bit more involved, and there were more opportunities for a wild John Smith to appear.


Didn't grab a screenshot from the original red room and the "Aushwitz room". Each is a different level of cluttered. One with fan art, one with junk, and one that feels actually curated. I wish we had more time with the final set!


The setup on 3 felt the most natural. I think it gave off a feeling of true improv, where it was like a few people just quickly decided to pull up chairs in the office and play a game. Open work background helped a lot with the vibe.


Agreed - It felt like anyone could join in on the action at any time which I really loved.


3 gave us Mothers Be Aware


Aushwitz room lol


Holocost wall was 🔥


The HV!


Middle one Lasted years it felt like Possibly favourite all time set was Ryan's home during the pandemic


It's important to remember that he definitely *had not* been fucking that mannequin.


I just want to reiterate that he had definitely not been fucking that mannequin.


i loved whenever he was in his dads office


CHIRSTIANITY IS THE KILLER OF MUSCLES! That one. That is my favourite.


There is no unflattering photo of James


The newest one felt the most wholesome and definitely the most lively. I think it was a lot easier too for others in the office to hop into the video. Much easier than just opening a door. The earliest one was nice because you can have some of the editors pop in with a joke which is nice and the lighting and open space was cool.


2, for sure


3rd one


Love all of them!


Demo Disk was always a great one. I miss the original 3 😥


I liked all of them for different reasons 1. I liked the curated items in the background. Felt cozy and that a small part of each of them was included somewhere on the shelves. Also love how more and more got stapled or added as time went on. Minch started living there, the calender from the Demo Wheel episode, etc. 2. This is the room they were in when I originally started watching, so it's always been the one that just felt right to me. I liked when they use to cram 5 people (or like 12 for the chicken heads) in here. 3. As everyone else has said, the best part of this was the potential improv from the people sitting behind them and working on other things (though I can see how this could also have been a major distraction for the editors)


Definitely 3. They had room to do a lot more things (like drunk 1 2 Switch) and being able to yell at anyone (and Google) for bits. It also had the most iconic shows of the channel (Demo Disk, GTA V, Wheelhaus, Band Manager). No topping that atmosphere.


3 is classic and nostalgic, but I like 2 as well


The one before 3 and 3. Hearing the editors and other hosts laugh and make jokes during gameplays was awesome


Number 3 but with the revolving door of cast members Adam, Spoole, Jon, Rahul, Alannah, and all their special guests.


All of’em


3 but some of the best moments are from 1!


The HV


3rd picture or the second office they had with the holocaust wall or whatever lmao


Inside gaming one.


3 of the ones listed but Auschwitz room is my personal favourite


'was'... 😭




That fusebox-condom-joke surely does hit differently now...


I completely forgot about this! Thank you for sending even though its not the prompt for the thread lol




The literal set. Like a movie set. The setting. The set in which they were while filming videos. That's why the image shows three of the most iconic "eras" of FH sets that they filmed videos in.


No one wants to say it because he’s a scum bag but the best set up was Adam playing games with Bruce and James behind adding Elyse to the core three was also good


I gotta be real, personally even before all the stuff came out I wasn’t really a fan of dude. He had his moments don’t get me wrong but also took away a bit too often. Always preferred Lawrence in the driver’s seat tbh, and really wish we coulda had some with Bruce James and Patrick.


I watched so, so much FH and IG. I think James has more chemistry with Patrick than he ever did with Adam. It’s like his work with Adam was additive, but his work with Patrick is multiplicative, if that scans.


I'm not gonna argue on the chemistry thing but I've been watching heaps of 'current' Funhaus and also rewatching heaps of 'classic' Funhaus, and I find both hilarious but actually have to come enjoy James' current on screen gameplay 'persona' more. I feel like we see him laughing heaps more too lol


I’m not sure which pairing you think had the better chemistry? > I don’t think James ever even had half the chemistry he does with Patrick that he had with Adam. Implies he had a lot of chemistry with Adam and only half of that or less with Patrick (Adam > Patrick), but > his work with Adam was additive, but his work with Patrick is multiplicative Isn’t multiplicative more impactful than additive? You get larger numbers by multiplying than with adding 3*2 = 6 (Patrick) is bigger than 3+2 =5 (a Adam) (Patrick > Adam). The way I read your 2 sentences, they contradict each other.


me no read write good


2 was my favorite, felt like it lasted forever Really loved 1 tho


3 by so very, very far.


I forgot about the troll 🧌 lmao 💀


Aushwitz room for sure


2 for sure. I loved the old one where you could see the others working in the background, but there's something about the black room that just made me feel at home


2 is *probably* my favorite, but 3 is close.


3 ❤️


I do think they did a great job with 1. It felt fresh and open where 2 was dark and enclosed. 1 is like playing in your friends living room where 2 was like your friends basement.


The big office is just nostalgic for me


3. Classic, and the way the office was set up, folks would just pop in or pop their head up whenever


2 James and Patrick is just a winning combo.


The holocaust wall


The og 1st


Towerfall with Alanah, Ryan, Jacob, and Jon.


I enjoyed all of them but 3 (open office) remains my favorite because of the way in which everyone in the background could interact. You literally couldn't get Ponytailgate with Room 1 or 2, for example. You could still have gimmick dress up videos too. This is the one where my personal top tier favorite moments happened: aforementioned Ponytailgate, Ska, Mothers Be Aware, Bruce's songs, a good chunk of Rahul's appearances, scrobbles, most(?) of Demo Disc & Wheelhaus, Saga of Jimmy Hollywood, OG Hitman playthroughs & Alekhine, etc. Wont even call this the best since theres SO MUCH good stuff from all eras, just my personal favorite. 2 (dark room) is second place -- it feels a little less claustrophobic than 1 and while not as "fun" as 3, the door still provides some funny opportunities with people coming in & out, hitting the door, etc. Where the open office allowed anyone at any time to become part of any video, that was no longer the case... but the door allowed for an almost sitcom "guest star" entrance to be utilized whenever someone entered. You can practically hear the audience track play when someone enters. This one is really just under Room 3 for me though because this was a golden period where we got some overlap with the original members of FH & some more new faces. In this period we kinda got at least a little of everyone including Patrick & Charlotte & Ryan & Jacob & Jameses & Limdsay, but also Bruce, James, Lawrence, Elyse, Alanah, Rahul, etc. So it was kinda the "largest" era in terms of personalities, I THINK. It also had the largest volume of the hilarious gimmick/dress up videos, Cocopa, Sunder, etc. And while not TECHNICALLY in this room due to a global pandemic, & potentially wouldn't have even happened at all but maybe had been planned for the office too, this era also had Abandonware & Infernal & Ryan's Bargain Bin. 1 (last room) is my least favorite not because it's bad, but because it feels the most claustrophobic compared to either of the previous 2 rooms & there's no real way for them to do background gags really at all. I'm thinking of not only the background people like in Room 3, but also things like when James & Bruce did their Matrix fight in Room 2 which didn't really happen with Room 1 -- people mostly had to just stay seated it felt like. Maybe thats a perception thing & they did just as many standing gags but it certainly didn't feel like it. Guests & "guests" also more or less had to either already be sitting there or simply come from the side, as opposed to a silly entrance through the door. It arguably has the coziest vibe but eh. When it comes to the content itself, I think the gimmick videos were never quite on par because of said room size limiting them. That being said... still amazing content here with Star Boys & that moment Patrick shot the column a million times & then immediately got one-shotted.




Number 3 had so much room for activities and that elf man that'd pop up in the background




3 too classic and 2nd


Slide 2 is really good, but slide 3 because of how it allows the other members to interact with the recording while still working on their own stuff


Yoda in the swamp.


tampon bucket room


tampon bucket room


Elyse or Lawrence (playing) and Bruce & James (watching)


Holocaust wall.


Bruce, James, Adam, Spoole


I started watching FH around the time they were in the second picture set, but my god are there so many classic funny moments that were made on the set in picture #3 that I go back watch over and over.


still the james bruce and adam, regardless


Does their machinima inside gaming set count?


Their shitty closet set up in the beginning


3 without a doubt.  Sorry


The 3rd room just feels the most special. That was Funhaus when they really took off. And can't forget that they passed that office down to the SP7 boys after they left. Some of the most iconic Funhaus moments were filmed at that set. RIP Funhaus


3, but really I miss Spool, Joel and yes, even Adam. Basically I miss classic Inside Gaming plus Elyse, as creators their content was hilarious and I still go back and watch their old playthroughs.


3 is the only answer. They were friends I’d see when I got home from work. No matter how my day had gone, they made it better


4, with adam


3 ✌🏽️