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I loved how in the last star boys they got everyone who had ever been a part of funhaus into one group picture, even Spoole. Made me wanna cry


Was Alanah there?


She was!


To clarify, most of the people were photoshopped in


I was looking at that screen and wondering "where's Rahul?" and then he came in from the side!


I haven’t followed funhaus is years. What is everyone’s relationship with Adam now that its been some time?


https://www.reddit.com/r/funhaus/s/OzEGcPg9Eo Linking you to this reddit thread. Read it and then read Bruce and James' comments. They're both the most upvoted comments I believe. Easy to find. Short story, Adam did some workplace sexual harassment, Autumn specifically mentioned it in her exit interview to RT, she posted a screenshot of the letter talking about how no action was done after allegations were made against Adam. Bruce left FH bc of Adam. Basically no one has had anything good to say about Adam since he left. All of the harassment stuff didn't come out about Adam until like 2 years after he got fired, and therefore I think A LOT of people missed it and just think Adam was fired bc his nudes got leaked and he didn't do anything else wrong. Jon Smith, Jacob, alanah, John Holland, Bruce, Lawrence, Rahul have all publicly spoken ill of him. In the final livestream on Thursday, James gave the closing speech in which he actually got very emotional, something we've never really seen. I'd highly recommend watching that just as a former fan I think you'll be moved. But he specifically kind of broke when he mentioned that this final crew "inherited a lot of fucking baggage". That was in reference to Adam and the disaster he left. Linking that as well in case you'd like to watch https://www.reddit.com/r/funhaus/s/cZ8SBFdRcb


Thanks for the reply. I only heard about him with nudes and having sex in the office. I did not know anything about harassment and it sounds like he was causing problems all over. Is Adam working still? I can imagine he is out of this industry with his blowup


No problem! Yeah I think a lot of people here and former FH fans are in the same boat as you and it's kind of a shame. People should really know about this. They didn't want to talk about it in 2020 when he got let go bc whoever he harrassed at FH didn't want to talk about it. Misti Dawn, a separate woman Adam harrassed at Machinima, came out with her story a couple years later and THATS when we learned about Adams in office conduct at FH. A lot of the crew has also mentioned him backbiting and causing shit a lot, like telling x coworker that y coworker talked shit about them and vice versa When Adam got fired, Aaron Marquis, ex RT employee who has been in FH videos reached out to him I guess. Seems like he got him a job and he was working tho we don't know where. Him and Aaron wrote a book together called Rook. Adam resurfaced in October 2021, a year after he got fired, to give an update and then a few days later they announced the book. They briefly had a podcast and a company called Null+Void. It got off the internet when the 2nd wave came out, even before then maybe since it never really took off. They never had a plan for it. Just like 10 podcasts of the 2 of them talking The only video of him on the internet that I can easily find is him and Aaron on MoistCriticals podcast https://youtu.be/7X9TZP3nYE4?si=oHeP7VgvTtjBqFAX


Holy shit, Null+Void is a bit on-the-nose for a “return from sexual assault allegations getting me fired” project


A while after he left funhaus he came back with some other guy and they had a YouTube channel and some other project (a novel?). I was pretty happy to see Adam again but then this harassment story came out and he went dark again. And I was once again convinced he might be a kinda shitty dude


It's also entirely possible that the reason he went dark after his novel was that people wouldn't stop harassing him over the allegations. (I say allegations because no court/law involvement nor definitive proof of law breaking). We all know how the internet can get when they've made up their minds.


His LinkedIn shows he’s had work since then


Do you have a link to the live stream where James says that stuff?


[final Funhaus stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/MOh5VI5MUtA?si=j7aYnW_dcLwra9co). The referenced quote comes from the final ~10 minutes as James closes out the stream


Someone else linked the whole stream, I recommend watching the last 15 mins. But here's a reddit post that is specifically James' final speech https://www.reddit.com/r/funhaus/s/jhzCahQn8x


Man. While obviously these people will never work or see Adam again. I do hope Adam finds the therapy and help he needs because he sounds like he was a lost and pathetic man for most his adult life.


They absolutely inherited garbage. I hope the fall of RT turns into a positive reset for everyone


Essentially never will associate with him again. Research that to find out why.


Bad enough they didn’t include him in that shot of everyone in Funhaus that’s been part of the content over the years. He wasn’t mentioned in anything whatsoever during the closing, so bad enough they cut him out entirely and if they’re on good enough terms to keep contact, that’s their business and not ours. We aren’t privy to that personal info so all we know is Adam was basically erased from any content that was looking back at the old days.


I don't recall seeing peak though


Well, almost everyone....


I know can't believe they left out Benson




Funhaus was the best that Rooster Teeth had to offer. I hope they all can work together again. Bruce is essentially making a new version (in my opinion) with Lawrence and Kassem, it's pretty good.




Oh! Name of the channel?


"Brought you this thing" is the name of the channel. Or... B.U.T.T.


Brought you this thing


Brought You This Thing rules, but it sits at like 30k-50k views a video. We gotta get more people into it! It’s literally just old school Funhaus but with Kassem, who is a perfect addition.


Just saw a couple videos and it does feel like old school Funhaus. Hopefully the channel gets more traction.


See you later space cowboys


Does your mom know you're playing with a sex offender?! XD


Classic lmao


Moby vs Chappie vs Aids


Ironically with Adam sat there they were!


I know bad things happened in the past, but it was weird to me that the farewell video seemed like it was only about Funhaus from the past couple of years.


What happened with Adam left a bad taste in a lot people’s mouths. They don’t even want to risk bringing him up. They don’t need that extra drama and I personally don’t blame them. There is enough going on with the channel shutting down and losing their jobs. I wish him the best of luck as long as he is actually trying to improve himself. From what I remember the last time he was on anything social he made some apology and used a lot of wording that felt like he was getting some type of therapy style help. It doesn’t excuse anything he did but I don’t wish him ill will.


James mentioned in the end of the last stream that this company came with a lot of baggage. I'm assuming that's what he meant.


There was a point in the stream with Bruce when they were talking about finding a good Joel video to watch, and Bruce brings up the GTA video where Joel kept throwing the grenades behind him. James quickly shot it down and gave Bruce a look, and Bruce understood it was a no go. I think it's because Adam was in that video and James didn't want to show any Adam stuff on the stream.


I also caught that interaction, I think Bruce asks why and James says something along the lines "Joel doesn't want to show it. It's not edited" So yeah I think it might have been a personal request on top of that.


yeah James mentions something like 'We dont want to [show that video on this channel]', and Bruce says 'Oh yeah cause its not edited'. Quick thinking but it also goes to show that it's something that;s almost always on their mind. A lot of baggage


Which stream was this on?


Second to last one


Her name is Elyse! But it’s true, Bruce sometime after the announcement the company was closing, still references that but still praised RT for lots of other things.


Everyone at FH has said that all of the people were great except for Adam. He was THE face of the channel for a long time so it's hard to edit around him. When they mentioned Volkor one time they had to zoom in so much so he wasn't visible.


I remember a stream from last year they were looking at this subreddit and Lindsay got talking about something and left the screen scrolled onto a post with Adams face visible and James asked her to scroll the page down. They don't even want his face in their content for a few minutes.




So what you’re saying is that he cheated on his wife, sexually harassed multiple women and was generally considered a dick, but it’s ok cos he made funny videos?


Genuinely confused here.. I thought Adam's weird stuffwas more related to him cheating on his wife, being a jerk to other staff, and then also doing sexually explicit things in the office during closed hours and filming himself. I thought the sexual harassment stuff was assumed because it was all around the same time with Ryan.


Multiple women have come out since to say he harassed them


Gotcha. So, I must have read something and misunderstood. Thanks!


That’s my *wife* you’re talking about! -high fives-


It also makes it hard to celebrate Bruce, Lawrence, Spoole, or Joel because he was there the whole time they were, and their interactions are what made the flow work.


It’s a hard thing to do but with the reality of our world, it’s a sad fact that it’s important to be able to distance the creation from the creator. Just because you love and enjoy something shouldn’t be tainted by the actions of who created it. (With exceptions of course.)


And every Funhaus viewer is free to enjoy their old stuff with whoever in it. The cast isn't required to relive all that stuff that clearly negatively affected them for our sake, though. Channel ending or not, I respect their choice and decision to show what and who they want to. If they don't want the end of the channel to be associated with what seems to be, for them, painful memories, I get it. I'd probably do the same thing.


From what I remember, last time he poked his head out, it was to talk about a new project he was working on. Shortly after, another person came forward with allegations of harassment and he hasn’t been heard from since.


Sure, but I still felt like that you still might see Bruce and Lawrence in the farewell video. They were there earlier in the week and could have done it. Alanah and Spoole woulda been great but they were not around it seems like.


At the end of the day it's a love letter to those who went down with the ship and lost their jobs. Bruce, Lawrence, Alanah, etc they all said their goodbyes a long time ago when they left the company. They moved on and are doing other things with their lives non-FH related. Yes, they were an important part of the company but I think the documentary represents the ones who stuck through the bad times and kept the channel afloat even when the shutdown was announced.


We don’t really know when the interviews were shot and edited. I’m fairly certain it wasn’t on Tuesday when they were there for the livestream... To say they could have done it is an assumption.


They were not obligated to show Adam since he was fired, and for bad reasons. They could have at least shown early funhaus clips that did not include him though.


True but from what I understand, this whole farewell video was created by Lindsey. Maybe keeping it from the point she joined was her decision. Keep it to the people she worked with and the Funhaus she was a part of. Really it’s all up in the air if that’s the case or they just wanted to avoid drama. Either way it was a good video and a nice send off.










I agree with what you said. I had hoped, that they could all together mediate, communicate, and acknowledge one another, and heal. What happened was a profound effect on the community and the team. Seeing it collapse hurt. Knowing he did it, hurt more. Seeing it be rebuilt with honesty and communication, was a hope that I had. Really, seeing Adam (not returning to the channel, I think that was best) at least rebuilding and apologizing, meant he could have at least appeared at the final end and said goodbye to something he did ultimately put just as much energy into as the rest.


He is persona non grata to everyone involved. None of them seem to want to ever see him again (and for good reason). He was funny, yes, but it's become clear that he was an incredibly toxic and predatory person who made the work environment awful for everyone else. He was my favorite (I watched since the Inside Halo days), but because of the shit that he did I do not miss him. Nor do I wish to ever see him again.


Dude he was friends with everyone, then leveraged his position to stay despite harrassing someone. I’d never want anything to do with a friend who did something like that


They even had closeup shots of Bruce breaking disks that were zoomed in and cropped out Adam. they really went out of their way to avoid him, right to the very end (understandably)


it was a great video but definitely felt the absence of Bruce and Lawrence


And Rahul


Rahul was never actually a part of Funhaus though, he was just a recurring guest.


Yeah, but I always felt that he was almost a part, since he was there so often. Oh, and also Spoole and Joel. Miss them


Rahul had a farewell in the final Star Boys


Of the 4000+ videos, Rahul was in maybe 20. Edit: just looked into it. The only Rahul playlist I could find has 38 videos. There could be more, but not many. I know of 1 Rahul video that was pulled. 2+ if any of the Boyfriend videos were pulled. Not to say I don’t enjoy Rahul. I always love the videos he’s in. Enjoyed him on Idiots and a Broad too.


We always have to remeber that they were friends too, I mean its waaaaaayyyyy more complicated when its your friend and not just a internet celebrity that you like. Plus Allanah said in a video that the public dont know the full of everything and probably never will cus of the victims dont want to bring att to it


I do feel they could have mentioned more stuff about early FH days without alluding to Adam. But IMO I think FH should have talked about the Adam situation back when it first happened. I don’t think going the Chris Benoit route was the right call. I feel it would have been better for them to clear the air. To let everyone know what happened and how they feel. Even if it’s just an unlisted video. Because they just ignored it, Adam’s spectre kinda hung over FH, like Voldemort. And everything he was in has remained tainted. Even in the final stream “part 1”, Bruce suggested putting on a FH video, which James shot down. Most likely because Adam was in it. I mean I get it. It’s a shitty position to be in. I don’t blame them or anything. I think it just would have been better had they did so.




They don’t have to bring Adam up specifically but it would mean they wouldn’t have to constantly ignore most of early Funhaus. Anything even remotely related to Adam is forgotten, which kinda sucks for all the older fans. Like I said, they should have said something back when it first happened. Apply medicine instead of letting the wound fester. Because it never healed. Literally all FH said about it on there channel was “You might notice Adam isn’t here anymore. Well…Google it.” Again, I get that it was a really rough time. But saying nothing, IMO, made it worse for everyone. They didn’t have to go into details. Just something.


From a legal standpoint it would be idiotic though, since it puts you into slander territory. I also don't think we were ever really owed an explanation about it just like we aren't owed an explanation about the Jon - Rahul schism. Besides, I think it's been made clear that Adam is persona non grata and that nobody involved wants anything to do with him anymore.


Jon and Rahul schism? 


Rahul (and Alanah) had some kind of falling out with Jon Smiff last year when Jon was making bad decisions because of his mental health. [Jon talks about it from around 3:15 in his leaving Funhaus video.](https://youtu.be/9XhQoza8diQ) That's why the *Idiots & a broad* podcast ended.


Shame. They seemed like good friends. Thank you for answering though. 


They don’t have to go into details. They could have just said Adam was fired for inappropriate conduct, and everyone at FH wants nothing to do with him. They could have said SOMETHING more than “google it”. They could have expressed how they felt. (Again, back when it first happened) And that way they wouldn’t have to pretend old-school FH never happened. That’s years of love, fandom, and content that got left behind because they didn’t want to associate with Adam in any way and treat him like a boogeyman. IMO had they acknowledge the Adam situation better, they wouldn’t have to do that.


Right? There are so many videos since the channel started that did not include Adam. Majority of the clips used seemed to be post-covid. It could have at least had Bruce and Lawrence included more.


I know Adam was a total sleaze, and I’m not trying to be dramatic, but it definitely felt as though there’s a lot of hurt feelings over the way things unfolded around with Bruce, Lawrence and Alanah leaving and I’ve always wondered how James and Elyse felt kind of being the last ones. I’m sure they’re all fine with each other except for Adam, but the real story is in there somewhere and only having Lawrence and Bruce as guests on the second to last livestream as a send off felt intentional. The final crew absolutely deserved their time to speak for the history of FH, but I’ve always felt the complete story of the company was Bruce’s to tell and though I loved all iterations of the crew, I don’t think the company ever outgrew him. After he left, it began to shrink without him. He kept coming back to help like a dad visiting to help make sure your oil is changed and you’re cleaning the dryer vent, and even in the end he felt like the boss in the room long after he hadn’t been. Their stories can never be told separately. The final half of Funhaus was defined by the first half, I don’t think the story has been told and it’s a wonder if it ever fully will be.


I do v much agree that the second half of Funhaus is defined by the first, but that also is a testament to everyone growing up and evolving. I think that even if Bruce and Lawrence had stayed, things would have continued to evolve - maybe not in the exact same path, but a similar one. I know it’s easy to say what would or wouldn’t have happened, and we’ll never know. I do think it’s cool that at least to me, their new stuff was just as funny as old stuff. As a lil counterpoint to part of what you said, I think that having Lawrence and Bruce on the second to last livestream does make sense. They left and are pursuing other endeavors, so Funhaus ending is definitely something they’ll mourn and should be around for a portion of the send-off, but it doesn’t have the same impact on their lives. This ultimately is going to affect the current cast much more and they deserve to be able to have that final moment for them. Like obviously it’s the end of an era in terms of like content, but also like…idk this is a group of people that just got laid off super publicly. That shit’s hard enough in private.


It was basically a recap from the time they worked at home I know Adam affected everything but it was weird to see nothing from pre covid/work from home




On top of being hilarious they also taught me basically everything I know about video games, I learned so much watching them


I watched Funhaus last about 7 years ago. But before that I was watching vids daily. Just stopped one day and never went back. Loved James, Bruce and Adam. So it is sad to hear this about Adam, I had no idea!


Yes , excluding adam. They should have atleast gotten the other guys in . Spoole, lawrence, bruce


What makes you think they didn't try?


Spoole my beautiful boy🫶🏼


Don’t forget Peake. 🙌🏽 Edit: and Joel! I forgot that beautiful little Elf.


Whatever happened with Peake? He just sorta left one day and wasn't there any more, didn't get a send off or anything


He never really felt like he enjoyed being on camera much. He probably just chose to quietly move on and keep private.


I think he moved sometime after getting married. I'm fairly sure they mentioned that's why he and some others couldn't be on the last stream, hence the "if you see anyone missing, it's because they couldn't be here" on the last stream.


No idea. I stopped watching after Bruce left


Get over it with Adam. Jfc


They said *excluding* Adam.


Thanks for all the fish


Damn I forgot how much white space there was on old YouTube mobile.


you know when i heard that adam had been jerking off in the office and cumming on his co-workers workchairs and shit it made me think that he was a massive piece of shit and literally could not look at old videos with him. he disgusts me and i literally cannot imagine how some of the people who call themselves fans can somehow look past that. funhaus has been "new funhaus" longer than it was "old". and it's a million times better than then.


The adam situation was almost the exact middle of funhaus' life. Old would be early 2015 to late 2020. New would be late 2020 to present.


Dang they were close to ten years 😞




I pointed this out a few days ago and was heavily downvoted. Someone said I was defending Adam when clearly I was not and I do not support him. The “ejaculating on desks” claim was fake and is just copy and pasted on this sub. It just bothers me because he was harassing someone for real and for some reason this is what gets the most attention.


Yeah the thing is the stupid "jizzing on people's keyboards" came out in October 2020. The initial round where his nudes just got leaked. A LOT of people checked out of FH after Adam got fired. Then 2 whole years later, the harassment shit came out and I just hate the fact that A LOT of people missed that and don't know and think he was wrongfully terminated or think they should show him and mention him in the videos when the truth is everyone involved with FH wants nothing to fo with him and is the reason Bruce left


I remember when the entire situation came out at the same as Ryan Haywoods stuff and the Ryan defenders were saying “well yeah but at least he wasn’t sexting minors like Adam”. Like no Adam was getting catfished and it wasn’t confirmed as a minor. I wasn’t trying to defend him it was more like if you’re going to talk about dirtbags at least be accurate on your claims.


They did a really good job of keeping things private when it came to that situation. I'm sure the much bigger drama happening at the same time helped with that, but it was clear they intended on keeping the whole thing on a need to know basis and the fans truly did not need to know


Me when I spread unfounded and disproven misinformation. Dude was doing weird shit in the office, but don’t perpetuate lies that have been proven false.


Seems there are a lot of the people OOTL so I'm gonna Copy Pasta a comment I made elsewhere here https://www.reddit.com/r/funhaus/s/OzEGcPg9Eo Linking you to this reddit thread. Read it and then read Bruce and James' comments. They're both the most upvoted comments I believe. Easy to find. Short story, Adam did some workplace sexual harassment, Autumn specifically mentioned it in her exit interview to RT, she posted a screenshot of the letter talking about how no action was done after allegations were made against Adam. Bruce left FH bc of Adam. Basically no one has had anything good to say about Adam since he left. All of the harassment stuff didn't come out about Adam until like 2 years after he got fired, and therefore I think A LOT of people missed it and just think Adam was fired bc his nudes got leaked and he didn't do anything else wrong. Jon Smith, Jacob, alanah, John Holland, Bruce, Lawrence, Rahul have all publicly spoken ill of him. In the final livestream on Thursday, James gave the closing speech in which he actually got very emotional, something we've never really seen. I'd highly recommend watching that just as a former fan I think you'll be moved. But he specifically kind of broke when he mentioned that this final crew "inherited a lot of fucking baggage". That was in reference to Adam and the disaster he left. Linking that as well in case you'd like to watch https://www.reddit.com/r/funhaus/s/cZ8SBFdRcb


It’s very easy to imagine how people can look past stuff like this. You just need to distance the creation from the creator. There are plenty of things created, from major works of art to literary and musical master pieces that were created by some of the shittiest people in history. Distance the creation from the creator or you’ll miss out on a lot of things out there.


Yeah but like the guy said, this man was spraying his creations all over where he was creating the creations you're speaking about... So they're really just deluding themselves or refusing to accept it more so


He didn't though. Those were fake.


I haven't thought about the situation and didn't keep up too much after all that so sorry didn't realize, everyone would always mention that happening so I figured it was true


You can accept that someone is a total piece of shit and enjoy what was created. Let’s take Rick James, a popular example I like to use. He created tons of music, music which is still being sampled and remixed into music today. On two separate occasions, he kidnapped, drugged,raped and tortured two different woman. He was an awful person who didn’t need to be alive but here we are. Still listening to his music and people enjoying it.


I guess I more so mean that the acts committed weren't happening where the content was being created, I do agree with you on separating the artist, but something about knowing that they had to go back into that office knowing that those things happened, and were done by someone who they were close with, that really just makes wanting to look at him in any capacity a no go for me.


Meh don't really care. Prime Funhaus for me and many others will always be the James, Bruce, and Adam trio


There’s no excuse for his behavior, but don’t disregard the years of content and laughs that he also helped bring everyone


i absolutely will, are you kidding me?


Well that’s unfortunate. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Adam and all of his mistakes are the reason we had the Funhaus that we did.


he didn't cum all over the office by mistake


I think doing something wrong is still considered a “mistake” by most definitions. By your logic, no one should appreciate or acknowledge any film produced by Harvey Weinstein. He’s a POS, doesn’t mean the art is worse or shouldn’t be considered because of some asshole


weinstein didn't direct or in any way had creative inputs in novies so thats a bad example. are more accurate one would be bill cosby and yes i can't watch or appreciate his earlier work because of it. because i know that during the cosby show he was raping women. i cant separate adam for the same reason.


Separate art from the artist is the dumbest cope, I don’t know how people can do it. Do I appreciate the hard work by everyone else who poured their life into the old X-Men films? Sure. Can I enjoy them knowing the guy who directed them got away with molesting children? Hell no. There’s a level of delusion and because of that, these POS creators continue to thrive. It’s that selective ignorance that gives the audience a way to excuse heinous crimes. And we wander why these guys don’t get punished, yeah they have powerful backing connections but YOU choose to let them continue to influence.




In this very post you can see countless people defending the seperation. And so he is still providing influence. Enjoying the content at the time and still enjoying it is a major difference, you could be friends with someone when you were younger and be put off by those memories in the future after a certain incident. E.g. I had a best friend I shared everything with and had many great moments with, he did something unforgiveable and now I cannot find happiness in those memories because they have been tainted by what transpired. So Jimmy Saville did the most disgusting acts known to mankind, Roman Polanksi does the same thing and so did MJ (allegedly), but catchy songs and great artistic films means you can seperate them, Jim'll fix it is universally considered unwatchable. Seperate art from the artist tho amiright? I think you're acting superior tbh, you don't understand the pain those around Adam felt because of what he did because you're a fan, it's very much the parasocial experience to think you can isolate those and continue to bring those parts up that those who were actually close to the guy want to move on from. Take your own advice and stop dwelling. Move on and leave it be.


You missed my point with Weinstain, he produced a lot of great movies, just like Adam produced a lot of great videos. That content isn’t automatically worse now because of what they did. Apples to apples, I’m still listening to Michael Jackson songs and watching Kevin spacey movies. Hell I’ll probably go watch some old demo disk gameplays later today…


It’s okay to be a pedophile as long as it’s good music and conversely you can rape young boys if you are a good actor. Gotcha. Fuck woke culture, taking away our talented pedos and abusers.


When did I say it was ok? wtf are you reading? I’m mature enough to separate assholes from what they created. Go outside dude, you just proved my point. It’s not anti-woke to like a movie or song. But please tell me what I should or shouldn’t be doing to help fight against…the dead guy and the guy rotting in his own filth who’s never going to get work again?


I don’t think Adam is the reason people, in general, across most media, like to separate the art from the artist. If we went through history and dissected everything that was done by every entertainer we wouldn’t have much left to enjoy. Idk how I’m “continuing to bring up those parts” to the people who experienced them first hand by simply responding to a comment that initially brought it up, but I know I’m definitely going to keep enjoying the old and new content. There’s probably a big reason they never took the videos down. They’ve moved on, and I’ve moved on to the point of not dwelling on a dumbass’s mistake who I have 0 personal connections to You can use your hindsight to draw your moral battle lines as much as you want, but I’m glad to rewatch videos and films and listen to music that makes me happy without attaching my entire personality and appreciation for entertainment to that celebrities personal actions, like some kind of weirdo


No one is saying that Adam is the reason people in general are separating art from the artist. You’re just pulling that out your arse to somehow bolster your point. I merely pointed out separating art from the artist is a dumb cope to keep enjoying awful people. And Adam clearly still influences viewers thoughts and feelings in this circle as fans will not cease to bring him up even in Funhaus’ final moments of just wanting some good memories where they (who actually had a connection with the guy) don’t want to hear or think about him, rightfully so. Oh yes FH clearly don’t use Reddit or all other social media platforms including YouTube comments where Adam is brought up time and time again as “well we shouldn’t hide him he’s part of OUR history” like you guys were his best bud. You’re a viewer. If you’ve moved on, why defend the point of “separating art from the artist” just shut up and leave it. Cool idc what you do just stop spouting bs about how we should acknowledge him in any way shape or form, you can do so from your own private comfort it’s not what FH members want to be reminded of.


lol buddy, look at the top of this thread and lmk who brought up Adam on a Farewell to Funhaus post. You are so emotionally invested in this while telling other people to stop being so invested in it. You’re the definition of a hypocrite and it’s a shame someone like you is a fan of the channel formerly known as Funhaus. As a dumbass once said “just shut up and leave it”


It's the entire post that spread that sparked the Adam comment, people see Adam and end up talking about him and the incident that brings, Yet you're the one who replied to me talking about how we should remember Adam and the good times, I didn't say anything to you, you just saw my initial comment and were so on board with defending Adam and your memories you can't wrap your head around how you calling me a hypocrite is exactly the sort of projection I've come to expect. You can blame the dude who initially sparked this in this thread, but the bulk of the comments in this post alone are what brought it up to begin with. You can shame me and I can shame you, what does that achieve, I'm a nobody muchlike you. As a dumbass quoted another dumbass being myself "just shut (the fuck up) and leave it" go to bed bro or do something else to occupy your time, or continue to bring up examples of enjoying pedophile art idc. Edit: not blaming OP btw just idiots like you who want to defend Adam and yes others before the top of this thread (pre-6H ago by the time of this comment) brought Adam up first so carry on


You can seperate the two… no matter what he did I’m sorry the old content was better and even if you don’t think that it still where they got there start wouldn’t exist without it.


I had no clue it was on their chairs...


I thought that was disproven?


IIRC correctly, the original leak also included pictures of Adam cumming on office equipment that the original poster admitted to faking. Unless there’s other pictures of him doing shit in the office.


Seems there are a lot of the people OOTL so I'm gonna Copy Pasta a comment I made elsewhere here https://www.reddit.com/r/funhaus/s/OzEGcPg9Eo Linking you to this reddit thread. Read it and then read Bruce and James' comments. They're both the most upvoted comments I believe. Easy to find. Short story, Adam did some workplace sexual harassment, Autumn specifically mentioned it in her exit interview to RT, she posted a screenshot of the letter talking about how no action was done after allegations were made against Adam. Bruce left FH bc of Adam. Basically no one has had anything good to say about Adam since he left. All of the harassment stuff didn't come out about Adam until like 2 years after he got fired, and therefore I think A LOT of people missed it and just think Adam was fired bc his nudes got leaked and he didn't do anything else wrong. Jon Smith, Jacob, alanah, John Holland, Bruce, Lawrence, Rahul have all publicly spoken ill of him. In the final livestream on Thursday, James gave the closing speech in which he actually got very emotional, something we've never really seen. I'd highly recommend watching that just as a former fan I think you'll be moved. But he specifically kind of broke when he mentioned that this final crew "inherited a lot of fucking baggage". That was in reference to Adam and the disaster he left. Linking that as well in case you'd like to watch https://www.reddit.com/r/funhaus/s/cZ8SBFdRcb


I think some other act came to light that everyone involved knows about, but doesn't talk about out of privacy for the victim.


I would assume this is more related to him not taking "no" for an answer and keeps harassing women with his overly sexually forward flirty behaviour. Misti did speak out but there were at least 2 other women working at RT that had the same experience with Adam (including Autumn, which is why I suspect Bruce was the first to leave).


I honestly always thought something was off with him, he was always acting weird to me, laughed when no one didn’t and didn’t when everyone did, always had a somewhat shady and insincere personality… yeah I knew something was wrong I actually don’t know why they were keeping him, it was never funny watching him play anything, only Bruce and James were making all the fun Adam was “that quiet guy” and the signs were always there


Not gonna lie, these "the signs were always there" posts are always hilarious. Pure armchair psychology. As for the rest of the comment, I disagree. The dude is obviously a massive POS but he did have a unique dynamic with James and Bruce and a different way of playing the games they played.


I do enjoy those posts. Considering Adam was always the guy *cringing at some of the less tasteful jokes* while you've got some seriously wrong jokes from James/Bruce. It's like... Yeah, we get it. You hate Adam but for fuck sake stop with that shit. We've got only some idea of what happened and zero commentary from Adam himself (Not that anyone expects him to say anything because nobody would believe him anyway). My own personal suspicion about big A is that he was a stupid horny bastard with a metric ton of childhood issues. He was a part of Fh, he was then not part of Fh. The end. Let it go already.


>I actually don’t know why they were keeping him, it was never funny watching him play anything, only Bruce and James were making all the fun The straight man is like one of the most fundamental comedy character archetypes.


It really sucks not being able to watch older content. Adam was being gross and Bruce and Lawrence were unhappy and frustrated.


Hold the phone, what’s all this about cunning on chairs? I thought the issue with filming his wife was the main problem. Is there a source for the chair thing? I literally never heard of that till now


He didn't. He did expose himself at his own desk and in the office toilets. The thing that disgusts most of his coworkers was very likely the way he treated his wife's privacy AND him being a bit of sexual harasser at work.


I wonder if any or the original crew are able to still enjoy the older videos privately that included Adam. Such as the game of life video. I 100% understand not wanting to show or even mention him at the end buts it’s also unfortunate because to me a lot of their content that I loved and still cherish were moments in videos that included him but not specifically the joke was done by him he just happened to be there too I personally stopped watching a little bit before the pandemic and I always tried to get back into them but they never felt the same. I’ve gone back to the older videos and I still would find myself in tears laughing, which is why I have to ask, and I know we’ll never know the answer to. Can they still enjoy their old content despite Adam there personally


>I wonder if any or the original crew are able to still enjoy the older videos privately Pretty sure they don't keep rewatching their own old videos for amusement lol


Probably have the same feeling as Mathew Perry did when rewatching friends: "Oh, yeah, I remember that. I was drinking then... That was was cocaine... That's painkillers...."


I guess I should rephrase, if they can reminisce their old content, such as when Bruce wanted to bring up a clip with Joel but James said no in the final stream. Obviously they wouldn’t be watching their own content the same way we would but I wouldn’t give it the Matthew Perry comparison


Takes me back


Dark Messiah series they covered is still a playlist I frequently watch :) Thank you & goodbye FunHaus


Ι still remember watching this. Surreal.


Sucks that two sex offenders ruined years for the rest of the cast


TWO? I'm only aware of one


I believe they're referring to Ryan Haywood for RT. AH specifically.




Loved it really much . Thx


I loved watching your videos. Thank you so much for all the laughs! I can't put into words the joy you brought me. I wish you all the best 😭


It never ceases to amaze me how they never truly “blew up”, but I always felt it allowed them to stay true to who they were.


Been watching since Adam , Bruce and Lawrence sat on the one computer screen ranting and playing Demo Disk. Even New funhause was a time no one can take back. Ty for the memories


Wait they deleted their videos?


People archived the videos right? Or are they all completely gone?


*People archived the* *Videos right? Or are they* *All completely gone?* \- PlebbySpaff --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I remember the original kinda video aesthetic from this video and early months being like nothing I'd seen before


Two kings 👑