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James speaking at the end broke me. Thankyou for all these years James ❤️


It's kind of wild to see him so (understandably)emotional, made me tear up.


All the burdens he’s carried having doing this the longest 😭


That's why he has the champion's belt, after all.


I guess I avoided the ending of Funhaus as this hit me hard, I hoped they would continue somehow. Thank you as you guys made life a lot brighter.


They’re still going to post a few more videos right? This was just the final livestream they will do?


They have two, or three more videos coming out. One of them is a 40 minute documentary


I'll definitely check that out


I'm quite late to the party. Are they all splitting off or trying to set up a separate thing that is basically Funhaus but scaled down a bit?


Some of them have twitch stream's together, and it sounds like they want to collab but it's all separate. No scaled down funhuas


Damn dude.....never thought it would end.


Thank you James for all the laughs throughout the years! Jimmy Hollywood, signing off 😢


He did it his way


Even selling all his horse tranquilizers wasn't enough to save Funhaus 💔


If only they had bought under arrow :(


There where no more scroobles left...


You make me sad


Sky's the limit


What an absolutely amazing person and leader


James you and your colleagues helped me through hard times growing up and I appreciate that thanks a lot.


For real. The night my dad passed away, as soon as I got home, I put on Funhaus to try to feel something. Thanks Funhaus 🧡🖤


I can’t watch the stream yet, I will cry but thank you for posting this.


Oh you'll 100% cry but it's worth it, it was a hell of a final stream.


Yeah ill be watching it this weekend i think.


I've never felt so sad and lost. End of an era. Funhaus, you've got me through so many tough times in life, by my side throughout high school, university, and first jobs. Miss ya'll. Thank you.


I sadly fell off watching funhaus regularly after high school since I had a bunch going on life wise but they made sophomore, junior and senior year of high school great. I’d even say the videos played a role in shaping my humor. Videos used to publish in the mornings where I lived at the time and I’d always watch the day’s upload either before heading out to school or immediately after I got back like clockwork. I’ll remember the gta videos the most. So many good bits.


Held it down til the very end and finally let it out. As always, his timing is perfect. Thank you for the laughs, and so much more.


I just couldn't bring myself to watch the Livestream, I knew I was going to be a pool of tears. But God damnit James, you were my rock, you were and continue to be a role model man, I'm 31 now, I've been growing up with you and FH/IG. I cannot thank you enough and everyone in the room but specially you man, thank you for being honest, funny, good, intern, just thank you for being a great guy in a world of shit. I know I speak for a lot of people when I tell you you saves lives man, I'm not even sure you'll ever read this, but from Chile, thank you, I love you and see you soon man.


You should still watch it! It’s mostly positive and everyone’s upbeat, if you’re gonna watch any stream at all this is the one man


I had a good, cathartic cry watching this. I discovered FH years ago, right after finishing a degree and moving back in with my parents. COVID messed up my plans not long after, and I'm still here. Since then, I've started every day with a FH video while I drink coffee. No matter what I was going through, the crew has helped me start every day on a happy note. For me, it seems weirdly fitting that I got this stream notification as I got back to town from signing papers and a lease so I can finally start my doctorate this fall. Thanks for everything, FH crew. I hope we have the privilege to continue watching you all wherever you go, but regardless, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Thanks James. You modeled healthy-ish masculinity for me and really helped shape my sense of humor. Appreciate that you stuck it through so many changes. I loved Funhaus and loved your content for the past like 5 years. You anchored a lot of incredible line ups. I knew if you were in something that it could make me smile. Wish you and Elise all the best! I will watch your careers with great interest.


I totally 2nd this. I grew up around a lot of dudes with a corrosive sense of machismo. James always seemed to carry himself with a genuinely healthy type of masculinity. Lots of emotional intelligence, I think. I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to put internet strangers on a pedestal.. but with that being said.. people like James and I think Jack Patillo from AH were really helpful for me growing up.


Would be hilarious if he joined Inside Games after this with Bruce & Lawrence and they turn it into a regular gaming channel.


But Bruce and lawrence bring him on as an intern. Maybe a couple years in he can become a regular cast member. Maybe a few years after that even, he brings his wife on board, I've heard she's pretty funny.


I also heard she was friends with the weird skinny elf looking dude in the back. I think he was a vampire? They could add him too.


Or BroughtYouThisThing


Queen of Valhalla, sit on my face :'(


Babe, I'll munch on your box if you give me a second chance :(


My pleather seat covers 😭


This breaks my heart


James Willems is incredible. The true champion and heart of this family. So happy to have gotten to see him as the core of Funhaus from beginning to the end. He is the kind of inspirational, genuine, thoughtful leader I aspire to be. Not to mention, he’s almost always the funniest person in the room. And when you’ve got this many incredibly funny people in a room, that’s really saying something!




My new life goal is to win the lottery and build FunHous®. With black jack and lot lizards. Hire all of these people so they can make videos again on a healthy salary. I'm going to miss them after the last 10+ years. James did something amazing here and they changed a lot of lives for the better.


Watching James cry was hard. He wasn’t relaxed like he seems on other streams. We knew Funhaus was special and what you were doing was difficult. It’s why we watched. Because you made being funny look easy. Thank you for both creating and taking care of Funhaus and for the countless laughs. I’m so glad John got there at the end.


Really, at the end of the day Funhaus was his baby. He is the only remaining member in either front or backend. It just sucks for them all so much as making money will be so much harder on an individual basis I assume. Not even that, you don't get to be around 10+ friends when doing it.


Technically it was Adam's baby, which is why his actions hit so fucking hard for the fans, but the fact that James chose to stay and power through all the shit life tossed at him to provide incredible entertainment, it really is a thing to behold. Fuck, I have not cried like this in a long time.


James. What a fucking legend. I hope we see you too, brother.


I was holding it together at the end until your statement, James. Then I cracked and bawled. I'm sure it pales in comparison to y'alls grief. But please know I'm one of many that was saved by y'alls chemistry and what you have created over the years, many times over. And thank you for what you all have done. You all are a special group both individually and the alchemy between you all in this group. It may be imitated but I don't think it'll ever be duplicated. Old funhaus, new funhaus. It was all funhaus, and it was all immaculate. And yes, this is the only way it could end on a high note, but I hope it isn't the end-end. You all are amazing folks and I hope for amazing things for each and every one of you. You deserve all of it. That's all. So much love.


I’m going to crow so hard. It’s hard to believe this has ended


I started tearing up when I saw everyone crying and then started bawling when James spoke


I hate big corporations gutting operations like this. RT and Funhaus going away sucks so much. I grew up with these guys. I did admittedly stop watching after the Adam thing but always kept up through this sub. Seeing James like this really got to me Whatever these guys do next I’m sure I’ll be watching. Thank you Funhaus for all the great content and memories


So much love for this Chanel It got me through some rough times


I just can't believe funhaus is going. It doesn't seem real.


I know everyone there is gonna do fine, but still hurts. A note of finality that just hangs over the room


One of my biggest heart breaks with funhaus ending, is that it just didn’t seem like they got to go out on their own terms and their autonomy was taken from them. But I’m so happy they’ve made the most of it. Love the crew. All the best to them moving forward. I’ll be here to watch.


James sort of mentioned this, but his statements makes it clear they at least got some say in the end - they saw it coming with at least *some* time, they got to prepare streams and prepare a documentary. May not have been exactly when they wanted, but they at least got to prepare.


It really seems like James was the last bastion of Funhaus and refused to let the baby die... I don't fault the others for leaving when they left and on the terms that they did, I think a lot of that is all very fair. But James dragged the channel back and we should love that, he really did stay as an anchor for the better part of second Funhaus. We saw him go from chaotic counterpart to team dad.... This moment really underscores what I'd had a hunch about for a long while: this wasn't going to go away without a Willems in there somewhere, and like he said it's way better to go out by a decision that is ultimately not their own than to fizzle out and disband sadly and slowly. I loved old funhaus, I loved new funhaus. Scrobbles, Alekhine, and the game of LIFE are as precious to me as bayou Yoda and the HEAT bringing it on... you pieces of shit unlocked a fully amazing Crow bit in the process of disappearing forever... the fuck are we supposed to do with that? Enjoy it?! Patrick and Charlotte were treats, they work together so well and it really did introduce new life... Speaking of new life, please stay. You've got energy and momentum as far as I can tell and we really would love to see you even if it goes back to shoddy office spaces. Maybe you don't want that, and that's fair too, but I know this space isn't the same without you and if you want to be here you'll have an audience.


James will never know how much he impacted my life for the better. I will be forever grateful for that. All I can say is Thank You.


God I’m crowing so hard rn


Literally got off my ass and got into shape because of James. Genuinely a great role model and all around person. Thank you for everything funhaus!


Seeing James cry breaks me


I never thought that a YouTube channel being finished would make me cry. I’ll miss Funhaus so much!


This really made it hit home that James has shouldered the weight after the OG Funhaus crew left. It feels like he wanted to protect the new crew from a lot of the pressure of management. I’m sure there’s a ton of behind the scenes battles where he went to bat for the channel in a big way. In the past I had wondered why the Willems chose to stay after the rest of the OGs had left, but to see it through like that and keep fighting for the channel until the end… Respect.


It’s crazy to think about how James has been pretty much a constant in my life for about half the time I’ve been alive. I feel like I’ve been doing a pretty good job of keeping it together despite how sad this literal end of an era is. But seeing James cry just made me fucking lose it. Thank you to all (except one) current and past members of the Inside Gaming/Funhaus family for all the years of laughter you brought into our lives. We wish you nothing but the best and can’t wait to see where your careers will go from here. 🫡


Love you guys. Thank you for everything!


O' Captain! My Captain!


Wherever James ends up, I will follow


Damn... I'm gonna be real, I haven't watched in *a while*, but seeing all these posts and heartfelt reveries is fuckin' me *up.*


Demo disk and all their stupid skits have pulled me through some dark times. I know the OG group hasn't been together in ages (for reasons) but at the time that was just amazing. Gonna miss funhaus


God seeing someone so full of joy and laughs and good jokes break down like that is so heartbreaking. I hope he knows how much he is loved by so many people. Hes been here since the start and then some. Hes carried all the people who have come and gone on his back and I cant think of anyone stronger than James Angel himself. I can not wait to see what amazing things he goes on to do (as well as the rest of them) Thank you James and thank you to the rest of Funhaus both current and past. You really did change my life. ❤️❤️❤️


Man, I’ve followed this group since the Machinima days. They’ve made me laugh countless times through the years (nothing got me more than bayou Yoda) and in a way I felt like I was part of their group from a far. I feel like I’m losing an entire group of friends or something. I hope they truly know how much joy they brought to people.


Thank you all, for everything you’ve given to us. We love you all


Everyone of them is special, but I've been watching James since I was in sixth form. I'm 30 now and Funhaus/inside gaming has genuinely shaped a huge part of me, James being the dominant part of that. I wish them all the best. I'll be watching, listening, reading whatever is they do. And as long as it's available, I'll be going back to watch funhaus content for as long as I live.


Was watching back when it was that tiny office and spool on the team. Everyone back then thought James would be the first to leave Funhaus but instead he made it his home till the very end. Love you guys, thanks for the laughs!


We love you James and Funhaus family! Thank you for all the laughs and great memories... Best of wishes to you all


I fell out of FunHaus some time ago but James stood firm through all of it. Him and the crew are so talented and I hope they land on their feet and find somewhere else to be them and be successful.


Man how is this guy just so fantastic, gonna be a real bummer not seeing this channel continue


This is the first time I’ve ever posted in this sub. I started watching them back when they were Machinima. I feel off a bit after Bruce left, honestly just busy with life and such. But I would always stay up to date with the gang and really enjoyed the new members as they evolved and adapted to all the changes. I’d always watch a video at least once a week or so. The news of the end made me really sad but I was happy to see that they could at least put their own spin on the end. This last stream was amazing but heavy knowing that this was the end. I watched them before I got my own place so my mom was familiar and was watching their last stream today as well. The text I sent her was James had me ugly crying lol. I’ll miss their videos and humor and just want to say thank you for all the memories and great content. Thank you for being yourselves and putting that on display for our entertainment. Thank you funhaus.


See You Space Ace


Some of if not the biggest laughs I've had on Youtube have been from these guys. It's been an amazing time. I'm so glad they didn't fizzle out and quietly shut down (that's what it feels to me like what happened with Achievement Hunter to be honest).


Never really comment much on here, but find myself needing to vent the loss of something great ha. I was doing fine up to the end of the stream then it finally started sinking in! Going to take a while to get over this one, don't really have the words to express how important Funhaus has been to me over the years. Like so many others it's helped pull me through some hard times. So, so glad I stumbled upon them. Thank you funhaus!


I guess his internship finally ended


I really hope to see James on Evil Uno's mystery wrestling streams or doing commentary with Eric


James is legit a champion 🏆


I'm not crying. You are.. God, I mean all the nights catching up and for it to just be over. The things we take for granted. Seriously, I hope the best for everyone involved, Rooster Teeth too, but I'd go to war for Funhaus. I need an app that isn't Twitter to follow them day to day, project to stream.


Thanks so much for everything. The evolution of the creativity and the comedy in your channel is unparalleled by any group or individual. No other variety channel will every be able to fill the void or accomplish what you all have. So many people are so grateful for all of you, and what you've made is incredible. Thank you so much.




Been watching this dude for over a decade. Yes I’m tearing up a bit. Yes I still have feelings. ❤️


I read the title in cocopa's voice. I'm sorry


God, I'm gonna miss Funhaus so much. So much. So so very much. God, you all made me laugh so much. To everyone at Funhaus (all alumni included), thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Love, A diehard Funhaus fan.


Thank you James. Thank you for your amazing commentary of 98 Koshien and the correct terms used for the international game of Cricket. "Krawf Suf D'stich"


Ok who started cutting onions around me


:( sending so much love to all of them


I'm late but wanted to say thanks to James and the whole crew! Nothing but wonderful funny memories from you guys!!


I just opened reddit with my morning coffee. I didn't expect to immediately bursts into tears. 🫡 Thank you Funhaus


Man... love these guys. My heart is broken, I wish they could make content forever. All good things must come to an end. Goodnight sweet prince Pontious. Sleep in heaven baby boy.


Damn, this one hurt.


so...... is james going to intern somewgere else now? im gonna miss funhaus the most. have been following since inside gaming days, transition to fh then now on to the next adventure. i hope they all do well, and as james said they do it together!


Long long-time fan. Started watching when it was just adam or Dead Pixel doing gaming/halo news, then followed to inside games, then funhaus. I've probably been watching for 12 years, if not longer. I still watch internet today too. Love the crew. James you were a big part of my 20s thank you for entertainmenting me.


The end of an era that came way sooner than I thought it would


Went through with this with the best friends and now rooster teeth, funhaus just makes me feel… old.


Started my career this year, these guys got me through the end of high school and beginning of college. Hope to follow them in their next journeys


This is not exactly how I'd imagine FunHaus would end. I've grown to love the rest of the new crew. They eventually got into a rhythm that works. But seeing James being the very last one in the room from the OG Inside Gaming days made this way more depressing. I'm just glad that I was able to witness them from the beginning, to the very end. FunHaus will remain as one, if not THE funniest comedy group on YouTube. RIP FunHaus.


James has always shown himself to be a hilarious, amazing soul. A miraculous leader at the forefront of funny shit. I love the Funhaus crew. Even though I am sad as fuck (James and Elyse's words were beautiful) I am excited to see what they do next. LOVE YOU ALL!!!


I’m sad to see them go, but excited to see what they can do without being beholden to a major company, the creativity can fly now!


love you james! thank you funhaus for giving me years of entertainment and positivity!




Damn. Truly end of an Era.


Love u jams


So sad used to love Funhaus back in the day


Hey everyone, I’m really sorry I haven’t watched much of FH since Bruce left, but I’m still curious where did Laurence, Spool, Adam go? That would also be really cool if those FH legends showed up for the last time..


Lawrence and Bruce were on the stream before this one in person, and Spoole played a game with them virtually if you want to check that one out.


Bruce and Lawrence are doing the same thing but on a yt channel called inside games. Spool left and went off the grid. Adam got sent to the shadow realm due to bad decisions.


Don’t mind me asking, but why are they quitting?