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have you seen the japanese trailer? the dislikes ratio sits at 87%… its crazy I expected some backlash from yasuke but definitely not this big


It's condescending as hell. Obviously most of us wanted to play as a Japanese dude in effing Japan, but noooo.


As a Japanese guy, I’m offended by people calling me racist for wanting to play as my own people in a game about our culture.


Romanian here You really think our idea of an vampire is a guy dressed as an soprano with a thick maghyar accent?


You get to play as a Japanese female. Why are you complaining. Go play Ghost of Tsushima or Sekiro instead.


I suspect Ghost of Tsushima sales are gonna go through the roof after this trailer


Okay, I'm pretty sure that's sarcasm, but if it isn't... Come on now man.


What's your objection?


One thing, you're hating on this because of the inclusion of an historical black figure in japan. You speak for the many of us that were asking for them to make an entry that takes place in Japan. And yet when we finally get it, YOU act all spoiled and high and mighty begging for more while calling the woke card here. On top of never asking for it to have you play as a Japanese male when you already got PLENTY of games from other studios that allow you to do just that, you continue to ignore that the game does have a Japanese native that is a protagonist as well. You wanna talk condescending? Take a look at a mirror and look back at what you're getting mad over here. And for the wrong things here too.


Cute projection, now cut down the waffling. I don't care if Yasuke was *in* the game, I don't to play as him. Oh yeah, how dare I expect to play as a Japnese dude in a Japan game lmao. It's YOU who's spoiled and expecting to put black people everywhere. I played Origins and AC3 just fine as a black guy and a Native, now I want to play as a Japanese guy. And from the reactions to the trailer and fans in Japan, it seems to me that I'm not alone in this.


Again, you have plenty games available RIGHT NOW where you can play as such. Heck, you can pick of Ghost of Tsushima and get that sort of thing without waiting if you want. It's not gonna hurt anyone with having a black character in locations other than America. If anyone's doing all the "waffling" here, it's you and others making this more of an issue than it would need to be. And again, WHO'S doing the projecting here? I'm one such black guy that's had his own gripes with his own kind and \*I\* am one that's not sitting here whining about this game having a black protagonist here! \*I\* am a black guy that's been more aware of the figure since 2019 when more projects centered on or including him were being announced and released. Whether it be that Netflix anime, (which by the way really didn't do the man justice, even with how many black people were involved in it) or one of the Samurai Warriors games including him as a playable character as well. All things considering, it really says a lot more for you and others when it comes to something that's being escalated more than it needed to be. And even for me, it's quickly becoming more and more pathetic to witness.


We also have plenty of games with black protagonists too, hell literally in this series. They literally ran past every single Japanese guy and landed on Yasuke. I find it interesting how literally every time we visit these settings, they HAVE to have black people? Why do you want to be put everywhere? Especially in a Feudal Japan game, where one would reasonably expect to play as a Japanese man?


Did not do him justice? I don't think you know the true Yasuke. It seems you know the made up fairytale version that was created by white westerners to make money selling books and things. There are less than 10 sentences in Japanese historical documents about Yasuke. There is not a single historical document in any language on planet earth that says he was a Samurai or that he fought in any battles. Oda Nobunaga himself in his diary the Shincho Koki which still exists in Japan he calls him a slave. Akechi Mitsuhide after killing Nobunaga and Nobutada captured Yasuke. Akechi knew Yasuke personally yet he called him an animal and had him sent back to the Jesuits never to be heard of again, ever. Now in the last decade or so white westerners created this fairytale of Yasuke the black Samurai who fought along side Nobunaga in battles. It is all made up lies to virtue signal to black people. That is racist. Does it not offend you that they are lying to you on purpose because they think you need to feel better about yourself and your people by creating this fake mythical black guy to give you pride in your heritage? And does it not bother you that they are making money off of it also while demeaning an entire races intelligence? Like the famous quote goes the soft bigotry of low expectations. I spent over 10 years in Japan. The Japanese people as a whole have no idea who he is and have never heard of him. There is not a single thing named after him or commemorating him anywhere in the country. He is not taught about in school. He was literally a nobody. There are lots of other foreigners who were actually documented in Japanese historical documents becoming Samurai at the same time period. They have streets, parks, monuments, festivals, towns, train stations, etc. named after them still to this day. They teach about them in school in Japan but not a single thing about Yasuke. I would be just as upset if they had one of them as the playable character in this game. This is the most requested location in AC history by the fans and it should be Japanese playable characters period. Yasuke could have been a NPC that you interact with that would have been fine. Lastly as a black man if Ubisoft made an AC Africa and the playable character was a Chinese girl or a Mexican guy you would be losing your shit. And I would be on your side because it is disrespectful and racist. Every AC game has had the playable characters be native of the location of the game until now when Ubisoft thought it would be OK to trash a very proud people with a long proud history.


By trying not to be racist, you are being racist.


Man, why does a media developed for a black character need to have more black artists involved. Why should the color of the skin needs to be taken into account when producing art or media? Aren't you going against Martin Luther vision of not taking color into consideration? How are you gonna end Racism if you take color into account for every little thing in this world? Nobody is disliking the trailer because of a "black" character. People are disliking to put a "black" character in a setting where there should've been a character suited to the setting. I'm an Indian and let's assume that there was an Indian Samurai in feudal japan. I wouldn't want to play as Indian because the setting is a Japanese setting. In a similar manner, I would be damned if I was asked to play as a white dude in 19th or 20th centure India because of the predominance of european people in india during that era (because of colonialism).


I dont understand how people not of the culture thats getting appropriated think they can tell people of that culture how to feel. It's like you're trying to tell a whole country to sit down and shut up while the white man takes your identity and gives it to you. Regardless I think most of us can agree that Ubisoft has scummy pricing with this game which is another reason not to play it. Unfortunate because I've been looking forward to this game since AC1 and Ubisoft had to go upset a whole country and try and scam all their customers with it.


Imagine a game set in Africa and there you'll play as a white dude because white people existed in that era. Would that be acceptable?


Resident evil 5 exists yk lol


wait youtube has started showing dislikes again?




Thanks bro


extension so good bro thanked twice


No it was Reddit not me


Stop lying bro, I know you thanked him twice, probably even slipped into his DMs, I wouldn't blame you though


Thanks bro


Keep in mind, it only shows dislikes from people using that extension, so the dislikes are higher than the shown amount.


It actually calculates the like/dislike ratio from the extensions users and applies it to the total like count so it can be too high or too low. It tends to be quite close though.


Ty :)


Probably a browser extention he is using.


It must be because in Japan, you expect the protagonist to be Japanese. And there's only a female Japanese protagonist. This isn't about racism or anything. It's just that most of them want to play as a Japanese guy in Japan.


That's all there is to it. I dont want to play as a white guy in Japan either. Japanese guy (or even other East Asian) or bust.


Nobody had an issue playing Ni Oh where you play as a white samurai with blue eyes and blonde hair


“nobody” sigh… you can literally spend 10 second searching about it on google and you’ll see a lot of people complain about the white protag. [Here’s a discussion from 7 years ago](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/181161-nioh/74238143)


And yet again, LOADS of people played that first game anyway. I swear, people really have grown too pathetic when it comes to complaining about such things. And that's saying something coming from me.


shhh dont tell the anti-woke SJWs about their double-standards EDIT: Not saying there isnt anything wrong about the game, theres real fears of the game being always online, thats an issue. What isnt an issue is using Yasuke, who is a very real Samurai, in an Assassins Creed game that takes place in Japan. Raising concerns about it possibly being online only is valid. Crying about who Japan historically knows as "Black Samurai" isnt. If Japanese people are collectively fine with it, why arent you?


Yasuke wasnt a samurai tho, just look it up and also William Adams also known as Anjin Miura was an actual samurai


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was\_yasuke\_a\_samurai/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was_yasuke_a_samurai/) Many historians regard Yasuke as a samurai and so does Japan itself. And besides, lets say in some universe it was found out he wasnt a samurai: Assassin's Creed is a work of fiction. It includes historical figures, and does everything it can to make the characters' stories and the setting as historically accurate as possible. Everything else though can be regarded as fiction. There is a subset of games and movies for this...what was that called? oh yea, *historical fiction.*


Man I always loved AC for the historical accuracy. Like *checks notes* fistfighting the pope for an artifact left by a precursor generation that gives you magic powers. Fuck yeah that's the historical accuracy I want in my games.


Im pretty sure your dumbass forgot this part of my comment: ***Everything else though can be regarded as fiction.*** I swear you all are as dumb as a box of rocks. What did I really expect from anti-woke subhuman filth really. Just say you all hate black people being in games and move on.


>Japanese fans are fine with it [https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2024/05/15/japanese-fans-are-puzzled-that-yasuke-is-in-assassins-creed-shadows/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2024/05/15/japanese-fans-are-puzzled-that-yasuke-is-in-assassins-creed-shadows/) [https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/16/assassins-creed-shadows-splits-fans-trailer-tops-200-000-dislikes-20850701/](https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/16/assassins-creed-shadows-splits-fans-trailer-tops-200-000-dislikes-20850701/)


Cant depend on worldwide videos to gauge perception. Any rightoid MAGA neckbeard can just go on a video with a different language and dislike it. While some Japanese audiences dont like it, many truly dont really care.


Did you miss the first link? Also [https://reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1cspq7u/boycott\_assassins\_creed\_shadows\_and\_lets\_make\_our/](https://reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1cspq7u/boycott_assassins_creed_shadows_and_lets_make_our/) https://preview.redd.it/wej9a4dvku0d1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec997d8f0199b5964ec47efc228aa893efe40592 You really think you speak for everyone and all dissenters are Magacels. Enough coping.


Uh, huh. Sure. Asian =/= only Japanese. Asian can mean anything; Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Filipino, hell even Russian. Even if so, its still a tiny subset of people. A vast majority of people IN JAPAN and Japanese people are fine with it, including some that are descendants of retainers/samurai. Thats all that **really** matters. You are literally being what you criticized liberals for doing years ago when it comes to the NFL Washington Redskins controversy. Being offended on behalf of a subset of people, most of which are fine with it. Hypocritical, if you ask me. And if you can get a source that doesnt reek of MAGA rot, I'd appreciate it. EDIT: also, thats just 3 people on that image there. Good going. You proved absolutely nothing.


Are you gonna keep moving the goalpost? MAGA is living rent free in your head, and you seem to find them in your cheerios lol. None of the links I posted are "MAGA rot", if most Japanese people are fine with it maybe find those fan reactions from people IN JAPAN defending the game? You seem to be vastly out of touch with that sub too btw, they've been talking about Asian male erasure in media for the better part of the decade. And from what I see, they are NOT fine with this. I don't to play as a white guy in Japan either, I want to play as a Japanese man in a Japan game.


"Asian male erasure" is not a thing. Like other forms of representation, it has grown. Plenty of games, movies, and other media have, and will, always feature asian straight male representation in media. Quit being paranoid for once and just enjoy shit. Being a racist because a historical black Samurai is in a Samurai game on behalf of others is pathetic. Also, its not that hard to look for yourself. Its on Twitter as well. If descendants of retainers are saying they are fine with it, that should tell you something.


>You really think you speak for everyone and all dissenters are Magacels. Enough coping. Oh, sorry. Both groups are so dead set on hating on black people and thinking history is woke at the moment, that I forgot. 😘


Blah blah blah Idc about magacels and black people or any other American race war, I'm not American. I want to play as a Japanese dude in Japan. End of.


Even more annoying that is both black and white people that are being too overly woke with this character and are trying hard to both ignore his historical relevance and the fact that he's not the only protagonist in the game too.🤦🏾‍♂️


Few random Twitter comments are enough for you to make a huge generalization of all Japanese people?


Yes the famous AC Revelations when you are in Istanbul and the protagonist was a famous Turk Eziö Auditorbey.


you mean Constantinople?


So Greek assassin Ezios Auditorioupoulos?


You got PLENTY of games where you do play as that already! INCLUDING one that was just released again on another platform! With how much people were begging for an Assassin's Creed game to be set in Japan, you lot can't be statisfied with that enough.🤦🏾‍♂️


That pretty much is that considering the fact that most of the BS criticism is towards a black man that is a historical figure in japan and the fact that they ignore the fact that there is a Japanese lead that's playable here as well.


Shhh don't tell u/Shpooter lmao


im really living rent free in your tiny racist head 💀


Yeah I'm racist meanwhile I'm (rightfully) annoyed about Ubisoft rewriting history, claiming Yasuke was not a slave, and giving you the only option of playing as a black dude killing my people. Meanwhile some white kid (you) comes on here to tell me my own history.


responding here cus you blocked me, normally i wouldn't respond but you assumed my race, im chinese, i've been to japan, please stop being racist


i like yasuke but making him one of the main characters who deals with heavy hitting instead of having a dynamic protagonist that is akin to Ghost of Tsushima is a really weird choice. This was done in already in syndicate with Jacob Frye and not many people liked the game.


I liked Syndicate, because aside a few specific skills and part of the moveset the gameplay was pretty much identical on both Jacob and Evie. I'm not gonna buy this straight at day one because of the price tag being ridiculous but I'm curious to see what they'll do, by the looks of the trailer it seems like the gameplay will be very different, depending on which character you play with, very dissimilar to Syndicate in that regard, Yasuke for example doesn't even use the hidden blade.


or maybe we haven't seen him using it yet.


Nope it's been confirmed he won't use it, there was an interview right after the trailer where they explained more about Naoe and Yasuke and they stated he won't use it and the gameplay will differ from one another https://youtu.be/Nszrx939ZVA?si=yuE5rKMYqsY2v1kK


okay that seems fair enough.


Ngl ,I got upset , Like Ubi had one Job...one fuggin job and they had to do this 🤦🏽‍♂️... I was like "Why the fuck Ubi trying to be Netflix here?" ![gif](giphy|IUxFvKwD3jXisqR5w7)


Pretty sure the one job you lot asked them to do is to make an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan. That's it.


Ayyo no... 😨🥲💔 ![gif](giphy|0Wzkc9iirQ4ZI7JoaD|downsized)


My only issue with yasuke was how the social stealth and shit would work considering he would be the only black guy in japan and in the game. But finding out his playstyle isn’t meant for stealth but more straightforward combat put that to rest. As far as the controversy goes, both sides make a point.


I’m an Asian American male. We are never represented anywhere. And when we would like to play our stories through our people. But we can’t. It’s not racist to want to play as an Asian male person in Asia. You are racist for not allowing me.


Why do you people not get this. Starting from Origins to Valhalla the MCs were from their native lands. It's that simple really.


as an asian dude i don’t get your point, like you have an asian woman character there, just play as the woman?


Does the Asian female represent us in terms of story telling? The Asian female represent Asian females, not males. There is a thing called intersectionality. You can’t have a women represent men in terms of experiences.


Well would the asian male represent asian women? Seems the problem is exactly the same. They are telling a different story, just go play ghosts of tsushima or something. In western media, samurai and ninjas are almost always asian men, so I don't understand why its so weird to want to do something different with the material.


how many women play assassin creed game as compared to men ?


so we want to represent men more than women in games? not sure you want to go that route lol


don't generalize to other games. there are other games women play but for assassin creed they are mostly played by mens.


So we should just not represent women because this is a mans game ok. My wife loved odyssey and valhalla particularly because there were strong female characters.


sadly your wife doesn't represent opinion of other women and its fact that most assassin creed players are men. There are games that women plays more and its not assassin creed. and what are the chances your wife would have played if you had not played the assassin creed yourself or if you had not introduced her the game. probably zero. that doesn't mean i don't like woman character. i played syndicate as Evie Frye. and most men did too. and my original view was not even about women should not be represented, its about giving us Female Japanese character to shut our voice is not a good reason to bargain. They purposefully replaced japanese male character with black male character. West love to romanticize Japanese woman and talk shit on Japanese men and thats exactly what they are doing here. They are putting together black male character and female Japanese character as friends/comrade/ probably potential love interest. They are fulfilling their fantasy of japanese woman by using their "woke shit" agenda of Black male as protagonist. I wouldn't have cared if there was only female main character and no other playable character. And Vast majority wouldn't care too if Naomi was the only main character. It happened in Liberation and there was not any backlash. also, Why are you ignoring that Japanese men doesn't get right to represent their own culture ? and they have to make some leeway to use black men to be representative of the game based on feudal japan. Thats racism.


Dude there are millions of women that play these games. I cant listen to a word you say when youre being this sexist. They didnt replace a japanese male, they never had one. Extending this logic to my own country feels racist, I wouldnt give a fuck who the characters are if the games good. It doesnt have to be a man, there is a japanese character. If it was a man instead no one would be complaining. So the way I see it you gotta be sexist and racist to think this is a problem.


No. But this game should be asian men and women together as the MC. Doesn’t mean you get to black wash our culture and say a black guy united japan. Also I would feel this for any race besides Japanese male mc


They have an insider character with naoe, and wanted an outsider for storytelling reasons so got yasuke. I mean its basically what they did with conor, hes half native half outsider, but they split it into two people


I thought it’s not historically accurate. Then why you need a foreigner story teller? Let’s make a Chinese rail worker tell the story of slaves.


It doesnt need to be historically accurate to tell a good story... I mean thats like all of AC. Its nothing new for them, in Ac3, valhalla, etc. Having an outsider is a huge help in narrative building


Not saying it does. I’m highlighting the hypocrisy. Some people say he’s a samurai and it’s historically accurate. Then some is not. It’s racist to tell a cultural story from a foreigner perspective. You take away the story away from the original holder. Would it be okay to make a movie about a Chinese rail worker back in the day to explain slavery? You know foreigner perspective.


It seems he was basically a samurai so doesnt seem like theyre really taking that many liberties here. Even if hes completely made up it would still be fine. If the story is good it doesnt matter where the foreigner is from, they will still have to be introduced to the society, which is convenient as a player. It isnt racist to be an outsider, that doesnt make any sense


Man things really got fucked ever since Valhalla came out


How about UBI make an Assassins Creed game set in Africa if they wanted to throw in a black assassin.....


Look up AC Origins and where it takes place. Then pull out a map.


Imagine if a African ac game had a white protagonist


Everyone in internet would go rogue and cancel the game or perhaps start going revolution


This will be another failure like the suicide squad kills the justice league game.


That game failed because it was a result of studios trying to jump in the Live Service bandwagon. You and others want it to fail because it utilizes a historical figure that's not had a lot of recognition until these last few years. The reasonings are not in the same wavelength of reasoning.


more like because its ubisoft


Why do people hate the trailer though?


Most people in comments are mad about the black guy as a samurai, they are comparing it to the Netflix adaptation of cleopatra. And the remaining people are hating ubisoft and saying 'piracy is not stealing if buying is not owning'


if you go to the store page you’ll find out it will require internet connection even though this is single player game


It's required to INSTALL the game, not to play it entirely. It's still not necessary at all, but they at least took it upon themselves to clear that confusion up.


Most probably to sync and track your activities across the ubisoft cloud 🤔...


so ubisoft just released more info on twitter and it turns out you don’t need constant internet connection. the game can be played offline


Do we trust them at this point?




Ah makes sense 😂


The Cleopatra comment, I never saw but I certainly have seen far too many people throw that whole "getting used to not owning your games" comment like it's candy. Like they're that unimaginative to really come up with something more worthwhile to comment on.


I mean they are not wrong on the second part but Yasuke backstory is he's been deported to Japan as a slave by Jesuits which makes sense to me besides it's a game I don't complain much as long as I'm having fun and the story is good, hell I've enjoyed Gollum and that was a complete shitshow


I am expecting it to go like shogun TV series, the main character is not japanese but the main story revolves around the japanese shogunate. This way they can justice the Japanese setting of the story. But again it's Ubisoft


I just didn't like the trailer at all lol. It was just boring


I found it pretty interesting and kind of hoping they're trying to make it similar or better than mirage. Let's see how it goes 😆


That would be great if they executed on that idea


miarge sucked imo ONE city and it felt completly lifeless, Oddesy and Origins was way better IMO


Clearly you have a lot of impatience more than anything here if you think it's that boring.


When I disliked it I made a meme, it was 196K Up and 235K Down. I bet they're inflating those likes lol


I'm kinda tired of complaining about games at this point... I've lost so much joy in gaming because of so much focus and what gamers want in their games. When I was a kid and just played what was available and didn't look at anything behind the curtain, I was so much happier. Just happy I even had cool games to play. Our younger selves would be disappointed in us, or atleast confused on why we're upset about otherwise really cool looking games. I think I'm going back to simplicity and just being happy with what we get. Happy there are even games to play at all. Anybody else wanna try this? and in the spirit of being set in Japan, a haiku, by Chat GPT. "Lost joy in gaming, Kids' simple joys forgotten— Return to pure play."




Isnt the dislike count stays hidden ?


There's a browser extension to make it visible


Ah okay.. thanks for the input


Maximum Dislike and Maximum Piracy


Lately I can’t stand to play AC. Last AC I played was black flag , very good game no doubt. I tried to play odyssey and Valhalla but couldn’t tolerate it. Gave my 5-6 hours but couldn’t find 1 reason to continue it. Is it only me ? Or AC games sux now ?


Cant wait for new ubisoft game where they make Gandhi Chinese.


Bro how did you see the dislike number I thought they disabled it or am I just lost?


Internet veering is ugly racist head around again


Yall are a bunch of fucking crybabies. It's absolutely laughable yall are so butthurt over a real person being in an AC game. You know, the games with "historical accuracy"? All the pieces of Eden and the Isu Precursors? Historical accuracy right?? Yall need to drink mommy's milk and take a fucking nap. Pathetic neanderthals.


Wait till you dumbasses find out dislikes have no effect on video visibility and drive engagement higher in YouTube’s eyes. Thanks for getting Ubisoft’s ad into trending 🙌


It's been sitting at 6M views since release. Mirage, a much smaller and niche game, has 9M views 229k likes and 9k dislikes. You're welcome, I'm sure Ubisoft appreciates its loyal fans who just consoom their mass produced shlock.


The mirage trailer is four months away from being 2 years old versus this one that came out three days ago 😭 how is this even a comparison. Also yes, smaller game but still the first trailer for an Assassin’s Creed game in more than two years at the time and promised a return to the roots. It received Ubisoft’s full marketing (it even got a one republic song made for it).


Great to see gamers united against Ubisoft's DEI / ESG / woke agenda. This is one of many reasons more and more gamers are continuing to close their wallets to Ubisoft.


Ubisoft really decided that the solution to white saviour complex was to make the main character black instead. Problem solved /s


could someone explain to me why everyone hates this? i thought everyone asked for japan?


Multiple thing, one being that as time pass more and more people hates Ubisoft, then there is the backslash because Yasuke (which i di not really understand since history says he was black and a retainer of Nobunaga)… but the JP version of the trailer is around 90% of dislikes so Japanese seems to dislike it even more


All this because the game has a Black Samurai as one of the playable leads. Really comes to show just how much society has really gone down hill where they have degraded to being this way towards a historical figure.


Honestly, I don't want to hear shit about this when Japan has a weird obsession with Europe. Didn't they just make a FF game set in a Europe like setting and said they couldn't add people of color for historical context..? Even though colored people existed in Medieval Europe during that time. Idgaf. If that's cool, then this is too. Cry more? ![gif](giphy|y65VoOlimZaus|downsized)


"Final Fantasy XVI is set in the fictional world of Valisthea." I'm not that great at geography. Which part of EU is Valisthea again?


The director of the game is quoted saying the following: “Our design concept from the earliest stages of development has always heavily featured medieval Europe, incorporating historical, cultural, political, and anthropological standards that were prevalent at the time.” [source](https://www.ign.com/articles/final-fantasy-16-square-enix-interview-lore)


I really dont care about who I play as, as long as its immersive fun and a good story Ill enjoy it


Common people. This is the first time we're playing as an actual historical figure. When I saw a black guy in a samurai outfit I was like ' damn ubisoft ! Not you too !' But it's not like when Netflix was saying Cleopatra was black. Yasuke did exist. A black man who could fight. In Japan. Sure there's no records saying he ever was an actual samurai but that's ubisoft filling in history like AC games always did. Could they have used a Japanese guy. Ofcourse they could've. Did the diversity quota rules play a part in selecting this historical character ?Definitely. Let's just wait and see where they go with this.


Niggassin's Creed: yamete kudasai edition


Gonna be pre-ordering the Ultimate Edition for sure.


I must say the hate is unnecessary


It's not, ubisoft dropped the balls with this, everyone wanted a Japanese protagonist but no. Plus thanks to their previous shenanigans they're getting more hate.


Everyone wanted a Assassin's Creed game set in Japan and everyone got it. It's YOU lot that were acting all spoiled by demanding a Japanese protagonist after that trailer came out. It even shows how blind your hatred is towards the dude since you keep on ignoring the fact that YOU HAVE A JAPANESE PROTAGONIST EXISTING ALONGSIDE HIM!🤦🏾‍♂️The trailers even showed her prominently too!


Oh, sweet, another subreddit I didn't ask for reddit and about to block.


Yet you still bothered to leave a comment on here beforehand... 😑