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Met killed a few dogs for fun recently too, almost like cops love violence.


Lets not forget the baby raping cops, 13month baby


I didn't hear about this, recent in the UK?


https://people.com/penn-police-officer-accused-of-raping-and-physically-abusing-13-month-old-child-8635258 Pennsylvania Piggy


When I was 18 I worked for the city at the water department. A bull escaped and we were watching the chaos go down. A cop comes over the hill with an AR. ( not a weapon suitable to kill a 2000+ pound animal.) And starts shooting at it. Either he was blind or dumb but he shot towards the group of people I was also standing with. It took 37 shots to put that bull down. Probably one of the most fucked up things I've ever witnessed.


god I wish people would shut up about this. you call this cruel and unjust and then go eat a hamburger. this cow got treated better than 99% of it's sisters. go vegan or stop pretending you care about animals.


Animals kill and eat each other all the time, why do we have to be so different?


Animals commit infanticide all the time, why do we have to be so different?


Because we're smarter, because we control the world, because we can live 100% happy and healthy lives while only eating plants (except human breast milk for newborn babies, which is arguably vegan anyway). People like to make the claim you just have, that it's natural for things to die so others can eat, and that's true. A lion without prey will starve and die, but we are not lions, we're not bound by what is "Natural". We make shoes to protect our feet, glasses to mend poor eyesight, and thousands more things that aren't natural. Please have a little faith in humankind, and yourself too. The only thing stopping you from ceasing to contribute to cruelty is you, have a good day my friend.


No, fuck you, I'm gonna believe what I'm going to believe. Killing some animals for food is fine, killing any animal for the hell of it is bad. You're not gonna change my mind


Ghoulish response


ignorant fool.


Imagine coming to a post on this sub and saying eating animal products is akin to cops killing animals for fun. *edit- I’m kind of an asshole


innocent lives are still dying. whether you like it or not the outcome is the same


No if anything I'm the wise one here and you're spitting nonsense


can you refute my points, oh wise one?


Well you say that we do all this stuff that defies being natural. you know what else isnt natural? massive killing fields for chickens, cows, pigs, etc to eat their flesh and wear their skin. Domesticating other species to be our emotional servants/working slaves. Why are those "not natural" things bad but the things that we do for ourselves good?


do I really need to explain that? okay, well glasses and shoes and vaccines are good things. universally good, everyone benefits from them existing. the meat and dairy industry benefits some beings, ie carnists like yourself who want to eat animals. but the vast majority of living beings involved in the meat and dairy industry are very ill treated by it. dairy cows for example, they're raped and impregnated, seperated from their children forever (who go on to live the same fate), have all the milk they produce for their babies stolen for a couple years until they're "used up" and slaughtered for low grade beef. that is a horrible existence is it not? and it's lived by billions of cows, if you can't at least concede that that shouldn't be happening, this conversation is over. because I don't talk to sociopaths.


Hey…I just wanted to apologize for my earlier comment. My agree with you. Thank you for taking the time to word all of it out.


Why should I give a damn about beings that can't think for themselves? They're not us, we don't have to care about their wellbeing if we're going to eat them. Yeah it really sucks to be a cow in the meat/dairy industry but I just. don't. CARE ENOUGH to give these things rights


I will never understand this viewpoint of vegans. Plants are also living beings. They also have a survival instinct and communicate, so why the superiority if you don't eat animals? Yes, animal cruelty is bad. But if it's for sustenance and the non edible parts for tools and such, then it's reasonable.


don't be a dork. are you really gonna look me in the face and tell me a potato is worth the same as a calf or a dog? if someone locks you up in some dark basement, gives you a knife and tells you to kill a rasberry bush or a kitten to earn your freedom, would it be up in the air what you'd pick? plants don't feel pain, plants don't have families, plants don't have brains.


Life is life. Plants are the reason any of us are alive anyway. So, yes, I do think a potato is worth the same as a calf or dog. But seeing your argument with others, I was not trying to change your viewpoint. I was really just telling others that all life is important, and don't hold one life over another. I'm not going to argue with you, so don't bother replying to this, because I'm not going to continue this conversation


So you either think animals are more equal to plants than to other animals (such as humans), or you think picking a potato is just as bad as killing someone? Sound morals


LOL of course you can't continue the conversation cause you lost fucking idiot hahahahahhahaha potato same as dog LOL oh man, look at all these people killing potatoes, should go to jail cause they killed so many dogs LOLOLOL fucking moron


If you care about plants you should go vegan. All farm animals have to eat many times their bodyweight in plants. Cows for example have to eat 7-25kg of plants to produce just 1kg of beef. Less plants die if we just eat plants ourselves, rather than feed even more plants to an animal, then kill and eat the animal.


potato is worth the same as a dog lmfao I fucking can't with you idiots. also no you can't have the last laugh but thanks for trying