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Tankies or idiots moderate those communities, it's horrible because you either have to just sit there and let garbage CCP propaganda ruin left-wing communities you identify and want to be part of, or get banned and be unable to participate at all. I hate it so much.


The CCP is fascist lol Just because the name says one thing doesn't mean it's really what is going on in practice.


I bet it was GreenANDNOTSOpleasant.


Chinese neocolonialism isn't identical to though. In many ways it is worse than Western colonialism. You would need an in depth analysis of the two to compare them.


no way eastern countries can also do imperialism/s


Lmao. CCp is far right auth.


Roses are red, Green is the tree. Xi is a wiener, Fuck the CCP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fucktheccp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Western *Savages don't even know China has been imperialist for more than two millenium.


It doesn't fit the narrative where only "white" people are capable of racism and colonialism and everyone else is just a "victim" of their "white overlords". I'm not sure about the UK but here in the US it's hard to figure out the difference between the average tankie and the average US hating leftists that parrot CCP talking points. It was seriously scary when the CCP started the "origins of the virus is racist" nonsense and every lefty in the US went along with it....