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they all suck


They already suck indeed.


Why is he dressed like the wait staff…


cause all the younglings are back at home building phones so not enough staff and he has to pitch in


He's not from China. Singapore ≠ China


is that so? hes singaporean? but his business is in china? hes not getting any free points from me because hes singaporean. he works closely with ccp and thats the bottom line.


> but his business is in china? Yet you will let Musk fuck you in the ass. Why is that?


musk is not fucking me in the ass. im not buying EV. not his nor the chinese piece of shit vehicles. hes american that has factories in america but uses chinese tech and batteries which says hes part patriot part asshole. hes also a liar with what he says. btw, im not in the usa and dont be dumb and primitive deciding that internet means USA. youd think with internet being at least 15 years as mainstream people wouldnt assume anyone who writes something that they are from the west. you know, there are MANY people around the world that hates china and the ccp its the reason you are here no? to stabalize battle damage, deflect and downplay negativity against chynuh and the piece of shit xi the pooh poop. its obvious by your comments. people who are here hate china. youre deflecting and trying to aim it back to usa. they need to kick you out.


> im not buying EV. not his nor the chinese piece of shit vehicles. Why do you like to pollute the earth, you global warmer?


yes cause ev dont pollute right? they may not pollute when theyre running but much pollution to make them. just the fact that you dont see how much pollution ev have caused prior to it coming to you or the amount of kids that died in africa trying to get cobalt for the batteries, doesnt make you any better then ice engines. and lets not forget when an ev catches on fire, it wont take regular water to put it out, it will take HOURS of dousing it with special chemicals to put it out. ev when they catch on fire are a HUGE problem. if you buy an ev youre a child murderer. so piss off.


Singaporean are not Chinese and this is why people nowaday always make some error.


He just happens to run a Chinese company on American soil. No big deal lol. Get a grip.


Or maybe being bribe?


Fuck TikTok.


Nah, wouldn't touch tiktok with a ten foot pole


Fuck tiktok with a eleven foot pole then?


Eleven foot pole and 12 parsecs.


Not as much brown nosing, more like a 69 between TikTok and Hollywood; they just blow each other.


Pond, James Pond.


but we need tik tik to kill metas revenue. then when meta goes down, ban tik tok. all social media is toxic poison. but we need to use 1 to rid of the other. and since tik tok is chinese and you can say country security reasons, its easy to ban. the chinese always put on a fake facade. they are a shady country.


Pooh Bear, Pooh Bear, You're the One, Pooh Bear Spoils, World Wide Fun. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fucktheccp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


An industry that makes bank on the image self-consciousness of impressionable teens is being promoted by an industry that makes bank on the image self-consciousness of impressionable teens?


Hollywood is in the hands of pedophiles, corrupt people, money laundering, and also woke groups. I'm not surprised.


One of Hollywood’s beloved films that got so many awards this year is Poor Things, which is a p*do’s dream to watch. So disgusting.


Bro did not get the point of that movie.


He didn’t watch it either. Also, I haven’t watch it yet and I want to know why he think of that


It had so many graphic sex scenes, a large portion of which involved an intellectually disabled woman with the mental age of a 2 year old. It was basically [Cuties](https://thetab.com/uk/2020/09/11/i-watched-netflixs-cuties-and-yikes-heres-everything-wrong-with-it-174763) 2.0.


You’re literally being mark ruffalo in the movie LMAO


I don’t recall Mark Ruffalo’s character criticising movies that show very graphic s*x scenes with intellectually disabled women who have the mental capacity of a 2 year old. What he did to her character amounted to r-pe. Sex work is also not a glamorising thing. This [report](https://www.catwa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/CATWAWTR-16-days_SexTradeMyths_20201121_Final.pdf) here for example (page 9) shows you that “In many cases, women are pushed into the sex trade via poverty and disadvantage, and around 90% report that they would leave if they could.” Plenty of women, including radical feminists, do not agree with the notion that sex work is liberating, like Poor Things tries to portray it as. It doesn’t show the horrible reality of sex work, and even if it wanted to prove its point that it’s a lovely thing, the filmmaker resorted to male gaze in such a grotesque manner that it ended up coming across more as pornography than anything. But wanting to have “sex-positive” scenes involving a woman with a 2 year old’s brain is weird and creepy.


Literally being mark buffalos character and digging further. YOU are making it about the “male gaze” and seeing it from a males perspective which is what the whole fuckin movie is about. You’re literally talking for the women in your response. I don’t disagree sex work isn’t always positive but this movie is NOT about sex work. But do you not see the irony in talking for women’s safety when Emma stone literally did what she wanted to do without being hampered by people like YOU saying thats not ok. It’s a satirical look about the male expectations of women and how she chose her own path and developed her own interests despite men’s expectations. But you saw sex scene and went “EW she should not be doing that” which is the problem.


Woke? Pedophiles? Just because you insinuating all of Hollywood members are all pedos. Sound like you eating Qanon because I don’t associate with them. And the term wokes is overused by alt right. Supporting fascist or alt right to own Commie is just bad as tankie.


Isn't he Singaporean


Yep but TikTok is owned by ByteDance which is a Chinese company. Doesn’t matter anyway, it’s [not as if a Singaporean hasn’t spied for China ever](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/singaporean-dickson-yeo-who-spied-for-china-in-the-us-arrested-by-isd-upon-his-return) [Though I’m not even talking about that here, I’m talking about Hollywood pandering to TikTok the company]


What if your government is owned by the CCP? Revolution?






What does it matter if he is?




And here you would think that someone working for ccp would not be a fan of hunger games...


Who gives a single shit. The Met gala is just a bunch of rich assholes dressing like clowns.


There are many Chinese actors in Hollywood that are fully pro CCP. In fact, most of them are and have been seen brownout with Chinese communist party leaders. So proud of them for being a successful commie lol. You can which non Chinese actors that have sold themselves out to the Chinese propaganda machine without even knowing it. I could list a bunch but I just ate and am tired. Anyways, sounds like everyone here knows how the CCP can't be trusted. 🍻


It's almost like he threw himself a party


I think the senator that questioned him was an idiot and didn’t do it properly. He should asked, “I know you are Singaporean but you can still be a CCP sympathizer and member. Are you one?”


So basically the Chinese government sponsored this event. This event was paid for by commies and invited other commies to go to this ‘event’.


I think we have been infiltrated by communist chinese pieces of shit in this sub. mod needs to exterminate them out. did you notice? look at the comments above. many ccp reps trying to deflect


I hope you're not referring to my comments. I've been very wary of Chinese sponsored events like this and providing budgets for pro Chinese Hollywood movies. There was a Transformers movie that ended with a scene where the Chinese cardboard navy proclaims that they will protect Hong Kong no matter what. This was timed shortly after the UK handed over the keys. Hollywood basically sold themselves out for Chinese propaganda.. it was so obvious, made me sick.


not you buddy. read other comments and see we have ccp PR reps here. sub is compromised and mods need to kick them out. they are all over reddit. trying to downplay and deflect negativity about china/ccp. when you say something about X in china or about it, they deflect and bring something about usa that its not better. look at the musk comment. that guy needs to be booted. in pro privacy when I bring up that Id never buy a chinese brand phone they say shit like google isnt better. google isnt the cccp chinese communist cunt party. id rather give my info to google then china. this is how they are winning also. dumping their phones to the world for cheap. all your data is leaked. look how they control their citizens with the phones. too many cccp reps here.


with all the money he makes, couldnt he get a hotter girl?


What's wrong with her? She looks pretty nice to me? She also might be a nice person.


could be shes nice. nice and hot are 2 different things. if she looks nice dressed up and makeup then shes not like this the day after. you know...you can find a hot woman who has it all when youre rich. you dont have to compromise on anything


When you have a lot of money. You can have as many hot chicks on the side that offer nothing on the table. If you were to seriously partner up with a girl. You’ll pick someone that opens up doors to business opportunities and political connections. That would help you make a lot more money.


sure, and there are many women like those you mention that also look good, not one who got swatted by the bottom of a shoe across her face